The Hidden Data Economy: The Marketplace For Stolen Digital Information
The Hidden Data Economy: The Marketplace For Stolen Digital Information
The Hidden Data Economy: The Marketplace For Stolen Digital Information
8 Login Access
12 Identities
14 Conclusionbout McAfee
Hidden in Plain Sight victims of a data breach, and ultimately those data
The title of this report suggests that there exists a subjects whose information is being sold, may be costly.
hidden doorway into an underground marketplace for A sad side effect of reading about data breaches is the
nefarious products that is not accessible to us muggles. concept of “data breach fatigue,” which is another way
In reality, this marketplace is not nearly as well hidden of saying “apathy.” The recent article I Feel Nothing: The
as we imagine, and it certainly does not require prior Home Depot Hack and Data Breach Fatigue provides a
knowledge of a secret public house and its hidden wonderful example of such apathy:
courtyard. Cybercrime Exposed: Cybercrime-as-a-
Service highlights just how accessible these products, “Because banks are responsible for making us whole
tools, and services are to anybody with a browser. if our credit cards are misused, and we are simply
Although we do not intend to repeat the findings from issued new cards (an annoying hassle, but not life
that earlier report, the world has moved on since it was altering), I join you in reacting to news of these hacks
written two years ago. with a shrug,” the author writes.
What has changed? This underground marketplace has Although disillusionment may be understandable given
evolved to include almost every conceivable cybercrime the steady stream of breach notifications and stories
product for sale or rent. We correctly predicted that the detailing the theft of millions of records, it is important
rise of this “as-a-service” model would act as a key driver to recognize that this is data about us. Our information is
in the growth of cybercrime. The recently published being openly sold, and the individual repercussions may
McAfee Labs Threats Report: May 2015 provides not be felt for some time.
evidence of this with the rise of the ransomware CTB-
This is why we are publishing this report: to combat
Locker. The authors of CTB-Locker established an affiliate
the sense of apathy. We do not intend to spread fear,
program as part of their business strategy: Affiliates use
but we want to explain why we as a society should be
their botnets to send spam to potential victims; for every
concerned when we receive notifications of breaches as
successful infection in which the victim pays the ransom,
we consider proactive measures to reduce the likelihood
the affiliate gets a percentage of the money.
of becoming victims.
The growth of the as-a-service economy across all
A final comment: We don’t know if the many examples
components of an attack (research, cybercrime tools, and
in this report are authentic or are tied in any way to
infrastructure) continues to grow, and none more so than
the brands, as the sellers claim. Indeed, the excellent
hacking-as-a-service, in particular on how stolen data
reputation of such well-known brands is frequently used
is made available. We will highlight why apathy among
by thieves as the basis to promote this sort of online fraud.
Table 1. Estimated per card prices, in US$, for stolen payment card data (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover). Source: McAfee Labs.
$1,000– $2,500 $50– $120
$5,000– $8,000 $200– $300
Table 3. Online payment service accounts for sale. Source McAfee Labs
There will always be suspicions about the validity of Sellers who employ sophisticated sales and marketing
the products for sale, as many individuals have paid efforts are leveraging YouTube to advertise their wares
for stolen financial data only to not receive what they to potential customers. The videos often attempt
expected. One seller refers to this dishonor among to provide some degree of visual confirmation for
thieves within their opening pitch: prospective buyers that they can be trusted, although
such approaches can backfire through comments
“ARE YOU FED UP OF BEING SCAMMED, AND RIPPED? associated with the videos.
Other types of data for sale include access to systems
within organizations’ trusted networks. The types of
This particular seller, though not offering free credit
entry vary, from very simple direct access (such as login
cards that a buyer could use as a test, does offer a
credentials) to those that require a degree of technical
replacement policy for any cards that do not provide the
competence to carry out (such as vulnerabilities).
advertised balance. Other methods of ensuring a seller’s
In the following image we can see the availability of
honesty include the use of social validation, with positive
vulnerabilities that allow potential buyers access to bank
feedback from other buyers. Forums are full of helpful
and airline systems located in Europe, Asia, and the
advice from buyers who have successfully negotiated
United States.
purchases as well as which sellers to avoid.
As with the sale of financial data, sellers strive to offer a As with previous examples, a buyer can question
degree of proof to prospective buyers that their offers whether the access offered is indeed valid. It would not
are valid. be particularly difficult to produce a screenshot and
imply this represents access; yet this message does
Recent research by cybercrime expert Idan Aharoni
represent a very worrying trend (as Aharoni points out).
suggests that the types of systems criminals sell
access to now include critical infrastructure systems. Stolen enterprise data is also for sale. In the following
In his article “SCADA Systems Offered for Sale in figure we see a seller offering data stolen from a
the Underground Economy,” Aharoni included one university.
example in which a seller provided a screenshot that
appears to be a French hydroelectric generator as
evidence that the seller had access.
Figure 9. Other online video streaming service accounts are for sale for Figure 11. Cyberthieves sell Marvel Unlimited accounts for cheap access
less than $1. to digital comics.
Many online streaming entertainment media services Even free online accounts attract criminals. The following
are commonly sold. Both HBO NOW and HBO GO image shows a hotel loyalty account with 100,000
accounts can be found for less than $10 as well as points on sale for $20. Customers legitimately open
other cable TV-branded streaming services. Clearly, these accounts at no cost, and yet there is a market for
video streaming services are in high demand. Even them, resulting in the loss of accumulated perks that
premium professional sports streaming services can be sometimes take years to accrue.
purchased for $15. We also found other online accounts
being sold, including lifetime subscriptions to premium
pornography accounts, as well as free referral links to
the dark web market Agora.
For less stringent needs, online auction accounts are In the following image we have an example of a person’s
available in packs of 100 for a range of account types. digital identity stolen by cyber thieves. A prospective
buyer could take control of this individual’s digital life—
social media, email, and more. (We have shared this
information with law enforcement in the United Kingdom.)
Figure 14. A credit card sales location that also offers access to online
auction accounts.
The preceding example, though rich in information, “A Day in the Life of a Stolen Healthcare Record,” in
requires the buyer to wade through lots of text. But which a “fraudster leaked a large text file [that] contained
some sellers offer a more graphical interface to appeal the name, address, social security number, and other
to prospective buyers. The following example lets buyers sensitive information on dozens of physicians across the
choose individuals by their email accounts, the first step country.” (See following image.)
to taking control of other parts of the victims’ lives.
Although the majority of this report highlights the sale Conclusion About McAfee Labs
of stolen data, stolen data is sometimes openly shared The examples of the hidden data economy in this
without cost. In the following image, the hacker collective report represent only the tip of an iceberg. We omitted McAfee Labs is one of the world’s
Rex Mundi disclosed identifiable patient data because many other categories and services, but we hope
leading sources for threat
the Labio service did not pay them a ransom of €20,000. research, threat intelligence, and
these examples make the threat clear. In this report we cybersecurity thought leadership.
discussed stolen data offered for sale. Cybercriminals With data from millions of sensors
also buy products that enable attacks. This includes across key threats vectors—file,
the purchase and rental of exploits and exploit kits that web, message, and network—
are fueling an enormous number of infections across McAfee Labs delivers real-time
threat intelligence, critical analysis,
the world. Cataloging the available offers is impossible
and expert thinking to improve
because the field is growing at a tremendous rate. protection and reduce risks.
When we read about data breaches, the cybercrime
industry may seem so far removed from everyday life
that it is tempting to ignore the message. However,
cybercrime is merely an evolution of traditional crime.
We must conquer our apathy and pay attention to
advice for fighting malware and other threats. Otherwise
information from our digital lives may appear for resale
to anyone with an Internet connection.
The information in this document is provided only for educational purposes and for the convenience of McAfee customers. The
information contained herein is subject to change without notice, and is provided “as is,” without guarantee or warranty as to the
accuracy or applicability of the information to any specific situation or circumstance.
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