Llo!rs) MSRK !qud Mrrki,: Lltrrinc
Llo!rs) MSRK !qud Mrrki,: Lltrrinc
Llo!rs) MSRK !qud Mrrki,: Lltrrinc
Sr. No.0l
Sobj.ct: Advlnc€d lltrrinc Engincerirg X@$tedge
(Timc -3 llo!rs)
Indi* (2016i 'l olal Msrk 6l)
n-B: (I) Arle.np! any SIX questionr onll.
(2) All que3tlons arrry !qud mrrki,
(3) r\_crlncss in h.ndwriting and clarity io expnrsio. csrrica $,eigh&ge.
. S|ling VID (Vari$le Frequ.ncy Drivc) eppliclrions onboard shjp, cvsluare its merits &
demerils. With s schcmalic skctch elabomtc how s VID can bc beneficial fo. Hydrauli€ Stecing
Cear System.
2. Discuss on some of the lilcJ! innovations incorporaled by tlte engin€ manlfaaturers to enhance
pcrfomranc. monitoring diag.ostia s€nsors. to incrcrsc thc Timc betwcen oveftaul?
3. Refening to some of the altemative refrigeratio[ cycleB availsble, discoss lh. most cncrg]r'
elficient cycle. Disclrss some of the energrv eUiciency meastres takan, lo inDmyc lhc ovamll
efiicien.y of a reirige.rliofl plant?
.1. (a) Wilh Respcct to gas buming engine options availablo foa ships, discuss various gas injeflo.
systems used and their merils & dcnerits, stressing on tbe lechnical. commercirl and
,) With rcspect io gas buming engio€s us.d on ships. Discuss i) The cunent sccnario of
rcgulalory rcquircmonts. ii) Explosion Prevenliofi & Endne Room Ventilation armngements. iii)
l,NG Tslks & gas system inst llarions.
5. Joumal benring lubricalion is stron8ly influenced by lhc characteristics shown jn thc .-stribeck.
crr,,/e. Justify the dcveloprnents thst have takcn place in lhc coruectinE rod b.orinls of bo\h
medium spead angincs and slo$ specd cngines in ihis cofltext.
6. Modern fi.. dele.d.n sys1ll:l. on L.ta vesstls are 1ltit. diflirent iiom *adilbnrl sf,Ltis
lx.r]t. 1|. tealt.ts of lh. sl'sl!'rn ald lrighlighl their advantage; od disail'lnlagt!. it an). ovcr
7. (a),^n-ong llrc varioLrj .]li]matc r.tiigera.t gases b.irg uscd. .iiscuss the suilrhilit-v ard ira\Ltit!'
,,/ i. 6. usa oiCO: trnd hyd,ocarbon gases such !s P6pane as ref.igeraols.
(t)wlrl rs rearigerant gas blcnd() \anle le* r.friScrrnt ll.rds ltxtltin whal is zcohp) irnd
. arco(r.ipy. l.\|)lxin alle ntirt ler.p.taltr. Slida' ;n {his.rrl.\l and ils significrncc
8, Conlri)l synems onboard ships lnre dcv'l2ed ao a l.!cl. *hi:rc it is possib,e, al,rt litrx
{raril )ritt plrstnaaars, to tary scl poifits ol cont.ollers iD diffcrenl [&.a otlLa t gine R.],nr frorrr
a con!ole ii the FICR Lh.ough a I1[nun Machinc lt{lrfacc. Dcii.til]t the essential rrrar8cmclrls n1'
r\ \xx^x \ x\x\\x
13...-Di""r"a Ihe various ste ps which has been introduced to miligate the cwp
(Global Warming Potential) caused
bythe use ol refrigerants?
4. Discuss Ihe construction. of Aqua blue FWG emptoying the 3-1 Dlate
lechnology? Discuss i(s advantages and
disadvantages over lhe conventtonal
FWG employing pTHE or STHE?
('1 Crankcase oil mist detectors have undergone a lot of changes in recent
y,iars. Comparc the modern types with rnulliple sensor units wilh the
traditional single sensor type, where sampling was done sequentially. What is
the typical LEL value of crankcase oil mist? Compare the suitability of bearing
bmperature alarms vs crankcaso oil mist detectors as permitted for UL4S
\/Alternators are fitted wilh a reverse power protection which opens the circuit
breaker. Explain how the po\iler can become reverse; and what the need for
this safety is. Explain the significance of lhe gip-SgEllg and iustify the
difference in settings according to the type of prime mover. ln the context of
cnecking alarms and trips, lrtlat is meanl by "test protoaol" and "acceptance
c.iteria"? How is lhe reverse power trip tested ior proper lunclioning?
9. are different materials lsed for Tube plugging? Discuss the mode'
Fop A Plug method of tube plugging and what is its advantage over
ccnventional procedures adopted in plugging the tubes?
St No' 2
/ (PA'RT-B)
KnowledPe l35l
Subiec{: Advanced Marine enEineerins
(Time allowed - 3hours)
Total irarks 60
lndia (2017)
li\ All queslon carry equal fiarks
hi) Answer anv sx quesuons
'1iri1The answers should be leglble'
;;n;; ;" t;** for this intercst ln this contcxt IGF
t.tr* in this clevelopnent ald bricfly describe how the
code is addressing this'
di-fficulties faced in its use and how aIe they being
ill i".n"nr,
elevator' 1f
(b)Highlight safety fcatures built in to ship's accomnlodation
as cagc door interlock is taulty' how
will you' as
u i"rti.rtlr.ut'"ty*tch
Chief lingi[cer cnsure cootinucd operation ?
(1.\r"r wtut is the importancc of thc ratio Pmaxl MEP in a marirc diesel ,
\ l",,gin"?
What are the lirniting factors for increasing Pmax altd mcp?
Compare the values of Pmax and MEP between 4 stroke medium spe€d
engines and 2 stroke slow spccd cngines.
(a) Describc the developments that have taken place in the desigu of
bearings olslow speed marine diesel engines . focusing on the reasons for
such changes.
dcyeloDmenl in de-sludging
in separators, discuss
(a)lt is c comrnon stalttatrt lhat '80% of accidcnts arc .aused d:rc lo hunun {r!tor' Discuss tlr
tefln hunranerrn.'reI€[cd to hl)reofa cornpler hier&rNti.ta atlao'lcchn ica I s]slcm.
. (b) Ilc lc.!. llunlan tlemenl. ltuman f.ror and tlurrln Iinclors h.r'e ,t. b.cn uscd
(by'Unsafc a.as com&;i€d t, tili: iionl IiIle opliltors have been pal in categories of er:r::'
mistak.s and tl.l.lions in the GiiMS model olJamet Rcason. Lxplain r)'rdcl with st,ii't'l'
tts.lplar lronr ire nla.ilimc field.
(.) Dis.nss lht ti*.t.!c ot S'lCW20l0 in compariso. t,tt S'lCl\: t)j :.Ird explain the reasons ,or
_ (b.l Discuss ho\! thc p.ovision! ot 2010 ,,i.dments 10 Sltw C.ir.ntion intend lo improle arra
' iachni.rl and llraamcrsonRl contfrelcaaa ofse3liaaar.
(r)D scrss thc broad alaria.t oftfe ra:atrnt iIl(). tl.().cfime! all3rinr to
:r the niaritime industn such as r:Nritim.
(hll)ir.!rt tl. l:1O tri.lar.e on latigre Miiigalion ,nd Managenrqnl on borrd shr!r.
8. (a)lvrit€ i. dcliil on silnational lc.Nd..shit \|jtat rct'c.en.. to the,lai:a:..nl s1)tcs of lcadcrship and
t\err; polrcr,inr, (
'rr , pl.,,irJ.\ rr tt.-
(b)KeJpi.g..y anrgcmcrt tcc,rniqxc-( such as tr.1cKin5cy 75 ,rnnc work in mind. t.icil) dis.rss
.lf..tilikel) lo bc fcl! it'3 good nunrb.. ot 'sl,Ifl' ir ,ny rrlrni73tjc. is .hanged in I rchiively
sl$ne.lim. spice.
9. (a) R',ftr io lhe ISM ceCa irnd aaactlss ir.!t lLe basic lrincbla o, risk a!,assne.l ,nd rjsk
mirir. izati.t lr addresscd in il and empiasiz€d.
(b) Diicuss variors lechniques tur .Ri.a Asil.smena, nptlint
onb.rrd. \!ith briel .,6c.illlio n o.
arv t\r o .f tl)e l.ll.$. i.t l..hriqr.s i-
i. l!u11'1rc. Amllsis (,'lAJ
ji. I;ailurc lvt()dcr rnd ta.is A l-Y-si.ltrMti)
iii. tieri ,l {c Anal).sa:j ll1.ii
Sr. No..B (pM)
lndia (2otE)
so thai
impJemented at
ajl iimes.
Format Sarety
Assessment (FSA)
. p.o.esses of used in tne rute
lMo. Nanate *" malnng
lhe FSA wirh rp.oro characteri"l''s
rr*or uno processes ot
ano o,
Anatysis and "^ptun*oi lrE'i
cosrten", "rr,^-^]"'rves'
'"n"ding Haza,d '.o"""""uRisk
*:jiil*i"x,:"".ffi il,r
Page L ot 2
(b) DiscLrss lhe rerulalory provjsions i.l p,ace to promole effectiva.
co,r .nu r icatio ns in sh;pboard operaljcns .. ... :.'
Sr. No. 2
O All q.estion carry equal marks
{ii) Answer any six questions
(iii) The answers should be legible
I . Tho Preamble of the lSM code states that the comerstone of good salety
nunagemanl is commilment from ths top. Discuss lhe validity ol rhis
asslmption with examples and state your opinion as to how should the
existenco of commitmcnl liom the top be verified through SMS auditsl'
(a) 'Nllchincry lallllli cr lllr J'l Jrr)rr in some cascs
bc &e caxsr of incidents at seil. hut human crror
cortribrtirlrl l:taafl." rji.''!',ctll iic"is rcgardilg thc abovc statement witl1
reference lo alls maritime environment.
(a) Merchanl Shipping Act 1958 was amended lor the incorporatior of
MLC 2006. Discnss salient elements the said amendment'
ad:ninistrations with particular
{b) Discuss mandates assigned to maritime
ieierencc to crew supply, manning and certification ofseafarers'
: 'The global shipping
industrv i
two ships, ,.r, prace. rverv day, i( roses
,"rio ,ii,l"t,lIn,crar"ns
of hunireis ; "r,
and radicalrv changei
the lives
"r-r""n tor'*iJ.,l'il'in" l1'' ::"':"
is has arso been said
reason why the ross
^'i such loss. n is arso the
statemenr ,;;;;"r1:'
is ._. 6,-urer.I'['?'tv
this seemingly conflicting
In a shipboard environmcnt
,(a) wha