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The document discusses hazard identification and risk assessment being conducted for various construction and office activities. It identifies potential hazards and proposes control measures to reduce risks.

Hazards identified include falling from heights, electrocution from electric lines, accidents during material handling, risks due to challenging terrain and forests. Vehicle accidents, drowning risks are also mentioned.

Control measures proposed for working at heights include fall protection arrangements like provision of lanyards, safety harnesses. Work permit system, fall protection plans, barricading of work areas are also suggested.


Name of Project: EPC Routine
Date of assessment: s05/05/2019
(R)/ Base Risk R
Sr. Over Riding
Existing Control Measures iR
Activity Non Hazard Consequence Criteria Pro Sev Risk
(OCP,EHSMP,PPE, Etc.) i Action to maintain with ALARP
No. routine( (LC/BC/IPC) s

Work in protected area, Legal notices or held Prior permissions need to be Same has to ensure for all
1 Survey NR Forrests, Work in dense up of work, LC taken before commencing the cases where work is
forest,Challenging terrain, required to enter in
Hilly work protected or reseved area.
3 4 12 ###

Person may lost his No lone work, team works in

Trovision of Campass, Way
way, Fall from stiff group. marking flags

2 Tower Erection

Work permit will be taken by

Electrocution, Fall of
Near by HT/LT electric line, man/material from IPC 4 3 12 issuer authority. Shut down ###
height, permit will be taken work near
electric line.

Work location inspeted before

Shifting of Tower material off Fall of man/material, start the job, approch road Use of Hydra/ tripod for
Damage of material, NA 2 5 10 marking and construction done ###
road/ head loading vehicle toppling during fundation activity. Skilled unloading
labour for manual shifting

Fall of man/material
Poor communication, from height, Tranined signalman along with
NA 2 4 8 winch operator, supervision ### Provision of walkie talkies
of material

Work area barrication, signage

Work near road/ river / valley stuck by vehicle/ fall IPC 2 4 8 posters, arrangement for ###
on river/ valley temporary road blocking

Loss of material/ Screening/ induction of new ID card as per skill level are
R Unskilled workmen quality issues/ loss of NA 2 4 8 workers before allowing on ### provided, ensure 100%
life work. compliance

In case of low working

Unauthorized entry in lifting chance of fall of IPC 2 4 8 Area barricading/ monitoring ###
by space proper signalling &
area material on person supervision coordination between
height and ground workers
More chances of fault No work is being allowed For more strengthening
Unauthorised work, work IPC 1 4 4 without issuing daily work ### worker need to educated
without permission of person and all
above hazards permit and TBT on the same

Parodic inspection of tools/ TPI

Failure of lifting tools & fall of person/ material LC 1 5 5 from authorised competent ###

Hooking of lanyard during Enforcement of site rules/

Horizontal movement at Fall from height NA 2 5 10 movement/ provision of ### struck action against
horizontal life line violation

In case any issues, like local

More chances of fault No work is being allowed strike/ band, proper
Work without supervision of person and all NA 1 4 4 without issuing daily work ### communication need to
above hazards permit and TBT maintained between team
and supervisor

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by


Name of Project: EPC Date of assessment:

Routine (R)/ Base Risk
Sr. Over Riding
Existing Control Measures
Activity Non Hazard Consequence Criteria Pro Sev Risk
Action to maintain with ALARP
No. routine(NR) (LC/BC/IPC)

Same has to ensure for all

Prior permissions are taken cases where work is
before commencing the work required to enter in
Legal notices or held protected or reseved area.
Work in protected area, up of work,Person
1 Survey NR Forrests, Work in dense LC 5 3 15
forest,Challenging terrain, may lost his way, Fall
Hilly from stiff valley,
No lone work, team works in Provision of Campass, Way
marking flags

Work permit will be taken by

issuer authority. Shut down
permit will be taken and also
near electric line.

Work location and tower

inspection must be done before Identified the rigger/signal
start the job, Shutdown man
procedure must be followed

Working area must be

barricaded. Unauthorised person Barrication tape, safety
will not be entered inside the cone and red flag
lifting area.

Lifting tools & tackles must be

checked physically. Damage
lifting tools and tackles will not Also ensure the condition
be used.TPI certificate must be of T&P on daily basis
available of all lifting tools and

Personnel awareness, Should be conducted on

competence, training & time, PPEs provide on
supervision, Personal protective
equipment must be used. periodicaly

Authirized/skilled person
allowed for height work

Electric current must be cross

checked from body of tower, Provision of Induction
tester and earthing
temporary earthing should be material

1.Near by HT/LT electric line, 1.Electrocution,

2. 2.Fall of
Shifting of Tower structure, 3.man/material from
Suitable PPE (Safety helmet with
induction tester, Safety belt,
Safety shoe, Reflective jacket,
Electrical rated rubber hand Required of close
glove etc.) shall be use.
supervision/ Motivation/
Rated rubber hand glove should Training
1.Near by HT/LT electric line, 1.Electrocution, be used while short circuiting
2. 2.Fall of and connecting the discharge
Shifting of Tower structure, 3.man/material from rod.
3.Poor height,
2 Tower Dismental Work R 4.Work on road, 4.Damage of IPC 4 4 16
5.Unskilled workmen, material,
6.Unauthorized entry in Removal of tower parts begins
lifting area , 5.Human from the peak. Unbolting is
7.Tilting of tower,8. Failure of injury 6. loss of being done piece by piece, Required of close
T&P property protecting the relevent supervision
members making the cage using
steel wire rope of 14mm

The tower dismentaling

workmen the free from ailment Required of close
before them at height work

All the unbolted tower member

should be descended through Required of close
pulley and rope after tying it supervision

Before starting the tower

dismentaling work it is to be
ensured that the conductor and Required of close
hordwere releted have been supervision
properly removed, collected and

The dismentaling of each tower

would be assesed on an
individual basis taking into
account items such as the Required of close
location of tower, available
space around of tower and near
by obstacle.

Required information,
instruction, training and
supervision, availability of Training should be given on
hospital/doctor must be time
provided the crew/supervisor
before dismental of tower.

Must be ensure that workmen

always keep one lanyard tied
with the structure during Proper supervision
movement of tower or during
climbing or coming down.

Name of Project: EPC Date of assessment:

Routine (R)/ Base Risk
Sr. Over Riding
Existing Control Measures
Activity Non Hazard Consequence Criteria Pro Sev Risk
Action to maintain with ALARP
No. routine(NR) (LC/BC/IPC)

Same has to ensure for all

Prior permissions are taken cases where work is
before commencing the work required to enter in
Legal notices or held protected or reseved area.
Work in protected area, up of work,Person
1 Survey NR Forrests, Work in dense LC 5 3 15
forest,Challenging terrain, may lost his way, Fall
Hilly from stiff valley,
No lone work, team works in Trovision of Campass, Way
marking flags

Knowledge about material

(Height, Weight ,Length) Skilled team/gange

Lifting tools & tackles must be

checked physically. Damage
lifting tools and tackles will not
be used.TPI certificate must be Agency identifiy
available of all lifting tools and
tackles. Safe working capacity
must be checked of lifting tools
and tackles.

Access way must be dressed and

leveled, legal documents should Supervision required
be available of vechile

Before loading or unloading area

Improper Handling, Improper Damage of Material, must be inspected and free
Human Injury,
Access, Unauthorised Vehicle/Hydra from overhed line. Conductor Supervision required
Conductor drum shifting operation of vechicle/Hydra, Toppeld. Fall of drum should not be stored
2 NR Overhed Y 3 4 12 under overhead line.
from Store to Site Line, Work Material during lifting,
on road, Eletrocuation,
Human error incident Work location must be
barricaded by safety cone and
barricading tape. Cable drum Close supervision
should be kept on jack and
levelled surface.

Signal man or Rigger will be

Identify the rigger/signal
there for passing the signal to man
operator during lifting of drum

Personnel awareness,
competence, training &
Personal protective equipment
(safety helmet, shoe, cotton Motivational traning
handgolves, reflactive jacket)
must be worn during loading &
unloading work.

Permit to work must be taken Ensure by site Engineer

before start the job.

Line survey must be done, Identify the survey team

strengthning of tower must be
cheacked before start the job
Shutdown must be take of all
HT/LT crossing line, and follow Ensure by site Engineer
shutdown procedure
Only height pass allowed
workmen will work at Ensure by site Engineer

Winch machine,conductor drum Proper supervision by site

in surface/level area, back stay engineering, safety officer
to winch must be provide, winch
operator shall be authorize
Ensure by site Engineer,
Temporary earthing should be safety officer
privided to each tower

Before starting thr stringing

protection measure should be Provision for close
taken, back stay to tower,cross supervision
arm guard measurement to
prevent any damage to
live/dead material has to be

Lifting tools & tackles must be

checked physically. Damage
lifting tools and tackles will not
be used.TPI certificate must be Identify the agency for
available of all lifting tools and tools inspection
tackles. Safe working capacity
must be checked of lifting tools
and tackles.

Information to the near by Ensure by site Engineer

authority, utility and resident
Work at height,
Unsatiable of cable jack, Fall of man & material,
winch machine Topple of cable jack,
3 Conductor Stringing Work R Overhead existing line, IPC 4 3 12 Adequate planning of road Ensure by site Engineer
Electrocution, /passage blockage and acquiring
Suspended conductor,
Work on road, Road incident, neccessory permission
Human error failure of machine

Suitable backstay to be provided Ensure by site Engineer

to all the tension tower
mandotarily befor de string
3 Conductor Stringing Work R Overhead existing line, Electrocution, IPC 4 3 12
Suspended conductor,
Work on road, Road incident,
Human error failure of machine

Ensure by site Engineer

Adequate walkie-talky should be
use for proper communication

The worker workers who

rewinding the drum or handling Ensure by site Engineer,
the conductor must wear rubber safety officer
hand gloves to avoide the
electric induction

Proper supervision by site

Conductor to be string with engineering, safety officer
proper speed and in a controlled
way under continual supervision.

Adequate fall arrest system must Ensure by site Engineer

be in place for the person
deployed for height.

Work should not be carried out

under incelement weather Ensure by site Engineer
condition such as thundering ,
lightning, rainfall, etc

Ensure by site Engineer,

Working area should be safety officer
barricated and sign board/safety
poster display at work location

Personnel awareness,
competence, training &
supervision Given on time

Personal protective equipment

(safety helmet, shoe, full body All safety items should be
harness, fall arrestor, cotton, provide
rubber handgolves, reflactive
jacket) must be worn at site

Name of Project: PK BARI to SILCHAR, EPC LOCATION: TRIPURA Date of assessment:

Routine (R)/ Base Risk
Sr. Over Riding
Existing Control Measures
Activity Non Hazard Consequence Criteria Pro Sev Risk
Action to maintain with ALARP
No. routine(NR) (LC/BC/IPC)

Follow kinematic way of material

lifting –
Assessment of the load,
Route or path through which Proper training &
object is going to be handled. Supervision
How many people required for
carrying the load.
Physical condition of the load.


Improper Handling, Fall of STEP 3 STRAIGHT BACK AND
Improper Access, BENT KNEES
1 Manual Material handling R Human Material/Person, IPC STEP 4: LOAD CLOSE TO THE
error, Helath problem Proper training &
(Heat storke/Cold) BODY
Stream whether condition STEP 5: TUCK YOUR CHIN IN Supervision



Rest must be taken during

stream whether,Personal
protective equipment during Proper training &
loading & unloading.Personnel Supervision
awareness, competence, training
& supervision

Knowledge about material

(Height, Weight ,Length)

Lifting tools & tackles must be

checked physically. Damage
lifting tools and tackles will not
be used.TPI inspection must be
done of all lifting tools and Higher agency for tools
tackles. inspection

Daily routine inspection

Vechile/hydra will be checked should be done
before start the job. All relevent
paper must be available at site.

The wire ropes should be

inspected periodically. While
inspecting the rope, every part Daily routine inspection
of its length should be given should be done
equal care as serious
deterioration frequently occurs
in localized portion.
Don’t use the bolts or rods as a Training & Supervision
pin in D Shackles. PP rope shall
be use as a tag line to guide the
loding & unloding materials.

Regular maintenance must be Maintainance paper shall

Eletrocuation, done of mchine/vehicle. PUC be available
Material lifting, Fall of certificate must be taken of
Unauthorised machine/vehicle
operation of vehicle/hydra, man/material from
Unauthorised entry in lifting Damage of
Material handling by area, material, Only trained signal man shall Identifiy the signal man
2 R Traffic, Y 4 3 12 give the direction to hydra/crane
vechile/Hydra Unskilled
Human Injury, operator. Adequate light must
workmen, Leakage of oil, be arranged after sunset.
Air Pollution pollution,
due to soil dust & smoke Air Long materials shall be tied both
Excess side by tag line supported by Training & Supervision
sound from excavator/vehicle pollution separate worker.
Noise pollution
No one shall be allowed to stand
on the truck/ lorry during Training & Supervision
material loading/ unloading, it
may hit the workmen.
Never stand under the hanging Training & Supervision
Never travel on the truck/lorry Training & Supervision
with loaded materials.
Caution flag shall be provided Training & Supervision
with protruding materials.

Wooden stopper shall be use for

shifting round shape materials Training & Supervision
(Cable drum, conductor drum

Before loading or unloading area

must be inspected and free Loading/unloading area
from overhed line. Shutdown should be inspected
permit must be taken work near
overhead line.

Working area must be Barrication material should

barricaded by caution tape an be availble at site
safety cone.

Personnel awareness,
competence, training & Training should be done as
supervision, Personal protective required
equipment during loading &

Name of Project site: Mathura - Kasganj Railway Electrification LOCATION: MATHURA Date of assessment: 05-05-2019
Routine (R)/ Base Risk
Sr. Over Riding
Existing Control Measures
Activity Non Hazard Consequence Criteria Pro Sev Risk
Action to maintain with ALARP
No. routine(NR) (LC/BC/IPC)

Provide hard barricading and visibly

injury/ warning boards instructing for no entry.
1 OHE Foundation Work R Unauthorized people entry material damage
IPC 1 4 4 Follow
the Safe Work Method of Foundation

By keeping away the excavated soil at

Cause server injury to the least 1 to 2mtr away from track and
Excavation R Collapse of pit workmen , Track failure N 2 3 6 provide shoring & shuttering plate or
near running line sand bags for stopping of loose soil and
track ballast.

Provide hard barricading and visibly

fall/ stuck of vehicles or warning boards instructing for no entry at
person or cattle in pits due safety distance.
Injury/ Fatality N 2 5 10 Deployment of watchers.
Excavation near roads Follow the Safe Work Method of
/ station/ crossings Foundation work.

Provide hard barricading and visibly

warning boards instructing for no entry.
Worker/ public stuck by Follow
Injury N 1 3 3 the Safe Work Method of Foundation
excavators boom work. TPL/MMTS/SWM/FND/01
clean transparent cabins of excavator for
better visibility

Before starting digging ensure

underground electrical and water way
utilities with help of cable locator and
instruct to all workmen found any cable
R under ground utilities Fatality, Any injury LC/IPC 2 5 10 or pipe line. STOP THE WORK Inform first
site supervisor. Taken clearness from RLY
S&T Dept. & PW Dept. It should be follow
by daily foundation safety check
list.TPL/MMTS/049 Foundation Rev00

Fall of material By keeping away unnecessary material

Concreting R
under the pit
Any injury N
from the edge of the pit unless to be used

trap/ entanglement in
Enclosed type mixer plants are used, with
moving Parts of Concrete Injury/ Fatality N 1 5 5 guarding over moving parts
Cause chronic health
Dust mask provided to workers, working
Exposure to concrete dust effect N 3 3 9
near dusty area
effect environment and
Contamination of soil soil productivity
N 2 3 6

Fall of person on material/ Cause server injury to the By keeping away from the pit and proper
Material Handling R
pits workmen.
IPC 2 2 4 access to be provide.
Every 1.5mtr depth use ladder.

By explaining through HIRA talk for

material handling and issuing adequate
Handling of over-weight. Lost time Injury due PPE( Shoulder pad or Regularly interval
R handling over weight, IPC 3 2 6 give manual material handling training
Sharp or hot/ cold bodies Sharp material, burns once in two month and assign a flagman
for crossing track while shifting the

chronic health impact by By issuing of PPE ( Nose mask and Hand

R Handling of cement skin/ eye & respiratory N 1 3 3 gloves) and explain the Hazard in Tool box
contact talk.

Hand gloves & gumboots are provided.

Cause ill health due to Excess concrete to be used for pit cover
R wet concrete contact with skin
IPC 1 3 3
and ensure proper dumping ground for
pouring wet concrete.

Slots for mast/ pole in Fall of person, injury, LTI N 1 4 4
By providing of pit cover and should be
constructed Foundation ensure until the mast erected.

Ensure safely walking on track and

R Slip & Trip on track Injury IPC 2 3 3 issuing PPE safety shoe, instruction in tool
box talk and especially in rain season.

By keeping away from running track for

Fatality, Due to closed to caution train movement assign a flagman
R Hit by train track and material shifting.
IPC 2 5 10
and regular conduct track safety training
to all.

Before entering to work site all new

Lack of knowledge of nature Injury N 1 4 4
workmen should go induction training
of work and hazard and regular training and issue track card
of Do's & Don'ts.

Before starting of trace out the location

R Improper access and egress Injury/ Fatality N 2 5 10 for safe mean of access to approach
vehicle in workplace.

By ensure of all tools should be insulated

R Hit by Object or Tools Any injury N 2 3 6 and good condition. Monthly Inspection
carried out.

repeated loading & Exhaustion/ N 2 3 6
Provision of breaks,
unloading action dehydration weight limit

Use of Mechanical handling/ Injury/ material damage LC 2 5 10
Tested equipment's deployed with
lifting equipment appropriate supervision

By Issuing of PPE for foundation work

( Helmet, Ref.Jacket, Gum boots, safety
R Lack of PPE Injury IPC 2 3 6 shoe, Nose mask and Rubber hand gloves)
it should daily inspection as per
format.TPL/MMTS/PPE Insp.Rev00

While loading of mast from stock yard

Mast Erection by UTV must be use tag line on both end to avoid
2 Crane
R Hitting by mast Major injury N 2 5 10 from hit by mast. Don’t stand while lifting
mast from BFR. Follow
the SWM of Mast Erection
Accidental Roll down of Major injury , Material Ensure proper side guards supports
Mast loading on BFR R
stacked mast from BFR damage
N 2 5 10
should be provided and tied with PP rope.

Major injury , Material Before start of hydra check the road

R Hydra upsets damage
N 2 5 10 access and soil condition and movement

By keeping away from running track for

Fatality, Due to closed to caution train movement assign a flagman
R Hit by train track and material shifting.
IPC 2 5 10
and regular conduct track safety training
to all.

Before starting, hydra operator should

Major injury , Material check the condition of wire rope slings
R Failure of carne sling damage
N 3 5 15 and follow the SLI & SWL and regularly
check as per crane safety check list

Ensure the above the height 2mtr,

workmen must use full body harness and
R Fall of person from height Fatality , Major injury N 2 5 10 anchor above the shoulder. Regular check
harness as per check list

Ensure while lifting mast from BFR don’t

R Fall of mast from height Major injury N 2 5 10 stand below the suspended load use of
tag line.

Ensure while mast handling , burrs should

R Sharp edge Any injury N 2 3 6 not injure workmen and using of hand

By keeping away from existing line while

Working near or below mast erection and taken power block
permit from railway dept. and Alert all
R overhead Electrocution N 2 3 6 workmen and crane operator before
lines starting of work about the power block

By keeping away from running track for

Fatality, Due to closed to caution train movement assign a flagman
3 Manual Mast Erection R Hit by train track and material shifting.
N 2 5 10
and regular conduct track safety training
to all.

By keeping away from running track for

caution train movement assign a flagman
R Hit by objects Injury/ Fatality N 2 5 10
and regular conduct track safety training
to all.

Major Injury, Material Before starting of work check the derrick

R Derrick Failure Damage
LC 3 5 15 condition ( Hook, Joint Connection, etc.)

Injury/ Fatality/ Material Before start of work give HIRA talk about
R Miscommunication damage N 2 4 8 the task and while lifting of mast using
guy rope on four side.

collapse of structure due to Injury/ Fatality/ Material

Ensure before placing of derrick on
R damage LC 2 4 8 proper levels ground.
Unstable area

Injury/ Fatality/ Material By ensure of all tools should be insulated

R Tools & Tackles Failure damage LC 2 3 6 and good condition. Monthly Inspection
carried out.

By keep away from existing line while

Working near or below mast erection and taken power block
permit from railway dept. and Alert all
R overhead Electrocution N 2 3 6
workmen before start of work about the
lines power block work and use of discharge
Injury/ Fatality/ Material Check winch for proper operating
condition and maintain.
R Failure of Winch damage LC 3 4 12
Check SWL

Cause ill health due to By using of PPE like ( Gum boots and
4 Mast Grouting R wet concrete contact with skin
N 1 3 3
rubber hand gloves) while concerting.

Assign a flagman for caution a train

R Hit by train Injury/ Fatality N 2 5 10
movement while mast alignment.

Ensure while mast alignment don’t hold

R Hit by mast Major Injury N 2 4 8
hand and don’t rest foot on mast

Ensure while shifting of material sand and

R Slip & Trip Injury N 2 3 6 cement along the road and across the
track and maintain safe mean access.

Working near or below Ensure while working in existing line for

R overhead Electrocution N 2 3 6 portal alignment and don’t climb on mast
lines without authorized.

Assign a flagman for caution a train

movement while SPS, Bracket & Guy rod
SPS, Bracket Erection & Erection and assign a person for giving
5 Guy Rod Erection
R Hit by train Injury/ Fatality N 2 5 10
train from station by mobile phone or
Walkie talkie and record the train
movement times.

Before lifting of material ensure of loss

material don’t kept on ideal and lifting
Martial Shifting R Fall of material Major injury N 2 5 10
area below don’t stand and tag line being

Ensure while climb on top use full body

harness and anchor in permanent
Bracket Assembly R Fall of person Fatality , Major Injury N 2 5 10 structure. Regular inspection harness as
per inspection check list in
TPL/MMTS/042 Rev00 format.

Ensure while guy rod straitening it should

not fall on running track with help of
Bracket manual Lifting R Hit by Object Any Injury N 2 3 6
nearby mast , Alert all workmen in HIRA

Ensure while shifting of material bracket ,

insulator, and guy rod along the track and
R Slip & Trip Injury N 2 3 6 across the track and maintain safe mean

Assign a flagman for caution a train

movement while mast alignment and
assign a person for giving train from
6 DA Erection R Hit by Train Injury/ Fatality N 2 5 10
station by mobile phone or Walkie talkie
and record the train movement times or
Issues caution order from RVNL

Ensure while guy rod straitening it should

DA Assembly (dropping not fall on running track with help of
R Hitting by Object Any Injury N 2 3 6
nearby mast , Alert all workmen in HIRA
Before lifting of material ensure of loss
material don’t kept on ideal and lifting
SPS,Bracket Erection R Fall of Objects Any Injury N 2 5 10
area below don’t stand and tag line being

Ensure while climb on top use full body

harness and anchor in permanent
R Fall of person Fatality , Major Injury N 2 5 10 structure. Regular inspection harness as
per inspection check list in
TPL/MMTS/042 Rev00 format.

Ensure proper position of hand is not in

R Hand crushing Major Injury N 3 4 12 between DA & Boom while fixing bolt and
nut .

Ensure while shifting of material bracket ,

insulator, and guy rod along the track and
R Slip & Trip Injury N 2 3 6
across the track and maintain safe mean

Assign a flagman for caution a train

movement while mast alignment and
assign a person for giving train from
7 Wire Stringing R Hitting by train Injury/ Fatality N 2 5 10
station by mobile phone or Walkie talkie
and record the train movement times or
Issues caution order from RVNL

Ensure while stringing of catenary and

contact wire. Ensure
while fixing of roller on bracket anchor
safety harness.
Ensure while fixing of insulator on with
three pulleys ends.
Ensure while moving of train.

Ensure while terminating

Wire Drum loading R Fall of person from deck Fatality, Major Injury N 2 5 10 the wires.
Ensure while
changing of roller on bracket use of safety
harness and ensure of bracket TT bolts
and sleeve. Alert all workmen before start
of work in HIRA talk and follow as per
safety check list TPL/MMTS/049(D)/Rev00
& TPL/MMTS/033 &
TPL/MMTS/042/Rev00.working at height
and on job training to be conduct.

Wiring coach stunning by Ensure of hand tools by use of tool kit bag
R Falling of objects Any Injury N 2 5 10 or separate place don’t misuse for
walking area.

Ensure while shifting of material bracket ,

insulator, and guy rod along the track and
Lighting arrangement R Slip & Trip Injury N 2 3 6
across the track and maintain safe mean

Injury/ Fatality/ Material Ensure all workmen must be downed if no

work is running or in case of no
R Low illumination damage IPC 2 5 10
illumination and allowed only after proper

Improper housekeeping in Injury N 2 4 8
Proper housekeeping is being made
wire deck before starting the work.

Ensure don’t allow the workmen in loss or

R Lose clothing/ trap in Injury/ fatality LC 2 4 8
tight cloth.
Fall from height/ Ensure condition of ladder and periodical
Use of ladders R
Injury/ fatality N 2 4 8 check-up as per check list

Use of DG Ensure of light arrangement any loss

contact DG set condition and check on
power for emergency R Expose to electrical shock Electrocution N 2 3 6
daily basis before start of work and night
lighting work.

Ensure while lifting of material to avoid of

hit by object use tag line and use of
Ensure of triffor and Pull lift before lifting
and periodical check as per inspection
check list TPL/MMTS/040/Rev00.

Giving instruction of about material

8 Counter weight Erection R Fall of material Fatality , Major Injury N 2 5 10 handling training and HIRA talk.
Ensure while lifting of counter
weight don't stand anybody on
suspended load use tag line.
Ensure while tacking load in
troffer checked before.
Ensure while cutting ATD additional
fall arrestor with PP rope between two
mast and anchor safety harness on it.

Ensure while fixing of SS rope on pulley

anchor safety harness.
Ensure don’t climb on ladder at
time two person with material and one
person hold guide rope of ladder.
Counter weight assembly R Fall of person Fatality , Major Injury N 2 5 10
Ensure condition of
insulator and ending cone of fittings.
instruction to workmen through HIRA

Ensure while shifting of material bracket ,

insulator, and guy rod along the track and
ATD Checking R Slip & Trip Injury N 2 3 6
across the track and maintain safe mean

Assign a flagman for caution a train

movement while mast alignment and
assign a person for giving train from
R Hit by train Injury/ Fatality IPC 2 5 10
station by mobile phone or Walkie talkie
and record the train movement times or
Issues caution order from RVNL

Ensure of working on ladder trolley use

safety harness and anchor on catenary
Ensure of condition of all runs of ladder
Fall of person from while climbing on trolley.
9 Dropping & Clipping R
ladder trolley
Fatality, Major Injury, LTI N 2 5 10 Follow the safety check list of ladder
trolley TPL/MMTS/049(F)/Rev00.
Alert all workmen in HIRA talk
about the track safety & working at

By using of tool kit bag and ensure

R Fall of material Fatality , Major Injury N 2 5 10 periodically inspection of hand tools and
don’t sit or stand near trolley.
Assign a flagman for caution a train
movement while ladder trolley working
and assign a person for giving train from
R Hit by train Fatality N 2 5 10 station by mobile phone or Walkie talkie
and required caution order for train
movement times or Issues traffic or
power block

Assign a flagman for caution a train

movement while ladder trolley working
and assign a person for giving train from
station by mobile phone or Walkie talkie
and required caution order for train
movement times or Issues traffic or
10 Bracket Adjustment & SED R Hit by train Fatality N 2 5 10
power block.
Checking Ensure any workmen and staff not use
mobile in live track line.
Ensure any unauthorized person don
t entre near work premises.
Ensure while tacking load on ladder
and OHE well in advance inform to the
concern for advance train movement.

Ensure using of tool kit bags while

working at height.
Alert all don’t throw any material
from down to upward position for passing
the material use PP rope Ensure on
R Fall of material Any Injury N 2 5 10 daily basis before start of work check all
tools & tackles( uplift)
Monthly inspection of tools
& tackles as per inspection check list

Ensure using of safety harness while

working at height and anchor harness on
catenary wire. Ensure on
daily basis of your ladder are good
condition as per ladder safety check list
R Fall of Person Major Injury , LTI Y 2 5 10
TPL/MMTS/043/Rev00. &
Give instruction in HIRA talk to all
workmen and supervisor.

Ensure while in existing line take power

block work permit form RLY dept. after
their clearness put discharge rod and
ensure while providing of discharge rod in
mast where structure bond is available.
As per power block work permit
R Expose to electrical shock Electrocution LC 2 3 6
instruction to all while conducting HIRA
talk and don't raise any steel material
above the shoulder for OHE line 2mtrs
clearness to be maintain.
Assign a flagman for caution a train
movement while ladder trolley working
and assign a person for giving train from
station by mobile phone or Walkie talkie
and required caution order for train
movement times or Issues traffic or
Anticreep wire stringing & power block.
11 Feeder wire stringing
R Hit by train Fatality N 2 5 10
Ensure any workmen and staff not use
mobile in live track line.
Ensure any unauthorized person don
t entre near work premises.
Ensure while tacking load on ladder
and OHE well in advance inform to the
concern for advance train movement.

Ensure using of safety harness while

working at height and anchor harness on
catenary wire. Ensure on
daily basis of your ladder are good
condition as per ladder safety check list
R Fall of Person Major Injury, LTI N 2 5 10
TPL/MMTS/043/Rev00. &
Give instruction in HIRA talk to all
workmen and supervisor.

Ensure using of tool kit bags while

working at height.
Alert all don’t throw any material
from down to upward position for passing
the material use PP rope Ensure on
daily basis before start of work check all
tools & tackles( uplift, Tiffor , Auto clamp,
R Fall of material Any Injury N 2 5 10
Monthly inspection of tools & tackles as
per inspection check list
Ensure of ending cone , Insulators before
stringing .

Assign a flagman for caution a train

movement while ladder trolley working
and assign a person for giving train from
station by mobile phone or Walkie talkie
and required caution order for train
movement times or Issues traffic or
12 Earth Bonding Work R Hit by train Fatality N 2 5 10
power block and before start of work
must inform to near station master.
Ensure any
workmen and staff not use mobile in live
track line. Ensure don't allow
any lone worker on track.
Ensure all bond fabricated to be stacked
in order at store to easily identify.
Ensure while flat cutting, hole
drilling on flat check all machine before
Bond fabrication R Hit by objects Any Injury N 2 3 6 start of work.

Ensure while
transporting of material on vehicle don't
obstruction to any body.

Ensure while painting of bond using

Chronic heath effect, apparat PPE like Nose mask, Hand gloves.
poisoning due to direct
Bond painting R Exposure to Toxic fumes intake
IPC 2 3 6
Give instruction to all workmen about
painting hazards and also for new
workmen while giving Induction.

Ensure while hole drilling on rail using rail

drilling machine check before start of
work of drill bit, wheel guards, smoke
exhaust .
Ensure while drilling don’t wear full
hand shirt or towels.
By using of apparat PPE like Goggles,
Bond rail drilling R Entanglement LTI N 2 3 6
Helmet , Ref.Jacket.
Ensure while drilling assign a flagman
for caution train movement.
Ensure don't use hand to clear track
ballast and use it spared tool.
Follow the bonding safety check list as
per TPL/MMTS/049(H)/Rev00.

Ensure while shifting bond material along

the track caution train movement.

Ensure while erecting of bond on track

don’t signal failure to track use of
Bond erection R Slip & Trip Any Injury N 2 3 6
insulation pad or ensure of (+) (-) point by
S&T staff. Ensure
while erecting of structure bond on
station platform cutting must use clam p
on bond and plaster it.

Ensure while working on deck don’t stand

on hand rail.
Ensure all time must wear safety harness
gon bracket side anchor the harness in
through bolt or mast.
Ensure the
ladder condition in periodical as per check
list TPL/MMTS 043/Rev00.(Ladder Insp)
13 Tower car checking R Fall of person Fatality, Major Injury, LTI N 2 5 10
and check safety harness as per check list
TPL/MMTS/042/Rev00.(Safety Harness)

Give regular height work

training and alert about hazards in HIRA
talk. Display of caution boards in tower
Ensure using tool kit bags or box on
wagon to avoid fall of material.
Ensure all material
R Fall of material Any Injury N 2 3 6 must be insulated while working in power
Periodical check the all tools & tackles.

Ensure while shifting of material bracket ,

insulator, and guy rod along the track and
R Slip & Trip Injury IPC 2 3 6
across the track and maintain safe mean

Ensure while tower car take traffic or

power block form RVNL through RLY dept.
while shunting of tower car front and
R Hit by train Fatality N 2 5 10 back caution any person in between or
give horn. Ensure working
hours any workmen on moving wagon in
another line must caution and alert in
HIRA talk.

Before start of work in power block

approach for work permit form RLY det.
Through RVNL staff.
Ensure where the isolator
open and where have put discharge rod
and assign two workmen putting
discharge rod. Give
14 Power Block Work R Working near live line Electrocution LC 2 3 6 training of power block and use of
discharge rod and alert all workmen and
supervisor in HIRA talk about risk
checking of discharge rod.
TPL/MMTS/027 & 028 Rev00( work

Ensure given both block traffic and power

and the another line assign a flagman to
caution train movement.
R Hit by Train Fatality N 2 5 10
Alert all workmen and supervisor in HIRA
talk about the track
safety.TPL/MMTS/050/Rev00(HIRA Talk)

Name of Project: EPC LOCATION: Kerala Date of assessment: 5/5/2019

Routine (R)/ Base Risk
Sr. Over Riding
Existing Control Measures
Activity Non Hazard Consequence Criteria Pro Sev Risk
Action to maintain with ALARP
No. routine(NR) (LC/BC/IPC)

Work permit will be taken by

issuer authority. Shut down Permit copy must be
permit will be taken work near available at site
overhead line.

1. Underground Utilities Work location must be inspected

2. Toxic Gas before start the job. Legal
release Excavator is to be good
1. Fall & slip of man / documents of excavator must be condition
3. Work in grassy area. material in excavated available at site, operator should
pit/way, be lisence holder.
4. Improper 2.
stacking of soil. Electrocution,
5. Improper 3. Flash & Fire
access/ egress 4. Before statrting the excavation is
Snake bite of man in to be cheacked any underground Identify the survey team,
6. Unprotected edge of utility presence like: electrical provision of utility detector
excavation gressy area
1 Excavation Work R 5. IPC/LC 3 4 12 power cable, water pipe line, tester.
Human Injury, sewage line etc.
8. Unskilled
workmen 6.
9. Work on road 7. Hit by vechile loose soil and material should be
10. Human error 8. kept 1.5 meter from the edge of
11. excavation
Loose soil Soil collapse
12. Air Pollution due to soil 9. Air pollution
dust 10. Helath problem
(Heat storke/Cold) Excavated pit should be
13. Stream whether barricated/hard barricated, Barrication tape wooden
condition Aceess should be cleared from stub should be available at
obstruction site

Slope should me Excavation work shall be

maintained(1.1:5) for more than carried out under good
5ft depth, there should not be supervision
any vechile movement close to
the excavation of pit.

Sufficient lighting required for

late night work, reflection or Provision of DG, GEnerator
cuation board posted at work

Ladder shall be provided for

access/ingress to pit, use it 1:4

All the rotating parts (of Mixer

machine) are covered / guarded.
Daily inspection of Mixer
machine by the Operator.

Vibrator cable routed away from

the access & approach.

The props shall be supported

from ground if the concreting
1. Unauthorized operation of 1. Electrocution carried out above any trench
vibrator 2. 2. then extra strong support to
Underground utilities Road incident take the load of prop
3. Heavy Traffic 3. Fall & slip of man /
4. material in excavated
Foundation/ Concreting Unprotected edge of pit/way,
2 work R excavated pit 4. Crush of hand N 4 4 16
5. Rotating parts through rotating parts
of machine 6. Unskilled
workmen 7. Leakage of 5. Human Injury
oil 8. Oxygen defficiency 9. 6. Soil
Biological hazard pollution
1. Unauthorized operation of 1. Electrocution
vibrator 2. 2.
Underground utilities Road incident
3. Heavy Traffic 3. Fall & slip of man /
4. material in excavated
Foundation/ Concreting Unprotected edge of pit/way, The side of beam & Vertical wall
2 work R excavated pit 4. Crush of hand N 4 4 16 shall be given extra support with
5. Rotating parts through rotating parts horizantal props
of machine 6. Unskilled
workmen 7. Leakage of 5. Human Injury
oil 8. Oxygen defficiency 9. 6. Soil The form work shall be strong so
Biological hazard pollution that its assured correct shape
after deposition of the concrete Inspection of form work
and shall be able to resist force
caused by vibration of live load
of men working over it and other
incidental loads associated with

While carrying out floor/slab

concreting plank shall be placed
on the ribar tied for safe
movement of the employee

Eating or drinking or keeping

foodstuff near the machine shall Shed should be provided
not be allowed

PPEs should be used, working

area should be barricaded, Provision of PPEs
cuation board posted at work

Name of Project: OPGW/HTLS Routine

LOCATION: North region Date of assessment: 05.05.2019
(R)/ Over Riding
Base Risk
Existing Control Measures
Sr. No. Activity Non Hazard Consequence Criteria Pro Sev Risk
1. Avoid to work after sunset and before
1. Hand and leg injury due to slip and 1. May be shall be broken of Bron NA 2 3 6
trip - Work started before Walkway proper

2. Avoid to use walkways through bushes

and grasses.
2. Snake bites 2. results injury /possibly death. NA 3 5 15
-Use of Snake repelent and pest control

3. Betting the bushes with long stick before
starting to work.

1 Survey R

4. Ensure 1 mtr bandage/rope availability

NA with gang to tie above the marks in leg
/hand in case of snake bite.

5. Proper identify unwanted dangers like

6. Use of PPE's such as safety helmet, safety

NA shoes, safety jackets and cotton hand gloves
are mandatory. (Gumboots batter for survey)

1. Standard practices of materials handling by

1. Injury /incident during handling of May be broken broken hands and NA 3 3 9
deploy sufficient men power as per load weight.
materials legs /cracked. 1. Given training how can safely materials and
tools handling.
2. Engage skills person for lifting drums and
2. Fingers jams, risk of back, neck 2. Drum/materials damaged. NA 3 3 9
injury, crushing etc. SWL marked tools shall be used for loading

3. Proper latching of equipment, load chat to be

3. Topping and traiport are damaged followed.
4. Daily inspection and maintenance of traiport,
due to failure of drums during heavy 3. Property loss NA 0
rope, all usably tools and machines.
loading. Driver during driving limited speed and allways
follow traffic roles.

4. May be disability / mental or Road Safety, CTS

Accident during site movement possible death.
NA 3 4 12 Man Material transport not allowed in same

5. Ensure the safe approach and road conditions

Transportation of usably materials NA
for transportation of materials to site.
2 and OPGW Drum etc. R

6. Deploy the truck of good conditions and

NA having appropriate loading capacity and all
related documents have valid.

Name of Project: PGCIL-OPGW Routine

LOCATION: HO, Delhi Date of assessment: 05.05.2019
(R)/ Over Riding
Base Risk
Existing Control Measures
Sr. No. Activity Non Hazard Consequence Criteria Pro Sev Risk

R Exposure to genitor chemicals Respiratory disorder NA 2 3 6

1 General House keeping R Exposed to naked wires Burn Elect. Shock NA 2 4 8 CTS & Checklists

R Slipping and tripping Minor cuts, injury NA 3 3 9

Awareness Mailers
R Exposure to radiation Eye sight problem NA 3 3 9
Ergonomic Posters

2 Computer operations

Awareness Mailers
R Hazards due to improper posture Muscular Pain NA 3 3 9
Ergonomic Posters

Periodic Maintenance
and 3rd Party Inspection by Builder.
Filing of certificate copy and inspection by
3 Use of passenger lift R Accidents due to improper maintenance Fatality, disability, Injury LC 2 4 8
Interlock operational control.
Emergency Contact displayed
R Exposure to unhygienic conditions Stomach problem, ill health IPC 3 3 9 Cafeteria checklist, inspection

Interlock cut off

R Contact with Food Heating Devices Burn, injury NA 3 3 9

Food safety

DG Acoustic Enclosure
R Fire Burn, Injury NA 2 3 6 distance for occupational area
Periodic maintenance

DG Acoustic Enclosure
distance for occupational area
R Exposure to noise Ill health, head ache IPC 2 3 6
Periodic maintenance
Noise Monitoring

DG Acoustic Enclosure
distance for occupational area
5 Operation of DG set R Exposure to Vibration Ill health, head ache NA 2 3 6
Periodic maintenance
Noise Monitoring

R Accidental contact with live circuit Burn, injury NA 3 3 9 Restricted area, employees not allowed

Name of Project: PGCIL-OPGW Routine

LOCATION: HO, Delhi Date of assessment: 05.01.2020
(R)/ Over Riding
Base Risk
Existing Control Measures
Sr. No. Activity Non Hazard Consequence Criteria Pro Sev Risk
Pre Construction NR)

Impact on hlarth and safety of

surrounding community, Overhead line route designed in accordance with
NR Exposure to Electro-magnetic NA 2 4 8 permitted ground clearnce and way leaveas
frequency and other safety defined in the Electricity Act 2003
Localtion of transmission tower related risk
and transmission line alignment
and design
Impact on residences, railway, Considration of site location to avoid residences,
railway, road, other utility as much as posible,
NR road other utility for safe NA 2 5 10
careful site selection to avoid existing
clerance settlements

Encrochment into sensitive Loss/ Damage to sensitive Avoid encrochment by careful site and alignment
NR IPC 1 4 4 selection and reconnaissance before final sitting
1 ecological areas ecological values/ species of actvities

Appropriate spotting of tower to avoid/ minimisc

damage to standing crop & alignment of
Work execution into farmaland NR Loss of agricultural production IPC 1 5 5 standing of transmission line. Farmers
compensated for any loss of standing crop and
trees that to be trimmed or removed along RoW

Interference with drainage Temporary blockage/ Loss of Appropriate spotting of tower to avoid channel
patterns/ Irrigation Channels NR aggricultureal production
IPC 1 5 5 interference for excess soil dug up from the
tranches/ pits

Name of Project: PGCIL-OPGW Routine

LOCATION: HO, Delhi Date of assessment: 05.01.2020
(R)/ Over Riding
Base Risk
Existing Control Measures
Sr. No. Activity Non Hazard Consequence Criteria Pro Sev Risk
Unauthorised entry at office,
Security and Access control deployed at all entry
NR Trespass Risk of suspicious items, arms NA 2 4 8
and attack

Officer located in covred premises, with security

Injury, Fatality and property arrangements and CCTV, Emergency contact
NR Vandalism/ Riots/ Sabotage Dmaage
NA 2 5 10
number available with all security team,
Emeregncy Plan prepared

All mails and courriers received by security team

1 Office Work NR Suspicious Mails Explosive, posionus substance NA 1 4 4
at the entry point

Injury, Fatality due to Painic, Security deployed and CCTV cameras installed,
NR Bomb Threat Rampage
NA 1 5 5 Emergency contact numbers displayed,
Designated Assesbly points

Security deployed and CCTV cameras installed,

Emergency contact numbers displayed,
NR Trerrerist Attach Injury, Fatality and rampage NA 1 5 5
Bydirectiona evacuation exits for faster

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