GFW 01
GFW 01
GFW 01
Formerly Computer Gaming World
TM for Windows
OF 2007
WTF is in this magazine
14 Editorial
Say hello to the knucklehead
who runs this crazy operation.
16 Letters
Hey, who left this sack of old
Computer Gaming World mail
here? Let’s open it!
20 Start
The first issue of Games for
Windows: The Official Magazine
kicks off with a look at 10 of
2007’s biggest games—and what
the world doesn’t know about
68 Dragon Age
them (until now). We’ve also got BioWare is back! The once-and-future RPG king never gave up on mak-
the goods on Assassin’s Creed, ing PC games…and this month we’ve got the exclusive scoop to prove
Rogue Warrior, the World of it. Dragon Age is the spiritual successor to the classic role-playing game
WarCraft trading card game, and Baldur’s Gate. And by the end of 2007 or early 2008, you’ll be playing it.
the first retail Oblivion expansion.
Contents Sections
84 Reviews
Sam & Max returns to PC screens
after 13 long years, Mage Knight
goes from your tabletop to your PC
desktop, and Company of Heroes
shows us that RTS games still have
something new to offer. Get the low-
down on all that plus DEFCON, Age
of Empires III: The WarChiefs, Lego
Star Wars II, and more in our inaugu-
ral Reviews section.
110 Extend
The ever-competitive Tom Chick and
Bruce Geryk go 1-on-1 in Company
of Heroes in this month’s installment
of Tom vs. Bruce, columnist Robert
Coffey discusses casual gaming su-
persites, and we take a second look
at The Battle for Middle-earth II.
SAM & MAX 86
126 Tech
Some mags put together a holiday
shopping list of what you absolutely
need to buy—we’re gonna tell you
what to avoid. Also: a peek at what
DirectX 10 will do for games, and a
chance to win a new gaming notebook!
Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs
Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales
25 Alan Wake
30 Assassin’s Creed
22 BioShock
89 Caesar IV
114 Ciao Bella
58 Clive Barker’s Jericho
26 Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
90 Company of Heroes
26 Crysis
68 Dragon Age
24 Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
DEFCON 98 GTR 2 100 118 Eve Online
91 Faces of War
100 GTR 2
23 Half-Life 2: Episode Two
24 Hellgate: London
106 Joint Task Force
108 King’s Quest III: To Heir is Human
108 King’s Quest Collection
54 Knights of the Nine
107 Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
108 Leisure Suit Larry Collection
116 The Lord of the Rings:
The Battle for Middle-earth II
88 Mage Knight: Apocalypse
TOM VS. BRUCE 110 TECH 126 94
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
NBA Live 07
104 NHL 07
GFW01.1UP.COM 25
Pirates of the Burning Sea
Police Quest Collection
See video of our Top 10 2007 games in action, enjoy 48 Rogue Warrior
bonus goodies from our BioWare visit, and follow
editor-in-chief Jeff Green’s exploits in WOW: The
86 Sam & Max: Culture Shock
Burning Crusade on his blog ( 108 Space Quest Collection
22 Spore
25 Supreme Commander
23 Team Fortress 2
92 Warhammer 40,000:
Dawn of War—Dark Crusade
28 World of WarCraft
Burning Crusade beta, Company of Heroes Now Playing: World of WarCraft: The PRESIDENTS
Scott C. McCarthy (Game Group)
Burning Crusade beta Sloan Seymour (Enterprise Group) Blog: Blog: Jason Young (Consumer/Small Business Group)
Kenneth Beach (Corporate Sales)
Ira Becker (Game Group)
John Davison (Editorial Director, Game Group)
DARREN GLADSTONE RYAN SCOTT Jim Louderback (Editorial Director, Consumer/Small Business Group)
SENIOR EDITOR (FEATURES/TECH) EDITOR (REVIEWS/EXTEND) Angelo Mandarano (Sales & Marketing, Consumer/Small Business
Darren was considering playing Ryan is, without question, the finest GFW Scott McDaniel (Publishing, Game Group)
Martha Schwartz (Custom Solutions Group)
Battlefield 2142 in all its PlanetSide-ish editor to ever be featured in this space on Michael Vizard (Editorial Director, Enterprise Group)
glory. That is, until he read the adware this page in this issue. He wishes to thank VICE PRESIDENTS
notice packaged in the box. Ultima Online, Oregon Trail, and pre-1996 Aaron Goldberg (Market Experts)
Barry Harrigan (Internet)
Sierra for making it all possible. Kristin Holmes (International Licensing)
Now Playing: Dark Messiah of Might Michael Krieger (Market Experts)
Rey Ledda (Marketing, Research and Events, Game Group)
and Magic, Sam & Max: Culture Shock Now Playing: Guild Wars Nightfall Rick Lehrbaum (Internet)
Eric Lundquist (Editorial Director, eWEEK) Blog: Blog: Chris Maginn (Internet)
Jim McCabe (PC Magazine)
Paul O’Reilly (Event Marketing Group)
Priscilla Ng (e-Events)
Beth Repeta (Human Resources)
SHAWN ELLIOTT LOGAN PARR Thomas Rousseau (Corporate Sales)
EDITOR (START) FILEFRONT LIAISON Chris Stetson (Research/Market Intelligence)
Stephen Sutton (Audience Development, Consumer/Small Business)
Buggy, borked, and badass by turns, Now that Sam & Max has made a Stephen Veith (Enterprise Group Publishing Director)
Monica Vila (Event Marketing Group)
Battlefield 2142 is…eh, call it a rewarding comeback, Logan is hoping Grim Marci Yamaguchi (Sales, Game Group)
dysfunctional relationship. Shawn’s still Fandango and Day of the Tentacle are Randy Zane (Corporate Communications)
IT West Coast, Senior Technical Analyst Bill Schmelzer
addicted to Company of Heroes as well. next. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. Desktop Administrator Nick Kalister
Contact anyone on this masthead via e-mail using
Now Playing: Battlefield 2142, Company Now Playing: Phantasy Star Online, [email protected]
of Heroes Sam & Max: Culture Shock PERMISSIONS
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Now Playing: Prey Now Playing: Gnarls Barkley, Beck, Games for Windows: The Official Magazine, P.O. Box 57167, Boulder, CO 80322-7167. Blog: Yo La Tengo, and the snooze button
Where The People stick it to The Man
I just read Bruce
Geryk’s review of
WHAT’S IN A NAME? the Civilization IV:
Now all those people running Warlords expansion
Windows 98 and Windows ME can get in the October 2006
the hot reviews of Solitaire for 2000 and issue of Computer
previews of Minesweeper for Vista. Once Gaming World (page
they pick up their new e-machines from 88). I am glad to see
Best Buy, they might even be able to run that I was not the
online Boggle, and Games for Windows: The only one who found • Goofy caricatures take
the sting out of any
Official Magazine will be right there for the inclusion of genocide.
them. December will be a very important Joseph Stalin in that
turning point. I hope the changes your expansion to be of “questionable taste.”
name implies do not occur. • A special sneak peek at next month’s cover As a Russian-American whose family was
story. (Note: We’re kidding.)
Steve directly affected by Stalin’s purges, frankly I find
Stalin’s inclusion as a leader of the Russian civiliza-
tion to be patently offensive. I was glad that Stalin
Well, the proof is in the pudding, and you’re holding the pudding, so make sure you wash and other Bolshevik leaders haven’t been pres-
up afterward. But hopefully once you’ve leafed through this issue, you’ll figure out that, ent in recent incarnations of Civilization, which
yes, there’s a lot more to “Games for Windows” than Solitaire. makes sense anyway, considering that under the
Bolsheviks, Russia ceased to exist as an indepen-
dent state until it regained independence in 1991.
WHAT’S IN A NAME? (REPRISE) especially for some- So not only did Stalin not lead “Russia” as such,
So what should we call you? Games for Windows: one who used to but he wasn’t even Russian—he was Georgian.
The Official Magazine? GWOM? GFWTOM? considered a moni- I understand that, given the expansion’s Warlords
Or TMFKACGW? tor a “computer.” name, Firaxis Games wanted to include a leader
Ernesto Duran Summer block- who could be considered a “warlord.” But as Bruce
busters wax and pointed out, they wisely didn’t include Adolf Hitler
Call us Games for Windows: The Official wane, yet we still for Germany—so why include Stalin, who was no
Magazine if we’re out at a formal dinner, GFW find solace and better than Hitler? If they wanted a Russian war-
if we’re just hanging out watching Veronica questioning in lord, Firaxis could have included one of the Russian
Mars. And yes, we know the letter “W” has Lawrence of Arabia. Grand Princes like Alexander Nevsky or Dmitri
more syllables than the word “Windows.” New York Times Donskoy, whose names aren’t associated with the
As for TMFKACGW—yes, indeed, as of last best-sellers sweep deaths of tens of millions of people. I wouldn’t
month, all the folks who make this magazine the nation, and still have had a problem if this expansion was specifi-
were working on The Magazine Formerly Hugo’s hunchback climbs those lonely towers. cally devoted to WWII, in which case the inclusion
Known as Computer Gaming World. We’re not For all of today’s glitter, I can’t help but think of Stalin and Hitler would have been accurate for
gonna pretend we weren’t. Just to prove it, of the gold I have yet to discover, even though historical reasons, but having Stalin as the leader of
we’ve still got a big sack of mail with the old computer gaming may not have quite the same Russia in an overall context is irresponsible—and
address to sort through…. established history. I certainly won’t be buying that expansion unless
If nothing else, the final issue of Computer Firaxis issues a patch to remove Stalin.
NOSTALGIC YELLOW Gaming World inspired me to want to dig deep- Ivan Roman
Reading through the November issue made me er than I have before and try in earnest to slow
realize just how late I entered PC gaming. It’s down my twitch-happy mouse finger. There’s a Lest we forget, Stalin also made an appear-
true that this is a matter of when I was born, substantial portion of strategy to be planned, ance in the original Civilization, too—but we
but seldom has the true weight of what I’ve foreign seas to explore, and mile-high soaring agree that it’s a tad bizarre to allow players
missed out on landed so heavily. I was born to be done, and I want to try and taste it before the ability to play one of history’s greatest
a console child alongside the straightforward I grow old and sore and start distressing how monsters but not another. We’d love to see
hardware conventions of Power, Reset, and the we’ve lost those good ol’ Battlefield 2 days. the balance spreadsheets and white boards
A and B buttons. It was accessibility at its best, Jesse Hebert where Firaxis weighed that decision. >
Like the humble hummingbird acts as a sexual Why don’t more developers make story-driven Where is today’s version of Star Control? Where is
intermediary for flowers (I think), you deliver the FPS games (such as F.E.A.R. and Half-Life 2) with my new Starflight? Where is my 21st-century ver-
game information I so lust for. co-op modes? sion of The Ancient Art of War at Sea? Why did
Daniel Soliman Kdawg they screw up Master of Orion 3?
Eric J Mascorro
Letters Re:
News, Previews, and Pert Opinion
EA T URE om-
m o st pr 07.
PREV push
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Dela C release outs an f
P a n d se o
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Here ers, with sis to bo
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stum hing an
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Assassin’s Creed Play to Pray David Cage
Murder in the Middle The secret history of Indigo Prophecy maker
Ages—from the makers Christian videogames. muses on emotionally
of Prince of Persia: The engaging games.
30 Sands of Time. 44 50
BioShock (23%)
Half-Life 2: Episode Two/Team Fortress 2 (22%)
Spore (21%)
Crysis (8%)
Alan Wake (8%)
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (5%)
Hellgate: London (5%)
Command & Conquer 3 (3%)
Supreme Commander (3%)
Pirates of the Burning Sea (2%)
GFW.1UP.COM • 21
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Person Shoote
s GENRE: First-
PER: Irrational Game
WHAT’S PROMISING: Irrational creative ing with the impromptu A.I. At heart, Levine’s a between static A.I. scenarios (disconnected from
director Ken Levine describes the underwa- storyteller first and a technician second, so we’re each other) or wow you with killer water effects.
ter city of Rapture in BioShock as an emergent predicting all the pimp-mapped visuals and A.I. We’re not expecting Grand Theft Auto, but
world that listens to you. Rolling your eyes? goodies in the world won’t trump the narrative when we see that scrawny Little Sister emerge
Don’t, unless your two least favorite games were surprises his team’s brewing for this one. from an air duct and climb onto the shoulder
Thief and System Shock 2. Instead of narrow POTENTIAL PRATFALLS: Calling BioShock “a of a hulking Big Daddy, we want to believe she
mazes or vacuous open areas with at best cos- stake in the heart of run-down-the-corridor continues to exist long after we’ve silently crept
metic interactivity, BioShock presents a free-form [shooters]” is well and fun, but we’ve heard that by to other places.
A.I. ecology modeling desperate mutant factions sort of tough talk before, and we’ve already WHAT WE DIDN’T KNOW: “BioShock will
scrapping for footing in the debris of a failed seen elements of it in horror-shooters like redefine what people expect from a first-person
utopia. The world “listens” by subtly respond- F.E.A.R. With up-and-comers like Crysis—anoth- shooter. I know that sounds ambitious. So,
ing to how you play, whether that’s shooting, er FPS touting ecological A.I., but in a massively we’re either really ambitious or really stupid.”
using genetic powers, hacking machines to craft open-ended and deformable environment— –Ken Levine, president/cofounder, Irrational
items, taking over security systems, or just mess- BioShock needs to do more than step you •
Games Matt Peckham
NRE: Yeah, rig
PER: Maxis GE
WHAT’S PROMISING: You’re traveling to complement your personality and skill level. of monster bashing and pony expressing around
through another dimension, one not only Wright calls Spore a “massively single-player game,” its world. Spore needs to transcend the “conquer
of sight and sound, but of mind, a journey into a which means it can dynamically integrate content everything” convention if it’s after more than the
wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imag- built by other players based on play-style similari- usual RTS kudos.
ination—you’ve just crossed over into…the Will ties. (We deny responsibility for the platypus-that- WHAT WE DIDN’T KNOW: French writer
Wright zone. If there’s one game in 2007 that’s on can-kiss-its-own-ass species that’ll be popping up Honoré de Balzac once said, “Bureaucracy is a
our minds, it’s this one. You start as a single-celled postrelease.) giant mechanism operated by pygmies.” As the
thingamabob, then “evolve” into a multicellular POTENTIAL PRATFALLS: Three words: Black & potential cash windfalls for game IP explode,
thingamabob, and eventually spread your thingam- White. Listening to Robin Williams go gaga dur- big-dog publishers are clamping down on the
abob civilization across the galaxy. Features include ing Spore demos is great (note: Williams loved flow of information between development
Pixar-style animation tools, socialization and mating Black & White, too), but turning a geeky biology studios and the press. Call it PR or just “Pretty
models, and even in-game creature data stats you demo into something as intuitive as The Sims is a Ridiculous,” in Spore’s case, what we didn’t
can print and play as an independent card game whole other ball of assembly code. Then there’s know was that the new game in gametown is
(can you say franchise?). What’s more, the game the Oblivion question—big and beautiful and pro- called “hide the designer.” The rules? Six-month
actually redesigns itself as you play, transforming cedural as Bethesda’s mega-RPG is, it’s still a lot •
info blackout. MP
Person Shooter
iplayer First-
st-Person Shooter/Mult
lve GENRE: Fir
lve/EA DE
• Team Fortress
Classic’s Dustbowl
map redone for TEAM FO RT
Team Fortress 2.
WHAT’S PROMISING: Unlike Episode character classes that move as though hand- POTENTIAL PRATFALLS: Valve invented
One—perfectly paced though ultimately animated, grip hiccuping guns, airwalk at the FPS as series of carefully controlled encoun-
linear, satisfying though an insatiable cannibal apex of rocket hops, bang turrets into place, ters, but can it dial down scripting and still
of Half-Life 2’s settings—this second epi- and more. Painterly environments complete deliver? (We’d wonder about Vortigaunt allies
sode frees players from path following…and the campy sci-fi/spy-themed picture: Farm and who now fight alongside Freeman and amp
itself of old trappings. Now outside Eastern industrial facades on each team’s fortress give his HEV suit if Episode One hadn’t already
European–ish City 17, Gordon Freeman wends way to high-tech underground facilities. proven Valve’s handle on partner A.I.)
his way through an Antlion larder and the TF2 builds on Team Fortress Classic’s nine Team Fortress 2 isn’t especially worrying,
White Forest. “Some maps are massively trademark classes, notably tweaking Medic, either. Curb Team Fortress Classic’s overabun-
nonlinear,” says engineer Josh Weier, and the Spy, and Demo Man kits to reflect today’s dant explosives and tendency to stalemate,
episode’s woodlands provide ultimate objec- physics technology and address cocreator tweak underdeveloped classes (Valve’s already
tives (say rendezvous with resistance scientists Robin Walker’s dissatisfaction with dated announced it’s rejiggering the Pyro and Demo
in a silo somewhere) while leaving proximate mechanics such as the Medic’s inability to eas- Man), and the game’s good to go. Of course,
tactics up to players. The idea is more choice, ily assist allies and ability to infect foes. (“‘Stay hardcore fans have their own ideas, and even
moment to moment: Instead of predicting away from teammates; they might hurt you,’ the slightest change to the TFC template will
when the Combine will appear, we suss out isn’t exactly a good signal to send,” Walker provoke vocal online opposition.
where they’re concentrated and plan one of says.) No word yet on which modes, other than WHAT WE DIDN’T KNOW: “Episode Two’s
several possible approaches. A buggy/dozer capture the flag, are coming back, although vehicles include an old refrigerator, retro-
hybrid adds frontal assaults and fast getaways Walker hints at new uses for the Demo Man’s fitted to serve as a cargo container. Plus,
to the agenda. environment-obliterating detpacks, as well as remakes of Team Fortress Classic maps
Team Fortress 2, part of the Episode Two/ the Engineer’s construction kit. Expect a com- Well and Dustbowl are in the works for
Portal package, stuns on sight. Shadows and prehensive commentary mode to explain the TF2.” –Doug Lombardi, marketing director,
stark shapes—more so than fine detail—define whys and hows. •
Valve Shawn Elliott
• Also in the
package: first-
person puzzler
• Almost always
visible wherever
you’re hiking.
GFW.1UP.COM • 23
Visit for more
h Damage/id
iplayer First-Person
WHAT’S PROMISING: A top five within a whereas HUD pop-ups alert medics when allies fall. that such snafus are indicative of ETQW’s work-
top 10, if you will: 1) ETQW hails from the Naturally, pursuing objectives nets more points. 5) in-progress status, plain and simple, and that the
same Bromley, England blokes who brought us the Maps serve as story beats, adding motive to the developer’s “done when it’s done” MO affords time
fire-hot and for-free Return to Castle Wolfenstein: mayhem, by chronicling the Quake series’ offscreen to nip, tuck, tune, and balance as needed, although
Enemy Territory. 2) Borg-like Strogg battle flesh- battles. One, for instance, involves an effort to beating the potentially sexier-looking and conceptu-
and-blood humans; because extraterrestrials hinder the development of the hyperblaster, while ally similar Crysis to market could become crucial.
and earthlings aren’t equally equipped, 32-man another explores how humans reverse-engineered WHAT WE DIDN’T KNOW: “Id’s brought back
matches differ depending upon the faction you Strogg slipgates to strike at Stroggos in Quake II. veteran game, TV, and film composer Bill Brown
join. 3) Megatexture tech created by id cofounder POTENTIAL PRATFALLS: As of QuakeCon ’06, it for Enemy Territory: Quake Wars’ music needs. Bill
John Carmack lets artists “add 10 million tiny little still seemed difficult to determine which direction goes back with the guys to Wolfenstein: Enemy
touches to levels.” 4) Micromissions make lone- incoming fire was coming from, as well as precisely Territory, and even Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
wolf play tactical: Servers identify targets of oppor- who or what, in a world of 1,000 possible deaths, Plus he did the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars trail-
tunity from radar arrays to field guns, as well as did us in—dangerous frustrations for a shooter of ers, too.” –Kevin Cloud, creative director and co-
the nearest soldier with the means to smash them, ETQW ’s sort. Id co-owner Kevin Cloud assures us •
owner, id Software SE
PER: Fla gship Studios
mco Bandai
WHAT’S PROMISING: It’s the spiritual POTENTIAL PRATFALLS: Hook up with your emphasis on all the reasons you’ll want to go
successor to Diablo…and, with former buddies in a centralized online lobby and sally online—from the specialized community ele-
Blizzard superstar Bill Roper at the helm of forth in search of adventure: It’s a tried-and- ments, to [our support of ] a worldwide econ-
Hellgate developer Flagship Studios, that’s true format that Diablo vets were psyched omy, to specific game modes. We’re playing
no surprise. The game features an intricate about when Hellgate was first announced. with each other in the office all the time now,
loot system, randomized levels (all set against Since then, competing action-MMORPG Guild and it’s been great to start the initial balance,
a hellish modern-day England backdrop), Wars stole a bit of Hellgate’s thunder, making gameplay tweaking, and making the different
engrossing multiplayer functionality, and three this sort of multiplayer dynamic yesterday’s character classes play well with each other.
unique character factions: the sword-wielding, news. But more than this, we’re concerned We’ve got some big surprises in store that
hack-happy Templar; the spooky, demon- with waiting forever to play the game, given are going to make our MMO experience very
summoning Cabalist; and—this just in—the Flagship’s persistent “when it’s done” attitude. different from any other RPG you’ve tried.”
Hunter, who fills the ranged combat slot for WHAT WE DIDN’T KNOW: “Our multiplayer –Bill Roper, CEO/cofounder, Flagship Studios
FPS-crazed players. plans are really falling into place, with an • Ryan Scott
inment GENRE: Thril
: Remedy Enterta
t Game Stud
WHAT’S PROMISING: This atmospheric world, but one that will get increasingly sur- it has still got it. And open-world designs are
thriller is being made by folks who know real as the game progresses, pulling the rug tough to pull off. Only the GTA games have
how to make a thriller—Finnish developer out from under the player. The game’s graph- ever truly nailed it.
Remedy Entertainment, the company behind ics are incredible—truly next-gen lighting WHAT WE DIDN’T KNOW: As we went to
Max Payne 1 and 2. And while the Payne and shadow effects that will play a key role in press, we learned that Alan Wake’s release
games drew inspiration from film noir, Alan gameplay as well. date is still to be determined. So while we’re
Wake takes its cue from modern-day hor- POTENTIAL PRATFALLS: It’s been a while hoping for 2007, there’s no promise yet. But
ror classics like Twin Peaks and The Shining. since Max Payne 2, and not everyone was too maybe making our list here will inspire them
Remedy is promising a GTA-styled open fond of that game, so Remedy needs to prove •
to work harder. Jeff Green
are GENRE: M
ing Lab Softw
WHAT’S PROMISING: A complex player-driven economy; character customization on the
level of City of Heroes (“That’s what we’re shooting for,” says producer John Tynes); nonin-
stanced PVE and PVP adventure sites that pack dozens of players in for ship-to-ship combat and
sword fights. Think massively multiplayer Monkey Island.
POTENTIAL PRATFALLS: We live in a World of WarCraft world, with rough waters ahead for com-
paratively small-fry MMOs like Pirates. If its unique features hold up, we’re hoping it can eke out a
modest-but-successful Eve Online–caliber existence, as success on WOW or Final Fantasy XI’s level is
a serious long shot.
WHAT WE DIDN’T KNOW: “We’re working on an epic storyline that involves the supernatural—
the kinds of myths and legends that sailors of 1720 believed in. You can play through this experience
and learn all kinds of secrets, including why it’s called the ‘Burning Sea.’” –John Tynes, producer,
Flying Lab Software RS •
al-Tim e Strategy
mes GENRE: Re
s Powered Ga
WHAT’S PROMISING: Total Annihilation reliance on strategy as opposed to tactics ent play styles like ‘rush’ and ‘turtle.’ We’re also
loyalists, stop with the clamoring—your (that is, “big-picture planning” versus “cir- working on a method to blend various arche-
sequel arrives next year. Supreme Commander cumstantial course of action”). Our worry types, and what we have almost completed
dishes up more of lead designer Chris Taylor’s plays more on the target audience than is what we call the ‘balanced’ archetype. This
unique vision of real-time strategy, this time the game itself: Just how many people are opponent will both ‘tech up’ and send out the
with mammoth, multiscreen units and structures. gonna notice the difference? occasional invasion force, which keeps you off
POTENTIAL PRATFALLS: Taylor’s made WHAT WE DIDN’T KNOW: “We have these balance a lot more.” –Chris Taylor, CEO/creative
some pretty bold promises about SupCom’s personality ‘archetypes,’ each with very differ- director, Gas Powered Games RS •
GFW.1UP.COM • 25
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NRE: Real-Tim
e Strategy
Once you’re done reading about ‘em,
see video footage of our Top 10 2007
games in action at
WHAT’S PROMISING: Well, it’s a new to both modernize and fix the core gameplay Ultimate bad guy Kane is back and is being
Command & Conquer game, for one thing. (yay pathfinding!) while preserving the spirit of played by Joe Kucan, the actor who played him
So that’s (usually) something to be (moderately) the old games. in the old games. But now we’re also going to
happy about. But this one genuinely brings out POTENTIAL PRATFALLS: The C&C series has meet his right hand in the Brotherhood of Nod,
the rabid fanboys in us. Why? Because it finally been out of the spotlight, and out of develop- Killian Qatar, played by none other than Tricia
marks the return to the series’ original sci-fi set- ment, for many years now, and with games like Helfer, the nerd It Girl who plays Number 6 on
ting—the epic battle between the Brotherhood Company of Heroes and the upcoming Supreme Battlestar Galactica. And she’s not the only Cylon
of NOD and the Global Defense Initiative—for Commander now in the spotlight, C&C 3 is really babe in the cast: Grace Park (Sharon Valerii)
the first time since 1999’s Command & Conquer: going to have to pull out the stops to compete. plays a character on the GDI side. And to round
Tiberian Sun (and the 2000 Firestorm expan- And are those full-motion video cut-scenes out the geekathon, Josh Holloway (Sawyer from
sion pack). The new game’s graphics, using the going to be cheesy good, or just cheesy? Lost), and Billy Dee Williams (Hi, Lando, duh!)
engine from EA’s stellar Battle for Middle-earth WHAT WE DIDN’T KNOW: The cast for those slum it, too. Do all these actors have overdue
II, look good so far, and the team has promised FMV cut-scenes is turning into a geek’s dream. house payments, or what? JG •
Perso n Shooter
GENRE: First-
PER: Crytek
WHAT’S PROMISING: Crysis developer or fracture ice floes to sink annoying earth- to fabricate sea-, land-, and aircraft in an econ-
Crytek wants what’s onscreen to issue the lings. Crytek, of course, boasts that flexible A.I. omy-focused campaign? Topping Battlefield in
opening statement. Jaws unhinged and hanging, behavior complements the shooter’s far-out principle is one thing (and that with only one
technophiles finger the razzle-dazzle there as playspaces while capitalizing on changing con- part of an off- and online package), but tuning
depth of field, dynamic deforestation, subsurface ditions—spacelike zero-grav settings included. army-vs.-army shooters is notoriously tricky.
scattering, soft shadows, and such. But before POTENTIAL PRATFALLS: Your skepticism WHAT WE DIDN’T KNOW: “We got to
we’re able to wonder whether, you know, a meets ours on more than a few points: Will it meet Robin Williams at the Electronic
game exists behind the graphics, we’re staring at run well on a wide range of rigs? (Some wonder Entertainment Expo. He told us what a big
an E.T. scenario unlike any we’ve encountered. whether it will run well period.) Can anything Far Cry fan he is and then proceeded to
Refrigerated rain forest and shock-frozen as technically ambitious for its time hit shelves mimic the game for us, complete with gun-
seas not only seem otherworldly, they offer on schedule where Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 shots and explosions. It was especially great
out-of-the-ordinary interaction when hero Jake couldn’t? And what of its grandstanding, 32- when he looked on as we demoed Crysis
Dunn shatters matter so that the shards fly at man multiplayer game in which teams appropri- and mimicked the player punching out a
foes; aliens do the same to create obstruction ate dry docks, motorworks, and aviation centers Trooper.” –Cevat Yerli, CEO, Crytek SE •
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From official promos to original content, get it all at See these viral vids and more at
High-kicking high schoolers meet on the foot- A Brit and his cross-dressing chum stage a Devious Half-Life 2–based Rube Goldberg
ball field for pantomime kung fu and post- scene-for-scene, live-action adaptation of the device clobbers a zombie in no less than 30
production “Pow!” effects. console chiller. convoluted steps.
“Console exclusive” plays peekaboo on PC
PUBLISHER: Ubisoft DEVELOPER: Ubisoft Montreal GENRE: Action RELEASE DATE: 2007
GFW.1UP.COM • 31
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an eye or a tooth for an ego. At times, it’s smart lence and evasion, fight or flight. If surrounded,
to happy-slap your way through the throng with- Altair shifts from stealth (as well as a compact
out worrying about the hubbub forming in your crossbow and the retractable talon attached to
wake. At others, civility is the wiser way. his arm) to swordplay. Says Raymond: “Realism
Says Raymond: “As the player/Altair progresses, is the driving factor for our fighting system.
he has the option of assisting certain categories We didn’t want our characters to survive head
of people. These missions are optional, but always wounds or to shrug off sword strikes as though
impact the player’s social standing. NPCs turn nothing happened. Instead, players need to
from hindering the Assassin to helping him.” For find and create openings in their opponents’
instance, sympathetic priests admit you into their defense while covering openings of their own.
white-robed ranks to stymie pursuers. A free- Observation and proper timing matter; not mem-
loader extends a foot to trip those on your tail, or orizing preset combo strings.”
points a patrol here when, in actuality, you’re hid- When odds are overwhelming—“there’s no tak-
ing there. Other abettors might throw stones at ing on 50 foes at a time,” warns Raymond—Altair
town officials or amass in alleys, blocking passage scrams, either with the assistance of NPCs, or,
once you’ve passed. These are Altair’s “super- when previous bad behavior precludes it, via
powers,” standing in where the Prince of Persia rooftop. See the game’s destinations as a grid.
slowed, reversed, and stopped time. Eschewing Prince of Persia’s dot connecting,
Other postassassination options include vio- where platforming is all linear progress, athletics
in AC resemble “free-running” in that every ledge
and brick is a handhold, and every banister a
landing zone. Plus, independent hotkeys for arm
and leg movement permit improvisational con-
trol—vault this, hurdle that, go here, go there.
And what of the cryptic messages from the
21st century that pop up when Altair flubs his
mission? “For the moment, all I can say is that, as
you assassinate those responsible for the Third
Crusade, you also uncover a plot with farther-
reaching implications,” Raymond reveals, “a con-
spiracy that touches on subjects relevant to you
and me.” Shawn Elliott
Start Ensemble
• Ensemble’s next
RTS? The Xbox
Halo Wars. But
the developer says
they’re not giving
up on the PC.
Just not about Halo Wars (yet)
GFW: One of the big challenges with the opinion of Age III substantially and that is good to
INTERVIEW original AOE3 for you was to retain historical hear. Most, if not all, of the criticism was certainly
accuracy and respect, especially with regard valid; but a reviewer can only see so much of a
It may be a bit to Native Americans. With the new WarChiefs big game and we think some strong points were
too drama-queeny expansion, it seems you felt free to indulge in not given their due. We’d almost rather see a
of us to call it an “end a little more of the fantastic and less realistic. more carefully considered review appear later, but
of the world” moment, Why and how were you able to make this we understand time constraints.
but when we heard that come about?
Halo Wars, a real-time BS: We were very aware of the geopolitical con- GFW: If you could go back in time and
strategy game for the cerns that faced AOE3 and took a lot of care to rerelease AOE3 all over again, what’s the one
Xbox 360, was being involve Native Americans within Microsoft along big design decision you would change?
developed by PC-gaming diehards Ensemble with academics as we decided how the game would BS: We had an ambitious plan for making mili-
Studios, well—it made us nervous. We contacted work and look. I don’t recall any negative comments tary formations significant: Facing would matter,
Ensemble’s lead game designer Bruce Shelley about our approach after [AOE3’s] release, but a lot different formations would be more effective in
to see if he’d reassure us that this was all just a of people did express regret that they couldn’t play certain situations, battle would not be a swirl-
bad dream and that we’d get to play on the PC as Native Americans. Once we embraced the idea of ing free-for-all. It really made the game look
too—but he’s too smart to spill any real secrets. playing as them, lead designer Sandy Petersen and and play differently, and was close to working,
He was, however, more than willing to talk with the rest of the design team decided to add some but there were so many special cases that fix-
us about Ensemble’s current and future plans for touches of the Native American mythology. This ing it right was impossible in the time we had.
its flagship Age of Empires franchise—and to reas- took us a little into the fantastic and magical, but I would like to have seen working formations in
sure us that Ensemble has not broken up with us. we hope this helps reinforce the feeling that you are Age of Empires III.
• Jeff Green playing something different. There were moments
when Native Americans really believed they were GFW: So back to Halo Wars. We know you
GFW: OK, so you’re making Halo Wars for impervious to bullets. can’t talk about it. But just tell us this: How
the Xbox 360. Does this mean you’re done much should PC gamers worry, really? Have
with Age of Empires III for a while? Or will we GFW: Our original review of AOE3 was a bit you “given up” on the PC, as the message-
see more? Another expansion? More maps? harsh [3/5 stars, CGW #257]. In retrospect, do board Chicken Littles have been crying?
Bruce Shelley: There will be more. All of our you feel our review was unfair? Or do some of BS: Ensemble Studios is not giving up on the PC,
games have enjoyed long shelf lives and provid- the criticisms seem valid? believe me. We are taking a break from Age of
ing more [content] seems to help with that. We BS: Rather than harsh or unfair, I would use the Empires, but not forever. Some of us have been
want to keep Age of Empires going for some time word “shallow.” Our games are broad and deep working on it for 11 years. In the meantime, we
to come. We have an ES Live team that works with tons of content, and they are a challenge for have a really different PC game in the works that
entirely on improving the game and delivering a reviewer on a tight schedule. After further expe- we hope to begin talking about next year, if it
new content and features. rience, I believe your reviewer has improved his comes together successfully. •
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Start Introversion
U.K.-based Introversion deconstructs the games industry, one polygon at a time
TRENDS Morris sounds positively jazzed, like he’s the each other. Of course, no sooner had Introversion
proudest parent in the world. On September 29, pulled the trigger on the downloadable version
You’d think a hard-slaving guy who the London-based games company with which than—in classic Murphy’s fashion—its pipe to the
just spent the better part of a weekend Morris serves as codirector unleashed its third Internet went kaput.
sweating the release of his company’s brand-new title, DEFCON, a Dr. Strangelove–ian real-time “We launched and almost immediately the
game might come across as a bit more bone- strategy mash-up in which six players sneak units service fell apart,” says Morris wryly. “Someone
weary. But no, Introversion’s self-described around a vector graphics map of the world and, accidentally knocked a fiber cable in our ISP’s
creative/commercial mediator Mark when the clock runs down, lob megaton nukes at data center, so it’s this classic case of it doesn’t
Introversion Start
•Uplink, Introversion’s premier project •Darwinia’s postmillennial minimalism •Introversion: floored on the floor
matter how much you shore up your systems, you we just did what you do at college, which is, you and pals cooked up a website, added an online
just can’t predict the bloke hoovering around the know, program, go out, get drunk.” credit card processor, posted on a few hacker
server.” And though the team labored for several “And then, I can’t remember exactly when, it forums, “And all of a sudden, it just took off,” says
hours to bring the service back online as anxious might have been the second year or possibly the Morris. “We were selling something like four copies
fans endured page time-outs, the ISP collapse was third, Chris said to me, ‘I’m going to make a game on the first day, then eight on the second, then 40
only part of the problem. “DEFCON was our first about computer hacking’ and he’d mentioned that on the third, 150 on the next day, and so on. And it
online game,” says Morris. “And although we’d he wanted to have a go at the games industry,” was at that point that Introversion was born.”
done an awful lot of stress testing to ensure we explains Morris, who still has a bet with Delay for
could cope with the load, I don’t think we ever 1,000 pounds that he won’t work in the games DISTRIBUTION GAME
anticipated the demand we ended up with.” industry. “I was absolutely convinced that he’d be Rags to riches? Not quite. Despite selling numerous
Demand of a magnitude that translated to seduced and sign with the banks or something copies of Uplink and enjoying a lot of positive
over 2,000 simultaneous games hammering for more money.” Programming in his spare time, press, in the years that followed, Introversion
Introversion’s metaserver the first night alone. Delay began assembling the elements of what gradually slid into the red, to the point where
That’s quite a different tune from the one the would eventually become Uplink. Around that time, Morris and friends weren’t taking salaries. “We
company was singing in 2001, when it was Imperial College was running a competition in didn’t really know how to manage the finances
puzzling out how to sell its very first product: a which whoever submitted the best plan for a new properly at first,” says Morris, noting that while
hacking simulation called Uplink which—absent business would win 10,000 pounds. “We decided the money was coming in, they weren’t tracking
so much as a marketing penny—sold purely by we were going to write our plan for a games spending (a duty cofounder Thomas Arundel now
word of mouth. In fact, the team that would go company based around Chris’s Uplink,” says Morris. oversees religiously). “And we also sort of thought
on to win the Independent Games Festival Grand “Because to us it would have been something we the Uplink bubble would never end,” adds Morris.
Prize in March 2006 for its second game (the could use to pay off our student loans before we “You know, that Uplink would just continue selling
esoteric real-time whatchamacallit Darwinia) went our separate ways.” As they worked, Morris and everything would be rosy.” This was the long
started out as a few Imperial College computer says it quickly became apparent they were going to and arduous phase the company’s website labels
science pals having a go at a business contest. lose because the judges were (somewhat ironically) “the difficult second album years,” the period
“We all went to the same halls of residence looking for more “novel” business ideas than a between 2002 and 2004 during which Delay and
back in 1997, so that’s when I first met Johnny games company. “But afterward we still had this team were struggling to turn a clever idea—sprites
[Knottenbelt] and Chris [Delay], who were fellow business plan, and we thought, well hey, let’s all put grafted on polygons to efficiently spawn enormous
computer scientists,” says Morris. “And basically 200 pounds in and see where it takes us.” So Morris armies—into a game. Introversion finally launched >
GFW.1UP.COM • 37
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Start Introversion
Start Overlord
Unleash your id (and underlings)
Overlord Start
PUBLISHER: Codemasters DEVELOPER: Triumph Studios GENRE: Action RELEASE DATE: Summer 2007
PREVIEW draw inspiration from classic comedic games sonal appearance will radically alter, and you’ll
like Dungeon Keeper or The Horde, though, be able to wield forbidden magic. Finishing
Take a scruples test sometime and you Overlord takes a page from movies such as totally uncorrupted, just for the sake of seeing
just might find that menacing despots Gremlins and Labyrinth. a different ending, is going to be tough. As Sas
aren’t actually evil—just misunderstood. Exhibit The enemies also share the same twisted warns, “Think of all the temptations you’ll have
A: the titular overlord from Codemasters’ twisted humor as your underlings. Sas points out some to pass up! The first village will see you liberate
action game. Who is he? At the game’s start, he’s of his favorite examples: “An enormously fat the people from the tyranny of some particu-
a blank slate—neither good nor evil—just a mys- halfling squashes your minions. Then there’s a larly nasty, violent halflings. The peasants will
terious figure squatting in a dark tower owned perverted paladin with his harem of succubi, welcome you as their new lord and protector,
by the previous evil overlord. Just how sinister and bloodstained rampaging unicorns.” Sas likes cheer for you, and bring goodies when you visit
things get is entirely up to you. nothing better than seeing minions getting their domain. If you start exerting some proper
“Antihero protagonists always run the risk of skewered on the end of a unicorn’s horn or feudal repression, the peasants will tremble and
alienating the audience,” says Triumph Studios walking off with a beautiful (and inevitably fall to their knees every time you pay them a
director Lennart Sas. “Not many people can murderous) succubus. visit. If you truly become a mean son of a bitch,
identify with Xemublebub, the five-legged Just because the overlord starts with a blank the poor peasants will resort to binding their
netherworld demon that eats roasted babies for slate, it doesn’t mean your conscience will stay young virgin girls on sacrificial poles close to
breakfast. Overlord gradually eases the player squeaky clean. The game remembers players’ your access portal in order to appease you.”
into their role.” evil deeds; whenever you return to your tower, Overlord promises an extensive single-player
However, a dark lord is nothing without his a jester minion announces your presence by campaign, but when it comes to practicing
toadies, obedient minions who do your bid- listing off your achievements: “Exterminator of wrongdoing in multiplayer, Sas remains coy,
ding—and set Overlord apart from other action the Elven Race, Destroyer of Lives, and Ravager promising only “cool and unique multiplayer
games. Order them to loot the local village, of Villages.” Absolute power corrupts abso- modes”—including the possibility of one
and they’ll arm themselves with whatever they lutely, or so the saying goes. As you become overlord and army versus another—“but we’ll
find in the environment before bringing back more and more corrupt, the population will leave what they are to your imagination for
your tribute. Have them slay the locals, and react differently to you; your tower and per- •
now.” Darren Gladstone
your horde will return with the townsfolk’s life
force, which you can use to build your army. Sas
expects your posse to run as large as 60-strong,
with each impish underling delivering dark slap-
stick comedy with every attack.
If you want to clear a town square, just send
in some TNT-toting peons, stand clear, and
watch the mayhem. The first time you order
your troops to molest the local sheep, well, let’s
just say a screenshot’s worth at least a couple of
words (see below). Even beyond that, minions
will harass the peasant folk, steal, belch, dress
up in drag, burn down houses, and react to the
world in some odd ways—stopping to listen to
a fiddler, for example, before bashing him over
the head.
“The humor comes from the minions doing
all sorts of crazy stuff in the situations they
find themselves in,” says Sas. Rather than
• Ready master?
(I’m not ready.)
GFW.1UP.COM • 41
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Start Freeloader
Scoring free games without the icky “pirate” aftertaste
The great philosopher Lennon once said, “The best things in life are free.” Dude, that man was wise
FREE beyond his years. Those are words to live by—and yet, every day, everywhere I look, I see suckers wast-
ing money. You still buying your lunch? Why, I’ve made sandwiches entirely from the dill pickles, jalapeños, and
Every month, our resident cheapskate
BBQ sauce packets I nab from the Quiznos condiment bar. Want to live rent-free? Just make sure you always
get home after your roommate is asleep and leave before he gets up—and if he catches you and demands you
digs up the best free games. Download “share the living expenses,” just couch surf. And games? Well, let me put it this way: You don’t need to spend
’em from right now! money on the megagames with the million-dollar marketing budgets to have a good time. All it takes is a little
patience and a little creative Web surfing to find some free time killers online. I should know—that’s how I
spend most of my day.
Tell you what: You keep checking back here each month, and I’ll keep you on the inside track to 100-percent-free
games. Deal? The Freeloader
THE GAME: Invalid Tangram THE GAME: Toblo THE GAME: Tripline
FILE UNDER: Color me rad! FILE UNDER: First-Person Geometry FILE UNDER: In-class doodler
All right, so it may look like I just blew the dust Capture the flag…with no bloodshed? C’mon, I doodle. A lot. It’s a habit I picked up in kin-
out of an old Nintendo Entertainment System Toblo is too cutesy to be fun, right? Don’t knock it dergarten and honed to a razor’s edge over
game, but I swear that Invalid Tangram is awe- till you’ve tried it. Two teams—the Cloud Kids and the next 10 years or so. Now, I’m a black belt in
some. It’s a little Galaga, a little Tetris, but mostly the Fire Fiends—are trying to nab each other’s least, I thought I was until I tried
an 8-bit orgy of good ol’-fashioned shoot-em- flags. But instead of crawling through corridors, Tripline on for size. It’s a simple game laid out
up-ness. The concept’s simple, really. Shoot the you’re tearing the place apart. Every geometric on graph paper. The goal: Draw a line connect-
colored enemies, and when their blocky corpses shape in the world—walls and trees included—is ing identical objects. That’s it. The game starts
fall into groups, absorb their powers. Trippy, potential ammunition to clobber your enemy or easy enough, but before long, you’ll be balling
blippy music is an added bonus. Hand me some a prospective blockade to protect your turf. Our up paper trying to come up with the best ways
glowsticks, throw me in a dark room, and I’m quick test run turned into a two-hour play ses- to win each level. Hey, you got an extra sheet of
ready to party! sion. Nuff said. graph paper I can borrow?
What games do they want to play again?
Some know him ADVENTURE that I’m married and have a small child, the
as the Statesman, “I’ll never forget the first time I unlocked the Protoss, Terrans, and Zerg have to get along
the great pro- secret message in this Atari 2600 classic. I don’t without me.”
tector of City of recall any Easter eggs in a game before that
Heroes’ Paragon point; for some reason, I played that game over E.T.: THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
City. Everyone else and over just to get to that end point. Heck, “I’d love to play this Atari 2600 game again if
just calls him Jack winning the game was secondary to getting only to experience, once more, the game that
Emmert, creative that darn message!” ended a company. To be honest, I played it
director of Cryptic as a kid and it wasn’t that bad…or maybe my
Studios. And the MIGHT AND MAGIC memory is that bad.”
only thing more shocking than discovering “I originally played this on my Commodore 64.
he’s working on a Marvel Comics–based I’d love to reexperience the wonder of playing CIVILIZATION
MMO is finding out that he wants to play in a seemingly endless game environment.” “I spent many sleepless nights building civiliza-
E.T. again. What else is on his play list? tions, conquering, building Wonders of the
STARCRAFT World. I was in grad school at the time; I’ll
“I lost count of how many nights I spent never forget how much fun it was to put away
playing StarCraft with my friends. But now the schoolwork and dive back in.” •
Visit for more
A history of Christian videogames
CULTURE played immoral or illegal content because the Bible selling series of novels set during the Apocalypse.
tells us that He is repulsed by sin. I’m sure that He If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em; instead of keeping
wouldn’t play any game that had occult or satanic videogames out of the home, why not create “fam-
“What videogames would Jesus play?” Al activity. He defeated Satan and his demons at the ily friendly” games with pastor-approved Christian
Menconi, who heads a ministry in Carlsbad, cross, so why would He want to play a defeated content? After all, if the U.S. Army is using video-
California, devoted to monitoring the effects of the foe?” According to Menconi, Jesus wouldn’t even games to recruit, can’t God’s Army do the same?
entertainment industry on Christian life, posed this want to play games like The Sims, “because they In fact, Left Behind: Eternal Forces is only the most
question in early 2005 on his blog, where he offers basically are about playing God and why would He mainstream manifestation in the long evolution of
advice to parents on how to keep the evils of the want to ‘play god’ when He is God?” Which leads indie Christian game design, a semi-underground
world out of the content of their children’s movies, Menconi to suggest that maybe He wouldn’t play movement that reaches back over a decade and a
music, TV, and videogames. His online ministry, videogames at all, or if He did, “I’m sure that He half. Long before “serious games” had become a
ILLUSTRATION BY JOSHUA ELLINGSON, includes an archive of more than would limit His game playing time to a minimum.” buzzword for the use of videogames in education,
180 game reviews, grading each for violence, lan- Christ, and by extension his followers on earth, Christian game designers—largely of the American,
guage, nudity, “occult/supernatural” elements, and surely have better things to do with their time, like born-again Protestant stripe—were already explor-
“cultural/moral/ethical” content. But the question spread the Gospel. ing ways to encode Bible lessons into side-scrollers
of what videogames the Savior Himself would play But some Christians believe there needn’t neces- and dungeon-hunts, removing the “bad stuff” and
presented Menconi with a theological conundrum. sarily be such a strict separation of playtime and replacing it with religiously correct characters and
“I’m sure that He would never play a game that praytime, as shown by the recent flurry of media themes. If the average gamer may not be familiar
killed people or destroyed things,” Menconi writes. hype around Left Behind: Eternal Forces, the strategy with the scores of original Christian titles that
“I’m sure that He would never play a game that dis- game based on Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins’ best- have appeared over the years for PCs and console
systems, that’s because, before Left Behind, the vast of a means to work around Nintendo’s “lockout Tree game, Bible Adventures, was released in 1990,
majority of them haven’t been sold through regular chip” to produce cartridges that would work with selling around 350,000 copies. The game features
game stores or even through the big boxes. Instead, the popular system. Since the games themselves three simple scenarios, based (albeit loosely)
like much other Christian contemporary music, teen were completely designed in-house, and thus on familiar Old Testament stories, with crudely
fashion, and movies, Christian videogames have didn’t overstep copyright laws, Color Dreams wasn’t drawn graphics and Mario-style gameplay. Kids
long been sold only through Christian stores, spe- technically doing anything illegal. But Nintendo did could round up the animals for Noah’s ark, defeat
cialty catalogs, and online. Christian games arose make it difficult for the company to sell its wares in Goliath by playing a sling-wielding David, or help
out of a love of gaming but a dissatisfaction with most stores, reportedly by threatening retailers that Moses’ mother carry the infant prophet out of
its nonfaith-based content. Like other products, they wouldn’t distribute official NES games to any Egypt. The game also introduced what would
Christian games continue one contingent of Ameri- store that offered unlicensed titles. become a staple of the Christian game genre: the
can religion’s desire to remake pop culture in its But Nintendo’s hold on the mass market didn’t inclusion of quotations from scripture as part of
own image, to create an alternative media universe matter for the Wisdom Tree division, which sold its the gameplay. In the case of Bible Adventures, the
parallel to the mainstream of secular society. games almost wholly through the Christian book- quotes appear as little stone tablets that provide
store circuit. Since these retailers hadn’t featured health bonuses when read.
THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE videogames before, they had no problem with Later Wisdom Tree titles were merely slight
The dawn of Christian gaming begins in the early carrying Wisdom Tree titles, and for many years modifications of old Color Dreams games. Sunday
‘90s with a company called Wisdom Tree, a sub- the company had an exclusive lock on the growing Funday, released in 1995, features a Bible-toting
sidiary of the somewhat notorious company Color Christian market. “It was a concept that had never skateboarding hero who must dodge obstacles
Dreams, the best-known indie game publisher of been explored in videogames before,” former to get to Sunday school on time; the game was
the console era. Founded in 1989, Color Dreams Wisdom Tree programmer Roger Deforest told retro reworked from Color Dreams’ Menace Beach, in
produced unlicensed games for the Nintendo game site Planet Nintendo in 2004. “I remember which the skater-hero battled clowns and ninjas.
Entertainment System. Featuring low produc- when the owner presented us with the idea of mak- At the end of Menace Beach, the winner is greeted
tion values and poor coding, they bore titles like ing religious games. He was so excited with his idea. by a bikini-clad girlfriend, who in the conclusion
Captain Comic, Robodemons, and even Operation And he convinced us it’d be big.” of Sunday Funday is replaced by a more modestly
Secret Storm, an Iraq-set Gulf War tie-in featuring a Wisdom Tree did indeed prove to be a big attired Sunday school teacher. Sunday Funday also
cartoonish Saddam as the bad guy. Color Dreams’ moneymaker for Color Dreams, providing it with included a minigame sing-along set to a tune by
business model was made possible by its discovery some of its best-selling titles. The first Wisdom Christian pop vocal group 4Him. >
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No, it’s not the sequel to Cleric Mage
PUBLISHER: Bethesda Softworks DEVELOPER: Zombie Studios GENRE: Tactical Shooter RELEASE DATE: Fall 2007
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Founds Quantic Dream
studio and begins work
on Omikron.
Produces Omikron: The
Nomad Soul (simply
Nomad Soul in Europe) B2
for Eidos. David Bowie
voices a character and
composes songs for
the game’s soundtrack.
2005 C3
(also known
as Indigo
Prophecy) for
Reveals promo
(called “The
Casting”) for
forthcoming D4
Quantic Dream
release Heavy
GFW.1UP.COM • 51
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• Horse armor
is pretty, but it’s
useless for fast
travelers. And
see that Wizard’s
Tower? It’s all
yours—and the
view from the top
is spectacular.
reacted by releasing broader (and, frankly, cooler) Umaril, then sends you on a quest for the oh-so-
PREVIEW content plug-ins for roughly the same price, mak- tasty-sounding “Relics of the Crusader.” I’ll leave
ing amends for Mr. Ed’s Really Not-So-Amazing off there to save spoilers, but suffice to say, our
Quiz time: What do The Elder Scrolls IV: Technicolor Coat and, to date, raising the down- hands-on with this plug-in didn’t disappoint—it’s
Oblivion and Stephen Hawking’s A Brief loadable content tally to seven. Make that eight substantial, fully produced with voiceovers, and adds
History of Time have in common? Many owners, few with “Knights of the Nine” this November, a an estimated 10 hours of hunt-and-brawl (if you’re
completists. Getting through most (much less all) mega-plug-in you can download stand-alone for a up for more of that, anyway).
of Oblivion is one of those things they ought to sell few extra bucks or find on store shelves as part of As for the others, they’ve been out for several
T-shirts rounding up a matching set of leg- Bethesda’s “downloadable content collection,” which months at Horse
endary items in World of WarCraft—or, heck, climb- packages the whole lot for $20. Armor? Check. Spell-granting Spell Tomes? Check.
ing Mount Everest. For those with appetites like Compared to its smaller peers, “Knights of the An Orrery that tweaks your stats? Check. An under-
black holes, Bethesda has even more love in store Nine” (not “Knights of the White Stallion,” wherever ground crawl through one of Cyrodiil’s “deepest and
for the medieval province of Cyrodiil, but unlike that silly rumor came from) is a meaty 150MB quest most challenging dungeons”? Check. The coolest
Morrowind’s hefty add-ons, Oblivion’s first collection sporting a brand-new faction with its own character three are probably the Wizard’s Tower, Thieves Den,
turns out not to be a real expansion at all. sheet tag and ranks. It kicks off when you hear of and Vile Lair, which offer magical, stealth, and vam-
Remember the horse-armor brouhaha? Bethesda’s an attack on the Chapel of Dibella in Anvil, and a piric hideouts, respectively.
first plug-in for Oblivion cost $2 and amounted “mysterious” prophet preaching (and occasionally Worth 20 bucks? Probably, but we hope Bethesda
to a tiny 6.2MB download that basically pimped snoozing) nearby. Grill him, and he tells you about has at least one real expansion in them before they
your pony-ride. Fans were not impressed. Bethesda the latest Big Bad, an Ayleid sorceror-king named •
shift into full Fallout 3 mode. Matt Peckham
Start Gladstoned
Senior editor Darren Gladstone challenges you to “Beat the Geek”
4. Based upon a famous strategy text, this is
COLUMN one of the earliest—if not the first—RTS games.
Name it.
I know what you’re thinking: “Who the
hell is this Gladstone guy, and why does he 5. Who are the Two Guys from Andromeda, and
rank his own monthly magazine column?” Buddy, with which game are they associated?
I’m about to become your worst nerdly night-
mare. I started writing text adventures with a 6. The first game id Software created was...
Texas Instruments TI-99/4A back in 1981. I broke a. Dangerous Dave
up with my first girlfriend over the phone while b. Commander Keen
playing Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar. (I had my c. Doom
priorities straight even back then.) Think you got
the chops to take me on, punk? Prove it. I’ve
d. Wolfenstein 3D YOUR
assembled 10 questions spanning 25 glorious
years of computer games. Let’s do this!
7. What infamous full-motion videogame helped
spark the videogame violence congressional
1–3: Sorry, you
hearings in 1992?
have too much of a
1. Which classic Japanese shooter did Sierra a. Night Trap
life. You probably
On-Line introduce to the United States? b. Corpse Killer
actually talk to girls
a. Gradius c. A Fork in the Tale
in bars and stuff.
b. 1942 d. Phantasmagoria
c. Silpheed
4–5: Not bad…get
d. Turrican 8. Which IPs came first: Blizzard’s WarCraft and
your geek on.
StarCraft, or Games Workshop’s Warhammer
2. Both a 1997 graphic adventure game and 1999 and Warhammer 40,000 game series?
6–7: You have
Tome of Town Portal in the Horadric Cube; 10. A famed bard in the land of Ultima’s Britannia 10 or more: Friggin’ cheater! Using
Diablo, but there really is a secret cow level in Diablo II. You need to transmute Wirt’s Leg and a Wikipedia (or turning the page upside-
7. a; 8. Games Workshop’s Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000; 9. False. It was a rumor in the first down) doesn’t count.
4. The Ancient Art of War; 5. Mark Crowe and Scott Murphy, creators of the Space Quest series; 6. b;
Answers: 1. c; 2. The Curse of Monkey Island (Murray) and Planescape: Torment (Morte); 3. b;
Darren Gladstone
What most called “dorky,” senior edi-
ARE YOU READY TO MATCH WITS WITH tor Darren Gladstone called “career
training.” How’d you score? E-mail
A COMPUTER GAMING HALF-WIT? [email protected].
Start Jericho
• Pentagram-branded
biomechanical monsters,
compliments of Clive Barker.
PUBLISHER: Codemasters DEVELOPER: Mercury Steam GENRE: First-Person Shooter/Adventure RELEASE DATE: 2007
It’s the spring of 2003.
During an American bomb-
ing raid, lions escape from the
Murder on the Orient Express
Battleground Europe:
World War II Online
Bionicle Heroes
Matrix Games
Eidos Interactive
Charlotte’s Web Sega
Baghdad Zoo—true story. But
Deal or No Deal Take 2 Interactive
what do the animals make of
Eragon Vivendi Games
what’s happening? The graphic novel Pride of
EverQuest II: Echoes of Faydwer SOE
Baghdad tells the tale through their eyes.
The Fifth Disciple Cenega Publishing
Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising SOE
We’re still waiting for Test Drive
Unlimited to show up on the PC, but we
found a new use for the console game—a mini
6 “OUCH”?
Within the
first five minutes of the
French-wrought near-
Gothic 3
Great Invasions
Left Behind: Eternal Forces
LOTR: The Battle for Middle-earth
Aspyr Media
Strategy First
Left Behind Games
Electronic Arts
vacation. On rainy days, fire up the Xbox 360 II—The Rise of the Witch-king
game, and it’s like you’re living large in Oahu! future action flick District
Medieval II: Total War Sega
B13, you’ll see moves you
once thought were only Rayman Raving Rabbids Ubisoft
If you have tiny
hands and a burning urge
possible in the Prince of
Persia games.
Star Shatterer: Gathering Storm
Star Trek: Legacy
Warhammer: Mark of Chaos
World of WarCraft:
Tri Synergy
Namco Bandai
to play classic Atari games,
go to and
get this $15 game “system.”
It dangles on your keychain
7 Hey Hollywood, start
paying attention!
For all the lame comic book-
based movies you shovel out
The Burning Crusade
Call of Juarez
Monopoly Here and Now
Encore Software
when not plugged into a TV.
each year, this short Batman JANUARY 2007
Just don’t expect HD.
fan film from a couple years Alan Wake Microsoft
back still shows all you guys up. If you Anarchy Online: Lost Eden Funcom
Kit Whitfield’s
Benighted isn’t your usual were-
haven’t seen Batman: Dead End, head to right away.
Earache Extreme Metal Racing
Frontlines: Fuel of War
Heart of Empire: Rome
Sam Suede: Undercover Exposure
wolf book. It’s a thriller with
detective-noir flavor and some-
thing to say about…racism?
99 percent of the population is werewolves.
Lola Galley is a downtrodden “bareback” who
8 Never heard of crack
(or maybe we should
say “on crack”) Kazakh docu-
mentarian Borat? Brit comic
Storm of War: Battle of Britain
Supreme Commander
Surrender? “Nuts!”
Vanguard: Saga of Heroes SOE
tends to strays during full moons. Sacha Baron Cohen travels War Front: Turning Point CDV Software
across America in character,
spouting politically incorrect comments to real
If id’s John
Carmack can build a real-
world rocket when he isn’t
people, catching everything on camera. You
need to see the awkwardly titled flick Borat:
Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit
Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.
Age of Conan:
Hyborian Adventures
Command & Conquer 3:
Tiberium Wars
Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts
Dead Reefs DreamCatcher
helping with Enemy Territory:
Quake Wars, why can’t you?’s hydrogen-
propelled rocket ($40) blasts
200 feet into the air using
a combination of citric
9 Use a public PC, and some fool will
wind up with your PIN and embar-
rassing list of movie rentals. The Memorex
TravelDrive U3 ($25, is
Genesis Rising:
The Universal Crusade
L.A. Street Racer
Groove Games
acid and water. Too bad an encrypted flash drive and antivirus/anti- The Lord of the Rings Online: Midway
spyware security suite that travels with you. Shadows of Angmar
cars can’t run on it.
Maelstrom Codemasters
Patriot National Guard DreamCatcher
GFW.1UP.COM • 69
Visit for more
• Blue is beautiful.
is for Dragon Age. [Back then], we were still working on the Aurora-engine
level—NWN, KOTOR, and even Jade Empire were part of that technology
chain—and realized that it wasn’t gonna cut it. So we went back to the
drawing board and started working on the brand-new engine, the Eclipse
engine that’s gonna be in Dragon Age.”
While BioWare is loath to spoil the specifics of its world or characters,
they’re open about their influences—we hear George R. R. Martin’s A
Song of Ice and Fire series spill from more than one pair of lips, and the art
direction takes a note from Frank Frazetta’s Conan paintings. Folks utter the
word “dark” at least four dozen times; “mature,” “realistic,” and “sophisti-
cated” aren’t far behind.
“‘Dark heroic fantasy’ really captures what the world is all about,” echoes
Large-scale combat is also on the top of Greig’s mind—no surprise for a Greig. “The grittiness, the horror elements, blood, dirt—it’s going to be a
game where here, one naturally assumes, there be dragons. “Remember the lot darker than anything we’ve done in the past. We still wanted to capture
cave troll fight in The Fellowship of the Ring? That’s what our large creature the high fantasy elements. There are heroes, villains, obviously dragons—it’s
combat is going to be like. You’ve got the party guys running out, one guy called Dragon Age, after all—but it’s more than just your standard ‘take
jumping up on the back and stabbing, the other guy ducking between fantasy elements and toss them together’ game. We wanted to make a liv-
the legs.” Objects in the environment can be manipulated in your bid for ing, breathing world that actually had a realistic feel to it. If people actually
tactical supremacy: Knock over a table to fire arrows or shoot fireballs from had magic, how would they react to it? If someone could walk into a room
behind cover, but only where it makes sense—emergence be damned, in and point a finger and turn you into a fireball, this isn’t something anyone
BioWare’s reckoning. “There will be a lot of ways of going through combat, would take casually. If this were history, and we had these situations with
and lots of different ways to interact with the environment…but our phi- magic and monsters and creatures, how would this work out?” Even the
losophy is that handcrafted is always better than random stuff.” name of the game is meant to ground the fantasy in history—this is the
Dragon Age, meant to stand in a line tucked amidst the Bronze Age, Steel
DRAGON YEAR ZERO Age, and Industrial Age. >
Step back in time to E3, 2004 AD, when BioWare teased PC RPG fandom
with a brief glimpse of Dragon Age for the first (and for the past two-plus •system,”
“There’s a world map travel
says Greig, “You’re in
years, only) time. “That,” explains Greig, “was our proof-of-concept test. We
a huge world. But within an area,
had just finished Neverwinter Nights and were thinking we needed to do we’re trying to minimize things
something that’s gonna be Baldur’s Gate, only next-generation—with all that take you out of the game,
the in-depth story stuff, all the characters, only much more cinematic and like load screens.”
visceral. We had the idea to put together the exploration view of Knights
of the Old Republic and capture the party-based action-packed combat of
Baldur’s Gate, only in 3D and advanced, so [that demo] was really a test to
put that together…we knew it was early, but we wanted to make sure fans
knew we were working on PC games, too. We’d just done KOTOR, Jade
Empire was coming out, we knew Mass Effect was about to be announced
[all for the Xbox or Xbox 360], and we just wanted to reassure our PC fans
we hadn’t forgotten them.”
A lot has happened since then. “We’ve spent the last two to three years
just having artists and writers put together what the world is, what the story
• You run around in a behind-the-shoulder “Explore Mode.” When you fight, you
switch to an overhead “tactical” perspective (with the option to opt out, of course).
GFW.1UP.COM • 71
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As in any BioWare game, characters—and moral choices—tower over stories.” Rather than just offer multiple endings, Dragon Age offers multiple
everything, though Greig says it isn’t as simple as light-side points and beginnings, too.
dark-side points, open palm and closed fist. “Yes, you’re the hero, or the an- “Say, for example, you want to be a dwarf—you’ll have different choices
tihero, depending on how you play, but it’s going to be a lot more organic. for what kind of setting in the dwarf environment you start in. So if you
You basically have to save the world, but what the world is like when you’re pick dwarf noble, then you’re part of the royal family in one of the dwarven
done—that’s totally up to you and the choices you make throughout the cities, and that’s where we start you off. And you spend the first hour or
game. You’re literally going to decide the fate of nations, who’s becoming two of the game interacting with that world. You get to learn all about the
king, what nations are actually around after…what races are around. You’re dwarves and the plots that are going on, and major things happen to you
going to have to make some hard choices in the game, but we want all the personally. We also introduce at that point a nemesis for you—not the main
choices to be clear. The player’s gonna know if he does this, there’s a really villain in the game, but someone who’s going to be dogging your footsteps
horrific consequence. Decisions are gonna be hard…and sort of shocking.” throughout Dragon Age, and eventually you’ll have to come face-to-face
But before you get to the who lives and who dies, one of the first deci- and deal with him. Your nemesis will be different depending on your origin.
sions you need to make is just what kind of character you want to play— “One of the other options is a dwarf commoner—pick that, and you start
and Dragon Age wants to make sure that, whatever your preferred poison, off working the sort of dwarf underclass. The nobles have their honor, but
it’s got you covered. “We use a class-based system that has levels—we’re you start off down in the gritty and real dwarf environment, and you have
staying that close to our D&D roots. You start off with three basic classes, to struggle through the street stuff…you have to work to forge your place
the wizard, fighter, and rogue, just to get you started. Very quickly, you in the underworld of dwarf society. And it’s a completely different story—
get access to advanced classes, and even within those classes you get to you’ll run into some of the same characters [that] you would as the dwarf
customize abilities, stats, and talents—you buy points, build it up, and after noble, but they’ll treat you and react to you differently.”
a short while you’ll be able to pick even more advanced classes. If you want Once you’ve played through your chosen origin, world events intersect,
to have a fighter-type character with magic-like abilities, there’ll be a route and you’ll find yourself pulled into the same plot as all the rest—with
Dragon Age’s real-time tactical combat
directly from Baldur’s Gate.
Queue up commands for your party of
four (for now), and pause the action
whenever you need to be pensive.
you can take for that. If you want to be a barbarian berserker, you can do different twists and side quests based on your roots. “If you go back into
that, too…there’s a route for everyone so players can build their character the dwarf city, depending on whether you were a dwarf noble or a dwarf
the way they want. There’s a stupid number of class abilities and special commoner or an elf or human from one of the other stories, the NPCs will
abilities…I think it’s more than in any other BioWare game.” completely react to you differently with different subplots and different
stories that open up for you.”
THE WRITERS’ RIDDLE “We’ve basically covered all the major fantasy archetypes,” says Greig.
While character customization is grand, it poses a conundrum for writers “Each race has a classic, traditional origin story, and then we’ve got one
striving to build a better, stronger character-driven narrative: How do you that’s a lot more edgy. We’re finding in testing that the unusual ones are
write a story appropriate for both a beer-swigging, meat-inhaling dwarven the ones that people like the most.”
soldier and a holier-than-thou high elf—without resorting to prison cells,
amnesia, or fresh-from-the-boat strangers in a strange land? “We’ve WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE
watched how people play our games,” Greig says, “and found there are a Behind every good hero stands his chums—and BioWare RPGs are nothing
few common archetypes people like to play. They’ll always play the same without followers. “Every character will have access to the full set of NPCs,”
character in different settings—if you’re the ‘elf archer guy,’ you play that says Greig. “They’ll treat you differently depending on the origin story, and
kind of character in every game. So we looked at the common archetypes when you get them is dependent on origin story too.” Characters follow
and said, ‘OK, we’re going to let you play your character in the world, and behind you in Explore Mode, and BioWare is strongly pushing the idea of
it’s going to make sense. So one of the big things we’re doing is origin party banter. Greig compares it to Saving Private Ryan: “There’s a part [in
• Customization is king, even for NPCs. “In sci-fi,” says Greig, “you can put a stormtrooper
helmet on everyone and it looks great. In fantasy, you need uniqueness to pull it off.”
SPR] when they’re just walking though the area not doing anything, but covered “dwarven war golem” named Shale. “This is one of the NPCs that
the banter going on really brings them to life. We’re trying to capture that.” joins you…. The dwarves used to make these guys for their wars, but the
As for A.I., “It’s not just me and three meat Popsicles,” Greig continues. art of creating them has been lost. But you run into one of these guys and
“These are living, breathing characters…all the NPCs that join you have he gets to join up with the party—and as the prime mover of the world,
different agendas. If you say, ‘I’ll side with this faction,’ that’ll obviously you have influence over how this guy turns out. You can explore his past
please some of your party members, but others will say, ‘I can’t believe and get into the details to make him a living, breathing person—as far as
you just did that.’” Morally driven banter is one thing (party members dwarven war golems go—or you can turn him into a blind follower who’ll
in Knights of the Old Republic would often chide you for your dark-side basically kill at your every whim.” A Dragon Age analogue to Knights of the
decisions while blindly following your innocent-slaughtering orders) but Old Republic’s space-age HK-47, it seems. “You’ll also be able to upgrade
morally driven behavior is another—and Greig hints that NPCs might even him—carve new dwarven runes into him to gain new powers. You’ll be able
go so far as refuse to fight if they feel you’re way out of line. to customize every one of the party members in some way.”
NPC management is similar to that of KOTOR 2; every major area you Down the hall, Greig shows off a “visual fidelity” test—an impressive
enter has a “base camp” with activities that change depending on location, blue-tinged torture chamber where stained glass windows pour colored
and selecting the appropriate NPC for the location will be important. light on the wall and sunlight flickers on the floor in distorted waves.
“When you go into the city, it’s probably not the best idea to bring the 9- “The art philosophy is ‘fantasy painting come to life,’” says Greig, invoking
foot-tall war golem with you,” says Greig, pointing to a character modeler’s Frazetta once again. “It’s dark. It’s gritty…it’s all about dirt and texture
monitor where a large rock creature is on display—an imposing, rune- detail.” Over by the in-game wall, he points out “the best barrels you’ll >
GFW.1UP.COM • 73
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BioWare tends to roll 20s. “We’ve had the opportunity to work with some
of the best licenses, IPs, and world settings,” says Greig. “We worked with
D&D, Star Wars…and those have been great. The license holders have been
good about letting us create stuff in their worlds. But no matter what you
do, someone else actually owns it, and you have to respect their wishes and
desires. And we’d come up with killer ideas that just didn’t fit into those
world settings. If you’re building your own, it gives you a chance to explore
those themes.
“There’s been a great tradition of D&D; a lot of our fans grew up playing
it, [and] we’ve grown up using it, but we wanted to do something more
in line with a modern audience…like the old Battlestar Galactica series
compared to the new one—how they’ve taken the same themes, characters,
setting, and brought it to modern sensibilities.”
For Greig, that’s something worth bleeding for. •
Dragon Age
The RX
Ray Muzyka: The PC community has always Mass Effect—releasing first for the Xbox or
INTERVIEW been very important to us. The PC is one of our 360, did the PC community give you any flak?
favorite platforms and we’re going to continue RM: Not really. I think people know and trust
Dr. Raymond Muzyka and Dr. Gregory making games for it as long as there are PCs to that BioWare is going to continue to support Win-
Zeschuk have an alphabet of letters following play them. As for making a fantasy RPG, many dows. And we are. In the case of Jade Empire we’re
their names (BMSc, CCFP, MBA, and of course, MD) folks in the community have wanted to see us actually adding content to it, making it better and
and no less than three titles each for both BioWare make another epic fantasy game…. learning from what we did on the Xbox. We’re
and BioWare/Pandemic. By all rights, the good Greg Zeschuk: Dark heroic fantasy we’re calling balancing the combat, making numerous tweaks
doctors could have big cars and cavernous corner it. We’re pulling together the best of the fantasy and, of course, improving the graphics. Players get
offices with the attitudes to match. But they don’t. genre that we’ve seen in the past 10 years. There an experience improved from the original game.
They are the creators of some of the most memo- are always the classics, but The Lord of the Rings GFW: What do you perceive as the differ-
rable role-playing games of all time, and yet they movies, visually and story-wise, tell us a lot, and we
ence between a console RPG and a PC one?
slip on ID lanyards and wedge into shared offices think George R.R. Martin’s books show that it’s not RM: We look for the best in breed for all plat-
just like everyone else. To the BioWare employees, just for kids—that there can be serious and mature forms. We see exciting things on console that you
they are just “Ray and Greg.” How do they feel stories as well. I think that the fantasy genre hascan bring to PC and vice versa. From our perspec-
about returning to the PC to make a Windows- just become “cool” again—not that we ever left it. tive, a great game is a great game. We have a few
only RPG? GFW: You were still making mods for Never- pillars that need to be in every BioWare game in
GFW: Dragon Age is your first Dungeons winter Nights…. order for it to be successful. It’s gotta have great
& Dragons–ish fantasy IP without the D&D GZ: Yep, and we had Dragon Age in our road story and characters, great exploration, progres-
license. How does it feel going back to that af- map for quite a while. sion, customization, conflict, and tie all those
ter all these years—and going back to making GFW: With your past few games—Knights things together. The methods employed may differ
a PC-specific game, for that matter? of the Old Republic, Jade Empire, and now between platforms, but in many ways, the best
games on both platforms
“WE THINK THAT GEORGE R. R. MARTIN’S BOOKS are very similar. A lot of it
is the interface and how
SHOW THAT IT’S NOT JUST FOR KIDS. THE FANTASY the player is interacting
GENRE HAS JUST BECOME ‘COOL’ AGAIN.” with the game—whether
sitting on the couch or
—GREG ZESCHUK, COFOUNDER, BIOWARE leaning forward in front
BioWare Austin tries to put the RPG
back in MMORPG
In March, BioWare announced its new Austin
studio was working on a massively multi-
player role-playing game. Details are still top
secret—but the team was willing to sit down
with us and talk philosophy.
On BioWare: “We want to bring what
BioWare’s famous for to the online space. And
BioWare is famous for its storytelling.”—James
Ohlen, creative director
On impacting the world: “You can’t have
a story that involves saving the world from
the dark lord Sauron—not that we’re making
a LOTR game—but you can do a lot of things
that are personal to your character.”—JO
On quests: “We don’t want NPC Pez dis-
pensers. We want to make sure you listen to
NPCs, because choices matter.”—Rich Vogel,
co-studio director
On repetition: “The grind is not attractive.
Killing the same dragon over and over again
is not something I want to do. Putting more
weight on storytelling experience points is
a good way to fix that. Make sure your story
is good, the presentation is exciting, and the
player has motivation to move forward in his
personal story.”—JO
for RPGs
BioWare’s founders find the cure for the common role-playing game On classes: “It’s important to have roles. If
you understand your role in the world, and
others understand your role, you get group
dynamics and social behavior.” —RV
On the endgame: “We don’t want play-
ers to be stuck grinding through the same
content over and over again. I know when I
hit level 60 in WOW, I pretty much quit. So
whatever endgame model we have, it’s not
of a keyboard—but the emotions we want the Nights we learned how to do modules and postre- going to be that.”—JO
player to feel are the same. lease content. With Jade Empire we learned how On World of WarCraft: “We’re not looking
GZ: We want to drive the depth of our games to combine everything into a polished experience to kill WOW. It’s not a zero-sum game out
more in both emotion and customization. When and now we’re exploring how to take that polished there.”—Gordon Walton, co-studio director
we look back at what we did, Dragon Age is very experience and add more breadth to it—exactly On player-created content: “If we’re go-
much the spiritual successor to the Baldur’s Gate what we’re hoping to do with Dragon Age. ing to create immersive, epic stories that are
series with a dash of Neverwinter Nights tossed in. GFW: Does that mean Dragon Age will use believable, that really goes against having a
It wasn’t hard to get started, but man, you could modules and be open for fan-made content? simulation-type world. Those two things don’t
go deep in those games. I think that’s what we GZ: We’re still nailing down the exact details of go together well.”—JO
try to capture on a variety of platforms, no matter how that is going to work, but there’s definitely On writing: “We want to create more story
what we’re making. going to be some kind of customization. You content than in any other BioWare game be-
RM: You’ve got to appeal to different audiences make these tools where thousands of people fore. The world is huge and has tons of paths.
on both platforms. Some want an easier, more make modules, but at the end of the day, the We started a writing team earlier than in any
accessible experience, maybe play a half an hour number of modules that are actually good is pretty other BioWare project; we’re going to have
a night, while others will think nothing of sitting finite. What you want to do is find a nice balance nine writers total.”—JO
down for 100 hours to really explore. Regardless between making tools that some folks use, but not On when: “Anything worth doing well is
of the system, we have to appeal to different types [making] an everyman’s tool. That said, that part is worth taking the time. Everyone who’s tried to
of players and make everyone feel like they are still being worked out. cram [an MMO] into a ship date has had issues.
getting their money’s worth. That’s their choice. RM: We’re definitely committed to the idea of Been there and done that a couple times.”—GW
It’s their game. For the hardcore BioWare game postrelease content, though. We want to continue On long-term goals: “I just want to be on
players, there is always going to be a deep, rich to support our fans online and provide an ongoing South Park.”—RV
story and a huge open world to explore. We’re go- experience for all our games.
ing to continue to push emergent behavior, party GFW: You said that one of your pillars of it all. The customization is core to how we design
combat, and customization in new ways. And we’re gameplay is customization. How is that evolv- our characters—and not just the player character,
always going to try and learn from things that ing with Dragon Age and beyond? but the NPCs as well. Dragon Age is a party-based
work—and don’t work as well. GZ: With every new game, another wave of game, after all. It’s not just you. How you choose to
GFW: Such as? technology happens. What we sat down and use them is part of the fun.
RM: We want to add even more depth for longer thought about with Dragon Age is the fun of GFW: What are you doing to explore karma
games that can inspire players. With Neverwinter mixing and matching your armor. Y’know, seeing this time—”light-” and “dark-side” choices? >
GFW.1UP.COM • 77
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Above: BioWare
Zeschuk. Right: A
Dragon Age ugly.
Below: The Dragon
Age team gets ready
for battle. Or work.
RM: We droid sidekick from Star Wars: Knights of the Old games we want the players to dig and see the
developed that really Republic] is another one of my favorites. deep world that exists. We’ve spent a couple of
well in some of our past games, but GZ: Yeah, I’d like to see a platformer with HK-47 years creating this world for Dragon Age. We
we’re now trying to take that to an even higher [Holds up hands, mimicking a robot jumping, brought in a linguist to create languages used in
level. The personal choices you make need to points and says in a monotone voice], “Take that, this world, even though you only see them for
have momentous impact in the overall world. meatbag.” small periods. If you make everything consistent
One of themes we’re using in Dragon Age is that RM: [Laughs] What’s fun is seeing players and true, the player feels it.
“History is written in blood.” Your choices really explore the rich world that we created. Jade Empire GZ: When we started on Jade Empire, we created
make a big difference in how the world unfolds. has this story and the more time you spend with this hardcover sourcebook for everything. We had
Who you bring with you will be a different NPCs, the more you learn about them and the this huge thing detailing every bit of the world
experience on the micro level in battle and also world. You can get extra quests and other things and only used a small slice for the game.
the game’s outcome. get unlocked as a result. RM: If you can have any game with that layer of
GFW: As long as we can bring along some- GZ: In Jade Empire, my favorite character is detail and you just keep going down more levels,
one like Minsc [from Baldur’s Gate]. the Bunmaster. You really can’t go wrong with it’s awesome. It’s a living, breathing world. That’s
GZ: [Laughs] A different universe, but maybe him. Henpecked Hou is another. He was hilarious. what we try to create.
one day. That’s actually one of the fun things of There’s this interesting story if you pursue any GZ: With Dragon Age, we prototyped the story
doing these games. Each time we go out and make of these guys. Everyone has favorites, though. first. We actually had done a lot of the story even
a new set of characters and you never know who is Apparently, Carth [of Star Wars: Knights of the Old before focusing on the game. Too many games
going to catch on. Republic] was a hit with the female gamers. There’s have a technology, build a couple levels, and then
GFW: You’ve created an interesting roster a lot of fan fiction dedicated to him. say, “Hey, let’s make a story that fits here.” For us,
of characters over the years. Who are some of GFW: Uh-oh. But you build enough detailed we do it the other way around.
your favorites? backgrounds so that people can do that. RM: Our artists do concepting while our writ-
RM: Minsc is one. Minsc and his pet miniature RM: Let’s just say we’ve got great writers here ers use one of our older engines to build up the
giant space hamster, Boo. HK-47 [the homicidal and that is one of our core focuses. With our game story, and then it all comes together.
BioWare’s Xbox action-RPG finds inner PC
GFW: Surely there’s a lot of story tweaking like it’s fantasy, but it can also be real. Like our still thinking about it. That is one of the amazing
after that initial part as well? other games, we’re trying to build a bond between things about games that trumps all other forms of
RM: Continually. We spend a lot of time on the players and the world. entertainment—it’s experiential. When you make
final polish. Our people are so passionate about GZ: It’s like the follower stories in Jade Empire. a choice and an emotionally charged event occurs,
making a great game and everyone here spends Many people never found them, but it’s really you’re a part of it. That’s what we’re going for in
a lot of time caring about that quality. Even worth it because these are some of the best parts our games. You do something selfless and sacrifice
beyond the prototyping and design phases, even of Jade Empire. If you spend the time to talk to yourself or do something dastardly and watch
when we’re pretty much done, we spend extra people, you unlock completely new areas. We want what results from your actions. I still remember
time tweaking things to try and take games from you to believe that the world is real, that the NPCs feeling a little strange the first time I did some-
“good” to “great.” are real people you can connect with. thing dark in KOTOR.
GZ: When it comes to world building, there GFW: When it comes to emotion, why do so GFW: You’re experimenting with a new
aren’t that many people left doing that level of many other developers rely on only fear? dialogue system for the upcoming Xbox 360
craft. The way that the industry has gone with RM: In many games, that’s all there is—the fear. game Mass Effect. Is that going to carry over
licensing IPs, it’s something that the developers get We always strive for all the other emotions that into other games as well?
free with the license. create powerful ties between the player and the RM: We always try to take what works in one
RM: Really, that’s what a license is all about, game. I think it’s incredibly important to be able game and implement it in others. We actually have
permission to use a rich body of work that people to make an emotional attachment with charac- a low turnover rate here. There are a lot of shared
already know. ters—whether it’s in a movie, book, or game. The ideas and technologies on projects. It’s a fertile
GFW: A lot of your success stems from best games are the ones that send a chill down cross-pollination between all the projects, so if it
licenses—D&D and Star Wars. Now, you’re your spine. turns out that the conversation system in Mass
off creating your own world…. GFW: KOTOR was a poster child for that. Effect really resonates with the fans, we will carry
GZ: We’re having a lot of fun building the world RM: Exactly. Those 30 seconds at the end of it forward.
of Dragon Age, but we also want to go in a differ- the game—even though I knew what was com- GZ: Jade Empire and KOTOR set the stage for
ent direction. One of the earliest discussions we ing—sent a chill down my spine. We knew we had that with digital actors and cinematic storytelling,
had was, “What kind of world do we want?” That’s created something special. That’s the moment you but you can always trace it back further. Back in
where this darker fantasy is coming from. remember later. Baldur’s Gate we had pixelated characters and a
RM: It’s a fusion of common themes. You’re a GZ: There are certain things you remember even whole two lines of voiceover. That was crazy stuff
knight in shining armor, a darker knight, but you 10 years later. I was just at Microsoft’s X06 event back then. Technology has come a long way. We
can continually feel this sinister element in the and I was talking to someone about Baldur’s Gate can put so much up on the screen now with full
background. There’s tension, something oppres- II. “I couldn’t believe it when Yoshimo betrayed voiceover, music, and high-resolution graphics,
sive, but an aspiration to rise above it. A feeling me,” he said. That’s a few years ago, but he was and we can cue up these powerful moments >
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Knights of the Old Republic Online
Star Wars Galaxies doesn’t seem long for this uni-
WE MISS THE verse. BioWare’s an obvious choice to try it next. It
almost makes too much sense.
HAS CHANGED Jade Empire Everywhere
Everybody loves a good kung fu game. Jade Empire
FOR THE BETTER.” was a hit on the Xbox, and there’s still a ton of rich
backstory left unexplored. Could be.
World of SomeOriginalFantasyThing
where we can affect the player in a very personal has come since you were on the cover of Cigar BioWare’s big on doing their own thing these days
and emotional way. We see that possibility on Aficionado? (“original IPs,” they call ’em), but World of WarCraft
is the big dog. You don’t pick fights with a big dog.
the horizon and getting closer with every game GZ: Well, we miss the naïveté, but the industry
we make. has changed for the better. It’s now something
RM: It’s funny. One of moments I remember viv-
idly from playing games was back in Wizardry. You
impactful and important. When we started, it was
still this very nascent thing, but it’s fun.
Massively Effected
go down to the bottom of the dungeon and find GFW: Now, after allying with Pandemic and The Xbox 360 game Mass Effect is getting a ton of
Werdna. You’d hear these three beeps. That was Elevation Partners, you’re an independent buzz. Battlestar Galactica means sci-fi is hot, and the
holy word “trilogy” hath been spoken…but nobody
it, just three beeps to let you know he was close. I über-developer. How does that feel? takes chances on the new kid (or in this case, new IP)
still get creeped out when I think of that. It was a RM: Pandemic is a great studio, and we share these days.
powerful moment for a 10-year-old. the same values. They focus on more action-
GZ: You know, we have this arcade machine heavy open-world games while we are obviously
loaded up with all our old games on it. You big on roleplaying and story. We can learn a lot 10,000:1
can actually play Baldur’s Gate with a trackball. from each other. Gastroenterology Patient Simulator Online
Dream on, doc! Good luck getting permission
It’s interesting to see this cross section of all GZ: It’s a positive thing for us and, for a large from cocreator Augustine Yip to resurrect this
the games and you start seeing some of those part, the industry. It shows one of the potential pre–Shattered Steel franchise. Scary thought, the
storytelling traces. routes you can go as a development studio. It’s idea of a massively multiplayer surgery.
RM: You just need a stool after a while. also great to have incredibly smart people to talk
GFW: That’s probably not a very lucrative to and we’re excited to see those first few joint
arcade. Unless you charge a quarter for every games come out as partners. GFW: And [U2 front man] Bono? He’s a
time you want to save. Still, looking back at all RM: It’s great to have a boss and mentors [at partner in Elevation. Is he a gamer as well?
those games you’ve done… Elevation] that know the business, and great being GZ: He is, actually, and he has good comments
GZ: Yeah, we were pretty naïve in the begin- able to turn to Pandemic when we’re stuck to see for us on games.
ning. Around 1996, before anyone knew us, we how they deal with [problems]—and vice versa. GFW: Huh. So he’s hands-on, then?
started making these fake magazine covers with RM: For sure. He’s an active partner in Elevation
our game and us on it. We’d send them out to •Anatomy lessons and
and takes part in all the meetings. Really, really
character modeling at
editors for PR…. BioWare’s Edmonton studio. smart. All six partners are incredibly smart. They’re
RM: One of the the kind of people that if you spend any time with
Opinions you can trust
Sam & Max: Company DEFCON
Culture Shock of Heroes Time for some Global
Adventure gaming’s Real-time strategy Thermonuclear War!
comic duo returns! game of the year?
86 90 98
• Our favorite crime-solving
bunny and puppy come home Thirteen-plus years of formalized educa-
in Sam & Max: Culture Shock.
tion tell us that a “C”—an average mark,
by all accounts—translates to 70 percent…while
anything sub-60 percent guarantees a big fat “F.”
Somewhere along the way, we ironically forgot
that, according to basic math, the number
smack dab in between 0 and 100 is 50.
And unfortunately, we apply our distorted
logic to a lot of other numbers—including
review scores.
The problem with most scoring scales’
implementations is that 90 percent of games
wind up in the 7-to-9 range, with 7 signifying
the average and everything below it acting as a
poorly defined nebula for awful games. At GFW,
we do not reward bad games with good scores.
We mean what we say on that score key down
there—5’s the average, and you can trust that
anything higher is a game worth playing.
Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, allow
me to welcome you to GFW ’s Reviews section—get
ready for the definitive word on some of the big-
gest releases leading up to this year’s holiday sea-
son, from the industry’s most authoritative game
critics. And try not to get too upset about those
“low” scores, OK? Ryan Scott, Reviews Editor
GFW uses a 10-point scoring scale to inform
you, at a glance, whether or not a game is
worth your hard-earned money. We strictly
enforce a score of 5 as the median, meaning
that any game receiving a score of 6+ is
above-average—and certainly worth your
time, at least to some extent. Here’s how
the numbers break down:
Choice award
Any game scoring a
9 or higher receives a
EDITORS’ GFW Editors’ Choice
CHOICE award, signifying
Games the very best in
TM for Windows ®
GFW.1UP.COM • 85
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• Once you learn how the
logic of Sam and Max’s
world works, none of the
puzzles are all that tough.
PUBLISHER: Telltale Games/GameTap DEVELOPER: Telltale Games GENRE: Adventure AVAILABILITY: E-tail
•Holy jumping mother o’ god in a side- ( or ESRB RATING: Not Rated MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 800MHz CPU,
car with chocolate jimmies and a lobster 256MB RAM, 230MB hard drive space MULTIPLAYER: None VERSION REVIEWED: Gold Master
bib! What horrors await Sam and Max in
this sinister-looking abode?
The whole thing takes about four hours to play,
In some circles, the clamoring for a sec- with only five or six small locations to explore
ond Sam & Max game began about a day and a handful of simple puzzles to solve. None
after the first Sam & Max game hit store shelves. of this will win over anyone who doesn’t already
Thirteen years and a few abortive stabs later, the like adventure games, though. Too much of Cul-
classic LucasArts adventure game finally gets ture Shock boils down to clicking on one object
its sequel. Several sequels, actually. Sam & Max or dialogue choice after another and chuckling
Episode 1: Culture Shock is just the first in a pro- at whatever smartass thing Sam or Max says.
jected series of short adventure game “episodes” Each little cartoon snippet you unlock is fun,
available for download at and but eventually you find yourself asking why you
developer Telltale Games’ own site. have to do so much work for them—it’s like
How exciting you’ll find this new model watching a cartoon on a DVD player powered
depends largely on your appetite for adventure by a hand crank.
games: If you can’t stand them, you won’t like Matters would be better if the writers had
a short one a whole lot more than a long one. put a little more effort into ensuring that
If you love them, you may find yourself feeling you wouldn’t have to hear certain lines over
underfed when you crave a meal and are only and over. They could also have improved the
served an amuse-bouche. But for those of you mechanics of the game: The cursor moves
in the middle, the bite-size-installment approach sluggishly, making a few timing-based puzzles
might be just right. particularly annoying, and the characters some-
times inexplicably walk to places other than
The story, such as it is, involves the crime-fighting But if you’re willing to put up with all that,
duo of Sam and Max (Sam’s the dog, Max is the hy- you’ll find some real pleasures here: the sight
peractive rabbit) investigating a rash of vandalism gags tucked away in the corners of the screen;
committed by three former child TV stars. These some bits of wordplay worthy of Abbott and
• Weird stuff aplenty resides in the duo’s office. kids—Peepers, Whizzer, and Specs—turn out to Costello; the Brooklyn inflections David Nowlin
be under the control of another former child star, (Sam) and Andrew Chaikin (Max) bring to their
Brady Culture, who hypnotized them through his roles (Sam sounds like Don Adams from Get
line of exercise videos. You have to break them free Smart! and Max sounds like Billy Crystal from
of his spell with the help of a paranoid convenience Monsters, Inc.). Yes, too many of the jokes fall
store owner and a psychotherapist who operates flat…and yes, you’ll be tempted to give up on the
out of a tattoo parlor. game the tenth time you try to shoot out a van’s
The plot’s just a thin excuse for the jokes, of tires with an unresponsive mouse or the 20th
course—which come in a nonstop rat-a-tat time you hear screechy-voiced Whizzer yammer-
stream of uneven style and quality, with lots ing on about “Brady Culture’s Eye-Bo videos,”
of bad puns, goofy non sequiturs, sarcastic but what the hell—we don’t expect TV shows to
one-liners, and put-downs (“Your ideas are ef- hit their stride by the end of the pilot. The Sam
fervescent pustules, Max”). The game features & Max developers apparently have a full season
some amiable satire, albeit of a sort so toothless in store for us—who knows, maybe they’ll figure
it makes MAD Magazine look like Jonathan out how to pull a hit out of material that, for
Swift. A reasonable fraction of the gags made •
now, is a bit hit-or-miss. Charles Ardai
me smile, but I only actually laughed a few times.
The writers clearly were aiming for something VERDICT
as anarchic and witty as The Simpsons or the
movie Airplane!…but their spaghetti-against-the-
wall approach only sporadically achieves those
Welcome return of the
sarcastic duo of gaming leg-
end; a few good puzzles.
7 10
rarefied heights. On the other hand, aside from GOOD
This time around, it’s
some regrettable bladder-control jokes, it also Games
more a cartoon you watch
rarely sinks to the level of the latest CGI talking- for Windows ®
GFW.1UP.COM • 87
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combinations of mage
stones grant your
armor special shields
and your weapons
special attack
PUBLISHER: Namco Bandai DEVELOPER: InterServ GENRE: Action-RPG AVAILABILITY: Retail Box, E-tail ( ESRB RATING: Teen
more—especially given Mage Knight’s rather hard- can only bind certain skill keys to one particular
REVIEW core heritage as a HeroClix-style miniatures game? half of the hot bar; in order to unlock a new skill in
a tree you need to “level up” the skill immediately
It’d be easy to dismiss Mage Knight: ARTIFICIAL STUPIDITY preceding it, which often means totally ditching
Apocalypse as just another Diablo clone— But grand questions of game philosophy are moot an old-but-useful skill for a new-but-lame skill
that’s game-review shorthand for “action-role- when a game doesn’t even do WOW all that well. simply because the former no longer yields XP. The
playing game with five characters, three branching You start off solo, choosing from one of five char- interface is full of more unsettling quirks: You can’t
skill trees, and lots of loot with names like ‘Demon- acters—a magey dragon, hot-lady necromantic slide your inventory sack (obnoxiously stuffed full
Spackled Faceplate of the Earthen Agility Ox’”—but assassin vampire, and so on—though the four every five minutes) around the screen. If you set
it owes just as much to MMORPGs as it does that fine folks you didn’t choose eventually join you the minimap to rotate based on which way you’re
click-and-slash archetype. Concepts of crowd con- as A.I. allies when you reach their hometown to facing, the map spins, but not the N-S-W-E com-
trol and “aggro” management play big roles here, take on the native nemesis for the local MacGuffin pass marks—yes, the options menu grants you the
and most encounters come in what MMOers so in Mage Knight’s 98-percent-linear story. (Side power to shift the world’s magnetic poles.
eloquently call “pulls”—fear the orc, confuse the quests? What’re those?). The allied NPC A.I. is sad; Item customization is a saving grace, as you
minotaur, off-tank the ice monster. To drive the animate a corpse to play off-tank, and half the can BeDazzle nearly every weapon or piece
point home, quest-bearing NPCs have big golden time it just stands there like, well…a corpse. of armor with colorful stat-shifting mage
exclamation points floating over their heads. Character development works on the “as you go” stones—fun stuff—and the graphics feature
OK, fine—so it’s Guild Wars or World of WarCraft system, so if you find yourself pressing the fireball neat spell effects and lots of lovely costume
or whatever for introverts…but aren’t MMO-style key a lot, your skills will naturally improve faster in changes. The game’s really frakkin’ easy (death’s
play mechanics more a function of socialization areas friendly to the art of fireball-throwing. The merciful, and money’s everywhere), so replay
and network constraints than superior game skill trees contain some fun stuff, but the hang-up comes in the form of online multiplayer, where
design? Shouldn’t positioning and timing matter comes in the hotkeys—for reasons unknown, you you can bring your character into any chapter
or mission of the game to relive your greatest
critical hits with some friends. But really, if you
get to that point—why not just play Guild Wars
instead? Sean Molloy
More to battles than just
mindless button mashing;
lots of custom item options.
5 10
Kludgy hotkeys; feeble
allied A.I.; extremely linear Games
TM for Windows ®
Caesar IV Reviews
Though not
The fall of Rome?
immediately apparent
here, my religious
adviser’s accusing me
of being a godless
PUBLISHER: Vivendi Games DEVELOPER: Tilted Mill GENRE: City Simulator AVAILABILITY: Retail Box ESRB RATING: Everyone 10+
large interface.
GFW.1UP.COM • 89
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• Units reload
on their own and
hunker around cover
automatically, letting
you focus on squad-
level activities like
telling the whole
group where to
aim...or to use high
Can you say “company of hallelujahs”?
PUBLISHER: THQ DEVELOPER: Relic Entertainment GENRE: Real-Time Strategy AVAILABILITY: Retail Box ESRB RATING: Mature
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 2GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 6.5GB hard drive space MULTIPLAYER: 2-8 players VERSION REVIEWED: Gold Master
BrothersinMedalofDuty!” That’s just majority wins” principle. Your basic goal is to rush drone swarms? Or does the prospect of viscerally
the gravy: Relic understands that Allied vs. Axis the field with infantry; capture manpower, muni- egging army men and tanks across gritty, complex
games—at their best—are really time machines tions, and fuel nodes; build defenses; then use battlefields sound more your style? If you’re of the
that take us back to scooting G.I. Joe toys around armor to assault your opponent’s strong points. latter persuasion, Company of Heroes stands sec-
our sandboxes (battlefields), through snarls of grass The more nodes you control, the faster your •
ond to none. Matt Peckham
(barbed wire), and over “minefields” jury-rigged resources tally...and the sooner you can build those
(unwisely) with bricks of Black Cat firecrackers.
Think of all the RTS games you’ve played over
the years. How many made you hug cover?
Leverage the slope of a hill? Drop sandbags to
lovely M26 Pershings or Flakpanzers.
The battlefields make COH exceptionally con-
vincing, though; the messy tangles of gutted build-
ings and zigzag foliage lend each map an organic
Rewards shrewd tactics;
near-perfect unit/tech bal-
ance; exceptional single-
10 10
fortify turf? WWII’s Western Front wasn’t “Nazi “war snapshot” look that perfectly dovetails with player A.I. PHENOMENAL
Infantry Pits” or “Halls of Allied Warriors” grind- the tactics. Using a color-coded system of “dots” to Performance-neuters Games
ing out peons in suicide waves; it was squads of gauge cover quality, you sneak small bands around TM for Windows ®
men—aided by armor and artillery—scrabbling hoping to bleed off resources fast enough to build
Not just another pretty…aw, you know the rest
PUBLISHER: Ubisoft DEVELOPER: 1C/Best Way GENRE: Real-Time Strategy AVAILABILITY: Retail Box, E-tail ( ESRB RATING: Mature
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 2GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 2.5GB hard drive space MULTIPLAYER: 2-8 players VERSION REVIEWED: Retail Box
(although scripted events sometimes annoyingly brutal learning curve is exacerbated by the lack
intrude on your freedom), where you command a of sufficient hotkeys—a problem inherited from
small platoon against John Wayne–movie odds.
As with Soldiers, FOW features scads of true-to-
Soldiers—and the poorly translated vagaries of the
mission briefings. Bottom line: If you want a quick
life ordnance, including numerous highly realistic wham-bam-thank-you-Wermacht, look elsewhere. JUNKIES ONLY.
GFW.1UP.COM • 91
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PUBLISHER: THQ DEVELOPER: Relic Entertainment GENRE: Real-Time Strategy AVAILABILITY: Retail Box ESRB RATING: Mature
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 2GHz Pentium 4, 512MB RAM, 4GB hard drive space MULTIPLAYER: 2-8 players VERSION REVIEWED: Gold Master
Whatever Relic Entertainment is smoking
these days, they need to pass it around to
the rest of the game industry—because these guys
are on fire. With their awesome World War II real-
time-strategy game Company of Heroes just barely
out the door (and a huge, instant hit with PC gam-
ers), Relic somehow managed to release a second
expansion pack for their other outstanding RTS
franchise, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War—and
it’s a great addition to the series.
Actually, “expansion pack” is something of a mis-
nomer here, as you don’t need the original game
to play Dark Crusade…just one example of the
generosity at work here. While most expansions are
content to toss you a few new units and maps and • The world map lets you plan your conquest, one territory at a time.
call it a day, Dark Crusade is essentially an all-new
game, with two new races (bringing the total up to other six races (all A.I.-controlled) do the same. If ing requirements and an emphasis on infantry.
seven) and a brand new single-player campaign. you get attacked, you can play out the battle your- One caveat with either race: Play through once on
This gives the game across-the-board appeal: The self or let the game autoresolve it. The structure is easy mode first, because on normal, the A.I. has an
new additions appeal to series vets, while newbies cool, but doesn’t match the complexity of games annoying habit of rushing right away, and if you
can jump in fresh and still get a full experience. like the Total War series, where you spend as much don’t have a grip on the new units, your ass will be
Well, almost full; if you want to play as any of the time in the metagame as in real-time battle. Dark handed to you—quickly.
five original races online, you need the original Crusade’s campaign is a comparatively low-rent Ironically, Dark Crusade’s biggest competition
game and Winter Assault expansion. affair, and frankly just feels like a way to lump a is Company of Heroes, which makes the Dawn
The new single-player campaign eschews the series of independent skirmish maps together. of War series seem a half-generation behind in
original’s and Winter Assault’s detailed story lines for terms of graphics and gameplay. Those coming
a more straightforward just-beat-the-crap-out-of- RUSH TO JUDGMENT straight from COH might be a tad spoiled, and
everyone approach. And that, indeed, is the goal: to Unlike Winter Assault’s dull Imperial Guard, Dark will long for features (like the Retreat button!) not
conquer the planet Kronus. You manage your efforts Crusade’s two new races (the Tau and the Necrons) present in Dark Crusade. Still, this is an outstand-
on a new world map in a Risk-style metagame rock, and you don’t have to be a Warhammer ing RTS. It’s a must-have for Dawn of War vets,
between your real-time battles. You start off with nerd (which I’m not) to appreciate them. I played and noobs who have skipped the series so far
your commander in one territory; each turn you the campaign as the Tau, who rely mostly on •
have a great excuse to check it out. Jeff Green
can choose to attack a territory, move to an already fantastically brutal ranged attacks, but it’s the
conquered territory, and/or fortify your existing ter- creepy Necrons who really force you into a totally VERDICT
ritories with additional troops. After you move, the different play style thanks to different unit-build-
Generous, entertaining
8 10
heap of new gameplay for
play…and discarding entire sets of rules in favor Finally, the oddball Aztecs completely lack horses
REVIEW of new ones. It’s a great move. and gunpowder. Sure, you laugh now…but wait
until you’ve got a dozen Skull Knights backed by
Age of Empires III: Another of NOT YOUR FATHER’S AGE III a couple of Warrior Priests knocking at the doors
the series’ trademark straight-up Remember forts? Don’t need ’em. Cavalry? What’s of your town center.
historical real-time strategy games. a horse? Have a little invisibility to help you raid
But now, with the Age of Empires III: villages. Stalemates got you down? Control more YOU SAY YOU WANT A REVOLUTION?
EDITORS’ The WarChiefs expansion, developer than half of the outposts on the map and declare Plenty of other changes litter the game. The
CHOICE Ensemble reneges on its historical rev- a trade monopoly. You might have thought the European civs get their share of tweaks, like Spies
for Windows erence by adding Native Americans—
® Dutch and Ottomans in the original game broke (great for killing Native American heroes and mer-
who recruit bears and jaguars, dance the paradigm. Yeah, those were the days—when cenaries) and a new, agile artillery piece. Everyone
around a magical fire, and get mighty hero units. something as simple as villagers costing gold gets mercenaries at the saloon, and new cards pep-
This pack even throws in more pirates and cowboys, instead of food was considered wacky. per the Home City screens. But these are, mostly,
and adds ninjas. No joke. Ninjas. The Iroquois are the most conventional Native the same Europeans you’ve played all along.
Luckily, Ensemble’s at its best when it cuts Americans, able to hit hard as they age up and But then you get to the Fortress Age: Now
loose. The team’s crowning achievement discover gunpowder. You might remember their you’re faced with the dilemma of going industrial
remains Age of Mythology, a giddy mix of mantlets, ideal for killing buildings from behind to continue your economy or declaring a revolu-
whimsical fantasy, reverent history, and a vet- big wooden shields. This time, the Iroquois bring tion—which essentially breaks the game. It’s the
eran developer’s years of experience with RTS along battering rams, too. Their insta-building equivalent of knocking your pieces off the board
games. WarChiefs pulls Age III closer to Age travois give them a great deal of flexibility and and replacing them with battleships and machine
of Mythology by making some bold choices unpredictability. The Sioux are excellent raiders— guns and nothing but.
for how the new Sioux, Iroquois, and Aztecs fast, elusive, and free of housing-imposed limits. The revolution choice illustrates the real thrill
here: discovering new ways to play a game you
• OK, so it’s no thought you knew. Your first reaction’s probably
Home City…but “Wait a minute, so you’re telling me the Sioux
it’s comfortable.
don’t get any artillery? None at all? How in the
name of Crazy Horse am I supposed to bring
down a French fort?” This leads to discovering
the power of a pack of villagers doing the torch
dance at a fire pit—something to the tune of
triple-plus damage against buildings. At this
point, WarChiefs turns into an exciting exercise
in completely rethinking old strategies. And this,
after all, is what the best expansion packs do: not
just add, but entirely revise. Tom Chick
Age of Empires III just
got a little bit wackier.
9 10
Age of Empires III just
got a little bit wackier. Games
TM for Windows ®
GFW.1UP.COM • 93
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AKA Microsoft “Kitchen Sink” Simulator
PUBLISHER: Microsoft DEVELOPER: Microsoft GENRE: Simulation AVAILABILITY: Retail Box ESRB RATING: Everyone
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1GHz CPU, 256MB RAM, 14GB hard drive space MULTIPLAYER: 2-6 players
GFW.1UP.COM • 95
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Reviews DEFCON
5…4…3…2…kiss your ass goodbye
PUBLISHER: Introversion Software DEVELOPER: Introversion Software GENRE: Real-Time Strategy AVAILABILITY: E-tail ( ESRB RATING: Not Rated
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 600MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, 60MB hard drive space MULTIPLAYER: 2-6 players VERSION REVIEWED: E-tail Download
select), but using the WASD keys for scrolling games half as elaborate. Game of the year mate-
REVIEW frees up your pointer for faster clicking. Played rial? You decide, but DEFCON already has my
in real-time “stages,” the clock ticks down from •
vote. Matt Peckham
In Chris Crawford’s 1985 geopo- DEFCON 5 (the unit placement phase) to 1 (all-
litical Cold War sim Balance of Power,
if you—oops—triggered a nuclear
war, the screen would go blank (pfip!)
EDITORS’ and whip out the wagging finger:
out war). You have nine types of land/sea units
in quantities of less than a dozen each: radar
dishes for intel; airbases for fighter surveillance
and bombers; silos for air defense or launching
Ridiculously cheap; de-
ceptively simple; runs
on almost any PC.
9 10
CHOICE “You have ignited a nuclear war. And nukes; and naval vessels ranging from battleships Map can get pretty clut-
for Windows no, there is no animated display or a
® and carriers to subs. At DEFCON 4, radar kicks in, tered during frenzied activ- Games
for Windows
flying through the air. We do not reward failure.” As and sea battles. When you finally hit 1, it’s “nuke
if body parts would “fly” in the wake of a 50 mega- ‘em if ya got ‘em” and launches—which begin
ton yield (much less be a reward). Introversion’s
global thermonuclear war sim DEFCON (DEFense
as arcing missile salvos and culminate in blotchy
white explosions—are broadcast globally to the
CONdition) is also 100 percent body-part free…and gut-wrenching blare of Klaxons. SYSTEM’S REN-
with a similar sense of cautionary dualism, it rewards
you as much for preserving your own population as
The reasons all this works: Each unit has a distinc-
tive foil, every strategy can be trumped (no two
nuking the living snot out of the other side. matches play alike), all six countries have geo- GRACE AND SIMPLIC-
If you’ve seen the 1983 film WarGames, all I need
say is “that scene at NORAD where the nutty com-
positional pros and cons, friendly backstabbing is
nowhere else this joyous, and the entire system’s
puter wigs out,” and “you essentially play that,” and rendered with the grace and simplicity of board HALF AS ELABORATE.
“yeah, it’s the cat’s pajamas,” and we’re done here.
Go download it for $17.50. See ya online. Everyone
else, buckle up: DEFCON’s a real-time strategy sim
of global thermonuclear war for up to six players
(A.I. or online), and—I said “buckle up,” now—it
barely uses your 3D card (I can’t confirm it’s even a
requirement). Take that, all you “next-gen games
need Hollywood budgets” bozos.
Reviews GTR 2
How real do you want it?
PUBLISHER: 10tacle Studios DEVELOPER: SimBin GENRE: Racing AVAILABILITY: Retail Box ESRB RATING: Everyone
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1.3GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 2.5GB hard drive space, driving wheel (recommended) MULTIPLAYER: 2-24 players VERSION REVIEWED: Retail Box
The game initially grabs you with its beautifully “deconstructive” than its predecessor’s.
REVIEW rendered car models and such wow-factor vehicle Returnees and rookies benefit from GTR 2’s all-
details as high-resolution cockpits, liveries, and new Driving School, a practical hands-on tutorial
Last year’s phenomenal GTR proved wheels. It then takes you on an environmentally comprising 20 general and track-specific lessons and
that someone still cares about hard- sensitive journey through no less than 34 authenti- over 100 “challenges.” Moreover, by dropping the
core road-racing sims…and in GTR 2, cally reproduced tracks and variant courses, where difficulty level and tweaking various settings in the
Swedish developer SimBin remains it soaks your windshield with incoming rooster game’s deep, intuitive menu system, drivers of any
EDITORS’ true to the high-end GT-sports-car tails when the weather is wet, forces you to endure ability can hop in and get a feel for the basics.
CHOICE racing formula and sophisticated the challenge of incrementally drying pavement,
for Windows real-world physics it so masterfully
® and serenades you with all the guttural roars and BREAK OUT THE POCKETBOOK
portrayed in the original, but adds strained groans of a real cockpit. The dusk and dawn The downside to all this complexity: the demands
more vehicles, more tracks, and perks that enhance ambient and artificial lighting effects of a 24-hour GTR 2 places upon your hardware. If you want
an already first-rate experience. Moreover, SimBin race are particularly spectacular. smooth visuals, ignore the minimum requirements
manages to make the game newbie-accessible completely and look instead toward a 2.3GHz CPU
without compromising its ultra-authentic stance. YOU DRIVE ME NERVOUS and 256MB graphics card as a good starting point.
But GTR 2’s strong suit is undoubtedly its realism. Fortunately, the game still looks quite acceptable
Whether you’re out-braking your peers into a turn, even when run with minimal detail. Ultimately, I’d
ZERO TO 60 impatiently waiting in the pit lane, selecting one
of the 140 available cars (with 40 unique models
consider GTR 2 one of the finest examples of sim
road racing—it’s that good. Gord Goble
among them), or hunkered down in the most
comprehensive garage facility in recent memory,
SimBin’s knowledge of racing’s subtleties remains
obvious. The physics engine isn’t altered appreciably,
but it’s nevertheless so good—and so reactive to
Sophisticated physics;
tons of distinctive cars and
tracks; superb presentation.
9 10
issues like vehicle degradation and warming tires— Minimal car physics up-
that you can never relax. And if you crash, beware: grades from GTR; the game Games
GTR 2’s damage modeling is substantially more is a resource hog.
TM for Windows ®
NHL 07
Game misconduct
• The Avalanche’s
perennial All-Star
“Burnaby” Joe Sakic.
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1GHz CPU, 256MB RAM, 2.4GB hard drive space, gamepad (recommended) MULTIPLAYER: 2-4 players VERSION REVIEWED: Gold Master
A year older, but not wiser
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1.3GHz CPU, 256MB RAM, 3.7GB hard drive space, gamepad (recommended) MULTIPLAYER: 2-4 players VERSION REVIEWED: Gold Master
A long walk off a short plank
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1.5GHz CPU, 256MB RAM, 4GB hard drive space, 128MB videocard MULTIPLAYER: 2-16 players VERSION REVIEWED: Gold Master
GFW.1UP.COM • 105
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PUBLISHER: Aspyr Media DEVELOPER: Spieleentwicklungskombinat GENRE: Real-Time Strategy AVAILABILITY: Retail Box ESRB RATING: Teen
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1.6GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 3.5GB hard drive space MULTIPLAYER: 2-8 players VERSION REVIEWED: Near-Final Reviewable
maneuverable reptiles. but anyone who’s ever played THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE
GFW.1UP.COM • 107
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Never played Sierra’s classic point-and-click adventure games during their
mid-’80s heyday? Drop any and all notions of graphics over gameplay, rush
out to your local software shop, and snag these $20 budget boxes now. Legacy
fans: Continue to cry yourselves to sleep over how spectacularly current IP (intel-
lectual property) owner Vivendi Games mismanages Sierra’s legendary name.
• Leisure Suit Larry wonders Each of these four boxes compiles one of Sierra’s groundbreaking adventure-
when he’s gonna score with game franchises: Roberta Williams’ fairy-tale-inspired King’s Quest series; the zany
some ladies. We wonder when
we’re gonna score some better Space Quest sci-fi spoofs; Leisure Suit Larry’s amorous escapades; and the gritty and
Sierra compilations. (for their time) realistic Police Quest adventures. The icon-based (and earlier parser-
powered) interfaces, clever puzzles, and stellar stories still act as a measuring stick
for the genre. Everything here’s indisputably worth any cerebral gamer’s time.
The shoddy presentation lets the hot air out of the balloon.. Sure, they’re budget
releases—minimal packaging with paper CD sleeves—but they’re also incomplete,
with the King’s Quest Collection missing two games (and a working installer), Larry
missing five (including the
CD version of LSL6—just the VERDICT
crappy floppy version here),
and Space Quest and Police
Quest down one each. No
extras; no interviews. It’s the
Some of the PC’s most
important classics, available
in XP-friendly format.
4 10
The most disrespectful
PC-gaming equivalent of put-
•To what cruel fate do presentation imaginable for Games
ting the Queen of England up for THE
Windows ®
WILD WESTERN “Hello! My name
ADVENTURE is Guybrush
Most longtime Threepwood, and I
adventure game want to be a pirate!”
fanatics fondly Few adventure game
remember the knee- fanatics can claim
slapping antics of they don’t know
Freddy Pharkas: those hallowed words.
Frontier Pharmacist LucasArts’ zany
(Sierra’s stab at a Monkey Island fran- MYST: 10TH ANNIVERSARY
Blazing Saddles–style parody of the wild, chise tops many genre fanatics’ “All-Time Best” DVD EDITION
wild West), but few realize the similar lists, and though we’ve seen no sign of the The original Myst caused a stir when it came
sort of fun to be had with DreamCatcher ’s series since 2000, many eagerly await/hope/ out back in the grand old days of 1993. For
Wanted: A Wild Western Adventure (itself a pray for a fifth installment. Until that hap- many, it spelled a revolution in adventure gam-
sequel to 3 Skulls of the Toltecs). pens, keep yourself busy with the franchise’s ing—realistic-looking environments and a first-
OK, so series hero Fenimore Fillmore fourth offering, which updates the classic person perspective meant some of the world’s
isn’t quite up to Freddy Pharkas’ caliber cartoony look with 3D graphics and an inter- most immersive gameplay (at the time). But
(no pun intended), but the adventures of face to match. Bumbling buccaneer-wannabe for a lot of adventure game stalwarts, Myst was
this horse-ridin’ hombre—who bears more Threepwood once again crosses swords with his an affront to the standards set by Sierra and
than a passing resemblance to a certain undead archnemesis LeChuck, while continuing LucasArts; they quickly dismissed it as a boring
Tom Hanks–voiced cowboy from Pixar ’s Toy to seek buried booty and woo his newly wed- click-fest with a poor narrative. With each suc-
Story—should steal more than a few grins ded wife, Governor Elaine Marley. Sounds an cessive entry, the series gained more followers.
from anyone in the mood for amusement awful lot like a certain Disney-themed pirate Now, five games strong, Myst’s had an undeni-
(and not just for the incessantly hokey movie, doesn’t it? Helpful hint: Monkey Island able impact on the adventure game genre. See
voiceover work). beat the films to the punch (and took its inspi- how it all began in this three-game boxed set.
ration from the theme park ride!).
GFW.1UP.COM • 109
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Where your games live on forever!
Line of Attack Updates Crisis on
What can war games The v1.05 patch for The Infinite Servers
learn from Company Battle for Middle-earth The total newb’s guide
of Heroes? II completely reinvents to Eve Online.
114 116 the game. 118
Let’s get Coyin’
PUBLISHER: THQ DEVELOPER: Relic Entertainment GENRE: Real-Time Strategy ESRB RATING: Mature
TOM: Another thing that makes a good neigh- territory in the west while the Volks head back BRUCE: Yeah, they say “die,” all right. In this
bor early in the game is a sniper. Sure, they’re to push toward Bruce’s victory point. case, Tom’s MG42 died when my engineers
expensive, but they’re a terrible annoyance to BRUCE: One of the things I don’t like about Coy: invented flamethrowers. They’re very smart
your opponent. The subtext of the “Unit sniped” the micromanagement of things like grenades engineers, and I’m sure they’ll go a long way in
message is “Hey, guess what? The other player is and Panzerfausts. It’s very WarCraft III-ish, which life. If Tom doesn’t snipe them.
about to entirely kill one or more of your squads annoys me a little bit because your soldiers are TOM: The Germans have rocket artillery
unless you do some serious micromanagement otherwise good at using cover and maneuvering. called a Nebelwerfer, which is German for
trying to hunt down a single stealthy dude whose TOM: The crucial thing about direct control of “artillery that shoots rockets.” However, I
powerful one-shot kill is going to rack up tons of grenades and Panzerfausts is that they cost muni- don’t need artillery; having spent my experi-
combat experience for your opponent.” Plus, I can tions, so they’re a form of resource management. ence points on the Terror Doctrine, I now
imagine my sniper is Ed Harris from Enemy at the In any given game, you’ve got limited munitions. have the power to drop propaganda leaflets
Gates. If Bruce builds a sniper, he can imagine he’s Part of the strategy is how you use them. on Bruce’s soldiers. This causes them to
Barry Pepper from Saving Private Ryan. Speaking of which…ho ho ho, now I have a retreat back to base—presumably to show
BRUCE: That whole sniper thing from Enemy half-track! The first player to get a vehicle on these leaflets to their buddies or something—
at the Gates is most likely apocryphal, but it the field usually enjoys an edge, which might at which point they can march right back out
sure makes a good story, huh? Company of include forcing the other player to burn muni- onto the battlefield. It doesn’t kill them, so
Heroes is good at making stories that way. tions in trying to counter that edge with stuff it’s a humane way to stop Bruce when he’s
They’re no more real, since they’re just in a like sticky bombs or Panzerfausts. I send my got a squad of soldiers trying to capture a
computer game instead of a movie, but it’s half-track against Bruce’s victory point. This will flag. It’s the martial version of “catch-and-
amazing how long I remember things like the probably cause him to freak out and focus all release.” With a click of my mouse, his sol-
time I put a machine gun in the big house by his forces over here, leaving the west side of diers are propagandized into thinking better
the central victory point and then dropped the map to me. So I send my lonely little sniper of what they’re doing.
artillery strikes on Tom’s assault teams in the out to grab some territory. Go get ‘em, Ed. BRUCE: The first few times Tom did this, I
street below. Unfortunately, that was in a previ- BRUCE: Tom’s Panzerkampfwagen totally thought it was a bug in the program, maybe
ous game. Which I lost, by the way. freaked me out. I haven’t researched sticky put there by an elite German haxör. This is
TOM: While my sniper, Ed, picks off Allied bombs yet, for no good reason I can think of probably the most ridiculous game mechanic I
riflemen in the west, Bruce diverts an annoy- other than it just slipped my mind. So, of course, have ever seen in any game, if you don’t count
ing little jeep from his victory point, inadver- I’m now faced with a cheesy half-track—or in the Volatile Rum in World of WarCraft.
tently driving it past the farmhouse housing German, a Sonderkraftfahrzeug—that’s chewing TOM: Up near Bruce’s side of the map, he
my MG42. The machine gun chews it up just up my riflemen. I need to focus all my forces and I are doing a fairly extended dance around
enough so that my Volksgrenadiers (German over there. Wait, look who just wandered into his victory point. He’ll send a team of riflemen
for “folks who throw grenades”) can quickly the middle of my other rifle squads…. into range of my half-track to try to grab the
kill it with a Panzerfaust (German for “one of TOM: Oops, here come two squads of Allied victory point. They’ll hold out under fire for a
the fastest ways to get killed by a Panzer tank, riflemen after my sniper. I divert my Volks, but while, but he’ll eventually pull them back after
which will immediately see where you fired they’re quickly killed by grenades. However, in he’s turned the victory point neutral…at which
from and kill you, but great for softer targets the firefight, Ed does a lot of damage and drives point my pioneers bundle out of the half-track
like jeeps and half-tracks”). All’s quiet on the Bruce’s troops back. Area secure. Or, as they say to take it back. We do this a few times; it’s very
western front, so my pioneers start grabbing in Germany, “Die area secure.” courteous and even somewhat formal, like war
used to be in the olden days. Neither of us is BRUCE: I guess that’s why they call it a tank TOM: As Bruce’s second Sherman flanks my
carpet bombing each other’s populations or destroyer. The Sherman’s actually an anti- StuG, my original StuG and PaK 38 arrive just
anything like that. infantry tank in this game, which is kind of his- in time. Bruce’s tanks get caught in the mid-
BRUCE: I would love to carpet bomb Tom torical in a way. What isn’t very historical: Tom dle; I sit back and enjoy a nice Sherman sand-
into the Stone Age, but I have the small prob- can’t spell “Sturmgeschütz.” Or even “StuG.” wich. Total score: Bruce is down two Shermans,
lem of munitions. I need 200 to launch one of TOM: I can’t spell that first thing, much less and my dinged-up StuGs will be as good as
my devastating artillery barrages, but Tom’s put those two dots over the U, but I certainly new after a little love from the local pioneers.
cleverly cut me off from enough supply points can capitalize the G in “StuG.” The problem is Now that the area’s cleared of hostile armor,
to make the thought of off-board artillery an that Microsoft Word keeps trying to correct it. my Puma parks just outside Bruce’s base to
unimaginable luxury. In one way, it’s a great And while I’m a wiz at micromanaging an RTS, intercept any infantry heading out for battle.
mechanism for incorporating war-gamey things I can’t be bothered to micromanage a word BRUCE: How cute—Tom has a little
like artillery support into a real-time strategy processor, even if it is made by our new corpo- Kubelwagen parked near my base. He’s harass-
game. In another way, it totally sucks. rate overlords. ing my infantry and generally causing trouble.
TOM: And in yet a third way, it’s Bruce’s BRUCE: Fair enough. Maybe Tom can use But, as Patrick Swayze once famously said,
awakening to the harsh reality that maybe some of his World of WarCraft subscription “Wolverines!” Or, at least, one Wolverine. And
he shouldn’t have spent all those munitions fees for a Berlitz course. that’s all for that Kubelwagen. Now to deal with
throwing grenades at my lowly Volks earlier on. TOM: Now Bruce reclaims his victory point that StuG.
Speaking of which…as we sent engineers out to with another Sherman tank. Wait…make that BRUCE: Tom’s really shut me down at “my”
grab territory when the match started, I went a pair of Sherman tanks. I quickly divert a victory point. So, concentrating not only all
to the trouble of closing off the easternmost StuG and a PaK 38 antitank gun east to rein- my virtual forces, but also all my actual mental
territory with barbed wire. But Bruce hasn’t force that side of the map. Except, while I’m energy, I arrange a coordinated attack on the
even had the common courtesy to try to take doing that, Bruce swings his tanks around to farmhouse, with grenades and everything. It
it. For the entire game, he never even moves the west victory point. We essentially swap starts off well, but somehow ends up failing,
close to it. If a guy lays down defenses, the flanks in a sort of polite do-si-do. Luckily, I’m which is roughly how the entire game has gone
least you can do is be stymied by them. fielding a second StuG, which trades fire with for me. I’m not eager to see how this alternate
BRUCE: To be honest, I haven’t even figured both Shermans. universe will look once Tom’s Nazis take over.
out how to lay down defenses myself. As usual, it’s BRUCE: Since I’m nothing if not a student TOM: “Was ist Nazis? Wir sind keine Nazis.
because I don’t have anything worth defending. of history, I try and angle for a side shot on Wir sind deutsche Wermacht.” •
TOM: Bruce and I have a bit of a standoff over Tom’s StuG with my Sherman, since that’s what
the west victory point. He’s got a jeep watching they did in real life. Unfortunately, in real life, FINAL SCORE
it, but I’ve got a bunker—and Ed, my sniper— they didn’t have to click a mouse a million TOM: 428 BRUCE: 0
covering it. I bring in a Puma armored car to times to do it.
make sure Bruce doesn’t get any funny ideas. But
then Bruce shows up with two rifleman squads Tom Chick Bruce Geryk
and an M4 Sherman tank. Luckily, as soon as it In addition to being one of the video- GFW contributor Bruce Geryk has
attacks, my first Stug tank destroyer rolls off the game industry’s most prolific freelance written about videogames for over 20
assembly line. It pulls up and goes front-armor- critics, Tom Chick also runs the popular years. He loves war games like most
website people love oxygen.
to-front-armor with the Sherman. The Stug wins.
GFW.1UP.COM • 113
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Your monthly guide to hardcore war-gaming
The best in casual games
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Extend Updates
Our two cents on the latest mods and patches
THE LORD OF THE RINGS: unique vision of the future. The first
public beta went live in late September,
THE BATTLE FOR with the Iron Grip team working diligent-
ly on bugfixes ever since.
The winds of a 7,200-word changelog blow over Middle-earth
PUBLISHER: Electronic Arts DEVELOPER: EALA GENRE: Real-Time Strategy AVAILABILITY: Download (
If you’ve ever made any sort of substantial
time commitment to an MMO, you prob-
ably know “that guy.” You know—the guy who
operates his own personal command center with
a dozen or so PCs…all running macros, develop-
ing multiple characters on multiple accounts,
and farming in-game cash and sweet loot at all
odd hours of the day (and night). In short: the
guy who, long ago, crossed that dangerous line
between “hobby” and “obsession.” In my world,
this perfectly describes my buddy Hwang.
I met the guy during my PVP-crazy Ultima
Online days, where he purchased multiple houses
during the game’s postlaunch land rush…and
wound up making a huge in-game profit when
he sold the real estate off for many times its
original value. Hwang was sort of a tycoon that
way—but he grew bored of UO’s slapdash econo-
my after a few years and soon began beating the
Shadowbane drum. And once we (quickly) tired of • These look like good stats, I guess. Too bad Eve doesn’t bother to explain their importance.
Extend On FileFront
The latest and greatest demos and patches
Games for Windows: The Official Magazine and have joined forces to bring you
both the best possible PC-gaming coverage and access to the hottest game downloads—dem-
os, mods, drivers, patches, and more. Head to to try these out for yourself.
wanted a strong and independent learn more about your games.
voice for the platform, one that We built Windows Vista on
wouldn’t be afraid to tell it like it DirectX 9, which your games
is, whether we liked it or not. Jeff will use in a more integrated
Green and his team really stood way with the operating system,
out, and now that we’ve arrived and all applications can now
at the first issue, we couldn’t take advantage of the world’s
be happier with our choice. I leading graphics technology.
think you’ll really like what the But we didn’t stop there.
Games for Windows: The Official Windows Vista will also ship with
Magazine team has in store for you. It’s a beautiful, informa- DirectX 10, which delivers the cutting edge in graphics and
tive, and irreverent publication worthy of its heritage. realism. We’re working hard with our friends at Electronic
Next, I want to give you a brief preview of what we’ve Arts, THQ, Namco Bandai, and others to make sure you get
been cooking up in Redmond for Games for Windows. great DirectX 10 games early next year. DirectX 10 will deliver
As you may have heard, Microsoft is rededicating itself to the most realistic, immersive, and intense game experiences
our first gaming platform: Windows. Make no mistake— you’ve ever seen on Windows—you’ll see what I mean when
Windows is a first-class gaming platform. As the platform you play Crysis, Company of Heroes, and Hellgate: London on
owner, we’re going to treat it that way. Windows Vista and DirectX 10 hardware.
We’ve been working on this for a while, and you’ll see We’re also bringing the power and community of Xbox
the fruits of our efforts in retail stores across the U.S. and Live to Windows in two Microsoft Game Studios titles that
on the packaging of the best games on the platform. We’re will be exclusive to Windows Vista: Shadowrun and Halo
working closely with our friends in the industry to make 2 for Windows Vista. These games will deliver the quality
sure you get quality games that are more user-friendly online experience you’ve come to expect on Xbox 360 to
and fun than ever before. We’re addressing many of the Windows Vista, and Shadowrun will even allow you to play
problems you’ve complained about over the years—the against Xbox 360 players in a true first for both platforms.
installation process, confusing system requirements, game It’s obviously an exciting time to be a Windows gamer, and
quality, lack of standardized game controllers, and so on. I welcome you to Games for Windows: The Official Magazine.
As you’ll see in the next three pages and on our website Enjoy!
Peter Moore
Corporate Vice President; Interactive Entertainment Business,
Entertainment and Devices Division; Microsoft Corporation
Visit for more
Microsoft Announces
World’s Greatest
Gaming Platform
“Microsoft is responding
in force with Games for
Windows, an initiative that
includes strong visual brand-
ing, a more uniform appear-
PC gaming gets a new look (and we think it’s hot!)
ance for game boxes, and
even Games for Windows– Over the next few months, a major transformation will take experience. Microsoft recognized this as an opportunity
branded hardware. place across top retail stores in the U.S., including front- to provide consumers with a technical guarantee on PC
“The [Games for Windows runners Wal-Mart, CompUSA, and Circuit City. No longer will games that would ensure a high-quality and easy-to-
retail] display was incredibly PC games resemble a Wild, Wild West of scattered towns use gaming experience on Windows. Enter: Games for
effective, using the Windows and lawless revelry. Finally, PC games will become a cohesive Windows.
logo, classic Microsoft fonts, category, recognizable and well-defined against the backdrop While Games for Windows had been around for several
and uniform packaging to of console titles and other “productivity” software. years, most consumers equated the logo with Windows
communicate that Windows At the helm of this transformation is Microsoft compatibility. And that was it. Neither treated strongly
isn’t just the world’s most Corporation who, with strong support from leading pub- as a brand nor thought of as a quality mark, Games for
popular operating system— lishers, hardware manufacturers, OEMs, and aforemen- Windows underwent a major facelift starting in 2005.
it’s also its ubiquitous gaming tioned retail partners, is seeking to unify the PC games Today, Games for Windows is fast becoming a deeply
platform.” category in a way that it has never seen. There had developed brand, appearing on highly popular titles
–Logan Decker, PC Gamer, always been a terrific depth and breadth of exciting PC such as LEGO® Star Wars® II: The Original Trilogy
August 1, 2006
games for all ages and players. What was missing from (LucasArts), Company of Heroes (THQ), and Microsoft
the equation was the energy to create and support tech- Flight Simulator X (Microsoft Game Studios). But, what,
“Shopping for PC games is a nical standards that would bring clarity to the PC games you may ask yourself, does it mean?
little more difficult (at least
in terms of shelf browsing) Games for Windows represent four key standards:
due to no visual mark telling
the consumer what hardware
1 QUALITY: Games for Windows–branded titles undergo extensive testing—and not only by the
requirements the game has publisher. Microsoft also plays a role in quality-checking each title to ensure it meets performance and
and a lack of standardized box reliability standards on a Windows PC.
sizes for easy browsing. Now
Microsoft hopes to change 2 COMPATIBILITY: There are many meanings to compatibility. Games for Windows–branded titles
all that.” are compatible in many ways, including the following: a) titles are compatible with Windows-based
–Blake Snow, Joystiq
PCs, both 32- and 64-bit versions; b) titles that use accessories, work with the Xbox 360 Controller for
Windows—and, in 2007, you can add to this a number of Xbox wireless accessories as well by way
“You may have heard about of the Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver for Windows; c) titles are compatible with the widescreen
Microsoft wanting to underline format; d) titles are guaranteed to exploit the Games Explorer and Parental Controls, new features
its commitment to PC gaming appearing on Microsoft’s highly anticipated new operating system, Windows Vista.
now [that] it has clearly estab-
lished itself as a contender in
the console marketplace. Its
way of doing this is to release
a ‘Games for Windows’ brand.”
3 SAFETY: Parents can rest easy knowing that the Games for Windows brand is an assurance that
branded titles will support game ratings as well as simple-to-use parental controls on Windows Vista. “Microsoft has today
[September 18, 2006]
4 EASY TO PLAY: We all remember that fateful day when we couldn’t find that special game. unveiled its new Games for
Remembering file path names is akin to remembering your girlfriend’s/mother’s/neighbor’s birthday; Windows PC software brand-
sometimes, it just doesn’t happen. Fortunately, Games for Windows–branded titles are easy to install, ing and associated packaging,
find, and remove, particularly in Windows Vista, where all of these titles install directly into the Games as another step to emphasize
Explorer and into your Media Center so that they’re easily accessible from whichever UI you are the company’s ramped-up
using. Additionally, using the new gaming features in Windows Vista, such as the Games Explorer and pledge of support to the PC
Parental Controls, is a no-brainer (more on this in next month’s issue of Games for Windows: gaming market.”
The Official Magazine). –Jason Dobson, Gamasutra
By developing an easily recognizable brand on a foun- partners alike are “I say great job to MS for
dation of high quality standards, Games for Windows rejoicing in this being the ones to step up
ultimately promises consumers, first and foremost, a fun new evolution in and try to fix PC gaming. This
games experience. Being able to let go of previously com- PC games. You, is definitely going to help
mon frustrations, consumers can be confident Games for too, can see it games get released with fewer
Windows–branded titles will work reliably, won’t give you for yourself this bugs and better compatibility.
compatibility issues (where it counts), and are customizable holiday at Circuit [I] can’t wait for all the MS
for parents who want to create a safer gaming environment City, Wal-Mart, or haters to start scratching the
for the family. CompUSA. And bottom of the barrel for rea-
What’s more, Games for Windows promises even more have fun playing. sons not to do this.”
thrilling titles after the holidays, including Crysis (EA), Hellgate: –Korban,
Shacknews community member
London (Namco Bandai), The Lord of the Rings Online: response to Shacknews post
Shadows of Angmar (Turbine and Midway), Age of Conan: The
Hyborian Adventures (Eidos), Supreme Commander (THQ),
and Halo 2 for Windows Vista (Microsoft Game Studios). And
the list just keeps growing….
So far, the industry has embraced the Games for
Windows efforts; this holiday, analysts, bloggers, and
The holidays are almost here, and
you know what that means: running to
the local Best Buy at 2 a.m. after Thanksgiving
dinner to fight for a sale-deal PC; making a list
of gifts to mooch from loved ones. It’s also the
perfect opportunity to reward the person you love
most—yourself. And what says “Happy Holidays”
better than new computer peripherals?
We could just mail it in with a list of sweet-ass
gear that only Bill Gates could afford—“Buy this!
Consume that! You need to own two of these
graphics cards and dual 30-inch monitors if you
have any hope of being cool!”—but you get that
from enough places already. What you need is a
straight shooter in your corner to not only recom-
mend good gear, but also tell you what you don’t
need. Well, friends, that’s what you got right here.
These next few pages are garlic for all the
bloodsucking retailers that want to upsell you the
most expensive stuff in the store. We’re going to
tell you exactly the kind of gear you should avoid
buying—or at least make you ask yourself, “Do I
really need to get this before 2007?”
We’ll even tell you what we prefer to rock in
our own homes and offices.
You’re welcome. • Darren Gladstone
What to buy (and what not to buy) for the holidays
Hard News Tech Medics
The skinny on DirectX Your PC in the ER?
10 and a chance to win Loyd Case is on call.
a custom notebook! Now turn and cough.
130 131
Until we get all cyberpunk and implant data jacks
into our heads, mankind will require keyboards.
Still, nobody wants a standard-issue blah beige
model that gets packed in with mom’s ‘puter.
Luckily, a whole aftermarket full of options awaits
you. Here’s a handy checklist of features you’ll
see in stores—and whether or not you should
really care.
Don’t take these for granted. We use the volume
control knob on our keyboards almost as often as
the spacebar.
USB HUB. Any good keyboard is going to have
at least one extra USB port—anything to avoid
getting out of your chair to plug in peripherals!
WIRELESS. Some people really want to avoid
the clutter of wires, but we don’t see the use.
How far are you really traveling from your PC,
anyhow? Still, if you insist on cutting cords, make
sure that your keyboard lasts a while between
batteries—and buy a set of AA Energizer
rechargeables, stat!
TOUCHY-FEELY. They call it “touch typing”
for a reason—and if you don’t like the feel of
your keyboard, then what? Online ordering is
convenient, sure, but it’s better to go to the local
CompUSA and test-drive your potential purchase.
After all, you try on a pair of shoes before you
buy ’em, don’t you?
GIMMICKS. Some gaming keyboards have
separate key layouts for games. Take the Zboard,
which offers a different pop-off keyboard top
for multiple popular games. If you’re a n00b (or
just like to play a lot of World of WarCraft), the
gimmick board might be worth it. Just remember
there’s no scientific proof that a game-specific
keyboard will make your life any easier. >
This is a keyboard with pimp style (minus the
G15’s goofy LCD display). It’s illuminated, has
programmable macro-ability, multimedia bells
and whistles, and keys that feel damn fine.
GFW.1UP.COM • 127
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Everybody and their mother has tried to
You don’t go out and buy a new monitor very
A good monitor’s nothing if you don’t have a
reinvent the mouse wheel, and more than any- often, so when you do, you gotta make it count. good graphics card driving it. You probably fall
thing else in our holiday guide, this is the one CRTs are pretty much going the way of cassette into one of two categories: You already have
category that ultimately boils down to personal tapes, so learn to embrace the future—and a good your graphics cards covered and you’re riding
preference. Hopefully these hints will help you LCD display in the process. out the storm until DirectX 10, or you desperately
figure out what your preference is. THE SKINNY ON WIDESCREEN. These days, need something right now.
EXTRA BUTTONS. Yeah, yeah, yeah—you get don’t settle for a standard 4:3 aspect ratio display. DON’T BUY ANYTHING YET! No joke. ATI and
left and right buttons and a scroll wheel, that’s Widescreen is where it’s at, and every game that Nvidia probably will burn this page out of every
just fine. But trust us, even just one extra button carries the “Games for Windows” label is required issue on newsstands, but check it. DirectX 10 is
by the thumb can work wonders. The only trick: to support widescreen—and most developers are right around the corner. As we go to press, you
Can you comfortably hit that button without be- doing it anyway. So, basically, “all the kids are can only buy DirectX 9.0c cards. Want to get the
ing a yoga master? doing it”—plus you get to watch movies the way most out of Vista—and Crysis? Hang in there,
DOWN WITH THE DPI. Don’t be a slave to they were made. because the first few DirectX 10 cards could be
numbers. Most mice are plenty fast and will work RESOLUTIONS. The only resolution that should sneaking onto store shelves very soon.
on just about any surface—unless you’re dumb matter to you is the display’s advertised native ADDENDUM TO WHAT WE JUST SAID! If you
enough to try playing on a mirror or glass panel. resolution. That is the best and likely the only absolutely need to get something right now
LEFTIST. Southpaws get no respect, but a few resolution that you’ll want to run your games and you don’t mind getting a DX9-only board,
nice mice out there—such as the old Microsoft at. Can your current graphics card support that we suggest EVGA’s e-GeForce 7600 GT CO. Just
IntelliMouse Explorer—support both lefties and resolution? Will your games? Try to shoot for a don’t get suckered into buying the current top
righties. minimum of 1650x1080. dogs—you’ll probably just want an “interim”
WEIGHT WATCHERS. Anybody play darts? SIZE MATTERS. Avoid anything smaller than 20 card for now. After all, there will be plenty of
Hardcore players own specially weighted darts. inches. The sweet spot in price and performance $400 DX10-capable graphics cards in a couple
The same concept holds for gaming mice: a love- seems to be the new 22-inch, 1650x1080 displays. of months. If you spend any more than $200 on
or-hate deal that depends on how much you EVERY MONITOR’S A SNOWFLAKE. Because of a current-gen graphics card at this point, you’re
want to load down your hand. the way monitors are manufactured, no two will what we in the business call “a dumbass.”
MACROMANIA. Some mouse makers cram ever be alike. There might be a dead pixel here or WONDER TWINS. There’s a lot of talk about
RAM inside mice. Others put software on the PC. there, or a slight difference in colors. Nvidia’s SLI (Scalable Link Interface) and ATI’s
Just ask yourself: “Do I really need mouse-based SEE THE LIGHT. Everything looks great on the CrossFire dual-card setups—but in our experience,
shortcut keys?” computer-store show floor with its optimal fluo- it’s not worth buying two cards for a single com-
WIRELESS. Unlike wireless keyboards, this is rescent lighting, but how will that display look at puter. Just worry about hitting the native resolu-
a totally valid gaming option—especially if you home? Make certain that the store you buy your tion of your monitor (see “Monitors,“ left, for more
like throwing stuff at people who beat you. Just display from has a reasonable (i.e., “any reason!”) on that) and getting the most bang for your buck
make sure that any mouse you buy comes with return policy. from your card. Another thing to keep in mind if
rechargeable batteries. NEED FOR SPEED. Many monitors these days ad- you double your pleasure is that you won’t have
TOUCHY-FEELY. Like a keyboard, you really vertise a speed in milliseconds (ms). The closer that much room left on the motherboard for anything
need to lay your hands on any mouse before you number is to zero, the better. Honestly, though, else. So much for that sound card….
buy it. Some have rubberized textures and some anything around 8ms or less (which covers most FIGHT THE POWER. You’ll probably need a
fit snugly in your hand—but not every one. LCD displays these days) will do ya fine. good-size power supply in your PC to run a
GIMMICKS. There are tons of little gimmicks to BRIGHTNESS AND GLARE. Turn down the bright- good graphics card. Make sure that you’ve got
watch out for here. While we can’t wait to check ness on your monitor. Most displays’ factory default at least 500W under the hood.
out crazy new gear like the revolutionary Novint is a little too high. Use the bundled software (if
Falcon 3D controller, we’ll have to settle for the
little things right now—like the ability to adjust
provided) to adjust it. Also, glass screens work great
in dark rooms but can cause glare elsewhere.
speed sensitivity on the mouse. CABLES. Does the monitor come with the cables MEANS NOTHING
Oh, and one last word of warning: you know
those “gaming surfaces” you see for $70-plus?
you need? That’s a corner many companies
cut—and DVI don’t come cheap.
They’re just mouse pads for suckers. GRAPHICS CARD.
The first question you need to ask yourself right
Going wireless is a big step. Hell, that could be NEW
now is: “Do I give a damn whether or not I’m go- the subject of an entire magazine. But since
ing to annoy the neighbors?” That’s going to help we’ve got a bunch of other stuff to talk about, TECHNOLOGY
Other peripherals running the gamut from
set the course for your audio decisions. here are the bare-bones basics.
AUDIO SNOB? It’s impossible to get a proper 802.11G VS. 802.11N. 802.11g is the current optical drives to network cards make all sorts
in-store audio test. Ask about a store return policy standard for all wireless data transmission. of promises about improving your experience.
first and check it at home. The best way: classical 802.11n—that’s the future. Unfortunately, 11n The following gear defies simple categoriza-
tion for two reasons: 1) It’s still too new to
music. The bass should be rich, not hollow; mids won’t be finalized until early 2007. So all those
fully test in time for this issue. 2) We still need
and highs should be crisp, not tinny. Now go eat big promises you’re seeing from 11n wireless
a little time before we can fully recommend
some caviar, ya jerk. routers on store shelves right now? They’re just
ROCK THE HOUSE! If you have a monster moni- a wee bit premature. Besides, 11g will cover In other words, you’ll see this stuff on store
tor and actually use your PC for a whole lot more everything you need. shelves—and while it may sound good (or
than games—y’know, to cuddle up and watch a WHY?-FI. Here’s something to consider if goofy) on paper, we at least want to let you
movie in front of a 30-inch screen—consider a you’re really pinching pennies or you haven’t know the deal.
monstrous audio setup to match. Maybe a 7.1 bought a wire-
speaker system will cut it in your home if you less router yet: Do PHYSICS CARDS
don’t mind potentially tripping over speaker wires. you actually need The idea behind AGEIA’s
Alternatively, Creative Labs’ GigaWorks ProGa- one? If you have a PhysX card is a solid one.
mer G550W 5.1 system tries a slightly different notebook PC or any Hardware that can run circles
approach. The rear satellite speakers connect Wi-Fi–ready devices, around Havok’s software-
wirelessly via a 2.4GHz frequency and all things you already know based physics? Thousands of
objects that you can manipulate onscreen at
considered, the G550W still manages to deliver a the answer’s “yes.”
once? It’s on, baby!
sonic soul-punch. If not, consider
However, when 3D cards first appeared 10
A GOOD PAIR OF CANS. Headphones, that is. waiting until the
years ago, a few killer games had to come
Maybe you’re considerate. More likely you just 11n standard gets along before people actually understood the
want to shut out the real world for a couple ratified next year. reason to buy additional hardware. And that’s
minutes. There are many things to consider when where physics-card technology is right now.
it comes to headphones…. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Rise of
HOW’S YOUR HEAD? Make sure they’re snug
HOW WE ROLL Legends, and City of Heroes ain’t enough for a
but won’t cut off circulation. Also, make sure that LINKSYS WRT54GX glowing recommendation just yet. Neverthe-
cloth-covered headphones won’t overheat your Unless you’re throwing wireless-LAN parties
or have many people jumping online at once,
less, considering that the technology is built
head. They won’t do much good if you need to you’re just wasting good money with some into the Unreal Engine 3, the future of PhysX
take ’em off every five minutes. wireless gaming-specific router. looks pretty good, as many games now use
DO I NEED A HEADSET? If you game online, the UE3. Our advice: Hold out for some of those
answer’s probably yes. If so, some headsets offer new big guns to come along to see just what
the tech can do.
detachable mics while others shove ’em right up
in your face. The closer the mic is to your grill the
more distorted your voice gets.
For the past few years, the choice has been simple
Windows chugs along, hog-
DO I NEED A SOUNDCARD? Every PC nowa- when it comes to CPUs: AMD all the way; apply ging resources and precious
days comes with at least half-decent audio. The rubber stamp, and move onto the next category. ping time—it can spell the
problem is that, if you rely on onboard audio, you However, Intel sucka-punched AMD with its new difference between a PC
can experience a slight performance drop. Play Core 2 Duo processors. gamer’s life and death. We
high-fidelity games with 5.1 audio output? Do you THE KING IS DEAD! Intel, welcome back to the understand the need for a good network card,
chat up plans of attack in Battlefield 2? Consider a top of the heap. That is, until AMD fights back but Bigfoot Networks’ Killer NIC promises a
dedicated soundcard. with some crazy new tech. In the meantime, every lot, optimizing packet performance for gam-
gamer worth his WASD knows to go Core 2 Duo. ing by working outside of Windows. In fact,
DON’T BUY THE BEST. Ye-huhwhat? You heard a 400MHz Linux CPU runs the show, actually
us. Don’t drop coin on the most ludicrous, improving game performance as well as online
top-end CPU right away. You got that $1,000 speed. Want to multitask? A separate USB
2.0 port on the board lets you program apps
to burn? Just so you know, Intel’s “middle-of-
to take advantage of it. Download huge files
the-road” E6600 only costs about $350 and will
in the background while playing online, for
deliver some damn fine in-game performance.
example. That sounds great, except the drivers
IF THE CPU DON’T FIT…. We know you know
aren’t final as of press time. Initial tests are
this, but remember that looking good—but the crashes upon shutdown
not all motherboards don’t. Also, 270 bucks for a NIC is a bit much.
are created equal. Can Stay tuned for more on Killer.
your PC handle the
2 Duo PC builders: Don’t bother getting a Blu-
Try out the ASUS ray or HD-DVD drive for your
P5B Deluxe PC just yet. All that storage
motherboard. space might seem sweet,
HOW WE ROLL but current units are typical
“first wave” products: They’re slow DVD and
CREATIVE LABS SOUND BLASTER CD burners, and not especially fast at the BD-
HOW WE ROLL ROM (Blu-ray) and HD-DVD stuff, either. And
We’re major audiophiles, and the X-Fi card fur- INTEL CORE DUO 2 E6600 we didn’t even get into the prices. The drives
nishes the audio performance we crave (Razer’s Some used to say, “Evil Inside.” Maybe, but it themselves cost more than some PCs. You still
Barracuda card wasn’t ready as of press time); never felt so good to be bad. Look, we know
AMD is going to fire back soon enough, but
want to be an early adopter? Didn’t think so.Ȼ
the USB-powered headphones deliver audio
bliss. They ain’t cheap, though. Intel is the current speed king.
GFW.1UP.COM • 129
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The bleeding edge of tech
This is what the game would look like if you
were to install it on your Windows XP rig this
afternoon. Looks nice enough, right? You lousy
ingrates, always wanting more.
According to a Microsoft spokesperson, this half of the screen-
shot is merely an artist’s rendition of what Flight Simulator X will
look like in DirectX 10—so that’s all we’ve got to go off for now.
The telltale signs that DirectX 10 will deliver: the cloudy sky with
light bursting through; the glassy lake’s cresting, foamy waves;
the subtler reflections in the water; and the emerald forest. How
does one achieve such graphical splendor? Here’s the relatively
“quick” explanation from David Blythe, software architect for
Microsoft’s graphics platforms unit.
“Applications can send a lot more material changes or changes
to the description of geometry a lot more frequently. But that
doesn’t show up as a ‘bullet point’ feature, like ‘oh, flip this
switch and you get better performance.’ It underpins the design.
“And then there are a lot of things about feature consistency
in hardware implementations that allow developers an easier
job of targeting a wider variety of platforms. That doesn’t show
up as any single feature, but it’s a big deal to get agreement on
what this common set of features is.
“When you start getting into individual features—things like
adding an integer instruction set—the new geometry shader
Loyd Case has the cure for your ailing PC
Q: I’m playing EverQuest II with two identi- A: If the framerate in Company of Heroes looks
cal PCs sharing a 6MB high-speed Internet like a slideshow of your great uncle’s experi-
connection through a D-Link GamerLounge. ences in World War II, you should go ahead
The PCs each have two EVGA 7600 GS video-
cards in SLI mode (I’m running the game at
and upgrade. After all, a current-generation
processor, motherboard, and memory will still
1024x768 resolution), Pentium D 3GHz CPUs,
and 1GB of RAM. Is there any way I can
work great under Vista. Be aware, though, that
some games you have now may simply not run
Games for Windows: The Official Magazine
eliminate or reduce the lag I’m getting? well under Vista, though game compatibility has
Frank been getting a lot better with each beta release
of the new OS.
A: Ah, lag—the ever-present problem that The catch here, as you note, is the graph-
plagues almost all MMORPGs. ics cards. DirectX 10–capable hardware is just
Have you tried changing servers? One of the around the corner. But those first cards will
main issues with lag is the distance and number almost certainly be $500-plus monsters, and the
of “hops” it takes to get from your system to the early drivers may have some teething problems.
server you’re using. While many MMORPG com- You might want to consider getting a decent
panies have gotten smarter about distributing midrange card, such as an Nvidia 7900 GS or
their servers geographically, the number of hops 7950 GT, then wait for prices for DX10 hardware
can still be pretty large. and driver issues to settle down a bit. DirectX 10
Some technologies attempt to minimize lag in will offer substantial improvements in capabil-
gaming. Ubicom builds hardware and software ity, but it’s likely that game support won’t be
that goes into routers for prioritizing network widespread for a year or so anyway.
packets. Products like the D-Link DGL-4300G
router and the Hawking HBB1 Broadband Booster Q: Is there a high-end videocard that will
incorporate Ubicom tech. Nvidia’s latest nForce support a resolution of 1920x1080 (the native
570 and 590 chipsets also have packet prioriti- resolution of my 37-inch LCD HDTV monitor)
zation. Then you have Bigfoot Networks’ Killer that does not ship with a fan. I am putting
Network Interface Card, which only recently hit the together an HTPC (home-theater personal
market. We’re still running early tests on the Killer computer) and would like to keep it as quiet
card, but it promises improved game performance as possible. Any help would be appreciated.
and greatly reduced lag by operating outside of Gordon Rick
the Windows stack. Maybe that can help some,
but ultimately, the problem may lie outside your A: Not a big fan of the noise, eh? Fanless vid-
network. Stay tuned for more on that one. eocards do exist, ranging from very low-end to
fairly high-performance boards. How success-
Q: I’ve been upgrading my computer in fully they work depends on the cooling that
bits and pieces over the past five years, but exists inside your PC case. You still need some
when my new laptop came in and beat my way to exhaust heat out of the case. Zalman, a
desktop’s 3DMark score by nearly triple, I Korean manufacturer of PC cases, actually builds
realized it was time to upgrade. I’m anxious fan-free PC cases, but they’re very heavy, very
to start planning the new rig, but my only expensive, and don’t look good in a home-the-
concern is whether or not I should wait for ater rack.
DirectX 10–capable graphics cards. I don’t So an HTPC will likely have some fans, but if it
want to make this serious investment only has one or more slow-turning fans on the back
to have it become largely obsolete in a short of the case, then the noise level will be mini-
time—but I also don’t want to wait around mum. One of the best recent fanless videocards
if this next step forward isn’t as ground- is XFX’s spiffy, passively cooled 7950 GT, which
breaking as I’ve heard. Should I go ahead offers good game performance, supports HDCP
and build my new rig around XP and DX9, or out of the DVI port, and is completely silent.Ȼ
should I wait until the release of Vista and Got questions? Send them to
DX10 next year? [email protected]
Aaron Williams
GFW.1UP.COM • 131
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Because we have the extra page
Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love
Internet Explorer
Bill Gates was driving waaaay too fast. I was in the backseat, listen-
ing to Motörhead on my shiny new Zune. We were heading down I-5, on
our way to Vegas after losing our minds together in Los Angeles.
“Hey, Mr. Gates!” I yelled (because that’s what he lets me call him now), “toss
me another one of those Mr. Pibbs!”
“You’ve had enough already, dude!” he cackled, flinging a can my way.
“No, sir! This party is just getting started.”
“I feel you, bro,” he replied.
OK, so I guess I kind of made that up. Not the part about calling him “Mr.
Gates,” though. I mean, in the unlikely event (especially after this) that I should
ever actually get to meet him, I’m sure that’s exactly how I’ll be greeting him.
Though the temptation to call him “G-Dog,” “Billdo,” or “Marvin O’Gravel
Balloon Face” might get the better of me. the past few years, they were already hosting a gaming platform that has been
The point is, actually, that I don’t know the guy. Nor do I know hardly entertaining millions of gamers every single day: Windows. Their desire to push
anyone at Microsoft. So though this magazine has the fine (and quite that platform forward, to take it seriously, coincided perfectly with our desire to
eye-catching!) Microsoft logo on the front, and though we are the official take CGW to—to use a horribly clichéd term—the next level. And so this part-
magazine of their recently christened Games for Windows platform—a nership was born.
fancy-pants way of saying PC gaming, minus the annoying Linux and Mac But as I said up front: We’re still us. We’re not paid by Microsoft, told
noise—neither I nor any of the other editors or artists on this staff work for what to write by Microsoft, or subject to approval by Microsoft. And if
or get paid one cent by Microsoft. Who we work for is Ziff Davis Media in they do things that we’re not happy with—LIKE NOT GIVING US HALO
San Francisco, in offices that we share with the staffs of, Electronic WARS ON THE PC, YOU BASTARDS—I promise you we are going to call
Gaming Monthly, and Official PlayStation Magazine—fine entities all, and them on it, with, like, capital letters and italics and stuff. Our first and
ones you should definitely check out if you haven’t yet, because they are most important goal always was and ever will be to serve you guys and
good and good for you and will help put hair on your chest. (I am speak- gals: gamers like us. The only issue that really concerns me about this
ing to the ladies here.) whole deal is how to come up with an acronym for the mag that’s short-
Uh, anyway, the reason I am wasting valuable space here, when we really er and easier to say than GFW: TOM. Yeeeeesh.
should be talking about more pressing issues—like why it is that I find the slave Before parting, however, I should say, in full disclosure, that despite
Princess Leia in Lego Star Wars II disturbingly hot—is that I need you to under- everything I’ve just said, we did indeed go through a little corporate
stand, here in issue No. 1, who we are and what we’re about. Because I get it brainwashing. Nothing too extreme—think something along the lines of
that that logo up front may confuse you a little. The Manchurian Candidate or whatever is going on in those secret CIA
First, in case you didn’t know already, this isn’t really issue No. 1 for those of prisons, and you’re on the right track. I can’t really remember a whole
us who actually made it. Until this month, we have been known as Computer lot about those sessions, nor can I explain what all these marks on my
Gaming World magazine, and we’ve been doing this for 25 years and 268 arm are, but I do know that I will never listen to my iPod again, I’ve
issues. Me, personally, I’ve been with the magazine since June 1996, making this uninstalled Firefox from my PC, and I think that, goshdurnit, Microsoft’s
my 116th issue in a row, something I should probably not think about further Zoo Tycoon 2 is the greatest game ever made. Also, I prefer to think of
without my therapist present. Also, apropos of nothing, let it also be known that that screen on my PC now as the “blue screen of life.”
in all this time I have not managed to finish Baldur’s Gate II, which is still on my So welcome aboard, folks! Whether it’s your first issue or your 269th, I’m glad
hard drive. you’re here. And I’m glad
This new identity of ours—Games for Windows: The Official Magazine—in I’m here, too. Heck, I’m Jeff Green
addition to being a rather unwieldy mouthful of a name, also represents a just glad about everything If you’re interested in joining the
quantum leap forward for this humble hobby of ours. It represents, among now I guess. See what hap- collective, or perhaps buying some
other things, Microsoft’s somewhat belated realization that, while ably pursu- pens when you join the Florida swampland, e-mail jeff_green@
ing their home console entertainment plans with the Xbox and Xbox 360 over •
Borg? Jeff Green today.
Games for Windows: The Official Magazine (ISSN 1933-6160) is published monthly by Ziff Davis Media, Inc. 28 East 28th Street, New York, NY 10016. Periodicals Postage Paid at New York, NY 10016 and addi-
tional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Games for Windows: The Official Magazine, P.O. box 57167, Boulder, CO 80322-7167. Canadian GST registration number is 865286033. Publication
Mail Agreement No.40009221. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to P.O. Box 503, RPO West Beaver Creek, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4R6. Printed in the U.S.A.