Improvement of Transient Stability Using Fuzzy Logic Controlled SMES in Matlab
Improvement of Transient Stability Using Fuzzy Logic Controlled SMES in Matlab
Improvement of Transient Stability Using Fuzzy Logic Controlled SMES in Matlab
2 626
3 authors, including:
Chandra Yammani
National Institute of Technology, Warangal
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In this paper, the transient stability of an electric power system is improved by fuzzy logic controlled superconducting
magnetic energy storage (SMES). The effectiveness of the proposed fuzzy controlled SMES is compared with a
conventional proportional integral (PI) controlled SMES. In addition to it a comparison between the fuzzy controlled
SMES and fuzzy controlled braking resistor (BR) is also carried out. The simulation results show that under 3 phase
fault, the fuzzy controlled SMES performance is better than PI controlled SMES. Furthermore, the performance of
SMES is better than that of BR. The proposed method provides a very simple and effective means of improvement of
transient stability.
KEYWORDS: Braking resistor (BR), Fuzzy logic-controller (FLC), MATLAB – Simulink, Proportional-integral (PI)
controller, Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), Transient stability improvement.
Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering Vol. 5, No. 4, December 2011
Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering Vol. X, No. X, X 201X
positive value to initial charge the SMES unit. The 4- Harmonic power generated by the converter is
inductor current Ism rises exponentially and magnetic neglected.
energy Wsm is stored in the inductor. When the inductor A comparison is also carried out by placing a
current reaches its rated value Ism0 it is maintained braking resistor in place of SMES unit of the power
constant by lowering the voltage across the inductor to system model shown in Fig. 1.
zero. The SMES unit is then ready to be coupled to the
power system for stabilization. It is desirable to set the 4. DESIGN OF FUZZY LOGIC AND PI
rated inductor current Ism0 such that the maximum CONTROLLERS
allowable energy absorption equals the maximum Fuzzy logic controller is one of the most practically
allowable energy discharged. successful approaches to design a controller for
utilizing the qualitative knowledge of a system and to
solve a problem with vagueness or uncertainties. The
fuzzy logic controller is realised through three sections:
fuzzification, rule base and defuzzification.
4.1. Fuzzification
For the design of the proposed FLC for SMES, the
deviation of speed of the synchronous generator, Δω,
and firing angle of thyristor, alpha (α), are selected as
input and output variables respectively. Fig. 4 shows
Fig. 3. SMES unit with six-pulse bridge ac/dc thyristor the membership functions for input variable Δω and
controlled converter output variable alpha (α) for SMES. The linguistic
variables for Δω are n, z and p represents negative,
The voltage Vsm of the dc side of the converter is zero, and positive respectively. The linguistic variables
expressed by for alpha (α) are sm, me and bg stand for Small,
Vsm Vsm 0 cos (1) Medium and Big.
For the design of the fuzzy logic controller for BR,
where Vsm0 is the ideal no-load maximum dc voltage of deviation of speed of the synchronous generator Δω
the bridge. The current and voltage of superconducting and firing angle alpha (α) are selected as the input and
inductor are related as output variables, respectively. Fig. 5 shows the
1 membership function for input variable Δω and output
L sm t0
I sm V sm d I sm 0 (2)
variable alpha (α). The linguistic variables for Δω are
n, z and p stand for negative, zero and positive. The
where Ism0 is the initial current of the inductor. The real
linguistic variables for alpha (α) are s and b stand for
power Psm absorbed or delivered by the SMES can be
Small and Big. The membership functions are decided
given by
by the trial and error approach in order to obtain the
Psm VsmIsm (3) best system performance.
since the bridge current Ism is not reversible, the
bridge output power Psm is uniquely a function of α,
which can be positive or negative depending on Vsm.
When Vsm is positive, power is transferred from the
power system to the SMES unit and when Vsm is
negative, power is released from the SMES unit. The
energy stored in the superconducting inductor is
(4) Fig. 4. Membership functions of input variable Δω(pu)
W W P d
sm sm 0
and output variable alpha for SMES
where Wsm 0 1 Lsm I sm
2 is the initial energy in the
The assumptions considered in modeling of present
SMES unit are as follows:
1- The effect of the ripple of the DC is ignored as the
superconducting coil has a large inductance.
2- The superconducting coil resistance is zero. Fig. 5. Membership functions of input variable Δω(pu)
3- The converter thyristor voltage drop is ignored. and output variable alpha for Braking Resistors.
Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering Vol. 5, No. 4, December 2011
4.3. Defuzzification
In this last operation, the fuzzy conclusion of the
inference engine is defuzzified, i.e.; it it is converted
into a crisp signal. This last signal is the final product
of the FLC which is, of course, the crisp control signal
to the process. The center-of-area method is the most
well-known and rather simple defuzzification method Fig. 8. Load angle response with power system
[11], which is implemented to determine the output stabilizer under 3LG fault
crispy value.
4.4. PI Controller
The fuzzy controlled SMES in the power system
model shown in Fig. 1 is replaced by the PI SMES
shown in Fig. 6 and the effectiveness of the proposed
fuzzy controlled SMES unit in enhancing the transient
stability is compared to that of a conventional PI
controlled SMES under the same three phase faulted
condition. The PI controller parameters Kp = 180 and Ti
= 0.2s are determined by trial and error in order to Fig. 9. Load angle response with PI controlled SMES
attain better system performance. under 3LG fault
Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering Vol. X, No. X, X 201X
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