1760-Question Bank Sociology
1760-Question Bank Sociology
1760-Question Bank Sociology
16. What is social disorganization? List its characteristics .Describe the causes of social
17. Write an essay on housing problems in India.
18. Discuss the concept of poverty. Explain in detail various programmes to curb poverty.
19. What is unemployment? Classify unemployment. Discuss various remedial measures for
20. Mention the problems of elderly. Describe the measures taken by the government for their
21. Define juvenile delinquency. List the causes of Juvenile Delinquency. Discuss the rehabilitative
measures for juvenile delinquents .
22. What is meant by child abuse? Describe various measures taken by the Government for child
23. Classify Beggars. Explain the causes of beggary and measures to combat Beggary.
24. What is meant by minority group? List various minority groups in India. Discuss the problems of
religious minority in India.
25. State various Rights of women. Describe various measures taken by Government towards
women welfare.
26. What is meant by substance abuse? What are the causes of Drug addiction? Discuss the
preventive measures of Drug addiction.
27. Define prostitution. Explain its causes. Discuss the health effects of prostitution.
28. Define social welfare planning. Discuss the role of a nurse in social welfare programme.
Unit I : Introduction
Unit V : Population
1. Define individualization.
2. What is meant by re-socialization?
3. Define anticipatory socialization.
4. Define Electra complex.
5. Define Oedipal complex.
6. List four agencies of socialization.
7. Define society.
8. Define community.
9. Mention two differences of society and community.
10. What is meant by community sentiment?
11. Define personal disorganization.
12. Define institution.
13. Define association.
14. State any two differences between institution and association.
15. List any four characteristics of society.