Edexcel IGCSE Physics: Chapter-3 Force and Movement Study Question
Edexcel IGCSE Physics: Chapter-3 Force and Movement Study Question
Edexcel IGCSE Physics: Chapter-3 Force and Movement Study Question
STUDY QUESTIONS b) Why is her acceleration over the part AB less than ¡t
1. A student wrote ‘my weight ¡s 67 kg’. What is wrong was at the beginning of her fall?
with this statement, and what do you think his weight
really ¡s ? c) Use the graph to estimate roughly how far she fell
during her dive. Was it nearer loo m, 1000 m, or 10 000
2. A hammer has a mass of 1 kg. What is its weight m?
a) on Earth, b) on the Moon, c) ¡n outer space ?
d) Use the information ¡n the graph at point E to make a
3 .Explain this observation: ‘when a sheet of paper is rough estimate of the acceleration on landing.
dropped ¡t flutters down to the ground, but when the
same sheet of paper is screwed up into a ball it 6. The graph (right) shows how the force of air
accelerates rapidly downwards when dropped’. resistance on our sky diver’s parachute changes with
her speed of fall.
4. Refer to Figure 6.2 and explain the following.