The Components of Reverse Logistics Management: Punyapon Tepprasit and Natsapun Paopan
The Components of Reverse Logistics Management: Punyapon Tepprasit and Natsapun Paopan
The Components of Reverse Logistics Management: Punyapon Tepprasit and Natsapun Paopan
ISSN 1990-9233
© IDOSI Publications, 2016
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2016.24.04.23469
Abstract: The almost of manufacturing and export businesses in the world especially in developing country
didn’t have any operation and management process can enhance the competitive advantage in term of social
responsibility. Some country in develop country such as EU country used the term of social responsibility to
the non-tariff barrier that makes the huge effect and problem to international market entry. The reverse logistics
management (RLM) was the new way of management concept that enhance the difference of competitive
advantage term of business. Many organizations used RLM for improvement in management and operation
method to change. By the way, RLM can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness in term of social
responsibility. This research was used 2 approaches qualitative research method. First the phenomenology
approach that data collected by in-depth interviews and focus group from 21 and 15 key informants. Second,
documentary research method by literature review from 614 research and theoretical articles. Researcher was
used content analysis to summarize the components of reverse logistics management and synthesis the
research and theoretical articles for concluding the research finding. The Result indicated that the components
of reverse logistics management has three components that consist of Return Policy and Procedure (RPP),
Remanufacturing or Refurbishment (ROR) and Waste disposal (WAD).
Key words:Reverse Logistics Management Logistics Return Policy and Procedure (RPP)
Remanufacturing or Refurbishment (ROR) and Waste disposal (WAD)
Corresponding Author: Punyapon Tepprasit, Candidate Doctor of Business Administration, Graduate College of Management,
Sripatum University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 24 (4): 1477-1482, 2016
and Yaakub [5], Nikolaidis [6], Corbacioglu and Laan [7], logistics management was the strategic management in
Pirlet [8], Cojocariu [9] founded the reverse logistics focus procurement and purchasing, movement, storage,
on management for efficiency and competitive advantage inventory management and information flow between
of cost and quality leadership also enhance the supply departments of the organization of value added
chain competitive advantage. The reverse logistics on cost reduction as well as effectiveness [12] [13].
management is the way that make organization to green Many researchers and academicians such as Bowersox,
business. The concept of reverse logistics management Closs and Cooper [14] and Mangan and De Marco [15]
covers the sustainability effective that consists of support Martin Christopher’s definition of forward
environment, social and community and economic [10]. logistics management. By the way, in Asia Context such
Therefore, managers and organizationswant to managing as Tepprasit and Yuvanont[3] defined the definition of
reverse logistics activities for efficiency and effectiveness forward logistics management was the process of
especially social responsibility and enhance the unique producing, fund and information flow from the origin
competitive advantage. They ought toset up the reverse point (upstream) to end-user (downstream). Also,
logistics in strategic and operation planning that cause the value will create in every activity. Also, Punyapon
the integration the business with environment term. Tepprasit [16] who was written the best research article
Local organization can raise the opportunity to global award from the famous institute name as National
market. By the way, the important of reverse logistics Institute of Development Administration (NIDA).
management can support any managers and organization Tepprasit defined the forward logistics management
to enhance high efficiency and effectiveness for value definition in one word as “Balance” and explained the
recapture from product defect and change brand image to word of balance mean organization supply (Upstream)
green business in social responsibility term. matching the customer demand (Downstream) [17].
Why do the components of reverse logistics In theoretical articles introduced the forward logistics
management have important for manufacturing? Because, management has 14 activities that consist of materials
the manufacturing company hasan operation process to movement, storage and warehousing, packaging,
return the product in many problem situations such as transportation, inventory management, order fulfillment,
product warranty, product defect from manufacturing and forecasting, time scheduling and manufacturing plan,
transportation process, out of market’s trend and etc. procurement and purchasing, customer service,
The manufacturing company must have the reverse location, reverse logistics, sporting activity, waste and
logistics management for control and monitor the reverse remanufacturing [2] [11] [14]. By the way, In the present,
process to efficiency and effectiveness in long-term cost many academicians and theoreticians separate reverse
reducing and value recapture. The value of reverse logistics, remanufacturing and waste to reverse logistics
logistics management will enhance the best practice in management.
supply chain and logistics to competitive advantage.
Also, the effectiveness on social responsibility then take Reverse Logistics Management: Reverse logistics
the company to sustainability. management (RLM) was the new concept of management.
RLM was founded in years of 1998 by the most famous
Objective: To study the components of reverse logistics academician and theoretician is Dr. Dale S. Rogers and
management. Dr. Ronald S. Tibben-Lembke [18] both pioneer ad-driven
the reverse logistics management concept. Rogers and
Literature Review Tibben-Lembke introduce the reverse logistics
Forward Logistics Management: In the past of decades, management's definition was the process that involves
logistics management (LM) or forward logistics the management planning, operation and control on cost
management (FLM) gave precedence to product efficiency and effectiveness from raw materials flow,
movement and distribution [2] [11]. In 1986, the council of work-in-process inventory and finished goods,
logistics management (CLM) was the famous leading also information from end user to point of origin for the
global association in logistics and supply chain objectives of recapture the value from product defect or
management defined definition and concept of logistics waste disposal. In the year of 2001, The professor in
management were an operation plan process and control Europe name as Moritz Fleischmann who was worked with
in order to make the efficiency and effectiveness of IBM and Heineken in criteria of logistics and supply chain
material and product movement, manufacture, distribution. management. In the present, he works with Production
In next step. The emeritus professor as Martin and Operations Management, European journal of
Christopher defined the defined the definition of forward Operational Research and MIT Sloan Management
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 24 (4): 1477-1482, 2016
Review [19]. Moritz Fleischmann developed the reverse service quality to customers that create reliability and
logistics management’s definition and defined the reverse responsiveness level [18]. Also, the reverse logistics
logistics management was the process that involves the management could help organization for support the
management planning, operation planning and enhance manufacturing process to replace materials and
the efficiency and effectiveness control of inbound flow, components by reuse or recycle parts and components
inventory management and information to set up the that created the agility in process.In cost reducing term,
supply chain management direction that conform with reverse logistics management changed the wayof normal
recapture the value from product defect or waste disposal. business term to social responsibility term that created
The important objective of reverse logistics management how to cost reducing by reuse or recycle process in
was valued recapture from any product defect. long-term. By the way, reverse logistics could improve the
business assets.
The Relationship Between Forward Logistics
Management and Reverse Logistics Management: In past Methodology
decades, no one named the logistics in forward or Research Design: This study was used 2 approaches
backward also reverselogistics. Because the term of qualitative research method. First, the phenomenology
logistics concentrated the only forward flow from approach [20] [21] that data collected from key informants
upstream to downstream. The Organization focused only who are thelogistics and supply chain specialists in
how to input the materials to manufacturing or operation assembly to order business. Second, documentary
process then to keep finish goods in warehouse and research by related research and theoretical papers.
distribute to market [11]. Nowadays, customer had more
power and can choose the product that they have Key Informants and Data Collection: The researcher was
positive perception in service quality. The organization used in-depth interviews method with 21 key informants
must have decision to change or die. All organizations and focus group method with 15 key informants
have a return policy in automatic case such as that are the logistics and supply chain specialists.
warrantyand value recapture by reuse and recycle. By the Also documentary research method by literature review
way, organizations who want to success in reverse from 614 research and theoretical articles.
logistics management that must considerate the forward
logistics to design the product and choose green Data Analysis: The researcher was used content analysis
materials that fit for reuse, recycle and waste disposal. to summarize the components of reverse logistics
If an organization don’t plan the reverse logistics in the management and synthesis the related work paper for
first point of forward flow that will effect on reverseflow concluding the research finding [22].
to many problems in activities such as can’t replace the
components by reuse components and some parts can’t RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
to waste disposal that effect on the environment.
The result from triangulation method in in-depth
The Relationship Between Reverse Logistics interviews, focus group and documentary research
Management and Organization’s Performance: indicated that the three major components of reverse
The reverse logistics management had important factors logistics management. 21 key informants in in-depth
could drive the operation to success in long-term cost interview method said about 3 components of reverse
reducing and value recapture. First of all, reverse logistics logistics management such as return policy,
management was the new integration management that remanufacturing and waste disposal that conforms to 15
enhance the reverse flow of product return to sort out key informants in focus group method. In documentary
value component from waste then send a value research, research was used 614 research and theoretical
component to remanufacturing or refurbishment articles for the literature review. The result of
process for value recapture by reuse and recycle [19]. documentary research conforms to result from in-depth
Also, send a waste component to waste disposal. interviews and focus group. The literature review
However, the reverse logistics management model indicated that the Rogers and Tibben-Lembke’ research
focused to raise the high performance especially publication paper [18] both are the reverse logistics
reliability, responsiveness, agility, costs and assets. management original paper thatconclusion the
An organization who had a best practice in reverse components of reverse logistics management had 3
logistics management that means they can enhance the components (in Figure 1).
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