Subject: MAPEH 9 Year Level: Grade 9grading Period: 1 Quarter School Year: 2020-2021

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Subject: MAPEH 9 Year Level: Grade 9Grading Period: 1ST Quarter School Year: 2020-2021

% of Cognitive TQ Number % FE RANK

1 MUSIC Analyzing
listens perceptively to selected vocal and instrumental music of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque
2 explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of composers/performers, and audience) 25% Understandin 1,2,3 86.37
during Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods; g
3 relates Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music to its historical and cultural background through 25% Understandin 4,5,6 80.23
dramatization; g
4 sings Medieval chant, troubadour song, madrigal, chorale and selections from oratorio with correct pitch, Applying
rhythm, expression and style;
5 describes musical elements of given Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music; 25% Understandin 7,8 75.64
6 explores other arts and media that portray Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque elements; 25% Analyze 9,10 83.45
7 improvises appropriate accompaniment to given Medieval and Renaissance songs; Applying
8 create and or perform songs in Gregorian and troubadour styles; Creating
9 play simple melodies of a chorale and provide accompaniment. Applying
1 ARTS 12.5% Analyzing 1,2 76.47
analyze art elements and principles in the production of work following the style of a western and
classical art
2 identify distinct characteristics of arts during the different art periods 12.5% Remembering 3,4 78.34
3 identify representative artists from various art periods 12.5% Remembering 5 75.23
4 reflect on and derives the mood, idea, or message from selected artworks 12.5% Analyzing 6 60.67
5 determine the use or function of artworks by evaluating their utilization and combination of art elements 12.5% Understandin 7 80.32
and principles g
6 use artworks to derive the traditions/history of an art period Applying
7 compare the characteristics of artworks produced in the different art periods 12.5% Analyzing 10 78.32
8 create artworks guided by techniques and styles of Western Classical art traditions Creating
9 describe the influence of iconic artists belonging to Western Classical art on the evolution of art forms 12.5% Understandin 9 83.21
10 apply different media techniques and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories Applying
showing the characteristics of Western Classical art traditions
11 evaluate works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using criteria from the Western Classical art 12.5% Evaluating 8 72.34
12 show the influences of the Western Classical art traditions to Philippine art form Creating
undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments
2 assesses eating habits based on the Philippine Food Pyramid/My Food Plate 37.5% Evaluating 1,2,3,4,5,6 83.21
3 determines risk factors( obesity, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, smoking) for major non- Analyzing 80.34
communicable 37.5% 7,8,9,10,11,1
diseases lifestyle-related (e.g. diabetes, heart, disease, stroke, cancer) 2
4 officiates practice and competitive games Applying
5 distinguishes facts from myths and misinformation associated with eating habits 25% Understandin 13,14,15 83.25
6 monitors periodicallyone’s progress towards the fitness goals Evaluating
7 performs appropriate first aid for injuries and emergency situations in physical activity and
sports settings (e.g. cramps,sprain, heat exhaustion) Applying
8 involves oneself in community service through sports officiating and physical activity programs Applying
9 recognizes the needs of others in real life and in meaningful ways Applying

1 defines community and environmental health 25% Remembering 1,2,3 78.47
2 describes a healthy community 12.5% Understandin 4,5 67.33
3 explains how a healthy environment positively impact the health of people and communities 12.5% Understandin 6,7 80.24
(less disease, less health care cost, etc.) g
4 discusses the nature of environmental issues 25% Analyzing 8,9,10, 82.34
% 11
5 analyzes the effects of environmental issues on people’s health 12.5% Analyzing 12,13 82.34
6 suggests ways to prevent and manage environmental health issues 12.5% Applying 14,15 80.75
7 participates in implementing an environmental project such as building and maintaining a
school garden or conducting a war on waste campaign (depends on feasibility)

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