Supply Chain Management: A Strategic Perspective: Ijopm 22,6
Supply Chain Management: A Strategic Perspective: Ijopm 22,6
Supply Chain Management: A Strategic Perspective: Ijopm 22,6
22,6 Supply chain management:
a strategic perspective
Keah Choon Tan
614 University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Steven B. Lyman
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA, and
Joel D. Wisner
University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Keywords Company performance, Supplier evaluation, Management attitudes,
Supply-chain management
Abstract Many leading firms in the USA have adopted an integrated strategic approach to
purchasing and logistics management known as supply chain management. As the twenty-first
century begins, supply chain management has become a significant strategic tool for firms
striving to improve quality, customer service and competitive success. This article surveyed senior
managers in various industries to study the prevalent supply chain management and supplier
evaluation practices. The study reduced these practices to a smaller set of constructs and related
the constructs to firm performance. The results show that many constructs were correlated with
firm performance and that some constructs were found to adversely affect performance.
As product life cycles shrank and global competition intensified in the 1990s,
many manufacturers collaborated with their suppliers to improve product
quality and lead time. Correspondingly, many wholesalers and retailers also
integrated their logistics functions to enhance competitive advantage.
Eventually, these two functional areas of a corporation evolved and merged
into a holistic and strategic approach to materials and logistics management.
The literature is replete with buzzwords such as supplier integration,
partnerships, supply base management, supplier alliances, supply chain
synchronization and supply chain management to address elements or
stages of this new management philosophy (Tan et al., 1998; La Londe and
Masters, 1994). The term supply chain management (SCM) is most widely
used to describe this management philosophy. This new philosophy was
viewed as a viable initiative to enhance competitive advantage. Indeed, the
Supply-Chain Council has developed a cross-industry standard for supply
chain management, the supply-chain operations reference model. Despite its
popularity, there is no explicit description of its specific activities and practices,
and how it impacts firm performance.
This article describes a survey effort to study contemporary supply chain
management and supplier evaluation practices. This research also relates these
International Journal of Operations &
Production Management,
practices to firm performance. Survey respondents were senior purchasing and
Vol. 22 No. 6, 2002, pp. 614-631.
# MCB UP Limited, 0144-3577
materials management professionals of the National Association of Purchasing
DOI 10.1108/01443570210427659 Management (NAPM).
The following section examines the supply chain management literature. Supply chain
Subsequent sections describe the research construct, provide demographic management
characteristics of the respondents, and describe the survey methodology,
followed by analysis of the results and finally the managerial implications of
the study.
Research constructs
Supply chain management and supplier evaluation practices
As product life cycles shrink and global competition intensifies, manufacturers
outsource non-strategic activities to focus on core competencies. Consequently,
many firms have reduced their supply base so they can more effectively
manage relationships with strategic suppliers (Tully, 1995). The literature
indicates that buying firms are developing cooperative, mutually beneficial
relationships with suppliers and viewing suppliers as virtual extensions of
their firm (Mason, 1996; Copacino, 1996). Superior supplier capability often
leads to exceptional quality and rapid integration of the latest technological
breakthroughs into the buying firm's own products through early supplier Supply chain
involvement (Ragatz et al., 1997). Manufacturers thus include strategic management
suppliers in their product design process to render more cost-effective design
choices, develop alternative conceptual solutions, select the best components
and technologies, and help in design assessment (Monczka et al., 1994; Burt and
Soukup, 1985).
Emphasizing core competencies requires greater reliance on strategic 617
suppliers to support non-core requirements, particularly in design and
engineering support (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990). In addition to delivering
quality products on time, suppliers are increasingly expected to participate in
customers' product development and to share expertise and technology. Many
manufacturers find themselves expanding the need to effectively manage
internal competencies to include members of the supply chain. Although many
supply chain management models have been proposed, there has been a lack of
knowledge on actual industry practices for implementing effective supply
chain management, and their relationship to firm performance.
For the purpose of this study, 25 supply chain management practices were
identified (Appendix, section 1) from the literature and from discussions with
senior managers. These included practices related to supply and materials
management issues, operations, information sharing and technology sharing,
and customer service. A total of 13 supplier evaluation practices used to assess
supplier quality, price, delivery, and service performance were also identified
(Appendix, section 2).
Performance measures
Measurement of business performance has typically been based on accounting
data, such as return on investment (ROI) and return on assets (ROA). However,
the use of future cash flows of the business entity is difficult to measure.
Economists disagree about the use of accounting data to measure firm
performance because it ignores opportunity costs and the time value of money
(Chen and Lee, 1995). Given the lack of consensus regarding a valid cross-
industry measure of corporate performance, performance in this study was
operationalized by senior management's perceptions of a firm's performance in
comparison to that of major competitors. A total of six dimensions of
performance (Appendix, section 3) were considered in this study.
Survey methodology
A questionnaire was designed based on the constructs described earlier.
Respondents were asked to indicate, using a five-point Likert scale, the
importance of the 25 practices (1 low, 5 high) in their firm's supply chain
management efforts. For questions regarding supplier evaluation practices,
respondents were asked to indicate, on a similar five-point Likert scale, how
they evaluated their supplier's performance. To elicit information on
performance, respondents were asked to indicate, using a similar five-point
Likert scale, their company's performance relative to that of major industry
IJOPM competitors. Several demographic questions were also presented in the
22,6 questionnaire to provide insights of the respondents' operations.
The survey instrument was pre-tested for content validity. The revised
survey instrument was sent to 1,500 US senior managers of manufacturing
firms identified from the National Association of Purchasing Management
(NAPM) membership list. Two mailings and one follow-up reminder yielded a
618 total of 101 useable returned surveys (response rate of 6.73 percent). The low
response rate was probably a result of respondent fatigue due to the recent
upsurge in supply chain management related survey research targeting NAPM
members in the USA. The low response rate may affect the ability to generalize
the results of this study.
Respondents' profile
Table I provides the respondents' profile. Almost 60 percent of the respondents
were final product manufacturers, whereas 24 percent were component
manufacturers. ``Others'' made up 10 percent of the respondents, including
wholesalers, turnkey and contract manufacturers. The large ratio of final
product manufacturers potentially had a significant impact on the survey
results because they focused primarily on the purchasing and supply function
Statistical analysis
Reliability analysis
The reliability of the scales for performance measures, supply chain
management practices and supplier evaluation practices were evaluated using
Cronbach's (Cronbach, 1951). The use of third-party supply chain
management specialists (Question H, Appendix, section 1) was eliminated
No. of Standardized
Scale items questions Cronbach's item
electronic data interchange (EDI, 2.68), which was statistically less significant
than the willingness to share sensitive information (3.27), which in turn was
statistically less significant than the other ten supplier evaluation practices. The
fact that EDI was not important in supplier performance evaluation could be due
to its decreased importance with the advent of the Internet. Not surprisingly,
quality level was a major issue in evaluating suppliers. It was statistically more
important than correct quantity (4.24) and price/cost of product (4.17). This
preliminary finding suggests that price/cost may not be a primary factor in
selecting suppliers for firms practicing supply chain management.
Importance Homogeneous Supply chain
Supplier evaluation practices a means subsets management
(a) Quality level 4.88 9
(b) Service level 4.68 =9
(d) On-time delivery 4.66 >
> >
(k) Quick response time 4.57 ;>
> >
> 623
(i) The flexibility to respond to unexpected demand 4.44 =9
changes >
> >
> 9
(c) Correct quantity 4.24 >
> >
> >
(l) Willingness to change products/services to meet 4.19 >
> >
> >
changing needs >>
; >
(e) Price/cost of product 4.17 >
(m) Willingness to participate in new product 4.00 >
development and VA/VE >
(j) Communication skills/systems (phone, fax, e-mail, 3.88 ;
(g) Willingness to share sensitive information 3.27 g Table V.
(f) Use of electronic data interchange (EDI) 2.68 g Scheffe multiple range
test ± supplier
Note: a Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed, using 5 percent evaluation practices
The first homogeneous subset also suggests that quality and service levels, on-
time delivery, quick response and volume flexibility are critical factors in
evaluating supplier performance. Therefore, firms that wish to establish
partnership relationships with their customers need to focus on these areas.
Interestingly, the willingness to participate in new product development and
value analysis/engineering (VA/VE) was not as important as the five factors
listed in the first subset. This suggests that evaluation of suppliers is easier
than undertaking initiatives like VA/VE. The grouping of evaluation practices
suggests the objectivity of the measurements used. For example, the second
and third subsets are generally subjective measures and may be evaluated on a
regular basis. The evaluation practices found in the first subset can and should
be taken on a per-shipment, daily or monthly basis and are easily quantifiable.
Mean importance responses to the six performance measures ranged from
4.36 to 3.73 (Table VI). The six comparative performance measures were
Importance Homogeneous
Firm comparative performance a means subsets
(d) Overall product quality 4.36 =
(f) Overall customer service levels 4.22
(e) Overall competitive position 4.06 ;9
(a) Market share 3.76
(b) Return on assets 3.76 > Table VI.
; Scheffe multiple range
(c) Average selling price 3.73
test ± comparative
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed, using 5 percent performance
IJOPM separated into two homogeneous subsets, with overall competitive position
22,6 (4.06) appearing in both groups. Scheffe multiple comparisons indicated that
the supply chain management respondents rated themselves highly on overall
product quality (4.36) and overall customer service levels (4.22). Statistically,
overall product quality and overall customer service levels were rated higher
than market share, return on assets and average selling price. Once again,
624 selling price or cost does not seem to be a major issue in supply chain
management and its influence on performance.
Factor analysis
For supply chain management practices and supplier evaluation practices,
exploratory factor analysis was used to identify the latent variables based on
the practices. The goal was to identify a smaller set of factors to represent the
relationships among the variables parsimoniously (i.e. to explain the observed
correlation with fewer factors). In this part of the research, principal
components analysis with eigenvalues greater than one was used to extract
factors, and varimax rotation was used to facilitate interpretation of the factor
The 24 supply chain management practices were reduced to six underlying
factors (Table VII). The first factor, supply chain integration, is comprised of
five strategic practices that address supply chain integration. This factor
accounts for 17.6 percent of the variance in the data. Information sharing
includes the five practices relating to the use of information technology and
sharing. Supply chain characteristics involves the operating characteristics of
the supply chain. Customer service management consists of five practices.
Geographical proximity consists of three practices, of which two are
directly related to the geographical proximity of the suppliers and buyers.
JIT capability relates directly to the buyers' and suppliers' just-in-time
capabilities. These six factors accounted for a total of 66.7 percent of the total
variance in the data.
The 12 supplier evaluation practices were reduced to three underlying
factors (Table VIII). The three factors are product and delivery assessment,
capacity assessment, and information assessment. These three factors
accounted for 61.6 percent of the total variance in the data, indicating that a
model with three factors was sufficient to represent the data.
Bivariate correlation
Bivariate correlation analysis was used to study the relations between the
factors extracted from supply chain management and supplier evaluation
practices, and performance (Table IX). Geographical proximity, although not
viewed as an important supply chain management issue (Table IV), was
positively correlated to market share at 5 percent. Indeed, it has the second
highest correlation coefficient among the significant relationships. The
managerial implication is that locating closer to suppliers or customers has a
positive impact on market share, although our respondents did not rate
% of Factor Supply chain
Factor variance a Scale items loadings management
Supply chain 17.6 (l) Searching for new ways to integrate SCM 0.843
integration activities
(u) Reducing response time across the supply 0.810
(k) Improving integration activities across SC 0.809
(m) Establishing more frequent contact with SC 0.766
(x) Creating a compatible communication/ 0.636
information system
Information 10.5 (j) Use of formal information sharing 0.756
sharing agreements
(a) Determine customers' future needs 0.701
(i) Use of informal information sharing 0.599
(d) Participate in the sourcing decisions of your 0.566
(o) Communicating customers' future strategic 0.500
Supply chain 10.4 (q) Identifying additional SC 0.765
characteristics (s) Suppliers' on-time delivery directly to your 0.660
points of use
(n) Communicating your future strategic needs 0.593
to your suppliers
(p) Creating a greater level of trust among SC 0.578
Customer 10.1 (r) Your on-time delivery directly to customers' 0.740
service points of use
management (y) Contacting the end users of your products to 0.697
get feedback
(w) Extending SC beyond immediate suppliers 0.474
and customers
(v) Involving SC members in your product/ 0.471
service/marketing plans
(t) Creating SCM teams to include different 0.399
Geographical 9.4 (f) Locating closer to your customers 0.835
proximity (g) Requiring suppliers to locate closer to your 0.752
(e) Participate in the marketing efforts of your 0.510
JIT capability 8.7 (c) Aiding your suppliers to increase their JIT 0.734
(b) Increasing your firm's JIT capabilities 0.608
Notes: Table VII.
Based on rotation sums of squared loadings Factor analysis ±
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy = 0.782 supply chain
Bartlett test of sphericity = 965.632, significance = 0.000 management practices
IJOPM % of Factor
22,6 Factor variance a Scale items loadings
Average Overall Overall customer
Market Return selling product competitive service
share on assets price quality position levels
A truly integrated supply chain requires a massive commitment by all
members of the chain. Buyers may have to overhaul purchasing processes and
integrate suppliers' engineering teams and product designers directly into their
own decision-making processes. Since the cost of changing a partner in the
supply chain can be huge, the purchasing firm can become captive to its
suppliers. Poor supplier performance is not the only risk; firms need to worry
about the possibility of a supplier passing trade secrets to competitors or
venturing out as a competitor.
This research revealed that supply chain management practices could be
categorized into six constructs (Table VI), addressing various aspects of supply
and materials management issues, ranging from the broad based supply chain
IJOPM integration to the more specific JIT capability. Similarly, supplier evaluation
22,6 practices could be categorized into three constructs, addressing delivery,
capacity and information issues. While theory-based researchers question the
use of exploratory factor analysis, it is a useful tool for exploring constructs
where there is a lack of theory to support a priori models. This research also
showed that some of the constructs identified in this study correlated positively
628 with firm performance, whereas others suggested an inverse relationship. By
focusing on these relationships, practitioners can better understand how
specific policies influence firm performance.
Future research is needed to extend these findings. Specifically, more work
is needed to further explore the impact of supply chain management practices
on performance by including other areas of the organization and their
perspectives. Research needs to be conducted to examine the changing focus of
supply chain management as companies expand their scope and requirements.
This study addressed supply chain management practices and supplier
evaluation practices of manufacturers. Thus, the research needs to be extended
to include service providers.
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1. Supply chain management practices
On a scale of 5 (very important) to 1 (not important), how important are the following issues in
your firm's supply chain management efforts?
(a) Determining customers' future needs
(b) Increasing your firm's JIT capabilities
(c) Aiding your suppliers to increase their JIT capabilities
(d) Participating in the sourcing decisions of your suppliers
(e) Participating in the marketing efforts of your customers
(f) Locating closer to your customers
(g) Requiring suppliers to locate closer to your firm
(h) Use of a third-party supply chain management specialista
(i) Use of informal information sharing with suppliers and customers
(j) Use of formal information sharing agreements with suppliers and customers
(k) Improving the integration of activities across your supply chain
(l) Searching for new ways to integrate supply chain management activities
(m) Establishing more frequent contact with members of your supply chain
(n) Communicating your firm's future strategic needs to your suppliers
(o) Communicating customers' future strategic needs throughout the entire supply chain
(p) Creating a greater level of trust among your firm's supply chain members
(q) Identifying additional supply chains where your firm can establish a presence
(r) On-time delivery of your firm's products directly to your customers' points of use
(s) On-time delivery of your purchased materials directly to your firm's points of use
(t) Creating supply chain management teams that include members from different
(u) Reducing response time across the supply chain
(v) Involving all members of your firm's supply chain in your product/service/marketing
(w) Extending your supply chain to include members beyond immediate suppliers and
(x) Creating a compatible communication/information system with your suppliers and
(y) Contacting the end users of your products to get feedback on performance and customer
Question (h) was eliminated from subsequent analysis because it correlated weakly (0.2789)
with other supply chain management practices.
2. Supplier evaluation practices Supply chain
On a scale of 5 (very important) to 1 (not important), how important are the following issues
when evaluating your key/distinguished suppliers' performance? management
(a) Quality level
(b) Service level
(c) Correct quantity
(d) On-time delivery 631
(e) Price/cost of product
(f) Use of electronic data interchange (EDI)
(g) Willingness to share sensitive information
(h) Presence of certification or other documentation*
(i) The flexibility to respond to unexpected demand changes
(j) Communication skills/systems (phone, fax, e-mail, Internet)
(k) Quick response time in case of emergency, problem, or special request
(l) Willingness to change their products and services to meet your changing needs
(m) Willingness to participate in your firm's new product development and value analysis
3. Performance measures
On a scale of 5 (high) to 1 (low), please indicate the level of your firm's performance compared to
your major industrial competitors in terms of
(a) Market share
(b) Return on assets
(c) Average selling price
(d) Overall product quality
(e) Overall competitive position
(f) Overall customer service levels