Finite Element Analysis of Wood Materials: Drvna Industrija June 2014
Finite Element Analysis of Wood Materials: Drvna Industrija June 2014
Finite Element Analysis of Wood Materials: Drvna Industrija June 2014
21 3,082
3 authors:
Mustafa Zor
Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi
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ABSTRACT • Continuous quality and reliability improvement of computers as well as their widespread applica-
tion in design of furniture industry encourage the elaboration of optimization algorithms of furniture construc-
tions, in which rigidity characteristics of the applied joints would be taken under consideration. In the last four
decades, the finite element method, FEM, has become the dominant technique used for analyzing physical phe-
nomena in the field of structural, solid and fluid mechanics as well as for the solution of field problems. This paper
gives a bibliographical review of the FEM applied in the analysis of furniture products constructed with wood.
The following topics are included: Wood as a furniture construction material and its mechanical properties. It is,
therefore, reasonable to replace statistical methods of furniture optimization, which have been applied so far, by
gradient methods which allow obtaining much more precise results.
SAŽETAK • Kontinuirano poboljšanje kvalitete i pouzdanosti računala, kao i njihova široka primjena u indus-
trijskom dizajnu namještaja, potaknuli su razradu algoritama za optimizaciju konstrukcija namještaja, u kojima
se posebno razmatra krutost primijenjenih spojeva. U posljednja četiri desetljeća metoda konačnih elemenata
(FEM) postala je najčešća tehnika za analizu fizikalnih pojava na području strukturne mehanike, mehanike čvrstih
tvari i fluida, kao i za rješavanje problema na tim područjima. U tekstu se daje bibliografski pregled primjene
metode konačnih elemenata u analizi namještaja proizvedenoga od drva. Pritom je obuhvaćena tema drva kao
konstruktivnog materijala za namještaj i njegovih mehaničkih svojstava. Dokazano je kako je razumno umjesto
dosad primjenjivanih statističkih metoda optimizacije namještaja primijeniti gradijent-metode koje omogućuju
dobivanje mnogo preciznijih rezultata.
Authors are professors at Forest Industry Engineering Department, University of Bartin, Turkey. 2Author is professor at Material Processing
Department, Bülent Ecevit University, Turkey.
Autori su profesori Odsjeka za industrijsku preradu drva, Sveučilište u Bartinu, Turska. 2Autor je profesor Odsjeka za obradu materijala,
Sveučilište Bülent Ecevit, Turska.
A v6 engine used in front-wheel- Large deflection capabilities Electromagnetics capabili- Structural Analysis
drive automobiles of ANSYS™ ties of ANSYS™ Engineering Corporation
Motor v6 za automobile s Mogućnosti velikog otklona Elektromagnetne mogućnosti Strukturna analiza
prednjim pogonom programa ANSYS™ programa ANSYS™
Figure 2 A simplified view of the physical simulation process, primarily useful to illustrate modeling terminology
Slika 2. Pojednostavnjeni prikaz simulacije procesa, osobito primjenjiv za ilustraciju terminologije modeliranja
Design #1 Design #2
Q Fixed y direction
q = F/B
Another study presents strength problems of cor- Computer software, which has already taken
ner connections for MDF boards, resulting from loads roots in machine and construction industries, still finds
causing the closure of the connection. The effect of ex- a limited application in furniture industry. A majority
cess load is the destruction of the connection as a result of manufactured furniture continues to be designed ex-
of edge delamination. The objects of experimental clusively on the basis of craftsmanship and engineer-
studies were models of wall corner connections of ing practice. However, pressures resulting from quality
MDF boards with two invis joints (Fig. 13). Samples and reliability requirements of final products make it
were subjected to a complex state of load of a quasi– more and more necessary to pay increasingly more at-
static nature (traverse movement velocity of 2 mm/ tention to rigidity-strength optimization of dimension-
min). Solid linear brick and solid linear wedge ele- ing of furniture elements and constructional joints.
ments were used for the purpose of digitization (Fig. This paper focused on strength analysis of wood
14). Stress patterns were obtained for the analyzed products, specifically furniture structures by FEA
cases. The results show that very small loads (29 N) methods. FE simulations can enable faster, less costly,
may cause local board delamination (Mostowski and and more optimized product development, as well as
Sydor, 2006). examinations of product performance that would not
be possible even using very detailed prototypes. In the
wood industry, these tools have not been much used,
4 RESULTS but in other industries such as the aerospace and auto-
mobile industry, they have been much used for many
The basic premise of modern engineering is that years. Wood is a more complicated material to model
models can be used to extrapolate beyond the range of than steel, and studies of wood product design with FE
test data. Therefore, if complex physical processes and models have been published in the academic world.
phenomena related to fracture in wood are understood
for representative situations, numerical models can be 6 REFERENCES
built to represent those processes beyond the range of 6. LITERATURA
those representative situations. FEA and other numeri-
cal analysis techniques can, therefore, never be a total 1. Adanowicz, V. J.; Dziegielewski, S., 1976: Prüfung und
analyse geklebter verbindungen an möbeln. Holztech-
replacement for experimental observations. They are a
nologie, 17(2): 97-100.
powerful adjunct that has to be allied with experimen- 2. Anonymous, 1998: Ideas master series 6. Structural Dy-
tal observation and material characterization. namics Res. Corporation. SDRC. Milford. Ohio, 45150.
It is commonly accepted that the structural de- USA.
sign of most furniture, the box-type furniture in par- 3. Argyris, J. H., 1955: Energy theorems and structural
ticular, is usually based on experience or tradition in analysis. Aircraft Engineering, 27: Feb.-May.