Experiment 4 Emissivity

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1) TANUSHEN S/O SIVAN 1103183004

Very poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent Marks


1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

The main objective of The main objective of

the experiment is The main objective of The main objective of the experiment is The main objective of
stated. The operating the experiment is stated. the experiment is stated. stated. The operating the experiment is stated.
variable is not The operating variable The operating variable is variable is mentioned. The operating variable is
mentioned. The steady is mentioned. The mentioned. The steady The steady state mentioned. The steady
ABSTRACT state parameters steady state parameters state parameters parameters obtained is state parameters
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The main result based The main result based well. The main result main result based on well. The main result
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clearly not stated. The clearly not stated. The is clearly not stated. The clearly stated. is clearly stated. The
overall conclusion and overall conclusion and overall conclusion and The overall conclusion overall conclusion and
recommendation not recommendation not recommendation not and recommendation recommendation is
explained explained explained not explained explained
1 3 5
OBJECTIVES Some of the objectives All the objectives are
Objectives are not
is clearly stated clearly stated
1 3 5

The data are not Some of the data are Data are presented as

presented as deemed not presented as deemed deemed suitable with

suitable with suitable with complete complete label and units.
complete label and label and units.
1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20

Provide all the Provide all the important

Do not provide Do not provide all the Provide all the important important data and data and write the
complete important important data and write data and write the write the discussion/explanation

data. No the discussion/explanation discussion/explanati in details, relates

discussion/explanation discussion/explanation without relates with the on in details, relates discussion with the
at all. No results and without relates with the theory and fundamental. discussion with the theory and fundamental.
explanation to the theory and fundamental. Objectives fulfilled theory and Objectives fulfilled
objectives at all. No results and partially fundamental. completely.
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objectives. partially.
1 2 3 4 5

Wrong summary of Partially incomplete

Incomplete summary of Summary of the Summary of the results
the results to relate the summary of the results
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RECOMMENDATION the experimental. to the experimental. experimental. Suggest
experimental. Do not experimental. Do not
Do not suggest Do not suggest improvements in
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improvements in improvements in apparatus or
in apparatus or in apparatus or
apparatus or apparatus or measurement procedure,
measurement measurement procedure, measurement procedure, measurement or experimental
procedure, or or experimental
or experimental procedure, or procedures for future.
experimental procedures for future.
procedures for future. experimental
procedures for future.
procedures for future.
1 3 5

References provided References provided

References not with proper citation with proper citation
provided (less THAN 3 (more than 3
references) references)
1 3 5

Included with detailed Included with detailed

APPENDI Not included in the calculation and calculation and
CES report interpolation steps are interpolation steps is
not showned showned
1 3 5

Some content are not The content are

FORMAT Not following the following the format following the format
S format provided in the handbook provided in the
provided handbook


Lecturer’s signature with cop:


1 Abstract 1

2 Objectives 2

3 Introduction 3-4

4 Result 5-6

5 Discussion 7-8

6 Conclusion and recommendation 9

7 References 10

8 Appendix 11

This experiment was conducted to observe the radiation of heat transfer

phenomena through black pate and test plate. The main objective of this
experiment is to study and calculate the emissivity of test plate and to plot
graph of emissivity of test plate over time. Both the voltage and current of black
plate and test plate are kept constant at 60 Volt and 0.27Amp. The experiment
reached its equilibrium state at 110th minute where the increment is about
+0.03 to the previous reading to the next reading. The steady state reading of
temperatures of black plate (T1), test plate (T2) and surrounding temperature
of enclose area (T3) at 120th minute are 63.9°C, 70.9°C, and 32.8°C. The
emissivity of black plate is 1 and the emissivity of test plate is 0.4440. The
emissivity of the test plate can be calculated at various surface temperature of
the plate. The emissivity increases with increase of surface temperature due to
the dull test surface. The experiment carried out successfully and data
collected can be used to study and to calculate emissivity of test plate.


 To study and visualize radiation of heat transfer by black plate and test

 To calculate heat input to black plate(QB), heat input to test plate(Qs) and
emissivity of test plate(Es).

 To compare heat transfer between test plate surface and black plate
surface by radiation

 To plot a graph of overall heat transfer coefficient and film coefficient



The mode of heat transfer in which energy is transmitted due to

electromagnetic waves and does not require any medium is called as radiation.
Thermal radiation is continuously emitted by all matter whose temperature is
above absolute zero. The rate of thermal radiation emission increases with
increasing temperature. A blackbody is defined as a perfect emitter and
absorber of radiation. At a specified temperature and wavelength, no surface
can emit more energy than a blackbody (“Lumen Physics”, 2020).

Diagram 1: A black object and white object heat absorption and radiation

Emissivity of a perfect black surface is ‘1’ and emissivity of a perfect white

surface is ‘0’. All the practical surfaces are having emissivity between 0 to 1.
This property provides a measure of how efficiently a surface emits energy
relative to a blackbody. The emissivity depends strongly on the nature of the
surface, which can be influenced by the method of fabrication, thermal cycling,
and chemical reaction with its environment. An emissivity of 0.9 indicates that
the surface will emit 90% of the energy and reflect 10%. Emissivity is spectral
parameter. Same material will transmit heavily at one wavelength and absorb
heavily at another wavelength. The information of emissivity is necessary
when one wants to find out heat exchanger by radiation. In the design of
appliances based on solar energy, the knowledge of emissivities of collector
surface and reflecting surface is a must for the concerned engineer.

Depending on type of surface, the reflected radiation is specular or diffuse.
A smooth and polished surface is more specular while the rough surface is
more diffuse. The fraction of incident energy absorbed by the surface is called
the absorptivity. For a black body it is equal to one. Actually black body do not
exist in nature through its characteristics are approximated by a hole in a box
filled with highly absorptive material. The emission spectrum of such a black
body was first fully described by Max Planck.

Emissivity of a surface is defined as ratio of the radiation emitted by the

surface to the radiation emitted by the black body at the same temperature. If a
sample is replaced by a black body of temperature of same area at same
temperature, under thermal equilibrium, the emissivity of the body is equal to
the absorptivity.


Table 1: Data provided in data book

Time(min) VB(Volt) IB(Amp) VS(Volt) IS(Amp) T1(℃) T2(℃) T3(℃)

0 60 0.27 60 0.27 31.5 31.8 28.1
10 60 0.27 60 0.27 43.0 43.2 28.9
20 60 0.27 60 0.27 48.8 49.7 29.5
30 60 0.27 60 0.27 52.5 54.2 30.2
40 60 0.27 60 0.27 55.2 58.0 30.8
50 60 0.27 60 0.27 57.4 61.0 31.3
60 60 0.27 60 0.27 59.2 63.4 31.6
70 60 0.27 60 0.27 60.6 65.5 32.1
80 60 0.27 60 0.27 61.6 67.0 32.3
90 60 0.27 60 0.27 62.4 68.3 32.5
100 60 0.27 60 0.27 63.0 69.5 32.8
110 60 0.27 60 0.27 63.6 70.4 32.8
120 60 0.27 60 0.27 63.9 70.9 32.8

Table 2: Data collected from emissivity measurement apparatus

Figure 1: Graph of relationship between temperature(℃) and time(min)

Time (min) Heat input to black Heat input to test Emissivity of test
plate , QB (W) plate, QS (W) plate, ES
0 16.2 16.2 0.7130
10 16.2 16.2 0.9452
20 16.2 16.2 0.8333
30 16.2 16.2 0.7454
40 16.2 16.2 0.6476
50 16.2 16.2 0.5964
60 16.2 16.2 0.5675
70 16.2 16.2 0.5301
80 16.2 16.2 0.5083
90 16.2 16.2 0.4866
100 16.2 16.2 0.4585
110 16.2 16.2 0.4502
120 16.2 16.2 0.4440

Table 3 : Calculated data for emissivity of test plate ES at various time

with heat input to black plate, QB and heat input to test plate, QS

Figure 2: Relationship between heat input to test plate, Qs(W) and

emissivity of test plate, Es at various time(min)


The experiment was successfully done and emissivity of test plate was
calculated and graph is plotted based on value calculated. From data collected,
the emissivity measurement apparatus reached its steady state at 110th minute
where the increment of previous reading to the next reading is about +0.3. The
final reading of temperatures of black plate, T1 ( ℃ ), test plate, T2 ( ℃ ) and
surrounding temperature of enclose area,T3 ( ℃ ) at 120th minute are 63.9°C,
70.9°C, and 32.8°C. The calculated value of the heat input to black plate (QB)
is 16.2W and heat input to test plate (Qs) is 16.2W. The emissivity of black
plate is 1 and the emissivity of test plate is 0.4440. The emissivity of the test
plate can be calculated at various surface temperature of the plate. When the
temperature increases the test plate becomes dull. So, the emissivity of test
plate increases with increase of surface temperature. This happens because
at a specified temperature and wavelength, no surface can emit more energy
than a blackbody or black plate (Surjikov. S, 2010).

The data collected during the experiment have been recorded in the table
2. The experiment started at 0th minute and continued to 120th minute where it
reached steady state. Both the voltage and current of black plate and test plate
were kept constant at 60 Voltage and 0.27 Ampere. At 110th minute, the
experiment reached its equilibrium state with temperatures of black plate (T1),
test plate (T2) and temperature of surrounding enclose (T3) are 63.6°C, 70.4°C
and 32.8°C. From 0th minute to 100th minute, the temperature increases
uniformly from the previous reading to the next reading. But due to presence of
some external force, at 100th minute black plate temperature slightly fluctuate
from 62.4°C to 63.0°C and then become normal again 110th minute onwards.
This pattern clearly can be seen at figure 1 where till 0 to 100 minute, the
graph were increasing without an uniform pattern and once its reach its
equilibrium state at 110th minute, the increment is uniform till the end.

Table 3 shows the calculated values of heat input to black plate (QB), heat
input to test plate (Qs) and emissivity of test plate (Es). Since both the voltage
and current were kept constant for black plate and test plate the heat input for
both plate also stays the same. The heat input was calculate by using V, the
voltage and I, the current. The emissivity of test plate is kept decreasing
throughout the experiment. The change in the pattern is due to presence of
external factor such as external temperature from others devices.

Figure 2 shows that the reading of heat input to test plate is constant which
is at 16.2 W. The emissivity of test plate from 0th minute to 20th minute slightly
increases. Then from 30th minute it decreased again and uniformly dropped to
120th minute. The increase is due to some external factor that affect the
temperature during the experiment. The black and white bodies emit and
absorb the thermal radiation to and from surroundings. The rate of thermal
radiation depends upon the temperature of body. Thermal radiations are
electromagnetic waves and they do not require any medium for propagation.
When thermal radiation strikes a body, part of it is reflected, part of it is
absorbed and part of it is transmitted through body (Limbikai .B. M, 2019).

After achieving steady state temperature for black plate, it continuously

emits radiations and this radiation is completely absorbed by the test plate. But
its emit radiation is slightly less than the black body because emissivity
depends on nature of the test plate. The emissivity of black plate is always
equal to 1 and its acting as an ideal material to calculate the emissivity of test
plate. Overall the experiment is consider successful since the emissivity of test
plate is within the range of 0.4 to 0.9 where the ideal range of emissivity for
plate bodies 0 to 0.99 (Victor . T, Diane. C, David. F, David. J, 1994).

Error may occur in the experiment in terms of possible external force from
surroundings. This pattern can be see in reading of temperature of test plate at
20th minute to 30th minute where the reading increase by +4.5 regardless of


As conclusion, this experiment was conducted successfully as the

objectives of the experiment was fulfilled. The emissivity measurement
apparatus achieved its steady state at 100th minute where the increment of
temperatures of black plate, test plate and the surrounding temperature of
enclose area are increases by +0.3 from the previous reading to the next
reading. The range of emissivity of the test plate was between 0.4 to 0.9. The
emissivity of black plate is 1. The emissivity of the test plate was calculated at
different surface temperatures of the plate. With increase in temperature, the
test surface becomes somewhat dull and therefore its emissivity increases
with increase of surface temperature. The emissivity of the test plate is always
lower than the black plate because black plate perfect absorber and radiator
with emissivity of 1. From the result, the emissivity of test plate achieved
between 0 to 0.9 which proved the objective and theory of all practical surfaces
have emissivity of 0 to 1.

Recommendations which lead to accurate readings are the experiment

should continued for a longer period of time to achieve accurate value for the
heat transfer coefficient and to attain a uniform flow of heat transfer coefficient.
Next recommendation is make sure the apparatus are well insulated so that
only very little amount of heat energy escapes to the surroundings. The third
recommendation is that the experiment should be protected from vibrations,
drafts, changes in temperatures or other effects from nearby apparatus. This
will increase the rate of accuracy when it is come down to take measurement
and also from any other surrounding disturbance (Zhang.F, Liu.Y, Yu.K, 2015).


1) Lumen Physics: Heat and Heat Transfer Methods. (2020, July 12).
Retrieved from:

2) Zhang.F, Liu.Y, Yu.K. 2015. Emissivity Measurement Apparatus for near

Infrared Spectrum. Journal of Infrared Physics and Technology. Retrieved

3) Limbikai .B. M. 2019. Emissivity Measurement Apparatus. Available from

World Wide Web:

4) Surjikov. S. 2010. Emissivity Theory and Concept. Available at World Wide


5) Victor . T, Diane. C, David. F, David. J. 1994. Emissivity Measurement

Apparatus and Method. Available at World Wide Web:

At 70 minutes:

1) QB = VB * IB
From data table VB= 60Volt and IB = 0.27Amp;

So, QB = VB * IB

QB = 60Volt * 0.27Amp

QB = 16.2 W

2) Qs = Vs * Is
From data table VS= 60Volt and IS = 0.27Amp;

So, Qs = Vs * Is

Qs = 60Volt * 0.27Amp

Qs = 16.2 W

3) TB = T1 (OC)

= 60.6 OC

4) TS = T2 (OC)

= 65.5OC

5) TD = T3 (OC)

= 32.1 OC

6) The emissivity of test plate using below formula;

Q  E B  (T B  T D ) 4
E S  S
Q B  (T S  T D ) 4

Emissivity of black plate, EB = 1(given) ;

( 16 . 2 W )  1  ( 60 . 6  32 . 1 ) 4 (  C )
ES 
( 16 . 2 W )  ( 65 . 5  32 . 1 ) 4 (  C )

10687951 .01
ES 
20160480 .64
E S  0 .5301


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