04 - Beam WobbleTest
04 - Beam WobbleTest
04 - Beam WobbleTest
This procedure describes the steps necessary to perform the Beam Wobble scan for
Prodigy/ Prodigy Advance.
This procedure applies to all employees performing installation or service of Prodigy/
Prodigy Advance scanners with version 2.26 or greater software.
The x-ray generator produces a beam of ionizing radiation. The technician should take
precautions to avoid exposing any part of their body to the x-ray beam.
DXAP2000 Prodigy/ Prodigy Advance Installation Instructions
DXAP2004 Prodigy/ Prodigy Advance Installation Report
DXAP2001 Prodigy/ Prodigy Advance Source Detector Alignment
B. Enter the Service Mode of the Fan Software Options / User Options
Service – Enter Password (Smile sw ver 1.0 – 2.05 or Award ver
2.10 +)
C. Insure that the Front, Head and Foot Panels are minimally hanging on
the scanner frame.
D. Run the limit to limit test with the configure box checked to establish
the scan window.
It is the responsibility of the user to verify this document originated from the controlled master and is the active revision prior to use.
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GE Medical DOC ID: DXAP2011 REV: C DATE: 2/25/04 CO: L10884
2. Click on the configure box – there will be a check mark in the box
when it is selected.
4. While the Limit to Limit test is running be sure to listen and look for
anything that is binding or impeding the mechanics of the scanner.
In particular:
- Tube head and shutter assembly must clear tabletop and
carriage bracket bolts.
- Shutter assembly wiring should be correct and wire tied so they
do not catch on anything
- Especially watch for binding while the scan arm is moving to
home position. The Molex connector of the collimator assembly
may hang up, causing the scanner to jerk when moving off of
the limit switch.
- Also verify that the arm slot cover is not slipping out of the
guides when the scan arm is at the head and foot of the scan
- The height of the High Voltage cable trough must be low
enough so that the High Voltage cables do not get hung up on
the stepper motor drive (CENTENT or Gecko) but not so low as
to cause the high voltage cables to bind.
- Insure that all moving parts are traveling to their limits without
restriction or impediment.
6. If any of the limit to limit distances are out of spec perform the steps
below, if values pass go to step 7.
IV. If home position does not match the Home position Jig, adjust the
limit switch positions using the service software as illustrated in
step A below. If home position does not need to be adjusted,
proceed to step V.
NOTE: If the scan window is altered in any way (limit switch moved –
scanner is reassembled) the Limit to Limit Test must be run with the
configure box checked.
7. Run a second limit to limit test with approximately 250 lbs (150kg) of
weight on the table top, check for binding in the arm slot cover at this
8. Click on Close
Figure 2: New Patient Dialogue Box with Spine Phantom Patient information
entered in the appropriate fields.
F. Click OK to close the dialog and save the new patient information.
G. Double-click the Spine Phantom patient in the Patient List to enter the
New Measurement screen.
H. Click on Beam Wobble in the Site box (it will be highlighted blue when it is
I. Verify that the table top is off and there are no objects positioned around
the table that might impede scanner motion
K. Allow the scanner to acquire reference counts in the center of the table –
make sure the alignment aperture is not present.
M. When the scanner returns home, click on Start and allow the Beam
Wobble scan to run. It will take approximately 6 minutes.
O. Select the Spine Phantom patient from the list and then double click on
the appropriate Beam Wobble file.
b. If the test does not pass, look at the image, it should look
essentially like a random distribution of gray.
NOTE: If anything passes through the beam during this test, IT WILL FAIL.
P. When passing results have been achieved, print the results by clicking on
the Print button on the toolbar.
Q. When the Beam Wobble has been completed return to DXAP2001 step 7-
A to complete the alignment.