Mohamed Abdirahim's Updated CV
Mohamed Abdirahim's Updated CV
Mohamed Abdirahim's Updated CV
Mr. Mohamed is a senior human resources and talent management specialist in public and
private sectors. He also serves as a lead expert and consultant in human resource business
processes and systems audit for various World Bank funded projects. Mr. Mohamed is also
responsible for providing technical assistance and advice in his area of expertise to clients from
both the Public and Private sector in several African countries.
As a Payroll Specialist, Mr. Mohamed is responsible for performing the following tasks;
Collecting and reviewing employee information and working hours, calculating wages,
preparing and processing employee payments, and maintaining accurate payroll records
Helps to ensure proper payment of wages and salaries by using the in-house payroll system to
correctly process salaries and reported hours worked, correctly utilize paid leave and holiday
pay, correctly accrue compensatory time, and correctly compute overtime while meeting
Generates records of payrolls showing each payee, hours worked for nonexempt employees,
wages paid, associated withholdings for retirement, benefits, and other contributions, and taxes
withheld, maintains payroll records and accounts, and prepares journal entries related to payroll
in a timely manner.
Facilitates employee participation in various voluntary payroll deduction options by processing
voluntary deduction forms, which includes verifying employee eligibility and checking the
accuracy of completed forms, and by ensuring the authorized deductions are made from
employee paychecks and disbursed to the proper agencies and/or companies designated by the
Prepares required and assigned reports by compiling, researching, and analyzing data and
performing monthly and annual reconciliations.
Helps to assure the correct tax processing of employee fringe benefits and application of
appropriate withholding and reporting procedures.
Coordinates with Human Resources for proper benefit and deduction set-up, verifies and
processes unused vacation and sick leave payouts, and terminates all payroll deductions for
retiring and terminating employees
Trains new approvers on timesheet and leave report approval, assists employees having trouble
accessing their timesheets, and contacts employees who haven’t submitted their timesheets for
Contributes to a work environment that encourages knowledge of, respect for, and development
of skills to engage with those of other cultures or backgrounds.
As Human Resources Specialist, Mr. Mohamed is responsible for performing the following tasks;
Recruitment, selection and placement processes status reports entailing;
Long list and shortlist selection reports
Interview guides and scoring templates
Competency evaluation reports
Recommendations and reference checks reports;
Placement reports
Templates for regret letters
Talent Management programs
Training programs
HR policy and procedural administrative guidelines
Mr. Mohamed is also responsible for performing the following tasks as a lead HR expert in
civil service administrative policies, rules and procedures,;
Development of procedural guidelines for various HR policies including recruitment,
selection, appointment, placement and talent management;
Development of civil service administrative rules governing general terms of
employment for the civil service;
Development of regulations to implement the civil service rules;
Formulation of general management principles and standards of conduct for the Civil
Prescription of rules and regulations for carrying out civil service mandate;
Design and implementation of HR management system policies, procedures and
guidelines for HR business processes;
Taking stock of all HR business and management processes and practices including those
being actively implemented and those that are not being applied;
Auditing of HR systems and procedures to determine whether there is the integrated use
of training and development, organization development, and career development to
improve individual, group, and organizational effectiveness;
Auditing of HR systems and procedures to determine whether the HRD systems and
procedures are aligned with the HRM systems and procedures to promote staff
competence, confidence, and performance standards;
Auditing whether HR maintains performance indicators that help management keep track
of HR costs and benefits. In this cluster of audit the Info HR Audit will include
compensation and benefits, employee assistance, union/labour relations, and HR research
and information systems;
Ascertaining quality levels of key processes in the areas of HR management policy
frameworks and employment legislation; getting the right people in the right places;
managing people at the work place in the civil service; training, learning and developing
people; job design and analysis; workforce planning; employee accountability; discipline
enforcement processes and procedures; communication with employees;
Defining generic job-related competencies with respect to knowledge, management, work
relationship, analysis and judgement, and results/contribution to the civil service mandate
and objectives;
Benchmarking specific policies and procedures relating to civil service to international
standards and norms of more developed and progressive Public administration systems;
Design of Schemes of Service in the civil service;
Defining specific establishment related competencies for the civil service;
Review of existing documentation and conducting desk research of reports on HR
frameworks for civil service;
Identifying and proposing policies and procedures that support compliance to civil
service performance and the civil service code of conduct;
Transfer of skills on application of administrative policies, rules and procedures to staff
of the client organizations;
Facilitating government-led processes to validate reports and recommendations;
Mr. Mohamed holds a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management from Admas
University. He is a Licensed HR Practitioner and a Full Member of the Institute of Human
Resource Management (IHRM).
Mr. Mohamed has vast experience in offering technical and administrative human resources
advisory support on recruitment, selection, appointment and placement processes of an
organization. He also has a wide range of experience in the development of civil service
administrative policies, rules and regulations including recruitment, selection, placement, career
and talent management policy and procedural guidelines. Mohamed’s key competencies and
responsibilities both as a human resources and talent management specialist and lead consultant
in civil service administrative policies, rules and regulations include:
Conducting needs assessments to identify appropriate training needs, developing training
content, and facilitating training and development sessions;
Provision of statistical analysis and establishment plans of an organization’s of HR
employment data
Recommendation of appropriate alignment of talent to training or development
Preparation of required training programs to achieve all development objectives of an
Provision of leadership of new employee Onboarding programs;
Coordination and oversight of HR-led training and development efforts;
Coordination of competency-based job description initiative;
Prescription of rules and regulations for carrying out civil service mandate;
Development of Civil service administrative rules;
Development of regulations to implement the civil service rules;
Development of procedural guidelines for various HR business Processes;
Development of position classifications for the civil service;
Undertaking human resource business processes and systems audit;
Design and institutionalization of Civil service HR policies and procedures;
Development of HRM frameworks for the civil service;
Design of Schemes of Service for the civil service;
Development of guidelines for Schemes of Service for ministries, departments and
Formulation of implementation of guidelines for competency frameworks;
Institutionalization of human resource management processes and functions;
Management procedures of pay and grading Systems;
Compensation and remuneration policy frameworks;
Design of performance evaluation and performance management systems guidelines.
Mr. Mohamed has over 10 years of experience in working on human resource management
issues for both Public and Private sector institutions. He is the immediate former Dean, School of
Entrepreneurship, Procurement and Management, within the College of Human Resource
Development in Admas University. As a Dean of the School, Mohamed was responsible for:
Overall management of the Post graduate training programmes which include PhD Degrees
and Master’s Degrees in Human Resource Management, Project Management, Strategic
Management, Entrepreneurship, ICT Policy Management, Business Administration,
Business Innovation and Technology Management, Supply Chain Management,
Governance and Leadership and Public Administration.
Overall management of Undergraduate programmes in over 20 academic disciplines.
Coordinating annual students’ recruitment and admissions from the Public and Private
sector institutions.
Coordinating day- to- day teaching and learning.
Overall management of teaching and non-teaching staff.
Coordinating the preparation of short courses for senior managers from Public and Private
sector institutions based on demand and supply.
Coordinating students’ industrial attachment and placement.
Harmonization of the curriculum based on the supply and demand studies for enhancing
Public and Private sector reform.
Designing, managing and evaluating graduate recruitment and internship programmes in
Public and Private sector.
Coordinating the management of examinations.
Coordination and supervision of the research work undertaken by lecturers and students for
Public and Private sector development.
Establishing linkages and partnerships between the Public sector and Private sector.
Managing publications from lecturers and students.
Mr. Mohamed also serves as a Lecturer in Human Resource Management studies in the
Department of Entrepreneurship, Technology, Leadership and Management, at University of
Hargeisa. He has over 7 years’ experience in lecturing and managing Human resource
management development programmes for Degrees in Human Resource Management, Project
Management, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, ICT Policy Management, Business
Administration, Business Innovation and Technology Management, Supply Chain Management,
Governance and Leadership and Public Administration in Hargeisa. Mohamed has undertaken
extensive research in the field of Human Resource management, Strategic Management,
Governance and Leadership, Supply Chain Management and Business Administration. He has
successfully supervised to completion and graduation 40 Bachelor Degree candidates. Mohamed
also has experience in teaching and managing Bachelor’s Degrees covering over 10 academic
disciplines. His experience also extends to the overall training, offering academic leadership and
management of capacity development for Senior Civil Servants from the Government ministries.
As a lecturer, Mohamed is experienced in undertaking capacity needs assessment and preparing
training programmes and learning modules based on the outcomes of the needs assessment. He
has extensive experience in designing and institutionalizing monitoring and evaluation systems
for the capacity building programmes.
Advising on various models of Public-Private partnership arrangements for training,
Advising on career trajectories of staff.
Reviewing the existing talent management programmes including the identification of
inherent challenges and required interventions.
Developing talent management policies and procedures manual and training staff on the
Employment Law in the Successful Workplace
Leader as Change Agent
Leadership, Team Effectiveness and
Job Evaluation and Compensation Systems
Organizational Change Management
Collective Bargaining in Public Sector
Employee Dispute Resolution and Conflict
Women in the Workplace
Global Human Resource Practice
Civil Service Institute 2012 Bachelor Degree of Resource planning and management
Development Community Development
Management NGO Management
Sustainable Development
Practice and Principles of Management
related to talent management
Preparation of establishment plans of an
organization’s of HR employment data
Recommending of appropriate alignment
of talent to training or development
Coordinating competency-based job
description initiative
Preparation of required training programs
to achieve all development objectives of an
Provision of leadership of new employee
On boarding programs
Recruitment, selection and placement
processes status reports entailing;
Long list and shortlist selection
Interview guides and scoring
Competency evaluation reports
Recommendations and reference
checks reports;
Placement reports
Templates for regret letters
Talent Management programs
Training programs
HR policy and procedural administrative
June,2018 – Senior Consultant Somaliland As a cluster team leader and senior consultant for civil
September,2018 and cluster team service administrative policies, rules and procedures.
leader in civil Mohamed was responsible for:
service Overseeing and coordinating all Cluster
administrative activities of the Administrative Rules and
policies, rules and Regulations and Government Organization
procedures Ordinance of MDAs including preparation the
deliverables in the terms of Reference) and
World Bank – work plans, etc.
Somaliland Civil Preparation of an outreach strategy and
Service implementation plan to educate civil servants
and other stakeholders on the civil service
Strengthening administrative policies rules and procedures
Project Review of all completed reports and determine
any gaps and areas that may require further
clarification with Government
Ensuring policies and procedures contained in
the reports are consistent with international
best practice and cultural values of Somaliland
public administration institutions.
Developing a Somaliland Government
Organizational Ordinance
Preparation of draft civil service administrative
rules and procedures based on validated
recommendations in the policy framework
documents and international best practice
Spearheading discussion of the draft
administrative rules and procedures with the
Government Team and the World Bank for
further refinement
Facilitating a conference of government
officials and institutions to discuss the drafts
and collate additional information to enrich the
Preparation of final administrative rules and
procedures document for the Civil Service
Preparation of Cabinet Memorandum for
submission of the administrative rules and
procedures to the Cabinet.
Civil service Administrative rules and
Government organizational ordinance report
Cabinet memorandum
Civil service HR development framework
HR Policies and Procedures for application
by ministries, departments and agencies
Workshop reports
February, 2018 Senior Consultant Somalila Mohamed was a senior consultant for civil service
– May,2018 and team leader in nd administrative policies, rules and procedures. He was
civil service responsible for:
administrative Reviewing existing documentation and
policies, rules and conducting desk research of reports relevant to
procedures HRM policy frameworks
Developing the key guidelines and procedures
World Bank – underpinning HRM frameworks
Somalia Capacity Designing an integrated administrative policy
Injection Project framework of HR processes for the civil
Developing administrative polices, rules and
procedures for HR business processes
Formulation of performance management
Analysis of methods used in the leave
management, their effectiveness; and
development of rules and procedures
Analysis of the methods used for evaluation of
Employee eligibility to work and the
termination and transition procedures to be put
in place
Making policies and procedures for job clusters
/ families suggesting career paths for the
Proposing a suitable HRM administrative
system that clearly defines various roles of the
employee, employer and organization
Proposing both vertical and horizontal career
progression ladders and their management
Developing schemes of service guidelines for
various job functions
Harmonizing strategic direction, functions,
establishment ceiling and organograms for
ministries, departments and agencies
Civil service Administrative rules and
HR Policies and Procedures for application
by ministries, departments and agencies
Government organizational ordinance report
Cabinet memorandum
Civil service HR development framework
Workshop reports
Outreach strategy and implementation plan
Analysis of methods used in the leave
management, their effectiveness; assessment of
employee and organizational development
processes and their effect on the personnel
evaluation process
Analysis of the methods used for evaluation of
Employee eligibility to work and the
termination and transition procedures to be put
in place
Analysis of targets and forms of training, their
compliance to the purposes of the organization;
study of the training program; assessment of
personnel after completing training, the
efficiency and results of the training program.
Analysis of development system of personnel
in the organization; job analysis, analysis of the
plan for personnel development, the efficiency
of methods used
Analysis of performance measurement and
evaluation; analysis of work standardization
process; evaluation of work productivity;
analysis of investments in this area and results
Analysis of motivation forms, their relationship
with personnel motivation; analysis of the level
and structure of payment forms; assessment of
compliance between the motivation forms and
the targets of the organization
Diagnosis of the HR Information systems and
its linkage to HR processes
Civil service administrative rules
Civil service regulations
General management principles and
standards of conduct for the Civil service
Position classifications for the Civil
Procedural guidelines for various HR
HRM frameworks for the Civil service
Guidelines for Schemes of Service for
ministries, departments and agencies
Principles and guidelines for
implementation of Competency
Procedures for institutionalization of
HRM processes and functions
Management procedures of Pay and
Grading Systems
Leadership and governance procedures.
Guidelines for Human resource /
Manpower development
Policy and procedures for Coaching and
Guidelines for Job Evaluation
Compensation and remuneration
frameworks and procedures
Design of Performance evaluation and
Performance management systems
HR audit questionnaire and guidelines
for its administration
Report on HR policies, systems, processes
and practices
Improved Personnel data management
system appropriate to the client
Set of recommendations to establish a
dynamic and effective HR function
Roadmaps with clear milestones for
improving HR business processes
HR policies and procedures manual
Staff selection, recruitment and promotion
policies and procedures
HR information management system
Staff performance appraisal manual
Transfer of skills on application of
competency frameworks to staff of the
beneficiary institutions
General competency frameworks for the Civil
Customized competency frameworks for
beneficiary institutions
Implementation plans to roll-out the
competency frameworks
April ,2017- Senior Consultant Somalia Mohamed was a senior Consultant on the development
December, 2016 on Development of of competency framework responsible for:
Competency Identifying and proposing value related
framework for the competencies that supports compliance to the
Civil service Civil service performance of the Puntland
World Bank – State of Somalia and the Civil service code of
Somalia Capacity conduct
Injection Project Benchmarking specific occupations and
professions relating to Puntland State of
Somalia Civil service to international standards
and norms of more developed and progressive
Public administration systems
Defining specific establishment related
competencies for the Civil service of Puntland
State of Somalia
Preparing consolidated reports of competency
frameworks taking into account international
and regional best practices that promotes merit-
based recruitment and promotion, improved
career trajectory management, and training and
development, and facilitates rapid increase in
the knowledge base and skills of Civil service
General competency frameworks for the Civil
service of Puntland State of Somalia
Customized competency frameworks for
beneficiary institutions
Implementation plans to roll-out the
competency frameworks
July –November Consultant on Federal As a World Bank consultant on development of
2016 Development of Government competency framework, Mohamed provided
Competency of Somalia technical expertise to the FGS by:
framework for the
(FGS) Reviewing existing documentation and
Civil service
conducting desk research of reports on
development of competency frameworks for
World Bank –
Somalia Capacity the FGS Civil service
Injection Project Defining generic job-related competencies with
respect to knowledge, management, work
relationship, analysis and judgement, and
results/contribution to the FGS Civil service
mandate and objectives
Benchmarking specific occupations and
professions relating to FGS Civil service to
international standards and norms of more
developed and progressive Public
administration systems
Defining specific establishment related
competencies for the FGS Civil service
Identifying and proposing value related
competencies that supports compliance to the
FGS Civil service performance and the Civil
service code of conduct
Preparing consolidated reports of competency
frameworks taking into account international
and regional best practices that promote merit-
based recruitment and promotion, improved
career trajectory management, and training and
development, and facilitates rapid increase in
the knowledge base and skills of Civil service
Transfer of skills on application of
competency frameworks to staff of the
beneficiary institutions of the FGS
Work plans to implement the assignments
General competency frameworks for the Civil
Implementation plans to roll-out the
competency frameworks
Customized competency frameworks for
beneficiary institutions
Feb - Jun 2016 HR Businesses Somaliland As a World Bank HR Business processes Audit Expert,
Processes Audit Mohamed assisted the Government of Somaliland in;
Expert Conducting internal and external diagnosis of
issues impacting on the performance of the HR
function in the civil service of Somaliland
World Bank – Taking stock of all HR business and
Capacity Injection management processes and practices including
those being actively implemented and those
Project, Govt. of
that were not being applied
Somaliland Providing status reports on the HR business
process elements listed , identified their sub-
processes and analysing the extent of
application in the civil service
Ascertaining quality levels of key processes in
the areas of HR management policy
frameworks and employment legislation;
getting the right people in the right places;
managing people at the work place in the civil
service; training, learning and developing
people; job design and analysis; workforce
planning; employee accountability; discipline
enforcement processes and procedures;
communication with employees; etc.
Developing process flow charts for key areas
including: recruitment, selection and
appointment; training, learning and
development; performance management and
Proposing specific recommendations for
improving current HR processes and practices
Developing a roadmap with clear milestones
for improving HR business processes and
developing a modern HR policy manual
Facilitating a government-led process to
validate the report and its recommendations
HR audit questionnaire and guidelines for its
Report on HR policies, systems, processes and
Improved Personnel data management system
Set of recommendations to establish a
dynamic and effective HR function
2011 Staff Audit, Somaliland As the Staff Audit, Benchmarking and Workforce
Benchmarking and Analysis Expert, Mohamed assisted in;
Workforce Analysis Reviewing the quality of personnel records
Expert through an assessment of random samples of
University of service records which includes;
Hargeisa (UOH) A review of any computerized personnel
system, including evidence of any data entry
validation procedures and standard reporting
Interviews with managers responsible for the
maintenance of personnel records
Assessing the likely levels of “ghost” workers
Interviews with central HR staff, decentralized
HR managers, and operations managers
Review of data on rates of natural retirement
Sample census in a selected pilot area
Reviewing and recommending alternative
mechanisms for improving the personnel
inventory, including:
Independent census
Introduction of operation wide Photo ID system
Cancellation of current payment systems, and
introduction of new system requiring re-
Assisting the implementing agency to
implement the personnel inventory
Developing forecasts and scenarios of future
skill requirements through:
Interviews with operational managers
Interviews with senior managers
Interviews with potential PPI investors, or other
private sector operators, both nationally and
Interviews with training institutions or industry
associations in the sector
Undertaking an analysis of current skill levels,
in the light of expected future requirements,
based on:
Basic data on education drawn from personnel
records and staff audit
More in depth reviews of selected
representative operating units
Identifying the areas where there is, or is most
likely to be, a skills “gap”, both in terms of
workforce numbers and level of skills.
Assessing the implications of this for the
implementing agency in terms of:
Categories of workers where there is greatest
risk of adverse selection
Areas where there is a particular need for skill
Preparing a draft set of labor productivity
measures and benchmarks, broken down, as
appropriate, by operating division and
Comparing these labor productivity measures
with:International and regional standards for
the sector
Assisting the client with the collection on
international or regional benchmarking
comparators if necessary
Facilitating a workshop (or series of
workshops) with operational managers to
Origins and causes for inter-divisional
differences in productivity
Opportunities to improve labor productivity
Reviewing relevant government or enterprise
level laws, regulations and collective
bargaining agreements that impact directly on
staffing levels, or rigidity in staffing numbers,
Published labor norms and standards for
specific tasks
Hiring and firing policies
Collective bargaining agreements
Norms which may not be written down, but
have become operational custom and practice
Restrictions on one worker doing another’s job
(job demarcation rules)
Rules relating to early retirement
Conducting an analysis of current staff levels
using ratio analyses, calculations and forecasts
of age profiles (by critical cohorts), by Age,
Years of service, Nationality or State of Origin
(if appropriate), Sex, Level of education
achieved, Grade and pay scale, Location,
Categories (e.g permanent, semi-permanent,
seasonal, temporary, part-time, probationer,
apprentice, etc) or others as appropriate
Forecasting rates of natural attrition over the
next 10 years, based on current age profiles of
workers, and trends in early retirement
As far as data is available assess levels of
Personnel records
Recommendations on improved personnel
inventory records
Labour productivity measures and
Facilitation workshops
Laws and regulations review reports
Financial analyses and forecasts
National attrition forecasts
Productivity reports
Leader Overall management of the capacity development
for the Senior Civil servants from the Government
SL Civil Service
Ministries and Parastatals
Undertaking capacity needs assessment for the
Senior Civil Servants from Government Ministries
and Parastatals
Coordinating the preparation of programmes and
training modules for the specialized short courses in
Government Ministries and Parastatals
Recruiting and selecting the Civil Servants to be
Coordinating MIS, procurement and finance
services for supporting the implementation of the
capacity building programmes
Overall management of the teaching and learning
Coordinating the monitoring and evaluation of the
capacity building programmes
Coordinating the follow-up plans after training to
ensure that the management practices are
implemented as per action plans prepared during
the training sessions
Capacity needs assessment reports for senior
civil servants
Training modules for specialized courses
MIS, procurement and finance manuals
Teaching and learning manuals
Monitoring and evaluation reports
As a Payroll Somaliland As a Payroll Consultant on development of Pay and
Oct, 2020-Feb, 2021 Consultant In Grading Systems, Mohamed provided technical
Collaboration with expertise to GoSL by:
Peter- Carried out
Development of Analysis of existing pay and grade policy
Civil Service Pay
and Grading Policy, and pay and grade structures
Pay & Grading Conduct in depth fiscal analysis to
Structures, Systems
and Administrative determine possible fiscal impact of
Procedures and various pay policy options.
Undertake desk review to analyze existing
studies, surveys and data on remuneration
in the civil service.
distribution to attract qualified
professionals and managers, and develop
implementation guidelines.
Inception report with assessment tools and
templates and Comprehensive Work Plan
Report on: the Civil Service job
evaluations and classifications with
development of civil service job
descriptions for the all GoSL MDAs,
Report on: exisiting civil service skills
and personnel mix, identification of the
redundancies and recommendations for
each MDAs,
Masters Level
Human Resource Management
Employee Resourcing
Masters Level
Global Citizenship
Strategic Management
I, Mohamed Abdirahim, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief,
this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to
undertake the assignment in case of an award.
Mr. Mohamed Abdirahim
Name of Expert Signature Date