(PRIMA GUIDE) Dragon Age Inquisition

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eh Official Game Guide DRAGON AGE INQUISITION INTRODUCTION DRAGON AGE a INQUISITION — See ere mc hn ns | and friend Mark Darrah, said to me: “I want the next Dragon Age to be Pee eae teed Se a et ee eet way you wanted to Reo ee ae tue ane ec Lan ‘of the team pitching the idea ofa shift to activity-driven gameplay. Se ee ed ee eee eer) letting him or her decide how to achieve it In doing so, we would present a wide variety of activities available in a vast world that encouraged true discovery. After achieving that goal, et ee aR different players would be able to share stories of how they got there, Bret is {Add to allthis a shift to a spectacular new graphics engine, the next ‘generation of console hardware and online exploration, cooperative ee eee et Coie eT Pree See en eee ey eee ee ee systems, designers assembling all the pieces, producers scheduling thousand-hour projects, and the testers who have hammered on this massive game day after day. I could go on, but all that needs be said is that it was an honor and a privilege to work with them on an undertaking so grand as this. Here we are, at the end of a very long road. I have been playing the Pee Un eee See have an edge on me, though. You hold in your hands an exhaustively ee ee Er regions. Caves to explore, ancient mysteries to uncover, loot and ‘gearing, and perspectives from the developers—I hope you enjoy itas much as we have truly enjoyed crafting the game. eee ee eet Foreword Side Quests Timeline of the World Agents Collections. NG STARTED. Dragon Age Keep Character Generation Haven Locale/Collections Map Conversation Hub Lyries Merchants Hero Menu Combat Primer. Mounts Side Quests .... Requisitions Party Members Beginner Tips The Hinterlands THE INQUISITOR’S PA been The Wrath of Heaven Astrarium The Threat Remains. Fade Rift Merchants. In Hushed Whispers ee Champions of the Just. Party Members In Your Heart Shall Burn. Agents From the Ashes spat Val Royeaux eee ues HCIany=s, ocale/Collections Map Wicked Eyes and Merchants Wicked Hearts Party Members What Pride Had Wrought ents The Final Piece Side Quests The Fallow Mire Doom Upon All the World est S AND ABI Collections. am Fade Rifts ries Requisitions Mage Agents Specialization Quest aie ons Advanced Combat Tactic The Storm Coast Class Builds: Our Favorites 7 HEBER Astrarium Solutions Varrie Tethras Fade Rif CassndraPontaghe es en Party Members. Sera Blackwall The tron Bull Dorian Locale Map. Agents Side Quests Forbidden Oasis ele Collections. Fade Rift WAR COUN Requisitio Aavisors. 6 Side Quests The War Table Shyhold, Locale/Collections Map Inquisition Rank een Merchant rr Agents Crafting Weapons and Armor Side Quests Potion Craft. Specializations Crafting Materials. Shyhold Customization Pe 5 ea oe a) term > ANDRASTE INTRODUCES THE MAKER. Andraste preaches of new creator, whom she cals the Maker. The more she says, the ‘more her following grows Maferath uses her teachings to unite the ‘under his authority. > CHANT OF LIGHT Ancraste's disciples sting her teachings into hymns. monte > THE FIRST INQUISITION The Inquisition is founded around this time. Te loo association of Andrastian hardliners hunt heretics in the name ofthe Maker. > CHANTRY IS CREATED Drakon formalizes the Cult of the Maker, creating the ¢ = > FIRST DIVINE LI > NEVARRAN ACCORD Divine jusinia Lis named the first Divine ofthe new Chany. > HOUSE TETHRAS IS EXILED House Tethrasis cele tothe surface r assassinated. GARMIN riesian forces leverage ner ceath ip on Ferelden Her son Mari escapes > WINTER PALACE RETREAT The Winter Palace, by most pr Halamshial, becomes regular onal retreat forthe empress 6d selected Orlesian nobility. > DRAGONS RETURN ri Believed hunted ro drag devastate rural Orais and Novara Repeated attempt to cull their numbers end in heavy casual j Cathedral is se conspiracy o kil Divine Beatrix IL She is named a hand of the Divine > PENTAGHAST SEIZES NEVARRA Cass I par Pentaghast of Hunter control ofthe ‘The Dragon Age begins. t fs predicted tobe an age ofvolence and upheaval The Chantryand the Inquisition sig the Nevarran Accord. Senior members af the Inquisition form the Seeke Xing Maric allows the Grey Yardens to return to Ferelden aftertwo ages of exile for theit w led coup attempt. > CIRCLE OF MAGI IS CREATED pomeag™ Te Circe of Maris NNevarran Accord. Mage { Q eaeepoy > CELENE BECOMES EMPRESS Empres he th tice magic under the Celene Lascends a close wateh ofthe Chantry > TEMPLAR ORDER IS FORMED i x, willie cestiont BBB tre ciccte tnetempae E > p Seer Siimeted- > FERELDEN AND ORLAIS MAKE PEACE Soon after Celene assures Oresian throne eelden and ily mak pac police magic use. > THE FIFTH BLIGHT ENDS 5 Aunited Ferelden > QUNARI SHIPWRECK NEAR KIRKWALL AQunai dreadnought is shipwrecked near Kirkwall, stranding their Arishok and hundreds of coldiors in the city. They refuse to leave until hey recover the stolen Tome of Koslun led by the Hero of Ferelden slays Urthemiel atthe Batle of Denerim, anding the Fifth Blight > DEEP ROADS EXPEDITION > LYRIUM IDOL RECOVERED 5 The sides 4 Hove, released rom a fund an expedition into the Deep Roads with dwarven brothers The Deep Roads Expedition at Kirkwall discovers anancient thaig that predates the Fits Blight. Inside is Igri that glows ted. An idol made ofthe and VaricTetbras. strange hriumis recovered. > HAWKE ATTEMPTS TO DESTROY CORYPHEUS Hawke enters the Warden prison inthe Vimmark Mountains and attempt to destroy Corypheu History is vague on when exact this occur > THE FIFTH BLIGHT BEGINS = been a longtime since the Fourth nd Few thought the sudden darkspawn in during the Dragon Age to be anything more than an anomaly. The rere knew better. Ftelden’s Warden-Commander, Duncan, rushed to bolster his Order's numbersas the darkspain fon Grey Wardens, few in number, amassed tnder the stirring Olé God Urthemiel. The darkspawn first exposed their srue numbers in 9:30 Dragon during the devastating Battle of Ostagar. King Callan's trusted advisor, Loghain Mac Tir, quit the field inthe heat of bate, leaving the king andthe assembled Wardens trapped behing darkspawn lines without Support. The Wardens, with the exception ofthe atest pair to join the Order, were slaughtered along withthe rched north t0Lothering to King, As the darkspaven z destroy the city, the surviving Wardens jourmeyed the Jongtn of Ferelden in earch of suppor, eaming the respec of disparate peoples and uniting them against the darkspawn threat. Together, the armies of Ferelden ‘met Urthemiel at she capital, Denerim. The Archderon KIRKWALL was slain inthe final bloody battle against the Wardens, ing he Bightand earning the last Warden recruited by Duncan the title "Hero of Ferelden. > THE HAWKE FAMILY FLEES Stannard = The Hawke family flees the destruction of Lathering and travel to Kirkwall, where they begin indentured servitude in order to obi entry tothe city. succumbs to od age is named Divine Justina. > FIRST BATTLE OF Hawke > CIRCLE OF MAGI DISBANDED X J Empress Celene scaled out of Val Royeauncafter news of an even rebellion in Halamahiral, The move is thought to have been orchestrated by Gaspard. Celene’ sence fuels rumors of her death or capture While she is gone, a violent uprising atthe ‘White Spiee—a Circle Tower in Val Royeaus— senior mages dead. The uprising is apparently supported by the Divine through her agents, including the bard Leliana. In response, Lard Seeker Lambert declares the Circle of Magno ‘mote, leaving the future of mages in Thedas uncertain, Following the conflict a the White Spire, Lambert cancels the Nevarran Accor, severing ties betw Seekers and the Chantry. Allsiances between Seekers and templars ae split. Some stl support the Divine. Lambert {goes missing son after and i presumed dead > CASSANDRA PENTAGHAST ARRIVES IN KIRKWALL. > Secker Cassandra Pentaghast, acting Under the authority ofthe Divine arrives in Kirkwall and interogates Varti Tethras about Hawke, > DISSENT IN ORLAIS > DIVINE BEATRIX I! DIES Divine Beatric I, long. sulering from Unvest brews in Orais as Grand Duke Gaspard de Chalons stirs dissent against reigning Empress Celene > MOTHER DOROTHEA 9: con NAMED DIVINE > THE MAGE-TEMPLAR WAR BEGINS Revered Anders, an her apostate Dorothea and friend of| Hawke, destroys he Krkval chantry withthe grand eleriesil inside, inciting the ‘mage-templar war that spreads throughout Thedas. successfully dives the EYEE Qunar outin the First Battle of Kirkwall anid is named Champion 7 by Krkwall's Knight Commander Meredith > CLASH AT KIRKWALL Hawke leads the pushto stop the ‘mages and templarsas they ‘fash in Kirkwall The city's First Enchanter Orsino and Knight-Commander Meredith are both killed. INQUISITION GETTING STARTED And now demons are pouring from Fade rifts scattered across the continent. Are you ready to enter this dangerous and chaotic world? If you're new to Dragon Age, take afew minutes to familiarize yourself with some ofthe core gameplay concepts. Even ifyou're a griztled Dragon Age veteran, you may find some useful information her, Before you even start your adventure in Dragon Age: Inquisition, paya visit to Dragon Age Keep (dragonagekeep.com) to customize your ‘world state. Whether you've played previous Dragon Age installments or not, Dragon Age Keep gives you the opportunity to make some key decisions that influence your own personal word state f you'd like, stay true to your previous gameplay sessions of Dragon Age: Origins ‘and Dragor Age Il, making the same decisions to continue your storyline. Or make different decisions than you di in previous games to 1 adjust the world state in any way you like. Dragon Age Keep offers an incredible amount of depth, but you don’ have to make every minute adjustment. Simply make the adjustments you feel ae important, then move on. Your decisions in Dragan Age Keep cary ever into Dragon Age: Inquisition, impacting the story in subtle (and some not so subtle) ways. As you start your adventure, your decisions in Dragon Age Inquisition are automatically synced to Dragon Age Keep, preserving your personalized world state for future adventures DATs ce ee aif 0 During the opening cinematic you're prompted to choose your character's appearance. There are ive heads to choose from, and each canbe further ‘eustomized. Here you can alter your character's hair, vice eas, eyes, nose, mouth, jaw, sears, tattoos, and makeup. These options ar largely aesthetic 3d hhave no impact on gameplay Paws Shane Hawco, Lend Character Art bot Bt} > APPROVAL Uke previous tiles, Dragon Age: Inquisition requi some tough decisions, These are handled through the conversation esyou to make hub Here you have the option of selecting reply. Some ofthese choices have consequences, and others don't, Each dialogue ‘option is accompanied by an icon, indicating how your character will respond Eien nen. Diao Pen Oo - QD oeres (? QO @ «= @ = QO o.== @ cuass ano Race @ @ xe ee Se @ sm @ » @ « @ » @~™ @ = @« ELM 5 Choose your words and actions carefully— your followers are paying close everything yousayand do, Saying oF doing the right/wrong thing can lead t0 a gain or loss ‘of approval among your party members. Approval s basically your Iikabilty among the party members, andit's2 key component of initiating romances. While minor approval swings are common during conversations, major approval swings occur when making critical declsions-—reference the Decision Point sidebars in the walkthrough. Once you've made a decision, there's no turning. back. And unless you'r using the walkthrough, you'l be making these decisions blindly, nat knowing how your approval with each character willbe affected. Sots strongly advised to review these decision points beforehand. Otherwise you may unintentionally sabotage a budéing romance = ST comenon sndyavpnoes BE song Osaporner OEE vores TE Dsppnes ” | im == liao’ | Noche Z Romance During some conversations with your followers and advisors, a romance dialogue option appears-take this opportunity to fi often gaining approval. But this is just the beginning. Continue Airting and building approval witha particular character to advance the relationship. However, consummatinga relationship takes lot more than staying ut ofthe doghouse and delivering clever one-liners, Take the romance tothe next level by completing, inner circle quest for your remantc interest—some ofthese involve acquiring gifts you can use tothe hep sea the deal When it comes te romance, persistence pays ff, so keep chatting up your love interest ona regular basis—and do as tle as possible to pss then so don't st your sights on a character you're not compatible with Reference the Party Members and War Council chapters for more information on pursuing romances with each character. of. Also, remember that race and gender makea difference, stl ‘Whether you need to purchase new ablites, adjust tactics and behaviors, equip new gear, or review codexes and quest information, the radial Hero menu has you covered. The game is paused while the Hero ment is open, giving you ample tive to sor th Consider your next move, > CHARACTER RECORD The Character Record menu is where you can manage your party's ables, tactics, and behaviors as well a view their current attributes. This menu cannat he accessed during combat, 5 make ure you make these adjustments when your character and party arent under attack, Abilities Here's where you select and map 2 character's accessible of ability trees, Each ability re contains active abilities, upgrades, and passive abilities. Active abilities have diamond-shaped icons—you can map up to ‘ight active abilities for quick deployme active abilities can be upgeaded, making them stronge effective. Upgrades appeat as smaller diamo luring combat. Most and more d-shaped icons adjacent toa active ability Passive ablities are represented by circular icons on each tree. When a passive ability is learned t's always in play and dos ‘not need to be mapped or activated, Some passive abilities also offer permanent bonus attributes wen unlocked Characters earn one ability point each time they level up. Browse hough the avalable tees and select an ability to learn it takes one ability point ro unlock each ability. You can only lam abilities fhe ability tree or connected to an ability you've already learned. Active abilities are automatically mapped to connected tothe ro anempty hot key orbutton when leaned, but you ean customize hore each ability mapped through the Apply function—select a learned ability from the tee followed by the Apply function, then press the desired key or button to map it. Since you can only ‘map up to eight abilities ata time, Iter in the ga me you may need to revise your mapped abilities, replacing olde, weaker abilities With newer, more powerful ones. Reference the Classes and Abilities chapter fora complete rundown of ll abilities, including specializations Tactics Inthe Tactics canadjust which abilities your party members of them. The interface consists of ait of lemmed abilities, and ‘mapped abilities have a check mark next to them. When an ability isselected you have the opportunity to enable i, disable it or prefer it, Prefered abilities are used more frequently and are ‘more favored over enabled bilities when both can be used, Soif there's'a particular ability you'd like character to use with greater Frequency, sett to prefered. ie ugh your gearand Attributes The Actibutes scren displays.a character's current stats. well asany offensive and defensive bonuses. These bonuses are often applied by equipping different weapons, armor, and accessories. Here's rundown of how each atsbute is defined Attributes Strength: The characters physical strength and ability. Each point increases attack (warriors only) and guard damage bonus, Dexterity: The character's agility, reflexes, and coordination, Each point increases attack (rogues only) and ciical damage Magic: The character's connection to the Fade and ability t0 ‘manipulate it Each point increases attack (mages only) ane barrier damage bonus. Cunning: The character's intelligence and deviousness. Each Point increases critical chance and ranged defense Willpower: The character's strength af mind and personality Fach point inreases attack and magic defense forall classes. Constitution: The character's physical robustness and endurance. Fach point increases health and melee defense, Offensive Attack: The attack stat increases all damage that a character does, Guard Damage Bonus: Increases the damage against enemies under the effect of guard Armor Penetration: Each point of armor penetration i ‘one point ofthe tage mor when inflicting damag Barrier Damage Bonus: Increases the damage against enemies that are under the effect of Barrie. Critical Damage Bonus: Increases the extra damage inficted with critical ht Critical Chance: The chance to score a critical hit foreach Main-Hand Damage: How much damage the weapon in the character's main hand infies with each hit. Off-Hand Damage: How much damages inflicted by the character's of hand weapon. Bleed on Hit: The chance perhitto inflict bleed eect on the target. The effect lass afew seconds Stagger on Hit: The chance per hitto stun the target. The effect lasts few seconds, Heal on Kill; Amount of damage to be healed by each killing blow Flanking Damage Bonus: The damage bonus, asa percentage, when attackinga target from the side or behind. Defensive Magic Defense: The percentage of damage resistance to all magical or elemental atacks Melee Defense: The percentage of damage resistance to all melee physical chs Ranged Defense: The percentage: damage resistance to all ranged physical arn. Cold Resistance: The percentage of damage resistance to cold damage attacks Electrical Resistance: The percentage of damage resistance 19 electrical damage Fire Resistance: damage resistance be percentage of Fre damage attacks. Spirit Resistance: The percentage of damage resistance to spirit damage attacks Guard: Enemies must frst damage the charaet damage health s guard, ifany, before they an Armor Rating: Physical da reduced by acha Armor Rating Front: Physical damage inflicted on the character from the front is teduced by armarrating before boing applied Health: A character whose health drops 100 falls unconscious and is unable 10 attack Maximum Health: The maximum amount of health a character ean regain From healing Bleed on Being Hit: The chance: ny attack on the character thatthe attack inflicts a bled effect on the enemy. The effect lasts afew seconds, ‘Stagger on Being Hit: The chance per tenemy attack on the character thatthe attack stuns the enemy. The effec lasts a few seconds other Focus: Focus ia resource that you sin cach time someone in your party deals damage. Each party memberhas ‘a personal focus meter, but all party members gain focus when a single ‘member deals damage. Maximum Focus: The maximum amount (of focus this character can generate Focus Gain Bonus: Focus gained from all sources is increased by this percentage Mana/Stamina: The current amount of rmana/stamina a character has. Use mana stamina to trigger special abilities ‘Maximum Mana/Stamina: The ‘maximum amount of mana/stamina a Combat Experience Points: The ‘character's current experience points. Level: A character's cutrent combat level Cooldown Modifier: Reduces the ‘cooldown on all ofthe character's abilities. Behaviors cerning The Behaviors sume screen allows you to provide instructions toyour party en how they should fight, coop and de ‘themselves in combat. While you can diecty control and switch between party membersat any time they wl follow these rules when you're not controlling them. Four behaviors can be adjusted: ‘Mana/Stamina % Reserve: If mana/stamina fll below this threshold, the party member wil stp using abilities that requicet Targeting Behavior; Choose targets by following another party member's target orby prioritizing threats to another party member—use this to make the selected ‘character follow or defend a party member of your choice Healing Potion Reserve: Party member will not use healing potionsif this many or Healing Potion % Threshold: When the party member's health falls below this reshold, they willattempr to use a healing potin. > INVENTORY When you acquire ew gear, access the ory men to ie inspect and equip these new items, You can equip weapons, armor, and accessories, applying them to yourcharacter or party members, Most equipment isrestricted by class and level, Sofa character doosn't meet these requirements, the tem cannot be equipped. But think twice before selling or destroying this equipment—a party member es, erating materials, valuables, and schematics carried by your party Crafting materials and schematics do ‘may benefit fromit, Te Inventory menu also details ll upg not accupy space in your inventory, but everything els does, So make a habit of selling off excess equipment whenever you're near a merchant. Unless related toa quest or research iter, valuables can be sold for gold—they serve no other purpose \When sorting through your tems, pay close attention to the rarity Items with a gray background are common and frequently found in loot drops. Common tems aren! particularly noteworthy and feteh litle gold when sold to merchants, Items with blue backgrounds ate rare. When possible, equip rare items on your characters, because i they e often enchanted with runes, ging them stat bus. Rare items also are worth ‘more when sold to merchants, Unique items have a purple background and are one-of ‘kind-—these are usually found om bosses. While you can eam quitea bit of gold by Selling unique items t's better to equip your party members with them. Unique items are often crafted from the best materials and enchanted by runes, giving them a variety msider holding onto unique items until they're rendered obsolete by newer, better equipment of bonuses, C > CODEX ‘Throughout your adventure you'r ily to uncover codex entries Providing detailed information on different subjects, Codex entries ‘an be retrieved manually by interacting with nates or other documents. They can also be retrieved automaticaly when a topic arises in conversation or whenever you encounter an enemy of ‘character forthe first time. All ofthese entries ate collected inthe Codex section ofthe Hero menu. Unlocking a codex entry also unlocks the at associated with ts cad COMBAT PRIMER Your journey through southern Thedas isn't without perl. Demons, Creatures, and hostile forces attack with minimal provocation, calling ‘on you to defend yourself and your lis. There are two different ‘ways to approach combat in Dragon Age: Inquisition You can ether play the game third-person ike an action RPG, or you can take a more tactical approach through the use of the tactical camera, There iso right or wrong way to do this—it all comes down to personal preference \When playing inthe third-person perspective, face yourintended target and then press and hold the attack button or key. Alternatively youcan lockon toa target to keep it centered in the camera view. Initiating basic attacks causes your character to unleash a eres of slashes, arrows, or elemental projectiles, using an equipped wed > JOURNAL he Journal menu keeps track of all quests you've been assigned as wellas those you have completed. Each quest entry providesa brief {description and ists objectives. Quests ae sorted by inqusito’s Path (critical path quests), inner circle quest, and locales, When you select aquest from the journal it becomes active, updating icons onthe in-game compass and helping you determine where togo next. The Collections tab within the journal keeps track of ll the collectibl You've found, including tems like bottles, mosaics and song ses. For more information on collections, reference the Exploration chapter. on. While basi attacks are effective, they aren’ the most powerful rely on your character's offensive active abilities to pour on even more damage. But not ll ablities are offensive. Abilities ike Barrie, Leaping Shot, and Evade are defensive, preventing your character (and sometiines the entire party) from taking damage. Abilities consume stamina, mana, or focus, and as such cannot be activated frequent fer > TACTICAL CAMERA Tha camera pauses toview the battlefield from atop-down perspective While the game i paused, you can issue orders to all your party members, instructing them to move, defend, attack, or use one of their mapped active abilities. Once orders ae issued, you can ether return tothe third: person perspective or stay within the tactical camera to advance time, watching ftom above as your orders areca the tactical camera's reticle, highlight enemies to view d “within theirinformation box. Here you can see the enemy’s name, health and armor, as well as any resistances, valnerabilies, and immunities. This information alone tells you exacth what kind ‘of weaponsibiltes willbe effective, For example, ian enemy isresistant to cold-based damage but vulnerable to fre-hased damage, consider changing your weapons and abilities to pense. and each ability cooldown period, too, So save your abilities @ critical moments when you need an extra boos in offense or defense to turn the te. > POTIONS AND GRENADES No matter how defensive you foing ta happen and you'll need away toheal Fortunately, your partyis equipped ‘with eight health potions. (This number can be increased to 12 by purchasing the "More Healing Potions Inquisition perk) Individually, your party ‘members can be equipped with secondary pations that can benefit them in various ways, such as providing temporary resistances to elemental damage. You can unlock mare pations by finding oF purchasing potion recipes and crating them fram herbs, Potions ‘an be consumed f ym the in-game radial menu. This menu also See ae, ‘ofan area-of effet (AOE) ability. Grenades arent readily avallable but can be crafted, much ike potions, Before adventuring into new areas, make sure party members a and grenades. well equipped with potions > PARTY COMPOSITION Before you venture out into the wilderness you're prompted to select your party members. As a general ul, e's wise to travel wth a balanced party, witha last one warrior, one rogue, and one mage present, In addition to having unique Skil (like wall bashing, lock picking, and velfie), each ciass has tactical strengths and abilities Mi ane dual wield togues rely on melee attacks to dish out damage. Having 2 mixof melee and ranged fighters should serve your party well Consider making two warriors, a rogue archer, and.a mages your default lineup. While this may nat be the best combination for your style of play, t's merelya sample of a wel-balanced pay Experiment with your own lineups, paying close attention to the strengths and weaknesses of each class, Foran in-depth analysis on sand rogue archers specialize in ranged combat, while wartiors sere San tach cass, including discussion of ll blities, reference the Classes and Abities chapter. es BEGINNER TIPS + Go out of your way 0 talk to everyone. Allinteractive characters ave something interesting to ay. Some may have ‘quests for you, and others could possibly be recruited as agents + When visiting a new locale, try to establish as many camps as possible. Inquisition camps serve as fast-travel points, allowing you to get around the map with ease. Settlements land keeps also serve as fast-rave points 4+ Asyou and your party members gain XP, you'llevel up. Look forte arrow ican on each character portrait to identiy who has leveled up, Take this as your cue enter the Character Record menu and select new abilities. + Some enemies drop research items. Take theseitems to the Inguistion’s researcher to gain bonuses against associated ‘enemy types. «Weapons and armor sold by merchants are usually inferior to the equipment you can find in loot drops. Save your gold to buy schematics and crafting materials, then craft your own custom equipment. You can craft runes untilthe Inquisition acquires Dagna, in Skyhold «+ Collect crating materials to create your own weapons, armor, Upgrades, potions, and grenades, Gatherer, mineral, cloth, and animal hides during your adventures across southern Thedas, then use schematics to craft new items. «Before selling any weapons ar armor, consider removing any upgrades you'd ik to keep, Upgrades can be removed and applied to other equipment. However, runes cannot be femoved from equipment. So think twice before ataching Forthe frst time, mounts ate avilable in Dragon Age. But before you can fil our stables wth horses, dracoliss, and harts, you ‘must find Horsemaster Dennet in the Hinterlands—he gives you 2 Fereldan Forder and the opportunity o purchase more mounts at your stable, Mounts offera quick way to traverse the vast landscapes of Ferelden and Orlas. And while mounts are fast, they aren't capable of outrunning attacks. If your mount takes damage, you'll be thrown off. So i's best to dismount before approaching hostile units Ifyou use mounts Frequently, consider choosing the Rider's Posture and Antivan-Stitched Saddle Inquisition perks to decrease your chances of being unseated. With these perks unlocked, your mount can absorb more damage before throwing {you off. For more information on mounts, reference the Skyhold cana Pawan section in the Exploration chapter, | + Before leaving an Inquisition camp, ensure your party fully stocked on potions. Healing potions are automatically restocked when You establish, resto” fat travel to a camp. But you may need to craft secondary potions (and grenades) foreach individual party member. | «Use the Search Function to highlight interactive tems, including oot and crating materials. This is an easy way to find abjects that you's otherwise miss. «+ Consider keeping at least one fie-based, one cold-based, and ‘one electrical-hased stain your inventory. These will come. inhandy for eliminating magical bariers. While any staf! ‘ean bring down a magieal barrier, staves using an opposing ‘elemental magic drop these barviers faster. For example, use a fire staff against a cold barrier, a cold staff against a fire barrier oran electrical staf against a spirit barrier. Ofcourse, ‘maintaining’ mage in your party i essential fer equipping these staves and defeating these berries. «Before engaging in combat, use the tactical camera to scout the battlefield Inspect every enemy to determine resistances ‘ullerabiities, and immunities «+ Speak to your followers regulary while in Haven or Skyhold, particulany following key events. New dialogue options ae ened following the conclusion of most critical path quests, «You must gain power to scout and unlock new locales. Closing Fade rifts and establishing Inquisition camps are the tosiest ways to gin power. Some side quest also reward ower. + Most quests reward influence. Think ofthis asXP for the Inquisition, As the Inquisition acquires more influence and levels up you can purchase Inquittion perks, enefting the ‘organization in various ways, See the War Courel chapter for more information on inquisition ranks and perks. ae THE INQUISITOR’S PATH This chapter covers the game's ‘ritcal path story arc, called the Inquisitor's Path. Ths is a streamlined walkthrough detailing the bare minimum you must do to complete the game. But there's fr more to Dragon Age: Inquisition than the Inqusitor's Path. So during your play-through, be sure to reference other chapters inthe guide as new opportunities arise. In particular, keep. the Exploration chapter bookmarked so you're ready to tackle side quests and other activities in each of ch sprawling locales. Tiss your inquisition. How will ou lead it? > PROLOGUE Something terrible has happened... and you'rethe prime suspect. Outside the chantry a massive hoe in the sky isvisible, located Held ina cell beneath the chantry in Haven, your character is {questioned by Seeker Cassandra Pent just above the ruins oft h about devastation? Cassandra says theyre calling the hole inthe sky the he events leading up tothe explosion at the Temple of Sacred temple. What could have caused Breach. I'sa masshe rift into the Fade And apparently this Breach | Ashes. The temple was the ste of Conclave attended by many from across Thedas, Almost all attendees were killed ina massive explosion that completely leveled the temple, Among the deceased was none other than Divine Justina V leader ofthe Andrastian Chantry. But there was one survvor—you, Unfortunately, your ‘character has no clear recollection of what happened—this only fuels Cassandra's suspicions. Inan effort to refresh your character's memory, Cassandra decides to escort you t@ rift while Leliana travels 102 forward camp. > JOURNEY TO THE RIFT Following the ope ng cinematic, you gain control of your character is growing. Cassandra fearsie will expand untilit swallows the world. There seems to bea direc ink between the Breach and the green, glowing mark on your character's hand-—a sudden pulse from the Breach caus the mark to emit a painful surge through your character's body. Cassandra feels this mark may be the key he Breach. Are you really responsible forall ofthis? The inhabitants of Haven seem to think so, casting accusatory glances Inyour direction as you and Cassandra begin your journey Breach, Accompanied by Cassandra, you're on a stone bridge, not far fom Haven. Take a ‘moment to familiarize yourself withthe movement and camera controls before approaching tho gate at the end ofthe bridge. As you move forward, Cassandra ‘orders apairof soldiers to open the gateon the northside, allowing you to access the path tothe valley. Anew Inquisition icon appears on the compass, indicating the location of your current objective. SSS— 0. ee Combat Primer Soon after passing through the sate you the quest map to gain agreater perspective ofthe Frostback Mountains. Only the aea you've explored appears nthe quest map. The est ofthe map is shrouded in darkness, representing areas you haven't explored. The more you travel around the locale, the more the map is uncovered. Pan the map 10 the left to see the Inquisition icon—thisisthe location ofthe rf, your current destination. Close the quest map and continue along the path beyond the bridge. CODEX ENTRIES While moving along the path your character's left hand emits green glow accompanied bya sharp jab of pain, Cassandra helps yourcharacterto ther feet and initiates a conversation. Speaking to Cassandra gives you the apportunity get some background information onthe Current situation, After the conversation continue along the path. While crossing the next bridge, seen bolts of ‘energy fall From the sky, impacting the surrounding landscape. Suddenly, the bridge insets rocked, causing it to crumble beneath your fet. Asyour character recovers a the frozen river below, two demor-like eeatures, called shades, appear nearby. As Cassandra charges ahead to confront these demons, your character recovers a weapon from the debris of the bridge. The type of weapon you recover depends ‘on what class of character you're playing. But regardles of what kind of weapon your characteris wielding, you car help Cassandra fight offthe shades. Follow the on-screen instructions to perform a basic attack. Hold down the basic attack button/key to continuously strike one of the shades—for best results, focus on Cassandra's target. These enemies are persistent and continue lashing out with savage melee attacks, Keep hitting back with basic attacks until both shades are defeated, Following the battle convince Cassandra that you need a weapon to defend yourself, Regardless of what dialogue options you choose, Cassandra eventually stands down and allows your character to remain armed. Before moving on, consider healing by opening the tactical wheel and consuming potion follow the on-screen prompts, You can also loot one ofthe corpses hing near the ce Ths usually ilds a helmet you can equip through the inventory sereen in the Hero menu, fs drop loot, too. Search the remains hades to obtain shadow essence, a research item, Using the compass as your guide, continue following the path to the rift, engaging two more shades along the way. The on-screen tutorials wal you through the basis of combat, including hove tollock the camera ono a target and how to trigger class-specific abilities. Using a mix of basic attacks and abilities, defeat the next two shades, [Ashade and wraith block the path ahead. Try to engage and defeat the shade frst without drawing the attention of the green, glowing \wralth, Unlike shades, wraith rely slelyon ranged aracks, often striking from a distance by fing green orbs of energy. They're best defeated with ranged atacks of your own, However, f your character isnt equipped witha staff bow, you'll need to rely ‘on basic melee attacks to defeat this demon. Once the wraith and shade ae defeated, search the westside ofthe frozen rver 10 ‘obtain some loot from & corpse, 3 Paeeasim pays to venture off the path in Frostback M 1've discovered additional loot tucked away in secluded areas. Charlene Crirfuss, Test Ops QA Wraiths and shades loiter along the path ahead. Try toisolate and engage these enemies in small groups to avoid setting off lange, challenging battle. If possible, draw the fist set toward you with ranged attacks, defeating the wraith before attacking the shade. Once the ist set is dispatched, approach the nest group ‘of demons, consisting ofa shade and two wraiths. Once the area is clear, move to the north side of the frozen river to loct anther corpse. Backtrack to the steps tothe west and continue your Journey to the if > REACH THE FORWARD CAMP More shades and wraiths appear on the frozen river ahead. Here you're prompted rouse the ractical camera This feature allows you to pause the game and issue specific orders to each party member. Fusing a ranged weapon, lke a stafforbow, stay on the southern banks ofthe fozen rverand help Solas and Vari rain dow Fire while Cassandra charges ahead. But ifyou'recarryinga melee ‘weapon, join Cassandra on the iy surface to defeat the demons atclose range. After the battle, head to cabin on the eas side of the riverbank. Feel free to lot the chest inside—you may find something you ot your party members could use Before movi up the hillside tothe southwest, beyond the frozen wateral This path leads to smal we occupied by three shades, Work with your partyto dispatch these demons, then loot the corpse found here. Afterward, retum tothe frozen river and continue journey tothe forward camp, Fade Rift Just head, the seen glow af if ie itcomes Friendly forces ateengagedin combat with several shades. Rush forward and join the igh, helping defeat the shades, ARer the battle, a cinematic is triggered, introducing Solas and Vari. Solas urges your character to use the mark on your hand ta close the rift before more demons come through. This mark has the ability to close Fade rifts, Cassandra theorizes the mark could also be used toclose the Breach above the nearby temple Following p sty. Jump over the nearby barrier and lead your new party down the adjoining slope. Ineroductions, Solas and Varrc join your p ip withalles ata forward camp before proceeding tothe temple Climb she slope ‘west ofthe river > and engage along the way : The gate outside i. e campis blocked ‘ by another Fade rift euarded by wraiths and shades. Fade rifts are caused bbyweaknessesin the Vel. Rifts spawn demons, and can only be sealed once all nearby demons ae killed. The mark can disrupt the 1d cause damage to enemies. When you're nat being attacked, interact with the eft to damage all ofthe demons. Once allthe demons are dead, interact with the Fade rift to cose it, using your mark LEVELING UP ‘Mtr closing the sift open the gate andenterthe forward camp. Ineract with the supply cache hereto refill your potions. Beyond the supply cache, speak with Leliana, standing near the tent with Chancellor Roderick. The ensuing conversation is rife with accusations, panic, and indecision as Lelana, Roderic, and Cassandra argue over which path to take to the temple. Meanwhile your characteris brought to their knee, writhing in pain as the mark s once again luminated. When Cassandra asks which path you suggest you have the opportunity to make you Fist key decision, DECISION POINT see, a = a : See EM yi, 1 flit with nearly every major characte inthe Inquisition, you can pursue a romance with onlyone make sure your potential love Interests compatible with your chapters. > THE MOUNTAIN PATH The pathis steep, WALRTROUGH requiring your party aseries of three ladders before saining aceess to an old mining tunnel. Fight through the shades and fee ‘wraiths inthe tunnel. Try leading with Cassandra, using her Challenge ability to taunt the enemies, causing them to-attack her instead ofthe others. You can also play as Solas or Varric. At the tunel’ ent you find the remains of theeesoldiers—but this isn't allofthem, Continue along the snowy path until you spot another Fade rift, where the surviving soldiers are fighting off several demons. Rush forward and join the fight, defeating the fist wave of demons, After eliminating the rst wave of enemies, prepare fora second ‘wave emerging from the Fads, consisting of one terror. These tall creepy demons are extremely dangerous, and deserving of your ‘entire party's attention. Terrors inflict heavy damage with thei melee and atea-of effect attacks. Taunt the terror using Cassandra ‘while the rest of your party members (and the soldiers) assis. Little by itl the terror's heath is depleted untiit is dead, Take this moment to close the Fade if. The soldiers are grateful for your decision to rake the mountain path—surely they would've perished Ifyou didn’t come this way. After speaking withthe soldiers, descend a couple of ladders nearby and proceed to the temple. | > CHARGE WITH THE SOLDIERS This path leads directly into the temple's hese another Fade ft has spawned ‘more demons, Commander Cullen and his men are busy fighting fff more demons, so give them a hand. Upon approaching the ‘if, engage the tactical camera. Move the circular targeting reticle around the battlefield to highlight different enemies. This reveals the enemy’s name, level, and health. In some cases it may show ‘vulnerabilities and applied status effects. The usual mix of shades land wraiths surrounds the rift. Send Cassandra into close range to battle these enemies while Solas and Vari attack froma distance—preferably from the ledge tothe east. f your character has a ranged weapon, stay put with Varric and Solas. Otherwise, charg into the heat ofthe batle with Cassandra. The idea is tokeep Varric and Solas out of harms way Using Cassandra's Challenge taunt ability draws enemies toward her, an ideal tactic for keeping enemies away from Vartic and Solas. Following the first wave of enemies, prepare for a single terror, ‘emerging from the rif. These tall, creepy demonsare extremely dangerous, and deserving of your entire partys attention. Terrors inflict heavy damage with their melee and area-of effet attacks. ‘Taunt the terror using Cassandra while the rest of your party ‘members (and Cullen's men) assist. Keep iting the terror over and over until i's down for good. Now, close the Fade ft using your character's mark. After a Brief conversation with Cllen and Cassandra, proceed into the temple... or what's eft oft > THE BREACH Here your party meets up with Leliana as the Breach looms high above. Just below the Breach is another rift. Solas suggests that sealing this ft may be the hey to closing the Breach. Follow the path ‘on the west side of the temple to reach the if, Along the way Varic is unsettled by the presence of red lrium-—after what transpired in Kirkwall, his uneasiness is understandable. The perimeter path lands toashallow ledge leading dawn tothe rift. Before stepping of the ledge, conser ing your party with potions and equipping new weapons. Fire-based weapons and spels will come in handy forthe fight ahead. When you reach the Roar of the temp, voices can be heard emanating from the rift. A transparent vision above the temple lor replays the events leading up tothe explosion during the Conclave. Apparently ome malicious entity was holding Divine JustiniaV eaprive ‘when your character intervened, Cassandra seems surprised and confused by this revelation, but there are other matters to attend 0 Solas teports that the rift is closed but not sealed. He suggests using the mark to openit. But that wil kel draw more demons. AS your ‘character reaches out withthe mark, the its opened, drawing forth a massive pride demon, Pride Demon Battle {Immediately following the cinematic, begin attacking the pride demon, Make note of the ‘ray bars covering the pride demon’s health meter. These armar-like icons represent the pride demon’s guard. When an enemy (or ally buds up its guard, itean't be injured, Inasense, this guatd sen health meter. Before you can inflict damage fonan enemy's health, you must fist climinate the guard. Fortunately, disrupting the Fade rift withthe mark can temporarily eliminate the pride demon's guard. So approach the rift and interact with itt cause a disruption, Ths stuns the pride demon, makingit vulnerable to attacks. While the pride demon attemprs to recover, ht it with everything you have, slowly depleting its exposed health meter. But watch out for more demons pouting out ofthe rift—use Cassandra's Challenge to draw their attention. Eliminate the shades swarming your party and then resume your attack on the pride demon. Whe the pride demon has restored its guard, disrupt the Fade rift again. Keep disrupting the Fade rift and attacking the pride demon while t's vulnerable until its health is fully depleted. Once the pride demon and all shades are eliminated, close the Fade rift. Ths triggers a massive surge of enengy to shoot skyward. Yet the Breach inthe sky remains Following the events a the Temple of Sacred Ashes, your character regains consciousness in a cozy cabin back in Haven. An elf vant informe you that three days have past since you closed the rftat the temple. nd while the Breach is stil presen, thas stopped growing, just like the mark on your hand. The servan 1 mentions that Cassandra would ike inthe hanty. Before heading forthe chantry, take a moment to get your bearings. There's a small Box on th scan loot as well sa ‘ote on the desk you can read, unlocking another codex entry > THE INQUISITION REBORN The chantry i located onthe south sie of Haven. Open the ddoors tothe chantry and proceed to the room atthe back of the ructure—this isthe war room, where the Inqusiion's war oureil meets, As soon as you passthrough the door, Chancellor Roderick demands that you be chained and prepared for ria. But Cassandra comes to your immediate defense—she feels jou ve been sent by the Maker. You can choose to go along with Cassandra's assumptions or dismiss the notion. In any case, Cassandra is convinced you have been sent here fora reason, Despite Roderick's protests Cassandra reinstates the Inquisition of ok, vowing to close the Breach and restore order, with or without the support ofthe Chantry. After Roderick storms off you have the opportunity to question Cassandra and Lelana about the origins ofthe Inquisition. Agree to help to conclude the conversation and initiate the game's opening cinematic, showing word ofthe Inquisition spreading cross Thedas. cinematic, Cassandra introduces you to the : Josephine, Cullen, and Lelia Inquisition s adv hile all the advisors ae unified behind the cause ofthe Inquisition, there fs some disagreement over which faction can offer the mo templars ae the better option. But Josephine is quick o poin upport lana suggests courting the rebel mages, while Cullen fels the ut that neither faction has favorable view ofthe Inquisition — hange f you wish to gain their support. Meanwhile the Chantry has declared you Giaalle,a CChantry cleric, has requested to speak to you, She can be found inthe Hinterlands, near Rodelife, Cullen and Josephine suggest ing the Inquisition’ influence while you're there. > THE WAR TABLE Before you ean travel tothe Hinterlands, you ma first petform a scouting operation on the wa able, Completing scouting operations unlocks new areas ta explore. The war table allows ou 1 power ofthe Inquisition throughout Orlais and ‘erekien. Power is obtained by completing etal path plots ing Fade its, capturing keeps, finding alllandmarks in a locale, or by defeating high drag current mnough 1o scout the Hinterlands, ve one power, jus Select Ferelden on the war table and then choose the Scout he Hinterlands option. Next, choose the advisor you wish t0 conduct the scouting operation—Leliana is the only advisor ville for this particular one This triggers cinematic showing Harding, a scout establishing a foothold forthe Inquisition in Hinterlands Missions After the scouting operation, the war table is ‘now open for missions. These ‘operations take time and bring the Inquisition resources and rewards. Missions can only be conducted by Josephine, Cullen, lor Lelana. Take time ro read the detail of each availabe mission and determine the best advisor for thejob. Josephine is diplomat and relies on connections and influence to complete her tasks. Liana is aspy masterand utilizes her network af agents to collact information. Culln, a former templar, leads the Inqusition’s army and relies on displays of force. Each mission shows how much time intakes foran advisor to complete the task. Generally the advisor ‘who can complete the operation quickest is usualy the best choice forthe jb. However, rwards differ based on the advisor you select Fornow, assign the advisors tothe following missions: > EXPLORING HAVEN ‘After completing the scouting operation on the war table, you can travel directly to the Hinterlands with your party and seek out Mother Giselle, However it's highly recommended to spend some ime exploring Haven and completing afew side quests. ‘These quosts serve as tutorials, familiarizing you with same basic gemeplay concepts. SO take afew minutes to complete rhe following optional side quests before leaving Haven Bi Haven’s Best Ano BricHTEST Star by speaking tothe blacksmith Hart. He's located outside Haven's rain gate, Harritie the one who erafted the newarmer you're currently wearing Here you can craftnew weapons. and armor as well as modify existing Quest Giver: NA Description: Even in these trying times, good help snot so hard 9 find Explore Haven and meet some ofthe Inquistion’s crafting masters, Requirements: Available after meeting the war council Reward: SOXP Recommended Level:2 op © Speak with the smith ‘equipment. Qu completed here, © Speak with the quarter 4 Speak with the apothecary, rwAdan, Newt, speak to Threnn, the ‘quartermaster, near the tent outside the chantry. She's responsible for fulfilling requisitions. She has prepared alist of items the Inquisition nseds—find some irom anda logging ste to complete the Requisition for Weapons quest. Return to the table next to Threnn to complete This quest is 2ailable immediately afr the game's opening cinematic ends requisitions. tion Haritt about cifferent aspects of hsb to unlock ‘two more quests: The Right Amor and Piece by Piece, These two quests can be ‘Adan, the apothecary, ison the west side oF Haven, not far from Solas. He hada hand in your recovery following the incident at che temple. Adan is responsible for supplying the Ingulsition with potions. You can come here 10 ster. craft new potions using recipes and herbs. You can get the Passing Notes and Mixing Potions quests by speaking INITIAL Missions: Josephine GatherCoin 48:00 aia Hareintigheown: 9. sturdy lelana — VariesRevenge 7200 Banca orp Cullen TheTeymafHigheer 0:12:00 Topse ‘These particular missions only take a few minutes of game imeto ‘complete. After 2 minutes you ean come back to the war table and issue new missions for Leliana and Cullen—osephine's mission will ake abit longer to complete. Amessage appears on-screen ‘when each mission is complete, Make frequent visits tothe war table to keep your adkisors busy before determining which ad suited for a! Mi Tne Richt ARMOR Quest Giver: Hart in Haven Description: With the right materials Haven's blacksmith can craft some prety decent armor Requirements: Avaliable after completing Haven’s Hest and Brightest Recommended Level:2 @ Have some armor made. Before you can craft some armor, you reed to gather raw materials, Usually these items can be found inthe wild during your journey. Fortunately, Harrie hhasa stash of materials nearby. Loot the crate next tothe Craft Armor table—this will give you enough material to create some armor. Next, interact with the Craft Armor table. Amari erafted using a schematic and raw materials. The schematic determines the appearance and potential power ofthe crafted armor, while the materials determine the Specific stats and powers of the armor. Using the provided schematic and materials, crafta new piece of armor oe —— = Bi Puce ey Prece Di Passinc Notes Bi moun Potions ¢ Recommended Level: 2 the Hinterlands. eee OT = : Reward: 44 XP, 40 Influence — Recommended Level: 2 ee Visit a potion loadout station. take a moment to complete this simple ‘ana ‘quest, Start by oting the crate next tothe Craft Weapons table. Inside ‘san armor upgrade. Next, goto the Modify Armor table. Upgrading armor sds the upgrade's stats tothe armors This quest is available after choosing Tiamediatehyafiercornpleting ts Passing Notes quest, interact with the ‘option while speaking to Adan—you can Eup Potions table next to Adan, This do this while completing the Haven’s Best and Brightest quest. Adan needs some help finding Master Taigen's the "Need any help?" conversation stats while als altering the amor's appearance. Choose the armor you wish gives you access to your Potion Belt to prrae preter the aro you a sa Meaing potions, he op ofthe a re relenised fore automatically Buta other potions require herbs torepenish them Slt the em) | potion ot onthe rad and assign the regeneration potion tot. requires | One elon eres each regeneration porion™=repleish is pation orf : Fromexing elect. you dont have : anytrot, canbe suid ouside af Mavens by fare most common herein the ge andenyto din malig loses. xt the Potion Bel : complete the quest just crafted. Each piece ofarmorhas ‘wo upgrade slots: arms and legs. Apply the uparade you just retrieved from the cate, then select Confirm Changes to ‘complete the process. Upgrades aren't permanent. They can be removed and applied to other armor. So before selling armor (or weapons), make sure you've removed any upgrades you wish ta keep. notes. Apparently Taigen was working lon something special before he died at the Conclave. After speaking with Adan and selecting the quest, goto the purple ‘mark on the quest map. As you near this area, a pulsing blue ring appears around the compass, indicating the presence of hidden objec. Press the bbutton/key shown on-screen to begin searching. Once you initiate a search, gold ring-ke radius emanates from your character's feet. But the ring isn’t tuniform—Ir glows brighteralong one edge, indicating the direction ofthe hidden object. Continue searching, using this indicator to move closer and closer to the hidéen object. When you initiate a search next tothe object, it Finally appears.on the ground, allowing you to retrieve it, Tae Taigen’s notes toAdan. tn return he gives you access toa new potion recipe. You can now complete the Mixing Potions ques EW, a cition to revesting hidden objects, conducting searches also causes nearby interactive objects to glow fora shor time, This i great way to ‘quickly locate herbs, miner nd loot stashes.

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