Genbio Activity 5

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A. Complete the following with the provided words.

biotechnology genetic engineering characteristic Gene Cloning

Gene Design Backcross Breeding DNA Extraction transformation

1. ____________________ refers to the direct manipulation of DNA to alter an

organism’s 2. ____________________. This is usually performed with bacteria and
viruses and involves the addition of new genes to the chromosome complement or the
replacement of certain genes by other genes.

The goal of genetic engineering is to study ways of improving man’s way of life
through advances in 3. ____________________.

There are five genetic engineering processes. First is the

____________________ where scientist must extract DNA from the desired organism.
Second is the ____________________ on which the scientist separate the single gene
of interest from the rest of the genes extracted and make thousands of copies of it.
Third is the ____________________ which is done in a test tube by cutting the gene
apart with enzymes and replacing gene region that have been separated. The fourth
process is the ____________________ where the new gene is inserted into some of
the cells using various techniques and the final process is the ____________________.

B. Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.

______ 1. Genetic engineering is the direct manipulation of an organism’s
genome using biotechnology.
_____ 2. In plants, genetic engineering has been used to mass-produce insulin,
human growth hormones, follistim (for treating infertility), human albumin,
monoclonal antibodies, antihemophilic factors, vaccines, and many other
_____ 3. In animals, genetic engineering is used to create genetically-modified crops or
_____ 4. The first step in genetic engineering is the gene design and packaging.
_____ 5. The main goal of genetic engineering is to improve man’s way of life.

C. Copy the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is genetic engineering?
A. It is the direct exposure of living things to laboratory.
B. It is the direct manipulation of the physical characteristic of living things.
C. It is the direct manipulation of DNA to alter organism’s characteristics.
D. It is the direct exposure of living things to scientists.
2. What is the main purpose of genetic engineering?
A. to decrease human population
B. to produce more living things
C. to decrease the production of drugs
D. to increase quality of life
3. What is one of the importance of genetic engineering?
A. it lessens the production of crops
B. it produces genetically engineered medicines and agricultural products.
C. it provides the opportunity for human being to change their attitudes.
D. it decrease the nutritional value of foods.
4. Which is the product of genetic engineering?
A. Onions that do not make you cry white cutting it
B. Golden Rice
C. Bananas inserted with pepper gene
D. All of the above
5. Which is not a process of genetic engineering?
A. backcross breeding C. planting of plants
B. gene cloning D. gene design
6. What is the final part of producing a genetically engineered crop?
A. backcross breeding C. DNA extraction
B. gene cloning D. gene design
7. What is the first step in the genetic engineering process?
A. backcross breeding C. DNA extraction
B. gene cloning D. gene design
8. The process of separating the single gene of interest from the rest of the genes
extracted and make thousands of copies of it.
A. backcross breeding C. gene cloning
B. transformation D. gene design
9. What is the process on which the new gene is inserted into some of the cells using
various techniques?
A. backcross breeding C. DNA extraction
B. transformation D. gene design
10. This is done in a test tube by cutting the gene apart with enzymes and replacing
gene region that have been separated.
A. backcross breeding C. DNA extraction
B. gene cloning D. gene design

C. Arrange the following processes in genetic engineering. Use 1-5.

11.DNA Extraction
12.Gene Design and

13.Gene cloning
14.Backcross Breeding

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