Kyle Michael P. Ingco provided his personal profile for the Eaglet section of his school. He joined Eaglet to improve his writing skills and would be capable of handling the Reviews Editor or Web Editor positions because he enjoys games and books. His hobbies include gaming, reading, and writing stories. He plays soccer and was awarded Best Writer in his class last year.
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Kyle Michael P. Ingco provided his personal profile for the Eaglet section of his school. He joined Eaglet to improve his writing skills and would be capable of handling the Reviews Editor or Web Editor positions because he enjoys games and books. His hobbies include gaming, reading, and writing stories. He plays soccer and was awarded Best Writer in his class last year.
Kyle Michael P. Ingco provided his personal profile for the Eaglet section of his school. He joined Eaglet to improve his writing skills and would be capable of handling the Reviews Editor or Web Editor positions because he enjoys games and books. His hobbies include gaming, reading, and writing stories. He plays soccer and was awarded Best Writer in his class last year.
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Kyle Michael P. Ingco provided his personal profile for the Eaglet section of his school. He joined Eaglet to improve his writing skills and would be capable of handling the Reviews Editor or Web Editor positions because he enjoys games and books. His hobbies include gaming, reading, and writing stories. He plays soccer and was awarded Best Writer in his class last year.
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Full Name: Kyle Michael P. Ingco
Nickname: Kyle Section | Class Adviser !Ma"ini Mr. Falgui 1. #hy did you $oin %aglet& I 'anted to 'rite. 2. (alents ) Skills #riting *. I+ given the chance to "e an editor, 'hat -osition)s do you think you are ca-a"le o+ handling& ./ou may choose more than one0 #hy& .%1-lain in at least * sentences0 a. News Editor b. Features Editor c. Sports Editor d. Photos Editor e. Graphic Design Editor f. Web Editor g. Art Editor (Games, Artwors, etc! h. "e#iews Editor ($o#ie, Game, %oo, P&a'! i. An' other position or (ob 'ou &ie I like games and "ooks, so I kno' a lot o+ them. 4. Average grade last year Around u--er 234s 5. A'ards last year .5onors, Su"$ect %1cellence, 6e-ortment ) Merit A'ards0 Merit 7adge, 7est 'riter in class 6. #ere you an o++icer in 8rade 9& in 8rade :& in 8rade ;& in 8rade & in 8rade 2& #hat -osition)s& No 7. Are you active online .e!mail, /M, F7, etc.0& S-eci+y your email address, F7 account name, ('itter account name, etc %!mail: controlteama<, F7: Kyle Michael Ingco 5o""ies ) Interests: 8aming, =eading, #riting stories S-orts)8ames: Soccer C>CA 8rade ?: KA7 scout 8r. *: /oung (ekkies 8r. 9: Com-uter animation 8r. :: 5o""y cra+t 8r. ;: N>P% 8r. : %aglet Am"itions: (o "e a"le to 'rite a really good "ook. Achievements @: I don4t remem"er ?: I don4t remem"er *: I don4t remem"er 9: I don4t remem"er :: I don4t remem"er ;: N)A : *rd honor .at least0 7est #riter 2: N)A 5S: Not Sure College: Not sure =es-onsi"ilities 5eld: Not sure 8reatest 8i+ts +rom 8od: My talents, my +amily 6e+ine Aove: A +eeling that -eo-le call as B'armC #ho is your Cele"rity Crush& None #ho is your =eal Crush& None Motto ) Duote: None FavoritesE. %1-lain #hy Favorite Saints: St. Ignatius 5e4s the saint o+ grade school and F5S Favorite 5eroes: 6ark Cla' .amalgamation o+ #olverine and 7atman0 7%CAGS% 5%4S 7A(MAN YOUR PHOTO YOUR PHOTO .and #olverine0 Favorite 7ooks: 5eroes o+ >lym-us series It4s interesting Favorite Songs: 7ackground music No reason Favorite Movies: 5unger 8ames, Marvel movies, 6C movies (hey have action Favorite (eachers: Ms. PereH. She4s +riendly Favorite Food: PiHHa. It4s really delicious Favorite =estaurants: PiHHa 5ut. It sells -iHHas 5ome Address: N)A (ele-hone Is: also N)A Cel-hone I: still N)A Mom ) #ork: Sheila 6ad ) #ork: (ony #orking Si"ling ) School: Nicole #orking Si"ling ) School: Kevin College, Aa Salle