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NHS Grade level 7

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher JUN REY M. ETULLE learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates August 27-30, 2019 Quarter 2nd


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of sets and the real number system.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.
The learner llustrates the different properties The learner llustrates the different The learner expresses rational numbers
The learner arranges rational numbers on
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives of operations on the set of integers. (M7NS-Id- properties of operations on the set of from fraction form to decimal form andvice
a number line. (M7NS-Ie-2)
with the LC Code for each 2) integers. (M7NS-Id-2) versa. (M7NS-Ie-1)

II. CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense


A. References
1. Teacher's guide pages Mathematics 7 TG pages 31-32 Mathematics 7 TG pages 31-32 Mathematics 7 TG pages 32-34 Mathematics 7 TG pages 34-35
2. Learner's Materials pages Mathematics 7 LM pages 34-40 Mathematics 7 LM pages 34-40 Mathematics 7 LM pages 40-43 Mathematics 7 LM pages 43-44
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Resources from Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and
Learning Resources (LR) portal Website links Website links Website links Website links
NFE Accreditation and Equivalency DLM 1 - Unit 1: Real NumberSystem,
B. Other Learning Resources NFE Accreditation and Equivalency Learning Learning Material. Real Numbers. 2000. pp. Elementary Algebra I. 2002.
Measurement andScientific Notation
Material. Real Numbers. 2000. pp. 21-25 21-25
Recall how to express rational numbers
A. Reviewing previous lessons or Recall all the rules of the operations on Recall all the rules of the operations on Recall all the different properties of the
presenting the new lesson from fraction form to decimal form andvice
integers. integers. operations on integers.
Ask the students what they expect to learn
Ask the students what they expect to learn on Ask the students what they expect to learn Ask the students what they expect to
B. Establishing a purpose for the on how to express rational numbers from
lesson how to illustrate the different properties of the on how to illustrate the different properties learn on how to arrange rational numbers
fraction form to decimal form andvice
operations on integers. of the operations on integers. on a number line.

C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson Perform the first activity on page 39. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform the first activity on page 40. Perform an activity related to the lesson.

Continue to discuss the properties Discuss the procedures on expressing

D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the properties (Properties 1-5) of the Discuss and explain the arrangement of
practicing new skills (Properties 1-5) of the operations on rational numbers from fraction form to
operations on integers. rational numbers on a number line.
integers. decimal form andvice versa.
Let the students answer the Let the students answer the Let the students answer the
E. Developing mastery leads to Let the students answer the questions/points
formative assessment questions/points to ponder (Post Activity questions/points to ponder (Post Activity questions/points to ponder (Post Activity
to ponder (Post Activity Discussion)
Discussion) Discussion) Discussion)

F. Finding practical applications of Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on
concepts & skills in daily living pages 39-40 pages 39-40 page 43 pages 44
Let the student think of a different
Let the student think of a different situation Let the student think of a different situation Let the student think of a different situation
G. Making generalizations situation where all properties can be
where all properties can be applied. where all properties can be applied. where all properties can be applied.
H. Evaluating Learning Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation.

I. Additional Activities for application Answer Exercises 1-5 on page 40 NONE NONE NONE
or remediation

___ out of __ students belong to 80% mastery level during ___ out of __ students belong to 80% mastery level ___ out of __ students belong to 80% mastery level ___ out of __ students belong to 80% mastery level
a. No. of learners who earned 80% formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment
on the formative assessment

b. No. of learners who require __ students need remediation. __ students need remediation. __ students need remediation. __ students need remediation.
additional activities for remediation

c. did the remedial lessons work? No. __ out __ students have caught up with the lesson __ out __ students have caught up with the lesson __ out __ students have caught up with the lesson __ out __ students have caught up with the lesson
of learnerswho have caught up with
the lesson

d. No. of learners who continue to _ students need a follow up remediation _ students need a follow up remediation _ students need a follow up remediation _ students need a follow up remediation
require remediation
e. which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did those work?

f. what diffulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
me resolve?

g. What innovation or

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher Acting Academic Coordinator Principal II
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher JUN REY M. ETULLE learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates Sept. 30 - Oct. 4, 2019 Quarter 2nd


At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Sampaguita students At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Waling2x At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Ilang2x students At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Santan
can: 1) translate verbal phrases to mathematical phrases and students can: 1) define and interpret the meaning of can: 1) differentiate between constants and variables students can: 1) evaluate algebraic expressions for
vice versa; 2) create a situation wherein the algebraic a^n where n is a positive integer; 2) derive in a given algebraic expression; 2) Demonstrate given values of the variables; 2. display good
concepts are applied; 3) display good behavior by actively inductively the laws of exponent; 3) show willingness positive attitude by listening attentively to class behavior by actively participating in all activities.
I. OBJECTIVES participating in all activities. and desire to learn algebraicb concepts by actively discussion.
participating in class activities.

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of algebraic expressions, the properties of real numbers as applied in linear equations, and inequalities in one variable.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to model situations using oral, written,graphical, and algebraic methods in solving problems involving algebraic expressions, linear equations, and inequalities in one variable
The learner differentiates between constants
The learner translates English phrases to The learner interprets the meaning of a^n The learner evaluates algebraic expressions
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives mathematical phrases and vice versa. (M7AL-IIc-1) and variables in a given algebraic expression.
where n is a positive integer. (M7AL-IIc-2) for given values of the variables. (M7AL-IIc-4)
with the LC Code for each (M7AL-IIc-3)

II. CONTENT Patterns and Algebra Patterns and Algebra Patterns and Algebra Patterns and Algebra


A. References
1. Teacher's guide pages Mathematics 7 TG pages 89-90 Mathematics 7 TG pages 90-92 Mathematics 7 TG pages 93-94 Mathematics 7 TG pages 94-96
2. Learner's Materials pages Mathematics 7 LM pages 98-105 Mathematics 7 LM pages 105-107 Mathematics 7 LM pages 107-108 Mathematics 7 LM pages 109-111
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Resources from Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Website Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and
Learning Resources (LR) portal links Website links Website links Website links
Elementary Algebra I. 2002.pp. 82-84* 2. BEAM I –Module 1: Contants, Variables and
B. Other Learning Resources NFE Accreditation andEquivalency Learning AlgebraicExpressions and SimplifyingNumerical Elementary Algebra I. 2002.pp. 85-86*
Integrated Mathematics III.2001. p. 195*
Material.Equations (Part 1). 2002. pp.6-10 Expressions
A. Reviewing previous lessons or Recall the past lesson including integers and its Revisit the basic terms of algebra including the Recall the last topic and revisit the basic terms Revisit the last topic discussed and recall the
presenting the new lesson operations meaning of an exponent. of algebra. properties of operations on integers.
Ask the students what they expect to learn Ask the students what they expect to learn about Ask the students what they expect to learn on
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask the students what they expect to learn on how to
lesson about the meaning of a^n, where n is a positive the difference between constants and variables how to evaluate algebraic expressions for
translate english phrases into mathematical phrases.
integer. in a given algebraic expression. given values of the variables.
C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson.
Discuss the basic terms or concepts of algebra as part
Illustrate the difference between constants and Discuss and illustrate how to evaluate
D. Discussing new concepts and of its language used and differentiate a phrase from a Discuss the meaning of a^n deductively and
practicing new skills variables in a give algebraic expressions and algebraic expressions for given values of the
sentence. Illustrate how to translate from verbal give more examples.
give more examples. variables.
phrases to mathematical phrases.
E. Developing mastery leads to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points
formative assessment ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion) to ponder (Post Activity Discussion)

F. Finding practical applications of Let the students answer Exercises 8-10 on pages 104- Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on Let the students answer Exercises 4-5 on pages Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on
concepts & skills in daily living 105. pages 107. 108. pages 110.
Let the student think of a different situation where Let the student think of a different situation Let the student think of a different situation Let the student think of a different situation
G. Making generalizations conversion of measurement from one unit to another where conversion of measurement from one where conversion of measurement from one unit where conversion of measurement from one
unit can be applied. unit to another unit can be applied. to another unit can be applied. unit to another unit can be applied.
H. Evaluating Learning Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation.

I. Additional Activities for application NONE NONE NONE NONE

or remediation

____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level during ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level
a. No. of learners who earned 80%
formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment
on the formative assessment
b. No. of learners who require ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation.
additional activities for remediation

c. did the remedial lessons work? No.

of learnerswho have caught up with ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson
the lesson

d. No. of learners who continue to _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation
require remediation
e. which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did those work?
f. what diffulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
me resolve?

g. What innovation or

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher Acting Academic Coordinator Principal II
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher JUN REY M. ETULLE learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates Oct. 14-18, 2019 Quarter 2nd


At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Sampaguita students At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Waling2x At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Ilang2x students
can: 1) evaluate algebraic expressions for given values of the students can: 1) classify algebraic expressions; 2. can: 1) classify algebraic expressions; 2. display good
variables; 2. display good behavior by actively participating in display good behavior by actively participating in all behavior by actively participating in all activities.
all activities. activities.

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of algebraic expressions, the properties of real numbers as applied in linear equations, and inequalities in one variable.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to model situations using oral, written,graphical, and algebraic methods in solving problems involving algebraic expressions, linear equations, and inequalities in one variable
The learner classifies algebraic expressions
The learner evaluates algebraic expressions for given The learner adds and subtracts polynomials.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives values of the variables. (M7AL-IIc-4) which are polynomials according to degree and
with the LC Code for each number of terms. (M7AL-IId-1)

II. CONTENT Patterns and Algebra Patterns and Algebra Patterns and Algebra


A. References

2nd Quarter Exam

1. Teacher's guide pages Mathematics 7 TG pages 94-96 Mathematics 7 TG pages 97-99 Mathematics 7 TG pages 100-105
2. Learner's Materials pages Mathematics 7 LM pages 109-111 Mathematics 7 LM pages 112 -114 Mathematics 7 LM pages 114-118
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Resources from Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Website Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and
Learning Resources (LR) portal links Website links Website links
NFE Accreditation andEquivalency Learning
B. Other Learning Resources Elementary Algebra I. 2002.pp. 85-86* Material.Studying Polynomials. 2001.pp. 4-13 BEAM I – Module 6:Polynomials

A. Reviewing previous lessons or Revisit the last topic discussed and recall the Recall how to evaluate algebraic expressions
presenting the new lesson Review the past lesson about polynomials.
properties of operations on integers. for given values of the variables.
Ask the students what they expect to learn on how to
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask the students what they expect to learn on Ask the students what they expect to learn on
lesson evaluate algebraic expressions for given values of the
how to classify algebraic expressions. how to add and subtract polynomials
C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson.
Discuss and illustrate the different
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss and illustrate how to evaluate algebraic Discuss the steps on how to add and subtract
practicing new skills classifications of algebraic expressions
expressions for given values of the variables. polynomials.
according to the number of terms and degree.

E. Developing mastery leads to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to
formative assessment ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion)

F. Finding practical applications of Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on pages
Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on pages 110.
concepts & skills in daily living pages 114. 118.
Let the student think of a different situation Let the student think of a different situation
Let the student think of a different situation where
G. Making generalizations where classifying of algebraic expressions where adding and subracting polynomials can
evaluating algebraic expressions can be applied.
according to number of terms can be applied. be applied.
H. Evaluating Learning Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation.

I. Additional Activities for application NONE NONE NONE

or remediation

____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level during ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level
a. No. of learners who earned 80%
formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment
on the formative assessment
b. No. of learners who require ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation.
additional activities for remediation

c. did the remedial lessons work? No.

of learnerswho have caught up with ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson
the lesson

d. No. of learners who continue to _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation
require remediation
e. which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did those work?
f. what diffulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
me resolve?

g. What innovation or

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher Acting Academic Coordinator Principal II
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher JUN REY M. ETULLE learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates Oct. 14-18, 2019 Quarter 2nd


At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Sampaguita At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Waling2x At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Ilang2x
students can: 1) evaluate algebraic expressions for students can: 1) classify algebraic expressions; 2. students can: 1) classify algebraic expressions; 2.
given values of the variables; 2. display good behavior display good behavior by actively participating in display good behavior by actively participating in
I. OBJECTIVES by actively participating in all activities. all activities. all activities.

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of algebraic expressions, the properties of real numbers as applied in linear equations, and inequalities in one variable.
The learner is able to model situations using oral, written,graphical, and algebraic methods in solving problems involving algebraic expressions, linear equations, and inequalities in
B. Performance Standards one variable
The learner classifies algebraic expressions
The learner evaluates algebraic expressions for The learner adds and subtracts polynomials.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives given values of the variables. (M7AL-IIc-4) which are polynomials according to degree
with the LC Code for each and number of terms. (M7AL-IId-1)

II. CONTENT Patterns and Algebra Patterns and Algebra Patterns and Algebra


A. References

2nd Quarter Exam

1. Teacher's guide pages Mathematics 7 TG pages 94-96 Mathematics 7 TG pages 97-99 Mathematics 7 TG pages 100-105
2. Learner's Materials pages Mathematics 7 LM pages 109-111 Mathematics 7 LM pages 112 -114 Mathematics 7 LM pages 114-118
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Resources from Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and
Learning Resources (LR) portal Website links Website links Website links
NFE Accreditation andEquivalency
Learning Material.Studying Polynomials.
B. Other Learning Resources Elementary Algebra I. 2002.pp. 85-86* BEAM I – Module 6:Polynomials
2001.pp. 4-13

Recall how to evaluate algebraic
A. Reviewing previous lessons or Revisit the last topic discussed and recall the
presenting the new lesson expressions for given values of the Review the past lesson about polynomials.
properties of operations on integers.
Ask the students what they expect to learn on
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask the students what they expect to learn Ask the students what they expect to learn
lesson how to evaluate algebraic expressions for given
on how to classify algebraic expressions. on how to add and subtract polynomials
values of the variables.
C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson.
Discuss and illustrate the different
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss and illustrate how to evaluate algebraic classifications of algebraic expressions Discuss the steps on how to add and
practicing new skills expressions for given values of the variables. according to the number of terms and subtract polynomials.
Let the students answer the
E. Developing mastery leads to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points
formative assessment questions/points to ponder (Post Activity
ponder (Post Activity Discussion) to ponder (Post Activity Discussion)

F. Finding practical applications of Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on pages Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on
concepts & skills in daily living 110. pages 114. pages 118.
Let the student think of a different situation
Let the student think of a different situation Let the student think of a different situation
where classifying of algebraic expressions
G. Making generalizations where evaluating algebraic expressions can be where adding and subracting polynomials
according to number of terms can be
applied. can be applied.
H. Evaluating Learning Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation.

I. Additional Activities for application NONE NONE NONE

or remediation

____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level during ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery
a. No. of learners who earned 80%
formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment level during formative assessment
on the formative assessment
b. No. of learners who require ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation.
additional activities for remediation

c. did the remedial lessons work? No. ____ out ____ students have caught up with the
of learnerswho have caught up with ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson
the lesson

d. No. of learners who continue to _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation
require remediation
e. which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did those work?
f. what diffulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
me resolve?

g. What innovation or

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Teacher Acting Academic Coordinator Principal II
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher JUN REY M. ETULLE learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates November 25-29, 2019 Quarter 3rd


At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Waling2x students can: At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Ilang2x students At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Santan students At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Sampaguita
1) illustrate the subsets of a line 2) show willingness and can: 1) classify the different kinds of angles; 2) can: 1) illustrate complementary and supplementary students can: 1) illustrate complementary and
desire to learn algebraicb concepts by actively participating Demonstrate positive attitude by listening attentively angles 2. display good behavior by actively supplementary angles 2. display good behavior by
in class activities. to class discussion. participating in all activities. actively participating in all activities.

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of keyconcepts of geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric relationships.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to is able to create models of plane figures and formulate and solve accuratelyauthentic problems involving sides and angles of a polygon.
The learner derives relationships of geometric
The learner derives relationships of geometric
figures using congruent angles, vertical
The learner illustrates subsets of a line. (M7GE- The learner classifies the different kinds of figures using measurements and by inductive
angles,adjacent angles, linear pairs,
IIIa-2) angles. (M7GE-IIIa-3) reasoning; supplementary angles (M7GE-
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives perpendicular lines, and parallellines. (M7GE-
with the LC Code for each IIIb-1)

II. CONTENT Geometry Geometry Geometry Geometry


A. References
1. Teacher's guide pages Mathematics 7 TG pages 126-128 Mathematics 7 TG pages 128-130 Mathematics 7 TG pages 131-133 Mathematics 7 TG pages 131-133
2. Learner's Materials pages Mathematics 7 LM pages 118-120 Mathematics 7 LM pages 121-122 Mathematics 7 LM pages 123-125 Mathematics 7 LM pages 123-125
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Resources from Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Website Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and
Learning Resources (LR) portal links Website links Website links Website links
NFE Accreditation andEquivalency Learning
OHSP Modules – Module 1:Geometry of NFE Accreditation andEquivalency Learning
B. Other Learning Resources EASE III – Module 1: Geometryof Shape and Size Material.Trigonometric Functions I.2000. pp.
Shape and Size Material.Trigonometric Functions I.2000. pp. 7-8
A. Reviewing previous lessons or Revisit the last topic discussed and recall the Revisit the last topic discussed and recall the
presenting the new lesson Review the students about the last topic discussed. Recall and re-illustrate the subsets of a line.
different kinds of angles. different kinds of angles.

Ask the students what they expect to learn on Ask the students what they expect to learn on
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask the students what they expect to learn about the Ask the students what they expect to learn
lesson how to illustrate angle pairs especially the how to illustrate angle pairs especially the
subsets of a line. about the different kinds of angles.
complementary and supplementary angles. complementary and supplementary angles.
C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson.
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the subsets of a line and illustrate each of Illustrate the different kinds of angles and give Discuss and illustrate the complement and the Discuss and illustrate the complement and the
practicing new skills them. more examples. supplement of an angle. supplement of an angle.

E. Developing mastery leads to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points
formative assessment ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion) to ponder (Post Activity Discussion)

F. Finding practical applications of Let the students answer Exercises 4-5 on Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on pages Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on
Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on pages 120.
concepts & skills in daily living pages 122. 125. pages 125.
Let the student think of a different situation Let the student think of a different situation
Let the student think of a different situation where Let the student think of a different situation
G. Making generalizations where conversion of measurement from one unit where conversion of measurement from one
subsets of a line can be applied. where different kinds of angles can be applied.
to another unit can be applied. unit to another unit can be applied.
H. Evaluating Learning Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation.

I. Additional Activities for application NONE NONE NONE NONE

or remediation

____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level during ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level
a. No. of learners who earned 80%
formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment
on the formative assessment
b. No. of learners who require ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation.
additional activities for remediation

c. did the remedial lessons work? No.

of learnerswho have caught up with ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson
the lesson

d. No. of learners who continue to _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation
require remediation
e. which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did those work?
f. what diffulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
me resolve?

g. What innovation or

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher Acting Academic Coordinator Principal II
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher JUN REY M. ETULLE learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates November 25-29, 2019 Quarter 3rd


At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Ilang2x students can: 1) At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Santan students At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Sampaguita At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Waling2
classify the different kinds of angles; 2) Demonstrate positive can: 1) illustrate complementary and supplementary students can: 1) illustrate complementary and students can: 1) illustrate and describe the different
attitude by listening attentively to class discussion. angles 2. display good behavior by actively supplementary angles 2. display good behavior by angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal
I. OBJECTIVES participating in all activities. actively participating in all activities. 2. display good behavior by actively participating in
all activities.

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of keyconcepts of geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric relationships.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to is able to create models of plane figures and formulate and solve accuratelyauthentic problems involving sides and angles of a polygon.
The learner derives relationships of geometric
The learner derives relationships of geometric The learner derives relationships among
figures using congruent angles, vertical
The learner classifies the different kinds of angles. figures using measurements and by inductive angles formed by parallel lines cut by a
angles,adjacent angles, linear pairs,
(M7GE-IIIa-3) reasoning; supplementary angles transversal using measurement and by
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives perpendicular lines, and parallellines. (M7GE-
(M7GE-IIIb-1) inductive reasoning. (M7GE-IIIc-1)
with the LC Code for each IIIb-1)
II. CONTENT Geometry Geometry Geometry
A. References
1. Teacher's guide pages Mathematics 7 TG pages 128-130 Mathematics 7 TG pages 131-133 Mathematics 7 TG pages 131-133 Mathematics 7 TG pages 133-135
2. Learner's Materials pages Mathematics 7 LM pages 121-122 Mathematics 7 LM pages 123-125 Mathematics 7 LM pages 123-125 Mathematics 7 LM pages 126-128
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Resources from Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Website Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and
Learning Resources (LR) portal links Website links Website links Website links
NFE Accreditation andEquivalency Learning
OHSP Modules – Module 1:Geometry of Shape and NFE Accreditation andEquivalency Learning
B. Other Learning Resources Material.Trigonometric Functions I.2000. pp. 7- DLM 3 – Module 1: GeometricRelations
Size Material.Trigonometric Functions I.2000. pp. 7-8
A. Reviewing previous lessons or Revisit the last topic discussed and recall the Revisit the last topic discussed and recall the
presenting the new lesson Recall and re-illustrate the subsets of a line. Review the past lesson about angle pairs.
different kinds of angles. different kinds of angles.

Ask the students what they expect to learn on Ask the students what they expect to learn on Ask the students what they expect to learn
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask the students what they expect to learn about the
lesson how to illustrate angle pairs especially the how to illustrate angle pairs especially the about the different angles formed by parallel
different kinds of angles.
complementary and supplementary angles. complementary and supplementary angles. lines cut by a transversal.
C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson.

D. Discussing new concepts and Illustrate the different kinds of angles and give more Discuss and illustrate the complement and the Discuss and illustrate the complement and the Discuss and illustrate the different angles
practicing new skills examples. supplement of an angle. supplement of an angle. formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal.
E. Developing mastery leads to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points
formative assessment ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion) to ponder (Post Activity Discussion)

F. Finding practical applications of Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on pages Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on
Let the students answer Exercises 4-5 on pages 122.
concepts & skills in daily living pages 125. 125. pages 128.
Let the student think of a different situation
Let the student think of a different situation Let the student think of a different situation
Let the student think of a different situation where where they can apply the different angles
G. Making generalizations where conversion of measurement from one where conversion of measurement from one unit
different kinds of angles can be applied. formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal in
unit to another unit can be applied. to another unit can be applied.
real life.
H. Evaluating Learning Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation.

I. Additional Activities for application NONE NONE NONE NONE

or remediation

a. No. of learners who earned 80% ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level during ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level
on the formative assessment formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment

b. No. of learners who require ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation.
additional activities for remediation

c. did the remedial lessons work? No.

of learnerswho have caught up with ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson
the lesson

d. No. of learners who continue to _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation
require remediation
e. which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did those work?
f. what diffulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
me resolve?
g. What innovation or

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher Acting Academic Coordinator Principal II
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher JUN REY M. ETULLE learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates December 2-6, 2019 Quarter 3rd


At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Ilang2x students can: 1) At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Santan students At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Sampaguita At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Waling2
classify the different kinds of angles; 2) Demonstrate positive can: 1) illustrate a polygon 2. display good behavior students can: 1)derive inductively the relationship of students can: 1)illustrates a circle and the terms
attitude by listening attentively to class discussion. by actively participating in all activities. exterior and interior angles of a convex polygon. 2. related to it: radius, diameter chord, center, arc,
I. OBJECTIVES display good behavior by actively participating in all chord, central angle, and inscribed angle 2. display
activities. good behavior by actively participating in all

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of keyconcepts of geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric relationships.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to is able to create models of plane figures and formulate and solve accuratelyauthentic problems involving sides and angles of a polygon.
The learner derives relationships among angles The learner illustrates a circle and the terms
The learner derives inductively the relationship
formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal using The learner illustrates polygons: (a) convexity; related to it: radius, diameter chord, center,
of exterior and interior angles of a convex
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives measurement and by inductive reasoning. (M7GE-IIIc- (b) angles; and (c) sides. (M7GE-IIIe-2) polygon. (M7GE-IIIf-1)
arc, chord, central angle, and inscribed angle.
with the LC Code for each 1) (M7GE-IIIg-1)
II. CONTENT Geometry Geometry Geometry Geometry
A. References
1. Teacher's guide pages Mathematics 7 TG pages 133-135 Mathematics 7 TG pages 135-136 Mathematics 7 TG pages 137-139 Mathematics 7 TG pages 140-142
2. Learner's Materials pages Mathematics 7 LM pages 126-128 Mathematics 7 LM pages 129-130 Mathematics 7 LM pages 131-133 Mathematics 7 LM pages 133-135
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Resources from Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Website Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and
Learning Resources (LR) portal links Website links Website links Website links
NFE Accreditation andEquivalency Learning
NFE Accreditation andEquivalency Learning
B. Other Learning Resources DLM 3 – Module 1: GeometricRelations Material.Trigonometric Functions I.2000. pp. 7- DLM 3 – Module 1: GeometricRelations
Material.Trigonometric Functions I.2000. pp. 7-8
A. Reviewing previous lessons or Revisit the last topic discussed and recall the Revisit the last topic discussed and recall the
presenting the new lesson Review the past lesson about angle pairs. Review the past lesson about polygons.
different kinds of angles. polygons.
Ask the students what they expect to learn on
Ask the students what they expect to learn about the Ask the students what they expect to learn on
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask the students what they expect to learn on how to illustrate a circle and the terms related
lesson different angles formed by parallel lines cut by a how to derive inductively the relationship of
how to illustrate a polygon. to it: radius, diameter chord, center, arc,
transversal. exterior and interior angles of a convex polygon.
chord, central angle, and inscribed angle.l.
C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson.

Show how to derive inductively the relationship Discuss and illustrate a circle and the terms
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss and illustrate the different angles formed by
practicing new skills Discuss and illustrate the polygons of exterior and interior angles of a convex related to it: radius, diameter chord, center,
parallel lines cut by a transversal.
polygon. arc, chord, central angle, and inscribed angle.
E. Developing mastery leads to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points
formative assessment ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion) to ponder (Post Activity Discussion)

F. Finding practical applications of Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on pages Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on
Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on pages 128.
concepts & skills in daily living pages 125. 125. pages 128.

Let the student think of a different situation where they Let the student think of a different situation
Let the student think of a different situation Let the student think of a different situation
G. Making generalizations can apply the different angles formed by parallel lines where they can apply the circles and their
where polygons can be applied. where the topic about polygons can be applied.
cut by a transversal in real life. parts in real life.

H. Evaluating Learning Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation.

I. Additional Activities for application NONE NONE NONE NONE

or remediation

a. No. of learners who earned 80% ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level during ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level
on the formative assessment formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment

b. No. of learners who require ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation.
additional activities for remediation

c. did the remedial lessons work? No.

of learnerswho have caught up with ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson
the lesson

d. No. of learners who continue to _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation
require remediation
e. which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did those work?
f. what diffulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
me resolve?
g. What innovation or

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher Acting Academic Coordinator Principal II
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher JUN REY M. ETULLE learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates December 9-12, 2019 Quarter 3rd


At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Santan students can: 1) At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Sampaguita At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Waling2 students
illustrate a polygon 2. display good behavior by actively students can: 1)derive inductively the relationship of can: 1)illustrates a circle and the terms related to it:
participating in all activities. exterior and interior angles of a convex polygon. 2. radius, diameter chord, center, arc, chord, central
I. OBJECTIVES display good behavior by actively participating in all angle, and inscribed angle 2. display good behavior by
activities. actively participating in all activities.

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of keyconcepts of geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric relationships.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to is able to create models of plane figures and formulate and solve accuratelyauthentic problems involving sides and angles of a polygon.
The learner illustrates a circle and the terms
The learner derives inductively the relationship
The learner illustrates polygons: (a) convexity; (b) related to it: radius, diameter chord, center, arc,
of exterior and interior angles of a convex
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives angles; and (c) sides. (M7GE-IIIe-2) polygon. (M7GE-IIIf-1)
chord, central angle, and inscribed angle.
with the LC Code for each (M7GE-IIIg-1)
II. CONTENT Geometry Geometry Geometry


A. References
1. Teacher's guide pages Mathematics 7 TG pages 135-136 Mathematics 7 TG pages 137-139 Mathematics 7 TG pages 140-142
2. Learner's Materials pages Mathematics 7 LM pages 129-130 Mathematics 7 LM pages 131-133 Mathematics 7 LM pages 133-135
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Resources from Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Website Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and
Learning Resources (LR) portal links Website links Website links
NFE Accreditation andEquivalency Learning
NFE Accreditation andEquivalency Learning
B. Other Learning Resources Material.Trigonometric Functions I.2000. pp. 7- DLM 3 – Module 1: GeometricRelations
Material.Trigonometric Functions I.2000. pp. 7-8
A. Reviewing previous lessons or Revisit the last topic discussed and recall the different Revisit the last topic discussed and recall the
presenting the new lesson Review the past lesson about polygons.
kinds of angles. polygons.
Ask the students what they expect to learn on Ask the students what they expect to learn on
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask the students what they expect to learn on how to how to derive inductively the relationship of how to illustrate a circle and the terms related to
lesson illustrate a polygon. exterior and interior angles of a convex it: radius, diameter chord, center, arc, chord,
polygon. central angle, and inscribed angle.l.
C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson.

Show how to derive inductively the relationship Discuss and illustrate a circle and the terms
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills Discuss and illustrate the polygons of exterior and interior angles of a convex related to it: radius, diameter chord, center, arc,
polygon. chord, central angle, and inscribed angle.
E. Developing mastery leads to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to
formative assessment ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion)

F. Finding practical applications of Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on pages
Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on pages 125.
concepts & skills in daily living pages 125. 128.

Let the student think of a different situation

Let the student think of a different situation where Let the student think of a different situation
G. Making generalizations where they can apply the circles and their parts
polygons can be applied. where the topic about polygons can be applied.
in real life.

H. Evaluating Learning Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation.

I. Additional Activities for application NONE NONE NONE

or remediation

a. No. of learners who earned 80% ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level during ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level
on the formative assessment formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment

b. No. of learners who require ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation.
additional activities for remediation

c. did the remedial lessons work? No.

of learnerswho have caught up with ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson
the lesson

d. No. of learners who continue to _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation
require remediation
e. which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did those work?
f. what diffulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
me resolve?
g. What innovation or

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher Acting Academic Coordinator Principal II
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher JUN REY M. ETULLE learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates January 6-10, 2020 Quarter 3rd


At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Santan students can: 1) At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Sampaguita At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Waling2 students
illustrate a polygon 2. display good behavior by actively students can: 1)derive inductively the relationship of can: 1)illustrates a circle and the terms related to it:
participating in all activities. exterior and interior angles of a convex polygon. 2. radius, diameter chord, center, arc, chord, central
I. OBJECTIVES display good behavior by actively participating in all angle, and inscribed angle 2. display good behavior by
activities. actively participating in all activities.

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of keyconcepts of geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric relationships.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to is able to create models of plane figures and formulate and solve accuratelyauthentic problems involving sides and angles of a polygon.
The learner illustrates a circle and the terms
The learner derives inductively the relationship
The learner illustrates polygons: (a) convexity; (b) related to it: radius, diameter chord, center, arc,
of exterior and interior angles of a convex
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives angles; and (c) sides. (M7GE-IIIe-2) polygon. (M7GE-IIIf-1)
chord, central angle, and inscribed angle.
with the LC Code for each (M7GE-IIIg-1)
II. CONTENT Geometry Geometry Geometry
A. References

Third Quarter Examination

1. Teacher's guide pages Mathematics 7 TG pages 135-136 Mathematics 7 TG pages 137-139 Mathematics 7 TG pages 140-142
2. Learner's Materials pages Mathematics 7 LM pages 129-130 Mathematics 7 LM pages 131-133 Mathematics 7 LM pages 133-135
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Resources from Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Website Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and
Learning Resources (LR) portal links Website links Website links
NFE Accreditation andEquivalency Learning
NFE Accreditation andEquivalency Learning
B. Other Learning Resources Material.Trigonometric Functions I.2000. pp. 7- DLM 3 – Module 1: GeometricRelations
Material.Trigonometric Functions I.2000. pp. 7-8
A. Reviewing previous lessons or Revisit the last topic discussed and recall the different Revisit the last topic discussed and recall the
presenting the new lesson Review the past lesson about polygons.
kinds of angles. polygons.
Ask the students what they expect to learn on Ask the students what they expect to learn on
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask the students what they expect to learn on how to how to derive inductively the relationship of how to illustrate a circle and the terms related to
lesson illustrate a polygon. exterior and interior angles of a convex it: radius, diameter chord, center, arc, chord,
polygon. central angle, and inscribed angle.l.
C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson.

Show how to derive inductively the relationship Discuss and illustrate a circle and the terms
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills Discuss and illustrate the polygons of exterior and interior angles of a convex related to it: radius, diameter chord, center, arc,
polygon. chord, central angle, and inscribed angle.
E. Developing mastery leads to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to
formative assessment ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion)

F. Finding practical applications of Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on pages
Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on pages 125.
concepts & skills in daily living pages 125. 128.

Let the student think of a different situation

Let the student think of a different situation where Let the student think of a different situation
G. Making generalizations where they can apply the circles and their parts
polygons can be applied. where the topic about polygons can be applied.
in real life.

H. Evaluating Learning Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation.

I. Additional Activities for application NONE NONE NONE

or remediation

a. No. of learners who earned 80% ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level during ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level
on the formative assessment formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment

b. No. of learners who require ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation.
additional activities for remediation

c. did the remedial lessons work? No.

of learnerswho have caught up with ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson
the lesson

d. No. of learners who continue to _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation
require remediation
e. which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did those work?
f. what diffulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
me resolve?
g. What innovation or

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher Acting Academic Coordinator Principal II
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher JUN REY M. ETULLE learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates January 13-17, 2020 Quarter 4th


At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Sampaguita students At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Waling2 At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Ilang2 students At the end of 50 minutes, the Gr. 7 - Santan
can: 1) explain the importance of Statistics 2. display good students can: 1) pose problems that can be solved can: 1) formulate simple statistical instruments 2. students can: 1) gather statistical data 2.
behavior by actively participating in all activities. using Statistics. 2. display good behavior by actively display good behavior by actively participating in all display good behavior by actively participating
I. OBJECTIVES participating in all activities. activities. in all activities.

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of keyconcepts, uses and importance of Statistics,data collection/gatheringand the different forms ofdata representation,measures of central tendency,
measures of variability, and probability.
The learner is able to collect andorganize data systematically and compute accurately measures of central tendency and variability and apply these appropriately indata analysis and interpretation
B. Performance Standards in different fields.

The learner explains the importance of Statistics. The learner poses problems that can be solved The learner formulates simple statistical The learner gathers statistical data.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives (M7SP-IVa-1) using Statistics. (M7SP-IVa-2) instruments.(M7SP-IVa-3) (M7SP-IVb-1)
with the LC Code for each
II. CONTENT Statistics and Probability Statistics and Probability Statistics and Probability Statistics and Probability
A. References
1. Teacher's guide pages Mathematics 7 TG pages 143-144 Mathematics 7 TG pages 145-146 Mathematics 7 TG pages 146-148 Mathematics 7 TG pages 148-149
2. Learner's Materials pages Mathematics 7 LM pages 136-137 Mathematics 7 LM pages 137-138 Mathematics 7 LM pages 139-140 Mathematics 7 LM pages 140-141
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Resources from Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Website Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and Grade 7 Mathematics Module and
Learning Resources (LR) portal links Website links Website links Website links
Advanced Algebra,Trigonometry and StatisticsIV. Advanced Algebra,Trigonometry and
B. Other Learning Resources DLM 4 – Module 1: Statistics EASE IV – Module 1: Statistics
2009. pp. 232-233 StatisticsIV. 2003. pp. 266-272
Review the different statistical instruments
A. Reviewing previous lessons or Have a "Reminiscing the Past" story telling activity that Revisit the importance of Statistics in real life Recall the past lesson about the basic and
presenting the new lesson and methods in dealing with real life
describes how ancient people used counting principle. application. descriptive statistics.

B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask the students what they expect to learn on basic, Ask the students about the importance of Ask the students about the importance of Ask the students about the importance of
lesson descriptive Statistics Statistics in dealing real life problems. Statistics in dealing real life problems. Statistics in dealing real life problems.

C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson. Perform an activity related to the lesson.

D. Discussing new concepts and Show how to apply the basic concepts of Utilize the basic statistical instruments in solving Illustrate the procedures in gathering
practicing new skills Discuss and illustrate the descriptive statistics
statistics. real life problems. statistical data.

Let the students answer the

E. Developing mastery leads to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to Let the students answer the questions/points to
formative assessment questions/points to ponder (Post Activity
ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion) ponder (Post Activity Discussion)

F. Finding practical applications of Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on Let the students look for a problem that can be Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on
Let the students answer Exercises 1-3 on pages 144
concepts & skills in daily living pages 146. solved by descriptive satatistics. pages 149.
Let the student think of a different
Let the student think of a different situation where Let the student think of a different situation Let the student think of a different situation
G. Making generalizations situation where descriptive statistics can
descriptive statistics can be applied. where descriptive statistics can be applied. where descriptive statistics can be applied.
be applied.

H. Evaluating Learning Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation. Administer the prepared evaluation.

I. Additional Activities for application NONE NONE NONE NONE

or remediation

a. No. of learners who earned 80% ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level during ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery level ____ out of ____ students belong to 80% mastery
on the formative assessment formative assessment during formative assessment during formative assessment level during formative assessment

b. No. of learners who require ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation. ____ students need remediation.
additional activities for remediation

c. did the remedial lessons work? No. ____ out ____ students have caught up with the
of learnerswho have caught up with ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson ____ out ____ students have caught up with the lesson
the lesson

d. No. of learners who continue to _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation _____ students need a follow up remediation
require remediation
e. which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did those work?
f. what diffulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
me resolve?
g. What innovation or

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher Acting Academic Coordinator Principal II

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