1760-Question Bank Sociology

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Unit VI : Family and Marriage

1. Define marriage. Explain in detail different forms of marriage in India.

2. Explain the characteristics of modern family. Discuss the various problems of modern family.
3. Define family. Discuss the role of family in maintenance of health and prevention of diseases.
4. Describe the changing trends in modern family and its impact on health and diseases.
5. Explain various legislations on Indian marriage and family.
6. Define family. Describe the functions of family and changes occurred in the modern family.
7. What is meant by family disorganization? Discuss the major causes of family disorganization.
8. Define joint family. Explain its characteristics. Discuss the factors of disintegration of joint family
9. What is meant by joint family system? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of joint family
10. What is family welfare programme? Discuss the role of nurse in family welfare programme.
11. Define marriage. Explain the importance of marriage. Discuss the marriage problems in India.
12. Define family. Discuss in detail the essential and non-essential functions of family.
13. Define family. Explain in detail the forms of family.
14. Define family. Describe the characteristics and nature of family.
15. What is modern family? Explain the features of modern family. Discuss the factors of instability
of modern family.

Unit XII : Social problems

16. What is social disorganization? List its characteristics .Describe the causes of social
17. Write an essay on housing problems in India.
18. Discuss the concept of poverty. Explain in detail various programmes to curb poverty.
19. What is unemployment? Classify unemployment. Discuss various remedial measures for
20. Mention the problems of elderly. Describe the measures taken by the government for their
21. Define juvenile delinquency. List the causes of Juvenile Delinquency. Discuss the rehabilitative
measures for juvenile delinquents .
22. What is meant by child abuse? Describe various measures taken by the Government for child
23. Classify Beggars. Explain the causes of beggary and measures to combat Beggary.
24. What is meant by minority group? List various minority groups in India. Discuss the problems of
religious minority in India.
25. State various Rights of women. Describe various measures taken by Government towards
women welfare.
26. What is meant by substance abuse? What are the causes of Drug addiction? Discuss the
preventive measures of Drug addiction.
27. Define prostitution. Explain its causes. Discuss the health effects of prostitution.
28. Define social welfare planning. Discuss the role of a nurse in social welfare programme.


Unit I : Introduction

1. Explain the nature of Sociology.

2. Discuss the scope of Sociology.
3. Throw light on significance of Sociology in nursing.
4. Explain various branches of Sociology.
5. Explain the factors of origin of Sociology.
6. Importance of Sociology.

Unit IV : Social Groups and Social Processes

7. Differentiate primary and secondary groups.

8. Classify social groups.
9. Explain the characteristics of primary group.
10. Explain the characteristics of secondary group.
11. Explain the role of primary group in health and diseases.
12. Explain psychology of crowd behaviour.
13. Explain importance of primary group.
14. Differentiate crowd and public.
15. Explain the characteristics of a tribe.
16. Discuss collective behaviour.

Unit V : Population

17. Explain the causes of over population.

18. Explain the impact of overpopulation on health status.
19. Explain Malthusian theory of population.
20. Explain the social consequences of overpopulation.
21. Discuss National Population Policy.
22. Discuss family welfare programme in India.
23. Discuss the demographic characteristics of Indian population.
24. Explain the remedial measures of over population.
25. Explain Family Welfare Programme in India.
26. Explain age pyramid.
27. Describe the demographic characteristics of Indian population.
28. Write a note on Malthusian theory of population.
29. Explain in detail the causes of overpopulation in India.
30. Write a note on Family Welfare Programme.
31. What are the effects of population explosion on health?
32. Write a note on population explosion.
33. Explain the methods to prevent population explosion in India.

Unit VII : Social Stratification

34. Discuss the social stratification found in India.
35. Explain the characteristics of Indian caste system.
36. Explain the merits and demerits of caste system.
37. Discuss social mobility.
38. Explain the changes taken place in the caste system.
39. Differentiate caste system and class system.
40. Write a note on Jajmani system.
41. Give a brief account of different types of races and their features.
42. Discuss the health effects of caste and class system.
43. Explain the nature of social stratification.

Unit VIII : Types of Communities in India

44. Discuss the features of rural community.

45. Discuss the features of urban community.
46. Differentiate rural and urban community.
47. Discuss the changes occurred in Indian village community.
48. Discuss in detail about community development project.
49. Discuss the impact of community development programme on rural India.
50. Explain in detail the problems of rural community.
51. Explain bright and dark side of city life.
52. Discuss the problems of urban community.
53. Explain urban slums.
54. Explain urbanization and its impact on health.

Unit IX : Social Change

55. Explain the nature of social change.

56. Discuss the factors of social change.
57. Explain the technological factors of social change.
58. Discuss barriers of social change.
59. Explain the consequences of social change.
60. Write a note on cultural lag.
61. Write a note on cultural factors of social change.
62. Discuss the role of nurse in bringing about social change.
63. Explain the geographical factors of social change.
64. Discuss the evolutional theories of social change.


Unit II : Individual and Society

1. Define individualization.
2. What is meant by re-socialization?
3. Define anticipatory socialization.
4. Define Electra complex.
5. Define Oedipal complex.
6. List four agencies of socialization.
7. Define society.
8. Define community.
9. Mention two differences of society and community.
10. What is meant by community sentiment?
11. Define personal disorganization.
12. Define institution.
13. Define association.
14. State any two differences between institution and association.
15. List any four characteristics of society.

Unit III: Culture

16. Define Culture.

17. What is material culture?
18. Define cultural diffusion.
19. What is cultural transmission?
20. Define ethnocentrism?
21. List two functions of culture.
22. List any two positive effects of cultural practices.
23. Mention any two negative effects of cultural practices.
24. Define civilization.
25. Mention the two components of culture.
26. What is transcultural society?
27. Mention any two characteristics of culture.

Unit IV: Social groups and social processes

28. Define social processes.

29. Mention any two differences between co-operation and competition.
30. Define assimilation.
31. What is acculturation?
32. Mention the types of conflict.
33. Mention two negative effects of social isolation.
34. Mention two health effects of social isolation.
35. Mention two ways of resolving conflict.
36. List the types of co-operation.
37. Define accommodation.
38. Mention the forms of accommodation.
39. List factors hindering the assimilation.
40. List the factors favouring the assimilation.
41. List any two advantages of competition.
42. Define crowd.
43. Differentiate public and audience.
44. Differentiate clan and tribe.
UnitVII: Social stratification.

45. Define caste panchayat.

46. Define race prejudice.
47. What is racism?
48. What is ascribed status?
49. What is achieved status?
50. Define race.
51. Mention two negative effects of life style in class system.
52. List the types of social mobility.
53. What is casteism?
54. What is class consciousness?
55. List two demerits of caste system.
56. Define social mobility.
57. Mention any two characteristics of caste system.
58. Mention the types of social mobility.
59. List any two causes of disintegration of caste system.
60. Define social class.
61. Mention any two differences between caste and class.
62. Mention any two characteristics of class system.
63. Define social stratification.
64. List any two characteristics of social stratification.

Unit VIII: Types of communities in India

65. List the factors of growth of cities.

66. Mention health problems of rural community.
67. What is meant by homogeneity of rural community?
68. Define urban community.
69. Mention health problems of urban community.
70. What is regional community?
71. Mention two characteristics of rural community.
72. List any two problems of rural community.
73. Mention two differences between urban and rural community.
74. Mention two problems of urban community.

Unit X: Social System

75. Define social system.

76. List the types of social system.
77. Differentiate role and status.
78. Define role.
79. Define status.
80. Mention any two characteristics of social system.
81. What is meant by voluntary association?
82. Give two examples of voluntary association.
83. Define Social values.
84. Define social organization.

Unit XI: Social Control

85. Define social control.

86. List the informal means of social control.
87. List the formal means of social control.
88. Differentiate folkways and mores.
89. Differentiate customs and laws.
90. Define norms.
91. Define fashion.
92. Mention any two purposes of social control.
93. Define folkways.
94. Define mores.
95. Define customs
96. Define law
97. Define Social Values
98. Write two purposes of social control
99. What is meant by belief?

UnitXII: Social problems

100. What is Suppression of Immoral Traffic Act?

101. Define Illiteracy.
102. List two health effects of alcoholism.
103. Differentiate delinquency and crime.
104. Define child labour.
105. What is Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929?
106. What is meant by vulnerable group?
107. What is meant by de-addiction?
108. Mention four causes of beggary.
109. What is meant by prostitution?
110. Define poverty line.

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