Combat Advantage #21 - Power Surges

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Keys to the

PAGES Kingdom
You can’t unleash Hell without
the auto keyword, son.

and Sloth
The entropal are coming!
The entropal are coming!!

Power Surges
There is greater power within you. By Robert van der Meer

Play It Large!
Did someone say “half-giant?”

Residual Treasure
One man’s garbage is another man’s magic item.
Power Surges pg 3
Change Is Good Powers will never be the same. By Robert van der Meer
Times change and so too do our games. Our lives are never the same from
one edition to the next; one minute, you’re a carefree high school kid with Play It Large: Half-Giants pg 15
more time dedicated to gaming than you could ever hope for and the next Who says only monsters can be large?
you’re asking your wife if it’s OK to go play next Thursday. Along the way, By Todd Crapper and Kieron O’Gorman
with these losses come triumphs (we can play in our own kitchen or base-
ment now) and these changes will continue to evolve how we’re able to play Doomsday:
and enjoy our games. In that time, we drift from one system to another and The Fate of Nisher-Kan pg 18
Combat Advantage #21 sometimes we return to our roots in search of where it all began. What secrets are revealed in this lost journal? Only the
Design/Content: Todd Crapper, Change is a necessary part of Life and gaming equally. entropal knows. By Todd Crapper and James Kitchen
Chris Dias, James Kitchen, Kieron It’s also sparked by events in our life, traumatic or subtle. For me, it’s
O’Gorman, Tim Rose
that flash of death brought on by sitting in a vehicle moments before it
Artwork: Cerberus Illustrations, The 4th Engine:
Nick Greenwood, Ramzi Hashisho, catches fire that has sparked this latest series of changes. No longer am I
Kieron O’Gorman, John Nyberg, willing to “play nicely” and try to fit in with the norm. Were it not for one Keys to the Kinggdom pg 26
Paul Salinger, Shaman’s Stockart,
treyvoni tiny alteration, one miniscule detail, you would not be reading this right It’s all about the keywords, baby. By Chris Dias
Layout: Todd Crapper (lead) now.
Editors: Vincent Harper (lead) Change is a necessary part of business too. Our customers’ needs adapt Dungeon Detritus pg 31
First Publication 2011, with technology and trends, their needs evolve, and the game itself shifts With great power comes strange magic items.
Emerald Press PDF Publishing into a new form. As these changes present themselves, we must look into By Tim Rose
All written content within remains
the heart of our product and discern the next best approach. Business is
the property of its author and is risk, no matter how much preparation and research you put into it. Just like Mesh Hong’s Bonus Bestiary pg 37
used with permission for this issue. Life itself. Sometimes you just have to roll the dice and see what happens. More monsters than you can shake a warhammer at.
Previews and content submitted by
publishers other than those involved It doesn’t matter if you have a +20 to that roll, a natural 1 always fails. That’s By James Kitchen
with Combat Advantage have been the risk.
designed and edited by those listed So where exactly am I going with this? I cannot say. How far will it take
in the preview unless otherwise
me? I do not know. Do I look forward to the trip? Indeed, I do. Would you Artist Spotlight:
noted. Combat Advantage is a free
PDF publication supporting the 4th like to come with me? I certainly hope so. Nick Greenwood pg 44
Edition Dungeons & Dragons game Featuring an intro by Chris Dias.
published by Wizards of the Coast
and published by Todd Crapper and The Warden
Emerald Press PDF Publishing. All Editor-in-Chief
content in this publication meet the
requirements of the Game System
License, as provided on the last page
of this publication.

A looming figure concealed in
shadow holding a severed head.
Is it a monster... or a PC?

March/April 2011
# 21
F EATS/POWERS The regiment of hobgoblins is larger than Alayra or her allies expected. If the
regiment passes them, they will definitely lay waste to the village further down
the road, and all of their preparations will have been for nothing. Alayra crouches
on the west side of the trail, waiting to ambush them at her ally’s signal. They have
only one opportunity to perform a preemptive strike before the regiment is aware
of them, but the eladrin’s spells simply cannot reach enough of them. A wave of
the warlord’s hands, and Alayra shoots up. Only now does she have the chance to
assess the regiment’s size, and none of her spells will suffice.

In an instant, she digs deep into her memory and remembers one of the Lady of the
Winterdeep’s lessons. Between her hands, a miniature snowstorm grows. Not long
thereafter, a life-sized one appears in the regiment’s midst. Normally, it would have
covered no more than half of them, but now, only a handful are unaffected by the
icy evocation. Alayra lets a small smile fall upon her lips. Success.

But there are still hobgoblin soldiers left, among them the hobgoblin lieutenant. If
they could take him down, it would be a great blow against the army of the Ivory
Tower. Next to Alayra, Craven is thinking the exact same thought as he carefully
sizes the lieutenant up. The tiefling ranger looks for a gap in the lieutenant’s plate
armor, and spots one in between the collar plates. It would be impossible for the
hobgoblin to fend off this attack with his defenses. With a barely audible twang, the
tiefling’s arrow seeks its mark. The hobgoblins around the lieutenant shudder as
they hear their commander gurgle as he breathes his last breath.

Your character already has powerful attacks at his disposal, but there are
times when even a daily power won’t suffice. When characters need more
power, they tap into their training and make an attack that is even more
effective. These attacks are known as...

Power Surges By Robert van der Meer

Surge Feats
Surge feats grant characters the use of a
specific power surge. The power associ-
ated with each of these feats follows the feat
description. A surge feat is denoted by “Surge”
in brackets after the name of the feat.

Using a Power Surge

To use a power surge, you must use the action
type listed in the power surge’s description
exactly before you use the power. For example,
you cannot use a minor action to use a power
surge, a move action, and then use the power
you want to enhance. You roll a skill check
against the defense the description lists,
or against a hard DC (see page 42 of the
Dungeon Master’s Guide) of the power’s
level. If the result is higher than the targeted
defense, you add the power surge’s effect to
the power’s effect. Add the power surge’s effect
If a power surge grants you a benefit (such as a bonus to
only if the power, not the power surge, hits the target. If a power
defenses or regaining hit points), you only gain the benefit once.
surge has a Miss line instead of a Hit line, add that effect only if
the power misses the target. You must still make a successful skill
There is a limit to the number of power surges you can use during
check on the power surge to add the effect.
any given encounter, regardless of whether a power surge has the
When you use a power surge to enhance a power, the power’s
encounter or daily keyword. This limit depends on your level.
keywords must include all keywords listed in the power surge’s
description (except the at-will, encounter, and daily) keywords. For
At 1st-10th level, you can use one power surge per encounter.
example, if you want to enhance the acid wave power, which has
At 11th-20th level, you can use two power surges per encounter.
the acid, arcane, and implement keywords, the power surge must
At 21st-30th level, you can use three power surges per encounter.
have some or all of these keywords. If the power surge’s keywords
include the fire keyword, for example, it cannot be used to enhance
the acid wave power. How to Read a Power Surge
If a power targets multiple enemies, you can use the power Power surges work exactly like powers do, with the following
surge against all targets who meet the requirements. You make a exceptions.
skill check against each target, just as with the power. The first line of a power surge description gives the name of the
If a power surge adds an effect to a power that it already has, power surge, and that it is a power surge.
it does not stack unless the power surge’s description specifically Instead of listing an ability score in the Attack line, a power
4 states otherwise. For example, if a power deals ongoing fire damage surge lists a skill. Also, the power surge’s attack roll is against the
same defense the power’s attack roll, unless listed otherwise.
and you use a power surge to add ongoing fire damage to a power,
they do not stack.
Feat Descriptions Blinding Power [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Blinding Power to enhance your powers.
Befuddling Power [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Befuddling Power to enhance your powers. Blinding Power Power Surge
Your attack explodes with blinding light, hindering your foe’s sight
Befuddling Power Power Surge for a moment.
Your sheer influence on your enemy’s mind leaves it unable to act for
a while. Encounter • Radiant
Daily • Charm or Fear Move Action Personal
Minor Action Personal Attack: Religion vs. Fortitude
Attack: Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate vs. power’s defense Hit: The target treats all creatures as if they have concealment
Hit: The target is dazed until the start of your next turn. and takes a -5 to Perception checks until the end of its next
Special: You must take the Befuddling Power feat to use this turn.
power. At 21st level, the target is blinded instead.
Special: You must take the Blinding Power feat to use this
Bleeding Exploit [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Bleeding Exploit to enhance your powers. Bloodied Healing [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Bloodied Healing to enhance your powers.
Bleeding Exploit Power Surge
Your blow inflicts a bleeding wound on your opponent.
Bloodied Healing Power Surge
Daily • Martial Through your lent vigor, you channel power to make your ally raging
Move Action Personal with pain or calm with ease.
Attack: Acrobatics or Athletics vs. power’s defense Encounter • Healing
Hit: The target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends). Minor Action Personal
At 11th level, the target takes ongoing 10 damage. Attack: Heal vs. hard DC
At 21st level, the target takes ongoing 15 damage. Hit: The target can choose to be treated as bloodied or not
Special: You must take the Bleeding Exploit feat to use this bloodied, regardless of its hit points. This effect lasts until the
power. end of the encounter.
Special: You must take the Bloodied Healing feat to use this
Blessed Prayer [Surge] power.
Benefit: You can use Blessed Prayer to enhance your powers.

Blessed Prayer Power Surge

Your deity lends you extra strength to strike down those who oppose
your faith.
Daily • Martial
Move Action Personal
Requirement: You must be good, and the target must be evil.
Attack: Religion vs. power’s defense
5 Hit: You gain a bonus on the enhanced power’s attack roll
equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Special: You must take the Blessed Power feat to use this
Bounding Lightning [Surge] Burning Acid [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Bounding Lightning to enhance your powers. Benefit: You can use Burning Acid to enhance your powers.

Bounding Lightning Power Surge Burning Acid Power Surge

The lightning strikes your enemy, then leaps towards another to strike The acid sears your opponent, leaving it writhing in agonizing pain.
Daily • Acid
Daily • Lightning Minor Action Personal
Minor Action Personal Attack: Arcana vs. Fortitude
Requirement: The enhanced power must be a melee or ranged Hit: The target is treated as if it were bloodied if it is
attack. advantageous to you or your allies until the end of the
Attack: Arcana vs. power’s defense encounter.
Hit: You can repeat the enhanced power’s attack against Special: You must take the Burning Acid feat to use this power.
another creature within 5 squares of the target.
Special: You must take the Bounding Lightning feat to use this
power. Damning Prayer [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Damning Prayer to enhance your powers.
Brutal Exploit [Surge] Damning Prayer Power Surge
Benefit: You can use Brutal Exploit to enhance your powers. Your deity’s might hampers your enemy’s ability to shrug off debilitating
Brutal Exploit Power Surge Daily • Divine
You throw your entire weight behind the attack, denying your enemy
the opportunity to block it with its armor.
Minor Action Personal
Attack: Religion vs. power’s defense
Encounter • Martial Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty on saving throws (save ends).
Minor Action Personal Special: You must take the Damning Prayer feat to use this
Requirement: The enhanced power must be rolled against the power.
target’s AC.
Attack: Endurance vs. Fortitude
Hit: The enhanced power’s attack roll is against Fortitude
Daunting Fear [Surge]
instead, and you deal extra damage equal to your Constitution Benefit: You can use Daunting Fear to enhance your powers.
Special: You must take the Brutal Exploit feat to use this power. Daunting Fear Power Surge
Stricken with terror, your enemies’ attacks are half-hearted, at best.

Encounter • Fear
Minor Action Personal
Attack: Intimidate vs. Will
Hit: The target is weakened until the end of your next turn.
Special: You must take the Daunting Fear feat to use this

Defensive Power [Surge] Disturbing Power [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Defensive Power to enhance your powers. Benefit: You can use Disturbing Power to enhance your powers.
Defensive Power Power Surge Disturbing Power Power Surge
You keep your defenses while you use your implement, denying your You leave horrifying images in your foe’s mind, rendering him prone to
foes an opening. other mental attacks.
Encounter • Implement or Weapon Daily • Psychic
Minor Action Personal Minor Action Personal
Requirement: The enhanced power must be a ranged or area Attack: Arcana vs. power’s defense
attack. Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty to Will (save ends).
Attack: Acrobatics, Arcana, or Religion vs. hard DC At 11th level, the target takes a -4 penalty. At 21st level, the
Hit: The enhanced power doesn’t provoke attacks of target takes a -6 penalty.
opportunity. Special: You must take the Disturbing Power feat to use this
Special: You must take the Defensive Power feat to use this power.

Dread Power [Surge]

Delay Spell [Surge] Benefit: You can use Dread Power to enhance your powers.
Benefit: You can use Delay Spell to enhance your powers.
Dread Power Power Surge
Delay Spell Power Surge With a fell strike of black energy, you ensure that your enemy
You cast your spell, though nothing appears to happen. Moments later, will not live.
the spell takes effect to the surprise of your enemies.
Daily • Necrotic
Encounter • Arcane Move Action Personal
Minor Action Personal Requirement: The target must be bloodied.
Attack: Arcana vs. hard DC Attack: Arcana vs. power’s defense
Hit: Take the action required to use the power. However, you Hit: The target cannot regain hit points (save ends).
can resolve the power as a free action during your next turn. Special: You must take the Dread Power feat to use this power.
Special: You must take the Delay Spell feat to use this power.

Enduring Stance [Surge]

Dire Prayer [Surge] Benefit: You can use Enduring Stance to enhance your powers.
Benefit: You can use Dire Prayer to enhance your powers.
Enduring Stance Power Surge
Dire Prayer Power Surge As you assume your stance, you feel comfortable. Nothing will disturb
When you need your deity’s help the most, you receive a boon. you from this stance.
Daily • Divine Encounter • Stance
Minor Action Personal Minor Action Personal
Requirement: You must be bloodied. Attack: Endurance vs. hard DC
Attack: Religion vs. hard DC Hit: The stance ends at the end of the encounter.
Hit: You gain a +2 bonus on the enhanced power’s attack rolls Special: You must take the Enduring Stance feat to use this
7 and damage rolls.
At 11th level, you gain a +4 bonus. At 21st level, you gain a

+6 bonus.
Special: You must take the Dire Prayer feat to use this power.
Enervating Power [Surge] Exposing Power [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Enervating Power to enhance your powers. Benefit: You can use Exposing Power to enhance your powers.
Enervating Power Power Surge Exposing Power Power Surge
Your attack weakens your enemy’s vigor, making its wounds more Your attack leaves your enemy vulnerable to further attacks.
difficult to tend to.
Encounter • Arcane or Divine
Encounter • Necrotic Move Action Personal
Move Action Personal Requirement: The enhanced power must deal typed damage.
Attack: Arcana vs. Fortitude Attack: Arcana or Religion vs. power’s defense
Hit: The next time during the encounter the target regains hit Hit: The target gains vulnerable 5 to the damage type the
points, decrease the number of hit points regained by your attack deals until the end of your next turn.
Intelligence modifier. At 11th level, the target gains vulnerable 10. At 21st level,
At 21st level, the target doesn’t regain any hit points the next the target gains vulnerable 15.
time it would regain hit points during the encounter. Special: You must take the Exposing Power feat to use this
Special: You must take the Enervating Power feat to use this power.
Extend Spell [Surge]
Enlarge Spell [Surge] Benefit: You can use Extend Spell to enhance your powers.
Benefit: You can use Enlarge Spell to enhance your powers.
Extend Spell Power Surge
Enlarge Spell Power Surge Through your mastery of magic, you sustain your attack.
You lean over as you cast your spell, and with a gesture you affect those
who would be beyond your grasp. Encounter • Arcane
Move Action Personal
Encounter • Arcane
Attack: Arcana vs. hard DC
Minor Action Personal
Hit: Extend the duration of the attack’s effect that would
Requirement: The enhanced power cannot be a melee attack.
otherwise end at the end or start of your or the target’s next
Attack: Arcana vs. hard DC
turn. The effect instead ends at that part of your or its next turn.
Hit: You can target enemies or squares within a number of
Special: You must take the Extend Spell feat to use this power.
squares equal to twice the power’s range.
Special: You must take the Enlarge Spell feat to use this power.
Furious Exploit [Surge]
Explosive Fire [Surge] Benefit: You can use Furious Exploit to enhance your powers.
Benefit: You can use Explosive Fire to enhance your powers. Furious Exploit Power Surge
Spurred on by your wounds, you deliver a devastating blow.
Explosive Fire Power Surge
Your fiery attack bursts on impact, pushing your foe away. Encounter • Martial
Encounter • Fire Minor Action Personal
Minor Action Personal Requirement: You must be bloodied.
Attack: Arcana vs. Fortitude Attack: Endurance vs. hard DC
Hit: Reroll any damage die that has a result of 1 or 2.
8 Hit: You push the target 1 square.
At 11th level, you push the target 2 squares. At 21st level, Special: You must take the Furious Exploit feat to use this
you push the target 3 squares.
Special: You must take the Explosive Fire feat to use this
Keen Exploit [Surge] Martyrly Healing [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Keen Exploit to enhance your powers. Benefit: You can use Martyrly Healing to enhance your powers.

Keen Exploit Power Surge Martyrly Healing Power Surge

You size up your opponent and strike a decisive blow. By sacrificing some of your own health, you reinvigorate your ally even
Daily • Martial
Minor Action Personal Daily • Healing
Attack: Acrobatics or Athletics vs. hard DC Minor Action Personal
Hit: You can score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20 with this Requirement: You must expend one healing surge without
power. regaining hit points.
At 11th level, you can score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. Attack: Heal vs. hard DC
At 21st level, you can score a critical hit on a roll of 17-20. Hit: The target regains additional hit points equal to your
Special: You must take the Keen Exploit feat to use this power. healing surge value + your Wisdom or Charisma modifier.
Special: You must take the Martyrly Healing feat to use this
Lingering Healing [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Lingering Healing to enhance your powers. Mobile Exploit [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Mobile Exploit to enhance your powers.
Lingering Healing Power Surge
Though the majority of your healing has taken place, your healing
power invigorates your ally throughout the fight.
Mobile Exploit Power Surge
In a flurry of movement, you attack as you move across
Daily • Healing the battlefield.
Move Action Personal Encounter • Martial
Attack: Heal vs. hard DC Move Action Personal
Hit: The target regains a number of hit points equal to your Attack: Acrobatics or Athletics vs. hard DC
Wisdom or Charisma modifier at the start of its turn until the Hit: Move up to your speed. At any point during your
end of the encounter. movement, you can resolve the enhanced power’s attack.
Special: You must take the Lingering Healing feat to use this Special: You must take the Mobile Exploit feat to use this
power. power.

Marking Prayer [Surge] Percussive Force [Surge]

Benefit: You can use Marking Prayer to enhance your powers. Benefit: You can use Percussive Force to enhance your powers.

Marking Prayer Power Surge Percussive Force Power Surge

Through an invocation of your deity’s name, you draw your foes’ The blow of your force attack knocks your foe off its feet and even
attention upon you. affects incorporeal enemies.

Encounter • Divine Daily • Force

Minor Action Personal Minor Action Personal
Attack: Religion vs. power’s defense Attack: Arcana vs. power’s defense
9 Hit: The target is marked until the start of your next turn.
Special: You must take the Marking Prayer feat to use this
Hit: The target is knocked prone, and the target takes full
damage, even if it is insubstantial.
power. Special: You must take the Percussive Force feat to use this
Persistent Power [Surge] Pestilent Poison [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Persistent Power to enhance your powers. Benefit: You can use Pestilent Poison to enhance your powers.

Persistent Power Power Surge Pestilent Poison Power Surge

Your magic lingers around your enemy. The poison in your foes’ veins dissolves their vigor, killing them unless
they are healed.
Daily • Arcane or Divine
Move Action Personal Daily • Poison
Requirement: The power must deal typed damage. Move Action Personal
Attack: Arcana or Religion vs. power’s defense Requirement: The target must be bloodied.
Hit: The target takes ongoing 5 damage of the enhanced Attack: Arcana vs. Fortitude
power’s damage type (save ends). Hit: The target takes ongoing 5 poison damage until it is no
At 11th level, the target takes ongoing 10 damage. At 21st longer bloodied.
level, the target takes ongoing 15 damage. At 11th level, the target takes ongoing 10 poison damage.
Special: You must take the Persistent Power feat to use this At 21st level, the target takes ongoing 15 poison damage.
power. Special: You must take the Pestilent Poison feat to use this

Persuasive Charm [Surge]

Benefit: You can use Persuasive Charm to enhance your powers.
Piercing Power [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Piercing Power to enhance your powers.
Persuasive Charm Power Surge
Piercing Power Power Surge
Even as you influence your foe’s thoughts, you make its mind susceptible
to mundane arguments. You strip your enemy of its resistance to your attacks.

Encounter • Charm Encounter • Arcane or Divine

Move Action Personal Minor Action Personal
Attack: Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate vs. Will Requirement: The enhanced power must deal typed damage.
Hit: You and all allies gain a bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Attack: Arcana or Religion vs. power’s defense
Intimidate checks against the target equal to your Charisma Hit: The attack ignores 10 points of any resistance.
modifier (save ends). At 11th level, it ignores 20 points of any resistance. At 21st
Special: You must take the Persuasive Charm feat to use this level, it ignores 30 points of any resistance.
power. Special: You must take the Piercing Power feat to use this

Pinning Cold [Surge]

Benefit: You can use Pinning Cold to enhance your powers.

Pinning Cold Power Surge

The cold that strikes your enemies suddenly solidifies, pinning them to
the ground with ice.
Daily • Cold
10 Minor Action Personal
Attack: Arcana vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target is restrained until the end of your next turn.
Special: You must take the Pinning Cold feat to use this power.
Precise Exploit [Surge] Routing Fear [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Precise Exploit to enhance your powers. Benefit: You can use Routing Fear to enhance your powers.

Precise Exploit Power Surge Routing Fear Power Surge

Like a snake, you study your enemy before you strike out at a gap in You instill such fear into your enemies that they run away in abject
its armor. terror.
Encounter • Martial Daily • Fear
Minor Action Personal Minor Action Personal
Requirement: The enhanced power must attack the target’s AC. Attack: Intimidate vs. Will
Attack: Perception vs. Reflex Hit: You push the target a number of squares up to its speed.
Hit: The enhanced power’s attack roll is against Reflex instead, Special: You must take the Routing Fear feat to use this power.
and you deal extra damage equal to your Dexterity modifier.
Special: You must take the Precise Exploit feat to use this power. Scorching Fire [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Scorching Fire to enhance your powers.
Reaching Exploit [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Reaching Exploit to enhance your powers. Scorching Fire Power Surge
Though your enemy evades the brunt of your flaming assault, it is still
Reaching Exploit Power Surge singed.
You strike out at a foe with a maneuver that would leave other warriors Encounter • Fire
stumbling. Move Action Personal
Encounter • Martial Attack: Arcana vs. power’s defense
Minor Action Personal Hit: If your enhanced power misses, the target takes half the
Requirement: The enhanced power must be a melee attack. damage as fire damage.
Attack: Acrobatics or Athletics vs. power’s defense Special: You must take the Scorching Fire feat to use this
Hit: Your weapon gains the Reach property for the enhanced power.
Special: You must take the Reaching Exploit feat to use this Sculpt Spell [Surge]
power. Benefit: You can use Sculpt Spell to enhance your powers.

Reliable Exploit [Surge] Sculpt Spell Power Surge

Benefit: You can use Reliable Exploit to enhance your powers. With a weaver’s meticulousness, you create a few safe places in your
devastating spell.
Reliable Exploit Power Surge Encounter • Arcane
Even though you might miss, you don’t expend your attack’s power. Minor Action Personal
Encounter • Martial Requirement: The enhanced power must be a close or area
Minor Action Personal attack.
Attack: Acrobatics or Athletics vs. hard DC Attack: Arcana vs. hard DC
Hit: The enhanced power gains the reliable keyword until the Hit: Choose a number of squares equal to your Intelligence
end of the encounter. modifier in the power’s area of effect. Creatures in those
11 Special: You must take the Reliable Exploit feat to use this
squares are not affected by your power.
Special: You must take the Sculpt Spell feat to use this power.
Shifting Exploit [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Shifting Exploit to enhance your powers.

Shifting Exploit Power Surge

You slip closer to or away from your enemy as you attack it.

Encounter • Martial
Move Action Personal
Attack: Acrobatics vs. hard DC
Hit: You can shift a number of squares equal to your Dexterity
modifier before or after you resolve the enhanced power.
Special: You must take the Shifting Exploit feat to use this

Slowing Cold [Surge]

Benefit: You can use Slowing Cold to enhance your powers.

Slowing Cold Power Surge

The bitter cold of your attacks numbs your foes’ senses, leaving them
unable to respond to attacks. Surge Expertise
Daily • Cold Prerequisite: At least one surge feat
Minor Action Personal Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on skill checks made as part of a
Attack: Arcana vs. Reflex power surge.
Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty to Reflex (save ends).
At 11th level, the target takes a -4 penalty. At 21st level, the
target takes a -6 penalty.
Surprising Power [Surge]
Special: You must take the Slowing Cold feat to use this power. Benefit: You can use Surprising Power to enhance your powers.

Surprising Power Power Surge

Sundering Exploit [Surge] You leave your enemy baffled and unable to fend off attacks.
Benefit: You can use Sundering Exploit to enhance your powers.
Daily • Charm or Illusion or Psychic
Sundering Exploit Power Surge Minor Action Personal
You breach your foe’s armor with a well-placed blow. Attack: Arcana, Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate vs. Will
Hit: The target grants combat advantage (save ends).
Daily • Martial Special: You must take the Surprising Power feat to use this
Minor Action Personal power.
Attack: Athletics vs. AC
Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty to AC (save ends).
At 11th level, the target takes a -4 penalty. At 21st level, the
target takes a -6 penalty.
Special: You must take the Sundering Exploit feat to use this
12 power.
Tenacious Power [Surge] Timely Healing [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Tenacious Power to enhance your powers. Benefit: You can use Timely Healing to enhance your powers.

Tenacious Power Power Surge Timely Healing Power Surge

You ensure that your enemy won’t shake off your attack easily. When your ally needs healing the most, you lend him additional
Daily • Implement
Minor Action Personal Daily • Healing
Attack: Arcana or Religion vs. power’s defense Minor Action Personal
Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty on saving throws against the Requirement: The target must be bloodied.
enhanced power’s effects. Attack: Heal vs. hard DC
Special: You must take the Tenacious Power feat to use this Hit: The target regains additional hit points equal to his
power. healing surge value.
Special: You must take the Timely Healing feat to use this
Thundering Power [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Thundering Power to enhance your powers.
Vampiric Power [Surge]
Thundering Power Power Surge Benefit: You can use Vampiric Power to enhance your powers.
Like a true lightning strike, your attack is followed by a thundering
roar. Vampiric Power Power Surge
As you ravage your foe with death itself, you siphon some of its life
Daily • Lightning
force to reinvigorate you.
Minor Action Personal
Special: The enhanced power and this power surge gain the Daily • Necrotic
thunder keyword. Move Action Personal
Attack: Arcana vs. hard DC Attack: Arcana vs. hard DC
Hit: The target and each creature adjacent to the target or the Hit: You regain hit points equal to your healing surge value.
area of effect takes 5 thunder damage. Special: You must take the Vampiric Power feat to use this
At 11th level, each creature takes 10 damage. At 21st level, power.
each creature takes 15 damage.
Special: You must take the Thundering Power feat to use this Veiling Power [Surge]
power. Benefit: You can use Veiling Power to enhance your powers.

Veiling Power Power Surge

Your assault on your foe’s mind leaves it unable to distinguish friend
from foe.

Daily • Charm or Illusion or Psychic

Minor Action Personal
Attack: Arcana, Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate vs. Will
Hit: Whenever the target makes an attack that targets one
creature, it attacks another randomly determined target until
13 the end of your next turn.
Special: You must take the Veiling Power feat to use this power.
Weakening Poison [Surge]
Benefit: You can use Weakening Poison to enhance your powers.

Weakening Poison Power Surge

Even as your venom burns through your victim’s veins, it saps its life.

Daily • Poison
Minor Action Personal
Attack: Arcana vs. power’s defense
Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty to Fortitude (save ends).
At 11th level, the target takes a -4 penalty. At 21st level, the
target takes a -6 penalty.
Special: You must take the Weakening Poison feat to use this

Widen Spell [Surge]

Benefit: You can use Widen Spell to enhance your powers.

Widen Spell Power Surge

You spread out your spell’s effects with a power that lesser spellcasters
would find impossible to wield.
Encounter • Arcane
Move Action Personal
Requirement: The enhanced power must be a blast or burst.
Attack: Arcana vs. hard DC
Hit: You can add 1 to the size of the blast or burst.
At 11th level, you can add 2. At 21st level, you can add 3.
Special: You must take the Widen Spell feat to use this power.


Play It

The Half-Giant Race
By Todd Crapper and Kieron O’Gorman
Original Artwork by Kieron O’Gorman
Back in June 2009, we ran a little experiment called NSFW, a series of hypothetical exercises regard-
ing the taboos of 4e during inappropriate working hours. (Hence the “not suitable for work” angle;
there was no porn. Perhaps that’s why it fizzled out; we may never know.) One of our first was the
concept for a tiny race and we received a really good selection.
Yet when the time came to discuss creating a large PC race, there was a sudden halt and cries of
foul, murder, and damnation. Creating a large race was terribly forbidden: this was the impression
implanted into everyone’s heads and it seemed baffling at the time. The very same application put
into tiny races could still apply with large, yet it is widely regarded that the large size is best suited
for monsters. ‘Nuff said.
Five months ago, Kieron started up his long awaited Dark Sun campaign; I was able to start up
through a webcam as the commute wasn’t possible in my condition. When we talked about charac-
ters, I started thinking specifically about the difficulties in playing online. Poor focus was the number
one, and I addressed it with Kieron.
“It’s hard to see my medium sized figure in a crowd, especially if I’m playing a fighter. Can I play
a large fighter?”
The reaction was pleasantly surprising. Turns out Kieron was troubled with some of the revisions
used in Dark Sun’s 4e conversion, particularly with their racial substitutions. “You know what? I don’t
like goliaths as half-giants. I wanna see a large half-giant, so yes. Yes, you can.”
And we did. What follows is the result of that discussion.
Deconstructing the Half-Giant Half-Giant
This is where you turn to when you ask questions about our half-giant! Humungous abominations of giants and scattered humanoids,
To address the various concerns with playing a large character, we’ve provided the offspring remain a powerful, yet slower, breed of warriors.
this sidebar to explain reasons for each aspect of the race.
Large Size Average Height: 9’5” 10’5”
Large creatures occupy 4 squares over the single block for a medium one; this Average Weight: 625-850 lb
means there are 12 adjacent squares to our big boy, instead of the original 8
for everyone else. This means +4 potential enemies, but this never truly comes Ability Scores: +2 Strength or +2 Wisdom, +2 Constitution
Size: Large
into play unless you force yourself into a situation where you drop into the
Speed: 6 squares
middle of an army. Most of them, not even medium fighters and wardens find
Vision: Normal
themselves completely surrounded. By the paragon tier, most of your enemies
might be large as well. Languages: Common
During our playtesting, a large creature’s space was never found to be a Skill Bonuses: +2 Athletics, +2 Nature
concern compared to any other character. It is wise, however, to play a defender Large Creature: As a large character, you occupy 4 squares,
or at least train with shields. can squeeze, and have reach for any weapon attack.
Massive Hands: You can wield a two-handed weapon one-
Massive Hands handed. If you do so, you cannot add any ability modifier to
The idea of a large creature picking up a longspear with ease seemed only fitting. a damage roll using that weapon.
Mercurial Personality: Your shifting personality makes it hard
If we were going to break the size barrier, we might as well accept the fact that
to accurately gauge your state of mind; you have a +1 racial
a big guy needs big weapons and two-handed will never be demanding on bonus to Will.
a half-giant. To balance off the flexibility of using a two-handed weapon AND Powerful Athlete: When you make an Athletics check to
a shield, we removed the ability score modifier to weapon damage. jump or climb, roll twice and use either result. There is no
limit to the distance you can jump.
Threatening Presence Threatening Presence: You have the threatening presence
This issue alone was the biggest concern amongst numerous online threads, power.
yet the answer was simple. Not all large creatures have threatening reach;
it is only found in certain monsters. Therefore, a large player character does not Threatening Reach Half-Giant Racial Power
Puny creatures think they can stay clear of your attacks. And they say
have to gain threatening reach... but it sure is fun to try! half-giants are dumb.
Since the half-giant is not cursed with automatic threatening reach, we
decided to grant it in the form of an encounter power. Restricting the player to Minor Action Personal
timing their threatening reach in advance seemed to balance nicely, as there Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you have threatening
have been a couple of times when I wished I turned it on the previous round. reach. (See the 4e Monster Manual for details.)

Half-giants are friendly and eager to please those they meet. moving shield, they are shown respect. Once a half-giant truly calls
Others who accept them find that half-giants quickly adopt their someone a “friend,” it is a blood oath.
lifestyles and skills, even their values. A half-giant character that As a result of their deprived upbringing, creativity is a challenge
is presented with a new situation should examine the roles of the to half-giants ; they are much like children brought to the market
people there, determine where he might best fit in, and then start for the first time. Their time is spent absorbing their surroundings,
performing the tasks necessary. learning how it all comes together. From there, all attention is
focused on experiencing as much as possible before the moment
Play a half-giant if you want... is gone. They remain open to suggestions and trust their friends to
• to play a large creature, consuming tremendous portions of the guide them when needed.
battlefield and dominating targets with your threatening reach. This mental process has an appreciated advantage: they process
• to play an outcast in almost every degree of civilized life who combat like generals from a watchtower. Quickly deciphering
remains optimistic and hopeful, or angry and downtrodden. movements and tactics, a half-giant can break down an opponent’s
• to be a member of a race that favors the barbarian, fighter, and moves and find the weak point, unleashing its powerful reach to
warden classes. catch the target off-guard.
Names are a collection for half-giants, each stacked atop
Physical Qualities the previous in an evolving state of fluctuation. Proper names,
Despite the legends, half-giants inherited the strong cheekbones nicknames, even praises and curses blend into the mix, thought a
and body structure of their humanoid ancestors, combined with half-giant will normally accept his latest name when called.
a chiseled physique. Even the laziest of half-giants remains well
defined until his final days. Optional Rule: Large Weapons
Clothing, hair styles, body piercings, tattoos, and other cultural As already stated, half-giants do not have their own culture and so
markings vary amongst the half-giants, not out of indecisiveness, do not have mastery over a particular craft. However, those who
but for acceptance. Without a culture of their own, aside from the train half-giants in the arena or in the military have made great
savagery of their giant lineage, half-giants have none to refer to improvements in half-giant warfare with large weapons. As such
and have learned to adapt to all situations. They are very eager to weapons are not common, you may wish to reserve them as rare
try new practices and “fit in” with their surroundings. This practice weapons.
makes the half-giant appear dim-witted, leaving only their true Large weapons use the large weapon property, provided below.
friends to understand the process involved in their curiosity and
charm. They are the loudest to laugh at a joke, the one to shed the Large: A large weapon has been uniquely manufactured to
most tears, and the first one in line against a threat. suit the hands of a large humanoid creature, built exactly
as their proportional counterpart, simply bigger. A large
Playing a Half-Giant weapon uses one higher dice type than the original, so 1d6
Loyalty is key to a half-giant; they have always been disregarded becomes 1d8, then 1d10, and finally 1d12. Some large
as mere brutes and savages fit for execution or war, and this path weapons have a number associated with it, ranging from
always leads to betrayal. Despite their eagerness for acceptance, 1 to 3. Add this number to all damage rolls made with the
half-giants do not give respect without proof of an ally’s true honor large weapon.
and loyalty. As they were pushed into the frontlines in their youth All large weapons cost an additional 50% to purchase and
17 and forced into battle, they now use combat as a measurement of
both physical prowess and honor; if a person fights alongside the

half-giant and does not simply rely on him as cannon fodder or a


o o a
The Fate of Nisher-Kan

he following passages we
Eldan Olsbane, founder
res ea rch
undiscovered deities; Olsba
er of an cie
re copied from the Last

of the Divine Voyagers
Journal of
guild and
ples erected to evil or previo
ne was the first explorer to
discover evidence
By Todd Crapper with James Kitchen

Nisher-Kan Expedition
It is with gr
compound en rou
sleep for
ea t



– Day 1

d an
s ac
er- Ka
tion that we finally lea
m y giddiness left me un
ys and my fingers ar
complished while the oth
ve the

e numb from the

able to

ers Voyagers
es like this make me gl
ad I have
Temple was s. Ti m
of the fey shortly before the ck ou r su pp lie
An am up et proceeded to pa n.
of the my ste rio us
ne’s body was found wi
thin the d the finances of a sulta
by me rce na rie s. Ol sba the strength of a fish an da ys , upon which we
discovered tains separating ll take us sev en
r-Kan, the northern moun The tri p to Ec kb rid ge wi til the ice
winding caverns of Nishe nts. Olsbane and ivi leg io, and make northeast un
tic slopes of the frost gia r sh ip, th e Pr
ds fro m the arc will board ou ross the tundra. All
civ iliz ed lan
sus pe nded naked and upside-d
own above
for ce us to do ck on land and march ac
re fou nd flo ws s’ time.
half of his tea m we
lon gin gs were neatly stacked ad
sh ou ld be at Ni sh er- Kan within two month
us aci d; the ir be told, I
a pool of visco ide Olsbane’s chest
ol. Th e Lo st Jo urnal was discovered ins
to the po or markings on
wo uld be. There were no incisions Day 16 even calmer waters;
where the he art
no th in g m ore than calm winds and
I wi sh for ink were
Olsbane’s body. c in the hopes is morning, two vials of
made available to the publi ok e at m y de sk th ily, I
These passages have been when I aw er-Kan’s history. Luck
fate of Eldan e of Ni sh
tin g int ere st an d/ or information regarding the spilled across an op en tom
e during my research,
but to
of att rac passages vo lu m
m of Di vin e Vo yagers. Only these select have already trans cri be d a ne w
; a very amateur
Olsbane an d his tea pt the remaining l copy angers me greatly
sbane’s guild, who have ke str oy ed an ori gi na
have de
have been publicized by Ol
hid de n from all outside of their
order. mistake to make.
tex t of thi s Jo urn al
Discussions have begun regarding the entrance of Nisher-Kan, Every culture brings with it their own origin story, the conception of
to which its savage name, “The Maw of Hell” seems more appropri- how all existence came to be through the act of apocalyptic forces,
ate than ever. Barring the expected delays in crossing the rocky elemental collisions, or divine influences. As they reveal the beginning
valley leading to our entry point, we have taken to climbing the days of the world, these same cultures have turned to some of the
ship’s mast at least once a day in preparation for the sheer cliff wall bizarre forces – and the horrendous creatures they create – to explain
ascending to the Cracks of Nisher-Kan, the natural fissure created some of the darkest emotions found in mortalkind. Of the few who
during the volcanic eruptions of 1289 AC. With the howling winds have learned about entropals, only a fraction of those have spread the
constantly battering the ship’s hull, we should be very well prepared word of these fearsome monstrosities from the Far Realm.
for the moment when we finally stand below the Cracks. Local Entropal (singular and plural) are humanoid creatures composed
accounts dictate a similar howling gust breathing down a hot, foul of the raw mortal emotions generally taken for granted. Each entremal
stench that keeps the natives at bay. Vycee maintains his vigorous feasts upon its given emotion – or sin, as most prefer to regard them
defense of volcanic activity behind the Cracks, while I hold to the – like a succulent banquet offered by the finest chef. Like the fiercest
mystery surrounding the inexplicable opening into the mountain. fires of the elemental planes drifting into the mortal worlds through
There is little evidence to support such activity on this side of the vortices, the emotional peaks of various kingdoms and mass assem-
mountain and none of the locals reported the measurable seismic blies sift through the multiverse and find their way into the devious
activity necessary for the side of a stone mountain to tear open and machinations of the Far Realms. Whether the entropals existed before
present a massive cavern, haunted or no. mortalkind or were conceived in response to this unusual food source
remains to be seen; anyone who has attempted to learn about these
beasts has met with an untimely demise or returned to society so
scarred with insanity, their words were untranslatable.
Each entropal is a unique being and presumably eternal. While they
are subject to physical harm and can face defeat at mortal hands, there
is a theoretical possibility that their essences return to the Far Realm
for recomposition. That being said, no one has ever encountered the
same entropal more than once.

Infectous Auras
All entropal share a common trait: each radiates an aura attuned to
their chosen delicacy. For example, the Entropal of Rage exhibits an
aura of rage in which any creature standing within it begins to feel
inexplicable sensations of anger and uncontrolled hatred, starting as a
mild throb of aggression until it caps as dominating rage rendering the
victim incapable of controlling its own action. The Entropal of Sloth
renders its victims unwilling to act, let alone breathe, simply by stand-
ing adjacent to it.
The rugged cliffs of Nisher-Kan,
also known as the “Maw of Hell.”
Day 34
Land ho! Not even two hours after docking, the Voyagers and I set
forward across the barren landscape to the mountains. It impresses
me still to hear tales of fear and dread from locals when they
become aware of our purpose and destination; an old woman begged
us to return home before the “demons” took our souls into damna-
tion. My scoff lies not with the insinuation of a demon – I have
encountered them on numerous occasions with excellent results
– but in the factual ignorance of these wild theories. My statement
remains the same when presented with these fears: “Have you seen a
demon?” Their silence and accusing eyes tell me everything I need
to know.

Day 54
Mathis woke me at first light with an eager smile on his face. The
rising sun presented us with our first view of Nisher-Kan in her
hazed, distant glory. We must have traveled farther than expected
in yesterday’s fog. She is a sight to behold and the vision gives
us drive to push on further. Within two days, we shall arrive at
our campsite. The thin air and decreased nocturnal temperature
has taken its toll on some Voyagers and we have slowed our pace to
account for the sickness plaguing them. Nothing more than a cold,
I’m assured.
Adapting Entropals
Day 57 For Your Campaign
Delayed yet again! We have made camp in a cavern within Not only is the true nature and origin of the entropal unknown, so is
eyesight of the Cracks after Usus collapsed on the rocks and shat- their activity hidden in darkness and mystery. How many of these foul
tered his right knee. The horrendous rainstorms pounding the beasts have corrupted their way into the Known World? Does each
valley since yesterday have also hindered our progress and so we exist as an individual entity or are they in fact a collective breed, much
shall remain here until the weather is viable and we are able to like devils and angels? Little is known regarding these fascinating and
carry Usus to base camp. Mathis and Nattan want to continue on highly dangerous creatures from beyond.
with some of the larger supplies to base camp, then return for Usus, This article includes two entropals encountered to date, though
which does seem the best option. finding any written material on the matter remains vague (such as the
expedition journal provided to the left). For GMs, this leaves a great
deal of room to play with entropals. They could be a rare creature found
only in the deepest, most isolated pockets of the world, or they could
lie in waiting, ready to launch a massive invasion which could wipe
20 out mortalkind and bring the multiverse crashing down. Anything is
possible. That is what makes them so deadly.
Day 58 Akkarr, Entropal of Rage Level 9 Solo Brute
It appears we are not alone here. As previously determined, Mathis Large aberrant beast (entropal) XP 2,000
and Nattan arrived first at base camp while I remained behind with A shadowy, four-legged form stands before you, its claws eternally dripping
blood and its fanged mouth salivating. It is anger incarnate and its presence
Usus, his broken knee, and Vycee (who continues to berate us with incites terrible hatred within you. The beast must die. The beast must die!!
his unending theory on tiefling evolution). After their return last
HP 392; Bloodied 196 Initiative +8
night, we all made the final journey to base camp and found the AC 21, Fortitude 22, Reflex 21, Will 21
previous supplies stolen. Nattan searched for tracks and found Senses Perception +9;
Speed 5, charge 7 darkvision
none. We shall keep a close watch for any suspicious activity in the Immune fear; Vulnerable 5 necrotic
overnight – the advantage to bringing an eladrin. Saving Throws +5
Action Points 2
Day 60 Enhance Aggression (fear) • Aura 3
Our first foray into the Cracks of Nisher-Kan was magnificent. All enemies starting their turn inside the aura gain 1 Rage Point,
While my studies told me the stone burst from the side of the all enemies with Rage Points starting their turn outside the aura lose
mountain, this opening is a smooth, perfectly carved rectangular 1 Rage Point.
shape cut from the rock. From base camp, and further away during Special: See Rage Points sub system.
our four day approach to the Cracks, the local terminology for this Once per turn the Entropal may deal an additional 1d8 damage
crevasse appear accurate: it looks as the tyrannical teeth of a vicious against a target marked by it.
beast. When we could finally sample the edges of the Crack, they STANDARD ACTIONS
were smooth and fine. Nothing to indicate an eruption, tremor, M Heavy Strike • At-Will
or any other natural device known to any of us. It should also be Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +13 vs AC
Hit: 2d8+8 damage; on a critical hit this attack instead deals
noted there are no chisel marks or indicative engineering of any 1d10+24 and the target is knocked prone
race, including dwarves. We stand at the doorway to the unknown Thrashing Rage • At-Will
and are already baffled. Effect: The Entropal makes 2 Heavy Strike attacks; if both attacks hit
Usus has taken to fever; his internal temperature has skyrock- the same target the target gains 1 Rage Point.
eted and he displays symptoms of delusion and deliria. Perhaps c Roar of Frustration (fear, thunder) • Recharge 456
Attack: Close blast 4 (enemies in blast); +12 vs Will
a combination of the frigid weather and his injury has made him Hit: 2d6+10 thunder damage and the target gains a Rage Point and
exposed to a foreign virus. Mathis watches over him with prayers is marked until the end of the Entropal’s next turn
and toxins. There is talk of taking him back to the village six days Miss: The target takes half damage.
from here. So far, it is just talk. MOVE ACTIONS
c Mass Taunt (fear) • Encounter
Attack: Close Burst 6 (enemies in burst); +12 vs Will
Day 61 Hit: The target is marked, pulled 3 squares and gains a Rage Point.
Usus is gone. Not dead, he has abandoned camp in the middle of MINOR ACTIONS
the night. As with the thieves who stole our unmanned supplies not c Taunt of Anger (fear) • 1/round
but three days ago, there are no tracks to be found, yet there are no Requirement: The Entropal is bloodied
supplies missing. Delirious with fever, poor Usus has run into the Attack: Close Burst 6 (one target in burst); +12 vs Will
Hit: 5 psychic damage and slide the target 3 squares

arctic wild wearing nothing but his underclothing and the sweaty TRIGGERED ACTIONS
blanket he was swaddled in. In all the time we have been here, we have c Aggression Spike (fear) • At-Will
only made two ventures into the Cracks and barely made it beyond Trigger: An enemy inside the Entropal’s Enhance Aggression
the point of daylight. We have encountered far too many distrac- aura misses it with an attack.
tions. I have given the order to search for Usus today, afterwards we Attack (Free Action): Close Burst 3 (triggering creature);
+12 vs Will
must return to our original duties. A shivering man cannot survive
Hit: The target gains a Rage Point and the Entropal slides the
a night of exposure. target 1 square.
Fuel Aggression • At-Will
Day 65 Trigger: An enemy inside the Enhance Aggression aura spends
Despite the absence of Usus and the unexplained phenomena of spoiled an action point.
rations in our packs, we have descended into the Cracks of Nisher- Effect (Free Action): The target gains 2 Rage Points.
Kan. The splendor of the underground cavern defies words and I have
done my best to illustrate as such within these pages. There is indeed Str 20 (+9) Dex 18 (+8) Wis 10 (+4)
humid warmth to this cavern, forcing us to conserve energy before we Con 18 (+8) Int 12 (+5) Cha 17 (+7)
sweat it all out. It is a shame Mathis had to remain behind to guard Chaotic evil Languages common, deep speech
base camp; I would have gladly traded him for Vycee’s unyielding
complaints. Rage Points
Almost 1000 feet from the entrance to the cavern, it slopes at a
Rage Points represent the altered emotional state of a creature
difficult angle to a smooth, winding tunnel. Nattan is discomforted
brought about through close proximity to or corruption by an
by the swirling marks running along the tunnel walls, noting them
Entropal. As a creature gains more Rage Points they progres-
similar to the burrowing of an underground monstrosity. There is no sively become more aggressive until they fall prey to the
doubt to this, for the rock has been smoothed to a polish, but without Entropal’s psychic influence at which point they may become
any evidence of animal remains – of any size – this tunnel remains lost in its emotional turmoil and be unable to distinguish
like the rest of Nisher-Kan: an enigma. friend from foe.
We have taken refuge inside a small pocket veering from the A creature suffers the following effects depending on its
main tunnel. A soothing, cold wind lured us further and provided current number of Rage Points:
a sweet reward: a 100’ by 150’ chamber of slender stalagmites over
2: The creature gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
top a pool of green-blue water. The water is acidic and highly toxic,
when making melee attacks and takes a -1 penalty to saving
collected from the moisture of the stalagmites. While the walls of this
cavern remain hot and humid like the rest of the mountain, the pool
offers a refreshing hint of relief for our tired bodies. I have jokingly 4: The creature can only make melee attacks and gains no
named this chamber “the Pool Room.” I hope to have something proper bonus to attack rolls but deals additional damage equal to its
strength bonus, the creature also takes a -2 penalty to saving
by morning.
6: In addition to the effects of 4 Rage Points the Creature must
make a melee attack against the closest creature, charging
if possible; if two or more creatures are equidistant then the
target is determined randomly.
22 8: The creature is dominated (no save) and the creature does
not automatically lose a Rage Point as usual if it ends its turn
outside the Entrpal’s Enhance Aggression aura; instead it makes
a saving throw and loses a Rage Point if the roll is successful.
Day 69 Uzzum, Entropal of Sloth Level 14 Solo Controller
We were attacked in the middle of the night by a lone scavenger. Medium aberrant humanoid (entropal) XP 6,000
Nattan’s arrows appeared to have warned it away and possibly Rolling globs of fat jiggle out a viscous puss from which this... thing slides
struck it in the torso, but we have evidence now of our thieves. across the floor. There is little need to look at it, such a useless creature this is.
Surely, there is something better to spend your time on.
Perhaps spilled blood will convince him otherwise next time.
HP 690; Bloodied 345 Initiative +16
AC 28, Fortitude 25, Reflex 26, Will 28 Senses Perception +15;
Day 71 Speed 6
Vycee continues to remain within the Pool Room to continue his darkvision, truesight 10
Immune fear; Resist 15 necrotic;
studies of the acidic water and its cooling properties. The break Vulnerable 5 radiant
from his nagging and whining was welcome until today. We were Saving Throws +5
alerted to a problem when we heard him screaming for someone to Action Points 2
come out from hiding and when Mathis and I arrived back at the Decrease Enthusiasm (psychic) • Aura 3
Pool Room, we found him frantically swinging his pack in all All enemies starting their turn inside the aura gain 1 Sloth Point, all
directions, like fending off a swarm of bees. After calming him enemies with Sloth Points starting their turn outside the aura lose 1
down, Vycee became lightheaded and almost fainted into the acidic Sloth Point.
waters. We now remain at base camp monitoring the bastard, who Special: See Sloth Points sub system.
Vitality Sink • Aura 1
appears to have recovered completely. He has no memory of today’s All enemies entering or starting their turn inside the aura take an
events. We have agreed to leave him behind for a couple of days to amount of damage equal to twice the number of their Sloth Points,
rest and will place a limit on any time spent in the Pool Room to no this damage may not be reduced in any way.
more than four hours. STANDARD ACTIONS
M Touch of Fatigue (necrotic) • At-Will
Day 72 Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs Reflex
Hit: 2d6+12 necrotic damage and the target is immobilised and
We have found Usus and the manner in which he was discovered leaves
gains a Sloth Point
us questioning our solitude. As Mathis and I made our way through the
Special: This attack deals an additional 4d6 necrotic damage against
Wormtunnel, we discovered a broken arrow on the ground close to the dazed or unconscious targets.
entrance to the Pool Room. Once inside, we found the devoured remains of r Draining Bolts (necrotic, psychic) • At-Will
Usus in the water. I should note that only his upper torso and head were in Requirement: Target must have at least 1 Sloth Point.
the water; his legs dangled out the side. While his flesh has been devoured, Attack: Range 10 (one or two targets); +17 vs Will
muscle tissue remained and it did not take long for my accomplice to Hit: 2d8+12 psychic damage and the target takes the following
recognize the arrow hole in the body’s torso – identical to where our intrud- secondary attack
er was shot three nights ago. Secondary Attack: +17 vs Fortitude
There is no explaining this discovery other than the clear fact that Hit: The target loses a healing surge and loses a Sloth Point.
another entrance inside Nisher-Kan must exist and Usus found it before r Slumber (psychic) • Recharge 56
the arctic cold took him. The cavern’s heat would have sustained him Requirement: Target is not bloodied and has at least 1 Sloth Point.
indefinitely and so there must be a source of food, possibly mushrooms or Attack: Range 15 (one creature); +17 vs Will
rodents. As to the mystery of Usus being our intruder... I cannot guess. Hit: 2d12+12 psychic damage and the target is immobilised (save
First Failed Save: Target is immobilised and dazed (save ends both).
Second Failed Save: The target is instead unconscious and takes 15
ongoing psychic damage (save ends both).
Day 75 c Wave of Fatigue (necrotic) • Encounter
Vycee’s outbursts have become unprofessional and dangerous. His temper Requirement: The Entropal is bloodied.
is as short as his height and he has broken two bones during violent Attack: Close Burst 5 (enemies in burst); +17 vs Fortitude
tantrums. This latest burst claimed his toes when he kicked a rock with Hit: 2d10+22 necrotic damage and the target loses a healing
his bare foot. Mathis watches over him with prayers, as always, but I must surge and is dazed (save ends)
confess I have expressed my desire to send Vycee home. His presence threat- Miss: Target takes half damage.
ens our work and disgraces the Voyagers. He should never have come here. MOVE ACTIONS
Minimum Effort (teleport) • Recharge 6
Day 77 Effect: The Entropal teleports to any square adjacent to an
Confrontations have risen to a crescendo. There are few kind words avail- enemy with 1 or more Sloth Points.
able to those I call comrades and colleagues as their buffoonery has cost TRIGGERED ACTIONS
us yet another day’s research. Of all those camped with me, only Ix’ill
Why Bother? (psychic) • Recharge 6
understands my pains and sees the logic behind my arguments. His own
Trigger: A target inside the Decrease Enthusiasm aura takes
theories are sound: the others are not worthy of the test put out before them.
standard action.
I am glad my friend has joined me in this expedition for I fear I may have
Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Triggering creature; +17 vs Will
to conclude it alone.
Hit: The target is stunned until the end of its current turn.
Day 80 Miss: The Entropal is stunned until the end of the triggering
I have made my first solo venture past the Wormtunnel and into the wide target’s current turn.
expanses of the inner sanctum of Nisher-Kan. The others slowed me down Induce Lethargy • At-Will
for far too long and I do not accept challenges to my leadership! Nattan’s Trigger: An enemy inside the Decrease Enthusiasm aura
death was an unexpected, yet necessary, evil to a greater good. It has spends an action point.
shown the others the extent of my power and knowledge, demonstrating Effect (Free Action): The target gains 2 Sloth Points.
the length I will go in securing my mountain. As agreed, Ix’ill waits for
me in the Heart of Stone. Yes, I agree. It shall be called the Heart of Stone. Str 14 (+9) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 18 (+11)
Nisher-Kan Expedition – Day 81 Con 18 (+11) Int 16 (+10) Cha 24 (+14)
I am onto your eyes, intruder! Ever more do I write on this paper Chaotic evil Languages common, deep speech
and ever more do you wish to learn about my home. This is not
for your eyes to see, heathen. I am the first mortal to stand before
the graces of Nisher-Kan’s glorious heart, my beloved Ix’ill as my
guide. Sleep has become an unwanted guest, for all of you try to
bash my head in while I rest. Duty calls for attention, my time is
precious, my home is perfect. Only my beloved understands me, he
is all I can trust.
No more will I write in this book, this teller of lies! Do not follow
me deeper into the Heart, for I have learned to devour the flesh of
men and gain from its strength.

See Sloth Points on the next page
Day 298???
The sun was but a clock, a device shrouded in mystery we could not
Sloth Points
touch. I have learned to read the darkness and look back at it with Sloth Points represent the altered emotional state of a
hatred and love. I feel the walls closing in around me, the devil’s touch creature brought about through close proximity to or corrup-
brushing my hair. tion by an Entropal. As a creature gains more Sloth Points they
My beloved has left me here to rot, abandoned me like an infant. progressively become more lethargic until they fall prey to the
The others turned their backs on me, these people of Nisher-Kan, the Entropal’s psychic influence, at which point they may become
people of old. They are the ones who dwelled in the mountain long lost in a waking dream state where they cannot distinguish
before she was torn open and remain here long after their lives are reality from nightmare.
spent. They kept me company in my hatred and loathing, through A creature suffers the following effects depending on its
my tears and emptiness. Even they have left me. current number of Sloth Points:
I have done unspeakable acts in my time here, performed brutality 2: The creature’s speed is reduced by 1 and it takes a -1
expected from murderous inmates in asylums. The rage, all the rage, penalty to attack rolls and saving throws
was insatiable. I am the only one still alive from that day so long ago 4: In addition to the effects of 2 Sloth Points, all ranged attacks
when we arrived at the base of the mountain. There is no means for me have their range halved
to return for I am morally and physically lost. 6: The creature’s speed is reduced by 2; at the start of each
turn the creature rolls a d6 on the result of a 5 or 6 they are
10 to the Last Day dazed until the start of their next turn
Failure warms me I must accept this fate. She whispers about the sins
8: The creature is dominated (no save) and the creature does
of accomplishment and deed to tell me nothing more can be done.
not automatically lose a Sloth Point as usual if it ends its turn
Words as soft as silk grow harder than stone when spoken with truth.
outside the Entropal’s Decrease Enthusiasm aura; instead it
There is light in this darkness. True light not of sun or torch, but
makes a saving throw and loses a Sloth Point if the roll is
truth. We have all failed. Survival is pointless she tells me and only
sleep waits for us in the End. Soon I shall sleep as the others have slept
and I will be welcomed into their ranks of fallen. Untold fallen. All
brought from the village that once was here in this mountain before the
Truth was awakened. She promises to show me her Home and reveal the
Truth of all Things. My mind is not ready yet. I must sleep.

Heaven is not a cloud, nor are the Hells consumed of fire. They are
all this and more. I have seen the Truth, the world from which my
people now dwell. Here in the depths of the mountain, I stand before the
Doorway to Qaos, a mass of everything simultaneously. It is the fate
waiting for us all. It has become my time. Fate has chosen me, poor
mortals. Come and allow yourself to be chosen...

If you’ve picked up the Amethyst campaign
setting from Dias Ex Machina (and published by
Goodman Games), then you know Chris Dias.

But it doesn’t end there. Neurospasta is a soon-
to-be-released alternative 4e system for science
fiction roleplaying.

The For those looking for for modern and sci-fi 4e

material, The 4th Engine provides an ongoing
look into the design challenges of converting

a fantasy game into science fiction.

The development of Ultramodern4 continues even as you read

these articles. Since last issue, the entire ladder system was given
a facelift. The wording was tightened up to be consistent with
standard 4th Edition. Additionally, we wanted to make the system
limited to class modifications and themed abilities. Until recently,
By Chris Dias U4’s ladders have been limited to six options: born leader, jugger-
naut, runner, savant, veteran, and warrior. I recently announced to
the playtesters that there will be a seventh, known as the survivor

II: Keys to the Kingdom

(Constitution, Wisdom/Intelligence). I’m contemplating offering
an eighth to make it a nice even number.

Current List
Born Leader – Charisma, Intelligence
Juggernaut – Constitution, Strength
Runner – Dexterity, Intelligence/Wisdom
Savant – Wisdom, Intelligence
Survivor – Constitution, Intelligence/Wisdom
Veteran – Charisma, Intelligence
Warrior – Dexterity, Strength
The expectation from many fans is that you don’t add anything to a
pre-existing rules system unless the need is unavoidable. New rules
can just confuse you. With Amethyst and U4, we introduce fire- AUTO
arms. If you wield two-handed or heavy weapons, they can restrict The auto keyword means this power can only be used with fire-
how effectively you aim if you attempt to move on your turn. This arms with the auto or heavy auto property. Additionally, with every
is an unexpected rule I imagine many players are making a point to attack roll, multiple rounds of ammunition are used. A weapon
forget. As for weapon properties, we added many. With Amethyst with the auto property fires 5 shots per attack roll while a weapon
Foundations, we introduced auto, heavy-auto, gauss, plasma, laser, with the heavy auto property fires 10. Certain feats, features, and
sniper, guided, and SPP. With the second book, Evolution, we powers can reduce or increase these values. When not employing
added the nuclear property...yes, you read that right. These make a power with the auto keyword, weapons with the auto property
perfect sense considering the circumstances. Firearms are defined fire only one round of ammunition per attack roll with heavy auto
by their properties, with many weapons boasting several (there’s a weapons still firing 10.
gauss, a gauss/auto, and gauss/auto/high-crit).
Powers are a different story. With Amethyst, we introduced Strafe Heavy Attack 1
You lay down a line of fire as you make a dash across the enemy’s
the keywords auto, explosive, sniper and vehicle. Auto requires
weapons with the auto or heavy auto weapon property while sniper
powers require sniper weapons. The explosive and vehicle keywords Daily • Auto, Martial, Weapon
were tied to explosives and vehicles respectfully. Standard Action Wall 5 in weapon range
Heavy Auto: Increase to Wall 6
Made sense.
Effect: Before the attack, you can run, shift, or walk as a
With Evolution, we introduce the booster and passive normal move action; if you are wielding a weapon that incurs
keywords. Booster powers enhance basic attacks. We collected attack penalties when moving, this movement does not inflict
them all into a single keyword to prevent abuse by activating those penalties.
multiple versions of them. The passive keyword regards attack Target: Each creature in wall you can see
powers that inflict no damage. Because of the combat-orientated Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
nature of Amethyst, this fell into a single keyword. However, with Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
U4 it became necessary to split the passive keyword into several, Miss: Half damage.
separated by their individual strengths. U4’s campaign setting,
Neurospasta, offers computer and brain hacking, so we had to add BOOSTER
words for those as well (but we won’t get into them here). A power with the booster keyword is often a triggered power
In total, we added thirteen keywords and attack types to that is activated after another power has hit with an attack. A
the already large number already established with 4th Edition booster power adds damage and/or additional effects to the trig-
Dungeons and Dragons. Let’s part the curtain, shall we? gered hit. You can only apply one booster power per hit (even if
boosters inflict different effects). You can also only apply a booster
power to a basic attack, though this still can be a power designated
to be a basic attack. If the triggered power features multiple hits,
the booster power can only be applied to one. You can only apply a
booster power to a hit that inflicts at least 1[W] damage.
See more of Chris Greenwood’s artwork
in our Artist Spotlight (pg. 44)

Into the Darkness Infiltrator Attack 5 EXPLOSIVE

The target falls and you instantly roll away into the shadows. The explosive keyword is connected with the arming, planting, and
Daily • Booster, Martial, Weapon detonation of explosives. Most explosive powers require the use of
Free Action Personal the Demolitions skill. These powers are used alongside deployable
Trigger: You hit a creature granting you combat advantage. explosives or grenades and can either replace a basic attack or add
Target: The creature you hit onto an existing explosive power.
Effect: Add 1[W] extra damage to the hit. The target is stunned
until the start of your next turn. Between the Knees Feat Attack Power
Secondary Effect: You may shift up to six squares to an area Buh?
granting cover or concealment. You can then make a Stealth
check. You do not gain the shift if there is no cover or Daily • Booster, Explosive, Martial
concealment in range. No Action Personal
Trigger: You detonate explosives
Effect: Add 1[W] extra damage to all hits for this explosive;
add an additional 1[W] damage to the target directly at the
center of the detonation.

MANEUVER One Rediculously Faceman Attack 15
These attack powers inflict no damage. Instead, they involve Handsome Person
outmaneuvering your opponent with skill and natural agility. Since Look at your companion, now look at me, then to your companion,
they do no damage, if you score a critical hit with a power with the and then to me. Sadly, he or she isn’t me.
Maneuver keyword, you gain a +2 power bonus to your next attack Daily • Martial, Psyche
roll with powers with the Maneuver or Weapon keyword. Standard Action Close burst 5
Requirement: This power cannot be used if you, the target, or
Survival Instinct Veteran Attack 1 any of the target’s allies has taken damage previously in the
Your attack disorientates your enemy. You take the opportunity to encounter.
maneuver yourself into a safer position. Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma +2 vs. Will
At-Will • Martial, Maneuver
Hit: No damage. The target only has line of sight on you
Move Action Ranged 10
(and not on your allies), is dazed, and helpless until the
Target: One creature you hit and damaged this round
end of your next turn. You gain a +10 power bonus to your
Attack: Wisdom +2 vs. Will
next Diplomacy or Bluff skill check and a +5 bonus to all
Hit: No damage. The target is weakened until the start of your
other Diplomacy or Bluff skill checks until One Ridiculously
next turn.
Handsome Person expires.
Miss: The target is neither dazed nor helpless but all other
PSYCHE affects apply.
Special: If the target takes any damage, he instantly recovers
Powers with the psyche keyword involve using dialogue and
from all effects.
presence of personality. They depend on the target being able to Sustain Standard: You can maintain One Ridiculously
understand you. If the target is deafened or does not speak any Handsome Person until the target takes damage or until you
language you know, he cannot be affected by this ability. Most take damage.
psyche powers have the “reliable” keyword as well, and may not
function depending on certain circumstances the GM may deter- ROBOT
mine. If a psyche power cannot be used, it is not considered to This power requires you to be controlling a robot remotely. This
be expended if attempted. Since they do no damage, if you score power improves your connection to the machine or enables the
critical hit with a power with the Psyche keyword, you gain a +4 machine to do something beyond its factory specs. You must have
power bonus to your next attack roll with the Psyche keyword. the control module for that robot to use this power.

Robopathy Feat Attack Power

The machine you are controlling appears to go exactly where you want
it to go and does exactly what you were thinking, almost as if it was
reading your mind.
Daily • Martial, Robot
Standard Action Sight
Target: One robot you have control over
Effect: You activate the robot. The robot gains a full round of

29 actions (standard, move, and minor) as usual but you offer

a power bonus to your Control Bonus equal to half your
Intelligence modifier (round down).
A power with the Sniper keyword can only be used with firearms These powers are used with vehicles, and the character operating
with the sniper weapon property. Unless otherwise stated, targets said vehicle is the only one that can activate said power. If this is
of sniper powers must be 5 squares away or further. an attack power, the attack roll is modified by the Maneuver Value
of the vehicle.
System Shock Recon Sniper Attack 20
The target has no idea how deadly your last strike was. It continues Drop the Hammer Feat Utility Power
wandering about the battlefield, unaware of the level of pain it’s about You shift with lightning precision, slamming the accelerator almost
to experience when the shock wears off. through the floor.

Daily • Martial, Reliable, Sniper, Weapon Daily • Martial, Vehicle

Standard Action Ranged weapon Move Action Personal
Target: One creature Effect: Gain a +3 power bonus to your vehicle’s speed until
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC the end of your next turn.
Hit: 1[W] + Wisdom modifier damage, and the creature Sustain Move: You can sustain this power as long as you
is dazed (save ends). The moment the target saves against accelerate with your vehicle action. You cannot decelerate
being dazed, it takes an additional +4[W] + Wisdom modifier with this vehicle action.
damage. Special: This is a vehicle action. You can perform any stunts
Miss: Normal damage to the initial strike, no additional you are able to that require a move action before or after the
damage effect (except decelerate).


These attack powers inflict no damage and involve using combat Being “open” translates to being able to receive wireless electronic
experience and tactical observation to outthink or trick opponents communication from an ally. These powers are all beneficial and
into an action that is beneficial to you. Since they do no damage, require a direct line of communication between the character
if you score a critical hit with a power with the Tactical keyword, activating the power and the targeted ally. In the heat of combat,
you gain a +2 power bonus to your next attack roll with the Tactical distractions and noises prevent effective use of the power beyond
or Weapon keyword. a certain range. An open power has an effective range of close
burst 5 unless the target is employing technology in the form of a
Outthink, Outwit Savant Attack 1 radio, a cellular communicator, or a cyber-com. If employing any
You quickly ascertain your enemy’s eye movements and body language wireless communication device, the range of the power is effectively
and determine the best course of action. unlimited.
At-Will • Martial, Tactician
Move Action Ranged 10 Force It Back Combat Authority Attack 1
Target: One creature Converge all attacks on the target and drive it back.
Attack: Intelligence +2 or Wisdom +2 vs. Reflex.
Daily • Martial, Weapon
Hit: No damage. The target grants combat advantage to all
Standard Action Open
your allies until the start of your next turn.
Targets: You and one ally
Effect: The target makes a basic attack on the same creature.
30 With every attack roll, you slide the enemy two squares.

Next issue, we talk classes.


By Tim Rose
Our game, and every world we play in, is ripe with magical
energies from all manner of sources: astral strands intersecting
with the landscape through portals and conjurations; divine
power flowing from the temples and churches of gods; primal
forces rising from the very earth itself; and even the foul touch
of shadow corrupting all life forms. There seems no end to these
forces at play behind the scenes. But what happens when some
of that energy is misused or spills out to infect even the tiniest
object abandoned in some foul dungeon or discovered in a grove?
This article provides a series of random charts for building
detritus, an infected item randomly created by the surrounding
forces. Detritus is commonly found scattered throughout lairs,
keeps, and other dangerous locales as the result of residual energy
from nearby portals, zones, and even primordials trapped nearby.
In truth, they can be found anywhere but can only be discovered
when an adventurer unleashes a powerful attack... and fails. Every
time one of your players rolls a natural 1, you (or the player)
can roll the dice on the charts below to build their own detritus
(or you can simply assemble your own to create minor pieces of
treasure for your next adventure).
Here is how it works:
Step 1: Pick an item from Table 1. For items under Table 5: Healing, do the following:
Step 2: Roll on Table 2 to determine from which source your item 1) Roll on Table 5a to determine what type of healing your item
became enchanted. does. If your roll indicates that your item allows a hero to regain
Step 3: Roll on Table 3 to determine how it will mechanically hit points move to step 2. If your roll indicates that your item
work at your table and for which table to roll on next. allows a saving throw move to step 3. If your roll indicates your
item grants temporary hit points move to step 4. Otherwise, this
Step 4: Walk down the chart and follow through until you
completes your item’s healing effects.
complete your item.
2) Roll on Table 5b to determine how many hit points are gained.
For items under Table 4: Weapon, do the following: 3) Roll on Table 5c to determine how your item affects the next
saving throw for which it is used.
1) Roll on Table 4a to determine how your item can be used as a
weapon. 4) Roll on Table 5d to determine how many temporary hit points
your item grants.
2) Roll on Table 4b to determine the ability modifier that is used
for the attack.
3) Roll on Table 4c to determine against which defense your item For items under Table 6: Effects, do the following:
attacks. 1) Roll on Table 6a to determine the shape of the effect your item
creates. This roll also determines who is affected by your item’s
4) Roll on Table 4d to determine how much damage your item
effect. If your roll indicates a zone move to step 2. If your roll
does or if it inflicts a condition on a successful hit. If your roll
indicates a burst move to step 3. If your roll indicates a blast move
indicates a condition, move to the next step.
to step 4.
5) Roll on Table 4e to determine which condition is inflicted. If
the condition is ongoing damage, the condition save ends and you
2) Roll on Table 6b to determine the size of the zone your item
creates, and move to step 5.
move to step 7. Otherwise move to the next step.
6) Roll on Table 4f to determine when the condition ends. 3) Roll on Table 6c to determine the size and location of the burst
your item creates, and move to step 5.
7) Roll on Table 4g to determine how much ongoing damage is
4) Roll on Table 6d to determine the size of the blast your item
creates, and move to step 5.
5) Roll on Table 6e to determine the actual effect your item creates.

Ready to roll?
Turn the page to begin.
Table 1: Item List (d100)
01 Pile of dust 27 Moldy bread crust 53 One card from a deck 78 Cracked clay jar
02 Pile of ash 28 Rusted chain links with bent corners 79 Broken set of thieves’
03 Broken bone fragment 29 Broken key 54 Cracked ladle handle tools

04 Ripped piece of leather 30 Torn boot lace 55 Spent sun rod 80 Torn portrait painting

05 Scrap of dried hide 31 Twisted belt buckle 56 Musty kerchief 81 Warped arrow shaft

06 Torn parchment 32 Barrel band 57 Scorched boot sole 82 Ruined lute string

07 Snapped weapon blade 33 Cut leather bag 58 Pile of chipped flint 83 Foul incense stick

08 Chipped arrow head 34 Strip of cloth 59 Broken backpack clasp 84 Scorched stick of chalk

09 Broken staff 35 Child’s toy 60 Rotten wad of herbs 85 Torn boot sock

10 Twisted wand 36 Wickless candle wax 61 Twisted door nail 86 Ogre finger bone

11 Broken glass bottle 37 Spent torch 62 Chipped wall stone 87 Scrap of coffin velvet

12 Small dragon scale 38 Bent piton 63 Cracked flag stone 88 Used wound bandage

13 Puddle of liquid 40 Cracked hammerhead 64 Timber splinter 89 Broken wooden stool

65 Ball of dung leg
14 Bottle of dried ink 41 Smashed animal fetish
66 Collection of cobwebs 90 Frayed tapestry hem
15 Rusted ring 42 Wine cork
67 Cracked egg shell 91 Small ripped map
16 Dried leaf 43 Warped iron circlet fragment
17 Desiccated insect husk 44 Pitted cooking pot 68 Molted reptile skin
92 Fragmented sword tip
18 Frayed rope 45 Broken wooden statu- 69 Broken orc tusk
93 Broken caltrop
19 Peacock feather ette 70 Elf ear
94 Cracked counterfeit
20 Bee’s stinger 46 Sleeve of a moth-eaten 71 Singed hairs of a dwarf’s silver coin
linen shirt beard
21 Lacing of pollen dust 95 Crushed door hinge
47 Broken pieces of a 72 Clipped nails of a shifter
22 Dry flower petal gauntlet 96 Tarnished brass belt
73 Mug handle buckle
23 Patch of fungus 48 Dried rat’s tail 74 Broken shackle 97 Preserved goblin eye
24 Broken eyepiece 49 Broken door latch 75 Fingerless leather glove 98 Stripped griffon feather
25 Empty book binding 50 Torn shirt cuff 76 Frayed crossbow string 99 Broken conch shell
33 26 Half-written journal
Melted tin cloak clasp
Chipped gambling dice
77 Dagger pommel 100 Wet lamp wick
Table 2: Table 4a: Table 4d: Table 4f:
Power Sources Weapon Weapon Weapon
(Attack Type) (Damage) (Condition
01-35 Arcane
01-20 Melee 01-20 1d4
36-70 Divine
71-85 Primal 21-40 Ranged 5 squares 21-40 1d6 01-25 Save ends

86-100 Shadow 41-60 Close Blast 3 41-60 1d8 26-50 Start of attacker’s
61-80 Close Burst 2 next turn
61-80 1d10
51-75 End of attacker’s
Table 3: 81-00 Burst 2 within 5 81-00 Condition (roll on
next turn
squares Table 4e)
Type or Function 76-00 End of target’s next
01-25 Weapon Table 4b: Table 4e: turn
(roll on Tables Weapon Weapon
4a-4g) (Ability Score) (Condition) Table 4g:
26-50 Healing
(roll on Table
01-20 Strength 01-10 Blinded (Ongoing
5a-5d) 21-35 Constitution 11-20 Dazed Damage)
51-75 Effect 36-50 Dexterity 21-30 Deafened
01-20 Ongoing 1
(roll on Table 6) 51-70 Intelligence 31-40 Immobilized
21-40 Ongoing 2
76-00 Attack 71-85 Wisdom 41-55 Ongoing Damage
Augmentation 41-60 Ongoing 3
86-00 Charisma (save ends)
(roll on Table 7) 61-80 Ongoing 4
56-65 Prone
81-00 Ongoing 5
Table 4c: 66-80 Slowed
Weapon 81-90 Weakened
(Target Defense) 91-00 Restrained
01-25 Armor Class (AC)
26-50 Fortitude
51-75 Reflex
76-00 Will

Table 5a: Table 5c: Table 6a: Table 6d:
Healing (Type) Healing Effects (Shape) Effects (Blast)
(Saving Throw) 01-25 Zone (self and 01-25 Close blast 2
01-20 Regain hit points
(minor action) 01-35 +1 bonus allies) 26-50 Close blast 3
21-40 Make a saving 36-65 +2 bonus 26-50 Burst (self and 51-75 Close blast 4
throw 66-00 As an immediate allies)
76-00 Close blast 5
41-55 Immediately end reaction 51-75 Blast (allies only)
a condition that a
save can end Table 5d:
76-00 Personal (self only) Table 6d:
56-70 Spend a healing Healing Table 6b: Effects (Bonus to
surge (free action) (Temp HPs) Effects (Zone) Self/Allies)
71-85 Stabilize the dying 01-10 Gain 5 hit points
(minor action) 01-30 5 temporary hit 01-30 Zone 1
points 31-65 Zone 2 11-25 Gain 5 temporary
86-00 Gain temporary hit points
hit points (minor 31-65 10 temporary hit 66-00 Zone 3
action) points 26-35 Make an immediate
saving throw
66-00 Temporary hit point Table 6c:
Table 5b: equal to target’s
Effects (Burst)
36-50 +1 bonus to next
Healing healing surge value
(Regain Hit 01-15 Close burst 2 51-65 +2 bonus to next
damage before end
Points) 16-35 Close burst 3 of next turn
01-25 Equal to target’s 36-50 Close burst 4 66-80 +1 AC and Defenses
Charisma modifier 51-65 Close burst 5 until end of target’s
(minimum 1) next turn
66-85 Area burst 2
26-50 5 hit points within 5 81-90 Shift 1 square as an
51-75 10 hit points 86-00 Area burst 3 immediate reaction

76-00 Equal to target’s within 10 91-00 +1 Speed until end

healing surge value of target’s next turn

Table 7a: Table 7c: Table 7e: Table 7f:
Augmentation Augmentation Augmentation Augmentation
(Type of Attack) (Bonus Damage) (Bonus (Bonus Ongoing
01-25 Melee 01-20 +1d4
Condition) Damage)
26-50 Ranged 21-40 +1d6 01-10 Blinded (save ends) 01-20 Ongoing 1
51-75 Burst 41-60 +1d8 11-20 Dazed (save ends) 21-40 Ongoing 2
76-00 Blast 61-80 +5 damage 21-30 Deafened (save 41-60 Ongoing 3
81-00 +10 damage ends) 61-80 Ongoing 4
Table 7b: 31-40 Immobilized (save 81-00 Ongoing 5
Augmentation Table 7d: ends)
(Damage Type Augmentation 41-55 Prone (save ends)
and Condition) (Bonus Damage 56-70 Ongoing (save

01-15 Damage (additional

Type) ends)

hit points) 71-80 Restrained (save

01-15 Cold ends)
16-35 Damage (additional
16-30 Fire 81-90 Slowed (save ends)
31-40 Force 91-00 Weakened (save
36-50 Damage (as a
condition) 41-55 Lightning ends)

51-70 Hit points and type 56-65 Necrotic

71-85 Hit points and 66-75 Psychic
condition 76-85 Radiant
86-00 Hit points, type, 86-00 Thunder
and condition


From the mundane to the bizarre, from the simple

to the complex, the Bonus Bestiary is designed to become
Heroic Tier
a growing reference manual of threats, villains, Copper Akka – level 6 soldier
and encounters over all levels. Crimson Dire Akka – level 7 elite brute

Paragon Tier
Miglith Orac – level 16 skirmisher
Miglith Skeent – level 17 artillery
Miglith Weerapp – level 17 controller

Epic Tier
Burning Eagle – Level 26 Skirmisher

Mesh Hong’s
onus bestiary
Copper Akka Level 6 Soldier Akka
Medium natural beast XP 250 Akka are a distinctive species of burrowing carnivores usually
HP 72; Bloodied 36 Initiative +7
found on the edges of deserts or in warm coastal areas. Akka are
AC 22, Fortitude 19, Reflex 17, Will 16 easily identified by their strange mix of mammal and reptilian
Senses Perception +3;
Speed 6, burrow 3 low-light vision, tremorsense 10 features, having large shaggy furred bodies and hind legs with scaly
Resist 5 fire armoured heads, shoulders, and forelegs that each end in two long
TRAITS curling claws.
Arcane Resilience
Copper Akka
The Akka gains +1 to all defences against attacks with the arcane
keyword. Copper Akka
STANDARD ACTIONS Copper Akka are named after the burnished copper colouration
Heroic Tier (Level 6)

M Claw Gash • At-Will

of the scales that cover their heads and forelegs. . Standing on all
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs AC
Hit: 1d10+7 damage and the target is marked until the start of fours, Copper Akka are around 3ft tall and are the smallest of their
Akka’s next turn kind, though their considerable weight and muscle mass can make
m Slam and Gash • At-Will them dangerous and tenacious opponents.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs Fortitude Interestingly, Copper Akka manifest slightly increased protec-
Hit: 3 damage and the target is knocked prone and the Akka may tion against the arcane, though scholars have so far been unable
make a Claw Gash attack against the same target
Miss: The target may push the Akka 1 square. to discover exactly from where this ability originates. It is believed
MOVE ACTIONS that a property of the Akka’s scales affords it this protection but all
Fast Burrow • Recharge 56 examination and experimentation of them in a laboratory environ-
Effect: The Akka burrows 6 squares through soft or sandy ground ment has so far yielded no tangible or useful results.
but must end this movement on the surface; the Akka gains combat
advantage against any creature it emerges adjacent to. Tactics: Naturally aggressive, Copper Akka will usually lie in wait
TRIGGERED ACTIONS almost fully buried in soft ground, ready to spring out and knock
Bloodied Gash • Encounter their prey prone, thus gaining an initial advantage. They will then
Trigger: The Akka becomes bloodied follow up with Claw Gash and further Slam and Gash attacks with
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The Akka makes a Claw Gash attack
an eye on keeping their prey unbalanced. If cornered or if given
Skills Athletics +12, Endurance +11 the opportunity of reaching a critically wounded prey an Akka will
Str 18(+7) Dex 14(+5) Wis 10(+3) use its Fast Burrow power to bypass a threat and gain an advantage
Con 16(+6) Int 3(-1) Cha 3(-1) against a better target.
Unaligned Languages -

Crimson Dire Akka Level 7 Elite Brute Crimson Dire Akka
Large natural beast XP 600 Crimson Dire Akka are substantially larger than Copper Akka, and
have deep, blood red scales on their heads, shoulders, and forelegs,
HP 196; Bloodied 98 Initiative +6 and lighter fur on their hind quarters which can range from tan to
Crimson Dire Akka AC 19, Fortitude 21, Reflex 19, Will 17 Senses Perception +6; white. They can grow up to five feet tall and seven foot long.
Speed 5, burrow 3 low-light vision, tremorsense 10
Resist 5 fire Crimson Dire Akka are less patient and more aggressive than
Saving Throws +2 their copper brethren, and usually claim and patrol a large area
Action Points 1 maintaining up to three dens where they drag surplus prey to and
TRAITS bury for later consumption.
Arcane Fury
If the Akka is hit by an attack with the Arcane keyword, it gains a +1 Tactics: In combat Crimson Dire Akka will head straight for
Heroic Tier (Level 7)

power bonus to attack rolls until the end of its next turn. the closest or most threatening target and attempt to overpower
STANDARD ACTIONS it with their Double Claw and Deep Cut attacks; the Akka will
M Claw Gash • At-Will use Leaping Claw to get behind prey or reach prey using ranged
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +12 vs AC
Hit: 2d8+6 damage attacks against it.
Double Claw • At-Will When bloodied, the Akka will become enraged and try to
Effect: The Akka makes 2 Claw Gash attacks; if both attacks hit the concentrate fully on a single target, thus gaining access to its
same target it is pushed 2 squares and the Akka may shift 4 squares additional Quick Slash attack. It will use the supplementary attack
but must end this movement adjacent to the target. as often as possible in an effort to inflict maximum damage to its
Leaping Claw • Recharge 56
Effect: The Akka Shifts (leaps) up to 6 squares and may move chosen prey.
through enemy squares but must end this move in clear space;
the Akka makes the following attack against all enemies it moves
through during this movement.
Attack: Melee 1 (creature Akka moves through); +10 vs Fortitude
Hit: 2d6+8 damage and the target is knocked prone
Miss: The target must either shift 1 square as an immediate free
action or be knocked prone.
m Quick Slash • At-Will
Requirement: The Akka is bloodied.
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +10 vs Reflex
Hit: 1d4+2 damage
m Deep Cut • Recharge 56
Trigger: The Akka hits with a melee attack.
Effect (Free Action): The target creature takes 5 ongoing bleeding
damage (save ends).
Bloodied Gash • Encounter
Trigger: The Akka becomes bloodied.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The Akka makes a Claw Gash attack

39 Skills Athletics +13, Endurance +11

Str 20(+8) Dex 16(+6) Wis 12(+4)
Con 17(+6) Int 4(+0) Cha 3(-1)
Unaligned Languages -
Miglith Orac Level 16 Skirmisher Miglith
Medium fey humanoid XP 1,400 Hidden away in deep caverns or annexes constructed off the lowest
levels of long forgotten dungeons, live small tribes of grey skinned,
HP 154; Bloodied 77 Initiative +19
AC 30, Fortitude 28, Reflex 30, Will 27 white eyed, humanoid creatures with misshapen limbs and twisted
Senses Perception +12;
Speed 6, climb 4 darkvision
faces. Miglith are Fey creatures that for reasons unknown have
TRAITS long since abandoned their natural plane and formed small secret
Hunters Eye communities far from the gaze or influence of Fey and Natural
The Miglith deals an additional 2d6 damage with melee attacks
creature alike.
against targets granting it combat advantage.
Miglith Orac
STANDARD ACTIONS From their appearance scholars believe that the Miglith are
Paragon Tier (Level 16)

M Spear Jab • At-Will either an ancient offshoot of Fomorian blood or were once a slave
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs AC race bound in service to the powerful malformed giant race. Either
Hit: 3d6+11 damage way such speculation is purely academic, but is possibly evidence of
r Spear Throw • At-Will
why the Miglith now live in self imposed exile.
Attack: Ranged 6/12 (one creature); +21 vs AC
Hit: 2d12+11 damage
Stone Shift • Recharge 56 Miglith Orac usually constitute the bulk of a Miglith tribe. Though
The Miglith shifts up to 4 squares through contiguous solid rock
then emerges in an adjacent free square.
their appearance and movements are ungainly and lopsided they
TRIGGERED ACTIONS surprisingly well coordinated.
Rockskin • Encounter Tactics: In combat Miglith Orac favour the use of short spears
Requirement: The Miglith is bloodied. to skewer their targets and have a keen eye for exploiting even a
Trigger: The Miglith is hit by a weapon attack.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The Miglith takes half damage from the
moment’s weakness in their enemies defence. Like all Miglith, the
attack and may make an immediate saving throw against any (save Orac will use their stone shift ability to move through solid rock
ends) effects generated from the attack. to bypass threats or reposition themselves where they can gain an
Skills Arcana +15, Athletics +18, Dungeoneering +17 When bloodied Miglith Orac’s bodies undergo a subtle shift
Str 20(+13) Dex 24(+15) Wis 18(+12)
Con 18(+12) Int 14(+10) Cha 16(+11)
allowing them to tap into their ancient heritage and momentarily
Unaligned Languages common, elven harden their bodies against a single impact. As they can only do
Equipment 3x short spear this once they will usually wait until it is absolutely necessary
before using their Rockskin power.

Miglith Skeent Level 17 Artillery Miglith Skeent
Medium fey humanoid XP 1,600 Miglith Skeent are usually the second most populous strata of any
given Miglith tribe and as such are usually encountered in the same
HP 126; Bloodied 63 Initiative +19 groups as Orac. Skeent are easily identified by the numerous small
AC 29, Fortitude 28, Reflex 30, Will 29 Senses Perception +16;
Speed 6, climb 4 shards of rock that hover by their hands or skitter along the ground
TRAITS behind them as they move as if dragged by an unseen chord.
Striking Stones • Aura 1 When bloodied, the Skeent’s Fey ancestry manifests in a
Miglith Skeent
Requirement: The Miglith is bloodied. greater telekinetic force over rock causing the numerous shards to
All enemies entering or starting their turn inside the aura take 10
be whipped up into a cloud of razor like rock daggers that orbit the
Paragon Tier (Level 17)

STANDARD ACTIONS Skeent and strike at its enemies.

M Stone Dagger • At-Will Tactics: Skeent prefer to maintain a safe distance from their
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +22 vs AC enemies maintaining a continued bombardment with their stone
Hit: 2d8+10 damage
r Stone Shard • At-Will
shard power; they will usually use stone shard blast when an
Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one or two creatures); +23 vs AC opportunity arises to hit three or more targets or to aid its escape if

Hit: 3d8+12 damage an enemy moves within melee range.

c Stone Shard Blast • Recharge 56 Whenever the Skeent scores a critical hit it will activate its
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +21 vs Reflex critical wound power which represents a particularly dangerous and
Hit: 3d6+9 damage and the target is pushed 1 square
Miss: Half damage
accurate attack.
Stone Shift • Recharge 56
Effect: The Miglith shifts up to 4 squares through contiguous solid
rock then emerges in an adjacent free square.
Critical Wound • At-Will
Trigger: The Miglith scores a critical hit.
Effect (Free Action): The target is slowed and takes 10 ongoing
bleeding damage (save ends both).

Skills Arcana +15, Athletics +17, Dungeoneering +17

Str 18(+12) Dex 24(+15) Wis 19(+12)
Con 18(+12) Int 15(+10) Cha 20(+13)
Unaligned Languages common, elven
Equipment stone dagger

Miglith Weerapp Level 18 Controller
Medium fey humanoid XP 2,000 Stone Barrier (summon) • At-Will
Trigger: The Miglith is targeted by a ranged attack.
HP 172; Bloodied 86 Initiative +17 Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The Miglith blocks the attack
AC 32, Fortitude 29, Reflex 30, Will 31 Senses Perception +19; by summoning an wall 3 contiguous squares long and 2
Speed 6, climb 4 darkvision squares high; the wall must be placed in free squares and must
Resist 5 psychic intersect the path of the ranged attack.
TRAITS Sustain Minor: The wall persists
Striking Stones • Aura 1
Requirement: The Miglith is bloodied.
All enemies entering or starting their turn inside the aura take 10
Skills Arcana +19, Athletics +18, Diplomacy +21,
damage. Dungeoneering +20
STANDARD ACTIONS Str 18(+13) Dex 23(+15) Wis 22(+15)
M Warhammer Strike • At-Will Con 20(+14) Int 20(+14) Cha 25(+16)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +22 vs AC Unaligned Languages common, elven, telepathy 10
Hit: 3d8+18 damage Equipment warhammer
a Stone Spikes • At-Will
Attack: Area Burst 1 within 15 (creatures in burst); +21 vs Reflex
Hit: 3d6+8 damage and the target is immobilised until the end of its Miglith Weerapp
next turn
Miglith Weerapp have retained a greater portion of their Fey
c Psychic Battery (psychic) • Recharge 56
Effect: The Meglith makes the following attack 3 times against the powers than others of their kind, and as such they tend to hold
same target. positions of influence or leadership in a Miglith tribe. This Fey
Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); +21 vs Will heritage also manifests in their slight psychic resistance and
Hit: 1d8+11 psychic damage and the target is pushed 1 square telepathy which, when bloodied, results in a painful psychic wave
Special: If the target is hit by all three attacks it is also knocked
that damages nearby enemies.
MOVE ACTIONS Tactics: In combat a Weerapp will try to disrupt its tribe’s
Earthquake • Encounter enemies so that its Miglith allies can more effectively press their
Attack: Area burst 1, 2 or 3 within 15 (creatures in burst); +21 vs own natural advantages. A Weerapp will look to use its earthquake
Hit: The target is knocked prone and slowed until the start of
power when its enemies are the most tightly packed, which is
Miglith’s next turn. usually at the start of an encounter. It will then use stone spikes to
Effect: This attack creates a zone that lasts until the start of Miglith’s immobilise dangerous enemies and psychic battery to push melee
next turn; all creatures entering the zone take the following attack: threats away from any Miglith Skeents.
Secondary Attack: (triggering creature); +21 vs Fortitude or Reflex Weerapp can make troubling opponents due to their unusual
(which ever higher)
stone barrier power that allows them to block ranged attacks that
Hit: The target is knocked prone and their turn ends
Stone Shift • Recharge 56 target them.
Effect: The Miglith shifts up to 4 squares through contiguous solid
rock then emerges in an adjacent free square.

Burning Eagle Level 26 Skirmisher Burning Eagle
Large elemental beast (fire) XP 9,000 Perched high in desolate peaks or soaring over parched deserts,
flocks of these ancient elementals shine like floating bonfires
HP 244; Bloodied 122 Initiative +25
AC 40, Fortitude 39, Reflex 40, Will 37 signalling danger to any that witness them. These large flaming
Senses Perception +20
Speed 2, fly 8 (hover) beasts are aggressive and territorial and will quickly flock together
Resist 20 fire and swoop down on anything foolish enough to enter their hunting
TRAITS grounds.
Overpowering Heat (fire) • Aura 5
All creatures inside the aura have any fire resistance halved; when Tactics: In combat Burning Eagles rely on their speed and
the Eagle is bloodied all creatures inside the aura lose all their fire number to grind down their prey before they can muster an
resistance. effective defence. They will usually try to concentrate on one or two
Special: Multiple auras of this type do not stack. targets making repeated use of their Fly By Attack to maintain
M Hard Peck • At-Will
mobility and keep their enemies wrong footed.
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +31 vs AC Burning Eagles are pack fighters and have developed a strategy
Hit: 4d8+16 damage that incorporates the staggered use of their Streak of Flame ability
m Flaming Talon (fire) • At-Will to maximise its effectiveness while maintaining a fluid formation
Requirement: Eagle must be flying. that keeps their primary targets inside their Overpowering Heat
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +31 vs AC
Hit: 3d10+16 fire damage and the Eagle my slide the target 1 square
Fly By Attack • At-Will
Effect: The Eagle flies 8 squares and may make a Flaming Talon
attack against one or two targets at any point in this movement; the
Eagle does not grant opportunity attacks from a creature targeted in
this action.
Streak of Flame • Encounter
Requirement: There are no enemies adjacent to the Eagle.
Effect: Until the end of its turn, the Eagle gains a +6 bonus to its fly
speed, it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls, and all successful Flaming
Talon attacks also deal 15 ongoing fire damage (save ends)

Str 24(+20) Dex 30(+23) Wis 12(+14)

Con 28(+22) Int 3(+9) Cha 8(+12)
Unaligned Languages -

Sketchbook: Presented by Chris Dias

I’m going to come off reading

like a skipping record, but I can’t
say enough about artwork in
role playing games. Before the
advancement of console and
PC games, there wasn’t much
of a market for fantasy or sci-fi
art. Back in the 70’s and 80’s, it
was a difficult market to break
into, let alone sustain yourself
on. I’ve been a lover of this art
since those days.

Back then, you had an “AMETHYST

industry dominated by Frank EVOLUTION”
Frazetta, Boris Vallejo, Jim And the cover for Amethyst
Burns, and Chris Foss. I Evolution. We wanted to flip the
own many of their collec- concepts around from Foundations.
tions. But unless you were It tells a story, it shows the world,
lucky enough to get dragged into comic books or and she is fully clothed.
novel covers, you were among a large group of suffering artists.
Early illustrations in role playing games were nothing more than glorified high school doodles.
As time went on, they soon became the premiere source of fantasy and science fiction art, later surpassed by their elec-
tronic cousins. The one noteworthy exception to this are the hundreds of illustrations made for Magic the Gathering.

Nick Greenwood
This leads me to Nick Greenwood...well, actually it “HEARTS OF CHAOS”
This illustration has a colorful, if controversial, history. The
doesn’t. When Amethyst was first being developed, I
original Amethyst 3.5 cover had been delayed and another
gleaned (ripped off ) hundreds of illustrations and used artist had been signed on to do an alternate. When the
them to convey ideas and images for my campaign. original cover was finished, I decided to continue the
When the game went gratis online, I sought permission second commission, considering the artist being asked was
from these same artists. Most said yes, happy to have a celebrity in the RPG community. After finishing an initial
even been asked. When Amethyst went professional sketch, the artist stopped communication, despite repeated
in 2007, I approached these artists again. Alas, most requests. We never heard from him again. We know he’s
had meteoric costs DEM had no hope of meeting. A still out there; he still updates his page. I’ve ranted about
few that were signed on exhibited inconsistent quality this incident before; one day, I’ll post the failed sketch and
while others, though world renown, proved unprofes- let people guess who I keep alluding to. I should have just
dropped it, but instead I offered the money and commission
sional, never completing their commissioned tasks. Nick
to Nick, and he followed through in spades. His rendition
survived as the most professional among them. is a thousand times superior to what we were expecting
from his silent rival. Eventually, we would use this as the
I’ve stated in other blogs and publications that Nick cover for Amethyst’s free module, Hearts of Chaos, despite
and I are on very different levels, socially, politically, its context being unrelated to events in the module.
and philosophically. This did not affect one of the most
productive and fulfilling business relationships I’ve ever
had. Perhaps decades hence, people will remember his
name in the same breath as people consider John Howe
with JRR Tolkien or Frank Frazetta with Robert E
Howard. Of course, that assumes Amethyst makes even
one quadrillionth of the impression of those other titles.

Nick did all but a dozen illustrations for the first

Amethyst 3.5 book. Upon release of Foundations, Nick’s
visual style was consistent through the entire book
(save for five carried over from the 3.5 book). For the
upcoming Evolution, he is the sole contributor. Without
further gilding the lily, let me show you why.
This guilty pleasure came
about because of the desire to
create a race spread in color for
Evolution. The final book will
have the image both broken up
and in its completed state. It
will also be available as a high-
res download for those buying
the supplement. To give you
an idea of the level of quality
one can expect with Nick
Greenwood, the original master
image is a gigabyte in size.
One of our favorite images, the
cancer dragon was inspired
simply by its name—a creature
that burst out of my imagination
one day, and that Nick gave
form. Of all our new dragons,
this one was our favorite.
I said one thing to Nick—I want a humanoid angler fish.
This was his first attempt. It was never altered.
The image Nick is most known for
is also the image we both wish we
could change. DEM had taken
pride in its fair depiction of women
in Amethyst, a reputation earned
with the 3.5 book. Then, here we
go putting a scantily clad demon
elf on our cover. In honesty, it was
originally my idea, though I had
her on the back cover. Putting her
on the front came at the publisher’s
behest. All other women in the
book are covered head to toe. We
made a point of that.
Combat Advantage is a series of free supplemental material courtesy
of Emerald Press PDF Publishing, Todd Crapper and its participating
contributors. All artwork and material created specifically for this
issue remains under the ownership of its creator and permission was
granted for publication.

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VAULT are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries and are
used with permission. Certain materials, including 4E References in this publication,
D&D core rules mechanics, and all D&D characters and their distinctive likenesses, are
property of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with permission under the Dungeons &
Dragons 4th Edition Game System License. All 4E References are listed in the 4E System
Reference Document, available at

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 4th Edition PLAYER’S HANDBOOK, written by Rob

Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and James Wyatt; DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE, written by
James Wyatt; and MONSTER MANUAL, written by Mike Mearls, Stephen Schubert and
James Wyatt; PLAYER’S HANDBOOK 2, written by Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls,
and James Wyatt; MONSTER MANUAL 2, written by Rob Heinsoo, and Chris Sims;
Adventurer’s Vault, written by Logan Bonner, Eytan Bernstein, and Chris Sims. © 2008,
2009 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.

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