SAE 2006-32-0054 JSAE 20066554: Sae Technical Paper Series
SAE 2006-32-0054 JSAE 20066554: Sae Technical Paper Series
SAE 2006-32-0054 JSAE 20066554: Sae Technical Paper Series
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2006-32-0054 / 20066554
BSFC (g/kWh)
4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000
Engine Speed (rpm)
4 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
BMEP (bar)
2.5 50
BSHC (g/kWh)
4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 30
Engine Speed (rpm)
Fig.4 BMEP as a function of engine speed 20
This improvement in trapping efficiency is achieved by more
effective tuning, mainly through more optimized port timing
and a better design of the first part of the tuned pipe. This is
0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
the part between the exhaust port and the outlet hole into the Lambda
silencer. On the prototype engine the exhaust flange in the
cylinder was not altered to match the tuned pipe perfectly, Fig.7 Hydrocarbon emissions as function of lambda at
which made for a mismatch and probably flow disturbances in 6000 rpm
that area.
An improvement in trapping efficiency has a positive effect on The high trapping efficiency also gives a low amount of
the fuel consumption, which can bee seen in Fig.6 at 6000 rpm hydrocarbon emissions, which can be seen in Fig.7 to be 50
for different air-fuel lambda ratios. At lambda 0.85 the fuel g/kWh at lambda 0.85. This is by some margin low enough to
consumption rate is 400 g/kWh, which must be considered as pass the emission regulations for this type of product.
very low for a carbureted two-stroke engine.
The increase in trapping efficiency has a drawback
though, which is that the scavenging efficiency is slightly The tuned exhaust pipe is designed to echo the exhaust
worsened. This is due to the fact that increasing the pressure wave at the closed end, which then arrives at
trapping efficiency of fresh charge also increases the the exhaust port just before it closes to push the
amount of trapped residual gas. scavenging losses back into the cylinder. This
This has a negative impact on engine performance significantly increases the trapping efficiency. This
mainly when there are difficulties to ignite the charge, process is more thoroughly described in the reference
this situation is most likely found during cold start of the [2,3].
engine. Clearly, it is important to try and raise the amplitude of
The ignition problem are affected by a number of factors, this pressure wave to be as high as is practical, because
including compression ratio, air-fuel ratio, sparkplug gap it will then push as much fresh charge as possible back
etc. But the single factor that had the biggest influence into the cylinder.
was the ignition system. To get a high amplitude wave one has to keep the
diameter of the pipe small, but not so small that it
excessively restricts the engine airflow.
In this case it was found that the best way of achieving
6000 this was to make only the first part of the tuned pipe
Engine Speed (rpm)
Pressure (atm)
Standard Fine tuned
S i 3 S i 4
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
Crank angle ATDC (deg)
Fig.10 Simulated pressure (from engine simulation software Virtual 2-Stroke) versus crank angle degrees at the exhaust
port. The standard engine compared with the fine tuned version at 6000rpm.
In Fig.9 it can be seen that with these modifications to The higher wave amplitude also explains why the pipe
the engine the hydrocarbon emissions are lowered with had to be lengthened by a total of 10 mm. A higher
10 g/kWh, or some 20 % at 6000 rpm. amplitude compression wave propagates at a higher
This is a considerable amount given the relatively simple speed, so for the same duration for the reflected (echo)
modifications that have been made to the engine. Only wave to return to the exhaust port the pipe must be
one pipe diameter was changed and an exit hole shifted made longer.
about 30 mm. It also highlights how important it is to pay It is important that this timing is kept constant since the
attention to details, because they do have a profound power output is the same as for the standard engine,
impact on the final performance of the engine. which means the working speed of the blower can
To explain the physics behind this improvement a graph remain the same at 6000 rpm.
with simulated pressure traces, from the engine
simulation software Virtual 2-Stroke proves helpful. HIGH POWER REDESIGNED ENGINE
These are taken at the exhaust port for both engines
and are shown in figure 10. The finding that small changes in pipe dimensions could
The main difference here is that the amplitude of the have a large impact on the performance of the engine,
exhaust pressure wave is higher with the smaller pipe, lead to the conclusion that further improvements could
which was earlier explained as the probable outcome of be made. To find them a complete redesign of the
this modification. The amplitude is higher both when the engine was made.
exhaust port opens, but more importantly when the The goal this time was not to simply to reduce the
pressure wave arrives back to the exhaust port before it exhaust emissions further, but rather to retain them as
closes. For the standard engine the peak amplitude is constant, and instead try to increase the power output.
1.7 atm, compared to about 1.9 atm for the modified
engine. This makes for much more effective tuning as
that will push more of the scavenging losses of fresh
charge (and unburned fuel) back into the cylinder again.
The focus was once again on the unsteady gas Many test parameters from this up rated engine show
dynamics of the engine, meaning that the modifications substantial differences, but in the first few graphs the
were to be mainly on port timing and on the dimensions similarities are exhibited. The specific hydrocarbon
of the intake and the exhaust pipes. emissions (Fig.11) are roughly the same as for the
The crankcase, crankshaft, and piston were unchanged standard engine, which means just over 50 g/kWh at the
from the standard engine, giving the same bore, stroke working speed of the engine. All these tests are made at
and crankcase volume. Apart from that most of the lambda 0.8-0.85.
engine layout was redesigned. This implies that this up rated engine is still good enough
A new prototype engine was designed and built that to pass the emissions standards of today. The reason
included the smaller exhaust flange earlier found to have for the good HC emissions can be seen in the trapping
a positive effect. However, this time the rest of the efficiency curves in Fig.12, which are very similar to the
exhaust system was also redesigned and combined with standard engine at the peak power engine speed.
a different port layout. Just as for the standard engine this is also positive for
The modification that probably had the biggest effect the fuel consumption as can be seen in Fig.13 for both
was once again at the exhaust flange and at the engines at their tuned engine speed.
connection between the two parts of the tuned pipe. On
this engine there was a divergent cone placed there, 120
which enhanced the delivery ratio and air flow through High Power
the engine. 100 Standard
Another change worth mentioning is that the exhaust
port opens earlier, which gives a stronger pressure 80
HC (g/kWh)
pulse. By opening the port earlier the released pressure
wave also has higher amplitude and hence will tune 60
more effectively.
On the intake side, the intake pipes were kept at the 40
same dimensions but a carburetor with a larger diameter
venturi was used to minimize the restriction there, and 20
better match the need for increased airflow through the
engine. 0
The engine speed at maximum power was slightly 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500
increased to 6500 rpm, from 6000 rpm for the standard Engine Speed (rpm)
engine. The reason for that is, since this engine is Fig.11 Hydrocarbon emissions as function of engine
intended to have a higher power output, this will push speed for standard and redesigned engine.
the blower fan to a higher speed and hence the engine
must also be tuned at that higher rotating speed.
In Table.2 a summary of the changes made and the 0.88
main dimensions of the engine are recorded. 0.86
Standard Redesign 0.82
Exhaust port open ATDC 110° 98°
better match the power curve of the blower fan.
400 The BMEP seen in Fig.17 normalizes the torque of an
380 engine by the displacement, and thus allows comparison
of different size engines.
360 A maximum of 5.3 bar BMEP is not an astonishing figure
340 for a two-stroke engine, but it is for an industrial engine
destined to meet the emission laws without a catalyst.
Considering this is a carburetted industrial engine
0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
Lambda intended for a handheld application with a HC emission
level of 50 g/kWh, this is indeed a most competitive
Fig.13 Fuel consumption rate as function of lambda, for performance level.
standard and redesigned engine
0.75 2.8
High Power
0.7 2.6
Power (kW)
0.6 2
0.55 1.8
0.5 High Power
0.45 1.2
4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500
4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 Engine Speed (rpm)
Engine Speed (rpm)
Fig.16 Power as function of engine speed for standard
Fig.14 Delivery ration as function of engine speed for and redesigned engine
standard and redesigned engine
4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500
Engine Speed (rpm)