After The Lesson, The Students Will Be Able To
After The Lesson, The Students Will Be Able To
After The Lesson, The Students Will Be Able To
After the lesson, the students will be able to;
a. Describe the nature of research; its importance to man’s daily life.
b. Identify the different research design including their respective subtypes.
c. Construct a research title with a rationale and research problems.
-Checking of Attendance
-Review of the Previous Lesson
The teacher will have the review of the lesson.
--After discussing the previous lesson, the teacher will have a short evaluation.
Activity #1
Direction: Identify whether the following statement is a fact or opinion.
_______________________1. Manila is the capital of the Philippines.
_______________________2. Our school is the best school among other schools in the country.
_______________________3. The Chinese people are better citizens of the world than the
_______________________4. The Philippines respect the rights of its citizens to choose their
own religion of choice.
_______________________5. Every Filipinos has the right to life.
----After the short evaluation the teacher will now proceed on the lesson proper.
-The teacher will be asking a question to the students with regards to the introduction about
• If there is one question that you would like to ask about the world, yourself, or
maybe about God or anything around you, what is it and why?
-After collecting varied answers from the students, the teacher will deepen the idea.
• Man is essentially curious.
• Man asks questions about himself, about everything around him; and sometimes
he asks questions about his creator because he has a reason that generates to the
things that he/she observes.
• In his aim to seek solutions, he searches for the meaning of everything.
• He learns the value of research.
New Ideas
LOOK At something in a different perspective using a
new investigative lens
IMPROVE Certain Processes
CREATE Something useful out of something old
EXPLAIN A series of observation
-After defining and thoroughly explaining the concept of research, the teacher will then
present and discuss the “nature and importance of research”.
2. Discussions
Aims of Research
1. Verification of Existing Knowledge
--Proving/verifying the veracity of existing theories or knowledge
2. Acquisition of New Knowledge
--Brings forth new ideas regarding a theory or even create a totally new theory
3. Application of New Knowledge
--Utilizes and translates to something useful to humankind.
4. Advancement of the Research Expertise
--Gain relevant experiences that enhance and deepen their
knowledge and skills in the area of their investigations
---After the discussion about the nature & importance of research and the aims of research,
the teacher will initiate an activity to identify the importance of research to man’s daily life.
Activity #2;
Direction: Each page of paper contains man’s relation to research in every aspect. Based on
given aspect, write the importance of research in relation to man’s daily existence.
Man Government
Sample Answer:
Research helps man to identify his rights and freedom as citizen of the government.
Research will also help him to know his duties and obligations to his country.
---After the activity, the class will deepen more on the students’ answers.
---The teacher will continue to discuss the lesson. He will start discussing the major research
Qualitative Research
This research refers to the meanings, concepts, definitions, characteristics, metaphors,
symbols and description of things
(Berg, 2007)
The research questions often stress how social experience is created and given meaning.
Phenomenological Research
• This research describes the meaning for several individuals of their lived experience of a
certain phenomena.
• “to determine what an experience means for the persons who have had the experience
and are able to provide a comprehensive description of it. From the individual
descriptions, general or universal meanings are derived, in other words, the essences of
structures of the experience.”
Grounded Theory
• This research is employed in situations where it is perceived as necessary to go beyond
description and generate theory.
• The intent of grounded theory is to generate or discover a theory that relates to a
particular situation. If little is known about a topic, grounded theories especially useful.
• Don’t do a literature review in the beginning
Ethnographic Research
• This kind of research focuses on an entire cultural group: describes their shared patterns
of values, behavior, language and culture.
Case Study
• This kind of research involves the study of an issue explored through one or two cases
within a setting or context.
• A case study is an exploration of a “bounded system” or a case (or multiple cases) over
time through detailed, in-depth data collection involving multiple sources of information
rich in context.
--after discussing the ideas and things about qualitative research, the teacher will provide an
activity that will deepen the students’ knowledge about qualitative research.
Activity #3
Identify the types of qualitative design that must be used in the following descriptions.
___________________1. The researchers wanted to know the lives of Mangyans in Bongabon,
Nueva Ecija, particularly their culture, traditions and beliefs.
___________________2. The study focuses on the lives of OFW’s in Saudi Arabia; their
individual stories of cries and laughters and; pains and success, struggles and challenges.
___________________3. The research will later on be defining a theory out from the given facts
and ideas of the research subjects.
___________________4. The study aims to identify the experiences of students whose parents
serve as their teachers in school.
___________________5. The researchers wanted to study the cases of absenteeism among the
Grade 11 students of San Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic School.
--After the activity, the teacher will discuss things about quantitative research.
Quantitative Research
• This research uses quantities and numbers (scores, ratings, frequencies, percentages,
prices) to denote particular thing.
• Numerical – pertaining to or denoting a number or symbol to express characteristics of
the thing being studied
• Emphasizes objective measurements and statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis
of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and survey, or by manipulating pre-
existing statistical data using computational techniques.
Weaknesses of Quantitative Research
• Inadequacy of numbers for total picture and depth of analysis
• Less than 100% accuracy in sampling, instrument construction and administration
• Assumptions in statistical methods
--after discussing matters about quantitative research, the teacher will ask the students to have an
activity about the comparison and contrast of qualitative and quantitative research.
Activity #4
Direction: Write the comparison and contrast of qualitative and quantitative research on
the given Venn diagram. .
--after working on the activity, the teacher will continue discussing the lesson particularly on the
Parts of a Research
Parts of a Research
Chapter 1--- The Problem and its Settings
a. Introduction
b. Statement of the Problem
c. Significance of the Study
d. Scope and Delimitation
e. Definition of Terms
Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature
a. Local Studies
b. Foreign Studies
c. Paradigm of the Study
Chapter 3: Methodology
a. Research Methodology
b. Research Designs
c. Population and Locale of the Study
d. Research Instrument
e. Data Gathering Procedure
Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis of Data and Interpretation of Findings
Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
a. Summary of Findings
b. Conclusion
c. Recommendation
Title Page
Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
List of Appendices
a. Letter
b. Questionnaire
c. Profile
d. Abstract
e. Bibliography
f. Curriculum Vitae
Oral Defenses
1. Title Defense
--- an activity in which research titles will be proposed to the Board of Panels for scrutiny and
a. Title
b. Rationale
c. Research Problems
2. Proposal Defense
an activity in which the topic will be reiterated and be approved for the continuous
writing of the other parts.
a. Title
b. Rationale
c. Statement of the Problem
d. Research Designs
e. Data Gathering Procedure
f. Locale of the Study
g. Instrument/Questionnairres
h. Chapters 1-3
3. Final Defense--- the whole research output will be presented to the Board of Panels for
scrutiny, edition and final queries.
1. Chapters 1-5
-After discussing the parts of a research, the teacher will ask questions with regards to the
topic discussed.
-The teacher will collect varied answers.
-The teacher will ask the grouped students to formulate their own topic and abstract with
their own choice of research design either qualitative or quantitative.
-After the evaluation, the teacher will cite values integration.
Values Integration
-We must be responsible citizens of the world who care not only for ourselves but most
especially for others. research helps us to be critical thinkers on the things that are
happening around us. (Stewardship)
-We must be able to put ourselves into the shoes of others. Research helps us to
understand others; their situations and life experiences. (Empathy)
•We must learn to take a closer look and to be concern not only with our interest but most
especially with the interest of our fellowmen who are less fortunate.
---THE END---