Municipal Leadership: Masters Certificate in

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May 6 - December 16, 2021

Classroom • Three stand-alone modules consisting of
Format 19 convenient virtual classroom sessions
over 7 months

Benefit by attending with participants

Masters Certificate in from other regions in Canada!

Delivered simultaneously
by select University Executive
Education Network partner


Serve the community more effectively

in changing times. Our virtual classroom environment recreates
the in-class experience with:
• Multi-modal presentation of materials
• Engaging activities and interactive
• Breakout discussions with the instructors
and fellow participants

Program Leadership Insights Include:

• Sharing client groups is key to breaking

out of operational silos and better serving
stakeholders interested in multiple
municipal services.

• Both an understanding of one’s

leadership style and the ability to
think strategically are required to lead
departmental staff through major change.

• Addressing succession planning and

management is critical to maintaining
continuity of service as senior executives
retire over the next few years.

105 PDU*
Dealing effectively with challenges and
opportunities in the changing municipal sector
requires a unique set of skills.
The days of stability in municipal management are gone. Big
picture social and economic changes, shifting demographics, more
activist stakeholder groups, and constrained revenue are just
some of the issues dramatically impacting how municipalities
manage and deliver programs and services. Within the municipal
corporation, the demographics are changing too, with Boomers
retiring and Millennials poised to take positions of leadership.

In order to successfully negotiate all this change and continue

meeting the community’s needs, municipal leaders must be able
to engage staff and community stakeholders, and guide their
organization toward being leaner and more effective.

Municipal leaders need specialized core

Today’s municipal leaders urgently require a range of specialized
hard and soft skills in order to succeed. To name just a few: finely
tuned political acumen to handle the unique political environments
in municipalities; strategic thinking and environmental scanning
skills to prepare for wider social trends before they blind-side service
delivery; program evaluation methodology involving setting
priorities and monitoring implementation to ensure relevant and
sustainable services into the future.

Prepare for the most senior-level

responsibilities facing your town,
county, city or region.
The Masters Certificate in Municipal
Leadership is designed to equip
today’s municipal sector managers
with the skills and competencies
to advance both individual and team
performance, and effectively lead their
municipality into the future.
Overview of Module Sessions, Dates and Times

Masters Certificate in Module:

Municipal Leadership Essential Skills for Municipal Managers

Master leadership competencies for managing staff and complex
team dynamics in this foundational module.

Redefining the Art and Science of Municipal Leadership

The future of administrative municipal leadership has • May 6, 2021 (9:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT | 10:00 am - 1:00 pm ADT)
arrived. Are you equipped to take up the challenge of new • May 18, 2021 (9:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT | 10:00 am - 1:00 pm ADT)
leadership responsibilities? • June 3, 2021 (9:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT | 10:00 am - 1:00 pm ADT)
• July 8, 2021 (9:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT | 10:00 am - 1:00 pm ADT)
The rapidly changing cultural, economic and political climate • July 15, 2021 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm EDT | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm ADT)
requires today’s municipal professionals to make a paradigm
shift in leadership style, strategy and operational Coaching & Mentoring For Peak Performance
performance. They need to perform at a higher level and • September 14, 2021 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm EDT | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm ADT)
• September 16, 2021 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm EDT | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm ADT)
embrace greater accountability.

Designed in cooperation with the Municipal Advisory Council

of Municipal Executives, the Masters Certificate in Municipal
Leadership will arm you with advanced leadership skills, Achieving Operational Excellence
sharpen your management acumen, and prepare you for Align your role as a municipal manager with your organization’s
continuous municipal sector change with insights and best strategies for overall operational performance.
practices. It will fully prepare you to take your organization
and career to new heights by allowing you to: Leadership Agility and the Art of Strategic Thinking
• June 17, 2021 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm EDT | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm ADT)
n Strengthen municipal management leadership • June 24, 2021 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm EDT | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm ADT)
Advanced Political Acuity
n Build critical management skills in the areas of
• September 30, 2021 (9:00 am - 12:30 pm EDT | 10:00 am - 1:30 pm ADT)
interpersonal dynamics, operational performance and • October 7, 2021 (9:00 am - 1:00 pm EDT | 10:00 am - 2:00 pm ADT)
strategy • October 14, 2021 (9:00 am - 1:00 pm EDT | 10:00 am - 2:00 pm ADT)
n Develop an enhanced ability to lead high performance and
cross-functional teams
n Gain new insights into innovative strategies relevant to Module:
municipal sector leadership Public Sector Advancements
n Prepare for future leadership by learning from the latest Be a “transformation agent” and advance opportunities across
trends and issues in municipal management your department or municipality.

So enrol today, and aspire to lead people, teams and Dynamic Employee Engagement in Times of Change
departments to a new level of excellence in service to the • October 28, 2021 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm EDT | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm ADT)
community. • November 4, 2021 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm EDT | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm ADT)

Negotiation Styles & Collaborative Management Techniques

“This is a great program. We were all municipal employees • November 18, 2021 (9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST | 10:00 am - 1:00 pm AST)
and understood each other and the logic brought forward. • November 25, 2021 (9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST | 10:00 am - 1:00 pm AST)
Excellent course – great opportunity to grow.”
M. Pannu, Director Transportation and Waste, Building Psychological Capital in the Workplace
Northumberland County + Program Closure
• December 2, 2021 (9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST | 10:00 am - 1:00 pm AST)
• December 9, 2021 (9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST | 10:00 am - 1:00 pm AST)
Convenient Modular Format! • December 16, 2021 (9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST | 10:00 am - 1:00 pm AST)

Standalone modules make it possible to start with the next

one scheduled, complete the rest in sequence and still enjoy
full-program tuition savings. Alternatively, you may register
in the modules in any sequence over 36 months at the
individual module price to earn your Masters Certificate. For To see detailed program content
complete details, visit: and participant testimonials, or to
reserve your spot, visit us online:
Masters Certificate in
Municipal Leadership Visit us
online to
Detailed Program Content


Essential Skills for Municipal Leaders Achieving Operational Excellence

Master leadership competencies for managing staff and Align your role as a municipal manager with your
complex team dynamics in this foundational module. organization’s strategies for overall operational performance.

Redefining the Art and Science of Municipal Leadership Leadership Agility and the Art of Strategic Thinking
Strategically redefine the leadership skills demanded of Leveraging the proven principles of creative thought, conceive
today’s chaotic and uncertain work environment through an of and connect a big picture with the realities of municipal
in-depth examination of daily professional interactions, an pressures.
exploration of cultural transformation and the practice of
• Understand the principles undergirding strategic thought
scientifically-informed techniques of leadership engagement.
• Appreciate the critical role of agile thinking in strategic agility,
• Analyze and redefine the leadership skills demanded of conception and design
today’s chaotic and uncertain work environment
• Acquire tools for linking strategic designs with the realities of
• Examine the rudiments of corporate culture as based in implementation
leadership approaches and apply cultural concepts to
excellence in team management Advanced Political Acuity
• Practice innovative and scientifically-informed techniques of
Cultivate your political acuity as we delve into techniques
leadership engagement, specifically geared towards creating
that will ultimately help meet the needs and expectations of
a culture of performance and excellence
elected officials and their political staff.

Coaching and Mentoring for Peak Performance • Key players and processes in systems of government

Develop the interpersonal skills needed to successfully • Formal and information decision-making processes
leverage the talents of your staff and turn a good team into a • The role of influence in getting things done
great team. • Networking and the creation of strategic networks and
• Increasing knowledge on coaching and mentoring by alliances
reviewing the current theory, research and practices in the • Case studies in applied political acuity: stakeholder relations
field • Strategies and techniques for raising political acuity
• Practicing coaching and being coached using a variety of
tools and techniques
• Differentiating between coaching and mentoring with the
most effective skills in certain situations
• Teaching tool: GROW Instrument
May 6 - December 16, 2021
• Three stand-alone modules consisting of 19 convenient
virtual classroom sessions over 7 months

Program Faculty (complete bios online)

JP Gedeon, PhD
MODULE Program Director
JP is a nationally recognized, published expert in leadership,
Public Sector Advancements leadership psychology, corporate transformation, and
cultural change. Over the past 20 years, he has held
Be a “transformation agent” and advance opportunities across executive level positions in the private, public, academic
your department or municipality. and association sectors, having developed many of the
mainline education and credentialing programs available in
Dynamic Employee Engagement in Times of Change the sector today.

Acquire the skills and understanding needed to engage

Peter Constantinou, PhD Mark Norman
employees and maintain constructive employee relations
Peter is one of Canada’s Mark is a professional
in unionized and non-unionized settings and in a changing leading practitioner-academics leadership consultant and
environment. in the area of public policy trainer, with extensive
and administration. He has experience facilitating teams
• Develop a mindset that increases staff engagement
worked as a senior civil and relating to the psychology
• Learn the levers that have the highest impact on employee servant, chief of staff to a of human dynamics in the
morale and engagement cabinet minister, lobbyist and workplace. He has led major
international consultant, and organizational change
• Understand the contribution organizations, senior managers, is currently a professor in the initiatives for diverse clients
local managers and staff make to employee engagement School of Public Policy and including GM, Sears, General
Administration. Mills, CN, Domtar, North
Negotiation Styles & Collaborative Management York Hospital and Concordia
Techniques Linda Irvine University.
Linda has more than 30 years
Master proven techniques for communicating, persuading and of leadership and education
using power effectively for collaborative outcomes. experience having occupied
strategic management,
• How and when to use the many different ways of negotiating education and executive
• How to remain focused and confident in difficult situations health portfolios while
working with a variety of
• How to prepare for negotiations and collaborative outcomes
organizations, governments,
hospitals and universities.
Building Psychological Capital in the Workplace
Through a study of the psychology of leadership, explore and Gail Levitt, PhD
reframe the fundamental actions leaders undertake to manage Gail is one of Canada’s
most-experienced instructors
uncertainty, as well as the interactional parameters required
in the field of influential
to overcome the strategic and cultural hurdles inherent in the leadership for change and
leadership relationship. communications impact. She
offers Harvard principled
• Devise an approach to day-to-day leadership that heightens
negotiations programs in both
performance and promotes ongoing development collaborative and competitive
• Link corporate culture and departmental performance to influence and bargaining
leadership behaviours methods to leading clients in
the public and private sectors.
• Analyze and apply the strategic skills required to transform
daily interactions into the building blocks of increased
leadership vision
Masters Certificate in
Program Director
Municipal Leadership
JP Gedeon

Find Out More Today! Registration Details

Module Dates
1. Watch video testimonials from past Essential Skills for Municipal Managers
participants and a brief introduction May 6 - September 16, 2021
to the program by Program Director Achieving Operational Excellence
JP Gedeon. June 17 - October 7, 2021

2. Join JP Gedeon for a free 1-hour Unique Program Features Public Sector Advancements
online information session. Once October 28 - December 16, 2021
you register, you will be sent your
and Benefits Include: Virtual classroom sessions run at the times
login details. indicated.
n Municipal managers participating
from all levels and areas provides Program Fees
3. For program content-related
for excellent cross-fertilization of Full program – all 3 modules:
questions, ask JP Gedeon directly:
ideas $9,850 CDN + applicable taxes (save $1,145)
Tel: 416.736.5079
Individual modules:
Toll free: 1.800.667.9380 n Instructors are first-rate adult $4,150 CDN + applicable taxes
email: [email protected] educators with direct municipal
• Fee includes program tuition, teaching
materials, lunches and refreshments.
n Interactive learning through case • A deposit of $1,000 CDN is required to
studies, examples, and group secure your place in the program.
and individual exercises keeps • Full program fee is payable prior to start
Participant Profile participants engaged
of program.
• Our liability is limited to reimbursement of
This program will benefit managers paid tuition fee.
n Provides practical theory- and
at all levels in the municipal • Contact us about a convenient tuition
research-based tools, techniques
sector. Participants should payment plan.
and processes that you can
have a minimum of three years • Modules, speakers, topics, dates and fees,
implement as soon as you get
of management experience. are subject to change.
back to the workplace
It will also benefit provincial
government officials who work with n Strengthens the range of Complete Registration Details
municipalities. Participants include: core municipal management See:

• CAO / City Manager competencies from operational

Technical Requirements
performance and strategy, to
• Treasurers and Clerks See:
team leadership, coaching and
• All Department Heads, Directors
mentoring, and personal leadership Administrative Inquiries
and Managers
style Tel: 416.736.5079
• Fire, Police, Public Health and
Toll Free: 1.800.667.9380
Library Executives n Provides an opportunity
Fax: 416.736.5689
• High-potential staff who to develop a network of
email: [email protected]
aspire to lead professionals with whom you can
connect and share ideas

To reserve your spot,

visit us online today:
* PMI Talent Triangle PDU breakdown: Leadership: 105

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