Energy Saving Smart Waste Segregation and Notification System
Energy Saving Smart Waste Segregation and Notification System
Energy Saving Smart Waste Segregation and Notification System
The developed system has been implemented in the
residence to test the system in real-time. This section
illustrates the device prototype and lists the experimental
data for some common household wastes.
A. Device Prototype
Fig. 4 demonstrate the whole prototype of the automated
dry-wet waste segregation system and Fig. 5 shows the inner
view of the smart bin. The white box is the proposed smart
bin which contains a hole on the top of the smart bin, and
motion sensor, rain sensor, ultrasonic sensor, and servomotor
inside it.
B. Experimental Data
We have implemented the proposed system in residence
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the proposed system
in real-time. Table 1 lists the amount of moisture measured
From here 5v output current will be generated and it will be by rain sensor, type of objects, and degree and direction of
connected to the power supply board from where LCD the rotation angle of the servomotor for some common
display and GSM will get the input current flow. GSM, threshold wastes, mostly food waste. It has depicted in Fig. 1
servomotor, rain sensor, ultrasonic sensor, motion sensor that food waste is the most generated waste in 2014. In Table
interfaces with the microcontroller through the wire. I, the segregation results of dry wet waste have
demonstrated. Wet waste means organic wastes such as
cucumber peel, banana peel, food waste, tea bag, etc. Dry
C. Architecture of the Proposed System
waste includes paper wastes, wood, plastic bottles, cotton
The proposed system is divided into three modules, cloth, glass bottles, etc. The threshold value for the
which are Object Detection Module, Level of Waste categorization of dry and wet is 30%. As measured moisture
Detection Module, and Notification Generation Module. value of stones, wood, batteries, tinned can, plastic bottles,
The modules are explained below: glass bottles, polybags with vegetable peel by rain sensor
1) Object Detection Module: A motion sensor is used garbage is lower than the threshold moisture value they are
adjacent to the hole of the garbage box which detects the categorized as dry garbage. Similarly, the moisture measured
motion of any object coming through the hole. By detecting in raw pumpkin peel, raw potato peel, raw orange peel, raw
motion, the motion sensor sends a signal to the rain sensor apple peel, paper, cotton clothes, tea bag, banana peel,
to measure the amount of moisture. If the moisture level is cucumber peel by the rain sensor is higher than the threshold
more than 30% then it will be considered as wet waste and if moisture value they are categorized as wet garbage. When
less than that the waste will be considered as dry. When the vegetable peels in a polybag are thrown in the smart bin
microcontroller confirms the type of waste, it will make the provides the wrong direction of rotation and detects as dry
motion sensor move accordingly. If the waste is dry then the waste because it is a complex object.
servomotor will rotate a degree of 90 left and send the A graphical representation of humidity variation of
garbage to the dry container, else it will rotate a degree of collected garbage objects is shown in Fig 6. It is clear from
90 to the right to send the garbage to the wet garbage the graph that food waste especially vegetable and food
container. waste contain most moisture ranging from 6% to 12%
2) Level of Waste Detection Module: Two ultrasonic (object 1 to 7). Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show the notification and
sensors measure the amount of waste in the two containers address of residence which are sent to a garbage boy and to
separately and continuously and send signals to the higher authority when 80% and 90% of the capacity of the
microcontroller. The microcontroller sends the signal to the smart bin is being full of garbage, respectively.
LCD and the display will show the percentage of waste in
the container.
3) Generation of Notification Module: Notifications
from the segregator will mainly be generated by GSM.
When the ultrasonic sensor detects that garbage has reached
80% of the total capacity of the container, it will send a
signal to the microcontroller. The microcontroller will
instruct GSM to generate a notification. Finally, it will
transmit the notification with the location of the smart bin to
the garbage-boy automatically. If the garbage-boy would not
collect the garbage even after 90% of the total capacity of
the smart bin then a message report will be automatically
transmitted to the City Corporation.
Fig. 4. Device prototype of Fig. 5. Inner view of the smart
smart dry wet waste segregation bin
Objec Humidity Wrong
Waste Name Detect
t No. (%) Rotation
1 Stones 6.6 Dry No
7 Glass bottles 27.6 Dry No garbage so that rain sensor can measure the moisture of all
the garbage separately. By using solar energy instead of
8 Cotton clothes 40.7 Wet No
conventional power source makes the system more
9 Paper 45.3 Wet No environment-friendly and economical. Our notification
system ensures the disposal of waste in time. Thus, the
10 Raw Apple peel 83.5 Wet No
cleanliness program of the municipality becomes successful.
11 Cucumber peel 84.2 Wet No