Design and Implementation of A Practical FTTH Network Keywords
Design and Implementation of A Practical FTTH Network Keywords
Design and Implementation of A Practical FTTH Network Keywords
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ABSTRACT low initial cost of the outside cable plant when implementing
Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) has long been recognized as a a FTTH network.
technology that provides future proof bandwidth [1], but has Many researchers wrote on the scope of FTTH. In [4]
generally been too expensive to implement on a wide scale. Economic aspect of projects and/or solutions in
However, reductions in the cost of electro-optic components telecommunication networks is discussed and the authors
and improvements in the handling of fiber optics now make found that the GPON is the more suitable to implement FTTH
FTTH a cost effective solution in many situations. The than other networks. In [5] a comprehensive cost modeling of
transition to FTTH in the access network is also a benefit for FTTH was presented, which includes outside plan, head end,
both consumers and service providers because it opens up the and premises equipment and labor with enhanced reach and
near limitless capacity of the core long-haul network to the split ratio and estimate cost as associated with passive and
local user. In this paper individual passive optical active equipment and components for the typical FTTH PON.
components, transceivers, and fibers has been put together to The aim of [6] is to enhance the quality of service offered by
form a complete FTTH network. Then the implementation of standard passive optical networks with reduced network costs.
the under construction Baghdad/Al-Gehad FTTH network is To that extent, a dynamic multi-wavelength protocol has been
presented according to the available information from Iraq developed to increase the network upstream bandwidth and
Telecommunication Post and Company (ITPC). In this work introduce multiple service levels to a Fiber To The Home-
designing, planning and deploying of FTTH network based on based through a Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON).
Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) will be evaluated in
order to obtain an optimal practical sample when designing In this paper, studying, designing and implementing of FTTH
and implementing any FTTH network. network based on GPON architecture through taking
Baghdad/Al-Gehad as a study case which it is one of the Iraq
Keywords Telecommunications and Post Company (ITPC) FTTH
projects in Iraq. A studying of the required number of PON
Passive Optical Network (PON), Fiber To The Home (FTTH), network ports is introduced in terms of take rate with fixed
Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON). amount of cycle time to support multiple services and to
guarantee adequate transport capacity per subscriber in Al-
1. INTRODUCTION Gehad FTTH network. Cost optimization is introduced for
High Speed Broadband (HSB) deployments are frequently feeder cables, distribution cables and total cost of Al-Gehad
justified primarily by today's applications rather than FTTH network through the GPON technology with respect to
anticipated demands. For instant, streaming video content is the number of subscribers.
considered by many as the ultimate bandwidth hungry The rest of this paper is structured as follows section II will
application. When one adds the bandwidth requirements of illustrate FTTH architecture. Section III illustrates the access
one High Definition Television (HDTV) stream, a few network and in section IV, we present the components of
standard definition streams and Internet browsing, it may FTTH network. Conclusion is presented in section V.
seem that 20-30 Mbps of bandwidth is sufficient in the long
FTTH technology provides residences with high speed ARCHITECTURE
broadband access to digital services and the Internet. The
FTTH networks have now established their economic Cater to the needs of large bandwidth and High Speed Internet
competitiveness by providing significantly reduced operating (HIS) of users, Iraq Telecommunication Post and Company
expenses and enhanced revenue opportunities for carriers. In (ITPC) has built the national project of FTTH network in
addition, a FTTH solution based on Wavelength Division Baghdad and takes advantage of the existing infrastructure
Multiplexing (WDM), or a λ - based structure, allows for resources of fiber optic networks such as the central offices,
additional flexibility and adaptability to support future PDN networks, etc. ITPC FTTH access network consists of
services [2]. FTTH network has very useful property it is the four layers as shown in Figure (1), these four layers are:
distributed architecture in manner of several varieties of 1. Application layer: it could be called service level
splitters located at different strategic places in the network [3]. since it represents providing services such as High Speed
For example, at the first power dividing point the optical Internet (HIS), Voice over IP (VoIP) and so on.
splitters might range in size from 1:8 to 1:2. Typical
secondary splitter sizes near the subscribers might range in 2. Core layer: it is the backbone of passive
size from 1:4 to 1:16. The main motivation for this distribution network (PDN), it contains core routers.
architecture is to minimize the amount of optical cable that is
needed for the distribution and drop fibers, which provides a
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 72– No.12, June 2013
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 72– No.12, June 2013
coordinate their transmission. So TDM-based MAC is used Layer 3 switches and then the routers to ITPC Passive
with a frame structure for collision-free upstream transmission Distribution Network (PDN) network. The length of feeder
on the PON. Note that in downstream transmission there is no cables is 243km and the length of distribution cables is
such a conflict. 405km, so the total fiber cables length will be 647km.
After studying and summarizing the varying building features
and application scenarios of the detail site survey, and based
3.1 Optical Distribution Network (ODN) on the requirement of IPTC, the design will be as follow:
For FTTH solution the access layer will provide OLT a. For general network topology, a ring topology is
equipment in exchange; all subscribers will be connected used to deploy the FTTH passive network, offer the protection
through Optical Distribution Network (ODN). The proposed to Optical Distribution Network (ODN).
connection will be from the OLT to access point Fiber Access
Terminal distribution box (FAT). b. There is 20% spare capacity in the feeder cables,
from the Central Office up to the Fiber Distribution Terminal
As it is obvious from Figure (5) the FTTH system comprises (FDT), to meet the future requirements.
the Optical Line Terminal (OLT) on the Central Office (CO),
the Optical Network Terminal (ONT) on the user side, and the c. Feeder section from CO to FDT, 144F optical cable
Optical Distribution Network (ODN). The FTTH construction will be proposed by ring topology and 2:4 first level splitter
features the PON technology, which provides point to point will be proposed in FDT cabinet.
and point to multi-point applications. ODN provides the d. Distribution section from FDT to Fiber Access
physical channels from OLT and ONT to communicate with Terminal (FAT) is 72F, 48F, 24F, and 12F optical cable will
each other. be proposed by star topology and 1:16 second level splitter
will be proposed in FAT, which is closure to wall mounted
FAT product to meet different requirement and scenarios.
Design and implementation Al-Gehad FTTH network will be
illustrate using the information that has been obtained from
ITPC. Figure (6) shows the network topology logical diagram
that will be used to implement Al-Gehad FTTH network. Two
topologies are used, ring topology for feeder cables that are
connect the Fiber Distribution Terminals (FDTs) to the
Central Office (CO) by first level splitting of 2:4, and star
topology to connect several numbers of Fiber Allocation
Terminal (FAT) to each FDT by second level splitting of
OLT will be deployed in each central office and the quantity
will be calculated to satisfy the coverage capacity. Each OLT
will connect to the converged Layer 3 switches and then the
routers to ITPC PDN network. BRAS will be installed in the
core central offices. BRAS are full load configuration with the
Figure 5. OLT Connection from OLT to Terminal
Distribution Box processing capability of not less than 115,000 lines. In the
normal status, each BRAS just take the service traffic which
The Optical Distribution Network (ODN) can be divided into belong to the corresponding areas. When one is broken, the
four parts from the CO end to the user end: feeder cable other BRAS will take the whole service. AAA is the same
subsystem, distribution cable subsystem, drop cable with BRAS. EMS remote redundancy is ensuring the
subsystem and optical terminal subsystem. reliability.
The access network and related BRAS/AAA/EMS will
connect to ITPC Passive Distribution Network (PDN)
network and work as one part of ITPC national broadband 4. IMPLEMENTATION OF Al-GEHAD
network. In the central offices, the PDN network some is
ready, some is not ready. Even the PDN network is ready; it FTTH NETWORK
needs expansion for FTTH access network. In each central
office, two layer 3 switches (active/standby) aggregate the Optical distribution network is placed in Al-Gehad exchange.
Gigabit Ethernet Interface (GE) interfaces of OLT and ODN contain two components, the first one is fiber
connect to the two routers (active/standby) by 10GE distribution terminal (FDT) and the second one is fiber access
interfaces. In the core central office the PDN network also is terminal (FAT). Usually DFT called cabinet, its dimension is
responsible for the connection of BRAS/AAA. 60cm(width)*500cm(hight)*40cm(depth). It connected to
OLT in CO in ring topology from one side, and the other side
connects to the FAT in star topology.
3.2 Al-Gehad FTTH Network Topology The number of FDT can be calculated from the following
According to the information from ITPC, the FTTH network
in Al-Gehad is consists of two OLTs placed in Al-Gehad No. of FDT = No. of Fibers in Feeder Cable/8 (1)
exchange (CO) will be serve 6000 subscribers in total area of In Al-Gehad FTTH network the feeder cable of (144) fibers
about 32km2. It has been planned to use 6000 ONTs, one so, according to the relation above the number of FDT in Al-
ONT per subscriber. Each OLT will connect to the converged Gehad FTTH network is (16) FDT, and the number of Fiber
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 72– No.12, June 2013
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 72– No.12, June 2013
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 72– No.12, June 2013
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 72– No.12, June 2013