Astm A418

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Designation: A418/A418M − 15

Standard Practice for

Ultrasonic Examination of Turbine and Generator Steel
Rotor Forgings1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A418/A418M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* should be recognized as a possibility. Rigid control of the

1.1 This practice for ultrasonic examination covers turbine actual frequency used, the coil bandpass width if tuned
and generator steel rotor forgings covered by Specifications instruments are used, and so forth, tend to reduce the overall
A469/A469M, A470/A470M, A768/A768M, and A940/ inaccuracy which is apt to develop.
A940M. This standard shall be used for contact testing only. 1.5 This practice for inspection applies to solid cylindrical
1.2 This practice describes a basic procedure of ultrasoni- forgings having outer diameters of not less than 2.5 in. [64
cally inspecting turbine and generator rotor forgings. It does mm] nor greater than 100 in. [2540 mm]. It also applies to
not restrict the use of other ultrasonic methods such as cylindrical forgings with concentric cylindrical bores having
reference block calibrations when required by the applicable wall thicknesses of 2.5 [64 mm] in. or greater, within the same
procurement documents nor is it intended to restrict the use of outer diameter limits as for solid cylinders. For solid sections
new and improved ultrasonic test equipment and methods as less than 15 in. [380 mm] in diameter and for bored cylinders
they are developed. of less than 7.5 in. [190 mm] wall thickness the transducer used
for the inspection will be different than the transducer used for
1.3 This practice is intended to provide a means of inspect- larger sections.
ing cylindrical forgings so that the inspection sensitivity at the
forging center line or bore surface is constant, independent of 1.6 Supplementary requirements of an optional nature are
the forging or bore diameter. To this end, inspection sensitivity provided for use at the option of the purchaser. The supple-
multiplication factors have been computed from theoretical mentary requirements shall apply only when specified indi-
analysis, with experimental verification. These are plotted in vidually by the purchaser in the purchase order or contract.
Fig. 1 (bored rotors) and Fig. 2 (solid rotors), for a true 1.7 This practice is expressed in both inch-pound units and
inspection frequency of 2.25 MHz, and an acoustic velocity of in SI units; however, unless the purchase order or contract
2.30 × 105 in./s [5.85 × 105 cm/s]. Means of converting to other specifies the applicable M specification designation (SI units),
sensitivity levels are provided in Fig. 3. (Sensitivity multipli- the inch-pound units shall apply. The values stated in either
cation factors for other frequencies may be derived in accor- inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded separately as
dance with X1.1 and X1.2 of Appendix X1.) standard. Within the practice, the SI units are shown in
brackets. The values stated in each system may not be exact
1.4 Considerable verification data for this method have been
equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently
generated which indicate that even under controlled conditions
of the other. Combining values from the two systems may
very significant uncertainties may exist in estimating natural
result in nonconformance with the standard.
discontinuities in terms of minimum equivalent size flat-
bottom holes. The possibility exists that the estimated mini- 1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the
mum areas of natural discontinuities in terms of minimum safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
areas of the comparison flat-bottom holes may differ by 20 dB responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
(factor of 10) in terms of actual areas of natural discontinuities. priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
This magnitude of inaccuracy does not apply to all results but bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel, 2.1 The reference is to the latest issue of these designations
Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee that appear in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards or are
A01.06 on Steel Forgings and Billets.
Current edition approved May 1, 2015. Published May 2015. Originally
available as separate reprints. It shall also apply to product
approved in 1957. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as A418/A418M – 10. specifications, which may be issued when specifically refer-
DOI: 10.1520/A0418_A0418M-15. enced therein.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

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A418/A418M − 15

NOTE 1—Sensitivity multiplication factor such that a 10 % indication at the forging bore surface will be equivalent to a 1⁄8 in. [3 mm] diameter flat
bottom hole. Inspection frequency: 2.0 or 2.25 MHz. Material velocity: 2.30 × 105 in./s [5.85 × 105 cm/s].
FIG. 1 Bored Forgings

2.2 ASTM Standards:2 E317 Practice for Evaluating Performance Characteristics of

A469/A469M Specification for Vacuum-Treated Steel Forg- Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Testing Instruments and Systems
ings for Generator Rotors without the Use of Electronic Measurement Instruments
A470/A470M Specification for Vacuum-Treated Carbon and E1065/E1065M Practice for Evaluating Characteristics of
Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotors and Shafts Ultrasonic Search Units
A768/A768M Specification for Vacuum-Treated 12 % Chro- 2.3 Other Standards:
mium Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotors and Shafts Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A Personnel Qualifi-
A788/A788M Specification for Steel Forgings, General Re- cation and Certification in Nondestructive Testing3
A940/A940M Specification for Vacuum Treated Steel 3. Significance and Use
Forgings, Alloy, Differentially Heat Treated, for Turbine
Rotors 3.1 This practice shall be used when ultrasonic inspection is
required by the order or specification for inspection purposes
where the acceptance of the forging is based on limitations of
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), P.O. Box
the ASTM website. 28518, 1711 Arlingate Ln., Columbus, OH 43228-0518,
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A418/A418M − 15

NOTE 1—Sensitivity multiplication factor such that a 10 % indication at the forging centerline surface will be equivalent to a 1⁄8 in. [3 mm] diameter
flat bottom hole. Inspection frequency: 2.0 or 2.25 MHz. Material velocity: 2.30 × 105 in./s [5.85 × 105 cm/s].
FIG. 2 Solid Forgings

the number, amplitude, or location of discontinuities, or a conical surfaces of the forging shall be replaced by stepped
combination thereof, which give rise to ultrasonic indications. surfaces in order to maintain the ultrasonic beam perpendicular
3.2 The acceptance criteria shall be clearly stated as order to the longitudinal axis. Such stepped surfaces shall be shown
requirements. on the forging drawing.

4. General Requirements 4.4 Forgings may be tested either stationary or while rotated
by means of a lathe or rollers. If not specified by the purchaser,
4.1 As far as possible, the entire volume of the forging shall either method may be used at the manufacturer’s option.
be subjected to ultrasonic inspection. Because of fillets at steps Scanning speed shall not exceed 6 in./s [15 cm/s].
and other local configurations, access to inspect some portions
of a forging may be limited. 4.5 To ensure complete coverage of the forging volume, the
4.2 The ultrasonic inspection shall be performed after final search unit shall be indexed no more than 75 % of the
heat treatment of the forging. In those cases in which wheels, transducer width with each pass of the search unit. Mechanized
slots, or similar features are machined into the forging before inspection of the rotating forging wherein the search unit is
heat treatment, the entire forging shall be inspected ultrasoni- mechanically controlled is an aid in meeting this requirement.
cally before such machining, and as completely as practicable 4.6 Frequencies of 1, 2.25, and 5 MHz may be used for
after the final heat treatment. accurately locating, determining orientation, and defining spe-
4.3 For overall scanning, the ultrasonic beam shall be cific discontinuities detected during overall scanning as de-
introduced radially. To conform with this requirement, external scribed in 4.4.
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A418/A418M − 15

FIG. 3 Conversion Factors to Be Used in Conjunction with Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 if a Change in the Reference Reflector Diameter is Required

4.7 Axial scanning, if required, shall be performed at that 6.1.2 The horizontal linearity shall be checked on a distance
frequency and transducer diameter which minimizes interfer- calibration bar using the multiple order technique (see Practice
ing ultrasonic reflections due to forging geometry and which E317). The horizontal linearity shall be 62 % of the metal
gives optimum resolution. (Axial tests are normally used as a path.
supplement to radial tests.) 6.1.3 If the rotor has a coupling or similar thin axial section
5. Personnel Requirements with parallel sides, the accuracy of the linearity shall be
checked by ultrasonically verifying the thickness of the cou-
5.1 Personnel performing the ultrasonic examinations to this
pling or axial section. If necessary, minor adjustments for
practice shall be qualified and certified in accordance with a
differences in the ultrasonic velocities between the calibration
written procedure conforming to Recommended Practice No.
SNT-TC-1A or another national standard that is acceptable to bar and the forging shall then be made.
both the purchaser and the supplier. 6.2 Amplifier—The amplifier and display shall provide lin-
ear response within 62 %, up to 100% of full screen height.
6. Pulsed Ultrasonic Reflection Equipment and
Accessories 6.2.1 Amplifier Calibration—An amplifier vertical linearity
check shall be made prior to performing the test by observing
6.1 Electronic Apparatus—A pulse-echo instrument permit-
a multiple order pattern from a calibration block using a 2.25
ting inspection frequencies of 1, 2.25, and 5 MHz is required.
MHz transducer (see Practice E317). The first back reflection
The accuracy of discontinuity amplitude analysis using this
shall be set at 100 % of full screen height. The higher order
practice involves a knowledge of the true operating frequency
of the complete inspection system. One of the best ways to back reflections, 10 % and higher in amplitude, shall also be
obtain the desired accuracy is by use of a tuned pulser and positioned on the screen and their amplitudes noted. The first
narrow band amplifier of known frequency response, with back reflection shall be reduced to 50 % and then 25 % of full
either a broadband transducer, or a narrow-band tuned trans- screen height. The amplitudes of the higher order back reflec-
ducer of known and matching frequency. tions shall be noted at each step. The vertical linearity will be
6.1.1 Apparatus Qualification and Calibration—Basic considered acceptable if the signal heights of the higher order
qualification of the ultrasonic test instrument shall be per- reflections decrease in proportion to the decrease set for the
formed at intervals not to exceed 12 months or whenever first back reflection. The maximum acceptable error for the
maintenance is performed that affects the equipment function. decrease of the higher order reflections is the greater of 65 %
The date of the last calibration and the date of the next required of the expected back reflection height or 62 % of full screen
calibration shall be displayed on the test equipment. height.

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A418/A418M − 15
6.3 Signal Attenuator—The instrument shall contain a cali- 8.1.2 The reference signal shall be the signal reflected from
brated gain control or signal attenuator that meets the require- the diametrically opposed surface for solid (unbored) forgings
ments of Practice E317 (in each case, accurate within 65 %) and from the bore surface of bored forgings. The signal
that will allow indications beyond the linear range of the amplitude shall be set to 100 % full screen height while
instrument to be measured. It is recommended that these scanning in an indication-free area.
controls permit signal adjustments up to 25 to 1 (28 dB) (see 8.1.3 The required evaluation sensitivity shall be obtained
Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). by increasing the 100 % full screen height reference signal by
6.4 Search Units—Longitudinal wave search units of known the appropriate multiplication factor calculated as follows.
effective frequency should be used for radial scanning. A 1⁄4 by Establish the inspection sensitivity in accordance with the
1 in. [6 by 24 mm], 2.0 or 2.25 MHz transducer, used with the curves in Fig. 1 (bored rotors) and Fig. 2 (solid rotors), which
1-in. [24-mm] dimension parallel to the forging axis, will give show the multiplication factors that shall be used to adjust a
a desirable combination of resolution and beam width on large 100 % full screen height, bore, or back reflection to the
sections 15 in. [380 mm] in diameter or larger if solid or 7.5 in. required inspection sensitivity. These sensitivities are sufficient
[190 mm] or greater wall thickness if bored. A 1-in. [24-mm] to detect a 1⁄8 in. [3 mm] diameter reflector near the centerline
diameter, 2.0 or 2.25 MHz transducer may be used. If a of the forging. The inspection sensitivity must be adjusted if
transducer with dimension circumferentially oriented to the the outside diameter changes by more than 2 in. [50 mm] when
forging, larger than 1⁄4 in. [6 mm] is used, additional inspection using the larger transducer on heavy sections or by 1 in. [25
at lower frequency is recommended to provide a wide beam for mm] when using the smaller transducer on smaller sections.
off-axis inspection. A 0.5-in. [10-mm] diameter 2.0 or 2.25 Fig. 3 provides a means to convert this sensitivity level to the
MHz transducer is suitable for solid sections under 15 in. [380 sensitivity level required to similarly display smaller or larger
mm] in diameter and bored sections under 7.5 in. [190 mm] in reference holes. The derivation of the sensitivity multiplication
wall thickness. The multiplication factors given are valid for factors is summarized in the appendix.
the frequency and material velocity indicated provided they are 8.1.4 Adjust the sweep length control to position the bore or
used in the far field. (The near field is a characteristic that is back reflection approximately three-fourths of the distance
dependent on the transducer frequency and size.) For other across the display.
frequencies and material velocities, applicable sensitivity mul- 8.1.5 Search each diameter of the forging and record indi-
tiplication factors shall be computed. cations 10 % or greater of the sweep-to-peak CRT segment at
6.4.1 Search Unit Calibration—The transducers used in the prescribed high sensitivity. Mark the position of the search
performing the tests described in this practice shall be cali- unit on the surface of the forging when indications are
brated in accordance with Practice E1065/E1065M. observed so that they may be investigated in accordance with
8.1.7 and 8.2.2.
7. Preparation of Forging for Ultrasonic Inspection 8.1.6 When the forgings are tested while they are rotated,
the maximum speed of rotation shall be calculated as follows:
7.1 Machine turn the forging to provide cylindrical surfaces
for the radial test. 360/πd = maximum revolutions per min.
7.2 The end faces of the shaft extensions and of the body of d = diameter of forging in inches.
the forging shall be sufficiently perpendicular to the axis of the 915/πd = maximum revolutions per min.
forging to permit axial test. d = diameter of forging in centimetres.
The search unit may be held by a suitable fixture attached to the
7.3 The surface roughness of exterior finishes shall not tool post of the lathe and traversed mechanically for scanning
exceed 250 µin. [6.35 µm] where the definition for surface of the rotating forging or may be hand-held. If not specified by
finish is as per Specification A788/A788M and the surface the purchaser, either method may be used at the manufacturer’s
waviness shall not interfere with the ultrasonic test. option.
7.4 At the time of ultrasonic testing, the surfaces of the 8.1.7 Measure the amplitude and extent of all indications
forging shall be free of tool tears, loose scale, machining or and perform detailed investigation of specific indications with
grinding particles, paint, or other foreign material. the forging stationary. If the 0.5-in. [10-mm] diameter transducer can be
8. Procedure satisfactorily calibrated for heavy sections, use this transducer
8.1 Radial Scanning: to perform detailed investigations of indications located within
8.1.1 Select the transducer to be used for the primary 6 in. [150 mm] on the surface, regardless of the transducer used
inspection according to the following criteria: in the initial inspection. For indications lying beyond 6 in. [150 Use a 0.5-in. [10-mm] diameter, 2.0 or 2.25 MHz mm] from the test surface, perform the detailed investigation
transducer to inspect solid cylindrical sections under 15 in. using the transducer with which the indication was detected
[380 mm] in diameter and bored sections having wall thick- during the primary scan.
nesses of less than 7.5 in. [190 mm]. Measure the extent of traveling and planar indica- Use a 1⁄4 by 1 in. [6 by 24 mm] (or 1-in. [24-mm] tions axially and circumferentially between the peak and
diameter), 2.0 or 2.25 MHz transducer to inspect solid sections 1⁄2-amplitude points.

15 in. [380 mm] or greater in diameter and bored sections 8.1.8 For indications in heavy sections, if the 0.5-in. [10-
having wall thicknesses of 7.5 in. [190 mm] or greater. mm] diameter transducer can be satisfactorily calibrated for the
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A418/A418M − 15
section, evaluate all indications located within the first 6 in. display none of the characteristics defined in through
[150 mm] from the test surface using the 0.5 in. [10-mm] Normal indications shall be reported individually.
diameter transducer, regardless of the transducer used to locate Traveling indications are indications whose leading
the indication during the primary scan and regardless of the edge moves a distance equivalent to 1 in. [25 mm] or more of
scan method employed during the primary scan (shaft rotating metal depth with movement of the transducer over the surface
or hand scan). of the forging. The variation in radial depth and planar area of
8.2 Supplementary Tests: traveling indications shall be determined and reported. Planar indications shall be considered continuous
8.2.1 Special Radial Tests—Test at additional frequencies
over a plane if they have a major axis greater than 1 in. [25
may be used for accurately locating and determining the
mm]. Their minor axes shall be reported when measurable in
orientation of each recordable indication and for evaluating the
accordance with In recording these flaw
minimum reflecting area of each large indication.
characteristics, corrections must be made for beam divergence
8.2.2 Axial Tests—When required, scan the flat surfaces at the estimated flaw depth.
normal to the forging axis. Establish the sensitivity level and Indication levels are group indications 10 % (5⁄32 in.
recordable standards for the axial tests by agreement between [4 mm]) or larger of 100 % full screen height at the prescribed
purchaser and supplier (see 4.7). high sensitivity showing continuously on the screen as the
transducer is moved over the area tested.
9. Report 9.1.4 When required, recordable indications shall be ex-
9.1 The manufacturer’s report of final ultrasonic inspection pressed as minimum reflecting areas as follows:
shall contain the following data, and shall be furnished to the
purchaser: solid forgings:A F 5 A R 3SD a
9.1.1 Each diameter shall be numbered on a sketch starting
with rotor diameter No. 1 at the stenciled end. When an entire
rotor is tested, a complete sketch showing the diameters shall
bored forgings:A F 5 A R 3 SD Œa

be submitted with the test results. When a portion of the rotor where:
is tested, a sketch of the portion of the rotor tested shall be
AF = minimum reflecting area of discontinuity,
submitted. When no recordable indications are found, a sketch AR = reflecting area of reference (0.012 in.2 [8 mm2]),
is not required. a = distance to discontinuity, in. (or mm),
9.1.2 Recordable indications as described in 8.1.5 shall be L = distance to bore or centerline of solid forgings, in. (or
located on the sketch (see 8.1.1) (1) radially with respect to the mm), and
centerline or bore surface, (2) axially with respect to the P = discontinuity reflection amplitude (percent of sweep-
stenciled end of the forging, and (3) circumferentially with the to-peak CRT segment at the prescribed high-sensitivity
center point of the serial number which shall be used as 12 level).
o’clock. The accuracy of the indication characterization shall b = bore diameter
be sufficient to permit the relocation and reproduction of the d = forging cylinder diameter.
data. 9.1.5 Observable loss of bore or back reflection at the
9.1.3 Unless specified otherwise, the supplier shall report scanning sensitivity.
recordable indications as described in 8.1.5 as percentages of 9.1.6 Couplant.
the 100 % full screen height at the prescribed gain level, along 9.1.7 Type of instrument, manual or automated scanning,
with the distances to the discontinuity and to the bore or inspection frequency, and type transducers employed for the
centerline (solid forgings) and shall be identified as normal, inspection.
traveling, continuous, or indication level, or a combination 9.1.8 Inspector’s name or identity and date of test.
thereof. When flaw size estimates are required, these data shall
be used for calculations as indicated in 8.1.5 and as limited by 10. Keywords
X1.4 of Appendix X1. 10.1 generator material; nondestructive tests; rotors, Normal indications are single indications that show turbine, or generator; steel forgings; steel forgings—alloy;
a normal decrease in amplitude as the search unit is moved in turbine materials; ultrasonic examination; ultrasonic examina-
any direction from the position of maximum amplitude and tion method

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A418/A418M − 15

The following supplementary requirements apply when specified by the purchaser in the contract or

S1. Forging Rotation During Examination S4. Use of Dual Element Transducers
S1.1 Forgings shall be rotated during testing by means of a S4.1 Dual-element transducers shall be used to axially
lathe or rollers. Scanning speed shall not exceed 6 in./s [15 inspect those regions of a forging containing a bore to ensure
cm/s]. coverage of areas in the near field of the single element
S2. Enhanced Inspection Coverage transducers used for axial scanning.
S2.1 The search unit shall be indexed approximately 50 % of S4.2 Dual-element transducers shall be used to inspect areas
the transducer width with each pass of the search unit. The near the back-wall of solid regions of forgings where indica-
search unit shall be held by a suitable fixture attached to the tions caused by noise exceed the reporting requirements shown
tool post of the lathe and traversed mechanically for scanning in 8.1.5.
of the rotating forging. See 8.1.6 for recommended forging
rotation speeds. S5. Surface Finish
S2.2 Hand-held transducer testing is only permitted in those
areas where the transducer holder interferes with the inspection S5.1 The surface finish shall not exceed 125 µin. [3.17 µm]
coverage. where the definition for surface finish is as per Specification
S3. Axial UT of the Entire Diameter
S3.1 The shape of the forging during axial UT shall be such
as to permit inspection of the entire outside diameter of the part
that will be machined from it.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Theoretical formulas relating properties, such as dis- λ = wavelength of sound used for inspection.
continuity area, distance, and echo amplitude, may be derived
at various levels of complexity. Detailed descriptions of such X1.2 Using the procedure described in the main body of this
methods of analysis may be found in standard texts on standard, the echo from a forging back wall or bore is set at
acoustics or ultrasonics, and will not be given here. The 100 % of (linear) screen height, and sensitivity is then adjusted
method used in deriving the curves of Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. by a multiplying factor M such that the theoretical echo
amplitude from a disk reflector of given area A at the forging
3 uses the spherical-wave approximation to describe the
centerline or bore surface would be 10 % of screen height, that
behavior of the sound field, with analytical techniques analo-
is, multiplying factor (M) times the echo from the small disk
gous to those of geometric optics. The resulting relations
reflector (A) would equal 10 % of the echo from opposite
between theoretical echo amplitudes are as follows:
surfaces of solid cylinders or from bore surfaces of bored
echo from small disk reflector 2dA cylinders. These multiplying factors would be:
echo from large plane or solid cylinder a 2 λ
10 a 2λ dλ

Solid cylinder:M 5 5
echo from small disk reflector ~ d 2 b ! A d 100 2dA 80A

echo from cylindrical bore b
Bored cylinder:M 5
~d 2 b!λ
Œ b
a = distance to disk reflector (flat-bottom hole), X1.3 The curves given in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 have been
b = bore diameter, calculated from these formulas, using a reference disk-reflector
d = forging cylinder diameter, of 0.125-in. [3-mm] diameter, and values of sound velocity and
A = area of disk reflector, and
frequency typical for steel forging inspection to define the

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A418/A418M − 15
wavelength. The validity of these theoretical curves has been be impaired by test instrument nonlinearities, including built-in
checked experimentally. Fig. 3 shows an additional multipli- “reject” or “zero suppression.” It is important that back
cation factor to be used if the reference reflector diameter is reflection amplitudes be set from surfaces unobstructed by
changed. holes, fillets, or other changes in cross section within their area
of intersection with the cross section of the ultrasonic beam.
X1.4 Because of the approximations made in the derivation,
these formulas and multiplication factors should not be used X1.5 With sensitivity set in this manner, the theoretical
for any reflecting surface less than three near-field lengths from minimum equivalent reflecting area of a discontinuity is given
the transducer. The length N of the near-field may be calculated in terms of the area A R of the reference hole and the
as follows: percentage of screen height, P, of the discontinuity indication,
D 2
2λ 2
N5 2a 2 A R P

AF 5 for a solid forging
5d 2
where D is the effective transducer diameter. Other restric-
2a 2 A R P
tions are as follows: (1) the reference hole diameter must be AF 5 for a bored forging
5~d 2 b!2
much smaller than the ultrasonic beam cross-section; (2)
neither the reference hole diameter nor the apparent diameter Thus, a 10 % indication at the centerline (a = d/2) or the bore
of a discontinuity should be less than λ⁄2 ; (3) the bore diameter surface [a = (d − b)/2] has an area equivalent to that of the
must be much larger than λ; and (4) attenuation in the material reference hole. These equations may be combined by setting L
to be inspected should be negligibly small. Accuracy will also = (d/2) or (d − b)/2, to obtain the relation given in 9.1.4.


Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(A418/A418M–10) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved May 1, 2015.)

(1) Added definition of surface finish by reference to Specifi-

cation A788/A788M in 7.3 and S5.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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