Credit and Collection
Credit and Collection
Credit and Collection
Credit Interview
Another good practice would be to make
it a point, as much as possible, to interview the
Beware of customers who won’t complete the applicant himself. The interview may be
application conducted either at the time the credit
What if your customer refuses to sign a applicant applies for credit, or later if, and when
credit application? These customers often have credit investigation has been found to be
something to hide: necessary before the extension of the credit or
loan. Just like any human activity, the
The work of a credit investigator may be
divided into three major functions:
Credit qualities to investigate
1. Gathering of credit information
The following outline presents some of the 2. Analysis of credit information; and
Credit Investigation more important factors to which attention 3. Dissemination of credit information
should be given in a credit investigation. In
A credit investigation is a procedure some investigations, all those points should be
undertaken by a financial institution to vet a checked fully; in other investigations, certain The Credit Investigator will be primarily
potential client’s ability to pay back a loan. points may not need to be checked carefully concerned with the first and third functions,
Failure to pass this procedure means since they may have little bearing on the risk. while the second is primarily the responsibility
disapproval of a loan. of the credit analyst; if there is such a person in
The credit investigator plays the role of the Creditor’s office; otherwise, it shall be
an aide or ally to the sales/ treasury function. For applicants, the following credit performed by the head of the credit
Around this, revolve his usefulness, function information should be secured and verified: department.
and responsibility. Basically, he determines the
facts in connection with the credit
worthiness of credit customers or credit Inspection and Appraisal of Real and Personal
applicants by gathering data on the standing of Property
an individual or the condition of a business
Inspection and/or appraisal of property
are conducted when they are offered or
required for a secured credit. This phase of the
credit work goes hand in hand with the credit 2. Economic or investment value- the alternatives to the traditional collection of
investigation process. value which the property’s net earning power accounts receivable are:
will support based upon capitalization of net
Purchasing Credit Insurance
The object of appraisal and the duty of 3. Comparative or exchange value- the
the appraiser, is to evaluate the property being value indicated by actual sales of comparable
properties in the market Credit insurance, also referred to as
offered as collateral, fairly and on the basis of
trade credit insurance, is offered by insurance
its full cash value at a given point in time. There
companies and some government export credit
are some drawbacks in arriving at the fair and
agencies. This insurance usually covers a fixed
equitable computation of value. The most that Basic Approaches to value
percentage of the accounts receivable. In other
an appraiser can do is to be as close as possible
words, if the customer fails to pay a bill, your
to the prevailing values of properties in the area
insurance company reimburses you for a
so he can approximate value, in cash, for the
1. Cost Approach- a valuation method portion of that unpaid bill.
property being offered as security for the credit
sought. based on the principle that a prudent purchaser
will pay more than what it will cost him to
acquire an equally desirable substitute site, and Factoring
to build similar improvement of equal
Inspections are conducted for various
desirability and utility.
reasons: ranging from ascertaining the
2. Income Approach- a method of Instead of insuring your accounts
existence of the property, the true nature of the
evaluation based on the principle that value receivable, you may decide to simply sell them.
property, its location, condition, and estimating
tends to be set by the present worth of the Your factor determines which accounts
its real value vis-à-vis the one submitted by the
rights to future net benefits that may be receivable it wants to purchase and at what
debtor to the creditor.
derived from ownership. discount. For example, if a customer owes you
3. Market Data Approach- this method of P10,000, your factor may offer you 8,500 for the
valuation is based on the principle that no account. You get your money when you sell the
What is an approach to value? property is worth more at a given date than the accounts receivable regardless of when (or
amount of money necessary to purchase a whether) your customer pays. You gain quick
similar property of like kind with equal utility payment with no credit risk, but you lose the
An approach to value is a method based and desirability. amount of the discount.
on factual data by which an indicated value is
The three facets of value: Considering Options to Reduce Risk Knowing when to insist on a personal guaranty
1. Cost value- the current cost of
reproduction or replacement of a property , You don’t want to wait and see whether In the credit industry, rejection typically
depreciation from all causes your customers pay their bills. The two leading follows when an applicant’s net worth does not
justify the extension of credit for the mount
requested. One way to extend credit to Marginal customers
applicants who fall into this category is to Customers that may be facing economic
Considering Letters of credit for a Risky
request that the customer obtain a guaranty of hardship
payment from either a person or another
Customers in countries where collection
is notoriously difficult
With a guaranty of payment, you can collect Remember when you were a kid, and
payment from the guarantor without first trying your friend promised you a peso if you would
Simply put, a letter of credit is an
to collect from the primary debtor. jump into the deep end of the pool? You could
escrow arrangement. Remember in
With guaranty of collection or performance, not trust your friend’s promise, so you had your
your BFI that an escrow account is an
you must first attempt to collect from the big brother hold on to the money to make sure
account which can only be withdrawn
primary debtor before you can collect from the you get paid if you made the big dive. Well,
upon the fulfilment of an obligation.
guarantor. what if you could minimize your risk for your
sales by having a third party hold the loot and
pay off when your service is rendered or your
Maximizing your leverage: Filing Liens for product is delivered in good order? Check out
protection the letter of credit.
When a customer does not pay,
sometimes you just want to pretend the sale
never took place. You want to go out to your
customer’s location and take your stuff back.
When goods are sold on open account, the
option is not available unless the customer
voluntarily returns the merchandise. That is
why liens were invented. A lien provides
security in the sense that if you don’t receive A letter of credit is a financial tool that protects
payment for the item you sold, you have the both the seller and the buyer by involving a
right to take it back. middleman who holds the money and verifies
the documents. The middleman is usually a
major bank or financial institution. Sometimes
To secure the assets, you and the debtor two banks are involved, the seller’s bank and
first enter into a security agreement, setting the buyer’s bank.
forth your rights to the collateral securing the
transaction. You then file a financing
statement, a formal notice to other potential Letters of credit are very effective tool to
creditors of your lien, with the appropriate ensure payment with:
government office.
New customers