Expandable MVL CMOS Inverter and Its Application To MVL CMOS Hysteresis Comparator Without Backgate Scheme
Expandable MVL CMOS Inverter and Its Application To MVL CMOS Hysteresis Comparator Without Backgate Scheme
Expandable MVL CMOS Inverter and Its Application To MVL CMOS Hysteresis Comparator Without Backgate Scheme
In this paper, a novel voltage-mode MVL inverter is proposed. The proposed inverter consists of two circuit blocks: MVL
threshold comparator and Multi-level generator, which can be implemented by standard CMOS technologies. Next, the inverted
MVL hysteresis comparator is also proposed as the application of the proposed MVL inverter. The proposed MVL inverter and
inverted MVL hysteresis comparator are expandable, capable to use more numbers of levels in MVL circuits. The performances of
all proposed MVL circuits were evaluated through HSPICE with the set of 0.18µm CMOS process parameters. From the simulation
results, we could confirm that all proposed MVL circuits work well as theory.
Figure 2. Circuit schematic of the proposed expandable MVL threshold detector (MVL threshold detector block and logic regenerator block)
Vgs VT (2)
Expandable MVL CMOS Inverter and Its Application to MVL CMOS Hysteresis Comparator without Backgate Scheme 123
V Vin i VT
Vi ss (5)
Vdd Vin i VT
Vrange Vdd (i 1)VT (7)
n 1
Furthermore, the following condition is necessary
in order to work the logic generator block.
It is obvious that from (6)-(8), the maximum value of In the even if all outputs of the MVL threshold
MVL level “n” in proposed circuit can be determined detector are Vss, (Vin<VT), Vout will be equal to Vdd.
by value of supply voltage (Vdd) and threshold voltage When only V1 is Vdd, (2VT>Vin>VT), M31 turns “on”
of all transistors. condition, cause Ib3 flows through M4(n-1), …, M43,
and M42, and Vout becomes equal to (n-2)Vgs.
B. EXPANDABLE MULTI-LEVEL GENERATOR Moreover, when V1 and V2 are Vdd, (3VT>Vin> 2VT),
The multi-level generator is designed to combine Vout becomes equal to (n-3)Vgs. As the results, the
MVL regenerator output (Vi) into single MVL output general form of Vout can be derived as follows.
(Vout). Fig. 3 shows the circuit schematic of the
proposed multi-level generator. Vout ( n 1 i)Vgs (10)
NMOSFETs M31, M32, M33, and M3(n-1) are where i=0, 1, 2, 3, …, n-1.
operate as switches. The MOS switches are
controlled by the output of the MVL threshold Next, we discuss about Vrange of the multi-level
detector, Vi {i = 1, 2, 3, …,n-1} shown in Fig.2, and generator. Since the maximum voltage of Vout is Vdd,
selected and connected into the number of stacked Vrange of the circuit can be given by
MOSFETs individually. The MOSFETs M42, M43,
and M4(n-1) are designed with same W and L, the Vdd
MOSFETs work as Vgs generator. The Vgs can be set Vrange V gs (11)
by Ib3 and W/L of MOSFETs and given by n 1
process parameters. In this simulation, the quaternary 2 4.01 3.61 25.99
inverter (n= 4) shown in Fig. 4 is selected. Vdd = 3 3.84 3.69 3.01
1.8V and Vss = 0V were used in this simulation. 18.82ns is time delay on output node to change from logic 0 to logic 1.
Fig. 5 (a) and (b) show the simulation results of TABLE II. RISE TIME AND FALL TIME
the DC and transient analyses, respectively. From
tr(ns) Vo(t+1)
these figures, it can be seen that the proposed circuit
tf(ns) 0 1 2 3
operate as the quaternary inverter. Fig. 6 shows the 0 3.32 17.33 18.17
simulation results of the pulse response. From this 1 2.25 5.33 11.64
simulation results, the time propagation delays, rise 2 2.26 1.29 12.42
time (tr) and fall time (tf) were measured. Its results 3 2.53 1.28 0.87
are listed in Table 1 and Table 2. From these tables,
the rise time and rise delay and tr are larger than the
fall delay and tf, in all cases. These depend on the
values of Ib, Ib2, and Ib3. That is to say, the relationship
between the delay times and power consumption is
VT VT 0 ( 2 F Vsb 2 F ) (12)
Figure 6. Switching time simulation result in fall-time and rise-time
Expandable MVL CMOS Inverter and Its Application to MVL CMOS Hysteresis Comparator without Backgate Scheme 125
V Vin (i 1)VT 0 VT
Vi ss (13)
Vdd Vin (i 1)VT 0 VT
Figure 7. Proposed inverted MVL hysteresis comparator DC transfer
Feedback scheme are used to combine (5) and (13) characteristic
to produce ΔV (ΔVT). In Fig.8, the feedback
scheme and the body effect are applied in M1, M51,
and M53 to give the different threshold voltage
when Vin is rising and falling. The threshold
voltage (Vth) of the inverted quaternary hysteresis
comparator shown in Fig. 8 is given by:
i VT 0 Vin Rising
Vth (14)
(i 1)VT 0 VT Vin Falling
I Vin Rising
I ds b1iHIGH (15)
I b1iLOW Vin Falling
Fig. 10 shows the simulation results of the DC Figure 10. Inverted quartenary MVL hysteresis comparator DC
analysis. From Fig. 10, we can confirm that the transfer characterisitc
proposed circuit operates as the inverted
quaternary hysteresis comparator. Furthermore,
each ΔVT (ΔVT0.5, ΔVT1.5, ΔVT2.5) can be controlled REFERENCES
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