Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.
Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.
Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.
Reg. No. :
1 + 3 , − 3 ≤ n ≤ −1
2. Given that x(n ) = 1 , 0 ≤ n ≤ 3 , sketch the signal x( – n + 4).
0 , elsewhere
3. State and prove the time shifting property of Z-transform.
8. Give the basic structure of Direct form II structure for realizing an IIR filter.
11. a) Determine whether the following systems are static, linear, time invariant,
causal and stable with proper justifications. (4+4+5)
i) y(n) = x(n) + nx(n + 1)
ii) y(n) = x( – n)
iii) y(n) = sign (x(n))
b) i) Determine the zero-input response of the difference equation given by the
following :
x(n) – 3y(n – 1) – 4y (n – 2) = 0 (6)
ii) Determine the impulse response of the following causal system. (7)
y(n) – 3y(n – 1) – 4y(n – 2) = x(n) + 2x (n – 1)
12. a) i) Determine the Z-transform and sketch the ROC of the following signal by
applying the appropriate property of the Z-transform wherever necessary. (7)
x(n) = n2u(n)
ii) Determine the inverse z-transform of (6)
1 + 2z −1
x(z ) =
1 − 2z −1 + z −2
If x(n) is causal, x(n) is anti-causal.
b) i) Determine the magnitude and phase spectra for the following signal by
computing its Fourier transform. (7)
x(n) = u(n) – u(n – 6)
ii) Consider the following signal, determine its power density spectrum and
evaluate the power of the signal. (6)
nπ nπ 1 3nπ
x(n ) = 2 + 2 cos + cos + cos
4 2 2 4
13. a) i) Discuss the savings in time for a radix-2 DIT algorithm to compute
FFT. (4)
ii) Determine the eight point FFT using DIT algorithm. (9)
x(n) = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0}
b) Derive the butterfly structure for a radix-2 DIF algorithm that is used to
compute FFT. Explain with an example. (13)
*X10402* -3- X10402
14. a) A digital low-pass filter is required to meet the following specifications : (13)
Pass band ripple : ≤ 1 dB
Pass band edge : 4 kHz
Stop band attenuation : ≥ 40 dB
Stop band edge : 6 kHz
Sample rate : 24 kHz
The filter is to be designed using bilinear transformation on an analog system
function. Use Butterworth approximation.
1, k = 0, 1, 2, 3
H( k ) = 0.4, k=4
0, k = 5, 6, 7
15. a) Discuss the architecture of any one DSP processor and explain its features. (13)
b) Discuss the addressing modes supported by a DSP processor and explain how
each is used for various DSP operations. (13)
16. a) i) Obtain the cascade and parallel structures for the following system and
realize it using Direct form II. (8)
y(n ) = y(n − 1) − y(n − 2) + x(n ) − x(n − 1) + x(n − 2)
X10402 -4- *X10402*
ii) Determine the coefficients a1, a2, c1, c0 in terms of b1 and b2 so that the two
systems in the given figure below are equivalent. (7)
b) Discuss about implementation of FFT with any suitable digital signal
processor. Also write a ‘C’ program to implement the FFT with the same