BRC Installation Manual PDF
BRC Installation Manual PDF
BRC Installation Manual PDF
Via La Morra, 1
12062 - Cherasco (Cn) - Italy
Tel. ++39 0172 48681
Fax ++39 0172 488237
1.3.1. ECU AND CHANGEOVER SWITCH Changeover function for injection cars Changing over again in out-of-the revs threshold condition Control function of the gas quantity Function of injectors emulation and fuels overlapping Emulating function of the configurable lambda oxygen sensor signal Function of the memory management and of the signal cutting relay contact Level gauge Dialogue with the Diagnostic Box Dialogue with the BRC Portable Computer Double possibility for setting and starting operations Self-configuration of the system to the vehicle signals Self-adapting of the system Check-up of the system Troubleshooting
1.3.4. HARNESS
1.3.6. REDUCER
1.3.7. MIXER
Fig. 1
General layout of
the equipment
Petrol tank
Changeover switch
able changing over strategy over to gas when returning to par.
based on the r.p.m. and on the normal conditions (par. Both the entry threshold in
TPS signal. The threshold to out-of-the revs threshold condi-
enable the changing over is c) Working on "forced gas". tion and the one returning to
adjustable via software (Chapters With the button pressed right- acceptable working conditions
3 and 4). An orange shade of the wards and the ignition key on, the are configurable via software
two-coloured LED marks out that priming is immediately carried out from the interface programme on
the changing over enabling (timed opening of the gas sole- computer.
threshold has been get over with noid valve, to allow the car start-
the car still running on petrol (in ing). Control function of the
such conditions, a deceleration The two-coloured LED turns gas quantity
determines the changing over to green (blinking without revs and
gas). fixed in case of priming or engine The system acts as a “closed
The automatic changing running) and the car runs exclu- loop”, by correcting the air/gas
over to gas is inhibited for a sively on gas. mixture strength in real time
short interval just after the car In this case too the system according to the information com-
ignition (approx. 5 seconds). automatically changes over to ing from the lambda oxygen sen-
Evidently, while running on petrol again in case of failed sor. As everybody knows, this
gas, the injectors are disconnect- starting or accidental stopping one produces a voltage signal
ed, because the outside cutting (safety car) and of r.p.m. above depending on the oxygen present
device and the possible emula- the threshold. in the exhaust gas and therefore
tion of the injectors are enabled, This function is to be con- supplies an indirect measure of
the gas solenoid valves are open, sidered as an emergency solu- the mixture strength (lean, stoi-
the gas flow control actuator is tion, to be used solely in case chiometric, rich), allowing the
controlled and possible further of failure of the petrol feeding ECU to act on the gas flow con-
devices, if any, are enabled. equipment and with the great- trol actuator, through a suitable
This is the recommended est care to prevent the pump power stage.
position for running on gas. f r o m r u n n i n g d r y, w i t h t h e The correction of the mixture
The system automatically empty tank. strength in real time is carried
changes over to petrol again in It is consequently advisable out both according to the infor-
case of failed starting or acci- to always keep a petrol quantity mation coming from the lambda
dental stopping (safety car) of 1/3 or 1/4 of the tank and to oxygen sensor, and through the
and such a condition is pointed renew it rather often so that it analysis of the different driving
out by a shifting lighting of a doesn’t alter. conditions of the car (maps
LED at a time from the left side based on the engine load).
to the right side and back. Changing over again in The Just electronic card has
In a similar way, it automati- out-of-the revs threshold con- been exclusively conceived for
cally changes over to petrol dition managing the BRC STEP
again (two-coloured LED is patented actuator involved in
f i x e d r e d ) i n c a s e o f r. p . m . In case the engine is in out- the system itself and is not
above the threshold with a sub- of-the revs threshold condition, compatible with different actu-
sequent automatic changing while running on gas, the sys- ators.
tem automatically changes
over again to petrol, allowing to Function of injectors
use the revs limiting strategies emulation and fuels overlap-
implemented in the petrol injec- ping
tion ECU.
When returning to accept- The Just ECU doesn’t have
able working conditions, the either the injectors cutting func-
ECU automatically enables the tion inside it or the injectors emu-
changing over to gas again. lator.
The changing over to gas is It is therefore necessary to
carried out as soon as the suit- install an outside module (emula-
Fig. 3
Just Changeover Switch able conditions take place (see tor, disconnector, etc.), available
in different versions according to necessary to reset the memory of Double possibility for
the injection type and the car the petrol injection ECU. setting and starting operations
specific requirements. For using the NC1/NC2 func-
By connecting the outside tion (corresponding to the relay In the Just system two possi-
emulator power-supply to the contact for cutting signal), please ble “approaches” have been con-
White/Green wire of the Just ECU refer to the specific diagrams of templated for setting and starting,
(par., the fuels overlap- each car. to meet all the installers’ require-
ping function is obtained. ments.
The fuels overlapping time is Level gauge It is actually possible to go
programmable via software from an essential setting-up
(Chapters 3 and 4). Inside the change over switch (Chapter 3), only based on the
there is a level gauge consisting changeover switch and on the Emulating function of of a LED bar with four GREEN Diagnostic Box (which minimises
the configurable lambda oxy- LEDs. The low fuel warning is times and adjustments) to a tar-
gen sensor signal obtained through the first LED geted and personalised setting-
blinking. up (Chapter 4), based on the
The Just ECU incorporates a Its working can be obtained by interface programme on comput-
configurable lambda oxygen sen- connecting to the ECU one of the er (which allows the skilled
sor signal emulator which can available BRC level sensors, both installer to personalise the sys-
perform functions of both fixed of the Hall effect type and of the tem working to adjust it to the
emulation and emulation at vari- resistive type (see the Chapter 2 most varied requirements).
able richness. for installation and the “C”
The choice is associated to Appendix for the reference Self-configuration of
the setting-up of the NP – codes). the system to the vehicle sig-
N C 1 / N C 2 r e l a y c o n t a c t ( p a r. The level gauge is preset, but nals, that is to say the emula- the indication can be improved or
tion at a variable richness is corrected via software (Chapters The Just system is able to
associated to the NP setting- 3 and 4). self-configurate to the different
up, whereas the fixed emula- types of vehicle signals (auto-
tion is associated to the Dialogue with the matic acquisition of any type of
NC1/NC2 setting-up. Diagnostic Box TPS signal, of revs signal and
In case of emulation of the of lambda oxygen sensor sig-
lambda oxygen sensor signal at a The Just ECU provides for the nal). This makes the ECU setting
variable richness, it is possible to possibility of connection with the considerably easier, by eliminat-
programme the duty cycle of the Diagnostic Box for visualising the ing the installer’s error possibility
lambda signal emulated with a main control signals. (Chapter 3).
1% resolution (Chapters 3 and The r.p.m., the lambda oxygen
4). sensor signal and the STEP actu- Self-adapting of the
ator position are actually visu- system Function of the memory alised on the three LED bars of
management and of the signal the device (par. 1.3.2). Self-adapting strategies
cutting relay contact have been implemented in the Dialogue with the BRC Just system according to the
The White and White/Orange Portable Computer changes of the car working
wires can have a double function, conditions and characteristics,
configurable via software The Just ECU (through a spe- in order to assure the constant
(Chapters 3 and 4): cial adapter) can also be con- and permanent optimisation of
- memory resetting function of nected to the BRC Portable the control potential (par. 3.8).
the petrol injection ECU (NP); Computer. A valid and powerful
- relay contact function for cut- interface programme allows to Check-up of the sys-
ting signal (NC1/NC2). communicate with the ECU and tem
The NP function of the White to have access to its memories
and White/Orange wires is usual- and to its central processing unit Each time the board cuts out,
ly used only on cars where it is in real time (par. 1.3.3). the ECU carries out a check-up
of all its parameters and of the sensor signal and the STEP actu- installations.
"state" of all the components ator position are actually visu- The Chapter 4 of this hand-
belonging to the Just system. alised on the three LED bars. book is completely dedicated to
Such a condition is pointed The Diagnostic Box is there- the interface programme on com-
out by the changeover switch fore a very useful instrument puter.
through a shifting lighting of (indispensable if the interface
couples of LEDs from the cen- programme on computer is not 1.3.4. HARNESS
tre outwards and back. used) for the system configura-
(NOTE: it is anyway possible tion and setting, as well as for the The Just ECU connection to
to break off the check-up for a starting and any future controls the system different elements can
subsequent starting in case of and adjustments of the parame- be performed with two harness
need). ters. types (see “C” Appendix for the
The combined use of the attendant codes). The main con- Troubleshooting Diagnostic Box and the nector of the Automotive 24-way
changeover switch, particularly type gathers all the secondary
The Just system is able to allows the access to very useful pre-wired connectors and the dif-
carry out a diagnostic of its work- setting domains such as the visu- ferent wires, to which the same
ing in real time. alisation of the STEP actuator colours used for the BRC
Possible errors or troubles are reset position and the duty-cycle Lambda Gas systems have been
stored by the ECU and pointed visualisation and setting out of maintained.
out through a special encoding the lambda signal emulated (see The different wires are more-
on the changeover switch LEDs Chapter 3 for the detailed over divided into sheaths in order
as soon as they occur. description). to make the installation easier
They are also stored and and to improve the appearance.
made accessible in the interface 1.3.3. INTERFACE PROGRAMME
programme on computer. ON COMPUTER 1.3.5. GAS FLOW CONTROL
The clearance of the errors ACTUATOR
stored takes place automatical- The possibility to connect the
ly when the car stops: if their Just ECU to the BRC Portable The control of the fuel quantity
cause is removed, they won’t Computer (through a special sent to the engine is carried out
occur at the subsequent start- adapter) has been contemplated by the STEP actuator: it is a step
ing, otherwise they will reap- for a more and more practical by step engine of common use in
pear. and precise setting procedure. the automotive field, to which a
A valid and powerful interface cylindrical shutter is applied. The
1.3.2. DIAGNOSTIC-BOX programme allows to communi- stroke of this shutter provokes a
cate with the ECU and to have variation of the gas passage port
The Just ECU contemplates access to its memories and its in the pipe (fig. 4).
the possibility of connection with central processing unit in real The adjusting system is man-
the Diagnostic Box for visualising time. aged in every instant and in real
the main control signals. The interface on computer is time by the ECU which controls
The r.p.m., the lambda oxygen therefore the instrument through its work done, by valuing both the
which the installer interacts with lambda oxygen sensor response
the whole Just system and will be and the car working conditions
able to “model” the gas equip- according to special preset maps,
ment to adjust it to the car char- in case self-adapted, which can
acteristics according to the differ- anyway be handled via software
ent driving conditions. (reset position with the cold oxy-
The orderly collection of the gen sensor, stoichiometric para-
files of the different installations meters, cut-off working, at idle
performed will be real historical speed, at normal speed, at full
archives, very useful both to keep load, management of accelera-
the equipment evolution under tions and decelerations and
control in time, and to be a start- engine load).
Fig. 4
STEP Actuator ing point for new similar or critical The extreme decision-making
quickness of the digital system several years of experience and Just system according to the
and its flexibility assure an easy is due to a synthesis of the best changes of the car working condi-
and effective setting for the con- features of the lambda gas control tions and characteristics, in order
stant maintenance of the correct systems, opportunely integrated to assure the constant and per-
stoichiometric ratio on every car by innovative functions and defi- manent optimisation of the control
and engine model. The actuator nitely in the lead. potential.
is designed for running extremely 2) The results attained by the 7) The two possible “approach-
well both on CNG and on LPG. system in the approval emission es” for the setting and starting
tests of the product are evidence operations have been studied to
1.3.6. REDUCER of the exceptional quality of the meet all the installers’ require-
mixture control strategies: only a ments. It is actually possible to go
The Just device is suitable modern, valid and adaptable sys- from an essential setting-up, only
both for LPG and for CNG. tem can attain such goals. based on the changeover switch
In any case, the LPG reduc- 3) The approval tests from the and on the Diagnostic Box (which
er-vaporiser or the CNG pres- point of view of the minimises times and adjustments)
sure reducer ought to be of Electromagnetic Compatibility to a targeted and personalised
BRC manufacture, according to (EMC), successfully passed by setting-up, based on the interface
the regulations in force which the system, highlighted its programme on computer (which
prohibit combinations different strength to the electromagnetic allows the skilled installer to per-
from those used during the troubles and confirmed the validi- sonalise the system working to
approval tests. ty of the planning and realisation adjust it to the most varied
strategies. requirements).
1.3.7. MIXER 4) The ECU, with a microcon- 8) The interface on computer,
troller, manages the control of the besides being the instrument
The above applies to the whole gas equipment and adjusts through which the demanding
mixer too: the mixers admitted the fuel quantity in feedback installer interacts with the whole
are only those marked ”BRC”. through the STEP actuator in system and is able to “model” the
NOTE: the use of the Just sys- order to obtain an optimum mix- gas equipment to adjust it to the
tem, through the information ture, both in respect of pollution car characteristics according to
passed on by the Diagnostic Box and consumptions, and of drive- the different driving conditions,
or rather, by the interface pro- ability, aside from the outside also allows an orderly collection
gramme on computer, allows the conditions (temperature, etc.) and of the files to the different installa-
more experienced installer to the fuel composition. tions performed, creating real his-
value possible failures of the The adjusting system is actual- torical archives, very useful both
feeding mechanical system and ly managed in every instant and to keep the equipment evolution
its best location and setting in real time by the microcontroller under control in time, and to be a
a c c o r d i n g t o t h e d i ff e r e n t c a r which controls its work done, by starting point for new similar or
models. valuing both the lambda oxygen critical installations.
sensor response and the car 9) The ECU inlet and outlet
working conditions according to stages are dimensioned so that,
1.4. ADVANTAGES OF special preset maps, in case self- by carefully following the circuit
THE JUST SYSTEM adapted, which can anyway be diagrams supplied by the BRC
handled via software. servicing and by carrying out
Yo u r a t t e n t i o n h a s b e e n 5)The Just system is able to workmanlike settings, the car
already drawn several times to self-configurate to the different original petrol system can be
the high potential of the microcon- types of vehicle signals (automat- d a m a g e d i n n o w a y. a n d t h e
troller system and of its setting ic acquisition of any type of TPS diagnostic and control systems
and starting modes. signal, of revs signal and of lamb- are kept unchanged while driving.
This paragraph resumes and da oxygen sensor signal). This 10) The system good working
sums up some of the most impor- makes the ECU setting consider- is constantly checked by the diag-
tant goals we aimed at during the ably easier, by eliminating the nostic and check-up strategies
planning, the development and installer’s error possibility. adopted and any possible anom-
the realisation of the Just system. 6) Self-adapting strategies alies are promptly reported and
1) The system is the result of have been implemented in the stored.
to the Diagnostic Box. Portable Computer is contemplat- already used with the BRC Flying
The possible connection to the ed for a more practical and close Injection system.
BRC Portable Computer for using setting procedure. An adapter is actually avail-
the specific interface programme, A valid and powerful interface able and it can be connected to
can be carried out with a special programme allows to communi- such a cable on one end and to a
adapter (see “C” Appendix for the cate with the ECU and to have special 4-way connector placed
attendant codes), which has to be access to its memories and to its on the Just ECU card on the
connected to a connector inside central processing unit in real other (see “C” Appendix for the
the ECU body (par. 2.3.2). time. attendant codes). In order to
The connection is carried out carry out this connection it is nec-
All the connections of the on the computer serial door, even essary to open the ECU body
harness wires which are unpro- through the same interface cable (fig. 8).
vided with connector ought to
be carried out through well
done and suitably insulated Fig. 6
Just ECU
soft solderings. Do not twist (connectors side
the wires simply or use scarce- view)
ly reliable terminals.
Lambda oxygen
be carried out directly on the sensor signal with
Injection ECU
injection ECU, or on the oxygen emulation
sensor connector; in any case it
Light blue
is necessary to carefully follow
✂ Yellow
the detailed diagrams of each
If it is necessary to emulate
Lambda oxygen sensor
the lambda oxygen sensor signal,
the wiring diagram is the one of
fig. 16.A. If not, please refer to
the fig. 16.B.
Fig. 16.B
Read of the
Important: do not short-cir- Lambda oxygen
Oxygen sensor signal
3. CONFIGURATION and possible future controls and 0.7 to 1.5 volt or from 0 to 5 volt,
AND SETTING OF parameters adjustment. the resolution of the representa-
The combined use of the tion is obviously lower (approx.
Diagnostic Box and of the 0.5 volt per LED in case of 0 ÷ 5
CHANGEOVER changeover switch also allows to volt oxygen sensors).
accede to particular setting
domains such as the visualisation c – Position of the gas flow
and setting of the emulated lamb- STEP actuator
da signal duty cycle (par. 3.6) The third (red) LED-BAR
and of the reset position of the shows the working position of the
In the Chapter 1 we told that STEP actuator (par. 3.7). gas flow STEP actuator, consist-
the Just system setting and start- ing of a step by step engine
ing present two possible 3.1.1. VISUALISATION OF THE which, partially obstructing the
“approaches”: SIGNALS ON THE LED-BARS pipe for the gas passage to the
- system configuration and mixer, allows to adjust the mix-
starting only based on the a – r.p.m. ture.
changeover switch and on the The above green LED-BAR The STEP position ranges
BRC Diagnostic Box; represents the r.p.m. from 0 (all closed) to 255 steps
- possibility to set up through When the r.p.m. signal acquisi- (all open) and the representa-
an interface programme on com- tion and self-configuration phase tion given is not of the absolute
puter, in order to communicate in is over (par. 3.4.2), the LED-BAR type, but of the relative one,
real time with the ECU, allowing a read joins the car revolution according to the reset position.
careful control of the installation counter read. The speed indica- On the LED-BAR, to have a
working as well as a close and tion supplied by the Diagnostic higher resolution, a 20-step
specific setting. Box is therefore to be considered working window is visualised. It
In this Chapter the first possi- approximate. is centred around the STEP
bility will be described in detail. actuator current reset position.
With the only use of the b – Lambda oxygen sensor The reset position is always
changeover switch (which pre- signal represented with 5 LEDs on
sents manifold functions dedicat- The second LED-BAR repre- and every more or less LED on
ed to the installation setting and sents the lambda oxygen sensor corresponds to 2 steps.
starting in the Just system, signal. Consequently, for example, an
besides the classical changing The voltage supplied by the only LED on shows that the STEP
over and fuel level gauging func- lambda oxygen sensor generally is 7 ÷ 8 steps below the current
tions) and of the Diagnostic Box it varies from zero to almost 1 volt, reset, whereas 9 LEDs on show
is actually possible to configurate every LED of this bar therefore that the STEP is 8 ÷ 9 steps
and start the whole system, corresponds to approx. 0.1 volt. It above the current reset.
thanks to special self-configurat- is possible to reckon that the ideal Obviously, if the LED-BAR is
ing and self-adapting strategies mixture corresponds to 0.4 ÷ 0.5 completely on, the actuator is in a
managed by the microcontroller. volt, that’s why around these val- position over 10 steps above the
ues some green LEDs have been current reset (considerable open-
inserted, being easy to be deter- ing condition of the STEP due, for
3.1. THE DIAGNOSTIC BOX mined, even while driving on instance, to the typically lean air-
road. The mixture anyway gas mixture strength, to an open-
The Just ECU contemplates remains excellent in the whole ing transient condition (pumping),
the possibility of connection with green field and good in the field or to a working condition at full
the Diagnostic Box for visualising marked by the yellow LEDs. load).
the main control signals. Higher voltages turn the red Otherwise, if the LED-BAR is
The Diagnostic Box is there- LEDs on. These LEDs indicate a completely off, the actuator is in a
fore a very useful instrument rich mixture, whereas voltages position ranging over 10 steps
(indispensable if the interface pro- nearly zero volt can even turn all below the current reset (consider-
gramme on computer is not used) the LEDs off. able closing condition of the
for the system configuration and In case of lambda oxygen sen- STEP due, for instance, to the
setting, as well as for the starting sors with a voltage varying from typically rich air-gas mixture
strength, to a closing transient always to be a careful control of figuration of the different signals
condition, or to a cut-off working the installation of the mechani- used by the ECU (TPS, revolution
condition). cal parts (tank, reducer, mixer, signals, lambda signal) and acqui-
Step actuator, connecting pipes, sition of the STEP actuator reset
3.1.2. NUMERIC VISUALISATIONS etc.) with the empty tank. The position;
following step is to introduce no - additional manual setting with
Besides the visualisation of the more than 4 ÷ 5 litres of gas in the possibility to check and possi-
system main signals (with the the tank, which can be used bly correct the acquired values
LEDs turning on proportional to both to check whether there are and/or the default values;
the amplitude of the same signals) any leakages and to carry out - self-adapting of the system
and of the STEP position relating the first acquisition and self- while the car working conditions
to the current reset, the three configuration procedure (par. and characteristics are changing,
LED-BARS of the Diagnostic Box 3.4), whose last phase (STEP to assure the constant and contin-
are also used, all together, to actuator reset acquisition) is per- uous optimisation of the control
obtain a precise representation of formed while the vehicle is running strategies.
particular absolute numeric val- on gas. In particular, the configuration
ues. and setting domains of the Just
In these terms, both the exact ECU (the next paragraphs are
numeric value of the emulated 3.3. CONFIGURATION AND dedicated to) are the following:
lambda signal duty-cycle (par. 3.6) SETTING DOMAINS - First acquisition and automat-
and the one of the STEP current ic self-configuration;
reset position (par. 3.7) can be The Just ECU with a microcon- - Additional manual setting and
visualised on the Diagnostic Box . troller has been conceived in such parameters set-up;
The encoding adopted for this a way as to minimise the adjust- - Visualisation and modification
purpose is the following: ments necessary to start the of the emulated lambda signal
- the first LED-BAR shows installation. duty cycle;
the hundreds, namely the num- The system set-up is substan- - Visualisation and modification
ber of LEDs on starting from the tially based on three different of the STEP actuator reset posi-
left side shows the hundreds; phases: tion;
- the second LED-BAR - first acquisition and self-con- - System diagnostic.
shows the decimals, namely the
Fig. 20
number of the LED on starting
Numeric value on
from the left side shows the the Diagnostic Box
decimals; = 125
- After having warmed the
engine up well with the changeover
switch in the petrol position, leave
the engine idling and put the
Fig. 25
changeover switch in the central End of the TPS
position. signal acquisition
During this phase the vehicle
only runs on petrol. G G R G G R
- After approx. 10÷15 sec-
turns on fixed red (beginning of
the TPS acquisition phase) (fig.
- Accelerate uniformly and
thoroughly 3 times
- During this phase the min. and
the max. TPS are determined and
it is possible to ascertain whether
the TPS signal is direct or inverted.
- If the operation has been
carried out correctly, the TWO-
COLOURED LED turns red blink-
ing and indicates the end of the
TPS acquisition phase (fig. 25).
Fig. 26
Acquisition and self-
3.4.2. ACQUISITION AND SELF- configuration of the
the lambda emulated signal, the cycle value it is necessary to one (and the visualisation on the
following operations are neces- disconnect the ignition key. Diagnostic Box is updated).
sary: - Putting the changeover
- Connect the ignition key switch from the central position
without starting the vehicle, 3.7. VISUALISATION AND to the petrol position, the cur-
with the changeover switch in MODIFICATION OF THE rent reset position is decreased
the central position. STEP RESET POSITION by one (and the visualisation on
- Beginning with the the Diagnostic Box is updated).
changeover switch in the cen- For entering the step reset - The reset position cannot be
tral position, carry out 3 petrol position visualisation and modifi- over the pre-fixed thresholds.
position > central position tran- cation domain, the following oper- - To acquire the new reset
sitions in no more than 3 sec- ations are necessary: position it is necessary to
onds (you cannot stop for more - With the changeover switch switch the vehicle off.
than half a second in the same in the central position, start the - During the permanence in
position, otherwise you have to vehicle on petrol and run the this setting domain, the vehicle
start the whole sequence again). engine above 1500 r.p.m., with- only runs on petrol.
- After the 3 transitions the out changing over to gas. The use of such a setting
changeover switch LEDs are all - In such conditions, begin- domain is only recommended
off, whereas the duty cycle per ning with the changeover for the reset visualisation. We
cent value (0 ÷ 100%) of the switch in the central position, actually advise you against
lambda oxygen sensor emulat- carry out 3 petrol position > “intuitively” modifying the
ed signal is visualised on the central position transitions in reset position value, since any
Diagnostic Box, according to no more than 3 seconds (you possible corrections have been
the encoding already presented cannot stop for more than half a already made by the self-adapt-
for the reset: second in the same position, oth- ing procedure (par. 3.8).
- the first LED-BAR shows the erwise you have to start the whole
hundreds, namely the number of sequence again).
LEDs on starting from the left side - After the 3 transitions the 3.8. SELF-ADAPTING
shows the hundreds; changeover switch LEDs are all
- the second LED-BAR shows off, whereas the current reset As we have already told in the
the decimals, namely the number position is visualised on the Chapter 1, particular self-adapting
of the LED on starting from the Diagnostic Box, according to strategies have been implement-
left side shows the decimals; the encoding already presented ed in the Just system while the
- the third LED-BAR shows the (par. 3.4.4). vehicle working conditions and
units, namely the number of LEDs - The accelerator can be characteristics vary, in order to
on starting from the left side thoroughly released and the assure the constant and continu-
shows the units. engine can be left running on ous optimisation of the control
- The default value at the end petrol. potential.
of the first acquisition and self- - Putting the changeover The properties and the fea-
configuration procedure is = 46 switch from the central position tures of such strategies can be
(fig. 40). to the gas position, the current summed up in two main aspects:
- Putting the changeover reset position is increased by - constant control and
switch from the central position
to the gas position, the current Fig. 40
Duty-cycle default
duty cycle value is increased value of the lambda
by one (and the visualisation on signal emulated
the Diagnostic Box is updated). DIAGNOSTIC
- Putting the changeover
switch from the central position to 4
the petrol position, the current 6
duty cycle value is decreased by
one (and the visualisation on the
Diagnostic Box is updated).
- To acquire the new duty
updating of the signals used by Should any anomaly occur Problems on the TPS signal
the system, with any possible while the vehicle is running on during the first acquisition pro-
corrections in the configura- gas, this one goes on running cedure (still below a minimum
tions done during the first set- on gas, but the STEP actuator threshold or not connected cor-
ting operation; stands in the reset position rectly) (fig. 43).
- dynamism and continuous (control in the emergency con- The TPS signal control is
updating of the STEP actuator ditions). made in the first acquisition and
reset position, able to self- List of the working anomalies self-configuration phase and the
adapt according to the changes and of the attendant encoding on anomaly is a sign of an incorrect
in the car features and different the changeover switch LEDs. connection of the White/Violet
driving conditions. Lambda oxygen sensor sig- wire (par. or of a failure
In particular, the reset self- nal transitions not detected or of the potentiometer proportional
adapting is aimed at optimising lambda oxygen sensor working to the throttle body position.
the mixture control in every situa- incorrectly (fig. 41).
tion, by assuring a greater stabili- The anomaly is pointed out if
ty of the system at normal load no oscillations of the lambda oxy-
and a high promptitude in the gen sensor are noticed for a pro-
transient conditions. longed time, both in the first
Another purpose of the reset acquisition phase and while the G G YR
self-adapting is to optimise its vehicle is normally running on
position rapidly in case a value gas.
not corresponding to the working Fig. 43 - Anomaly of the TPS signal
actual one has been acquired
during the first acquisition. In this Error or problems in the
case, the reset meets the opti- acquisition procedure of the
mum one while driving on road. STEP actuator reset position
(fig. 44).
We have already stated that
3.9. SYSTEM DIAGNOSTIC the STEP actuator cannot move
beyond certain opening and clos-
The Just ECU is provided with Fig. 41 - Anomaly of the lambda oxygen ing limits. In particular the reset
a self-diagnosing system indicat- sensor signal acquired during the first acquisi-
ing the working anomalies with an tion phase ought to be included in
encoding on the GREEN LEDs Problems in the connection of a value window too.
and alternating the green - yellow the gas solenoid valves (fig. 42). If the anomaly is noticed, it
- red colours on the TWO- This anomaly is a sign of work- means that the STEP actuator
COLOURED LED. ing problems of the gas solenoid tries to move to an incorrect work-
Should any anomaly occur, valves (there is a trouble on at ing position, without managing to
switch the vehicle off complete- least one solenoid valve). The assure the control stoichiometry.
ly, by disconnecting the igni- problem nature is to be sought in It is necessary to check the
tion key too, and try to trou- an interrupted connection, in a equipment well and to reckon
bleshoot. damaged solenoid valve or in a whether the reducer and the
If the cause has been actually solenoid valve short-circuited mixer are damaged or wrongly
removed, at the next ignition the towards the earth. installed.
system will work correctly again.
If the cause has not been
determined or removed, at the
next ignition, the anomaly noticed
is likely to reveal itself again. G G YR G G G YR
Should you notice any
anomaly during the first acqui-
sition and self-configuration Fig. 42 - Anomaly of the gas solenoid valves Fig. 44 - Anomaly of the STEP actuator reset
procedure, start such a proce-
dure again from the beginning.
Wo r k i n g p r o b l e m s o f t h e
ECU EEPROM (fig. 45).
If this anomaly occurs, the
ECU is seriously damaged and it
is not possible to try to find a rem-
edy for the problem. Apply imme-
d i a t e l y t o t h e B R C Te c h n i c a l