Guidelines For Monitoring Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Power Systems
Guidelines For Monitoring Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Power Systems
Guidelines For Monitoring Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Power Systems
Stand-Alone Photovoltaic
Power Systems
Methodology and Equipment
International Energy Agency
Implementing Agreement on Photovoltaic Power Systems
Task 3
Use of Photovoltaic Power Systems in Stand-Alone and Island
October 2003
The International Energy Agency (IEA), founded in November 1974, is an autonomous body
within the framework of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD) which carries out a comprehensive program of energy co-operation among its 20
member countries. The European Commission also participates in the work of the Agency.
The IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems (PVPS) Program is one of the collaborative R&D
agreements established within the IEA and, since 1993, its Participants have been conducting
a variety of joint projects in the applications of photovoltaic conversion of solar energy into
PVPS is headed by an Executive Committee comprising one representative from each
participating country, while the management of individual research projects (Tasks) is the
responsibility of Operating Agents. Currently nine tasks have been established. The twenty-
one members of the PVPS Program are:
Australia (AUS), Austria (AUT), Canada (CAN), Denmark (DNK), European Commission,
Finland (FIN), France (FRA), Germany (DEU), Israel (ISR), Italy (ITA), Japan (JPN), Korea
(KOR), Mexico (MEX), Netherlands (NLD), Norway (NOR), Portugal (PRT), Spain (ESP),
Sweden (SWE), Switzerland (CHE), United Kingdom (GBR), United States (USA). More
details about participating countries can be found on the PVPS program website at:
This International Technical Report has been prepared under the supervision of PVPS Task 3
by Dave Turcotte (Canada) and Farah Sheriff (Canada) in co-operation with experts of the
following countries: Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
The report expresses, as nearly as possible, a consensus of opinion of the Task 3 experts on
the subjects dealt with.
This document is designed solely as a guideline for monitoring in accordance with the goals fixed by the
Task 3 of the International Energy Agency for its work on Photovoltaic Systems for Stand-Alone and
Island Applications. It is not intended to be used as a standard and it does not claim to supplement,
amend or replace any of the standards referenced hereinafter nor any other existing national or
international standard.
The Guidelines for monitoring stand-alone photovoltaic systems : Methodology and
Equipment is one document in a series of related documents prepared by IEA PVPS, Task 3.
The other papers are complimentary to this work and any person contemplating investing in a
stand alone PV power supply would be well advised to read the other papers in this series.
These are all available on the IEA/PVPS web page
Report Code
[1] Guidelines for monitoring stand-alone photovoltaic IEA-PVPS
Systems- Methodology and Equipment T3-13:2003
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Objective.................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Background ............................................................................................. 6
1.3 Need for Guidelines................................................................................. 7
2 Monitoring Methodology................................................................................ 7
2.1 Reporting procedure................................................................................ 7
2.1.1 Content............................................................................................. 7
2.1.2 Aggregate results ............................................................................. 7
2.1.3 Format .............................................................................................. 8
2.2 Data Requirements ................................................................................. 8
2.2.1 General Information (Q1) ................................................................. 9
2.2.2 System Details (Q2) ......................................................................... 9
2.2.3 Quality Assurance Parameters (Q3)................................................ 9
2.2.4 Commercial Evaluation Parameters (Q4) ........................................ 9
2.2.5 Scientific Evaluation of System Performance (Q5)........................ 10
2.2.6 Battery Performance Parameters (Q6) .......................................... 10
2.2.7 Appliance Performance Parameters (Q7)...................................... 11
2.2.8 User satisfaction and adaptation to technology (Q8)..................... 11
3 Monitoring Equipment ................................................................................. 12
3.1 Level of autonomy ................................................................................. 12
3.1.1 Power supply.................................................................................. 12
3.1.2 Number of data points.................................................................... 12
3.1.3 Reliability ........................................................................................ 12
3.2 Choosing the logger .............................................................................. 14
3.3 Choosing the sensors............................................................................ 18
3.3.1 Temperature................................................................................... 18
3.3.2 DC Voltage..................................................................................... 19
3.3.3 DC Current ..................................................................................... 19
3.3.4 AC Measurements ......................................................................... 20
3.3.5 Solar Radiation Measurement ....................................................... 21
3.3.6 Wind Speed and Direction ............................................................. 22
3.3.7 Other sensors................................................................................. 22
3.4 Choosing the Signal Conditioners......................................................... 23
3.5 Wiring Techniques................................................................................. 23
3.5.1 Choosing the Correct Wires........................................................... 23
3.5.2 Wiring the System Together .......................................................... 24
3.6 Tips for successful monitoring............................................................... 25
4 Conclusion................................................................................................... 25
Appendix A - Questionnaire Templates............................................................... 27
1 Introduction
1.1 Objective
The objective of the document Guidelines for Monitoring Stand Alone Photovoltaic Power
Systems – Methodology and Equipment is to:
Describe a monitoring procedure that if followed will reassure investors, project
managers, performance auditors, equipment manufacturers and servicing firms, that the
performance data collected are functionally robust, equitable and representative.
1.2 Background
Investors, project managers, performance auditors, equipment manufacturers and servicing
firms frequently require advice about renewable energy technology options and capabilities.
More often than not, different system architectures, monitoring procedures and applications,
so complicate comparisons between systems that available performance data are rendered
next to useless. Adding to the confusion, third parties interested in “sustainable energy”
solutions may experience claims and counterclaims about product capabilities and be plied
with an assortment of performance data, some derived from the maker’s specification, some
measured in the field, but nearly all collected on a piecemeal basis without any form of quality
In accordance with its current work plan, the IEA PVPS Task 3 needs to be able to analyse
the performance of case studies, to determine what comprises a successful, or conversely an
unsuccessful, installation. This embodies an assessment process conducive to equitable
comparison of different systems at different locations. Having regard to the situation, it was
decided to prepare guidelines that establish a functional and consistent approach to
performance monitoring for a range of “stand alone” PV system.
Performance assessment involves:
data collection, which is a straightforward process of measuring parameters;
evaluation of that data in a manner that provides useful information, which is a complex
exercise; and,
dissemination of useful information to interested parties.
“Operational Performance and Design of Photovoltaic Power Systems and Subsystems”, IEA-PVPS T2-03:2002,
Munich, 2001, 64 pages.
“Photovoltaic system performance monitoring – Guidelines for measurement, data exchange and analysis”, IEC
standard 61724, Geneva, 1998, 37 pages.
technically feasible, and it is recommended as a prime aim of any global data management
system established to provide a performance baseline for stand-alone power systems.
However, it is also recognised that the capability requires further development to become
universally effective, cost effective and convenient under field conditions.
A person proposing to monitor the performance of a system need only peruse the index to
identify the set that best suits their purpose, then turn to the relevant section of the Guidelines
to view the parameters recommended for measurement.
2 Monitoring Methodology
2.1.1 Content
Monitoring photovoltaic systems can provide useful information about their operation and
what should be done to improve performance, but if the data are not reported properly, the
effort is wasted. To be helpful, a monitoring report must provide information on the relevant
aspects of the operation in terms that are easily understood by a third party.
Appropriate performance parameters need to be selected, and their values consistently
updated with each new issue of the report. In some cases it may be beneficial to monitor the
performance of individual components in order to refine and improve system performance, or
be alerted to loss of performance in time for preventative action. For example, monitoring
battery charge/discharge profiles will signal when replacement is due before downtime from
system failure is experienced.
Power values can be measured or calculated from V*I values. In AC, the power factor
( cos(θ ) where θ is the angle between the voltage and current) must be considered to obtain
the real power. If power is calculated from the voltage and current values on a system that
performs averages, the result of the V*I product must be averaged and stored since it cannot
be calculated from the averaged voltage and current. In fact, the product of averages is
different from the average of products. The following equations demonstrate this limitation for
the calculation of average power ( P ) using n voltage ( Vi ) and current ( I i ) values.
Average voltage = V = i
n i =0
Average current = I = i
n i =0
Power = Pi = Vi ⋅ I i
n n
∑ P = n ∑V ⋅ I
1 1
Average power = P = i i i
n i =0 i =0
Is P = V ⋅I
n n n n n
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑∑V ⋅ I
1 ? 1 1 1
Vi ⋅ I i = Vi ⋅ Ii = i j
n i =0
n i =0
n i =0 n2 i =0 j =0
n n n
∑ ∑∑V ⋅ I
1 1
Vi ⋅ I i ≠ i j unless either V or I is constant
n i =0 n2 i =0 j =0
2.1.3 Format
Avoid lengthy text with numbers. Use a table format whenever possible.
If you intent to report on a regular basis on the same system, try to be as consistent as
possible on the format of presentation;
3-D bar graphs are nice but sometimes difficult to read. Use 3D wisely when reporting
Choose colours and shapes wisely. Remember that a black and white copy of your report
will be made at some point.
Use SI units whenever possible.
Use the yyyy-mm-dd date format to avoid confusion when exchanging document with
people that speak different languages.
there may be specific circumstances where the data sets included in the Guidelines need
From the renewable energy sources, only the “useful” energy output will be measured. This
may be less than the total energy generation if electricity demand is less than electricity
generation while the storage is full. Parasitic losses or energy dissipated in a dump load are
also excluded as useful energy.
Power Factor is included as a relevant parameter for commercial evaluation of performance
as it will impact on inverter efficiency.
Outages should be logged as soon as noticed. Whenever substantial unexplained differences
occur between measurements and expected values, the recording frequency used for the
monitoring program should be increased.
Irradiation and wind characteristics are better measured on site. In both cases it is difficult to
derive a reliable value using off-site data. Irradiation comprises global, direct and diffuse
components. Direct is very difficult to derive from global data, but the need to measure it is
limited to instances where solar concentrator systems are to be deployed.
In order to determine the battery SOC it is important that the people responsible for operating
the systems (or the automatic system), regularly (every 1–2 months) calibrate the total battery
capacity. One possible approach is outlined out below:
1) Charge the battery completely.
2) Allow the battery to rest (i.e. no current in or out of the battery) until an equilibrium
voltage can be observed (approx. 2–3 hours).
3) Discharge the battery completely.
4) Let the battery rest (i.e. no current in or out of the battery) until an equilibrium voltage
can be observed (approx. 4–5 hours)
If the above procedure has been followed, and current (A) and (V) has been monitored, it is
possible to calibrate the battery model using the lower and upper equilibrium voltages. An
exact battery model is absolutely necessary if an analysis on how to improve the operation of
a system with a fixed design is to be performed.
A comprehensive set of battery performance monitoring parameters is shown in
Questionnaire Q6.
Information about the type of thermal demands covered by the system should also be
collected. This may be cooling (e.g. shading devices, fans, or air-conditioning equipment),
space heating (e.g. passive solar heating, wood-burning stoves, electrical heaters, or heat
pumps), hot water heating (e.g. gas, electrical, wood, or solar collectors), or high temperature
loads (e.g. electrical, gas-burning, or wood-burning ovens). The total thermal demand (kWh)
should always be available, along with the sampling time (day, week, month, year).
Alternatively, if no information about the total or fractional thermal loads is available, one
should try to estimate these using some key pieces of information such as:
Building materials used (to estimate an overall heat loss coefficient)
Number of people living/using the building on a daily or weekly basis.
Average monthly ambient temperature and humidity (if available).
By following the procedure outlined above, one will be able to determine what fraction of
electricity used in the system serves non-high-grade (high entropy) energy purposes (e.g.
heating and cooling). Note that using PV-generated electricity strictly for high-grade energy
purposes is the first important step towards more optimally designed PV-systems.
A comprehensive set of appliance performance monitoring parameters is described in
Questionnaire Q7.
3 Monitoring Equipment
The choice of data acquisition hardware is not easy. It is modulated by numerous factors.
The purpose of this document is to give some tips and tricks to build precise and reliable
systems while avoiding the frustration of falling in typical pitfalls of data acquisition.
The accessibility of the site where the data acquisition (DAQ) system is to be installed,
whether it is just next door or on a mountaintop you can only access once a year, will dictate
the level of autonomy you require. This is modulated by the fact that people can be located
near the site, but it is also greatly affected by their competency and level of interest in picking
up data once in a while. This section will describe how to deal with these three elements of
The first three imply that you have to go get the data on site. For short term monitoring, this is
fine but for long term, it must be integrated to the scheduled maintenance of the system,
otherwise it becomes prohibitively expensive to make a special trip to the site to get the data.
Whenever possible, a dial-up connection is preferred, but accessibility and cost of phone line
may render this impractical. Cell-phones may also be used for dial-up in areas where the cell
phone coverage is adequate.
3.1.3 Reliability
Reliability depends on:
1) How you choose your equipment; and,
2) How you use it.
One important rule: “One must not expect a piece of equipment to do what it's not meant for.”
This seems straightforward but this rule is often breached. Look at the specifications,
temperature, voltage, common mode range (which is often overlooked), etc., and choose
wisely. Also, try not to be too impressed by bells and whistles. While some features can be
very useful for a specific application, other features may draw power that you can ill afford.
Trust systems that have been out there for a while. You don't want anything to go wrong, but
if it does, you want a quick answer.
The second point is what you do with the equipment. Here is a little list of tips that are often
overlooked and that cause the death of many systems.
Mechanical/environmental considerations
Put your DAQ system in an enclosure to avoid dust build-up;
Ensure sufficient cooling;
Use silica gel whenever possible to avoid moisture build-up in your DAQ system;
In dry regions (poles or deserts), sometimes you have to shunt your high impedance
inputs a bit to the ground (with a 10 kΩ - 100 kΩ resistor) to avoid accumulation of static
Electrical considerations
Keep wires short;
If you need isolation when measuring DC current, closed-loop hall effect sensors are a
good alternative;
Watch for current loops,
Use single point-earthed shielding,
Do not share the same wires to carry power and transmit analog signal,
Avoid multiple ground connections;
Use the least vulnerable form of signal transmission available,
Convert to digital as soon as possible,
Use current transmission whenever possible since series transmission is less
vulnerable to noise,
Boost low voltage signals close to the source if you have to transmit it on a long
Troubleshooting considerations
Choose every component on quality not cost (even a tiny resistor). In a remote location,
the real cost of replacing a failed component may only become evident when it fails;
Keep an up-to-date copy of the plans and layouts;
Take pictures of the system so you may help somebody repair it if something fails;
If you have sufficient resources, keep a spare of each of your sensors so you can
undertake quick repairs and avoid downtime while performing calibrations.
Have a comprehensive documentation of your DAQ system.
Analog MUX
Analog Cond.
Digital MUX
Counter 2
The structure may change quite a lot depending on the features of the logger but the main
blocks will remain:
ADC (Analog to digital converter) The ADC is the core of the logger unit. The ADC is
the circuit that converts an analog voltage signal to a
digital value of n bits.
CPU (Central Processing Unit) The CPU is the brain of the logger. The functions
performed by the CPU may range for a simple
interface with the ADC for computer driven loggers to
a full-featured programmable unit for autonomous
S/H (Sample and hold) While the signal at the input of the data logger may
vary with time, the conversion from analog to digital
is never instantaneous. Consequently, the reading
may be affected by this variation. To avoid this, a
sample and hold circuit is used to maintain the signal
constant during the conversion.
Analog MUX
When selecting a data logger unit, the exact internal behaviour is not important but one still
need to know what happens to his or her data in order to do a judicious choice. To do so, a
certain number of parameters are provided by the manufacturer to help the user makes a
choice. The following list gives an overview of these features/characteristics and what must
be looked at when choosing the logger:
Specifications pertaining to analog signals
Common Mode Range This is the maximum voltage any single input can
take without impairing the operation of the unit. A
high common mode range can be useful if a shunt
has to be placed on a live wire or if a DC voltage has
to be measured on a point of high voltage.
Common Mode Rejection Ratio Often written as CMRR. This is the ability of the
logger to ignore the common mode voltage. This
value is expressed in dB. The error (Verror) cause by
the common mode voltage (Vcm) can be calculated
as follow:
⎛ CMRR ⎞
−⎜ ⎟
Verror = Vcm ⋅ 10 ⎝ 20 ⎠
Counter Channels – Fast/Slow Speed and range of the counter are configurable.
The logger counts even when logger is in stand-by
mode reducing power consumption.
Other specifications
Removable Data Card Allows data storage on a card that can be replaced.
This is very useful to transfer data from a local
without communication means other than somebody
that pass by once in a while.
Power Requirements When power is not available from utility, the logger
needs to have very low power consumption.
Usually, power consumption will vary with respect to
the number and rate of channels acquired.
Stand-by mode The logger can have a built-in “sleep mode” that
allows it to limit the energy consumption of the
Different kinds of loggers are available in the market. You can find full-blown models with
multiple features for specialized application or models with fewer features but that offer a low
cost alternative. Whatever your needs are, chances are you will find a data acquisition
system that can fulfil them. However, whatever logger is chosen, it will always be a
compromise between cost, features and ease of use, so cost must not always be the decisive
factor. It is also advisable to choose with future needs in mind. Learning all the nuts and
bolts of a new logger model is time consuming, so sticking to a logger type/model will often
save time and avoid surprises such as no data for six months due to a missing configuration
3.3.1 Temperature
Common sensors to measure temperature are thermistors, thermocouples and RTDs
(Resistor Temperature Devices). The following table describes the different sensors and their
pros and cons.
Table 2. Temperature Sensing Elements Comparison
Sensor Thermocouple Thermistor RTD
Active element Two different metals A semiconductor plate A platinum wire
coupled together
Output A small voltage Resistance vary with Resistance vary with
proportional to the temperature temperature
Linearity Good Bad Excellent
Approximate Low (US$8) Medium (US$45) High (US$85)
Cost (probe unit)
Sensitivity Low High Low
Precision Medium (0.5-1°C) Medium (>0.5-1°C) High (≈ 0.1°C)
with a good equation
Distance 100 m > 300 m (4 wire conf.) >300 m (4 wire conf.)
Application Excellent for general Excellent on a very small Excellent for high precision
temperature range of temperature (to measurement on a wide
measurement for a trigger an alarm for range of temperature (∆T
limited range of example) but bad for DAQ >100°C).
temperature on a wide range.
Most of the time, thermistors are not appropriate for DAQ applications due to their lack of
linearity. They often need a special signal conditioner, which is cumbersome in DAQ
applications. RTD on the other hand are very precise, but their high cost often deters users.
Moreover, they will require a DAQ unit that supports RTD, which is not as common as for
thermocouples. To conclude with RTDs, let's say that the sensitivity is very low so to
measure the resistance accurately, a 4-wires measurement is preferred. 3-wires can be used
but be warned that not all manufacturers fully support the 3-wire compensation. The following
figures show the configuration and compensation for 4 and 3-wire RTD measurements.
Assuming R*=R
R* R*
4-wires 3-wires
Figure 2. RTD Connection Arrangements
3.3.2 DC Voltage
Voltage measurement is probably the easiest measurement of all since all monitoring units
have that capability. Most of the time, a simple pair of sensing wires will be sufficient. If the
voltage is too high for the input of the data logger, a voltage divider is used. Here are a few
rules of thumb about voltage dividers though:
The impedance of the output resistance of the voltage divider shall be at least 100 times
lower that the impedance of the data logger input;
The power dissipated through the resistance of the voltage divider shall not exceed 10%
of their nominal power to limit heating it up;
Metal film, low temperature drift (<25 ppm/°C) resistors are preferred.
If direct measurement is impossible, modular isolated signal conditioners are available on the
market with multiple output types.
3.3.3 DC Current
Measuring DC current can be done either with a shunt or with a hall-effect sensor.
Shunts are simply low value resistors that will output a voltage proportional to the current
flowing through them. While shunts will offer the highest precision, they also have two
drawbacks. First they offer no isolation, and second they need you to break the current path.
Since they are not isolated, caution must be exercised with the placement of shunts if they
are intended to be measured directly by the logger. A common mistake is to place shunts on
live wires leading to a high common mode voltage (Vcm). If direct measurement of shunts is
intended, all shunts should be placed as close to the neutral as possible to avoid errors (see
common mode rejection ratio) and potential damage to the unit. The following figure illustrate
the issue with the common mode voltage and the placement of shunts. If the system is
floating, in the sense that there is no neutral point, signal conditioners shall be used to
transmit the voltage to the logger.
48 V
Data Logger
Right Vcm=20 Vmax
50 mV
48V 48V
Load Load
50 mV
50 mV
Data Logger
Vcm=20 Vmax
Hall effect sensors, though often less precise than shunts, offer multiples advantages. Two
main categories of hall-effect sensors are marketed, open-loop and closed-loop sensors. The
difference between these two resides in the way the hall-effect element is used. With open-
loop sensors, the hall-effect element is used to give a linear reading of the magnetic field,
which is then converted into current. In closed-loop sensors, a counter-current is used to
nullify the magnetic field and the hall-effect element is then used to determine if magnetic field
is present at all, thus leaving out any non-linearity the element may have. Generally, closed-
loop sensors are more precise, but they also are more expensive. The main drawback of this
type of sensors is that they need external power. Hall-Effect sensors are relatively easy to
find. Split-core sensors on the other hand may cause more trouble
Table 3. DC Current Sensors Comparison
Shunt Hall Effect
Need external power N Y
Isolated N Y
Error <1% 1-5%
Temperature effect low Medium
Break current path Y N
Exist as clamp on devices N Y
3.3.4 AC Measurements
Most of the time, AC measurements will be used to get the power or energy output of the
system. Consequently, there is little interest in the voltage and current values themselves. If
voltage and current values are required, individual signal conditioners can be used to convert
the values into acceptable inputs for the logger. Current will most of the time be picked-up by
current transformers. Shunts can also be used but they do not provide isolation.
Moreover, energy meters can be useful to control the consumption for village power for
WARNING: The output of current transformers must be loaded at all
time during operation, otherwise dangerously high
voltage may arise. Never place quick disconnects or
Precise solar radiation measurement is generally required only for research purpose in which
case, a thermopile pyranometer will be the tool of choice. Otherwise a simple photodiode
pyranometer or a reference cell can do the job. If reference cells are used, caution should be
taken to match the technology of the reference cell with the technology of the photovoltaics
Average solar radiation falling on a place can be estimated mathematically if you have the
latitude, longitude and tilt of that plane. The equations are very well explained in Duffie and
Beckman “Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes” published at John Wiley and Sons3.
However, some factors as ground albedo or cloud cover are often difficult to estimate.
Measured averaged ground radiation data can be obtained from weather services of the
different countries. However, many locations of the globe do not have ground weather
stations, in which case, satellite data can be used. The NASA Langley Research Center now
offers to the wide public the results of their worldwide satellite measurements through their
website at This is an excellent resource when ground data
are not available.
3-cup anemometer and vane Often the preferred option because wind speed is
measured independently of the direction while being
at a reasonable price. Moreover, units (anemometer
and vane) can be replaced separately. (≈ US$1200)
Duffie, John A. and William A. Beckman. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Second Edition.
New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1991, 917p.
Type of cable Apart from standard cables where wires run parallel
to each other, there are twisted pair and coaxial
cables. Twisted pairs, as its name tells is simply
accomplished by twisting each pair of wires. This
allows higher noise immunity, especially if shielded.
Coaxial cables are built by having a central
conductor surrounded by the shield, which is also the
second conductor. This gives the highest immunity
but is very expensive and often impractical.
Isolation type This is the material used for the jacket of the wires
and cable. Three factors must be considered: 1)
chemical resistance, 2) mechanical resistance and 3)
UV stability. Different material will have different
resistances to chemical substances. For example,
nylon is not good near batteries where sulphuric acid
is present. Requirements for mechanical resistance
are defined by the exposure of the cable to human
interaction and weather. Finally, the UV stability is
very important for wires intended to be installed
outside. If not chosen properly, isolation will crack
and cause short-circuits.
1+ 1+
1- 2+
2+ 3+
2- com
Differential Single-Ended
Figure 4. Comparison of differential and single-ended connection mode
Single-ended connections require less wires and simpler acquisition systems. However that
is where the advantages stop. They present also a lot of drawbacks such as:
Higher cross-talk between channels;
Higher vulnerability to noise;
Perfect condition to create current loops;
One wire must be common (grounded); and,
Decreased reliability since many channels depend on a single wire.
This does not mean that single-ended should not be used, but simply that the designers must
be careful in their use. Signals can be grouped under the single-ended method only if:
The common does not become a supply wire (total or partial);
All sensors are floating (no reference to the ground) or the common to all sensors can be
connected at only one place on the system;
The supply of the DAQ system, if connected to the DAQ common, has no direct
connection with the unit being measured, otherwise current may flow. This may be
corrected with isolated DC/DC converters.
Finally, special care must be taken in proper shielding of signal cables. Theoretically, best
shielding is achieved by grounding the shield at both end of the cable. Unfortunately,
practically, it is rarely the case, since ensuring that both ends are at the same potential is
impossible. Consequently, the best practical way of shielding is to ground the shield at the
data logger side. Many loggers have a ground screw or lug for this purpose.
The shield may not be used as a current carrying wire since it will inject noise. Also, the
ungrounded end of the shield must be isolated to prevent inadvertent contact with the
4 Conclusion
The renewable energy industry is emerging from its “backyard” industry identity, to earn a
degree of respectability in corporate circles. This “coming out” process is accelerating, as
global environmental and social concerns raise moral issues and translate into higher
insurance premiums and social discontent.
The involvement of utility scale businesses in the industry is providing pressure for sensible
standards and performance guidelines, but the introduction of effective measures is fraught
with difficulties. The task requires that the performance of complex system technologies,
used in complex applications, be compared on an equitable basis.
As outlined though this document, equitable performance assessment of photovoltaic
systems required the combination of four key elements:
• Good knowledge of the system
• Accurate measurement techniques
• Quality procedures
• Reliable data gathering
Methods as presented in this document should allow to gather quality in order to achieve a
rigorous assessment of “performance” in all of its spheres, namely: technical, financial,
environmental and social acceptance. Nevertheless, these Guidelines are not presented as
the final answer to the problem. Persons using the Guidelines will no doubt encounter
difficulties with some of the prescriptions contained therein, and may well develop alternative
approaches that are more useful in their circumstances. When this happens, it is important
that they contribute to the process of refinement by contacting Task 3 with a description of the
Appendix A
This appendix present a set of questionnaire templates to defined the required parameters in
order to perform exhaustive analysis of a system with respect to eight different goals namely:
Q1: General information
Q2: System details
Q3: Quality assurance parameters;
Q4: Commercial evaluation parameters;
Q5: Scientific evaluation of system performance;
Q6: Battery performance parameters;
Q7: Appliance performance parameters;
Q8: User-satisfaction and adaptation to technology.
In all cases, a general description will be required to at least what type of system is looked
after. The system details will be required whenever some technical details or classification
will be required.
Q1 General information
Site name:
Contact Person:
System Management:
End user:
Site co-ordinates:
Project type:
Market demonstration:
Q2 System Details
System details:
System Classification*:
Average electricity demand (kWh/d):
(design requirements)
Array capacity (Wp):
No of Panels:
Electrical configuration: (attach schematic):
Charge controller details:
Inverter details:
Commissioning date:
Array mounting system (short description):
Battery details:
Resource Data:
Radiation on array plane (W/m2):
Ambient temperature (oC):
Availability of low ion water:
* System classification key is outlined in the Guidelines for Selecting Stand Alone PV Power Supply
Systems (IEA-PVPS T3-).
Contractual Information:
List legal contracts:
Warranty Details:
System operation warranties:
Individual component warranties:
Cause, including the service record of the
failed equipment:
Action taken, with cost born by?
Performance assessment:
What parameters are measured?
What are the data management
Energy Flow:
Useful energy from the PV-array
Useful energy from each of the other
renewqable energy sources (kWh/month):
Energy from the auxiliary back up system
(e.q. a diesel) (kWh/month):
Energy to the load via the inverter
Energy to the battery (kWh/mounth):
Energy from the battery to the inverter
Power Factor: 0 to unity
Outages of the different system
components and loss of load
DSM provisions:
Efficiency Measures:
Brefly describe any investment to improve
the thermal performance of buildings and
Number of service users:
Capital costs:
Operation & maintenance costs:
Cost associated with managing the
service or program:
Q5 Technical evaluation
Resource Data:
Global/direct irradiation ((kWh/m2)/a):
Wind speed (annual average m/s):
Other relevant RE resource parameters:
Load Characteristics:
Daily demand curve dc/ac (power
PV contribution to meeting load (%):
Capture losses (Wh):
PV array:
Module average maximum operating
temperature (oC):
Array rated power (W):
Measured average peak performance
Array output delivered to inverter (kWh/a):
Array output delivered to batteries
Array outages (h/a). (attach schedule if
Q6 Battery performance
Manufacturer (name and country):
Model and reference:
Rated capacity:
C5 (Ah):
C10 (Ah):
C50 (Ah):
C100 (Ah):
Physical arrangement:
Nominal voltage (volt):
Cut-off voltage (volt):
Number of cells of mono-block:
In series:
In parallel:
Battery type:
General Technology:
Car or SLI
Sealed: AGM or Gelled
Plate structure
Tubular plate:
Flat plate: < 4mm or > 4mm
Grid alloy:
Lead-Antimony %:
Lead-Calcium %:
Climatic conditions:
Temperature range:
Lowest temperature (oC):
Highest temperature (oC):
Other specific conditions:
Supply conditions:
Ready to use (electrolyte filled): Yes No
Dried-charged: Yes No
Conditions of installation:
Conditions of maintenance:
Date of installation:
Expected lifetime, if new or still in
operation (years of cycles):
Actual lifetime, in case of replacement
Warranty period:
Expected lifetime:
Cycling performance:
Price / performance ratio:
Maintenance free:
Easy transportation:
Easy installation (no
electrolyte manipulation):
Local distributor:
Locally manufactured:
Other criteria(s):
Cost information:
Q7 Appliance performance
Manufacturer (name and country):
Model and reference:
Alternative Current? Yes No
Nominal voltage (V):
Power (W):
Mean daily use (hour/lamp)
Manufacturer (name and country):
Model and reference:
Size (cm diagonal)
Nominal voltage (V):
Alternating Current? Yes No
Power (W):
Standby power (W):
Mean daily use (h):
Manufacturer (name and country):
Model and reference:
Size (dm )
Nominal voltage (V):
Alternating Current? Yes No
Power (W):
Yearly consumption @ 25oC (kWh):
Daily consumption @ 25oC (kWh):
Manufacturer (name and country):
Manufacturer (name and country):
Model and reference:
Nominal voltage (V):
Alternating Current? Yes No
Power (W):
Standby power (W):
Mead daily use (h)
Manufacturer (name and country):
Model and reference:
Nominal voltage (V):
Alternating Current? Yes No
Power (W):
Standby power (W):
Mean daily use (h):
Washing machine:
Manufacturer (name and country):
Model and reference:
Capacity (kg):
Nominal voltage (V):
Alternating Current? Yes No
Power (W):
Wash consumption @ 30oC (kWh):
Wash consumption @ 60oC (kWh):
Mean weekly use (time):
Manufacturer (name and country):
Model and reference:
Capacity (meals):
Nominal voltage (V):
Type of appliance:
Manufacturer (name and country):
Model and reference:
Nominal voltage (V):
Alternating Current ? Yes No
Power (W):
Standby power (W):
Mean weekly use (times):