Patintero: Materials Used: - Chalk or Marker
Patintero: Materials Used: - Chalk or Marker
Patintero: Materials Used: - Chalk or Marker
Materials Used:
• Chalk or
A team is composed of 5 players and a coach. The official of the game is the scorer, timekeeper,
and 5 linesmen. The objective of a team is to accumulate as many points by passing the lines
without being tagged. A defensive team is called line guard while an offensive team is called the
1. The game is started with toss 4. Passers are supposed to cross 7. If any of the passer is
the lines from the starting point
of a coin. Whoever wins
and back.
tagged, the line guard
becomes the passer.
2. A time limit of two minutes is 5. Four-line guards are positioned immediately assumes the
given to each team to score. on the vertical line and one on the position of passer even if
horizontal line of the court. Their
3. Once the limit elapses, the
feet always be on the line.
the 2-minute limit has not
line guards assume the
positions of the passer, and
vice-versa. 6. Line guards tag the passer with
powered hands.
System of Scoring
Badminton is a sport that has been around since the 16th century. The sport is played indoors and
the pinnacle comes from its Olympic events. The sport is very popular in Asian countries such as
China and India with these countries leading the way by producing some of the world’s best
•A game can take place with either two (singles) or four (doubles) players.
•An official match has to be played indoors on the proper court dimensions. The dimensions are 6.1m by 13.4m, The net
is situated through the middle of the court and is set at 1.55m.
•To score a point the shuttlecock must hit within the parameters of the opponents court.
•If the shuttlecock hits the net or lands out then a point is awarded to your opponent.
•Players must serve diagonally across the net to their opponent. As points are won then serving stations move from one
side to the other. There are no second serves so if your first serve goes out then your opponent wins the point.
•A serve must be hit underarm and below the servers waist. No overarm serves are allowed.
•Each game will start with a toss to determine which player will serve first and which side of the court the opponent would
like to start from.
•Once the shuttlecock is ‘live’ then a player may move around the court as they wish. They are permitted to hit the
shuttlecock from out of the playing area.
•If a player touches the net with any part of their body or racket then it is deemed a fault and their opponent receives the
•A fault is also called if a player deliberately distracts their opponent, the shuttlecock is caught in the racket then flung,
the shuttlecock is hit twice or if the player continues to infract with the laws of badminton.
•Each game is umpired by a referee on a high chair who overlooks the game. There are also line judges who monitor if
the shuttlecock lands in or not. The referee has overriding calls on infringements and faults.
•Let may be called by the referee if an unforeseen or accidental circumstance arose. These may include the shuttlecock
getting stuck in the bet, server serving out of turn, one player was not ready or a decision which is too close to call.
•The game has only two rest periods coming the form of a 90 second rest after the first game and a 5 minute rest period
after the second game.
•If the laws are continuously broken by a player then the referee holds the power to dock that player of points with
persisting fouls receiving a forfeit of the set or even the match. 4
The object of a game of Billiards is to score more points than your opponent, reaching the
agreed amount that is needed to win the game. Like chess, it’s an immensely tactical game that
requires players to think both attacking and defensively at the same time. Although not a
physical game in any sense of the word, it is a game that requires a tremendous degree of
mental dexterity and concentration.
•All games of Billiards shall be played with three balls, consisting of a red, yellow and white.
•Each of the two players has their own cue ball, one having the white ball, the other the yellow ball.
•Both players must decide who is to break off first, and this is done by both players simultaneously
hitting their cue ball the length of the table, hitting the cushion and returning back towards them. The
player who gets their cue ball nearest to the baulk cushion at the end the shot was played gets to choose
who breaks.
•The red is then placed on the Billiards sport and then the player going first places their cue ball in the D
and then plays the ball.
•Players then take it in turn to attempt to score the most amount of points and eventually win the game.
Players can score in three ways:
• In-off: When your cue ball hits one of more balls and then goes down a pocket (2 / 3 points).
• Pot: This is when any ball other than your cue ball goes into a pocket (2 / 3 points).
• Cannon: This happens when the cue ball hits both other balls (2 points).
•Players remain on the table until they fail to make a scoring shot.
•Following a foul, the opposing player has the option of having the balls all put on their spots or leaving
the table as it is.
•The winner of the game is the first player to the points total that was declared the winning total before
the game.