Doctor-Patient-Relationship-.ppt (1) 2
Doctor-Patient-Relationship-.ppt (1) 2
Doctor-Patient-Relationship-.ppt (1) 2
• Poor commueicatoe
• Physiciae iesiesitvity
• Ofci houl ups ig Appoietmiet dilay
Prieciplis Facilitateg Commueicatoe
• The rapport
• Time factor
• The message
• The attudes
• Thi divilopmiet oh commueicatoe skills that
iestll ie patiets a siesi oh
coefdieci aed trust by coeviyieg siecirity
aed ae ietirist ie thiir cari aed will-biieg.
Commueicatoe ie thi Coesultatoe
Positvi doctor bihavior
At frst coetact
* Maki thi patiet hiil comhortabli.
*Bi uehurriid aed rilaxid.
*Focus frmly oe thi patiet.
*Usi opie iedid quistoes.
*Maki appropriati riassurieg gisturis.
• htps:ccyoutu.bic5iccWqAABb81
• Ask Open-Ended Questions
• Patients often feel uncomfortable voicing their concerns, even after a few
minutes of empathetic conversation.
• Doctors and other care providers should ask whether patients have more to
say. Ask patients some variation of “Is there something else you’d like to
talk about today?” Doing so can create space for patients to refect and
voice concerns they might not have mentioned otherwise.
• The “BATHE” technique guides providers to ask patients questions that
solicit more information and develop rapport.
• Background: Ask a patient about their present situation. “What is going on
in your life?”
• Afect: Ask your patient how they are emotionally relating to their health
concern. “How is it afecting you?”
• Trouble: Ask your patient about what they are worried about or what they
foresee as obstacles. “What troubles you most about the situation?”
• Handling: Ask your patient about how they are dealing with their situation.
“How have you been handling this so far?”
• Empathy: Show patients you are listening; refect back what you hear them
saying about their feelings. “That sounds [frustrating, confusing, difcult,
satisfying, etc.].”
Actvi listieieg
Listening includes four essental elements:
• Chickieg hacts
• Chickieg hiiliegs
• Eecouragimiet
• rifictoe
Carieg Rispoesibility
Empathy Trust
Rispict Siesitvity
Ietirist Coefdieci
Coecire Compitieci
Commueicateg Stratigiis
• Modihy laeguagi
• Avoid jargoe
• Cliar ixplaeatoes
• Cliar triatmiet iestructoes
• Evaluati pt’s uedirstaedieg
• Summarizi aed ripiat
• Avoid uecirtaiety
• Avoid ieappropriati riassuraeci
Follow up
The environment
The doctor
The message
The patient
Difcultis ie Commueicatoe
Efictvi commueicatoe dipieds oe hour
c. Thi doctor (siedir)
2. Thi patiet (ricipiiet)
3. Thi missagi
4. Thi ieviroemiet
Thi doctor
Pirsoeal hactors that iefuieci commueicatoe
• Age ildirly , youeg
• Sex oppositi
• Pirsoeality disordirs
• Siesitvi issuis i.g. sixuality, biriavimiet
• Maligeaecy