Personal Profile

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Full Name: Kyle Michael P. Ingco

Nickname: Kyle
Section | Class Adviser !Ma"ini Mr. Falgui
1. #hy did you $oin %aglet& I 'anted to 'rite.
2. (alents ) Skills #riting
*. I+ given the chance to "e an editor, 'hat -osition)s do you think you are ca-a"le o+ handling& ./ou
may choose more than one0 #hy& .%1-lain in at least * sentences0
a. News Editor
b. Features Editor
c. Sports Editor
d. Photos Editor
e. Graphic Design Editor
f. Web Editor
g. Art Editor (Games, Artwors, etc!
h. "e#iews Editor ($o#ie, Game, %oo, P&a'!
i. An' other position or (ob 'ou &ie
I like games and "ooks, so I kno' a lot o+ them.
4. Average grade last year Around u--er 234s
5. A'ards last year .5onors, Su"$ect %1cellence, 6e-ortment ) Merit A'ards0 Merit 7adge, 7est
'riter in class
6. #ere you an o++icer in 8rade 9& in 8rade :& in 8rade ;& in 8rade & in 8rade 2& #hat -osition)s&
7. Are you active online .e!mail, /M, F7, etc.0& S-eci+y your email address, F7 account name, ('itter
account name, etc %!mail: controlteama<, F7: Kyle Michael Ingco
5o""ies ) Interests: 8aming, =eading, #riting stories
S-orts)8ames: Soccer
C>CA 8rade ?: KA7 scout 8r. *: /oung (ekkies
8r. 9: Com-uter animation 8r. :: 5o""y cra+t
8r. ;: N>P% 8r. : %aglet
(o "e a"le to 'rite a really good "ook.
@: I don4t remem"er
?: I don4t remem"er
*: I don4t remem"er
9: I don4t remem"er
:: I don4t remem"er
;: N)A
: *rd honor .at least0 7est #riter
2: N)A
5S: Not Sure
College: Not sure
=es-onsi"ilities 5eld: Not sure
8reatest 8i+ts +rom 8od: My talents, my +amily
6e+ine Aove: A +eeling that -eo-le call as B'armC
#ho is your Cele"rity Crush& None
#ho is your =eal Crush& None
Motto ) Duote: None
FavoritesE. %1-lain #hy
Favorite Saints: St. Ignatius 5e4s the saint o+ grade school and F5S
Favorite 5eroes: 6ark Cla' .amalgamation o+ #olverine and 7atman0 7%CAGS% 5%4S 7A(MAN
.and #olverine0
Favorite 7ooks: 5eroes o+ >lym-us series It4s interesting
Favorite Songs: 7ackground music No reason
Favorite Movies: 5unger 8ames, Marvel movies, 6C movies (hey have action
Favorite (eachers: Ms. PereH. She4s +riendly
Favorite Food: PiHHa. It4s really delicious
Favorite =estaurants: PiHHa 5ut. It sells -iHHas
5ome Address: N)A
(ele-hone Is: also N)A
Cel-hone I: still N)A
Mom ) #ork: Sheila
6ad ) #ork: (ony #orking
Si"ling ) School: Nicole #orking
Si"ling ) School: Kevin College, Aa Salle

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