L-4ff-2/WRE Date: 08/01/2013

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L-4ff-2/WRE Date: 08/01/2013
L-4/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2010-2011

Sub :WRE 411 (Hydraulic Structures)

Full Marks: 140 Time: 3 Hours
The figures inthe margin indicate full marks .

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a)'Different~ate between weir and barrage. (4)

(b) Dra~ a neat layout of diversion head,.works and indicate the various components of

the system. Briefly indicate the function of each component. (2+3 ~ +6~)
(c) Write short notes on (i) stream lines and equipotential lines, (ii) Inverted filter and

launching apron, (iii) Afflux and Pond level. (7}i )

2. (a) What are the corrections applied for determining the percentage of pressure at various

keypoints of a hydraulic structure? Why it is needed? (8)

(b) An impervious floor of a weir on permeable soil which has upward slope 3 : 1 arid
downward slope 5 : 1 is 16 m long and sheet piles at both the ends. The upstream pile is 6
m deep and downstream pile is 8 m deep and both of the pile is 0.6 m thick. The weir
creates a net head 'of 3.5 m. Neglecting the thickness of the weir floor, calculate the uplift
pressures at the key points, by using Khosla's theory. Use the relevant equations and for 3
:1, slope correction factor is 4.5 and for 5 : 1, slope correction factor is 2.8. Also see

figure 1. (11~)
(c) 'The crest level of the head regulator is kept higher than'the crest level of the under-

sluices' - explain why? (4)

3. (a) How does Lane's theory differ from Bligh's creep theory? (5)
(b) Write short notes on (i) piping, (ii) Direct uplift, (iii) Critical Exit gradient. (6)
(c) A barrage is to be constructed on a river having a high flood discharge of about 8200

cumec, with the given data as follows. (12 ~)

Average bed level of river =250m
High flood level (before) = 255.2 m
Permissible afflux =1.0 m

Pond level = 253 m

Assume safe exit gradient = ~, Lacey silt factor = 0.8, 0.5 m retrogression, and 20%

discharge concentration. Determine: (i) waterway, (ii) crest levels of under-sluices and
barrage bays, (iii) Design of under-sluice portion at high flood condition, discharge
concentration and retrogression.
Contd P/2

4. (a) Design a suitable cross-drainage work by using the following data. See figure 2. (13 ~)
Full supply discharge = 32 cumec
Full supply level = RL 213.5 m
Canal bed level = RL 212 m
Canal bed width = 20 m
Trapezoidal canal section with 1.5 H : 1 V slopes
Canal water depth = 1.5 m

(i) Drainage waterway and

(ii) Canal waterway.

(b) What are the different types of cross-drainage works? (6)

. (c) What factors govern the selection of a suitable type cross-drainage work? (4)

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Define hydraulic. structure. How does it differ from. other structures? (5)
(b) The section of a non-overfloW" portion of a gravity dam built of concrete is shown in
Figure 3. Considering the wave forces (hw = 0.8 m) and neglecting earthquake forces, .
calculate (i) the major principal stress at the toe, and (ii) the intensity of shear stress on a

horizontal plane near toe. Assume unit weight of Concrete as 24 kN/m3• (18 X)

6. (a) Illustrate the estimation of wave forces acting on a dam. (5)

(b) Determine the crest length of an overflow spillway section having a upstream slope of
3 on 2 (3 V: 2H). The design discharge is220 m3/s. The upstream water surface at design
discharge and the averagechanrtel bed is at an elevation of 104.2 m and 100.0 m,
respectively. Given, Hd = 3 m and He = 3.5 m. Also show the expression and qualitative

shape of the spillway ifK = 1.939 and n = 1.810. Relevant chart is provided in Figure 4. (13 X)
(c) Explain the effect of tail water depth qn the character and location of a hydraulic

Jump. (5)

Contd P/3


WRE 411

7. (a) What factors govern the selection of a suitable site for construction of a dam? (5)

(b) What is the total force exerted against the slab of a chute spillway if the slab is curved
on a radius of 20 ft, has an included angle of 40°, and is tangent to the horizontal at its
downstream end and to a straight chute at its upper end? The spillway is 30 ft wide, the
discharge is 3000 cfs with a coefficient of discharge of 4.02, and the water depth at the
toe of the spillway (downstream) is 2 ft. Assume no loss in energy and neglect approach

8. (a) Write short notes on (i) tainter (radial) gate, and (ii) drum gate. (4+4)

(b) Briefly describe the flow conditions in a shaft spillway with neat sketches. (6)

(c) Discuss the scour protection works of energy dissipation to s()lve the problem for the

condition of upper conjugate depth is always below tailwater.


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L-4ff -2/WRE Date: 18/12/2012

L-4/T-2 R Sc. Engineering Examinations 2010-2011

Sub: WRE 431 (Climatology)
Full Marks : 140 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.


There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Explain buffers with respect to acid rain. (3lj)

(b) Which of the UV radiations is the most critical regarding ozone depletion and why? (3)

(c) Briefly explain the catalytic chain reaction ..


(d) Explain why ozone depletion in Antarctic Vortex ceases Later in the spring (i.e. Mid

. (3)

(e) What happens to cyclones and hurricanes due to global warming and why? (3)

(f) Define ozone hole. Is it an actual hole in the ozone shield? (3)
(g) Explain why El Nino is associated with fierce bush fire for Pacific South-West (i.e.

Indonesia and Australia).


(h) What are the advantages of HFC over CFC regardIng ozone depletion? (2)

2. (a) 'Regional climatic differences in a flat country are minor' - explain with regard to

(3lj) .

{b} Briefly discuss about CFC as a greenhouse gas. (3)

(c) Explain in brief the secondary cause for the rise in sea level due to global warming. (3)

(d) What are the effects of earth's atmosphere on the three main components of solar radiation? (3)

(e) How La Nina condition improves fishing in the Pacific Ocean near Peru? (3)
weHo.nds . (3)
(f) Explain why the freshwater are sources of Methane.
. A
(g) Explain why La Nina is associated with Hurricanes for Pacific South-West (i.e.

Indonesia and Australia). (3)

(h) Define oceanic upwelling. (2)

3. (a) Differentiate between Tropical Monsoon Climate and Tropical Rain Forest Climate. (3lj)

(b) Differentiate between Cirrostratus and Cirrocumulus clouds). (3)

(c) Define middle and upper atmospheres, (3)

Contd P/2
_ ....;.,-.---.---.--.----.-.---.- ....--~.----- ..-.-~--.--., .________ 'ri*Ioi---- ~_~- ..-


Contd ... Q. No.3

(d) Differentiate between Subarctic Climate with Cool Summers (dry winter) and

Subarctic Climate with Cold Winters (dry winter). (3)

(e) Explain the positive and negative charges that build up in the cloud and on the ground

before lightning. (3)

(f) Mention three distinguish characteristics of arid climate (i.e. BWh and BWk). (3)
(g) Mention three distinguishing characteristics of Mediterranean climates. (3)
(h) Mention two locations for Continental Climates..\ (2)

4. (a) Briefly explain any two of the natural causes that increase the duration of flood in

. Bangladesh.
. (b) Define: (i) type II stratospheric cloud, (ii) Trade wind, (iii) buffer to acid rain,
(iv) photochemical smog, (v) Contrails, and (vi) El:'lSO.
(c) Define atmospheric inversion.
(d) Briefly explain the 1970 cyclone of Bangladesh.
(e) Define Tundra cli~ate.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

S. (a) What are the major components of earth's climate? Write down their importance in the
climate system.
(b) Differentiate between: .
(i) Applied climatology and applied meteorology
(ii) Climate variables and climate forcings
(iii) Microclimate and synoptic climate.
(c). What is Parameterization of climate models? State some typical climate model
(d) Write a short note on AOGCM.

6. (a) How do the Coriolis effect and Centrifugal effect modify the generalized circulation
of the atmosphere.
(b) Define the atmospheric circulation cells, global pressure systems and climate belts
and show them in a neat sketch.
Contd P/3

Contd ... Q. No.6

(c) Write short notes on:
(i) Cyclostrophic wind
(ii) Anticyclones
(iii) Katabatic winds
(d) Explain the basic physics that take place during the coupling of atmosphere and ocean. (3~)

7. (a) Describe the salient features of wind driven circulation with a neat sketch showing the
oceanic gyres.
(b) What is Thennocline? Explain the vertical ocean temperature profile.
(c) Write a short note on North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW).
(d) "Asian-Australian MonSoon system is the dominant m.onsoon circulationofthe earth"

- explain.

8. (a) What are.the fundamental ways to change the radiation balance of the earth?
(b) How does the land-atmosphere coupling take place?

(c) Define Planetary Boundary Layer. Describ~ its major parts with proper sketches.

(d) i'There is a net r~diative heating near equator and net cooling near pole" -explain
(5 ~.)
with proper sketch.


L-4rr -2/WRE Date: 18/12/2012

L-4/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2010-2011

Sub: WRE 431 (Climatology)

Full Marks: 140 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
. '

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Explain buffers with respect to acid rain. (3~)

(b) Which of the UV radiations is the most critical regarding ozone depletion and why? (3)

(c) Briefly explain the catalytic chain reaction. (3)

(d). Explain why ozone depletion in Antarctic Vortex ceases Later in the spring (Le. Mid


(e) What happens to cyclones and hurricanes due to global warming and why? (3)

(f) Define ozone hole. Is it an actual hole in the ozone shield? (3)
(g) Explain why EI Nino is associated. with fierce bush fire for PCl:cificSouth" West (Le.

Indonesia and Australia).


(h) What are the advantages ofHFC overCFC regarding ozone depletion? (2)

2. (a) 'Regional climatic differences in a flat country are minor' - explain with regard to

Bangladesh. (3~)

(b) Briefly discuss about CFC as a greenhouse gas. (3)

(c) Explain in brief the secondary cause for the rise in sea level due to global warming. (3)

(d) What are the effects of earth's atmosphere on the three main components of solar radiation? (3)
. (3)
(e) How La Nina condition improves fishing in the Pacific Ocean near Peru?
. weHards (3)
(f) Explam why the freshwater"are sources of Methane.
(g) Explain why La Nina is associated with Hurricanes for Pacific South-West (Le.

Indonesia and Australia). (3)

(h) Define oceanic upwelling. (2)

.'3. (a) Differentiate between Tropical Monsoon Climate and Tropical Rain Forest Climate. (3~)

(b) Differentiate between Cirrostratus and Cirrocumulus clouds). (3)

(c) Define middle and upper atmospheres. (3)

Contd P/2
=2= \

Contd ... Q. No.3

(d) Differentiate between Subarctic Climate with Cool Summers (dry winter) and

Subarctic Climate with Cold Winters (dry winter). (3)

(e) Explain the positive and negative charges that build up in the cloud and onthe ground

before lightning. (3)

(f) Mention three distinguish characteristics of arid climate (i.e. BWh and BWk). (3)
(g) Mention three distinguishing characteristics of Mediterranean climates. (3)
(h) Mention two locations for Continental Climates. (2)

4. (a) Briefly explain any two of the natural causes that increase the duration of flood in

, Bangladesh. (3~)
(b) Define: (i) type II stratospheric cloud, (ii) Trade wind, (iii) buffer to acid rain,

(iv) photochemical smog, (v) Contrails, and (vi) ENSO. (6x2=12)

(c) Define atmospheric inversion. (3)
(d) Briefly explain the 1970 cyclone of Bangladesh. (3)
(e) Define Tundra climate. (2)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) What are the major components of earth's climate? Write down their importance in the

climate system. (2+8)

(b) Differentiate between: (6)
(i) Applied climatology and applied meteorology
(ii) Climate variables and climate forcings
(iii) Microclimate and synoptic climate.
(c) What is Parameterization of climate models? State some typical climate model

parameterizations. (2+2)
(d) Write a short note on AOGCM. (3 }j')

6. (a) How do the Corio lis effect and Centrifugal effect modify the generalized circulation

of the atmosphere. (4)

(b) Define the atmospheric circulation cells, global pressure systems and climate belts
and show them in a neat sketch. (10)
Contd P/3

Contd ... Q. No.6

(c) Write short notes on:
(i) Cyclostrophic wind
(ii) Anticyclones
(iii) Katabatic winds
(d) Explain the basic physics that take place during the coupling of atmosphere and ocean. (3 lj)

7. (a) Describe the salie~t'features of wind driven circulation with a neat sketch showing the
oceanic gyres.
(b) What is Thermocline? Explain the vertical ocean temperature profile.

(c) Write a short note on North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW).


(d) "Asian-Australian Monsoon system is the dominant monsoon circulation of the earth" .
(4 lj)
- explain.

8. (a) What are the fundamental ways to change the radiation balance of the earth?

(b) How does the la,nd-atmosphere coupling take place?

(c) Define Planetary Boundary Layer. Describe its major parts with proper sketches. (10)

(d) "There is a net radiative heating near equator and net cooling near pole" - explain
(5 lj)
with proper sketch.

L-4ff -2/WRE Date: 01/0112013
L-4/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2010-2011

Sub: WRE 413 (Coastal Engineering)

Full Marks: 140 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Symbols have their usual meanings.

1. (a) What do you mean by 2-D ocean waves? Knowledge of wave IS important - why? (4)
(b) What are the significance of spatial and temporal variable in a progressive wave? (3~)

(c) Define: (6)

(i) angular frequency
(ii) wave steepness
(iii) relative wave height
(d) Distinguish between deep water wave and shallow water wave. (6)
(e) Write up the assumptions in "Small Amplitude Surface Wave" theory. (4)

2. (a) How can you identify coastal zone in a country? (4)

(b) Coastal engineering works are divided into three phases - explain. ,(4)
(c) Discuss the process of diffraction and wave breaking in nearshore area. (5)
(d) A uniform beach has a slope of 1 : 100 (V:H). The wave period is 6 sec. Find the
wave length L and wave celerity C at a distance of (i) 200 m and (ii) 18,000 m from the.

shoreline? (7~)
(e) What is the main difference between non-breaking wave forces and breaking wave
forces on a vertical wall? (3)

3. (a) What is a stable shoreline? (3)

(b) What do you mean by statistical representation of wave? (3)
(c) Draw the pressure distribution diagram for non-breaking wave on a vertical wall and
identity the key features. (5)
(d) Classify estuary according to tidal range and its geological origin. (6X)
(e) A wave is travelling shoreward. At a depth of d = 12 m, the wave height is 1.2 m and
wave period is 4;0 sec. Find the local horizontal and vertical vel~cities u and w, and
accelerations ax and a, at an elevation of z = -3 m below the SWL when


Contd p12


4. (a) Define wave spectrum. (3)

(b) What are the main processes in coastal zone that are primarily governed by winds •
~~~ ~
(c) What is the importance of 'radiation stress' in coastal sedimentation process? (3)
(d) A smooth faced wall (A = 1.0) with a wave height at the structure if the structure
were not there is Hi = 1.4 m, the depth of water at the structure d= 6 m and the wave
period is T = 5 sec. The angle of wave approach is a = 75° and the wall has a shore
wand sloping face oflO:1 (V:H). For the non~breaking wave condition find the reduced

horizontal wave force. (See Figure I and Figure 2). (14X)

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Define tidal bore, lowest astronomical tide, priming of tide, lagging of tide, tidal
station. (5)
(b) Give Newtonian explanation of tidal phenomenon. Why is this called statical theory?
What is dynamic theory of tide? (8)
(c) List various components of a harbor and.\¥fite down one main function of each of
those components. (lOX)

6. (a) With neat sketches show (i) typical cross-section and layout of sea dike, (ii) typical
.cross-section of sloping front seawall/revetment, (iii) typical beach configurations with
detached nearshore breakwater and (iv) horizontal composite caisson breakwater. (12)
(b) Discuss the major functions and design considerations of (i) groins (ii) beach drains. (11X)

7. (a) Based on stability considerations, what are the criteria of selecting wave height used
in the design of coastal structures?
(b) Explain the design criteria of revetment toe protection. With neat sketches show the
typical revetment toe protection works of different toe scour conditions. (4+6=10)
(c) Write down the usual steps needed to design an adequate shore protection revetment. (lOX)

8; ,.(a) Explain how the stability of armor unit used in shore protection work is ensured. (6)
(b) Differentiate between the working principles of hydraulic and mechanical dredging.
Briefly describe bucket ladder dredger. (4+4=8)
(c) Describe the (i) area of application of plain suction. dredger and (ii) working method

. of cutter suction dredger. (3+6X=9X)




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L-4/T-IIWRE Date: 15/12/2012
'_ .\ .. . L-4/T-l .8. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2010-2011
,~ ' ".x:rV Sub: WRE 401 (Irrigation and Flood Control) ,
\/~ "\..y ~\::, Full Marks: 210. Time: 3 Hours
tl .~~ 1> The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

,There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) 'All the waters are not fit for irrigating crop' - Discuss briefly and critically the

(b) Write short notes on (i) Leaching, (ii) Sodium Absorption ratio, (iii) Advantages of

(c) What is the classification of irrigation water having the following characteristics:
Concentration ofNa, Ca and Mg are 22, 3 and 1.5 milli-equivalents per liter respectively,

and the electrical 'conductivity is 200 micromhos per cm at 25~? What problem might.
arise in using this water on fine textured soils? What remedies do you suggest to

overcome this trouble?

(d) Explain various types of canal seepage losses. Mention the factors affecting seepage


2. (a) Mention the major causes of flood in Bangladesh. (5)

(b) Discuss the remedial measures of water logging. (10)

(c) Design an earth canal section using Kennedy's theory for the data given below. (15)

Canal discharge = 4000 cumac

Canal bed slope = 1 in 5250
Critical velocity ratio = 1.085
Manning's n = 0.021 vA
(d) What are the purpose the be;tis served? (5)

3. (a) What is water-logging? Explain the basic causes of water-logging. (10)

(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of subsurface drainage system? (5) .

,.~ (c) An irriga~area has to be provided ~ith the drains so that the water table lies at least 2
m below the ground surface; The drall1s are spaced at 20 m c/c and are placed 2.5 ~
below the ground surface. Find the maximum rate of flow in each of the drains if they are
200 m in length each. Depth of the impervious stratum below ground surface is 5 m and '

k = 10-4 cm/sec. .----' (10)

(d) Describe: (i) Salt balance equation. and (ii) leaching requirement. (10)
Contd P12

4. (a) Draw neat sketch of the different types of subsurface drainage layout. ..--- ..

(b) Differentiate between Kennedy's and Lacey's theory. (5)

(c) The gross command area for a distributary is 6000 ha, 80% of which is culturable
irrigable. The intensity of irrigation of Rabi is. 50% and that for Kharif is 25%. If the
average duty at the head of distributary is 2000 ha/cumec for Rabi and 900 ha/cumec for
Kharif, find out the discharge required at the head of distributary from average demand

consideration. ~. (15)
(d) Write short notes on (i) Gross and Culturable command area, (ii) kor depth and kor


There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Define and show in a diagram the different classes of soil water. Also indicate their

availability to plants and their drainage characteristics. (8)


(b) What do you mean by soil moisture tension? Briefly describe the working principle

and disadvantages of a tensiometer. (2+8=10)

(c) Gravimetric samples prior to irrigation in a 2.0 ha field yields the following results.
The field capacity of the soil is 16% and the root jone depth is 1.6 m. Determine the time

required to irrigate the field using ~~eam of 4~ assuming appli~~~on losses of 25%.

Sampling depth Sample volume Wt. of moist sample Dry wt. of moist

(cm) (cm1 ~ (gm) sample (gm)

0-40 155.0 220.5 200.8

40-80 158.0 232.4 210.2

80-120 148.0 235.2 213.5

120-160 145.0 240.3 215.3

(d) Explain why loam soil is considered the most suitable for crop production. (5)

6. (a) State the factors affecting Evapotranspiration. (6)

(b) Write short notes on: (3x3=9)

(i) Irrigation scheduling .~ ...
(ii) Soil moisture characteristic curve ~
(iii) Field irrigation requirement. ~.
(c). Briefly describe the non-weighting percolation type lysimeter with sketch to

/ determine the consumptive nse of a crop in the field and also state its limitatio'2" (9)

Contd P/3


Contd ... Q. No.6
(d) Wheat is to be grown at a place, the useful data of which is given below. Determine
the consumptive use and field irrigation requirement if the water application efficiency is

70%. Make Use of Blaney-Criddle equation and a crop factor of 0.75. ....--. (11)

Month Mean temperature Percent day-time, Effective rainfall

tOc hr (cm)

November 17.0 7.30 1.6

December 16.0 7.10 1.1

January 13.0 7.20 2.2

February 15.0 7.50 2.4

7. (a) Distinguish between:
(i) Check flooding and basin flooding ~
(ii) Aqueduct and siphon aqueduct ~
(iii) Weir and barrage. ~
(b) Define diversion head works. State the requirements of a good module in an irrigation
project. /
(c) "Furrow irrigation is associated with slat accumulation in the ridges" - Explain. v----- (5)

(d) A stream of 140 liters per second was diverted from a canal and 100 liters per second
. -

was delivered to the field. An area of 1.8 ha was irrigated in nine hours. The effective
depth of root zone was 1.5 m. The runoffloss in the field was 440 m . The depth of water
penetration varied linearly from 1.5 m at the head end of the field to 0.9 m at the tail end.
Availablemoisture holding capacity of the soil is 18 cm/m depth of soil. Irrigation was
started at a moisture extraction level of 50% of the available moisture. Determine water
conveyance efficiency, water application efficiency, water storage efficiency and water

distribution efficiency. V-/


8. (a) State the limitations of sprinkler irrigation.


(b) Write down the functions of the following structures in an irrigation project with
(i) Under sluices (ii) Canal head regulator (iii) River training works. ~-
(c) Describe the working principle of a centrifugal pump with a sketch. Give a

comparison between a volute type centrifugal pump and a turbine pump. (7+5=12)
(d) A pump lifts 95,000 liters of water per hour against a total head of 22 meters.
Compute the water horse power. If the pump has an efficiency of 70%, what size prime
mover is required to operate the pump? If a direct drive electric motor, having an
efficiency of 75%, is used to operate the pump, compute the cost of electrical energy in a
month of 30 days. The pump is operated for 10 hours daily. The cost of electrical energy
is 6.00 Tk. per unit.
L-4/T -2/WRE Date: 0110112013 L---"""


L-4/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2010-2011

Sub: WRE 413 (Coastal Engineering) .....--

Time: 3 Hours --

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

Symbols have their usual meanings.

1. (a) What do you mean by 2~D ocean 'Yaves? Knowledge of wave is important - why? (4) ~
(b) What are the significance of spatial and temporal variable in a progressive wave? (3X) v--
(c) Define: (6)
(i) angular frequency ..,/'
(ii) wave steepness /'
(iii) relative wave height V-

(d) Distinguish between deep water wave and shallow water wave. (6) ~
(e) Write up the assumptions in "Small Amplitude Surface Wave" theory. (4)
2. (a) How can you identify coastal zone in a country? (4) .--
.---/ (b) Coastal engineering work~ are divided into three phases - explain. t.----- (4)
(c) Discuss the proce~s of diffraction and wave breaking in nearshore area. (5)--
(d) A uniform beach has a slope of 1 : 100 (V:H). The wave period is 6 sec. Find the
wave length L and wave celerity C at a distance of (i) 200 m and (ii) 18,000 m from the
(e) What is the main difference between non-breaking wave forces and breaking wave
forces on a vertical wall? (3) ..-

3. (a) What is a stable shoreline? (3)--

(b) What do you mean by statistical representation of wave? (3)~
(c) Draw the pressure distribution diagram for non-breaking wave on a vertical wall and
identity the key features. - (5) ~
(d) Classify estuary according to tidal range and its geological origin. (6Xl.--
(e) A wave is travelling shoreward. At a depth of d = 12 m, the wave height is 1.2 m and
wave period is 4.0 sec. Find the local horizontal and vertical velocities u and w, and
accelerations ax and az at an elevation of z= -3 m below the SWL when

e = (kx- at) = 1r = 30 •. (6)---

Contd P/2

IE 413

ol) Define wave spectrum. /~-- (3)

J) What are the main processes in coastal zone that are primarily governed by winds
.nd tides? (3) --
~)What is the importance of 'radiation stress' in coastal sedimentation process? (3)~
i) A smooth faced wall (A. = 1.0) with a wave height at the structure if the structure
'ere not there is Hi = 1.4 m, the depth of water at the structure d = 6 m and the wave
eriod is T = 5 sec. The angle of wave approach is a. = 75° and the wall has a shore
'and sloping face oflO:1 (V:H). For the non-breaking wave condition find the reduced
:>rizontalwave force. (See Figure 1 and Figure 2). (14X)
There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

) Define tidal bore, lowest. astronomical tide, priming of tide,. lagging of tide, tidal
-ation. (5)~.
I) Give Newtonian explanation of tidal phenomenon. Why is this called statical theory?
That is dynamic theory of tide? ,/ (8)
) List various components of a harbor and write down one main function of each of
ose components.
, (lOX)

) With neat sketches show (i) typical cross-section and layout of sea dike, (ii) typical
-oss-section of sloping front seawall/revetment, (iii) typical beach configurations with
~tachednearshore breakwater and (iv) horizontal composite caisson breakwater. (6.)
) Discuss the major functions and design considerations of (i) groins (ii) beach drains.

) Based on stability considerations, what are the criteria of selecting wave height used
the design of coastal structures? (3Y
) Explain the design criteria of revetment toe protection. With neat sketches show the . ~ ...
Jical revetment toe protection works of different toe scour conditions. . (4+6=10)
.) Write down the usual steps needed to design an adequate shore protection revetment. (lOX)

•) Explain how the stability of armor unit used in shore protection work is ensured .
(6)~ .
•) Differentiate between the working principles of hydraulic and mechanical dredging.
iefly describe bucket ladder dredger. (4+4=8)
I Describe the (i) area of application of plain suction dredger and (ii) working method
cutter suction dredger . (3+6X=9Y~


2C,; 2-11-
L-4/T-2/WRE Date: 26/12/2012
L-4/T-2 B. Sc.Engineering Examinations 2010-2011

Sub: WRE 421 (Professional Practices and Communication)

Full Marks: 140 Time: 3 Hours

. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) "Engineers make our lives better" - Justify the statement. . (7)
(b) What is the practice of professional engineering and who can practice professional

engineering? . , (S)
(c) List scopes of professional practices of (i) Water Resources Engineer and (ii) Civil

(8}j )

2. (a) Discuss briefly differenttypes of feasibility studies. (7)

(b) Draw a flow diagram showing project development stages. (8)

(c) Write down the general and supplementary conditions of a contract. (S}j)

3. (a) List the contents of a Standard Tender Document as perPPR-2008. (5)

(b) List the typical set of clause~ of general requirement of a "Specifications" ofa


(c) Elaborate the "General specification" ofa typical dredging works. (13X)

4, (a) Name the general elements of Bill of Quantity. What are the classes of work covered

by work classification for the preparation of BOQ. (7)

(b) What are the basic principles of Professional ethics and ethical behavior? (6)

(c) Answer the following questions: (10}j )

(i) What are the types of reports?

(ii) What is the basi.Oof report writing?
(iii) Prepare a short "Guide lines" of better technical report writing.

Contd P/2

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) What do you mean by project screening? Explain how the screening of a flood

management project differs from that of an irrigation project. (1IX)

(b) Write short note on: (3x4=12)
(i) Eligible Tenderer
(ii) Trade Union and Industrial Relation in Bangladesh.
(iii) Environmental Impact Statement.

6. (a) Define Internal Rate of Return. Suppose the feasibility estimate of a project is'
Tk. 10.0 million with an expected operating life of 10 years. Annual maintenance and
operating expenses are forecast as Tk. 555000 per year. Using a 10% discount rate, what

net animal income must be received to recover the capital investment of the project? (2+5=7)
(b) ~hy claims and disputes ari,se in a Water Resources/Civil Engineering Contract? , (7+3=10)
Clkfea:onll-'! cla.lrrl.$ in con1-f{O..&b
(9) How ao arbitration can play effective role in solving disputes in contracts. (6X)

'7. (a) Enumerate the impacts of water resources projects on environment. (8)
(b) Explain briefly the techniques of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). (10)
(c) Show the generalized EIA Process in a flow chart. (5X)

8. (a) Describe the composition and job ofa Tender Evaluation Committee. (1IX)
(b) What do you mean 'by Tender Evaluatio~? Describe the procedure that is followed

during evaluation oftender according to Public Procurement Rules 2008. (2+10=12)

L-4ff -2/WRE Date: 20/11/2012
L-4/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2010-2011
Sub :WRE 423 (River Engineering and Flood Mitigation)
Full Marks : 210 Time : 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate fuli marks.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Discuss the factors contributing to recurring floods in Bangladesh.
(b) Elaborate. on the various types of floods in Bangladesh and their characteristics.
(c) Briefly describe with the help of a neat diagram the operation of a storage reservoir
for flood mitigation. What are the limitation of this method?

2. (a) What are the factors to be considered for effective flood mitigation by structural
measures? Discuss the demerits of flood mitigation embankment.
(b) Discuss the salient features and limitations of jlood forecasting and warning as
(11) .
practised in Bangladesh.
(c) What do you mean by flood fighting? Discuss the vario~s problems encountered and
remedial measures undertaken during flood fighting.

3. (a) Distinguish between direct flood damages and indirect flood damages. Give examples
of each category.
, (13)
(b) Briefly describe how flood risk analysis is carried out.
(c) The average annual damage from floods in a river basin is estimated to be Tk. 280
lakh. Estimates are made for five alternative proposals for flood mitigation works. The
initial investment, annual O&M costs and annual damages are given in the following
, '

table. Select the most economic project using an interest rate of 8 percent. Assume that
the life of channel improvement work is 25 years and the life of dam is 50 years. The
capital recovery factors for interest rate of 8% and project lives of25 and 50 yrears are
0.0934 and 0.0817 respectively.
Investment AnnualO&M Annual Flood damage
Alternative Project
(lakh Tk.) (lakh Tk.) (lakh Tk.)

210.0 70.0 175.0

I Channel improvement
840.0 42.0 133.0
II Dam at site A
. 1120.0 56.0 87.5
III Dam at site B
1050.0 112.0 70.0 '
IV Dam at site A with
channel improvement
1330.0 126.0 42.0
V Dam at site B with
channel improvement
Contd P/2
__---. ----- ---..---m ""--.,.,.."....,,,;--


. 4. (a) Distinguish with a sketch between (i) bed load and bed material load (ii) suspended

load and wash load. (8)

(b) What is ,critical tractive stress? Show that Shield's entrainment, function at critical

stage of bed movement is a function of particle Reynold number. (12)

(c) Write down the continuity equation for bed form movement and explain the variable

with a sketch. (7)

. (d) Compare upper flow regime with iower flow regime in a tabular form. (8)

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.
Assume reasonable value if not given.

5. (a) Define the following terms used in River Engineering: (10)

(i) Alternating bars

(ii) Anabranched stream
(iii) Bed shear
(iv) Base flood plains
(v) Canalization 1
(b) Illustrate with sketcb, zones of land water interaction of fluvial hydro-systems. ( 0)
(c) How you will assess the velocity of the river for design purpose? Water levels of a
river reach of 1 km length are 7.68 m and 7.65 m and average depth water is 20 m;
calculate the depth averaged velocity of river channel. The channel is carrying bed

sediment of size 0.15 mm. Assume reasonable value if not given. (15)

6. (a) Write down the salient characteristics of 'Confluences' and 'Bifurcations'. Give
'(b) What is meant by "at a station hydraulic g~ometry"? Calculate the hydraulic geometry
parameters of the river Ganges. Assume reasonable data for the river Ganges.
(c) Enumerate the possible reasons of river bank failure. Also briefly explain the major
. (10)
causes of bank failu~e in Rivers of Bangladesh.

7. (a) Write down the components of total scour in river bed and identify the causes of their

occurrence. (8)
(b) Sketch the plan view of scour pattern around the bridge pier and abutment. (7)
(c) A bridge is to be constructed' across a river with a slight bend. Given the following

data: (20)

Contd P/3

Contd ... Q. No. 7(c)
Discharge = 12000 m /s
Depth of flow = 25 m
Width of the river = 900 m
Width of circular pier = 4.0 m
Radius of bend = 3.0 krri
Size of bed material = 0.10 mm
Calculate the total SCOUT, Assume reasonable data if not given.

8. (a) Define scour velocity.
Calculate the time dependent scour depth for the river Jamuna for smooth bed

condtion after t = 1 year: Given that

Discharge = 60,000 m /s
Depth of flow = 10m, and av. width = 8 km
Critical velocity= 0.3 mls
Assume coefficients and other data reasonably if not given.
(b) Draw a typical bank protection works and show its various components. Design a
falling apron for Q = 1200 m3/s and Dso = 0.15 ~m. Also estimate the volume of
launching mat~rials for a slope 1V : 2.5 H and cover layer thickness 400 mm.
(c) Briefly write notes on:
(i) Comparison oflocal scour formulae around bridge piers
(ii) Causes of deterioration of IWT routes of Bangladesh and its improvement

(iii) Dredging and dredge spoil disposal


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