Java Brochure - Overview: Gemalto Simplifies and Speeds The Internet of Things With Java
Java Brochure - Overview: Gemalto Simplifies and Speeds The Internet of Things With Java
Java Brochure - Overview: Gemalto Simplifies and Speeds The Internet of Things With Java
Key Features
Embedded Java Cinterion Technology Answers All M2M Needs
Gemalto delivers a unique combination of end-to-end Gemalto’s complete Cinterion solution answers the
Cinterion M2M solutions and services including: needs of all M2M customers. By offering Java ME, an
M2M optimized version of Java, across the entire
>>A range of advanced M2M wireless modules enabling
Cinterion portfolio, Gemalto facilitates end-to-end
reliable communications
interworking, transparently passing critical data
>>Ruggedized Machine Identification ModulesTM (MIMs) for between the application and the backend server. In
secure connectivity to mobile networks
short, Gemalto’s Java strategy simplifies technology
>>Flexible subscription management and security services architecture, speeds application development, and
>>The cloud-based SensorLogic application enablement elevates M2M to the next level helping to accelerate the
platform to connect assets and enterprises expanding Internet of Things.
© Gemalto 2013. All rights reserved. Gemalto, the Gemalto logo, are trademarks and service marks of Gemalto and are registered in certain countries. November 2013
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could violate the rights of the owners. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be
trademarks of their respective owners. ARM9 is a registered trademark of ARM Limited.