Abstract: Solid waste processing is a major concern with respect to various developing countries. India as a developing country has
changing consumption patterns and rapid economic growth. In Urban India 62 million tones of municipal solid waste are generated
each year, it is predicted that urban municipal solid waste will be increased to 165 million tons in 2030.[10] The waste management
process should be effectively planned to reduce waste dumping in landfills. To manage the waste in a developing country like India it is
important to plan the process of collection, transportation, and segregation of waste from the ground level. This paper reviews various
technological developments and methods that are implemented to manage the solid waste management process. It also discusses the
existing processes and government plans and programs towards efficient waste management. This paper proposes a methodology that
can be implemented to manage solid waste processing; an application is developed in order to manage the day-to-day operations of
waste management. The data collected from the application can be used for further processing and analysis to get insights about the
ineffective activities in the process. By the implementation of this application, the process of collection and transportation of waste
management can be systematically managed.
Index Terms - Solid Waste Management (SWM), Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Internet of Things, Geographic Information
System (GIS).
Solid waste processing and management are essential services that are rendered by a developing country. These services are usually
provided by the municipal authorities of the country to maintain the sanitation and cleanliness. Management and processing of waste are
also important to maintain a healthy environment. In the current scenario due to urbanization and the financial growth of the country,
there is also a massive growth in the amount of waste that is generated. This is a major problem that hinders the development of the
country as it causes environmental pollution and health hazards. It not only affects the environment and health but also causes wastage of
resources that are not recycled due to improper management and processing, thus a critical issue to be solved. In urban India, as there are
no proper collection or processing of waste it leads to dumping of waste on empty land or burning it. Due to the lack of processing in the
waste dumped in the empty land, it leads to environmental problems. If these problems related to waste processing is not managed
accurately then it would lead to serious issues in the future. Waste can also cause life-threatening infectious diseases[1].
As per the statistics of waste generation 62 million tons of municipal waste generation takes place every year. The waste collected
from various sources are segregated into different streams such as Organic waste or Biodegradable waste, then there are dry waste such it
can be further segregated as plastic, paper, wood waste, metal waste. Diapers, napkins, cleaning agents are categorized under Domestic
hazardous waste. Further, there are bulk generators such as schools, colleges, restaurants, etc. In a study it was found that 7 out of 10% of
waste is collected that is 43 million tons and 2 out of 10% that is about 11.9 million tons is treated. About half of the waste is dumped in
open sites(31 million tons). Based on a study of India Planning Commission as of 2014, organic waste generated is 51%, whereas non-
organic waste is 32% and recyclable waste is 17%. Each person generates up to 450 grams of waste per day that sums up to 62 million
tons annually. Anyway, in India daily household MSW varies, it ranges from 170 grams per person to 620 grams per person in small and
large cities respectively [10].
To control the rapid rise in waste generated, an efficient system must be developed with proper planning. The system developed must
be cost and time efficient to advance the current state of waste processing. This paper aims to review and compare various technologies
that can be used to manage the process of collection, transportation and segregation of waste. This paper also proposes a methodology
that can be implemented [1].
Waste management is very important as it may lead to many consequences leading to diseases, environmental hazardous worldwide.
In order to get a solution to the problem, many authors have come up with different ideas using new technologies.
The use of various GIS models in the field of solid waste management. The effective use of technologies such as RFID(Radio-
frequency identification) and GPS(Global Positioning System) to advance the processing and effective management of solid waste
collection, transportation, and monitoring. By this implementation, there will be a certain reduction in hazards caused [1].