Document 4
Document 4
Document 4
Hold the file firmly in the right or left hand (as the case may be),
with the thumb underneath it for support and the other four
fingers on its upper surface. Place the file slightly under the free
edge and file the nail from corner to center, shaping the nail.
Never file back and forth; this would cause the nails to crack and
split. Do not file deep into the corners; this weakens the nails,
hurt the skin and cause ingrown nails.
Emery Board
It is held in the same manner as the nail file. Bevel the rough surface of
the nail using the fine side to smoothen it. Emery boards are discarded
after use on one person.
Orangewood Stick
It is held in the same manner as in writing with a pencil. To loosen cuticle,
work around nail; for applying oil or solvent, slightly dip the cotton-tipped
orangewood stick and work around the base of the nail; to clean under
the free edge of the nail, from the center toward each side, with gentle
pressure so that live tissue at the root of the nail will not be injured.
Cuticle Nipper
Pick up the cuticle nipper by the handles and turn the cutting edges
towards you; place the bent tip of the index finger over the top of the
shank. Place the thumb on the side of the handle and the remaining
fingers over the opposite handle. Use it with utmost care to remove dead
cuticle and hangnails so as not to injure live tissue
Nail Cutter
Hold clippers with cutting edges downward between thumb, index and
middle finger. Press clipper handles by squeezing them together and
remove excess nail length.
Nail Brush
Insert the ring finger and pinky in the nail brush handle and brush the nails
with a downward motion from the base to the fingertips to clean the nails
and fingers.
Nail Buffer
Place the thumb and the ring finger under the handle of the buffer while the
index and the middle fingers are on its top and the pinky is on its side. Apply a
small amount of powder over the buffer then buff the nails with downward
strokes from the base to the free edge of each nail until a smooth clear gloss
has been obtained. Buffing helps in giving the nail natural gloss and increases
blood circulation to the finger tips. To prevent heating and burning sensation,
lift the buffer from the nail after each stroke.