Java Brochure - Overview: Gemalto Simplifies and Speeds The Internet of Things With Java

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Gemalto Simplifies and Speeds the Internet of Things with JavaTM

Gemalto Simplifies and Speeds
the Internet of Things with Java
Java is the most pervasive open standards programming
language in the world running on billions of devices and
machines ranging from mobile phones to enterprise
servers to supercomputers. As the global leader in
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) technology, Gemalto created
a strategic alliance with Oracle to integrate Java across
its end-to-end portfolio of Cinterion® solutions and
services. Embedded Java simplifies the complex M2M
value chain and speeds M2M application development,
which in turn, accelerates time to market, incoming
revenue, and return on investment.

Key Features
Embedded Java Cinterion Technology Answers All M2M Needs
Gemalto delivers a unique combination of end-to-end Gemalto’s complete Cinterion solution answers the
Cinterion M2M solutions and services including: needs of all M2M customers. By offering Java ME, an
M2M optimized version of Java, across the entire
>>A range of advanced M2M wireless modules enabling
Cinterion portfolio, Gemalto facilitates end-to-end
reliable communications
interworking, transparently passing critical data
>>Ruggedized Machine Identification ModulesTM (MIMs) for between the application and the backend server. In
secure connectivity to mobile networks
short, Gemalto’s Java strategy simplifies technology
>>Flexible subscription management and security services architecture, speeds application development, and
>>The cloud-based SensorLogic application enablement elevates M2M to the next level helping to accelerate the
platform to connect assets and enterprises expanding Internet of Things.

Simplicity and Streamlining Speeding Time to Market

Including Java on M2M Modules and MIMs provides Located on the application layer of the software, the
developers with a powerful Java Virtual Machine (JVM) JVM allows simultaneous development of software and
that eliminates the need for additional processors and hardware without disrupting or interfering with M2M
memory chips while reducing design complexity and solution approvals. This allows developers to change,
the expense of extra components. The JVM streamlines add or delete features at any time during development,
application software and device management solutions, even after the product is in production, which significantly
which can now be hosted directly on Cinterion solutions shortens development cycles. A swift time to market
already inherent to the M2M application. means quicker revenue for OEMs and faster return on
investment for implementers.
Edge-to-Enterprise Connectivity
Embedded Java connects all elements of the M2M
ecosystem, from M2M modules and sensors in devices
to the cloud-based SensorLogic application enablement
platform. The JVM serves as the command center of
the M2M ecosystem connecting device sensors, M2M
Modules, application software, security elements,
and end-user computer systems. It enables easy
interworking and value added features such as over-the-
air provisioning and remote data and application updates,
which are important to keep solutions current over the
long life of M2M solutions.

Enhanced Sandbox Security Accelerating IOT Evolution

Embedded Java strengthens security by executing The Java Developer Community is among the largest and
applications within a secure, defined environment, most well established in the industry with extensive tools
commonly known as the “Java sandbox”. The Java sandbox to simplify design, debug, and enable application testing
separates the Java part from the host system. Access in commonly used development environments. Java
between these two parts is controlled through a clearly developers are able to contribute to the growing Internet
defined API. Thereby the Java Virtual Machine is isolated of Things by quickly leveraging Gemalto’s embedded
from the core cellular functionality, safeguarding the Java Cinterion solution along with an extensive library
system integrity. of existing APIs to create tomorrow’s most innovative
applications today.

Cinterion Concept Board:

An Incubator for Java Innovation
and the IOT Revolution
Open standards and a large ecosystem of freely available
tools and code were a key ingredient in the growth and
success of Java. Gemalto is moving this concept forward
in M2M with the Cinterion Concept Board, a first-of-
its-kind, user-friendly development kit that leverages
embedded Java, Cinterion solutions, and the SensorLogic
Application Enablement Platform to quickly design next With its intelligent Java strategy and providing the tools
generations M2M solutions. The Concept Board provides and open source resources necessary for innovation,
a simple environment with everything a developer needs Gemalto is accelerating the exciting growth of the Internet
to quickly transform ideas into cutting edge, market ready of Things, which in turn is enhancing today’s modern
M2M applications. For hobbyists, tinkerers, and artists, mobile lifestyle, simplifying the way we live and work
the Concept Board can be connected to Arduino-style in the world. From smart cars and energy systems to
sensor boards and includes a powerful Cinterion M2M mHealth, Gemalto’s Cinterion M2M technology is leading
module for global 2G and 3G cellular connectivity. the way to the connected future.
For more information, please visit,, or Follow @gemaltom2m on twitter.

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© Gemalto 2013. All rights reserved. Gemalto, the Gemalto logo, are trademarks and service marks of Gemalto and are registered in certain countries. November 2013
The information provided in this brochure contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance, which in case of
actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An obligation
to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract. All product designations may
be trademarks or product names of Gemalto M2M GmbH or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes
could violate the rights of the owners. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be
trademarks of their respective owners. ARM9 is a registered trademark of ARM Limited.

Gemalto M2M GmbH

St.-Martin-Str. 60
81541 Munich


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