A Comparative Beamforming Analysis of Lms & Nlms Algorithms For Smart Antenna
A Comparative Beamforming Analysis of Lms & Nlms Algorithms For Smart Antenna
A Comparative Beamforming Analysis of Lms & Nlms Algorithms For Smart Antenna
Priyanka Yadav, 2Prof. Smita Patil
Throughout the world, there is significant research and
development on smart antennas for wireless systems.
Smart antenna systems attract a lot attentions now and
believably more in the future, as it can increase the Fig.1 : Block diagram of smart antenna
capacity of mobile communication systems dramatically
[4].This is because smart antennas have tremendous The goal of direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is to use
potential to enhance the performance of future generation the data received on the downlink at the base-station
wireless systems as evidenced by the antennas’ recent sensor array to estimate the directions of the signals from
deployment in many systems. There are two basic types of the desired mobile users as well as the directions of
smart antennas. The first type is the phased array or multi interference signals [5]. The results of DOA estimation are
beam antenna, which consists of either a number of fixed then used by to adjust the weights of the adaptive beam
former so that the radiated power is maximized towards
Manuscript received Jul, 2013.
the desired users, and radiation nulls are placed in the
Priyanka Yadav M.E. Scholar, Electronics and Communication directions of interference signals. Hence, a successful
EngineeringI.E.S, IPS Academy,Indore, M.P., India. 08251833854.
design of an adaptive array depends highly on the choice of
Smita Patil Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering I.E.S, IPS Academy,Indore, M.P., India. the DOA estimation algorithm which should be highly
Adaptive smart antennas are the array antennas whose The estimated convolved signal
radiation pattern is shaped according to some adaptive r(n) y(n) yˆ (n) (3)
algorithms [1]. Smart essentially means computer control of
the antenna performance. The smart antenna radiation we arrive at the recursion for the LMS adaptive
pattern directs the beam towards the users of interest only & algorithm for updating the step as
nulls toward interference to improve the capacity of cellular
system. The adaptive beam forming algorithms takes the h(n) = h(n - 1) + 2*μe(n)x(n)
fixed beam forming process one step further & allows for the (4)
calculation of continuously updated array weights.
where μ is constant step and the filter taps can be
According to signal space information smart antenna can adaptively updated by using above recursive relation.
form directional beam in space with the adaptive beam
forming algorithm, achieving that the main beam aims at the
direction of the expected signal while the side lobe and nulls
aims at the interference. Now many adaptive algorithms have
been proposed on smart antenna. The NLMS algorithm and
LMS algorithm are most commonly used as a adaptive beam
forming algorithm .
(7) -10
4.The filter tap weights are updated in preparation for the -20
next iteration.
Beam (dB)
W(n+1) = W(n) + μ(n)e(n)x(n) (8)
beams are directed towards desired signals as more
-25 elements are used in antenna array. Also, spacing between
-30 array elements has an effect on beam-former performance
-35 such that very small or very large spacing between array
elements can degrade beam-former performance.
From different numerical calculation it has been
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 observed that element spacing of 0.05λ is a good value, the
Angle (Degree)
value of sharper beams (positive interference or desired
Fig.3 : LMS Antenna Coverage Pattern
user) is high in case of normalized least mean square
algorithm as compare to traditional least mean square
Here, Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm uses a gradient
based method of steepest decent. LMS incorporates an
iterative procedure that makes successive corrections to the 0
Beam pattern using NLMS (Amplitude response antenna pattern)
Fig.3 shows the radiation pattern for desired users
with signals arriving at angles -40,0,60 degrees with the -50
Fig.5 shows the beam pattern for desired users with signals
arriving at angles 15,25,-15,0 degrees with the different
signal strength .Number of snapshots are 100, number of
array elements N=20 with spacing between elements ,d
=1.0λ,SNR=0, JNR= 40,working frequency 4Ghz,Sample [10] Koteswara rao.Thokala , Ch.Jaya Prakash,“Steering an
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for NLMS case show faster convergence rate and can form [11] D. B. Salunke, R. S. Kawitkar,“Analysis of LMS, NLMS and
deeper nulls in the direction of interference for desired MUSIC Algorithms for Adaptive Array Antenna
users. System”,International Journal of Engineering and Advanced
Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-2,Issue-3
February 2013.
V. CONCLUSION [12] Markus Rupp “The behaviour of LMS & NLMS algorithms in
the presence of spherically invariant process”, IEEE transaction on
In these algorithms, the LMS algorithm is the most popular signal processing volume-41Issue-3 ,march 1993.
[13] Kaustav Das, Gokulananda sahu, subrata kumar sahu“A
adaptive algorithm, because of their low computational Compression study of Antenna Beamforming Using LMS and
complexity. However, the LMS algorithm suffers from NLMS Adaptive Algorithm”.
slow and data dependent convergence behavior. The [14] S. Weiss, “An effecient scheme for broadband adaptive
beamforming,”IEEE, 1999.
NLMS algorithm, an equally simple, but more robust
variant of the