2020 Contract Negotiations - Official CTA Proposal 6-25-21
2020 Contract Negotiations - Official CTA Proposal 6-25-21
2020 Contract Negotiations - Official CTA Proposal 6-25-21
Presented 6/25/2021
CTA's proposals included no wage increases and no
pandemic related compensation. In addition, CTA wants
to destroy most of the contractual protections giving you
any possibility of earning a decent living: Here are some of
CTA proposals:
• Vast expansion of part-time positions: CTA proposes
that "The Authority shall have the unlimited right to
hire and assign part-time employees in all
• Removal of guaranteed pay and minimum hours: CTA
proposes removing virtually all pay guarantees;
including the guarantee of 40 hours pay for full-time
• Overtime: CTA proposes changing the way that
overtime is calculated to greatly reduce overtime pay.
• Swing runs: CTA proposes eliminating spread time
pay entirely.
This is just a brief summary; we encourage all members to
carefully read CTA's full proposals to get the full impact of what
CTA is trying to do.
The Agreement will be amended in whatever manner necessary to accomplish the changes herein:
1. Agreement AGREEMENT
For 1m emfJloyee ia the Loeal 241 bargainiag Hait, fJaymeat aHriag aay fJaia iHitial tFaiaiHg fJerioa
(HatH the emfJlo)'ee has aeme','ea qHalifieatioH) will be fJaia at sixty five (~5) fJereeat of the aetual
fJaia rate of Hle elassifisatioa ia whish the employee works.
For tlfl emfJloyee iH the Loeal 308 bargaiaiag Hait, all emDlovees payment during any paid initial
training period (until the employee has achieved qualification) as well as RTI. Individual
Retrainin o and Refresher Trainint! will be paid at minimum wage. Any other reouired traininp
(exceDt trainim! related to certification aualification and adyancement) shall be oaid at fifty (50)
Dercent ofthe actual naid rate of the classification in which the emnlovee works Training related
to certification oualification and advancement shall be naid at the emolovee's relrular classified
A. Part tiFRe eMS aRa Fail opefators (eMS operators, FRotor operators,
eonaM6tors, flaggers aRa rapid transit operators) ana eMS and eft[ serYieers, kereinafter refeffea to
as The Authoritv shall have the unlimited ri (Tht to hire and aSSil!ll Dart-time emnlovees in all
c1assificatio~ and part-time employees shall be covered under the sections of the Agreement
dealing with the probationary period, Union recognition, Union representation, grievance
procedure and arbitration.
B. Part-time employees shall not be eligible for paid leave or other fringe
benefits applicable to full-time employees, except as specifically provided herein.
D. Part-time employees shall not accrue seniority while so employed. A part-
time employee who applies and is accepted for employment as a full-time employee shall for all
purposes accrue service or seniority only from the date of hire as a full-time employee. Part-time
employees who may be hired as full-time employees will not be required to repeat the progression
that they have completed.
accrue credit towards completion of the progression schedule at the rate of one hundred and
seventy-three and three tenths (173.3) hours worked equaling one (1) month's credit.
F. Part-time employees shall be paid for all time during which they are
required by the Authority to perform any duties. Part-time employees shall not be eligible for time
or pay guarantees or for penalty pay provisions, except as otherwise provided in this Section.
G. Fer @fBpleye@s in .tA:e Lecal 241 bargaining t:lnit, the fBaKifBt:lfB nHfBb@r ef
part tifB@ @fBpleyees shall not exceed RNenty five (25) p@rc@nt of the nt:lfBber of full tifBe
@mpleyees, except that part tifBe s@rvieers shall net exceed fifteen (15) peroent ef full tifB@
H. Fer empleyees in the Lecal 3Q8 bargaining unit, the fBaxifBt:lfB nUfBber of
part tifBe efBployees shall not e}(ceed twenty (2Q) percent ef the nt:lfBeer ef full tifBe efBpleyees,
e}(oeptthat part tifBe ser!icers shall net eKceed fifteen (15) percent ef full tifBe servicers.
K. Part-time operators and FTTFs who qualified as operators and who have
completed one (I) year of continuous service shall be offered in date of hire order any available
vacant full-time permanent operator positions. The CTA shall not be obligated to fill any vacant
position, but if it does so, it shall do so in accordance with this provision. Part-time operators and
FTTFs who have qualified as operators and who have completed one (1) year of continuous service
shall be reauired to nass a record review at a Level I Criteria in order to be offered an available
bamaininQ. unit Dosition and will not be required to pass a record review in order to be offered an
a'failable bargaining unit position; howeJler, the employee's work record shall follow the
employee into the new position.
L. Part-time employees in the Local 241 bargaining unit will not week be
assiO'ned nor allowed to nick more than thirty two (32) hours of work per week except in cases of
emergencies or authorized trades.
M. Part-time employees in the Local 308 bargaining unit will not week be
assigned nor allowed to pick more than thirty-two ~ all hours of work per week except in
cases of emergencies.
P. Part-time operators shall ordinarily have two (2) days offprovided that the
eTA does not determine in its discretion that its operational needs do not require more than two
(2) days off for any or all part-time operators. Part-time operators shall have at least one (1) day
off per week.
Eligible part-time employees in the Local 241 bargaining unit shall pick their
earned, unpaid vacation at the end of the full-time vacation pick. The Authority will set the
vacation week controls.
S. A flact time emfl1o)'ee who reflocts to '....ork shall Be gHaraAteed tYlO (2)
ROHrs offla;'.
A. To address the high rates of abseftteeism vthich cofttiftl:1e to flose difficl:11ties ift
staffiftg aftd reEJ:l:1ire greater flexibility iR the use offlart time employees, the maximum Rumber of
flart time lms oflerators shall ftot exceed t\yeHty five (25) flerceftt of the Rl:1mber of full time bus
oflerators. The ftumber of triflflers set aside for flart time bl:1s oflerators shall ftot exceed 1500.
There shall be no limitation or restriction on the use or assi.mments of Local 241 Dart-time bus
B. l\:11 pieces of v,rork that eEJ:l:lal seveft aRd three EJ:uarters (7 3/4) hOl:1rs of fllatform
time or more withiR the allowable spread time shall be coupled aftd made iftto rl:1fts.
C. A part-time bus operator v,rill be used for the followiRg flurposes: workiRg triflflers
wl3ich are Rot flart of a FI:lR aAd or special eveHt service; workiftg FUftS set aside Oft Satl:lrday aAd
SURd~'; aRd, ift the eveRt that all full time oflerators scheduled to work OR the extra board at a
flarticular time harye beeft assigfted, theft aAy dl:1ties Rormally assigRed to full time bus oflerators
may be assigRed to flart time bus operators will be reauired to work any assirrnment or dutv_.
D. All eharter, vaeatioR relief, proteetioA of the serviee, shall be 'Nocked by full time
operators, e~(eeflt as
otherwise flrovided for hereiR.
F. The Authority may leave outside of pieked ruftS a ftl:1mber ofpieees of work 'nzl:Jieh
vlill be operated as trippers. Trippers vlill be operated iR the follo'+viRg maRRer:
(1) The Al:1thority may assigA trippers to be vlorked by part time employees.
(2) The Al:1thority may, at the time of the periodic bid of FI:lRS, post a list of
trippers for Yolufttary seleetioR b)' regl:1lar operators who eaA work sueh trippers '""ithol:1t
eoftflictiftg with their pieked runs aAd without violating rest provisions. A regalar operator vtho
bids a tripfler vlill be reEJ:uired to operate sl:1eh tripper Oft each of the d~'s ift the employee's work
v,reek Oft which the tripper is operated for the duratioA of that pie1c. Spread premium shall AOt
apply. Trippers will be sl:1bjeet to chaftge or caRcellatioft.
(3) Trippers '+'IHieH are not assigRee to part time employees or are not worlcee
as aideaale trippers Hneer tHe aaove provisions, may ae .....orkee from tHe extra list.
G. InelHsin in tHe total nHmber of trippers, tHe AHtHority SHall be peffRitted to set
aside mns on SatHrday and SHnday fur part time aHs operators to ae 'Norked as trippers or mns.
H. The work set aside for part-time bus operators on Sunday will be the equivalent of
full Sunday runs. The parties contemplate that work composing one (1) full Sunday run will be
worked by one (1) part-time bus operator. However, the Authority in its discretion between the
run between two (2) part-time bus operators. SHeH mns sheall not cHeek before 133Q HOHrs.
I. In addition to trippers peffRitted on SatHreay, tHe AutHority ma)' set asiee runs to
be worked by part time bHs operators. SHeh runs SHall not eHeck aefure 133Q HOHrs.
J. If a part time emplo)'ee is sCHedHled or ealled OHt only once dHring tHe day, the
pieee of work vlill be at least tHree (3) HOHrs. If more tHan one (1) piece of work is sCHedHled fur
tHe d8:)', one (1) in tHe A.M. and one (1) in tHe P.M., eacH of tHe pieces 'NiH be at least two (2)
K. Part time operators will be 6Harged vlitH one Half (4) of a miss wHen given work
after a miss oceHrs.
L. The classifieation of part time bHS servieer wiH reFRain Hnder its present Hsage and
restriction ane will not be affectee by this sHb seetion.
Part time bHS servicers shall not be assigned to tHe day SHift Hnless fHlI time bHS servieers
are not availaale to perfuffR tHe V/Ork, inclHding fNIl time bHS ser"icefs on tHe P.M. ane night
SHifts. Part time bHs ser"icefs SHall be assigned to woriE: Holidays and 'i\'eekends prior to posting
sHcH worlE: for a fHlI time aHs sef'/ieer to pick.
M. NotviitHstanding anytHing Herein to tHe contrary, a Part time BHS Operator may be Hsed on
a tempor8:f)' basis to proviee infuffRation and/or to collect fares ''''Here necessary dHe to the
relocation ofbHs stops dHe to service cHanges, constmction projeets ane/or special events.
B- Part time oflerators shall be flaid for all time during which they are required b:y the
Authority to flerform ~' duties, including the oflerations of scheduled runs.
Part time oflerators shall not be eligible for time or flay guarafltees or for flenalty flay
flroyisions; flroyided, however, in the eYeflt a flart time oflerator is called out and not given the
assignment designated for the emflloyee, the emflloyee will be flaid a minimum of three (3) hours
offlllj', or the eR'l:flloyee mllj' be held on call for a maximum of four (4) hours and will be flaid for
all time Sflent on call, and for all time sflent on a fliece or flieces of work assigned to the eR'l:flloyee
during the fleriod. If the emflloyee is released before the end of the four (4) hour fleriod, the
eR'l:flloyee 'Nill be flaid a minimum ofthree (3) hours offlay.
If a flart time eR'l:flloyee is scheduled or called out onl)' once during the dllj" the fliece of
'NOrk will be at least three (3) hours. If more than one (1) fliece of work is scheduled for the dllj',
one (1) in the A.M. and one in the P.M., each of the flieces will be at least two (2) hours.
C. The maJdmum number offlart time oflerators shall not exceed twenty (20) flercent
of the number of full time oflerators.
F. All pieces of'llorl( that eqHal se¥en and three qHarters (7 % ) hOHrs ofplatfoffl'l: time
or more within the allov/able spread time shall be cOHpled and made into £Hns.
G. The Alithority agrees to freeze the nHmber ofpieces o[J.vork vlhich will be operated
as trippers at its present nHmber of eight (8). These trippers are presently assigned to the North
R;lil Section's Skokie S\vift operation and 'HOHld remain in that operating area. These trippers will
not be posted for picking and may, in the discretion of the AHthorit)', be assigned to fHll time
operators on llle extra board or to part time operators.
H. The classifications of part time rail servicer and part time ticket agent will remain
Hflder their present Hsage and restrictions and will not be affeeted by this sHb section.
An hourly rated employee, when forced off work due to being summoned for jury duty, shall
receive pay equal to wages the employee would have earned with a minimHm of eiglit (8) hOHrs
of-pay but for the iurv duty. Any employee required to perform jury duty may have his or her days
off changed to conform with the jury duty assignment, if so requested. Such change will be granted
unless, in the judgment of the Authority, it is not feasible because of operational needs. Such
change shall not result in any loss or gain in either days off or pay. No employee will perform
work on a day when the employee has reported for jury duty, except in a case of emergency. No
jury duty allowance will be paid to an employee on a scheduled day off or when absent from work
due to sickness or injury or during a vacation period. The employee shall be required to reimburse
the Authority with the jury service fee received from the Jury Commission for the number of days
paid by the Authority. The employee will retain transportation fees provided by the Jury
ShoHla aR emergeRCY arise that 'NoHld reqHire an employee to be callea OHt to 'Nork aHriRg the
perioa oftheirjHF)' aHty, the straight time hOHrs allowea forjHry service shall be Hsea iR compHtiRg
'Neekly overtime, bHt 'Nsekly o';ertime shall Rot be aHPlicated.
Employees requested to prepare accident, blind case and complaint reports during time outside of
their re.!tular work hours shall be paid for the actual time in the preparation of such reports with-a
miRimHm amo\:lRt of thirty (30) misHtes of time.
An employee requested by the Authority to report for a physical examination at the Medical
Department durin!! time outside of his or her rellular work hours shall be paid actual time ~
miRimHm oftlJree ROHrS of pay vlhicRever is greater.
(a) An employee required by the Authority to meet with attorneys, attend court or appear in
other similar proceedings during the employee's scheduled work hours may be compensated by
the Authority for what the employee's run or trick pays,; ,with a mffiiml:lm of eight (8) hOl:lrs of
~ In the event that the Authority directs the employee to return to his or her work assignment
for further work in the employee's job classification, not to end beyond the employee's regular
quitting time, the employee shall be paid for an time spent beyond eight (8) hours subject to the
applicable weekly overtime provision. When an employee's appearance is required on a scheduled
day off, the employee shall be compensated for all time spent, with a miniHffifR of eight (8) hOl:lrs
of.pay subject to applicable weekly overtime.
Employees who are temporarily assigned to duties which require using skills for higher rated work
other than those contained in the employee's job description shall be paid at the higher rate. If on
any day an employee performs such work for more than three (3) hours the employee shan be paid
at the higher rate for the entire day, provided that time and one half (1 1/2) the higher rate will be
paid for all time worked in exeess of eight (8) hoefs per day.
If in the event of a clerical error an extra man is assigned a run and the run has been claimed by
the regular man who picked it, the extra man will be assigned to any available work or released
within thirty (30) minutes four (4\ hours and paid a minimum of eight (8) hours of pay.
The vlorking week of all Scheduled Transit Operations ("STO") employees, vlho are defined as
those employees within the classifications of bus operator (full time and part time) and box puller
shall be forty (40) hours. An STO employee shall be eligible for a weekly minimum guarantee of
forty (40) hours of pay under the foHo'lling conditions:
(a) If picked work, the employee must pick a minimum of thirty eight and one half (38.5)
hours of work and perform aU of this picked work to be eligible for a 'Neekly forty (40) hour
guarantee. This stipulation includes ]Nork as determined by platform and allowances only. Lunch
and spread are excluded. If an employee does not pick a minimum of thirty eight and one half
(38.5) hours, he or she wiH not be eligible for the v/eekly foFt), (40) hour guaraHtee.
(b) All paid time will count toward the forty (40) hour weekly guarantee.
(c) Whenever during a pick an employee cannot pick sufficient hours to allow him or her to
work a minimum of thirty eight thirtv-seven and one-half ~ (37.5) hours for the week, the
pick will be stopped and all unpicked work will be filled from the extra board.
Operators shall not lose any time as a result of shortage of vehicles, breakdowns or any conditions
over which they have no control.
No runs will be scheduled for less than seven (7) hours of platform working time as determined
bv platform times and allowances onIv.
E}(tra hoard employees shall he g1:laranteed forty (40) h01:lrs of pay per week. If worle is assigfled
under e}ctra hoard proeed1:lres, an employee will reeeive the foi1)' (40) h01:lr 'lleekly guarantee.
Fail1:lre to report for work and fill an assigmnent when requ:ested for any ea1:lse \."hatsoeyer on an;'
one (1) of the five (5) days in the ealendar ..../eek, exel1:lsiye of reg1:llarly seheooled days off, shall
hreak the forty (40) h01:lr 'Neekly g1:larantee. There shall he one (1) sYstem wide extra board for all
bus system STO emolovees includinu. emnlovees who work block runs. Extra board will be treated
under the same rules as stated above with the exception of someone on a "Show." Show-up time
is the time the operator is to report for work. All time that an operator is on show-up is time
worked. Any assignment while on show-up will pay for time worked, including show-up time.
Extra board employees reporting for work shall be held on show for two (2) consecutive hours. If
an extra board employee on a show does not receive work at any Qara\?e or of any tvoe which he
is Qualified to Derform within the timeframe of the show, the employee will receive eight (8) h01:lrs
efpay for the time on show. day and will get eight (8) h01:lrs eredited tovlard his or her forty (40)
hour weekly gUfli'antee. All sitting time will he eredited toward the forty (40) h01:lr weekly
All extra board employees shall have two (2) regularly scheduled days off per week, and any worle
performed hy extra hoard employees on those days off shall not e01:lnt toward tHe forty (40) hour
weekly g1:larantee if the employee is ayailahle for all assignments and works as assigned on eaeh
of the speeified 'Nork days. Pay for holidays not worked will apply in aee1:lm1:llating h01:lrs 1:lsed in
the eompilation of the forty (40) h01:lr weeldy guarantee for e1:ls operators on the extra list.
The Authority may, in its discretion, institute a program at selected or all garages under which
scheduled days off for operators picking the extra board will be restructured, so that an extra board
operator will have one (l) picked day off each week, plus rotating weekend days off.
A. STO EMPLOYEES Any STO operator 'lIRe pieks at least thirty eight aRd eRe Ralf (38.5)
Rems per 'Neele, wRe eeffiJ'lletes all ef Ris er Rer week's assigRR'leRts aRd '.....erles additieRal 'lierlc
shall be paid time and one-half (1-1/2) for all FLSA hours tiR'le worked in excess of fortY (40)
hours durino- anv calendar week Ris er Rer regular 'Nerk week. Berrev/iRg is Ret aUevied. Ema
eeard eperaters wRe Rave satisfied the R'liRiR'luR'l guaraRtee iR 8eetieR 5.1 aeeve 'Nill ee paid tiR'le
aRd eRe Ralf (1 1/2) fer additieRal 'lierk.
IfaR 8TO eR'lpleyee werks evertiR'le duriRg a '.....eek iR vAlieR the STO effiJ'lleyee was aeseRt (e*eept
fer fHReral leaYe, J/aeatieR, Relid~', jury duty, injury eR dut)" R'lilitary leave er is an. eleeted eF
appeiRted URieR effieial eR URieR eHsiReSS) tRe 8TO eR'lpleyee will ee paid at tiR'le aRd eRe Ralf
(l 1/2) eRly fer werle perfeFR'led iR e*eess ef fert)' (40) Reurs per week.
Lunch, spread time, holiday premium, and holiday pay for a scheduled day off will not count
toward obtaining the forty (40) hours necessary for weekly overtime. Weekly overtime shall not
be duplicated.
The working day of all Non-STO employees shall be eight (8) hours. All Non-STO employees
shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) for all FLSA hours tiR'le worked over -etght
(8) Reurs iR an.y eRe (1) d~r, an.d fer aU tiR'le werked forty (40) hours in any calendar week; .,..-but
daily and wWeekly overtime shall not be duplicated.
To E}Halif)' fer weekly overtime, a NOR STO effiflloyee mHst have 'Norl~a his or fier five (5)
scheaulea work aays aHriRg the 'Nork v;eek except if the l':J:OR STO effiflloyee is abseRt fer f\:lReral
leave, vacatioR, holiaa;', j\:H')' aHt)', iRjHf)' OR aHt)', military lean or is aR eleetea or appoimea
URioR official OR UnioR bHsiRess bHt aaily afla '>'leekly onrtime shall Rot be aHplicatea.
Overtime compensation per hour for all salaried Non-STO employees, who are paid on a monthly,
semi-monthly or bi-weekly basis, shall be computed by multiplying the monthly rate by twelve
(12) and dividing the results by two thousand and eighty (2,080) (fifty-two (52) weeks times forty
(40) hours) and multiplying the result by one and one-half (1-112).
Overtime for Non-STO employees in what was once known as the General Office Seniority
District shall be in accord with practices in effect on the day of this Agreement.
Evening overtime for Non-STO employees performing office or clerical work shall not require
two (2) unpaid meal periods in one day.
Any FI:ln sCHeaHlea over a longer spreaa thaB teB afla one half (10.5) Hours shall pay a premiHm of
OBe hillf (112) time fer aU time iB eJ£eess of sueh teB ana ORe half (10.5) hours. This spreaa time
allo'+';an.ee shall be paia in aaaitioB to all other straight time ana o..'ertime paymeRts FeEJ:llirea by
other proYisioBs of tHis Agreemem; hov;ever, tHe spreaa time aUovraBce SHall BOt eount towara
oetainiBg the ferty (40) HOHrs necessary fer weeldy overtime. This paragrapH also applies to traffic
CHeckers in the OperatioBs Planniag Departmeat wHea workiag a regular split shift aBato bus
service SHpepltSOrs.
Runs including spread time shall be completed within thirteen (13) hours as elsewhere provided.
l\:ny eH'lf'loyee required to work be,yond thirteen (13) hours measured froH'l the tiH'le the eH'lf'loyee
ref'orts I:lRtil the end of the eH'lf'loyee's v/orkday shall reeeive douale tiH'le for all tiH'le aeyond
thirteen (13) hours. There shall be no f'yramiding of overtiH'le.
Swings will ae allowed froH'l Q4QQ hours until 2QQQ hours. under the follovling restrietion: no
H'lore than seven (7) f'ereent of the swiHgS ean start aefore Q53Q hours.
When an effil3loyee reflorts to his or her regular station and is then reqHired to reflort to a station at
'Nhieh he or she is not regHlarl)' emplo)'ed, the emplo)'ee shall ae paid fer time going to and
remming from sHeh other station, and if not reeeiying work at sHeh other station, tRe emfllo)'ee
vAll ae paid fer an eight (8) hOHr day, which shall inclHde the time going to and ret\iFHing from His
or her regHlar station.
STARTING AND FINISHING WORK An emnlovee may be reouired to re!)ort to an" location
to start wQrk and to finish work at anv location. When an emolovee is reauired to renort to his or
her rellular work station but is then re~.:(uircd to reDort to another location the emolovee shall be
oaid for the time !wino- to the other location.
Plant maintenance laborers called out and ordered to report for work as soon as possible shall be
paid at the rate of one and one Half (1 1/2) times the employee's straigHt time ROHrl)' rate from the
time the employee reports. receives tHe eall, aHt shall receiYe not less than the eqllivalent of three
(3) hOHrs of pay at straight time.
DEFINITION Block Runs will consist offuTt)' (40) hOHrs a arOUD of runs scheduled-ev:er
on four (4) days in a workweek. SchedHled days off fur Block RHns will consist of SatHrday and
SHnda)' off along "''lith: one (1) of the weekdays (Monday th:roHgH friday). At least twenty (20)
flereent of all Block RHns will ae sCHesHles off on Monday ans frisay, reSflectiyely.
The total number of Block Runs may be up to twenty (20) percent of all runs Monday
through Saturday for computation purposes.
NO MINIMUM GUARANTEE An operator v",ho picks (not extra board) a Block Run
assignment 'f."ill vfork the Block Run on: four (4) days and 'NiH be guaranteed forty (4Q) hours pay
for the Block Run assignment provided the operator is a'failable and works the complete Block
Run: assignment. The Block Run will pay for FLSA time hours worked. There is no daily or
weekly guarantee. Recalculation will be eliminated.
AH extra board bus operators 'will have a guarantee of fort)' (40) hours over five dEl-)'s an:d
shaH ha:ve at least hvo (2) regularly scheduled days off per week. The hvo (2) scheduled days off
for extra board operators will be fixed and n:ot rotated, an:d aA')' 'Nork performed on those days off
shaH not count tO'Nard the forty (4 Q) hour guarantee. Pay for holidEl-)'s not worked will apply in
accumulating hours used in the computation: of the forty (4 Q) hour weekly guarantee for bus
operators working Block Runs on: the extra list. For an: operator on: the extra board, an:y day lost
through absen:ce 'Hill be deducted as eight (g.Q) hours from his or her five (5) day forty (40) hour
weekly guarantee. Extra board operators working Block Runs reporting for work shall be held on
call for two (2) consecutive hours. If an extra board employee on a show does not receive work
at any garage or of any type which he is qualified to perform within the timeframe of the show.
the emolovee will receive p'~y for the time olLshow. Holds will no longer be assigned. Designated
extra board will be eliminated. There will be one (1) extra board.
All bus operators working Block Runs shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1-112) for all
FLSA hours time worked over forty (40) hours in any calendar week. If an: operator works
overtime durin:g a week in which the operator 'Nas absen:t (except for fun:eral leave, vacation,
holidEl-)', jUf)' duty, injuf)' on: duty, militaf)' leave or is an: elected or appointed Un:ion: official on
Un:ion: busin:ess) the operator ....AH be paid at time an:d on:e half (1-112) on:ly for work performed in
excess of forty (4 Q) hours for the week.
WheR a BI::1S opeFator piekiRg a BIoek RI::1R reports to his or her regl::11ar statioR aRd is theR required
to report to a statioR at whieh he or she is Rot regl::11arly elHployed, the elHplo)'ee shall Be paid for
time goiRg to aRd retl::1miRg from sl::1eh other statioR.
STARTING AND FThIISHING WORK. An operator workino a Block Run may be reauired to
renort to anv location to start work and to finish work at anv location. When a bus onerator
workintt a Block Run renorts to his or her re~Jllar work station but is then reouired to renort to
another location. the emnlovee shall be naid for the time ooino to the other location.
Full-time operators will be paid eight (8) hours per day taken for holidays, vacations, vacation
random days ("VRDs"), funeral leave, jury duty, injury-on-duty, military leave or is an elected or
appointed Union official on Union business. If a holiday occurs on a scheduled day off, the
operator will be paid eight (8) hours at straight time pay and the holiday pay will not count as time
worked. Ifthe operator works the holiday on his or her scheduled workday, the operator shall be
paid eight (8) hours holiday pay plus straight time pay for all time worked on that day. Employees
who work holidays on a scheduled off day will be paid eight (8) hours holiday pay plus time aRd
ORe half straight time for all time worked on that holiday. Holiday pay for a scheduled day off
and holiday premium will not count as time worked.
(a) MINIMUM GUARANTEE The wOrkiRg week of all SeheEffiled TraRsit OperatioRs
("STO") eillflloyees withiR the baTgaiRiRg lmit ofLoeal308, 'Nhieh iReludes: rapid traRsit operators
(full time aRd part time), motormeR (full time and part time), eORduetors (full time and part
time), work traiR oflerators, work traiR eORduetors, yard leaders, tlagmeR (full time aRd part time),
tieket ageRts (full time aRd part time) aRd eustomer assistaRts (full time aRd part time), shall be
forty (40) hours. AR STO eillfllo)'ee shall be eligible fur a weekly miRimum guaraRtee of fort)'
(40) hours offla)' uRder the follo'i'liRg eORditioRs:
I. If pieked '+York, the emflloyee must fliek a miRimum of thirty eight and ORe half (38.5)
hours of work aRd perform all of this pieked work to be eligible for a ,,yeekly forty (40) hour
guarantee. This stipulatioR iReludes work as determiRed by platform aRd allowaRees oRly. LUReR
aRd spread are exeluded. If aR eillflloyee does not piek a miRimum of thirty eight aRd ORe half
(38.5) hours, he or she will ROt be eligible for the forty (40) hour guaraRtee.
H. All paid time will eouRt toward the forty (40) hour 'i'J'eekly guaraRtee.
Hl. If 'n'ork is assigned l:lnder extra board procedl:lres, an employee will receive the forty (4 Q)
hOl:lr weekly gtJarantee if the emplo)'ee is available for all assignments and 'Norks as assigned on
each of the five (5) specified 'NOrl( days.
There shall be one (1) system wide extra board for all rail system STO emnlovees includino
emnlovees who work block runs.
Whenever during a pick an employee cannot pick sufficient hours to allow him or her to work a
minimum of thirty eight thirtY-seven and one-half ~ Q1jJ hours for the week, the pick will
be stopped and all unpicked work will be filled from the extra board.
(1) STO Employees All time FLSA hours worked by an STO employee, in excess of
forty (40) paid hours (excluding amonll other thinl:!s, lunch, spread, holiday premium, and holiday
pay for a scheduled day off) in anyone (1 ) calendar week shall be paid at the rate of one and one-
half (1-1/2) times the STO employee's straight time hourly rate. Weekly overtime shall not be
All STO employees shall be paid at the rate oftime afld one half (1 1/2) for all time worked
over forty (4 Q) hOl:lrs in an)' calendar v/eek. If an STO employee works overtime dl:lrint; a week
in which the employee was absent (except for fMneralleaYe, vacation, holida)', jmy dl:lt)', injl:lf)'
on dl:lt)', military leave or is an elected or appointed Union official on Union btJsiness), the STO
employee will be paid at time and one half (1-112) only for V/Ork performed in excess of forty (4 Q)
hours for the week.
(2) Non-STO EmDlovees The working day of all Non-STO employees shall be eight
(8) hours. All Non-STO employees shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1-112) for all
time FLSA hours worked oyer eight (8) hours in anyone day, and for all time "'fOrked over forty
(40) hours in any calendar week:, bm daily and w Weekly overtime shall not be duplicated.
To qualify for weekly overtime, a NOR STO employee must have "'forked his or her five
scheduled work da)'s duriRg the work week e*cept if the employee is abseRt fer fUReral leave,
vacatioR, holida)', jury dut)" iRjury OR duty, militaf)' lea-ve or is aR elected or appoiRted URioR
official OR URiOR busiRess, but daily aRd 'lfeekly overtime shall ROt be duplicated.
Overtime compensation per hour for all salaried Non-STO employees, who are paid on a
monthly, semi-monthly or bi-weekly basis, shall be computed by multiplying the monthly rate by
twelve (12) and dividing the results by two thousand and eighty (2,080) (fifty-two (52) weeks
times forty (40) hours) and multiplying the result by one and one-half (1-1/2).
Evening overtime for Non-STO employees performing office or clerical work shall not
require two (2) unpaid meal periods in one day.
Swing runs have an interval of two (2) hours between any two (2) pieces. There are no lunches
on swing runs.
SwiRg FUns or tricks requiriRg a 10Rger spread tIlaR teR aRd ORe half (10 1/2) hours shall pay
premium of ORe half (1/2) time fer all time iR e*cess of such teH aRd oHe half(10 1/2) hours. This
spread time allol,vance shall be paid iR additioR to all other straight time aRd overtime pa)'meRts
required by other provisioRs oftllis Agreemeflt.
SWiRgS will be allo'.ved from 0400 hours uRtil2000 hours. uRder tile fello'.viRg restrictioR RO more
thaR seveR (7) perceflt of the swiRgs CaR start befere 0530 hours.
Not more thaR teR (10) percent of tile total FURS may cofltaiR three (3) pieces of work.
Swing runs or tricks shall be completed within thirteen (13) hours as elsewhere provided. Effuetive
JaftUary 1, 2013, any employee required to VlOrk beyond thirteen (13) hours measured from the
time the employee reports until the end of the employee's vrorkday shall reeeive double time fer
all time beyond thirteen (13) hours. There shall be no pyramiding of overtime.
If an employee is required to report for work on a Sunday or New Year's Day, Easter Sunday,
Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day -and Q! Christmas, the employee's
anniversary of birth and the employee's allliwersary of employment, then the employee will
receive pay based upon the hours actually worked, with a minimum three (3) hour guaraRtee.
Extra train service employees shall be assigned their work on a rotating basis. Ema train serviee
employees, extrajanitors and extra tieket agents shall be guaranteed a minimum of ferty (40) hours
of pay for five (5) da;'s of work in eaeh ealendar '.veek, provided the)' report for work five (5) days
in that ealendar week if so requested and fill all assignments. All extra train service employees,
and extra janitors and e)(tra tieket agents shall have two (2) regularly scheduled days off in each
calendar week and any work perfermed by these employees on sueh days off shall not be
eonsidered in eomputing the minimum guarantee. Failure to report for work and fill an assignment
'Nhen requested, exeept fer funeral leave, vaeation, holiday, jury duty, injury on duty, military
leave or an eleeted or appointed Dnion offieial on Union business, on anyone (l) of the five (5)
..I. .1. .1,
, , r.·I. .1.· ..1 .• 1 ..1..1
."", .1. .11 L .1. d. J'. rAII\
hour weekly guarantee. The provisions of this sub-section (e) shall not apply to part-time
operators, who are covered under Article 3.6.III of this Agreement.
Holiaa-y premium time ana time for preparing aeeiaent reports shall not be usea in eOffi}3uting the
forty (40) hour 'i'/eekly guarantee for extra train servise employees, e~rajaHitors ana e~a tisket
Pay for holiaays not workea shall awly in aeeum1:dating hours 1:lsea in the sOffi}31:ltation for the
forty (40) hom '."Ieekly g1:lara-Htee for extra train seR'ise emplo)'ees, extra janitors, aHa e~a tielEet
Extra train service employees shall be paid back to their starting terminal. In computing time
allowance when deadheading between the north side and south side divisions, one (l) hour
deadhead time will be allowed instead of the actual time to the starting terminal. It is further
understood that this applies only to the starting point on an assignment and that the assignment in
the morning rush hour may be different from the assignment in the evening rush hour.
Extra train service employees marked up on schedule, if not given work, shall receive not less than
three (3) h01:lrs one (J) hour of pay.
All pay time, exel1:lsive of Only FLSA hours worked 11:lnsh, spread time, holiaay premi1:lm, ana
holiaay pay for a sehea1:llea aay off, shall be considered as working time and shall be included in
the computation of weekly overtime. However, show-up time shall be absorbed into make-up
time for the purposes of calculating weekly overtime.
A reasonable relay shall be provided between each trip except during the rush hours and under
emergency conditions. All train service employees shall be given an unpaid meal relief of not less
than thirty (30) minutes as schedules will permit. No such employees shall be scheduled to work
more than five and one half (5 1/2) ~ consecutive hours without a relief for meals. Paid
lunches vAil be of thirty (3Q) minute auFation ana tlhere are no lunches on swing runs.
Train service employees working extra trips because relief failed to report for work or extra trips
are required due to emergency conditions or other work is required to be performed, shall be paid
the wage rate of the classification of work performed at the applicable overtime rate or the three
(3) hOHr guarantee, whiehe'ler is greater, for the time of the extra trip.
(b) EMPLOYEES CALLED OUT FOR WORK If an employee is called and ordered
to report for work at a specific time prior to normal reporting time, the employee shall be paid -at
the rate of one and one half times (1 1/2) his or her straight time hourly rate from the time the
employee so reports, but shall receive not less than the equivaleRt of three (3) hours of pay at
straight time.
If an employee is called and ordered to report for work as soon as possible, the employee
shall be paid at the rate of ofte aftd ofte Half (l 1/2) times his or her straight time hourly rate from
the time he or she so reports. receives the call but the employee SHall receive ftot less tHaft the
equivaleftt of three (3) Hours of pay at straigHt time.
Janitors who are called out to work, if not given work, shall receive not less than the
equivalent of tHree (3) HOurS one (1) hour of pay at straight time.
Only in cases of emergency shall janitors be called after 11:00 P.M. if they are needed for
work at a time earlier than their scheduled starting time.
(c) EMERGENCY CALLS Employees who are called out to work, if not given work,
shall receive not less than the equivalent of- three (3) HOurS one (1 ) hour of pay at straight time.
Block Runs will consist of forty (40) hours a group of runs scheduled B¥ef on four (4) days in a
workweek. '.¥itH three (3) scheduled days off, coftsistiftg of at least tV/erny (20) percern off on
Friday, Saturday aftd Sunday aftd at least tV/eftty (20) percern off Oft Saturday, SUftday and
Twelve and one-half (12-1/2) percent of all runs Monday through Friday may be Block Runs.
OVERTIME All motor operators, eonduetors and rapid transit operators working Block
Runs shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) for all FLSA hours time worked over
forty (40) hours in any calendar week, but weekly overtime shall not be duplicated.
A reasonable relay shall be provided between each trip except during the rush hours and under
emergency conditions. All Block Run motor operators, and rapid transit operators and eonduetors
shall be given meal relief of not less than thirty (30) minutes as schedules will permit. No such
employees shall be scheduled to work more than five and tHree fourtHs (5 3/4) six and one-half
(6-112) consecutive hours without a relief for meals.
Block Run motor operators, and rapid transit operators and eonduetors who work Block Runs will
be paid eight (8) hours per day taken for holidays, vacations, vacation random days, funeral leave,
jury duty, injury-on-duty, military leave or is an elected or appointed Union official on Union
business. If a holiday occurs on a scheduled day off, the holiday will be paid eight (8) hours at
straight time pay and the holiday pay will not count as time worked. If an employee works the
holiday on his or her scheduled workday, that employee shall be paid eight (8) hours holiday pay
plus time and one half (l 1/2) eipht (8) hours holiday oaYJ2lus straip-ht-time for all ~ time
~ worked on that day. Holida)' pay for a seheduled da)' off and the holiday premium vlillnot
eount as time Jl\'orked. Employees who work holidays on a scheduled off day will be paid eight
hours holiday pay plus time and one half straight time for all time worked on the holiday.
New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and
Christmas, or the days set aside for such holidays, and the de)' of the emplo)'ee's anniYersary of
birth end the da)' of the employee's anniversary of employment will be paid holidays and any
employee who does not work or is on vacation on said holidays will receive wages for eight (8)
hours for each of said holidays not worked. Those employees who work on said holidays shall be
paid at the employee's straight time hourly rate for all time hours worked on said holidays and the
eight (8) hours holiday pay. An employee who is entitled to a paid holiday and who is called out
to perform on a holiday shall receive both the holiday pay and pay at the rate of one and one helf
(1 14) times the employee's straight time hourly rate for all time hours worked on that holiday,
subjeet to the appHeaele minimum guarantees. Employees who work holidays on a scheduled off
day will be paid eight hours holiday pay plus time and one half straight time for all time hours
worked on the holiday.
The holiday guarantees shall not apply to any newly hired employees with less than ninety (90)
days of continuous service.
Effiflloyees mHst H&t'e more tHaR ORe (I) year of COHtiRHOHS service iR order to be eligible for
holiday fJa~' OR tHeir armiv6rsary of 6ffiflloymeRt or aBRiversary of birtH. THe iRteHt of this
fJrovisioR is that aR effiflloyee 'NOHld be eligible for a fJaid holiday for his or her birthday Re*t
sHcceeding comfJletioR of ORe (1) year of service aBd for the employee's seCORd (aBd sHccessive)
anniversary dates of emfJlo)'meRt.
MARTIN LUTHER KING. JR. HOLIDAY In the eveRt the AutHorit), ofJerates a holidR)'
schedHle OR MartiR LutHer KiRg, Jr. Day, SUCH day shall be eORsidered aB additioRal paid holidR)'
under the AgreemeRt.
URless aRd uRtil the Authorit)' ofJerates a holiday schedule OR MartiR Luther KiRg, Jr. Day aRd b)'
reaSOR oftHe foregoiRg provisioR it beeomes a fJaid holiday uRder the Agreemtmt,. aAn additional
floating holiday will be made available to each employee and will be considered to be III
observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
This floating holiday will be picked prior to the start ofthe contract year in which it is to be taken
in accordance with a provision to be established by the Authority.
VETERANS DAY HOLIDAY All employees who have more than one ('1) year of continuous
service with the Authority will be eligible for a paid personal leave day of eight (8) hours at straight
time pay. The Authority will have the necessary flexibility to establish the rules and procedures
under which the personal leave day operates.
IR the e'lent the Authorit)' ofJerates a holid&)' schedule OR VeteraRs DR)' as established b)' the State
of Illinois, tH6n this persoRalleave day 'Nill cease to e*ist aRd VeteraRs Day shall theR become a
fJaid holiday under the AgreemeRt.
DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY All employees who have more than one (l) year
of continuous service with the Authority will be eligible for a paid personal leave day of eight (8)
hours at straight time pay. The Authority will have the necessary flexibility to establish the rules
and procedures under which the personal leave day will operate.
In the e:vent the Authorit), operates a holida)' sehedule on the day after Thanksgiving, then this
personal lea:ve da)' 'Nill eease to exist ane the €la)' after Thanksgiving shall then beeome a paie
holiday under the Agreement.
When an employee, who is eligible for a paid holiday as set forth above, is absent from work
because of illness or injury and is concurrently receiving wages under 7-Day Sick Plan, Accident
and Sickness Insurance benefits or Workers' Compensation pursuant to the laws of the State of
Illinois, the employee is entitled to holiday pay for applicable holidays, without diminution of his
Accident and Sickness or Workers' Compensation benefits.
The eight (8) hours of holiday pay paid to an employee on a scheduled day off, on vacation or off
due to illness or injury shall not be used in the computation of weekly overtime.
When a paid holiday coincides with another paid holiday or holidays, the employee shall be
excused from work on the day or days immediately subsequent to the holiday and receive eight
(8) hours of pay for each subsequent holiday or holidays. When the day or days immediately
subsequent to the coincidental holiday is a scheduled day off, the employee shall receive eight (8)
hours of pay for each such day. The eight (8) hours of time allowed for each holiday on a
scheduled day off shall not be used in computing weekly overtime.
work on that €lay aeeording to the same rules that apply to the standard paie holidays listed in
Artiele 9.1 oithe Agreement.
For the purpose of receiving holiday pay, "an employee" under this Article shall include an
employee who, on the day before the holiday:
(1) was on, or placed on, layoff status because of lack of work (subject to
Article 9.1 (c)); or
(3) was on, or placed on, a disciplinary suspension (subject to Article 9.1 (c));
(4) had been absent from work for a period not exceeding twenty-six (26)
consecutive weeks because of an illness or injury.
MORthly salaried eFHployees mEl)' elect to eJ(ercise an optioR v/hen the employee's anninrsary of
birth or lH'lIliversary of eIDfllo)'ment OCClirs, iR the folloviing manner:
an additianal eight (8) hal:1rs afhaliday pay. In the latter case, the eight (8) hal:1rs af pay shall nat
be l:1sed in campl:1ting weekly ayertime.
Shal:1ld ane (1) ar mare halidays caincide, each sl:1ch caincidental haliday shall be treated
An emplayee ml:1st make arrangements with his supervisar in arder ta exercise his ar her aptian a
miniml:1ffi affel:1rt@en (14) calendar days preceding the haliday. The Al:1tharity shall determine the
fRlmber af emplayees that can be excused an any ane (1) warle day.
All persannel vlill have the aptian ta warle an their anniversaries af birth and emplayment at
straight time pll:1s eight (8) hal:1rs afhaliday pay.
An emplayee in the Maintenance Areas af the Al:1tharity will have the aptian ta take his ar her
anniversary af birth and emplayment as a flaating haliday, sl:1bject ta the fellavling canditians:
(1) an)' request ta e~(ercise the aptian ml:1st be made with the sl:1peryisar na less than thirty (30)
calendar days priar ta his ar her anniversary af birth and emplayment, (2) supervisary appraval is
reEtHired befere the aptian may be exercised, and (3) if the emplayee warles an the anniversary af
either his ar her birth ar emplayment and elects ta take a flaater aI'lly straight time will be paid.
New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and
Christmas, or the days set aside for such holidays, and the day af the emplayee's anniversary af
~ .. ,~
oJ ~ ...
... ~
. . u~
.t ,L
•.•• ~ ~".
.~ - '''''-.
will be paid holidays and any
employee who does not work or is on vacation on said holidays will receive wages for eight (8)
hours for each of said holidays not worked. Those employees who work holidays on a scheduled
work day shall be paid the employee's straight time hourly rate for all time hOJJrs_worked on said
holiday and the eight hours of holiday pay. Employees who work holidays on a scheduled off day
will be paid eight hours holiday pay plHs time aAd OAe half straifJ"ht timp. for all time hours worked
on the holiday.
The holiday guarantees shall not apply to any newly hired employees with less than ninety (90)
days of continuous service.
Employees mHst have more thaA OAe (1) )'ear of coetinuoHs service ie order to be eligible for
holiday 198)' oe their aeeivefSary of employment or anniversary of birth. The iBteflt of this
provision is that aB employee wOHld be eligible for a paid holid8)' for his or her birthday eext
secceedieg completion of OBe (1) year of service aBd for the employee's secoed (aRd sH6cessiYe)
anniYefSary dates of emplo)'meRt.
MARTIN LUTHER KING. JR, HOLIDAY If) the eyeet the Authority operates a holiday
schedHle OB MartiB Lether KiBg, Jr. Day, sHch day shall be cOBsidered aft additional paid holida)'
HBder the AgreeffleBt.
Uftless aed HBtil the AHthority operates a holiday schedHle OB Martin Lmher KiBg, Jr. Day aBd by
reason ofthe foregoieg provisioB it becomes a paid holiday HBder the AgreeffleBt,. aAn Additional
floating holiday will be made available to each employee and will be considered to be in
observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
This floating holiday will be picked prior to the start of the contract year in which it is to be taken
in accordance with a provision to be established by the Authority.
VETERANS DAY HOLIDAY All employees who have more than one (1) year of continuous
service with the Authority will be eligible for a paid personal leave day of eight (8) hours at straight
time pay. The Authority will have the necessary flexibility to establish the rules and procedures
under which the personal leave day operates,
In the event the Authority operates a holidfl'y sehedule on VeteraHs Day as established b)' the State
of IlliRois, theR this persoRalleave day v..ill eease to exist aRd VeteraRs Day shall theR beeome a
paid holiday under the AgreemeRt.
DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY All employees who have more than one (l) year
of continuous service with the Authority will be eligible for a paid personal leave day of eight (8)
hours at straight time pay. The Authority will have the necessary flexibility to establish the rules
and procedures under which the personal leave day will operate.
IR the eveRt the A1::lthority operates a holiday sehed1::lle OH the d&)' after TAaHksgiviHg, tAeH this
persoHal leave day vtill eease to exist aHd the da)' after ThaRksgiviRg shall theR beeome a paid
holiday 1::lHder the AgreemeRt.
An employee who works on said holiday will be paid in the following manner:
(a) OPERAnONS AREAS OHe aHd oHe half(l 1/2) times tThe employee's straight
time regularly classified rate for all time worked, plus eight (8) hours of holiday pay, on a
scheduled day off; the employee's straight time hourly rate for all time worked plus eight hours of
holiday pay, on a scheduled work day.
(b) RAIL MAINTENANCE ORe aRd OHe half (l 1/2) times tThe employee's
straight time regularly classified rate for all time worked, plus eight (8) hours of holiday pay, on a
scheduled day off; the employee's straight time hourly rate for all time worked plus eight hours of
holiday pay, on a scheduled work day.
(c) SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OHe aHd one half (l 1/2) times tThe employee's
straight time regularly classified rate for all time worked, plus eight (8) hours of holiday pay, on a
scheduled day off; the employee's straight time hourly rate for all time worked plus eight hours of
holiday pay, on a scheduled work day.
(d) NON-STO EMPLOYEES ONLY When a holiday falls on an active hourly rated
employee's scheduled day off or during the vacation period, the employee may elect to receive
eight (8) hours of pay for the holiday at his or her regularly classified rate or stipulate a work date
off with eight (8) hours of pay at this regularly classified rate within a period of thirty (30) days
preceding or sixty (60) days subsequent to such holiday, to be mutually agreed upon. In order to
exercise this option, an employee must notify the Authority a minimum of three (3) days prior to
the day the holiday occurs. This provision also applies when a holiday coincides with one (l) of
the other paid holidays. Employees shall not have the right to exercise an option for the Easter
Sunday holiday.
When a holiday falls on an active monthly rated employee's scheduled day off or during
the vacation period, the employee will stipulate a work date off with eight (8) hours of pay at the
regularly classified rate within a period of thirty (30) days preceding or sixty (60) days subsequent
to such holiday, to be mutually agreed upon. This provision also applies when a holiday coincides
with one (1) of the other paid holidays. Employees shall not have the right to exercise an option
for the Easter Sunday holiday.
Ea) If the A\:Ithority operates Oft a holiaay sehea\:lle Oft aft)' aay other thaft S\:Iftaay or the
staftaara holidll-)'s listed ift the Agreemeftt, employees will Be paia holiaay Pll-)' aftd paid for work
Oft that aBj' aeeoraiftg to the same £\:lIes that appl)' to the stafula-ra flaia holiaBj's listea ift Artiele
10.1 of the Agreement.
All personnel will h~le the optiOft to work Oft their afIfti'lersa-ries of Birth a-Ra 0mploymeftt at
straight time plus eight (8) hours of holiday pay.
AR employee iR the MaiftteRaflee l\reas will ha',re the optioft to take the aRRfversa-ry of eirth aRa
_ •
, • +.
..... 1_ .~~.1"
.1. . ,.", 'U' lb
• • . 11'\
the optioft m\:1st Be made with the s\:1pervisor no less than thirt), (30) ealendar dli)'s prior to the
anniversary of birth aftd employment, (2) sl:1peFVisofy approval is required Before the option may
Be e*ereised, and (3) if the emplo;)'ee ",lorks on the afllliversal)' of either Birth or emplo;)'ment and
eleets to take a floater only straight time wiH be paid.
Attachment D Eliminate the October 29, 1999 side letter (page 116 of the sole agreement) and provide that
employees in the ATU Local 308 bargaining unit will be referred to Area 605 within 60 days.
ModifY Attachment D
7. Effective UDon ratification SeptemBer 26, 1990, employees in Area 605 may be so classified
for a period of up to tVlO years one Year, with the exception stated under 8(a) below. For all
employees the first day the employee enters the sick book shall be the date from which the Wre
one year period shall be calculated. The maximum amount of time that an employee may be
assioneci to Area 605 shall not exceed an aooreaate total of two years durinl7 their entire tenure
with the CTA.
8. The employer will notify employees in Area 605 no later than 90 days prior to the expiration
of the tweone-year period and advise them of the following options available to them:
For any maintenance medications, employees may fill their first two prescriptions at any network
pharmacy but then must use CVS or mail service for their third and subsequent refills to obtain a
90-day supply.
Modify prescription drug copays to $10 (Generic), $20 (Brand Formulary), $40 (Brand Non-
Should any employee covered by this Agreement, who has been in the regular employ of the
Authority for not less than twelve (12) months, be absent from duty due to sickness or accident
not related to his employment and should any employee who has been in the regular employ of
the Authority for not less than ninety-one (91) days be absent from duty due to an accident related
to his employment, and provided the employee is under the care of a regularly licensed physician
for such incapacity, the Authority will pay the employee's regular wages of the following basis:
(a) Ifthe employee's absence is due to an accident, the Authority will pay the employee's regular
wages for the first seven (7) days of such incapacity.
(b) Ifthe employee's absence is due to sickness, the Authority will not pay the employee's regular
wages for the first two (2) working days ofsucb incapacity, but will pay the employee's regular
wages for the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh working day of such incapacity.
Verification of illness by a licensed physician shall constitute proof of claim. Final verification
must be approved by the Authority's physician.
In consideration of the benefits l"Irovided bv this A!!reement. the oarties aoree that the oaid sick
leave orovisions riuhts and benefits of the Chical!o Minimum Waue and Paid Sick Leave
Ordinance (Chanter 1-24 ofthe Chical!o Municinal Code) and anv subseauent amendments to the
ordinance or the ordinance's rules or regulations are waLved for all employees cove.red by this
Al!reement. The oarties stinulate that this waiver of the Daid sick leave reauirements of the
ordinance has been collectivelY ban!ained. is clear and unambimtous~and shall remain in effect
until the execution of a successor agreement.
Either of the parties hereto shall have the right to open this Agreement for modifications and or
additions to be effective January 1, ~ or any anniversary date thereafter by written notice to
the other party sixty (60) days prior to such anniversary date. Notification submitted in accordance
with the foregoing shall contain a written statement of all modifications and or additions to the
Agreement which are proposed. If no agreement is reached within said sixty (60) days, or such
further time as the parties may agree upon, the matter shall be submitted to arbitration as provided
in Article 17. All conditions of this Agreement are to continue in full force and effect until
changed, revised or amended from time to time by agreement of the parties or by the decision of
the Board of Arbitration.
47. Attachment M 10. CSAs will be given the opportunity, in Company seniority order, to apply for any open Local
308 bargaining unit position at the same time as external candidates are consideredf'fiof to the
hiring of ne'tV employees. CSAs will net-be required to pass a Level 1 criteria record review in
order to be offered an available bargaining unit position; hmvever, ~the employee's work record
shall follow the employee into the new position.
48. Attachment N 8. Bus Service Apprentices shall be assigned only General Clean funetions and removal of
garbage from buses at terminals to nerform any cleanim! work. Such work shall be under the
Bus and Facilities supervision of management and the direction of the Garage Cleaner bargaining unit members who
Apprentice Program shall be known as Garage Cleaner Leaders. CTA will establish two Garage Cleaner Leader
positions per shift at each bus garage. The Group Cleaner Leaders shall be working Leaders and
shall have the responsibility to direct the Bus Servicer Apprentices in the performance of their
apprentice duties. Garage Cleaner Leaders shall be paid a stipend of $.50 per hour for each hour
they engage in the direction of the Bus Serviccr Apprentices. The provisions of this paragraph
shall also be applicable with regard to the CTA's utilization of employees under the Kidstart
10. As long as Apprentices in the Bus and Facilities Apprentice Program are employed by the
CTA, any Bus Servicer or Janitor in Area 605 who is found medically fit to return to work to his
or her position shall be returned to work onlv if there is an ooen bude.eted oosition.
49. Attachment 0 4. CTA shall employ no more than ~ 100 Car Servicer Apprentices in the Apprentice Program at
anyone time.
Car and Rail Janitor
Servicer Apprentice ***
7. Car Servicer Apprentices will be assigned to work allY. shift. pm llfld midnight shifts onl)',
proJ/ided that, if, follo"tving the Car Seryieers piek, there are open am trieks v.<hieh were not pieked
by aA)' Car SerYieer, a Car Servieer Apprentice mll)' be assigned to work the open am trick. Ne
Car Servieer A.pprentiee will be assigned to work a triek that Vias red lined dHfing the fliek.
13. As long as Rail Janitor Apprentices are employed by CTA, any Rail Janitor in Area 605 who
is found medically fit to return to work as a Rail Janitor shall be returned to work as a Rail Janitor
onlY if there is an ooen. budl!eted L1osition.
19. Add trackworker flaggers and right of way cleaners as positions in the Apprentice Program.
50. Fitness for Duty The CTA intends to present a comprehensive proposal on fitness for duty and fatigue issues based
on APTA and other relevant standards.
and Fatigue
The CTA must efficiently allocate its resources and service to respond and adapt to
declining ridership, evolving demographic trends, and the need to address inequity in public
As CTA designs, plans, implements and evaluates any pilot or final microtransit project,
it is imperative that CTA have flexibility in all aspects of its service delivery operations. The
parties acknowledge CTA's need for such flexibility and further recognize the potential impact a
microtransit project may have on the members of the ATU Locals 241 and 308.
The parties have determined that it is desirable to eliminate the potential for disputes and
grievances by using their best efforts to confer on issues of mutual concern regarding any
microtransit project. The parties agree, therefore, to meet and confer as necessary as CTA
explores and implements microtransit options and to work cooperatively in order for CTA to
have the flexibility required to operate a microtransit project. The CTA shall have the right to
implement microtransit, but the CTA will negotiate the effects of any microtransit project on the
bargaining unit employees. Such effects may include without limitation schedule and route
modifications, deployment of smaller vehicles, and potential creation of new positions to
effectuate the project.
The CTA shall inform the affected local at least ninety (90) days prior to the planned
implementation of any microtransit project. The affected local shall have thirty (30) days
thereafter to send notice to the CTA of its desire to bargain over the effects of the planned
microtransit project. lfthe parties are not able to reach an agreement on the effects within thirty
(30) days of the demand to bargain, either party may refer the matter to arbitration as provided in
Section 17. During this bargaining or arbitration, the CTA shall not be precluded from
implementing the microtransit project.