Bunga Refira - 1830104008 - Allophonic Rules
Bunga Refira - 1830104008 - Allophonic Rules
Bunga Refira - 1830104008 - Allophonic Rules
Example :
/X/ [Y]/
2. Find the examples of each English allophonic process and elaborate the rules of
allophonic process occur in the examples, name the process (regressive or
progressive); then formulate their concept:
a. aspiration
example :
/t/ in ten [tʰen] is aspirated /p/ in [pʰat] is aspirated it’s aspiration because if we make
our hand close with our mouth and we said this word we will feel the air out from our
/t/ [tʰ] / .___ it can we call with t phoneme it can be t allophone when the voiceless
stop like t,p,k is at the beginning of the second syllable.
[+ stress]
So, we can conclude that aspiration is when the voiceless stop like t,p,k wll be
aspirated when having position in beginning of the word or at the beginning of the
second syllable. And we can proof when that word is aspiration when we make our
hand close with our mouth and when we said that word we will feel that the air out
from our mouth.
b. Assimilation
Example :
In both examples, the alveolar nasal, /n/, becomes more like the bilabial stop, /p/, by
becoming a bilabial nasal, [m].
if the input sound is the same as the sound that follows it, it is called progressive
All assimilation processes involve at least one segment which is changed and
one which is the source of the change. We shall refer to the segment which is changed
as the TARGET, and the segment which influence the target as the SOURCE. So,
assimilation is two sounds become similar, when the target sound more like with the
source sound
1) Palatalization,
- When a velar consonant is followed by a front vowel, there occurs
some slight anticipatory fronting of the part of the tongue that makes
contact with the roof of the mouth. This fronting is indicated by a
subscript (+) under the consonant. The effect of the fronting is that the
velar consonant is made partly in the palatal region. This process is
Example :
These examples tell us that velar consonants [k] and [ɡ] often have slightly
palatalized allophones which occur before front vowels because the tongue is
raised toward the hard palate in the production of front vowels and speakers
anticipate that gesture and start making it before they have completed the
articulation of [k] and [ɡ].
Examples :
2) labialization,
pool [pʷuːl]
two [tʷuːl]
shoe [ʃʷuː]
labialization or we can call it rounding is when we said that sounds our
mouth will make round position or round form. The sounds rounded is o and u
3) voice assimilation
- pets [pets], when we said this word, we will said pets with s in the
end, because the sound t who follow s is voiceless so we will sound
it s
- bells [belz], we will sound the end of this word bells with z because
the sound l who follow s is voice so we will sound it with z
so, voice assimilation is giving s/es in the end of plural noun. a sound
becomes more like its neighbors by agreeing in voice. Voice assimilation
happens in two conditions: plural noun suffix-s and the third singular
person present tense suffix-s
examples :
c. Elision
The most frequently elided consonants in English are /t/ and /d/
examples :
For example:
As well as consonants, vowels may also be elided. This is most obvious in the
various contractions found in English, for example,
So, Elision is the deletion of a segment normally present in the stream of speech.
d. insertion
examples :
It is also possible for segments not normally present in careful speech styles to be
inserted. The term for such insertions is epenthesis. Both consonant and vowel
epenthesis occur in English. In some dialects of English schwa [] is inserted between
two consonants.