Guide U2
Guide U2
Guide U2
Lesson 1 t Ask the pupils whose blog they think Hannah and Rob will
visit next. Point to each of the remaining flashcards in turn
and ask Who thinks it will be him / her? When the pupils
Key vocabulary 1 select Jean, say Yes, that’s right and turn the flashcard over.
Objectives: To present and practise key vocabulary 1: t Show the pupils the pictures on the back of the flashcard
fruit and vegetables. and remind them that in the Starter Unit they guessed
To act out a short dialogue. which country the e-pal was from. Ask if they can
remember where Jean is from, but don’t give them the
Main language: carrots, pineapples, broccoli, beans, correct answer yet. Then ask them if they can remember
potatoes, peas, onions, plums, olives, mangoes what the topic of the unit is. Point to the picture prompt on
the flashcard to help the pupils remember. Finally, read out
Revised language: Do you like …? Yes, I do. No, I don’t the Surprising Facts! challenge and tell the pupils that they
will find the answer to this question during the unit, and
Receptive language: France, fruit, vegetables, healthy, that they will answer the question at the very end of the
recipe unit. Pupils can guess the answer now if they want, making
a note of their guess and checking it at the end of the unit.
Materials: Flashcards: e-pals, fruit and vegetables
Word cards: fruit and vegetables
Developing the lesson
Class Book: page 14
Activity Book: page 15 2. Presenting the topic of the unit
1 Look at Jean’s photos. Listen and repeat.
Optional Materials: A world map t Ask the pupils to open their Class Book at page 14. Point
Extra Activity Worksheet 7 to the heading Healthy eating and comment on whether
Flashcards and word cards: fruit and vegetables the pupils remembered the topic correctly.
t Ask them to look at the photos in Jean’s photo album.
Explain that they are going to hear the names of these
fruits and vegetables. They have to repeat the name, and
point to the food that is being described.
t Play CD 1 track 28. The pupils listen and repeat.
Unit 2 53
In this activity, pupils
t Play the CD again. The pupils join in with one part of the
dialogue. Then tell them to change parts and play the
recognize numbers and use them to express information.
CD again.
This encourages them to develop their mathematical
competence. t Ask one or two confident pupils Do you like peas? and
help them to answer as in the dialogue. Encourage them
to continue practising the same dialogue, asking and
DIFFERENTIATED LEARNING: Some pupils may need more answering in the same way, and substituting all the fruit
practice of the new vocabulary before the next activity. and vegetables for peas and onions.
Hold up a flashcard and say one of the new items of t Ask different pupils around the class Do you like (beans)?
vocabulary with a questioning tone. If the flashcard and Do you like (peas)? and elicit Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
the word match, pupils say Yes! If they don’t match, pupils
say No! followed by the correct word. Listen and ask each other. $ r
t Now hold up the ten word cards available on the Teacher’s 6. Reading and writing practice of key
Resource CD-ROM in turn and read them out. Ask the
pupils to match them to the corresponding flashcard.
vocabulary 1 (AB page 15)
Leave the cards on the board for the pupils to refer to 1 Write the words.
when they do the writing activities. t Tell the pupils to look at the pictures, unscramble the
letters and write the words correctly.
4. Reading practice
TEACHING TIP: When the pupils are working in their
3 Read, listen and answer True or False. Activity Book, use this time to walk around monitoring
t Ask the pupils to read and listen to the blog. their work and giving support where necessary.
t Read aloud the first line of the blog Hi! I’m Jean from
France. Congratulate those pupils who guessed the t Check the activity by inviting volunteers to write the
country correctly. words on the board.
t Afterwards, check their understanding. Ask What does 1 onions 2 broccoli 3 pineapples 4 plums
Jean like? (fruit and vegetables). Point out that he says I 5 carrots 6 potatoes 7 peas 8 beans
like carrots … Explain I don’t like… as well, and elicit the 9 mangoes 10 olives
question form (Do you like?). Explain what healthy food and
recipe mean. Ask them Do you like fruit and vegetables? Ask 7. Writing (AB page 15)
what Jean wants them to send him (a recipe).
2 Write.
Use the world map to show the pupils
TEACHING TIP: t Point to the smiley and sad faces and say I like and I don’t
where France is in relation to Spain. like. Write these on the board. Then give whole sentence
examples, e.g. I like pineapple and I don’t like onions and
t Tell pupils they are going to read the blog again, and write pineapple and onions under the correct headings.
listen at the same time. Explain that after they have read
t Tell the pupils to write the words from activity 1 under the
it, you will ask them whether the sentences in activity 3
correct heading, according to whether they like them
are true or false. Give them a few moments to read the
or not.
t Ask if the sentences are true or false. 3 Complete. Ask and write names.
t Establish the meaning of Find someone who likes … Focus
Read, listen and answer True or False. $ r
on the speech bubbles to explain the activity. Hannah first
ANSWERS asks Kelly Do you like broccoli? and Kelly replies No, I don’t.
1 False 2 True 3 False 4 True Hannah then asks Nico the same question and he answers
Yes, I do. Explain that they need to ask the question to
5. Speaking practice of key vocabulary 1 different classmates until they find someone who says Yes,
I do. They then write their classmate’s name in the table.
4 Listen and ask each other. t Next ask the class to write four more fruits or vegetables
t Point to the picture of Hannah and Rob and check that in the spaces provided. They can refer back to activity 1 for
the pupils remember who they are. Play CD 1 track 31 help with spelling.
and ask the pupils to listen and follow in their books. t Ask the class to explain to you what they have to do,
Check that they understand the question Do you like …? making sure that they understand that they have to ask
and the answers Yes, I do / No, I don’t. Check also that they different pupils until someone says Yes, I do.
understand that in this case the question Do you? means
Do you like peas? (the same as Hannah’s previous question).
t Note Explain that if a number of pupils say No, I don’t in
answer to one of the questions, they should come and ask
t Say Hannah’s part and encourage the class to answer with you. (Answer Yes, I do so that your volunteer can complete
Rob’s part of the dialogue. Then swap roles. their table.)
t The pupils practise the dialogue in pairs.
54 Unit 2
t When everyone understands what to do, ask them to
begin the activity. They can either move around the class
or remain seated and ask pupils sitting nearby.
8. Extra
t Ask the pupils to look back at Class Book page 14 and
make a list of fruits and vegetables that are green.
10. Goodbye
t Write these words on the board with letters missing:
pin_apples pe_s pota_oes pl_ms
Ask which letters are missing and invite pupils to come
to the board and complete the words. Repeat with other
new words from this lesson. You could invite pupils to
choose a word for their classmates to guess.
Extra Activity Worksheet 7
t Ask the pupils to cut out the word and picture mini
cards from Extra Activity Worksheet 7. Play Hold up
pictures with the pupils (see the Ideas bank).
t Play Bingo with the pictures on page 14 of the Class
Book. Ask the pupils to choose four pictures and mark
them by making a light pencil mark on each one. Ask
each pupil to tear up a sheet of paper so that they
have several small pieces each. Name the fruit and
vegetables in random order. If the pupils hear the name
of one of the pictures they have marked, they cover
it with a piece of paper. The first one to cover all four
pictures calls out Bingo.
t Play Board pelmanism (see the Ideas bank).
Unit 2 55
2 H e a lthy e a ti n g
$ r
Narrator: The fox is at the Narrator: The chicken has got lots Mr Fox: Can I come for dinner, Narrator: That evening, the fox
shops. He sees the chicken. of vegetables. She loves them. Miss Chicken? goes to the chicken’s house.
Mr Fox: Hmmm! Chicken soup. Mr Fox: Hello, Miss Chicken. Ooh! Narrator: Mr Fox asks. Miss Chicken: Good evening,
Narrator: thinks Mr Fox. Vegetables. I like vegetables and I Miss Chicken: Er! Well, OK, Mr Fox, Mr Fox. Please come in.
Miss Chicken: Oh, no! love vegetable soup. but you can make the soup. Narrator: says Miss Chicken.
Narrator: thinks Miss Chicken. Narrator: Mr Fox says to Miss I hate cooking. Mr Fox: Good evening, Miss
Miss Chicken: It’s Mr Fox! Chicken. But Mr Fox wants to eat Narrator: says Miss Chicken. Chicken. Let’s start the soup.
Narrator: Miss Chicken doesn’t her. He thinks Narrator: says Mr Fox.
like him. Mr Fox: Delicious chicken and
vegetable soup! I love it!
Miss Chicken: OK, wash the Mr Fox: Now what? Mr Fox: Now what? Miss Chicken: Right, the vegetable
potatoes and I can put them in Narrator: Mr Fox asks her. Narrator: Mr Fox asks her. soup is ready.
the pot. Miss Chicken says to him Miss Chicken says to him Narrator: says Miss Chicken.
Narrator: says Miss Chicken. Miss Chicken: Cut the carrots and I Miss Chicken: Peel the onions and Mr Fox: Great! Let’s eat.
Mr Fox: OK, Miss Chicken. can put them in the pot. I can put them in the pot. Narrator: says Mr Fox.
Narrator: the fox says to her. Mr Fox: OK, Miss Chicken. Mr Fox: OK, Miss Chicken.
Narrator: says Mr Fox. Narrator: says Mr Fox.
Miss Chicken: Wait a minute! Narrator: So Mr Fox has a bath Mr Fox: It’s getting very hot. Narrator: Miss Chicken says
Please have a bath, Mr Fox. and he likes it. What’s this? A carrot! Potatoes! Miss Chicken: He likes chicken
Narrator: says Miss Chicken. Mr Fox: Ooh! It’s nice and hot. Oh no! Fox soup! I’m off! soup, but he doesn’t like fox soup!
But Mr Fox doesn’t like them. A nice hot bath before nice hot Narrator: he says. See you later, Mr Fox.
Mr Fox: I don’t like baths. chicken soup. Mr Fox: HELP!
Narrator: he says. Narrator: he says. Narrator: shouts Mr Fox as he
Miss Chicken: I’m sorry. In my house runs out of Miss Chicken’s house.
we have a bath before dinner.
Narrator: says Miss Chicken. VALUE: Ask what nearly happened to Miss Chicken (Mr Fox nearly ate her). She was
Mr Fox: Err! Well, OK, Miss Chicken.
clever, and she was lucky. Help the pupils to see that they must never invite a stranger to
Narrator: says Mr Fox.
their home, or take any food from them.
56 Unit 2
Lesson 2 Developing the lesson
Listening comprehension 2. Pronunciation: /b/ and /p/
Objectives: To practice key vocabulary 1. 5 Listen and repeat the sounds /b/ and /p/.
To say and personalize a song, creating new verses. t Ask the pupils to listen and repeat the sounds they hear.
To develop listening comprehension through a story. Play CD 1 track 32, pausing after each sound. The
To practise the intonation of questions and the pupils repeat.
pronunciation of /p/ and /b/ in a tongue twister. Listen and repeat the sounds /b/ and /p/ $ r
/b/ /b/ beans /p/ /p/ peas
Main language: carrots, pineapples, broccoli, beans,
potatoes, peas, onions, plums, olives, mangoes 6 Listen and say the tongue twister.
t Ask the pupils to look at Surprise sounds! at the top of page
Revised language: apples, oranges, salad, cherries, 15 of their Class Book.
tomatoes, breakfast, lunch, dinner
t Play the slower version of the tongue twister on CD 1
Receptive language: 5 a day, fit, healthy, break, snack, track 33. Play the first line and ask the pupils to repeat.
chicken soup Repeat with the second and third lines. Then play the
whole tongue twister and pupils say it with the CD.
Materials: Flashcards and word cards: fruit and t Once the pupils are confident with the slower version,
vegetables play the faster version for them to join in.
Class Book: page 15 Listen and say the tongue twister. $ r
Activity Book: page 16
CD 1: tracks 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 TEACHING TIP: To work on pronunciation, hold up a word
DVD 5 card and the corresponding flashcard and elicit the word.
Drill chorally at first, and then ask individuals to say the
Optional materials: DVD 5 word. Pay particular attention to words with difficult
DVD Activity Sheet 2 spelling such as pineapples.
Story cards 2
3. Preparation of the song
t Ask individual pupils Do you like fruit and vegetables? Ask
several of them what their favourite fruit or vegetable is.
Then in L1 ask the pupils if they know how many portions
of fruit and vegetables they should eat every day to have
a healthy diet (five) (as Jean does).
t Shuffle the flashcards and hold them towards you. Take a
peek at the top card and ask the pupils What is it? Give the
flashcards to the pupils who guess correctly.
t Ask the ten pupils with flashcards to stand at the front.
4. The song
7 Watch or listen and sing.
t Books closed. Tell the pupils that Jean has a song on his
blog. Five of the fruit and vegetable words are in it.
Beginning the lesson t Ask the pupils to guess which words they think are in the
rap. The pupils with these flashcards stand on one side
1. Vocabulary revision and the other five stand on the other side. They all hold
t Say the names of fruit and vegetables, name some up their flashcards for the rest of the class to see.
things that are not fruit or vegetables. When pupils hear
something that isn’t a fruit or vegetable, they have to put
t Play CD 1 track 34 or the DVD and say Listen and check.
up their hand. t Elicit which five were in the rap. The pupils with these
flashcards stay at the front and the other five sit down.
t Ask the class if they can remember the order of the
vocabulary in the rap. Ask the five pupils to stand in the
corresponding order.
t Ask the pupils to look at the rap on Class Book page 15.
Explain the meaning of Give me five! (choca esos cinco).
Check that they understand the rest of the rap.
t Play the CD or DVD again and let the pupils follow the rap
in their book.
Unit 2 57
Watch or listen and sing. $ r%7% Story time
8 Sing with the replay words.
7. Listening to the story
t Point to the fruit and vegetables in the Replay panel.
Practise each word and check the pronunciation. 9 Watch or listen to the story. What fruit and
t Explain that they are going to say the rap again, vegetables can you hear?
substituting the coloured words in the rap with the replay t Tell the pupils that there is a story on Jean’s blog. Ask them
words of the same colour at the bottom of the rap. to look again at page 15 in their Class Book. Draw pupils’
t Play CD 1 track 35. The pupils say the new version of the rap. attention to the loading status bar and the story genre.
Remind them of the meaning of A moral tale and ask what
Sing with the replay words. $ r other story they have read in this genre (Ferdinand’s hair).
t Draw pupils’ attention to the book cover. Focus on the
4. Writing (AB page 16) characters’ names and the bowl of soup. Ask Who’s this?
(Mr Fox) And this? (Miss Chicken). And what’s the name of the
4 What do you think of the song? Write a comment.
story? (Chicken soup) Who do you think wants chicken soup?
t Before the pupils look at the Activity Book, ask them (Mr Fox)
to read the Comments in the Class Book (page 15).
t Draw their attention to the question at the bottom of the
Encourage them to say what they think of the comments,
page. They should then close their books.
whether they agree with them or not, etc.
t Play the story on the DVD. Alternatively play the story on
t Then ask them to turn to page 16 of their Activity Book
CD 1 track 36 and use the story cards on the Teacher’s
and look at the top of the page. Explain that they are
Resource CD-ROM to illustrate it.
going to write their own comment on the song. Go
over the vocabulary in the box, and explain any words t Ask What fruit and vegetables did you hear in the story?
that they don’t understand. Ask a few individuals what (potatoes, carrots, onions).
they could write about the song. Then ask the class to Watch or listen to the story. Chicken soup.
complete the sentences individually.
$ r%7%
58 Unit 2
Lesson 3 Sing with the replay words. $ r
Story frame 5
Are Miss Chicken and Mr Fox cooking or watching TV?
Story frame 6
Does Mr Fox like making the soup?
Story frame 8
What does Mr Fox really want to do? Eat the soup or Miss
Story frame 9
Is Mr Fox happy or unhappy now? Does he like baths?
Story frame 11
Is the bath hot or cold? Is Mr Fox happy or unhappy? Why?
What does he say?
Story frame 12
Does Mr Fox like fox soup? Does Miss Chicken want to eat Mr Fox?
3. Reading
1 Read, listen and correct the sentences.
t Look at the sentences at the beginning of the story and
check that the pupils understand them.
t Now say Listen and read. Correct the sentences.
t Play the story on CD 1 track 36 for the pupils to follow in
Beginning the lesson their books.
t Afterwards, ask the class to correct the three sentences.
1. Revision of the song and vocabulary ANSWERS
t Write the numbers from 1 to 5 down the board. Ask the 1 Miss Chicken doesn’t like Mr Fox. 2 Mr Fox likes
pupils for some of the words that they used to write their vegetables. 3 Mr Fox doesn’t like fox soup, but he likes
new verse of the song. Say this new version with the chicken soup.
whole class using CD 1 track 35, the replay track.
Unit 2 59
Watch or listen to the story. Story 2: ANSWERS TO THE TABLE:
Chicken soup. $ r Cathy Chicken: likes apples doesn’t like peas
Ramona Rabbit: likes oranges doesn’t like broccoli
4. Presentation of key structure 1 Charlie Chicken: likes peas doesn’t like onions
2 Finish these sentences: She doesn’t like …, Cathy Chicken likes apples, but she doesn’t like peas.
He doesn’t like … Ramona Rabbit likes oranges, but she doesn’t like broccoli.
t Show the pupils story frame 2 and write I like vegetables. Charlie Chicken likes peas, but he doesn’t like onions.
Then show them frame 9 and write I don’t like baths. Ask
who says these lines in the story (Mr Fox). Remind the class 6. Writing (AB page 17)
that they have used these structures in previous levels. Ask
some volunteers to say some sentences with I like … and I 3 Complete the book summary. Circle the correct
don’t like … words in the review.
t Point to story frame 12 on the board and write He likes t Tell the pupils that the story Chicken Soup is in a Book Club.
chicken soup. He doesn’t like fox soup. Ask the class who says t Talk about the value associated with the story (see the
this (Miss Chicken). Point out that she is using He rather notes on page 57). Ask them to complete the summary of
than I. Ask the pupils to say what is different with the the story, so that people who are interested in reading it
verbs (the verb finishes with -s and don’t becomes doesn’t). can have an idea of what it is about. They should give the
Remind the pupils that they have also practised this story a rating by filling in one to five stars.
structure in previous levels. t Then point to the Review and explain that this is
t Write on the board the two sentence beginnings in the somebody’s account of what happens in the story. They
Class Book: She doesn’t like … and He doesn’t like …. Ask the have to choose the correct words and circle them.
pupils to copy them and complete them about someone
in the story (e.g. She doesn’t like Mr Fox; he doesn’t like baths.) ANSWERS
Walk around and check their work. Title: Chicken soup. Story type: a moral tale
Main characters: Miss Chicken, Mr Fox
t Divide the class into pairs. Ask them to ask each other
Place: The shops, Miss Chicken’s house
questions beginning Do you like …? Whenever the answer is
Review: shops, vegetables, dinner, him, potatoes, a bath,
No, they write a sentence beginning She / He doesn’t like …
doesn’t like
Ask some of the pupils to read out what they have written.
3 Find one sentence with … likes it, … love it and 7. Grammar practice (SSB page 7)
… loves them. t You can do the activities from the Study Skills Book as
t Ask the pupils to read through the story and find the three reinforcement in class or you can explain what to do and ask
sentences. Ask for answers and put them on the board. the pupils to do them for homework. For notes and answers
Check that all the class agree. go to the Study Skills section at the back of this book.
t Display Grammar poster 1 as a reference for the pupils as
they do the grammar practice. Ending the lesson
He likes it (= the bath), She loves them (= vegetables), 8. Goodbye
I love it! (= chicken and vegetable soup) t Write twelve items of fruit and vegetables on the board:
ten from the new set of vocabulary and two from a
5. Reading and writing practice of key previous level. Ask the pupils to identify the two words
structure 1 (AB page 17) which weren’t new in this unit.
1 Write like / likes or don’t like / doesn’t like. Then EXTRA ACTIVITIES
complete the sentences about the characters.
t Remind the pupils of the meaning of like and don’t like and Reinforcement
likes / doesn’t like. Check they remember it, him, them too. t Write on the board:
Ask them to complete the speech bubbles and then the mrfoxlikeschickensoupbuthedoesntlikefoxsoup
sentences using these words. t Ask the pupils to say the words one by one. Then ask them
to write out the sentence correctly, using two capital
letters, an apostrophe and putting a full stop at the end:
I like chicken soup. He likes it.
I don’t like Mr Fox. She doesn’t like him. t Mr Fox likes chicken soup but he doesn’t like fox soup.
I don’t like baths. He doesn’t like them.
I like vegetable soup. She likes it.
t Choose four flashcards and put them face down on the
2 Read and complete the table. Write sentences. board. Ask the pupils to try to guess what they are. They
t The pupils read the text and complete the table. Then ask Do you like …?
they write the sentences summarizing what is in the table. t If they ask you about one of the words that are on the
Ask different pupils to read out their answers. board, say Yes, I do and turn the flashcard over. When
they say a word which is not correct, say No, I don’t and
encourage them to try again.
60 Unit 2
Lesson 4 Developing the lesson
Key structure 2 2. Reactivating the vocabulary from
previous levels
Objectives: To present and practise key structure 2: I love
/ really like / like / quite like / don’t like / hate and He / She 1 What food can you see? Listen, check and repeat.
loves / really likes / likes / quite likes / doesn’t like / hates t Tell the pupils to look at the picture on page 18 of their
Class Book, but to cover the replay vocabulary with their
Main language: I love / really like / like / quite like / don’t hand. Ask What food can you see? Encourage them to say
like / hate what they can see in the picture and which items, if any,
He / She loves / really likes / likes / quite likes / doesn’t like / hates are already on the board. Add any other food items to the
cheese, chicken, rice, eggs, fish, ice cream, sausages, milk, list. Then tell them to uncover the replay vocabulary. Play
pizza, sandwiches CD 1 track 37. Put a tick next to any words on the board as
you hear them, and ask the pupils to repeat. If any words
Materials: Flashcards: fruit and vegetables are not on the board, add them.
Class Book: page 18
What food can you see? Listen, check and repeat.
Activity Book: page 18
$ r
CD 1: tracks 37, 38 cheese sandwiches, chicken, rice, eggs, fish, ice cream,
Study Skills Book: page 8 sausages, milk, pizza
Unit 2 61
1 Rob 2 Hannah 3 Nico EXTRA ACTIVITIES
4 Hannah 5 Nico 6 Kelly Mixed Ability Worksheets
t The Catch-up worksheet can be used at any point in
4. Speaking practice the unit after Lesson 2. The other worksheets may be
4 Think of some more sentences and work with used from this lesson.
a friend. Mixed Ability Worksheet 5 Catch-up
t The pupils write some sentences similar to those in the
Class Book. Then they read the sentences to their partner 1 Find and write.
and elicit the name of each of the characters. Alternatively, t Pupils find the fruit and vegetables in the main picture
ask different pupils to say a sentence and the whole class and write the words.
have to put their hand up and give the answers.
1 carrots 2 runner beans 3 mangoes 4 broccoli
5. Extra Activity! 5 olives 6 peas 7 potatoes 8 plums
t If you have time, ask pupils to work in pairs and to choose 9 onions 10 pineapples
one of the characters. They read out their character’s
sentences and their partner has to guess who it is without 2 Look at the picture. Count and write.
looking at their Class Book. t Pupils count the items in the large picture in activity 1
and complete the sentences.
6. Reading and writing (AB page 18) ANSWERS
1 Draw and write about food you like and 1 There are twelve 2 There are five 3 There are six
don’t like. 4 There are seven 5 There are eight
6 There are fifteen
t Check that pupils remember the words in the box. Ask the
pupils to write a different food on each line and to draw a 3 Look and write.
picture of them, according to their own likes and dislikes.
t Pupils look at the picture and write sentences about the
2 Complete. children.
t Tell the pupils to look at the pictures and to complete the ANSWERS
sentences for Hannah and Rob. 1 He likes broccoli. 2 She likes pineapples.
3 He likes olives. 4 She likes carrots.
5 He likes mangoes. 6 She likes plums.
Hannah loves ice cream but she hates pizza.
She likes pineapple. Rob likes pineapple too. Mixed Ability Worksheet 6 Support
She quite likes fish and she really likes chicken.
Rob hates sausages. Hannah doesn’t like sausages either. 1 Find and number.
Rob quite likes broccoli and he really likes milk. t Pupils find the fruit and vegetables in the picture and
Rob doesn’t like eggs. He loves rice. write the correct number next to each word.
interpret drawings and complete sentences saying what 7 carrots 4 pineapples. 2 broccoli 6 beans.
they express helps to develop pupils’ artistic competence 3 potatoes 1 peas 5 onions 8 plums
within language learning. 9 olives 10 mangoes
62 Unit 2
Mixed Ability Worksheet 7 Reinforcement
1 Write the food words in the correct bag.
t Pupils sort the words into fruit and vegetables and write
them in the correct list.
fruit: plums, pineapples, cherries, mangoes, oranges
vegetables: carrots, onions, peas, broccoli, beans,
potatoes, olives
Unit 2 63
Lesson 5 For blender, pretend to put several pieces of fruit into a
container, turn it on, make a noise to indicate it is mixing
the fruit, and pour out the liquid into a cup or glass.
Reading and key vocabulary 2
t Some items, e.g. chopping board, peeler, knife, and possibly
Objectives: To present and practise key vocabulary 2. blender, would be much easier if you could bring the real
To read a recipe. things to class.
t Play CD 1 track 39, hold up the word cards in turn, and
Main language: tap, chopping board, peeler, knife, blender, encourage the pupils to repeat.
fruit, smoothie, wash, peel, cut up, put, pour, mix, drink, recipe
Listen and repeat. $ r
a tap, a chopping board, a peeler, a knife, a blender
Revised language: apple, strawberries, banana, milk
Receptive language: glass, blender, calcium, lid, ready 3. Reading and listening
2 Read and listen. What is Hannah and Rob’s
Materials: Word cards: tap, chopping board, peeler,
knife, blender
Class Book: page 19
t Tell the pupils that Rob and Hannah have sent Jean a
recipe for his blog. Point and say Here is their e-mail.
Activity Book: page 19
and read it. Explain that when they have done this, you
Study Skills Book: page 9 will ask them what the attachment is.
Optional Materials: Kitchen utensils: knife, chopping Read and listen. What is Hannah and Rob’s
board, peeler, blender attachment? $ r
Extra Activity Worksheet 8 ANSWERS
A recipe for a fruit smoothie.
t Check pupils understand recipe. Model the pronunciation
/ˈresəpi/ and ask the class to repeat. Point to the last
frame and ask A recipe for what? (A smoothie).
1 Listen and repeat. Read the fruit smoothie recipe. Listen and find four
t Focus on the vocabulary in activity 1 on Class Book page differences. $ r
19. To explain tap, point to the picture and mime turning Utensils: A peeler, a bike, a chopping board, a blender.
on a tap, and the water gushing out. To explain chopping Ingredients: an apple, mangoes, strawberries, milk.
board, pretend to chop carrots or potatoes on a piece First, wash the strawberries under the tap.
of paper on your desk. To explain peeler, pretend to peel Peel the potato with a peeler.
a potato. For knife, you can cut any fruit or vegetable. Then peel the banana.
64 Unit 2
Cut up the fruit on a chopping board. Listen and choose the correct recipe. $ r
Then put all the fruit in the blender. Child 1: How can I make a fruit smoothie?
Now pour in the tea. Don’t forget to put the lid on the Child 2: First you peel the mango. Then peel the orange.
blender! Cut the mango and the orange into pieces.
Finally, mix the fruit and the milk together in the blender. Child 1: Big or small pieces?
Now the smoothie is ready! Child 2: Big pieces are fine. Now put the mango and orange
Pour it into a glass and drink. in the blender. Wash the strawberries and cut them
Your calcium and three portions of fruit in one glass. Enjoy! in half.
ANSWERS Child 1: Then what?
a bike – a knife, mangoes – banana, potato – apple, Child 2: Put the strawberries in the blender. Why don’t we
tea – milk put a banana in as well? That’s four fruits!
Child 1: Great!
t Ask the pupils which ingredients they think are healthy Child 2: OK. Pour some milk in the blender. Don’t forget to
and why it is important to eat and drink these. Read out
put the lid on the blender. Now mix the fruit and the
Your calcium and three portions of fruit in one glass! Ask if
anyone can guess the meaning of calcium and ask pupils
Child 1: Is that is? It’s easy!
why we need it (it’s good for our teeth and bones).
Child 2: Yes. Just pour the smoothie into a glass and drink it!
4 Read again. Answer the questions. ANSWER
t Ask the pupils to read the Fruit Smoothie recipe again 3
individually, and find answers to the questions.
ANSWERS 6. Reading and writing practice
1 Wash the strawberries under the tap. 2 Peel the fruit (AB page 19)
and cut it up. 3 Milk. 4 The lid
4 Choose three fruits. Write your own smoothie
4. Speaking practice
t Ask the pupils to write a smoothie recipe. They can look
5 Ask and answer about smoothies. back at Class Book page 19 for help if they need it. Ask
t Ask the pupils to work in pairs and discuss these two them to exchange books and read each other’s recipes.
questions. After a short time, ask them for answers and
write them all on the board. 7. Dictionary skills development
t This activity is designed to resemble that of a typical one (SSB page 9)
from public exams. t You can do the activities from the Study Skills Book as
reinforcement in class or you can explain what to do and ask
5. Vocabulary consolidation and writing the pupils to do them for homework. For notes and answers
and listening practice (AB page 19) go to the Study Skills section at the back of this book.
Unit 2 65
Lesson 6 Beginning the lesson
Learning about food groups 1. Revision of the song
t Ask the pupils how many portions of fruit and vegetables
Objectives: To transfer the main language of the unit to they should eat a day. Ask a pupil to find and tell you the
a real life context. five items that they used in their new verse of the rap on
To motivate the pupils by linking up with other subjects Activity Book page 16. Write these on the board.
from the Plan de estudios to increase their knowledge of t Tell the class: We’re going to say (Lorena)’s rap today.
the world through the English language.
t Say the rap dividing the class into two groups, one asking
To improve reading and writing skills. the questions and the other answering.
Main language: fruit, vegetables, oil, fat, cereals, meat, fish,
lentils, ham, bread, pasta, cereal, butter, yoghurt, sugar, Developing the lesson
milk products
2. Presentation of cross-curricular theme
Revised language: chicken, egg, food, healthy, grow,
strong, rice, cheese, milk, ice cream, teeth, health, sausages, 1 Look at the pictures. What foods can you see?
salad, sandwich t Display the Cross-curricular poster. Ask: What can you see?
What foods can you see? Point to various different foods
Receptive language: protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, and ask the pupils to name them.
minerals, energy, calcium, bones, teeth, grow, portion, cake, t For more ideas to use the cross-curricular poster see the
chocolate, breakfast, break, lunch, snack, dinner Ideas bank.
3. Listening and reading
CD 1: track 43 2 Read and listen.
focus on the title of the web page. Ask the pupils which of
BOE the icons is the most suitable for this page (science).
DVD Activity Sheet 3 t Ask: Do you know Ricky Rubio? Then ask Do you know that
DVD 5 he is also really healthy?
t Talk to the pupils about Ricky Rubio and other sports
Preparation: Research different foods on the internet to people that they admire. One thing they all have in
find healthy and unhealthy food groups. common is that they exercise regularly and eat healthily.
t Read the introduction to the page aloud with the class
and refer them to the food pyramid. Ask pupils what food
groups they think are in the food pyramid (vegetables, fruit,
meat and fish, oils and fats, cereals and milk products). Then
tell the class that they are going to listen and find out, and
ask them to follow in their book
t Play CD 1 track 43, pausing after each section to check
that the pupils understand the text. Ask questions about
each section, miming the action if necessary, e.g. Does
meat and fish help us grow? (indicate growing taller), Do
cereals give us energy? (pretend to run), etc.
t Play the CD again. Tell pupils that each section shows the
percentage of how much we need to eat of that group
per day. Ask Which group do we need to eat lots of portions
from? (the cereals group).
LANGUAGE NOTE: In this unit some words (e.g. cereal, food,
etc.) appear as both countable and uncountable nouns. Read and listen. $ r
We suggest that you don’t worry about explaining to the
TEACHING TIP: Many of the food science words like protein,
pupils countable and uncountable nouns at this level.
vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, energy and calcium are
COMPETENCE IN INTERACTION WITH THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: cognates, so it would be good training to encourage the
In this lesson, pupils look at food science and the pupils to guess their meanings. However, you may need
importance of building a varied and balanced diet. It is to explain and teach expressions like: help us grow, keep us
important they realize that people they admire, like sports healthy, give us energy, makes our bones strong, it’s bad for
people, do not only train to achieve success but are also our teeth and health.
very careful about their diet. The basketball player, Ricky
Rubio has a healthy lifestyle and diet which help contribute
to his concentration, performance and overall health.
66 Unit 2
3 Read again and answer. Ending the lesson
t Ask the class to read the text again and answer
the questions. 7. Homework
ANSWERS t The pupils make a poster or a leaflet of a healthy meal. They
1 the cereals group 2 the dairy products group cut out pictures from magazines and label each food group.
3 the meat, fish and beans group 4 the fruit group They bring their work to the next class for you to display.
and the vegetable group 5 the oils and fats group
8. Goodbye
4. Personal response to the text t Display the Cross-curricular poster for Unit 2. Ask pupils
to name each food item on the plate, the food group
4 Ask and answer. it belongs to and how many portions we should eat
t Ask the pupils to think of their favourite food and to every day. Ask What is missing from the poster? (dessert).
consider the questions in the speech bubbles. They look Ask pupils to name desserts we can eat, which not only
at the texts and the food pyramid to decide which group taste nice (like the sweet ones) but are good for us (fruit,
their favourite food is in, and if it is good for them. yoghurt and honey). Ask pupils if this looks like a meal
t Go round the class asking what their favourite food is and that they would like to eat.
which section it is in. Check if they know whether it is
good for them or not. EXTRA ACTIVITIES
t Then ask them all to ask and answer in pairs.
5. Reading and writing (AB page 20) Extra Activity Worksheet 8
1 Complete the table using the words on the plate. t Give out the second part of Extra Activity Worksheet 8
Then add some more of your own. that you saved from Lesson 5 and ask the pupils to cut
out the word cards that relate to this lesson. Play one of
t The pupils write the items of food on the plate in the the games from the Ideas bank.
corresponding section of the table. Then they add more
words that they know. Extra Activity Worksheet 9
Fruit: cherries
1 Read this Runner’s menu. Write.
Vegetables: broccoli salad carrots t The pupils read the questions and answer them with
Oils and fats: butter reference to the menu on the left.
Dairy products: milkshake ice cream cheese ANSWERS
Cereals: rice bread 1 cereal, cereal bar, pasta, bread, sandwich, rice
Meat and fish: sausages chicken ham 2 ham, fish 3 banana, fruit salad (accept orange
juice and fruit smoothie too) 4 milk, low-fat cheese,
2 Look at Hannah’s healthy menu. Design a yoghurt 5 broccoli
healthy menu for you.
t Ask the pupils to look at Hannah’s healthy menu and to 2 Write a menu for a sportsperson.
count the number of servings she eats of the different t Ask the pupils to put together a menu which would suit
food groups. a sportsperson. They need to look at the information in
t Now ask the pupils to plan a healthy menu for themselves, the first half of the page.
making sure they include food from each food group.
6. Project Extra Activity Worksheet 10
t Teach or revise healthy and unhealthy, and discuss which t Pupils cut out the food pyramid and decorate the
foods fall into each category. Put the Cross-curricular sections. They can draw pictures of the appropriate
poster where all the class can see it. Ask six pupils to come foods and colour them and then write labels (e.g.
out to the front and point to as many different healthy cereals, vegetables, fruit) for each section. Alternatively,
foods as they can. Then ask another six to do the same if children have completed a food diary as part of the
with less healthy foods. project above, they can make the pyramid a visual
t Divide the class into groups and explain the project. First, record of what they ate, by drawing pictures of all the
ask pupils to find out more about which foods are healthy foods in the appropriate sections.
and which are unhealthy by looking on the internet.
t Invite them to make a section of their notebooks into a Extra Video!
food diary. They divide the pages into four columns and t If you wish to spend more time on this cross-curricular
head them breakfast, lunch, snack and supper. Then they topic, use the cross-curricular section on the DVD for
draw seven horizontal lines across the page, for the seven this unit and the accompanying notes and Activity
days of the week. Sheet on the Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM.
t Each day they write down what they have to eat. After
each food, they could put (h) if they have had salad, fruit,
etc. and (u) if they have had ice cream, etc.
Unit 2 67
Lesson 7 Let’s play the stopwatch game! Divide the class into pairs.
Together the pupils write down as many sentences from
the tables as they can. After three minutes say Stop!
Listening and speaking
t Ask how many sentences the pairs have got. Ask a pair to
Objectives: To listen to and work on everyday English. read out their sentences. Check that they are correct. The
To develop listening comprehension through a short sketch. other pairs listen and cross out any sentences that they
To personalize a dialogue following a model. have also written down. Then ask another pair to read out
what they have written, minus the sentences they have
Main language: How about …? crossed out. Continue in this way until all the pupils have
crossed out all the sentences.
Revised language: Lunch, Thank you! No, thank you, Here t Display the Grammar poster for the pupils to refer to while
you are! I hate …, I don’t like …, carrots, chicken, cheese, they are doing this activity.
salad, broccoli
3. Communication game
Receptive language: What’s for lunch? Yuk!
2 Play the communication game. (AB page 87)
Materials: Class Book: page 21 t Tell the class they are going to play the Healthy eating
Activity Book: pages 21, 87, 88 game. Divide the class into pairs, A and B. Pupil A in each
CD 1: tracks 44, 45 pair turns to page 87 in their Activity Book. Pupil B turns to
page 88. They shouldn’t look at each other’s pages.
t Focus on the Remember chart, and remind them what
Grammar poster 1
the symbols mean. Teach or revise the meaning of too,
and point out that the second member of the pair can
generally say I like … too, if he / she feels the same about
any of the foods. However, when the answer is I don’t like
…, he / she will have to say No, I don’t like … .
Developing the lesson TEACHING TIP: If lunch is served at your school, ask who
stays for lunch. Then ask What kind of food can you eat? If
2. Grammar focus there is a choice, ask What kind of food do you choose? If
you have a school dinner menu on the notice board, read
1 Play the Stopwatch game. some of the daily menus to them and talk about what
t Point to the two grammar tables. Check that the pupils would be a healthy choice.
remember the meaning of I quite like / I really like / I love
/ I hate …, etc, too / either, and it / him / her / them. Say
t Point to the woman in Frame 1 and tell the pupils that
in English this person is called a dinner lady. Explain that
68 Unit 2
although we say lunchtime, children call this school dinner t Pupils complete the dialogue using the pictures as prompts.
and this is why the women are called dinner ladies. t Play the dialogue on CD 1 track 45. The pupils listen and
check their answers.
CULTURAL NOTE:Lunch in a British school is usually for one
t When they have finished the dialogue, they practise it in
groups of three.
stay at school. Some have school dinners from the canteen
while others bring a packed lunch. This often contains a Look at the pictures and complete. Listen and
sandwich, a drink, some fruit, a yoghurt, and maybe a check. $ r
cereal bar or some crisps or a chocolate bar.
Aden: What’s for lunch?
t Refer the pupils back to Rose and Aden’s dialogue. Tell Rose: Chicken, potatoes and carrots.
them to listen and follow. Play CD 1 track 44. The meaning Aden: Yuk! I hate carrots. What else is there?
should be clear but you could stop the CD after each Rose: Chicken and broccoli or cheese and salad.
frame to check comprehension. How about? is new Aden: Chicken and potatoes, please.
language but the pupils should be able to infer what it Dinner lady: No carrots?
means by the tone of voice. Aden: No, thank you. I don’t like carrots.
t Now tell the pupils that you are going to read a line from Dinner lady: How about some salad?
the dialogue and they must find it and repeat. Concentrate Aden: OK, then. Chicken, potatoes and salad, please.
on intonation, to prepare them for when they have to act Dinner lady: Here you are.
out the dialogue later. Choose lines like: What’s for lunch? Aden: Thank you.
(Frame 1) Yuk! I hate peas! (Frame 2) How about some salad?
(Frame 4) No, thank you. I don’t like peas. (Frame 3).
chicken, potatoes and carrots
t Divide the class into three groups: Aden, Rose and the
carrots broccoli, salad
dinner lady. Play the CD and pause after each frame so
chicken and potatoes carrots
that the groups can read out their lines.
chicken, potatoes and salad
Say it! $ r
6. Writing and speaking (AB page 21)
LANGUAGE NOTE: Point out to the pupils that Aden says
Yuk! I hate peas to Rose but later says No, thank you. I don’t 2 Write your own dialogue.
like peas to the dinner lady. Discuss the idea of register. t Ask the pupils to complete the dialogue with the names
Explain that saying Yuk! I hate peas is usually fine with of whatever foods they like.
friends but it is impolite to use with adults.
3 Practise with your friends and act it out.
t Divide the class into groups of three and assign one of the t Once the pupils have finished the new text, they practise
characters to each child in the group. it in groups of three.
t Tell the pupils that you are going to play the CD and each
child in the group is going to join in with their part. 7. Spelling development (SSB page 10)
t Afterwards, encourage the pupils to act out the dialogue t You can do the activities from the Skills Book as
without the CD. reinforcement in class or you can explain what to do and ask
the pupils to do them for homework. For notes and answers
4 Make a new dialogue and practise. go to the Study Skills section at the back of this book.
t The pupils will notice that some words in the dialogue are
in colour. Point to the blue, green, red and purple words
under the dialogue and explain that the pupils are going Ending the lesson
to replace the first ones with these ones (e.g. Fish, chips
and carrots). The colours must correspond. 8. Goodbye
t Divide the class into groups of three and assign one of the t Ask for a group to act out the dialogue they wrote.
characters to each pupil in the group. Each pupil in the
group reads out their part. EXTRA ACTIVITIES
t Finally, ask if there are any volunteers who want to act out
the dialogue for the whole class. If no groups volunteer,
ask for three individuals (one for each of the different t Ask the pupils to think of five foods that they really like
characters) to form a new group of three and to come and and five foods that they quite like and tell a partner.
act it out in front of the class. Extension
t Ask the class what Aden said about carrots (Yuk! I hate
5. Writing and listening (AB page 21) carrots.) Ask the pupils what food they don’t like. Teach
1 Look at the pictures and complete. Listen disgusting. The pupils make a list; I hate … They’re
and check. disgusting or I hate … It’s disgusting. Then ask them what
they love and they make another list: I love …They’re
t Explain to the class that they are going to write a dialogue fantastic, or I love … It’s fantastic. Check they distinguish
similar to the one in their Class Book, but based on the
correctly between They’re and It’s.
pictures in their Activity Book.
Unit 2 69
Lesson 8 t Play CD 1 track 46 and ask the pupils to follow the poems
in their Activity Book. Pause after each poem to check
their understanding.
Reading and writing
t Ask the class some questions. The pupils read the poems
Objectives: To review the language of the unit. on their own and count how many pupils like or dislike
To review the activities carried out in Unit 2 and the food. You could ask, e.g. How many children like cheese?
evaluate them. (two). How many children like cherries? (Three.) How many
To consolidate the language of the unit in a final task. children love pineapple? (One.) How many children don’t like
fish? (One.) How many children hate tomatoes? (One.)
Revised language: Fruit and vegetables, like, love, hate, t Ask the pupils to read the poems again. Invite individuals
sausages, ice cream, pizza, cheese, chicken, eggs, fish, to tell you which is their favourite poem and why (either
sandwiches in L1 or in English, e.g. I like this poem because I hate beans
and I love sausages, salad and strawberries).
Materials: Class Book: page 21
encouraged to express their opinions in English, this
CD 1: tracks 36, 46, 47 contributes to the development of self-confidence.
Extra Activity Worksheets 11 and 12 Read and listen. $ r
Study Skills Book: page 11
Grammar poster 1 3. Writing (AB page 22)
2 Complete Nico’s poem.
Preparation: Make a story book. t Ask the pupils to use the information in the first activity
and look at the pictures. They complete the poem.
I hate beans.
I don’t like fish or peas.
I like salad and pizza.
I love sandwiches and chicken.
70 Unit 2
5. Remembering the story: reading and 9. Grammar 2 activity
4 I can read and write about likes and dislikes.
Make the story book. t Remind the pupils about the symbols, which are on the
t Play CD 1 track 36 or the DVD to remind the pupils of right of the activity. Remind them too that if the sentence
the story. is about Rob, Hannah, he, she, etc. the form is different
t Ask the pupils to look at the story on Extra Activity from a sentence beginning I. Check they remember the
Worksheet 11 and to complete it with the missing words. third person –s and the negative form doesn’t.
The pupils then cut out the story frames from Extra t Ask them to write the verbs from the box on the
Activity Worksheet 12, shuffle them and lay them face up appropriate lines.
on their desk. ANSWERS
t They order the frames correctly from memory. Then, if 1 like 2 doesn’t like 3 loves 4 really likes 5 hates
necessary, ask them to compare the order with a friend. 6 don’t like 7 quite like 8 loves
Play the story again so they can check their order.
MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCE: The above activity helps
t The pupils then make a story book.
pupils to learn through symbols, observing and
t For ideas of how to make different kinds of story books,
remembering each one, matching and using the
see the Ideas bank.
corresponding words.
t While they are making their books, play the story in the
background. Once everyone has finished, play the story
again and let them follow it in their new story books. 10. Speaking activity
Watch or listen to the story. Chicken soup. 5 I can talk about food I like and don’t like.
$ r%7% t Ask the class what they have learnt to talk about in this
unit (fruit and vegetables, what they like and don’t like).
Ask a few individuals to tell you something they love /
Let’s Check! really like / like / quite like / don’t like / hate. Then divide the
t This part of the lesson gives the pupils an opportunity to class into pairs and encourage them to continue.
review and reflect on the unit.
11. Self-evaluation activity
6. Vocabulary revision (AB page 23) t Ask the pupils to think about the different areas of their
1 I can do my picture dictionary on page 80. English learning which are mentioned in the boxes on
the right of the page. The activities on pages 22 and 23
are examples of each of the areas. Encourage them to
write the name of the item on the line.
think about the effort they made in each of these types
of activities. The pupils have to decide whether they tried
7. Listening activity (AB page 23) Very hard, Hard or Not very hard. Encourage them to look
2 I can listen and complete the tables. back through their Class Book and Activity Book to refresh
their memory if necessary.
t Play CD 1 track 47. The pupils listen and complete
the sentences. Surprising Facts!
I can listen and complete the tables. $ r t Ask the pupils to answer the Surprising Facts! question for
Elke: Hi, I’m Elke from Germany. I love mangoes and UIFVOJU4FFQBHFPGUIF$MBTT#PPL
bananas. I also really like vegetables like carrots, broccoli and ANSWERS
beans. How about you Carlos? Cereals / Carbohydrates
Carlos: Hi, I’m Carlos from Spain. I love all types of fruit
but my favourites are plums and pineapple. I also love 12. Reading and writing practice
vegetables like peas, potatoes and olives. (SSB page 11)
ANSWERS t You can do the activities from the Study Skills Book as
Germany Spain reinforcement in class or you can explain what to do and ask
mangoes, bananas plums, pineapple the pupils to do them for homework. For notes and answers
carrots, broccoli, beans peas, potatoes, olives go to the Study Skills section at the back of this book.
8. Grammar 1 activity
3 I can read and circle about foods.
t The pupils circle the correct option in each sentence.
t Display the Grammar poster while the pupils are doing
these activities.
1 them 2 her 3 them 4 it 5 him 6 it
Unit 2 71
Ending the lesson
13. Goodbye
t Ask What’s your favourite food? Write on the board the
foods they tell you and put a stroke beside the word each
time a pupil names it. At the end, count the strokes beside
each food, and ask How many children like …? Ask which
food is the class favourite.
t Ask the pupils to get into pairs. Each pupil writes six
sentences beginning with I hate …, I love …,
I really like …, I like …, I quite like …, I don’t like … When
they have finished, they read the six sentences to a
partner. They win a point for each sentence that both
pupils have written. At the end, ask How many points?
t Divide the class into pairs. Ask them to write what their
partner likes and what he / she doesn’t like. (To do this,
they will have to ask Do you like …? etc. and then write
He / She likes …). Ask them to put their name on their
work and collect it in. Read out some of the texts to the
class but make sure you don’t say the pupil’s name. The
class have to guess who wrote the sentences.
Text display
t When you have corrected the Portfolio activity on
Activity Book page 22, you could perhaps ask the pupils
to copy the corrected text onto another sheet of paper.
Display these sheets in the classroom for everyone to
read. Redrafting a text is an important writing skill. This
kind of activity is also ideal for the pupils to keep in their
Portfolio. Encourage them to think about attractive
presentation as well as accurate language.
t Pupils are now ready to complete the Unit 2 test
available on the Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM.
72 Unit 2