The Influence of Ict in The Teaching of

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Background to the Study

In Nigeria, there is a great setback in education due to the inadequate availability

of authentic data resulting from insufficient usage of ICT application for teaching

of pedagogy. Adeyemi (2010.) There have been insufficient teaching materials in

schools resulting to crash programmes, recruitment of adhoc teachers to meet the

demands for teachers in schools and many other problems as a result of

inacdequate and obsolete method of teaching.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is electronic technologies used

for information storage and retrieval. Development is partly determined by the

ability to establish a synergistic interaction between technological innovation and

human values. The rapid rate at which ICTs have evolved since the mid-20th

century, the convergence and pervasiveness of ICTs, give them a strong role in

development and globalization, Nwagwu, (2006). ICTs have a significant impact

on all areas of human activity Brakel and Chisenga, (2013). The field of education

has been affected by ICTs, which have undoubtedly influenced teaching, learning,

and research Yusuf, (2005). A great deal of research has proven the benefits to the

quality of education Al-Ansani, (2006). ICTs have the potential to accelerate,

enrich, and deepen skills, to motivate and engage students, to help relate school

experience to work practices, create economic viability for tomorrow's workers, as

well as strengthening teaching and helping schools change (Yusuf, 2005).

According to Aduwa-Ogiegbean and Iyamu, (2015) implementation ICT in

education have the following aim: implement the principle of life-long learning,

To increase a variety of educational services and medium / method, to promote

equal opportunities to obtain education and information; To develop a system of

collecting and disseminating educational information; To promote technology

literacy of all citizens especially for students ; To develop distance education with

national contents; To promote the culture of learning at school (development of

learning skills, expansion of optional education, open source of education etc.) and

lastly; To support schools in sharing experience and information with others.

Social studies is defined, by National Council of social Studies, as the integrated

study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence.” General

social studies establish a foundation for all of the subsequent, more specific classes

that students will take in history, civics and the like. Typically, students take

general social studies in elementary school, then move to more specific areas of

study in secondary school, and even more in-depth subjects in college of

education and universities. A few of the different areas social studies covers are

geography, history, government and current events.

Social Studies Education teachers could use ICT in lesson delivery and facilitate

the process of learning for the learners. ICT could also be utilized to stimulate

economic, social, political and scientific issues or problems of interest to Social

Studies education class. This innovation or technological development is varied

and has had a spillover effect on the schools with special emphasis on the teaching-

learning process that is continuously yawning for improved performance. Hence

concerted effort must be made to prepare teachers of the next millennium to be

capable of managing ICT in their teaching-learning processes.

Information Communication Technology and Social Studies Information

communication technology can be defined as the study and the use of computers,

microelectronic etc for storing and transferring of information. It can also mean the

development, design, study, implementation and management of computer related

information. Nwanyanwu, (2009). Across the disciplines, technology offers unique

opportunities to teachers. Examples of these opportunities include the ability to

research, create, presentations and communicate on discussion boards. For Social

studies, technology offers a new way to reach out for the world. Much of the Social

Studies curriculum is based around the ideas of learning about the world around us

and the myriad ways that people across the globe function and love differently but

effectively. With ICT, Social Studies teachers have a chance to allow the learners

to explore and experience the world in a new virtual way. Through ICT, the

learners can now see satellite or regular pictures of geographic locations of their

choice. Communicate instantly with international children through email, instant

massager or skype, explore a historic tomb through the virtual world of the

computer, listens to cultural music through hi-tunes and CD players among other

opportunities. Essence of Information Communication Technology in Teaching

Social Studies ICT is helping in many ways in the teaching and learning of Social


College of education are the institutions that are established primarily to train

students to become teachers and lecturers. There are over 80 Colleges of Education

in Nigeria but only 22 of them were founded by the Federal Government. They are

the institutions that award Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE) for students.

Most of the colleges of education in Nigeria do not use ICT in teaching pedagogy;

this could be due to lack of knowledge of its benefit and also lack of availability of

the tool and manpower to man its operation.

In the light of the above circumstances, the present study is set to investigate the

influence of ICT in teaching of Social Studies in College of educations in Enugu

state with specific reference to geography, history, government and current affairs,

as they are the basic topics of social studies taught in tertiary institution.

Statement of Problem

Poor performance is recorded lately in the achievement of Students in Social

Studies, in colleges of education in Enugu state. This has, partly, been attributed to

poor usage or lack of sufficient application of Information and communication

technology tools in the teaching of social studies in the schools. Some students are

losing interest in the subject due to the attitudes of teachers, such as the teaching of

Social Studies without the use of ICT, which tends to affect students’ performance

in the subject. Research consistently shows that teachers usage of ICT Tools is a

powerful determinant of student achievement gains. The introduction of ICT in

colleges of education has a lot of benefits. Appropriate use of ICT tools allows for

collaborative learning where students interact with other students, teachers and

experts regardless of where they are.

The schools’ authorities have very lukewarm attitudes over the provision of these

needed tools, equipments or materials required for effective Social Studies

teaching. The successful integration of ICT in teaching largely depend on creation

of awareness of it benefits, availability of infrastructure and teachers’ adoption

and embrace of ICT in education.

How effective ICT is in assisting the teaching of social studies is yet to be known

in college of educations in Nigeria in general and in Enugu state in particular. This

study intends to address this deficiency in knowledge. The study will do that by

highlighting the extent to which ICT has influence the teaching of geography,

history, government and current affairs, as they are the basic topics of social

studies taught in tertiary institution.

Purpose of the study

Generally, the purpose of the study was to find out the influence of Information

and communication Technology in the teaching of Social Studies in Colleges of

education in Enugu State. Specifically, the purpose of the study is to find out:

1. The extent to which ICT influence the teaching of Geography in college of

educations in Enugu State.

2. The extent to which ICT influence the teaching of History in colleges of

education in Enugu state.

3. The extent to which ICT influence the teaching of Government in colleges

of education in Enugu state.

4. The extent to which ICT influence the teaching of current affairs in Colleges

of education in Enugu state.

Significance of the study

This study focuses on identifying how ICT can be used to facilitate the teaching

of social studies to enhance students understanding. The conclusion of the study

will provide an insight on the benefits.

The study could in the interest of education stakeholders in the country, lead to

the adoption of ICT based classroom teaching.

The research study will also be used as guide for policy-makers, decision-

makers and educational investors and other stakeholders to make well-informed

decisions about ICT policies and investment in ICT facilities and infrastructures

in regards to education.

The findings of the study will inform the government and other interested party

on the hindrances to the use of ICT to facilitate teaching, the information will

enable the government to identify mechanisms that will ensure successful use of

ICT to facilitate teaching in colleges of education.

Additionally, the study will be beneficial in building a knowledge base of

perceptions of teachers on the use of ICT to facilitate teaching. The knowledge

may serve as a guide for overcoming challenges that teachers’ face while using

ICT to facilitate teaching in colleges of education.

The study also will contribute to the existing literature on the use of ICT to

facilitate teaching process in secondary schools.

Scope of Study

The study is limited to colleges of education in Enugu State. The context scope

of this study is limited to finding the influence of ICT on the teaching of social
studies with particular regards to geography, history, government and current


Research Questions

The following research questions were raised to guide the study

1. To what extent does ICT influence the teaching of Geography in college of

educations in Enugu State?

2. To what extent does ICT influence the teaching of History in colleges of

education in Enugu state?

3. To what extent does ICT influence the teaching of Government in colleges

of education in Enugu state?

4. To what extent does ICT influence the teaching of Current affairs in

Colleges of education in Enugu state?

Research Hypothesis

The following hypotheses will guide the study and will be tested at 0.5 level of


1. There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of student in public

colleges of education and those in private colleges of education on the extent

to which ICT influence the teaching of geography in colleges of education in

Enugu State.

2. There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of student in public

colleges of education and those in private college of education on the extent

to which ICT influence the teaching of History in colleges of education in

Enugu state.

3. There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of student in public

colleges of education and those in private colleges of education on the extent

to which ICT influence the teaching of government in colleges of education

in Enugu state.

4. There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of student in public

colleges of education and those in private colleges of education on the extent

to which ICT influence the teaching of current affairs in Colleges of

education in Enugu state.



The review of related literature for the study is arranged under the following


 Conceptual framework;

 Theoretical framework;

 Related Empirical Studies

 Summary of literature review

Conceptual framework

Concept of Information and Communication Technology

The acronym ICT stand for Information and Communication Technology and is

defined as a “diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate,

to create, disseminate, store and manage information Blurton (2009). These

technologies include computers, the Internet, broadcasting technologies (radio and

television), and telephone, etc.

ICT means the acquisition, analysis, manipulation, storage and distribution of

information; the design and provision of equipment and software for these

purposes Dewatteville and Gilbert, (2000). Nwaiwu (2009) explained the term ICT

to include electronic information processing technology such as computers and

internet; as well as fixed-line telecommunication, mobile phones and other wireless

communication networks. Supporting the above views, Babudo, (2010) stated that

ICT refers to a whole range of facilities or technologies involved in information

processing and electronic communication to be handled with skills and expertise,

for effective achievement and realization of its potentials in Educational. ICT is the

harnessing electronic technology for information processing needs of business

organizations using the computer and telecommunication equipment for storage,

processing and dissemination of information. Teaching process is a means through

which the teacher, the learner, the curriculum and other variables are organized in a

systematic manner to attain pre-determined goals and objectives.

According to World Bank (2012), ICTs are set of activities which are facilitated by

electronic means, the processing, transmission and display of information which

gives the opportunity to revolutionize pedagogical methods, expand access to

quality education and improve the management of education system. Agwom,

(2009) noted that, application of ICT in teaching makes institutions more effective

and productive thereby engender a variety of tools to enhance and facilitate

pedagogical activities. This means that the use of ICT will go a long way in

helping teachers of social studies in their instructional delivery.

Information and Communication Technology has changed the methodology of

teaching social studies subjects in schools. Teaching and learning social studies

subjects has been changed from traditional chalkboard to electronic learning

requiring ICT skills for teachers. Adams, (2006), observed that teachers now can

talk less, do less activities and achieve more. He also, added that teaching have

shifted from teacher centered to material centered, where the teacher only guides

students to use available materials to achieve learning objectives due to the ICT


There are developments in the Nigerian education sector which indicate some level

of ICT application in the schools. The Federal Government of Nigeria, in the

National Policy on Education (FRN, 2004), recognized the prominent role of ICT

in the modern world, and has integrated ICTs into education in Nigeria. To

actualize this goal, the document states that government will provide basic

infrastructure and training at the schools. At the secondary school level, computer

education has been made a pre-vocational elective, and is a vocational elective at

the senior secondary school and to be better implemented in the colleges of

education. It is also the intention of government to provide necessary infrastructure

and training for the integration of ICTs in the school system. It should be noted

that, this was not the first attempt the Nigerian government had made effort to

introduce computer education in schools.

In 1988, the Nigerian government enacted a policy on computer education. The

plan was to establish pilot schools and diffuse computer education innovation first,

to all schools. Unfortunately, the project did not really take off beyond the

distribution and installation of personal computers Babudo, (2010). The author

further stressed that the computer is not part of classroom technology in more than

90 percent of Nigerian public schools. This implies that the chalkboard and

textbook continue to dominate classroom activities in schools.

In June 2003, at the African Summit of the World Economic Forum held in

Durban, South Africa, the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD)

launched e-school initiative, intended to equip all African schools with ICT

equipment, scanners, digital cameras, copiers among others, it is meant to connect

African students to the Internet. The NEPAD capacity-building initiative will be

executed over a ten-year period. Three phases are envisaged, with fifteen to twenty

countries in each phase. An estimated 600,100 schools are expected to benefit. The

aim of the initiative is to impart ICT skills to young Africans in schools, and to

harness ICT to improve, enrich, and expand education in African Countries Aduwa

and Carlso, & Firpo, (2007). Although effort have been made to ensure that ICTs

are available and used in Nigerian schools, the successful of integration of ICT into

classroom has not been successful due to lack abilities of teachers among other


A teacher has to be a professional with respect to the content and pedagogy of a

given subject matter or content. This includes that the teacher knows the process of

designing teaching strategies and teaching materials, including ICT facilities. In

the views of Dogo, (2010) ICT is intended to serve as the means of improving

efficiency in educational process and offered positive change in the teaching and

learning process, assessment of learning and students’ tracking. Also, the

management of high quality educational programs requires and generates large

quantities and types of data. Teachers face many management problems which can

be resolved with the computer. There are many such tasks which may be both time

consuming and tedious for which teachers should consider an ICT solution. Such

tasks may include: the organization of assessments, the maintenance of library

functions, the preparation of reports, collation and computation of results, ordering

the names of students alphabetically, etc.

There are much school management software which will complete tasks such as

these and thereby free up a substantial amount of time for more important tasks.

The access to production of resource materials associated with the process of

learning and teaching is readily facilitated by the use of productivity software tools

and networked computer system. When teachers use ICT to help them complete

tasks, which they regard as problem, then they are likely to have more positive

attitude towards the use of computers.

A teacher who is not computer literate will not be able to sieve out which

information is relevant to his students and/or may not be able to determine when

particular information is appropriate to his teaching. Three scenarios are likely to

emerge in this situation. First, his teaching could be overloaded with irrelevant

facts or details, secondly, his teaching could be deficient of relevant facts, and

thirdly, he cannot access the needed information effectively and efficiently.

Donalson in Gbenga, (2006), stated that information and communication

technology possesses the following characteristics in the implementation of the

school curriculum: accelerating students’ knowledge in school subjects such as

social studies among others; challenges students to learn independently; update

students academic knowledge and instructional practices, provides teachers with

efficient and effective tools to take care of students’ individual differences; provide

opportunities for cooperation with colleagues through networking and internet

services, educators and learners are challenged to new methods of acquiring

knowledge through knowledge sharing and connection to the global world and;

unrestricted access to teachers and students to relevant information and

development in various subject areas.

Several studies have reviewed the literature on ICT and learning and have

concluded that it has great potential to enhance student achievement and teacher

learning. Gongden, (2006) point out that technology can play a crucial part in

supporting face-to-face teaching and learning in the classroom. Many researchers

and theorists assert that the use of computers can help students to become

knowledgeable, reduce the amount of direct instruction given to them, and give

teachers an opportunity to help those students with particular needs. Researchers

have discovered that the development of ICT will contribute to improved

professional status of teachers, enhance capacity and offer opportunities for career

development and advancement that build on recognition and reward of practice. It

should also mean; access to a comprehensive range of advice, guidance and

support for teachers of all subjects at all levels on how ICT can be used effectively

in classroom practice to embed ICT in teaching and learning across the curriculum;

opportunities to access wide range of resources that simplify the preparation and

enrich the delivery of lessons; more sophisticated use of pupils’ data, including the

matching of individual learning styles and the setting and tracking of individual

learning goals; revitalized professional networks, supporting communication and

collaboration, include the sharing of resources and best practice within and

between schools; support for workforce remodeling through the automation of

routine administrative tasks and the availability of technical support Hurkins,

(2002). Having enumerated the potential advantages of technological utilization in

teaching above, this study is set to examine the extent to which ICT has influenced

the teaching of social studies in colleges of education in Enugu state.

Concept of Social Studies

According to Ibikunte, (2006), Social studies is a field that focuses on the society

and is created to sharpen the creative potentials of the learner, in terms of thinking

creatively and contributing ideas towards identifying societal problems as well as

proffering solution. Social studies is a programme of study which a society uses to

instill in the students, the knowledge, skills, attitudes and actions it considers

important concerning the relationship human beings have with each other, their

world and themselves. Akubue (2005), pointed out that the committee on the

development of social studies programme viewed the subject as that area of

curriculum that will cultivate a good citizenship in the children. They defined

social studies as all subject matters relating to the organization and development of

human society and to man as a member of a social group. Enem (2010), sees social

studies as the study of man in his environment. He opined that Nigerian Education

is aimed at developing the skills and knowledge of the social studies student and to

achieve an over all development social studies enables. A good social studies

programme aims at the integrating of the knowledge, experience and effective use

of resources for the purpose of fostering national unity and citizenship education.

Social studies exposes students to their cultural environment which enables them

develop desirable concepts, values and attitudes. It gives students good idea of

their environment and the problems therein, so that they may be involved deeply in

life and problems of the community, promote the appreciation of cultural and

cultural heritage and build patriotic and self actualized citizens. Social studies

inculcate the spirit of inter-dependence, unity in diversity and co-operation of all

members of the local government as well as the national and international


It equally equips the students with the basic skills and social habits which should

help them to adapt into the society in which they may find themselves.

Social studies enables people to develop a good sense of judgement and a sense of

moral and social responsibilities which enables them become useful members of

the society Uchendu (2010). In summary, social studies is applied social sciences,

the humanities and other fields of study that bear direct or indirect relevance to

effective social action. The ultimate goal of the study being or is to enable man

adapt to his environment, utilize available resources optimally for his betterment,

appreciate his ecological limitations, constraints and conditionalities as well as

preserve his environment.

Social studies help people to understand their environment and its influence on

them. It looks at people in their social and physical environment. It also examines

the effects of science and technology on the social and physical environment. It is

the study of people in the society with all these various aspects (social, physical,

technological elements) working together. Adeyemi, (2002).

A few of the different areas social studies covers are geography, history,

government and current events.

Concept of social studies education

Social studies education refers to the training of professional educators to teach

social studies. It includes the training of social studies educators who emphasize

the need for social education through the teaching of various social science

disciplines (e.g., history, psychology, political science, current affairs etc). The

field of social studies education is unique and is often referred to as social science

education. However, it should be noted that social science education and social

studies education are often used interchangeably, but history, geography,

government and current affairs education are subfields of social studies education.

There are six colleges of education in Enugu state, out of which two are public

while four are private. They are; federal college of education Ihamufu, Enugu State

College of Education (Technical), Enugu State, Our savior Institute of science and

technology, Institute of Ecumenical Education, (Thinkers Corner), Enugu, African

Thinkers Community of Inquiry College of Education, Peaceland college of

education, Enugu. Social studies education is offered in each of this college of


The Social Studies Education programs are poised to deepening students'

comprehension of how to teach the social, behavioral sciences and history in a

diverse society. Maigoro, (2008). Social studies is taught in addition to other

subject in colleges of education. For example English / Social Studies , Christians

Religion Studies / Social Studies etc. Most Universities offer Education and Social

Studies under the Faculty of Education in Nigeria.

The social studies education curricula was written by the subject experts and

approved by the Senate of each of the universities and colleges of education. The

Philosophy of Social Studies curricula are: to train the teachers of Social Studies in

schools, providing a broad and general Background that would facilitate the

acquisition Of specialized Competencies in Social Studies Education, upgrading

NCE holders within and outside the school system to degree status in Social

Studies, Giving specialist training to teachers in the field of Social Studies and

Prepare teachers who will inculcate in their students, rational adjustment to their

physical and social environment through acquisition of knowledge, attitudes,

values, appreciation and skills necessary for developing social and civic

responsibility. Misthry, & Hary, (2002).

Role of Technology in the Social Studies

Technology has gained prominence as a tool within the social studies with the

potential to enhance current pedagogic practice. Although an increasing body of

research suggests that technology can improve academic achievement, changes in

social studies instruction based on these findings have been tempered by the

following: (1) questions about the efficiency and effectiveness of computer

technology applications in the classroom; (2) the role of teacher education

institutions and school settings in facilitating or hindering computer-based

activities;(3) the unrealized potential of technology; and (4) the overlooked

consequences of technological development on children and youth with regard to

their social functioning, interpersonal interactions, and global understanding.

Various technologies such as Internet and web-based resources, hypermedia, data

instruments, digital video, and tele-collaborative teaching represent emerging

resources implemented in social studies instruction. Kalinger, (2004).

Technology, however, is more than just a tool of instruction, and these resources

have effects on the political, social, and economic functioning of society.

Technology's impact on society is exemplified in the phenomenon of the digital

divide that separates those who are information rich through their access to

telecommunications, computers, and the Internet from the information and

technologically poor. Within the social studies educators focus on the differential

impact of privileged access to these resources in the early stages of development

and consider the potential ongoing consequences of this separation of haves and

have-nots on economic success, civic influence, and personal advancement.

Social studies education will continue to evolve as it is affected by events and

trends in Nigeria and abroad. These include the globalization of the media and the

economy, advancements in technology, shifts in schools and school demographics,

teacher accreditation standards, student testing mandates, changes in the family,

and swings of the political pendulum. These forces will certainly impact

ideological perspectives and influence the direction of the social studies in the

future. Ogundoye, (2006).

The phobia being inherent in the teachers and students on Information and

Communication Technology has generated a lot of concern and tension. In an

effort to address this issue, the federal and state government through the Ministry

of Education and that of Information has mandated that Information and

Communication Technology be introduced in academic institutions of the

federation, Margret, (2013). In line with this directive, JAMB has also mandated

that all examination will be done using the Computer Base Test (CBT). Inspite of

all these efforts, the influence of the use of ICT on the teaching in schools and

colleges are not well pronounced, especially in discipline like social studies.

Concept of ICT in the Study of Geography

Geography is the study of different countries, which includes factors like

population, culture, location, climate, economy and physical land properties. In

elementary school, general concepts of geography are incorporated into social

studies such as different land forms and the basics of the world’s map and

population. Middle schools tend to go more in depth on the topics covered in

elementary schools. Some middle schools will devote an entire class to geography,

which involves much more memorizing of locations on maps, and an in-depth

study of physical conditions and climates.

Geography is a broad scientific discipline that brings different information.

Geography help pupils to have information about the world. In geography lesson ,

pupils learn about the location, distribution, distance, movement, region, scale,

spatial association, spatial interaction and change over time Reinfried,S.,

Schleicher and Rempfler, (2007) . Access in information is a very important asset

for development and ICT can help to access and share this information.

Contemporary learning theory is based on the notion that learning is an active

process of constructing knowledge rather than acquiring knowledge and that

instruction is the process by which this knowledge construction is supported rather

than a process of knowledge transmission Duffy & Cunningham, (1996). .

Methods of work and research in geography are developed. Currently the

realizations of the geographical studies and research and geographical teaching and

learning process is connected with ICT. Specific arguments relative to the use of

ICT were identified, Synder, (2009). (2004) stated that such arguments can be

found in more recent accounts of ICT and geography teaching. For example,

Hassell (2002) shares this optimism about the potential of ICT in geography

teaching. The following quote from his article explains why geography teachers

should be integrating ICT into their teaching “Throughout a huge range of human

activity, including commerce and the public sector, ICT is playing an increasing

role in decision- making, ranging from locating a road or superstore to the

identification of flood or weather hazards. ICT can enable better decision-making

as it is possible to take into consideration a wider range of variables, as well as

supporting the monitoring of natural hazards and systems to provide greater

warning and providing the opportunity to take action to reduce impact. As a result,

ICT can provide better and faster tools for decision-making. These changes have

an impact in two ways; first, they change the geography we teach, but second, they

change the decision-making skills and processes that we should be developing in

children. The key issue in this area is how can the subject community ensure that

the geography of formal curricula that is taught and examined keeps up with these

changes? Although the science of geography is influenced very much by ICT, the

use of ICT in teaching in college of education in Nigeria is steel low. This is major

connected with the lack of hardware and software. The use of ICT is increasing its

role in curriculas. Curriculas updates in past years from Ministry of Education in

Nigeria, have included in the program the integration of teaching and learning with

the use of ICT.

Concept of ICT in the Study of History

History is a general branch of social studies that is taught in the college of

education. The foundation for history is incorporated into social studies. History

enhances the students’ ability to explain policies, discuss events, describe major

reforms, compare personalities, and identify major problems confronting leaders to

help the learners acquire critical spirit. With a raging sense of their own history,

the early educated elites challenged the absence of the study of African history in

school curriculum. In Nigeria, the teaching of history was adversely affected by the

events which followed the convening of the 1969 National Curriculum Conference,

followed by the adoption of a National Policy of Education, and the subsequent

arrival of the 6-3-3-4 Education system. The government and conscientious history

scholars have a lot to do to ensure that the subject takes back its rightful place in

the school curriculum and that it becomes even more attractive for students in

colleges of education, Vanguard Newspaper 12th June, 2017. World history, on the

other hand, takes a global perspective and covers a broad range of topics including

the ancient history of eastern and western civilizations, the secular history of

religions, globalization, colonialism and major international conflicts, the ICT

enable us to have access to this information in a jiffy.

According to Ogundoye, (2006). History, helps the students to know more about

themselves by promoting their understanding of their past, in terms of both internal

and external relationships. It satisfies man’s instinct of curiosity about past

developments in all aspects of life. It promotes the habit of serious and critical

examination of situations and ultimately offers opportunity for a special

intellectual experience which sharpens the imagination and deepens one’s

knowledge about the developments of the society. It enables people to orientate

themselves amidst the bewildering currents of human diversity and it inculcates in

the people the habit of not accepting explanations on their face value but to

identify the roots of happenings thereby promoting better understanding Falola


The teaching and learning of History in the Nigerian institutions have developed

within the framework of theory and practice. In this technological age, the

effective means of communication in history classroom instruction requires the use

of communication technologies.

The role of ICT in the teaching and learning of History can be seen in four major

angles, namely, the impact on teacher, learner and the image of history as a

discipline. For many years, teachers wishing to adopt competency and

performance-based curricula have been limited by their resources and tools but

with the proliferation and wide spread availability of contemporary ICTs, many

restrictions and impediments of the past can now be removed Otakhor, (2007). As

students and teachers gain access to higher bandwidths, more direct forms of

communication and access to sharable resources, the capability to support these

quality learning settings will continue to grow Oliver, (2000). The need for

information literacy is another role of ICT in the teaching and learning of History,

there has emerged the need for educational institutions to ensure that graduates are

able to display appropriate levels of information literacy, “the capacity to identify

an issue and then to identify, locate and evaluate relevant information in order to

engage with it or to solve a problem arising from it” McCausland (2009). The drive

to promote such developments stems from general moves among institutions to

ensure their graduates demonstrate not only skills and knowledge in their subject

domains alone but also to acquire general attributes and generic skills.

The role of ICT on how students learn history is significant. Through technology-

facilitated approaches, contemporary learning settings now encourage students to

take responsibility for their own learning.

Concept of ICT in the Study of Government

The teaching of government or political science as a subfield of social studies,

includes the history of governments, the basic principles and types of governments,

and the current state of both the Nigeria government and governments worldwide.

Oftentimes, government is incorporated into other social studies classes, such as

current events. They may also learn about political revolutions and conflicts

between governments. ICT help in the storage of information needed for quick

references and guidance in governance. The overall uses of ICT is summed up by

the Chinese adage, which says; “when I hear I forget but when I see I remember

and when I do I remember. ICT materials are used to arouse interest at the

beginning of a lesson. This is done sometimes by questions, which can only be

answered by referring to the information on the media on display at that moment.

Some lCT materials are also better for revision than for actual teaching of the


A television set is also a very fascinating ICT gadget which is a medium of

transmitting pictorial views and sounds of events while they are taking place or

from recorded films or tapes. The television therefore provides audio-visual

services to its viewers. The television programmes which are of interest to the

teacher and students of government are: news items, political discussions and

broadcast, political interviews, T.V. debates, quiz and documentary programmes.

The television and the radio are ICT gadgets that can be used at all stages of the

teaching-learning of political science. Ofeafuna, (2006), ICT is a veritable tool that

can be used to improve on the standard of teaching political science and other

subjects in Nigeria schools. Nigeria’s abundant human resources serve as a potent

force for growth and development in all this areas.

While this technology can in principle, be employed in diverse ways to support

different curriculum goals and forms pedagogy. Constraints have often stifled

teachers use of ICT in ways which effectively exploit its interactivity.

Consequently well integrated and effective political science classroom use of ICT

is currently rare.

Concept of ICT in the Study of Current Events

Current affairs is the branch of social studies that examines the present world. This

subject analyzes a wide range of current social, ethical, political, legal, educational

and environmental issues. Typically, a current events class blends presentations

from both the instructor and the students to keep students actively engaged. With

the introduction of ICT schools, social studies classes will generally cover current

events on a basic level to promote access to a global and authentic information.

The teacher will frequently report on recent developments, or ask students to keep

an eye on and present interesting happenings within and outside the nation without

much stress and cost. According to a study by Gunther, (2016), his Clinical and

empirical data confirms that social isolation is found to be prevalent among many

people in Africa, and it has negative consequences on the people’s psychological

and physical health. The results of this review suggest that ICT could be an

effective tool to tackle social isolation and get the people intimated on current

affairs as and at when due.

Reason for Integrating ICT in Teaching of Social Study

Access to Variety of Learning Resources: In the area of technology, ICT

provides plenty of resources to enhance the teaching skills and learning ability.

With the help of ICT in Social Studies, it will be easy to provide audio visual

education. The learning resources are being widens and widen. Now with this vivid

and vast technique as part of the ICT curriculum, Social Studies learners are

encourage to regard computers as tools to be used in all aspects of their studies. In


Immediacy to Information: ICT enables immediacy to information in teaching

Social Studies. Now in the year of computers and web networks the pace of

imparting knowledge is very fast and one can be educated anywhere at any time.

Collaborative Learning: ICT encourages easy study as well as teaching in groups

or in clusters in Social Studies classroom. With the use of online resources, people

can unite together to do the desired task. The internet and its web sites are now

familiar to many children in developed and developing countries such as Nigeria,

with this, the teachers and learners of Social Studies find it very easy to access


Authentic and Up to Date Information: The information and data which are

available on the net is correct and up to date. Using ICT in teaching Social Studies

will enable the students to have more authentic information about what is

happening around them and also on the current information all over the world.

Participation of Learners: ICT encourages active participation of the Social

Studies learners in classroom. ICT enables Social Studies Learners to respond to

the interaction going on in the classroom therefore making the classroom an active

class. Use of the interactive nature of computer technology can support learners in

carrying out inquiry-based activities, using topics, questions, and even theories that

they themselves define and develop. The interactive technology can be used to do

away with the traditional and the associated passivity, in which the learner is

usually considered to be an empty vessel that can be filled with knowledge.

“Furthermore, learners who are permitted to use their own resources in developing,

implementing and evaluating notes are likely to find, with little doubt, need for

considerable revision.

Information Recall: Information presented to Social Studies learners visually is

very difficult to forget. Therefore with the use of ICT in Social studies pedagogy

the learners will remember what they have learnt easily.

Stores Records of Learners: Applying ICT in Social Studies instruction enables

the teachers to monitor the performance of the learners and this information can be

retrieved at will for assessment and evaluative purposes.

Feedback Purposes: The use of ICT in Social Studies makes learners to lookout for

performance remedy. Improvements in performance are observed, due to the Use

of ICT, in Social Studies by Mezieobi, Fubara and Mezieobi (2008). They

highlighted in details some of these improvements in Social Studies performance

in their study.

Computer Assisted Instruction in Social Studies (CAI):CAI is an instructional

design whereby computer systems deliver instruction directly to learners by

allowing them to interact /relate with designed lessons that have been programmed

into the system Ughamadu, (2008). According Patrick Suppes in Mezieobi, Fubara

and Mezieobi (2008) coined the term CAI, classified it into three levels, namely;

a.Practice and drill level: b.Tutorial level and c.Dialogue level:

Computer Assisted Testing in Social Studies (CAT): This is computer device

that focuses mainly at the student achievements or performance for finding

solutions to the student errors for advanced instructional improvement.

Computer Managed Instruction in Social Studies (CMI): This can be defined as

the use of the computer to organize and manage instructional and classroom

activities. These activities includes; lesson plans, teaching time-table, construction-

administration-evaluating-and scoring of tests and finally storing test and teaching

practice results and retrieving them if need be.

Theoretical Framework

The Self-Efficacy Theory

The teacher efficacy theory is a construct derived from Albert Bandura’s theory of

self-efficacy Bandura, (1986). This theory posited that behaviour is based on two

factors. Firstly, people developed a generalized expectancy about action-outcome

contingencies through life experiences. Secondly, they develop a more personal

belief about their own ability to cope. Therefore, one’s judgement about one’s

ability to carry out actions necessary to address a situation and expectation that

these actions will produce desired outcome are two key aspects to the concept of


Bandura hypothesized therefore that a person rating high on both factors would

behave in an assured manner. A teacher, who cannot effectively utilize the ICT

technologies as required by the social studies curriculum, cannot serve as a model

to the students.

Social studies deal with people, the society, the environment and issues around. It

is also problems solving based, and therefore, it demands illustrations, analysis and

critique of issues. Social studies teacher should therefore possess the skills,

abilities, interest and experience, which will help produce students’ achievement.

This will invariably improve the self-concept and self-worth of the teacher.

Social cognitive theory

Social Learning Theory, theorized by Albert Bandura in the 1960s, posits that

people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling. The

theory has often been called a bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning

theories because it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation.

According to Social Cognitive Theory, watching others performing a behavior, in

this case interacting with a computer system, influences the observers' perceptions

of their own ability to perform the behavior, or self-efficacy, and the expected

outcomes that they perceive, as well as providing strategies for effective

performance. In addition, behavior modeling was found to be more effective than

the traditional method for training in social sciences, resulting in higher self-

efficacy and higher performance. Social studies teacher should therefore possess

the skills, abilities, interest and experience in the use of ICT as it will facilitate

imitation by students who model them and improve academic achievements.

Empirical Framework

Chukwuemeka, (2014), evaluated the implementation of the Social Studies

Curriculum in Junior Secondary Schools in Enugu State. Out of the six educational

zones in Enugu State namely, Agbani, Awgu, Enugu, Nsukka, Obollo-Afor and

Udi, Nsukka educational zone was selected for the study. Using proportionate

stratified random sampling techniques, 25 social studies teachers in 20 schools in

the educational zone were selected. Structure Systematic Observation Schedule

(SSOS) and Social Studies Evaluation Questionnaire (SSEQ) were used for data

collection. Data collection comprised of 25 teachers used for observation while

200 teachers were given questionnaires. Therefore, a total of 225 teachers formed

the sample of the study. The data were analysed using mean as standard deviation

to find out the responses of social studies teachers. Results from the study showed

that level of qualification can make a difference in the teachers who teach social

studies and most importantly on the Implementation of Social Studies Curriculum

in Junior Secondary Schools. Social studies teachers employ discussion, discovery,

problem-solving, inquiry and expository method while teaching. The teachers

employed the students’ activities in the curriculum, geared towards critical

reflective thinking that is learner based while most students have many other things

to do, either in the school or outside the school which cause them to get easily

distracted from their school work. Based on the findings, recommendations were

made which include that government should organize workshops and seminars to

re-train teachers in proper implementation of the social studies curriculum in

Junior Secondary Schools and that social studies teachers should endeavour to use

ICT learner centered strategies like students activities in teaching and learning so

that students will contribute in the process and thus make learning more concrete.

The difference between the two studies is that while Chukwuemeka’s study

evaluated the implementation of the Social Studies Curriculum in Junior

Secondary Schools in Enugu State, the present study considers the influence of

ICT in the teaching of Social Studies in Colleges of education in Enugu State.

Their year of study also differs.

Iyamu (2009) carried out a study on finding out from the social studies teachers

their level of awareness of social studies objectives and the extent to which the

teachers were able to clarify instructional objectives. Findings showed that

majority of the teachers were yet to set their eyes on either the National Policy on

Education or the National Social Studies curriculum for the first time. The

implication of this is that such social studies teachers have no bases for their

teaching activities in the classroom as they do not know the objectives of social

studies for any level of educational system, let alone stating their instructional

objectives. Invariably, when the objectives of social studies are not known by the

social studies teachers, there would be no worthwhile teaching activity in the social

studies classrooms. Appropriate utilization of teaching methods, instructional

materials and student performance evaluation devices, should be guided by pre-

determined social studies objectives.

This study revealed that social studies teachers were not familiar with appropriate

affective evaluation devices, let alone use them in teaching-learning process.

Instructional evaluation in social studies has its gaze preponderantly on cognitive

learning assessment. The two studies are not the same. Iyamu’s study was on

finding out from the social studies teachers their level of awareness of social

studies objectives and the extent to which the teachers were able to clarify

instructional objectives, while the on going research focuse on the influence of ICT

in teaching of social studies.

Mathayo (2016), studied Teachers experience on the use ICT to facilitate teaching:

A Case of Ilala District secondary schools”, from the perspective of teachers. A

sample of teachers, purposefully selected, were given questionnaires and then

interviewed. The study mainly aimed at collecting views and opinions from

teachers regarding their experiences on the use of ICT to facilitate teaching. The

objectives guided this study were: to explore teachers opinions on the benefits of

using ICT in teaching, to explore the barriers that hinder teachers from using ICT

to facilitate teaching and to identify the factors determining the use of ICT to

facilitate teaching. On examining the benefits of using ICT to facilitate teaching,

the following were identified as the benefits of using ICT to facilitate teaching: -

individualized interactivity, delivery of educational resources, access to global

knowledge base, facilitate integration with resources, simplify teachers work. The

study indicates that using ICT in teaching has benefits to teachers. teachers’

attitude, teacher confidence and competence, unlimited access to ICT resources

and facilities and lack of technical support, inadequate ICT infrastructure on ICT

and lack of professional development were identified as the barriers hindering

teachers to use ICT to facilitate teaching in secondary schools. On examining the

factors determining the use of ICT in teaching in secondary schools, the study

identified the following factors:- teachers’ positive attitude, teachers’ competence

in ICT use, accessibility of ICT facilities, professional development and

availability of technical support. Recommendations to improve the situation in

using ICT in teaching are attached. Mathayo’s research was similar to the present

study in that it studied Teachers experience on the use ICT to facilitate teaching:

but the present study is on the influence of ICT in the teaching of social studies in

particular, in colleges of education in Enugu state, not in Ilala District secondary

schools as in the empirical study.

Froilan and Mobo, (2019), carried out a research on Information and

Communication Technology Tools (ICT) in Teaching History and Geography in a

Catholic Schools. The researcher used a descriptive cross-sectional design. It was

conducted in a Catholic school. The research instruments used to collect data

included questionnaires for teachers and students that were purely quantitative data

and were processed using descriptive statistics. They concluded that, the Use of

ICT tools in the teaching of History or Geography helps the teacher a lot in

preparing and delivering the lesson to their students. However, the effective

integration of ICT may be affected by several other concerns or factors. Froilan

and Mobo studied Information and Communication Technology Tools (ICT) in

Teaching History and Geography only in a Catholic Schools and social studies in

colleges of education in Enugu state. Nevertheless, their year of study is the same.

Babalola, (2010) investigated the functionality of modern communication

technology-assisted instructions for teaching in public colleges of education in

South East for achievement of quality instruction output. Five research

questionnaires and one null hypothesis guided the study. The research adopted a

descriptive survey design. Seven public owned colleges of education in South East

Nigeria constituted the population which comprises of three federal and four state

colleges. Academic staff in these colleges are 1700. Through a stratified random

sampling, one federal and one state owned colleges were selected as the sample for

the study. Thereafter, 170 academic staff representing 10% of the population was

selected. A structure questionnaire was used to obtain the options of academic

staff in the colleges. The instrument was validated by three experts and t-test

statistic was used for reliability, Cronbach alpha method was administered.

Reliability co-efficient of 0.83 was established which suggested acceptance. The

findings show that teachers utilize modern technology assisted instructions for

personal research and academic enhancement, but little was practiced in classroom

teaching-learning due to inadequate equipments. This hampers students’

manipulative skills in accessing modern educational technologies.

Recommendations were made for adequate funding by government to help achieve

instructional objectives in teaching and learning process. The on going study is on

the influence of ICT in the teaching of Social studies while that of Babalola was no

the functionality of modern communication technology-assisted instructions for

teaching in public colleges of education. There year of study and location of study

differs from each other as well.

Summary of Literature Review

The review of literature for this study was done in the following sequence;

conceptual framework, theoretical framework, and review of empirical studies.

The conceptual framework revealed that social studies is made up of social

science disciplines such as history, psychology, political science, current affairs.

These subfield of social studies can be enhanced when teachers apply the

information communication technology tools in teaching pedagogy. The

pedagogical process can benefit immensely from the application of Information

technology. Some of the reviewed benefits are: Access to Variety of Learning

Resources, Immediacy to Information, Collaborative Learning, authentic and Up to

Date Information, Participation of Learners, Information Recall, Stores Records of

Learners, performance remedy, Computer Assisted Instruction in Social Studies,

Computer Assisted Testing in Social Studies (CAT) and Computer Managed

Instruction in Social Studies (CMI) among others. The literature also reviewed the

theoretical framework and allied the study to two theories – self efficacy theory

and social cognitive theory. This theories centre on cognitive system of the

individual and the factors that influence it adequate functioning. Stressing that, if

these factors are clearly identified, the teaching of social studies will be very easy.

Five relevant research works were review under empirical studies, the researcher

clearly distinguished them from the ongoing studies. None of the empirical studies

addressed the influence of Information communication technology in the teaching

of social studies in colleges of education in Enugu state, despite the need to do so.

That was the educational gap created and the rationale for the present study.



This chapter presents research design and methodology used in conducting the

study, and is discussed under the following sub-headings;Research Design,

Population for the Study, Sample Size and Sampling Procedure, Instrument for

Data Collection, Validity of the Instrument, Reliability of the Instrument,

Procedure for Data Collection and Procedure for Data Analysis.

Research Design

The design of this study was a descriptive survey. It tried to establish the opinions

of the respondents on the influence of Information Technology in the Teaching of

social studies in colleges of education in Enugu State. Ali (2006) defined

descriptive survey as “a study which seeks or uses the sample data of an

investigation to document, describe, and explain what is existent or non existent,

on the present status of a phenomenon being investigated”. This research design is

best suitable for this study because it permits the collection of original data and

describe the conditions as they exist in their natural setting.

Area of the Study

The area of the study was Enugu State. Enugu State has 6 colleges of education.

Of this number 3 are public colleges of education while 3 are private colleges of


Population for the Study

The population of the study comprised all the social studies students of the six

public and private colleges of education in Enugu state. Based on the field

statistical of the researcher, June, 2019, the targeted population of study is 3708

social studies students, out of which 1, 323 student are from federal college of

education Ihamufu, 990 from Enugu State College of Education (Technical),

Enugu State, 386 student are from Our savior Institute of science and technology,

298 student are from Institute of Ecumenical Education, (Thinkers Corner), Enugu,

99 student are from African Thinkers Community of Inquiry College of Education

and 612 student are from Peaceland college of education, Enugu. Amount to 60%

Social studies students from public college of education and 40% from private

colleges of education in Enugu State.

Sample size and sampling Technique

The researcher used 10 per cent of the entire population was used as sample. This

is in line with the Castillor (2008) which states that if the population of a study is

in a few hundreds 40% or more sampling will be adequate, if many

hundreds a 20% sample will be adequate, if a few thousands a 10%

sample will be adequate and if several thousand a 5% or less will be

adequate. In order to have a comprehensive view of the area of

research, the researcher used stratified random sampling and

proportional sampling methods. This is in line with Krejcie and

Morgan cited in Chindo, (2014) and Afolabi (2016) who postulated

that sample selection can be best done by randomization in order to

make proportional and meaningful representation from the

population and to ensure that every element in the population has

equal chance of being selected and to avoid unbiased sample for the

study. In line with that, and for the purpose of this study, the

researcher used proportional random sampling techniques in

selecting sample from the college of educations. Therefore, 371

respondents were selected. 223 social studies student from public

colleges of education while 148 respondents were selected the

private colleges of education respectively.

Instrument for Data Collection

Questionnaire was developed by the researcher to elicit information from the

respondents. The questionnaire has 27 items. The instrument is divided into two

sections - Section A & B. section A deals with information on bio data of

respondents, while Section B contains the items designed to answer the research

questions. The response options for the items are very high extent (VHE) High

extent (H) Low extent (LE) and Very Low Extent (VLE).

Validation of the Instrument

The instrument was subjected to face validation. The initial draft was given to

three experts, two from Department of Educational Foundations (Education

Management), Enugu State College of Education, technical, and one from

Measurement and Evaluation department of the same institution. They were

requested to study the items and access the suitability of the language, the

adequacy and relevance of the items in addressing the research questions bearing

in mind the purpose of the study. Their corrections and comments were used to

modify the questionnaire.

Reliability of the Instrument

To determine the reliability of the instrument, the questionnaire was trial tested on

20 social studies student from the public colleges of education and 10 social

studies student from private colleges of education in Anambra state, outside the

study area. This served as similar population for the study. During the trail

test, the researcher distributed 30 copies of the validated instrument once

to the respondents and allowed them time to fill the instrument. The

completed copies were collected from the respondents at a later date

agreed upon.

The researcher then used the Cronbach Alpha reliability estimate to

analyze the data collected looking for a score of .70 or higher consistency. As a

result of the fact that section B of the instrument is in parts, the researcher

decided to find the reliability coefficient of the various· parts of the

instrument. To this end, a coefficient of α = 0.83. was found for part 1,

part 2, α =0.98, part 3. α =0.95 and for part 4, α =0.95, the researcher went

further to ascertain the coefficient for the entire instrument, this stood at

α =0.97, this the researcher regarded to be high enough and so use the

instrument to collect the much needed data. (see Appendix)

Method of Data Collection

Data were collected by the researcher who administered the instrument and

collected them on the spot. This helped the researcher collect all the copies

questionnaire immediately after completion. 371 or 100% of the questionnaire was

administered to the respondents with the help of four research assistants. 364 or

98% were returned.

Method of Data Analysis

The data collected for this study were analyzed using mean and standard deviation

to address the research questions. Norminal values of 4,5,2, and 1 were assigned to

the response levels of VHE, HE, LE and VLE respectively.

The t-test was used to test the null hypotheses at .05 level of significant.

Any item with a mean score of 2.50 and above was regarded as great

extent while any item whose mean score is below 2.50 was interpreted to

mean “low extent”

For the hypothesis, the decision rule was that if t calculated is less than t-

critical value, the null hypothesis is not rejected. Otherwise it is rejected

at 0.05 alpha confidence level. SPSS was used for the data analysis.



This chapter presents the results and analysis of the findings of the study in relation

to the four research questions and two null hypotheses that guided the study. This

was done simultaneously as follows:

Research Question 1

To what extent does ICT influence the teaching of geography in college of

educations in Enugu State?

Table 1: The extent to which ICT influence the teaching of geography in college

of educations in Enugu State.

S Desc P P N
riptio u r =
n b i 3
l v 6
i a 4
c t
c e
l c
l o
e l
g l
e e
o g
f e
d o
u f
c e
a d
t u
i c
o a
n t
N i
= o
2 n
1 N
8 =
influ D DI e

ence c
in i
hing i
raph n
y are:
1 ICT 21 21 2 H
. . .
2 ICT 2121 2H
. . . .
ng of
3 ICT 3121 2H
. . . .
s on
4 Study 2121 2H
. . . .

5 ICT 3121 2H
. . . .
use to
ns of
6 ICT 3131 3H
. . . .
7 With 2121 2H
. . . .
8 Study 2121 2H
. . . .

use of
Gran 2 1 2 1 2 H


Result of the findings in table one shows mean scores that ranges from 3.40 to 2.5.

The grand means of 2.88 and 2.85 for public and private colleges of education

respectively, implies that ICT influences the teaching of geography in college of

educations in Enugu State.

Research question 2

To what extent does ICT influence the teaching of History in colleges of education

in Enugu state?

Table 2: The extent to which ICT influence the teaching of History in colleges of

education in Enugu state.

S Desc P P N
riptio u r =
n b i 3
l v 6
i a 4
c t
c e
l c
l o
e l
g l
e e
o g
f e
d o
u f
c e
a d
t u
i c
o a
n t
N i
= o
2 n
1 N
8 =
influ D DI e
teac i
Hist i
ory o
colle n

1 ICT 22 21 2 H
. . .
ce the
s that
2 ICT 2221 2H
. . . .
You H

will E
in the
We H
at the
nts of
Infor H

s in
6 We 1111 3L
. . . .
d our
ies in
in the
d 2 1 212

Result of the findings in table one shows that items 1,2,3,4 and 5 were not

rejected, while items 6 was rejected . Therefore, items 1,2,3,4 and 5 except item 6

are the extent to which ICT influence the teaching of History in colleges of


Research question 3

To what extent does ICT influence the teaching of government in colleges of

education in Enugu state?

Table 3: The extent to which ICT influence the teaching of government in colleges

of education in Enugu state.

S Desc P P N
riptio u r =
n b i 3
l v 6
i a 4
c t
c e
l c
l o
e l
g l
e e
o g
f e
d o
u f
c e
a d
t u
i c
o a
n t
N i
= o
2 n
1 N
8 =
D DI e
nce in
the c
ng of i
t in i
es of o

educa n
1 It is 21 21 2 H
easier . . E
comp 12

sis in
t with
use of
2 The 2121 2H
teachi . . E
ng of
cal 4

my is
3 Intern 3121 2H
ationa . . E
on 5

s is
4 The 2121 2H
teachi . . E
ng of

es is
use of
5 With 2111 1R
ICT . .
ng of 2

in our
6 We 3131 3H
can . . E

7 In 2121 2H
prepa . . E
citize 2

ns for

g in
c life
Gran 2 1 2 1 2 H


Result of the findings in table 3 shows that items 1,2,3,4,6 and 7 were not

rejected, while items 5 was rejected . Therefore, items 1,2,3,4,6 and 7 except item

5 are the ICT influence in the teaching of government in colleges of education.

Research question 4

To what extent does ICT influence the teaching of current affairs in Colleges of

education in Enugu state?

Table 4: The extent to which ICT influence the teaching of current affairs in

Colleges of education in Enugu state.

S Desc P P N
riptio u r =
n b i 3
l v 6
i a 4
c t
c e

l c
l o
e l
g l
e e
o g
f e
d o
u f
c e
a d
t u
i c
o a
n t
N i
= o
2 n
1 N
8 =
D DI e
nce in c
teachi i
ng of
nt i
s in o
ges of
1 It 2 1 21 2
enabl . .
nt to 12


to the
ne in
2 ICT 2121 2N
create . . R
y 4

of op
3 It 3121 2N
build . . R
vocab 5


4 Facili 2121 2N
tate . . R
standi 8

ng of
s, and
in the
5 ICT 2111 1R
help . .
pay 2

ion to

e of
6 See a 3 1 3 1 3 A
“writi . .
l” by 0

Gran 2 1 2 1 2 A


Result of the findings in table four shows that items 1,2,3,4 and 6 were agreed,

while items 5 was disagreed on . However, a grand mean of 2.71 for both the

student in public and private colleges of education indicates that ICT influence the

teaching of current affairs in Colleges of education in Enugu state.


HO1: There is no significant difference between the mean responses of between

the student in the public and private colleges of education on the extent to which

ICT influence the teaching of geography in college of educations in Enugu State.

Table 5: t–test Analysis of the Mean responses of students in the public and
private colleges of education on the extent to which ICT influence the teaching
of geography in college of educations in Enugu State.

n X SD df t-cal t-crit P Decision

Public 218 2.88 1.14 362 0.13 ±1.96 0.05 Do1
not reject

146 2.83 1.11

The result of the analysis on table 5 using t- test shows that there is no significant

difference between the Mean responses of students in the public and private

colleges of education on the extent to which ICT influence the teaching of

geography in college of educations in Enugu State.

This was so because the calculated t-test of 0.13 is less than the critical value of

±1.96 at 0.05 level of significance and degree of freedom 362.

HO2: There is no significant difference between the mean responses of students

in public and private colleges of education on the extent to which ICT influence

the teaching of history in college of educations in Enugu State

Table 6: t-test analysis of Mean responses of students in the public and

private colleges of education on the extent to which ICT influence the teaching

of history in college of educations in Enugu State.

n X SD df t-cal t-crit P Decision

Public 218 2.89 1.55 362 0.35 ±1.96 0.05 Do not
Private reject
146 2.79 1.38

The result of the analysis on table 6 using t- test shows that there is no significant

difference in the Mean responses of students in the public and private colleges of

education on the extent to which ICT influence the teaching of history in college of

educations in Enugu State.

This was so because the calculated t-test of 0.35 is less than the critical value of

±1.96 at 0.05 level of significance and degree of freedom 362.

HO3: There is no significant difference between the mean responses of students

in public and private colleges of education on the extent to which ICT influence

the teaching of government in college of educations in Enugu State

Table 7: t-test analysis of Mean responses of students in the public and

private colleges of education on the extent to which ICT influence the teaching

of government in college of educations in Enugu State.

n X SD df t-Cal t-Crit P. Decision

Public 218 2.77 1.13 362 0.92 ±1.96 0.05 Do

not reject
Private 2.15 2,65 1.11

The result of the analysis on table 7 using t- test shows that there is no significant

difference in the Mean responses of students in the public and private colleges of

education on the extent to which ICT influence the teaching of government in

college of educations in Enugu State.

This was so because the calculated t-test of 0.92 is less than the critical value of

±1.96 at 0.05 level of significance and degree of freedom 362.

Ho4: There is no significant difference between the mean responses of students in

public and private colleges of education on the extent to which ICT influence the

teaching of current affairs in college of educations in Enugu State

Table 8: t-test analysis of Mean responses of students in the public and

private colleges of education on the extent to which ICT influence the teaching

of current affairs in college of educations in Enugu State

n X SD df t-cal t-crit P Decision

Public 218 2..77 1.13 362 0.64 ±1.96 0.05 Do not

Private 146 2.65 1.11 reject

The result of the analysis on table 8 using t- test shows that there is no significant

difference in the Mean responses of students in the public and private colleges of

education on the extent to which ICT influence the teaching of government in

college of educations in Enugu State.

This was so because the calculated t-test of 0.64 is less than the critical value of

±1.96 at 0.05 level of significance and degree of freedom 362.

Summary of the findings

1. Result of the findings in table one shows mean scores that ranges from 3.40

to 2.5. The grand means of 2.88 and 2.85 for public and private colleges of

education respectively, implies that ICT influences the teaching of

geography in college of educations in Enugu State.

2. Result of the findings in table one shows that items 1,2,3,4 and 5 were

agreed, while items 6 was disagreed on. Therefore, items 1,2,3,4 and 5

except item 6 are the extent to which ICT influence the teaching of History

in colleges of education in college of educations in Enugu State.

3. Result of the findings in table 3 shows that items 1,2,3,4,6 and 7 were

agreed, while items 5 was disagreed on . Therefore, items 1,2,3,4,6 and 7

except item 5 are the ICT influence in the teaching of government in

colleges of education.

4. Result of the findings in table four shows that items 1,2,3,4 and 6 were

agreed, while items 5 was disagreed on . However, a grand mean of 2.71 for

both the student in public and private colleges of education indicates that

ICT influence the teaching of current affairs in Colleges of education in

Enugu state

5. There is no significant difference between the Mean responses of students in

the public and private colleges of education on the extent to which ICT

influence the teaching of geography in college of educations in Enugu State.

6. There is no significant difference in the Mean responses of students in the

public and private colleges of education on the extent to which ICT

influence the teaching of history in college of educations in Enugu State.

7. There is no significant difference in the Mean responses of students in the

public and private colleges of education on the extent to which ICT

influence the teaching of government in college of educations in Enugu


8. There is no significant difference in the Mean responses of students in the

public and private colleges of education on the extent to which ICT

influence the teaching of government in college of educations in Enugu





Discussions of findings

1. The result of the finding shows that ICT influences the teaching of

geography in college of educations in Enugu State. This was so because

ICT can be used to learn about locations without much stress, to facilitate

teaching of distribution, to enhances the studies on distance, to study the

regions of the world effectively, to enhances the study of scales, for efficient

study of spatial association, to improve spatial interaction and change over

time and to facilitate the study of movement easily. This is in line with

Hassell (2012), who shares the optimism about the potential of ICT in

geography teaching. He stated that ICT is playing an increasing role in

decision- making, ranging from locating a road or superstore to the

identification of flood or weather hazards. ICT can enable better decision-

making as it is possible to take into consideration a wider range of variables,

as well as supporting the monitoring of natural hazards and systems to

provide greater warning and providing the opportunity to take action to

reduce impact, he asserted.

2. The result of the finding shows that ICT influences the teaching of History

in colleges of education in Enugu State as it enhances the teaching about

the leaders that helped humans progress, enhances the teaching about the

various religion and beliefs systems throughout the world, provide some

great resources for helping students understand maps, helps in assessing

challenges and achievements of women through history easily and also helps

in assessing information about ancient civilization easily, even if the Internet

does not give information about those who served our local communities in

the past. This is in agreement with the findings of Falola (2009). He found

out that ICT enables people to orientate themselves amidst the bewildering

currents of human diversity and it inculcates in the people the habit of not

accepting explanations on their face value but to identify the roots of

happenings thereby promoting better understanding of history. Otakhor,

(2007) also asserted that many restrictions and impediments of the past in

history can now be removed since ICT has the capacity to identify an issue

and then locate and evaluate relevant information in order to engage with it

or to solve a problem arising from it.

3. The result of the finding revealed that ICT influence the teaching of

government in colleges of education in Enugu state. This was so because

ICT makes it easier to teach comparative analysis in government, it

enhances the teaching of Political economy, facilitates effective teaching of

International relation, helps in better teaching of the political theories, better

teaching of political methodology, and efficient in preparing future citizens

for participating in public life. Even if it has not facilitated the teaching of

administration and policy in our localities. The findings of the present study

is in agreement with the findings of Ofeafuna, (2006). Who found out that

the television and the radio are ICT gadgets that can be used at all stages of

the teaching-learning of political science. “ICT is a veritable tool that can be

used to improve on the standard of teaching political science and other

subjects in Nigeria schools”. He pointed out.

4. The result of the finding revealed that ICT influenced the teaching of current

affairs in Colleges of education in Enugu state, this was so because It enable

student to be able to match the news to the headline in a reasonable time,

ICT creates plenty of opportunities for cooperative learning, classroom

discussions and debates, and purposeful follow-up writing, it build language,

vocabulary, reading comprehension, critical thinking, problem solving, oral

expression, and listening skills, it facilitate the understanding of the

importance of people, events, and issues in the news and it enables them to

see a “writing model” by which students can learn by imitating the clear,

concise style of news writing even if there is no barrier to what student pay

attention to and hear outside of school. This agrees with the findings of

Gunther E. (2016), his Clinical and empirical data confirms that social

isolation is found to be prevalent among many people in Africa, and it has

negative consequences on the people’s psychological and physical health.

The results of this review suggest that ICT could be an effective tool to

tackle social isolation and get the people intimated on current affairs as and

at when due.

Educational Implications

The findings of this study have far reaching implication. Some of the implications

are as follows:

1. Since Information Communication Technology influences the teaching of

geography in college of educations in Enugu State, the quality of education

will be enhanced because there will be increase in the learner motivation and

engagement in the subject matter as ICTs make possible asynchronous

learning which is a learning characterized by a time lag between the delivery

of instruction and its reception by learners, when used appropriately, can

significantly reinforce and deepen geographical knowledge and

understanding as never before.

In as much as ICT influences the teaching of history in college of educations in

Enugu State, basic skills acquisition will be facilitated and teacher training also

enhanced and educational opportunities extended to all who otherwise could be

constrained by such as barriers as ethnic minorities, girls and women, persons with

disabilities, and the elderly, as well as all others who for reasons of cost or because

of time constraints are unable to enroll in colleges.

So long as ICT influences the teaching of history in college of educations in Enugu

State, there will be a radical transformational shift to learner-centered

environment that is been applauded everywhere in the world.

For the reason that ICT influences the teaching of history in college of educations

in Enugu State. Teachers and learners no longer have to rely solely on printed

books and other materials in physical media housed in libraries (and available in

limited quantities) for their educational needs. This is particularly significant for

many schools in developing countries like Nigeria.


From the results obtained on the influence of ICT in the teaching of social studies

in Colleges of education in Enugu state, the researcher concluded that ICT

influences the teaching of geography in college of educations in Enugu State, ICT

influenced the teaching of History in colleges of education, ICT influenced the

teaching of government in colleges of education and that ICT influence the

teaching of current affairs in Colleges of education in Enugu state.


The following recommendations were made based on the findings of the study. It

is recommended that;

2. Teachers utilize Information communication technology in teaching

geography as its use in geography will help pupils learn by providing access

to large quantities of information on people, places and environments.

Student should be confidence in application of in learning history as ICTs

are potential powerful enabling tools for effective teaching and learning. As

it will provide additional strategies that can be used to address major

educational challenges being faced by teachers and students of History in the

21st century.

3. The government should provide adequate functional ICT tools for Students

who study government and are facing challenges such as English Language

problem, hearing problems and access problems to information for effective

pedagogical process.

4. The school administration should arrange training for teacher of current

affairs in the colleges of education so that they can develop the

competencies needed for the application of this useful technology.

Limitations to the Study

Although the study was successfully carried out, it was not left without some

constraints. Some of these factors include:

1. The weather condition, which is unpredictable pose limitation to the study as

the researcher had been interrupted by rain fall on several occasion during

the cause of the study.

2. The sample for the study was limited to the social studies students alone in

exclusion the teachers of social studies in colleges of education.

Suggestions for Further Research

The under listed areas have been suggested for further studies based on the

findings and discussions of the study.

1. A comparative analysis of the adequacy of the ICT instrument used in

Private and public colleges of education.

2. Assessment of the social studies teacher competencies in the utilization of

ICT tool in teaching and learning in colleges of education

3. Appraisal of the performance of social studies student taught with

Information communication technology in colleges of education.

Summary of the study

The study was the influence of Information communication technology in the

teaching of social studies in colleges of education in Enugu state. Four research

questions and four null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The design

of the study was the descriptive survey. The population of the study consisted of

2233 public colleges of education student and 1475 private colleges of education

students giving us a total of three thousand seven hundred and eight (3708) social

studies students in colleges of education in Enugu state. while the sample for the

study was a total of 364 respondents consisting of 218 public colleges of education

student and 146 private colleges of education student. A structured questionnaire

(IITSS) was designed and used as instrument for data collection. The instrument

was face validated by three experts from Enugu state college of Education,

technical, Enugu. The instrument used was further subjected to a reliability test

using Cronbach Alpha statistics. The analysis of the data revealed internal

consistencies of 0.94. The data collected using the instrument (IITSS) were

collated and analyzed using mean scores and standard deviation. Based on the

analysis of the findings, it was revealed that ICT influences the teaching of

geography, ICT influenced the teaching of History, ICT influenced the teaching of

government and that ICT influences the teaching of current affairs in Colleges of

education in Enugu state. In other to test the four null hypotheses at 0.05 level of

significance, the researcher applied t-test statistics, using SPSS. Based on the

above, it is recommended that teachers use Information communication technology

in teaching geography so that pupils can be helped to learn by providing access to

large quantities of information on people, places and environments so that

geographical knowledge and understanding, can be significantly reinforce and

deepen as never before. Student should be confidence in the application of ICT in

learning history as it to get the additional strategies that can be used to address

major educational challenges being faced by teachers and students of History in the

21st century. The government should provide adequate functional ICT tools for

Students who study government and are facing challenges such as English

Language problem, hearing problems and access problems to information for

effective pedagogical process. The school administration should from time to time

organize training for teacher of current affairs in the colleges of education so that

they can develop the competencies needed for the application of ICT.


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Okeluwe Celestina Chinonye

Enugu State College of Education
Technical, Abakaliki Road,
Enugu State.

20th August, 2019

Dear Sir/Ma

I am a professional Diploma student of the above named institution. I am
conducting a research on “The influence of Information Communication
Technology on the Teaching of Social Studies in Public Colleges of Education in
Enugu State. Your co-operation in helping me with necessary pieces of
information will enable me carry out this research successfully.
Attached here with is a questionnaire design for gathering information for the
research study. The information provided by you will be treated in strict
confidence and used purely for research purpose only. Please, tick (√) in the
appropriate box against your chosen options. Where there are no options, please
Thanking you most sincerely for your favourable co-operation.
Yours faithfully,



Personal Data

Kindly supply the following information about yourself. (√) against the one

applicable to you:

(c) Teachers (d) Students


For each of the following statements tick (√) only in one of the spaces provided

which correspond with your option on each of the items. Please use the following 4

– points – scale

VHE = Very High Extent (4)

HE = High Extent (3)

LE = Low Extent (2)

VLE = Very Low Extent (1).

Section A

To what extent does ICT influence the teaching of geography in college of

educations in Enugu State


4 3 2 1
ICT influence in the teaching of geography are:
1 ICT can be used to learn about

Locations without much stress.

2 ICT tools can facilitate teaching of distribution.
3 ICT tools enhances the studies on distance.
4 Study of movement can be done easily using ICT tools.
5 ICT can be use to study the regions of the world effectively

Section B

To what extent does ICT influence the teaching of History in colleges of education

in Enugu state?


4 3 2 1
ICT influence the teaching of History in colleges of

education in Enugu state because:

1 ICT can enhance the teaching about the leaders that
helped humans progress.
2 ICT can enhance teaching about the various religion and
beliefs systems throughout the world.
3 You will find some great resources for helping students
understand maps in the Internet.
4 We look at the challenges and achievements of Women
through history easily with ICT tools

5 Information about ancient civilization is easily access in
the webs.
6 We look out for those who served our local communities
in the past in the Internet

Section C
To what extent does ICT influence the teaching of government in colleges of

education in Enugu state?


4 3 2 1
ICT influence in the teaching of government in colleges of

education are:
1 It is easier to teach comparative analysis in government
with the use of ICT.
2 The teaching of Political economy is enhanced with ICT
3 International relation studies is more effective with ICT
4 The teaching of political theories is better with the use of
5 With ICT the teaching of administration and policy have
been facilitated in our localities.
6 We can use the ICT to teach political methodology better
7 In preparing future citizens for participating in public life
is efficient with ICT.

Section D
To what extent does ICT influence the teaching of current affairs in Colleges of

education in Enugu state?


4 3 2 1

ICT influence in the teaching of current affairst in colleges
1 It enable student to be able to match the news to the
of education are:
headline in a reasonable time.
2 ICT creates plenty of opportunities for cooperative
learning, classroom discussions and debates, and
purposeful follow-up writing.
3 It build language, vocabulary, reading comprehension,
critical thinking, problem solving, oral expression, and
listening skills.
4 Facilitate the understanding of the importance of people,
events, and issues in the news.
5 ICT help student pay attention to the news they see and
hear outside of school without location bareer.
6 See a “writing model” by which students can learn by
imitating the clear, concise style of news writing.


Enugu State College of Education

Technical, Abakaliki Road,
Enugu State.

20th August, 2019

Dear sir,


I am a professional Diploma student of the above named institution. I am
conducting a research on “The influence of Information Communication
Technology on the Teaching of Social Studies in Public Colleges of Education in
Enugu State”.
Please Sir kindly help me in validating these instruments to enable me carry out
my research successfully.

Yours faithfully


Cronbach Reliability Tables

Question 1

Case Processing Summary

N %

Valid 30 100.0
Cases Excluded 0 .0

Total 30 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

. 0.83 6

Question 2

Case Processing Summary

N %

Valid 30 100.0

Cases Excludeda 0 .0

Total 30 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

. .98 4

Question 3

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 30 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 30 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

. .98 8

Question 4

Case Processing Summary

N %

Valid 30 100.0
Cases Excluded 0 .0

Total 30 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

. 954 6


Case Processing Summary

N %

Valid 447 25.0

Cases Excludeda 1341 75.0

Total 1788 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.95 9


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