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International Journal of Current Advanced Research

ISSN: O: 2319-6475, ISSN: P: 2319-6505,

6505, Impact Factor: 6.614
Available Online at
Volume 9; Issue 06(D); June 2020;; Page No.22602-22604

Research Article
Dr. Sana Kauser Ateeque Ahmed*
Ahmed 1, Dr.Tasfiya Hakeem Ansari2 and Dr. Tariq Nadeem Khan3
1PG Scholar, Department of Mahiyatul Amraz, National Institute
Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru
2Lecturer,Department of Mahiyatul Amraz, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru
3Assistant Professor, Department
ment of KulliyateTibb, National Institute
te of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru
Article History: Description and conceptual recognition of psychiatric
Background and Objective:Description
Received 4th Mrach, 2020 disorders have always been a difficult task as exact pathophysiology of psychiatricdisorders
Received in revised form 25th is still not known perfectly. InIslamic Golden Era (between 9th and 12th centuries) scholars
April, 2020 of medicine
dicine did extensive research and documented their observations. Various classical
Accepted 18th May, 2020 books and encyclopaedias of that era are evident in that regard. ZakhiraKhwarizamShahiis
Published online 28th June, 2020 one of them written by IsmailJurjani also has description of diseases of the brain iin it. The
main aim of this paper is to highlight Ismail Jurjani’s work regarding pathophysiology of
Key words: psychiatric disorders.
Materials and methods: Zakhira Khwarizam Shahiwas was the main source of this study.
Ismail jurjani; Psychiatricdisorders; Other sources were Al Qanoon Fit Tibb, various online and offline journals, proceedings
Pathophysiology;Unani medicine; Zakhira etc. related to life and works of Ismail Jurjani. Relevant literature collected then analysed
Khwarizam Shahi; Islamic era. and explained in a comprehensive manner.
Observation and Conclusion: Jurjani gave a description of psychiatric disorder under the
diseases of the brain which he classified into five types. His description of General
Pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders is based on the role of abnormal black bile and
abnormal psychic pneuma. After going through his work related to neuro neuro-anatomy and
disorders of the brain, his expertise in medicine can be best understood.

Copyright©2020 Dr. Sana Kauser Ateeque Ahmed.Ahmed This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION As far as disorders of brain are concerned, Hippocrates was the

first physician who considered epilepsy as a disease entity
Time period from ninth to twelfth centuries is considered as instead of some demonic possession. A great Persian physician
Golden age of Arab Islamic civilization. At the same time IbnSina’s work related to psychiatric disorder is commendable.
when Europe was in a dark age, scholars from Islamic Also, Ismail Jurjani has contributed a lot in medicine,
civilization were working extensively in every discipline especially in diseases of brain. The pathophysiology of
including medicine. ZakariyaRazi/ Rhazes (865-925
(865 AD), Ibn disorder of brain and spinal cord described by Ismail Jurjani is
Sina/Avicenna (980-1037
1037 AD), Ali Ibn Abbas Majusi/Haly in a very easy and clear way. Ismail Jurjani’s expertise in
Abbas (949-982AD)
982AD) and Ismail Jurjani (1042-1137
(1042 AD) were psychiatric disorders can be best understood by his explanation
among the most influential scholars who made the significant in book Zakhira Khwarzam Shahi. Because of his expertise
contributions to the art of healingg i.e. medicine. (Tibi S., some scholars used to call him Bu Ali Sani (Avicenna IInd).
Qifti JA.,2012), (Zargaran A et
2006), (Usaiba IA.,1990), (AL-Qifti (Jurjani AH, 2010)
al., 2013), (Moattar F et al.,., 2013) However, they were
inspired by Hippocratic and Galenic medicine but they relied Life of Ismail Jurjani
more on their own observation and thoughts and rejected
rej During golden age of Islamic civilization Persia, (modern day
teachings of Hippocrates and Galen wherever they were not Iran) used to be native place for many great scholars from all
convinced. Their continuous experimentation and observation disciplines including medicine. Ismail Jurjani was one of them.
result in existence of several Medical encyclopaedias of His name was Syed Ziyauddin Abu Ibrahim Ismail Ibn Hasan
Golden Islamic Age like Al Hawi Fit Tib, Kitab al Malki, Al Ibn Mohammad Ibn Ahmed al Hussaini Al Jurjani. (Jurjani
Qanoon Fit Tib and Zakhira Khwarizam Shahi etc. AH, 2010)Very little is known about his personal life, family
background and education etc. He was born in 1042 AD in
*Corresponding author: Dr. Sana Kauser Ateeque Ahmed Jurjan, Iran. There are several evidences available regarding
PG Scholar, Department of Mahiyatul Amraz, National Institute of Jurjani’s visit to a number of famous cities of his time like
Unani Medicine, Bengaluru
Neishapoor, Isfahan,n, Qum, Ray and Shiraz etc. (Tadjbakhsh
Ismail Jurjani’s Description of Pathophysiology of Psychiatric Disorders in Zakhira Khwarizam Shahi

H,2007). He started studying medicine in his native city, Jurjan occur due to accumulation of morbid matter in nerves. In fifth
then he moved to Neishapoor. It is believed that Jurjani part different types of headache are described.(Jurjani AH,
learned the art of healing from Ibn Abi Sadique (who was 2010)
famous as Hippocrates IInd). Probably Ibn Abi Sadique was
Ismail Jurjani’s description of pathophysiology of psychiatric
one of the students of Ibn Sina. (Usaiba IA.,1990) Jurjani
served as family physician of the royals for many years.
Royals like Sultan Alauddin were very appreciative to him that He has given full description of diseases including their
is why he used to pay him a handsome salary i.e. one thousand aetiology pathophysiology, sign and symptoms, diagnosis and
deenar per month. Jurjani was expert of jurisprudence and Ilm- treatment in sixth part of Zakhira Khwarizam Shahi. An
e-hadith too which he learned from Abu-Al Qasim Qushairy. important description in this section includes pathophysiology
(Tadjbakhsh H,2007)He spent his last days in Merv, where he of psychiatric disorders which he has explained very well.
died in 1137 AD at the age of 95 years. (Shoja MM et Jurjani was well aware about importance of mental well-being.
al.,2010) Also, the critical role played by sawdā (black bile) and rūḥ-e-
nafsāni (Psychic pneuma) in maintenance of mental health.
He wrote many books on philosophy, medicine, theology and
Therefore, before describing pathophysiology of psychiatric
other natural sciences in Persian language. Three famous
disorders, Jurjani first explained the types of sawdā (black
books of medicine wrote by Jurjani are Zakhira Khwarizam
bile) and its mechanism of production along with production,
Shahi, Khaffi Alai and Yadgar. Khaffi Alaiis a pair of pocket
transformation and circulation of rūḥ (pneuma) in the body and
books. It is a summary of Zakhira Khwarizam Shahiwhich can
brain. Further he added role of ghayrtab‘irooh (abnormal
be read during travelling and wars etc. Content of Yadgar
pneuma) and ghayrṭab‘isawdā (abnormal black bile) in
includes pharmaceutical science.(Vasti N., 2010)
causation of various psychiatric disorders like malencholia,
Zakhira Khwarizam Shahi mania, insanity etc.
He wrote his most famous book Zakhira Khwarizam Shahi at Jurjani described two types of khiltsawdā (black bile);
the age of 70 by the time he became very experienced. It is ṭab‘isawdā (normal black bile) and ghayrṭab‘isawdā (abnormal
considered as oldest Persian medical encyclopedia. In this black bile). ṭab‘isawdā is sediment of blood, while abnormal
book Jurjani explored all the branches of medical science and black bile is formed as a result of burning of ṣafrā (bile) or
provide deep insight into them. He dedicated this book to the sawdā itself.
prince of Khwarizam of his time, Sultan Alauddain. This book
As far as production of rūḥ (pneuma) is concerned he has
is not less than Avicenna’s canon of medicine and Haly
considered heart as its site of production where it is produced
Abbas’s Liber Regius. It is often said that Zakhira Khwarizam
as rūḥ-e-ḥaywāni (vital pneuma). Its production is attributed to
Shahi bears much resemblance with Canon of medicine in
humour and air coming from liver and lungs respectively.
terms of its conceptual comprehension. It is a fact that he was
Once rūḥ-e-ḥaywāni is produced in heart it is supplied all over
inspired by Avicenna’s work but Jurjani relied most on his
the body through blood vessels. When it reaches to the brain it
own thoughts and experiences.(Vasti N., 2010)
gets transformed into rūḥ-e-nafsāni(nervous pneuma) by the
A large part of Jurjani’s findings and experimentation are action of digestive faculty of brain. This transformation takes
dedicated to neuro-anatomy and clinical neurology. As far as place at the basal part of brain.Then it circulates in brain from
neuro-anatomy is concerned he has mentioned three parts of basal part to fore brain, mid brain then hind brain. During its
brain i.e. forebrain, mid brain and hind brain along with 7 pairs circulation rūḥ-e-nafsānibecomes more and more mature and
of cranial and 30 pairs of spinal nerves. However, Avicenna delicate. Hence, it becomes conducive for various psychic
has mentioned 8 pairs of cranial nerves and 8 pairs of cervical, functions.
12 pairs of thoracic nerves, 5 pairs of lumber. He wrote that
He considered brain as a tool for nafs (psych), while rūḥ -i-
first pair of sacral nerve joins with lumbar nerve other pairs of
nafsāni, quwā-i-nafsāni(psychic faculty) and tabi’at (physis)
sacral nerves and individual members of coccygeal nerves
work under supervision of nafs. Various psychic functions like
supply rectal muscles and pubic organs. Apart from that
imagination, thinking, comprehension and memorization are
Jurjani’s novel theory of relationship between trigeminal
attributed to nafs. He then highlighted the importance of mizāj
neuralgia and arterial movements close to the nerve is quite
(temperament) of brain as well as of pneuma in execution of
commendable. His description of brain disorders is very clear
psychic function. If mizāj of brain is normal then its functions
and impressive.(Sina I, YNM)
are normal too. Any alteration in the mizāj of brain results in
Zakhira Khwarizam Shahi is divided into 10 parts. In the 6th alteration in mizāj of rūḥ-i-nafsāni, as digestive faculty of
part he described diseases of whole body starting from head to brain becomes weak and brain cannot concoct the rūḥ
toe. Disorders of brain are described in initial portion of the efficiently. Now the process of transformation of rūḥ-i-
sixth parts, which consists of five parts. First part is related to ḥaywāni into rūḥ-i-nafsāni becomes disturbed. In other words
inflammatory diseases of brain and meninges that includes brain is unable to purify rūḥ. This impure rūḥ is not conducive
different types of meningitis, coma vigil, catalepsy etc. Second for psychic functions anymore, especially when it get mixed
part consists of disorders caused by accumulation of morbid with any accumulated humour in brain then it results in
humours and bad vapours in the brain like melancholia, love disturbed and irregular (decreased, absent, altered) psychic
sickness, insanity, insomnia, hydrocephalus etc. Third part functions. These disturbed psychic functions are manifestation
consists of diseases caused by accumulation of viscous of psychiatric disorder.
phlegmatic humours in ventricles and channels of brain. These
He also has documented the role of sawdā in causation of
are vertigo and giddiness, epilepsy and apoplexy etc. In fourth
psychiatric disorder based on relationship of essence of rūḥ-i-
part diseases of nerves like fasciculations, Facial palsy,
nafsāni to nur (brightness/light). Being very delicate rūḥ-i-
numbness, tremor, paralysis, convulsions are included which
International Journal of Current Advanced Research Vol 9, Issue 06(D), pp 22602-22604, June 2020
nafsāni attracts towards nur. More the attraction of rūḥ-i- Acknowledgement: We are thankful to librarian, National
nafsāni, better the execution of psychic function. However, Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore for their support.
sawdā is being dark in colour and thick in consistency could
Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of
not become a source of attraction for rūḥ-i-nafsāni. Instead,
excessive and abnormal sawdā produces such alteration in rūḥ-
i-nafsāni which is not conducive for execution of psychic Source of Funding: None
function. On the basis of above pathophysiology, role of sawdā
in causation of various psychiatric disorders like depression, References
phobia etc. can be understood. 1. Al-Qitfi JA. Tarikh-al-Hukama. New Delhi: CCRUM;
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He further mentioned that change in mizāj of brain may be 2. Jurjani AH, Zakhira Khawarizam Shahi New Delhi:
with or without involvement of morbid matter. Whenever there Idara Kitab-ul-Shifa; 2010.2-4, 24-26, 71.
is increased dryness in brain, insomnia occurs. Dominance of 3. Moattar F, Ardekani MR, Ghannadi A. The life of
heat and dryness leads to disturbance in memory. Jumood Jurjani:one of the Persian pioneers of medical
(catalepsy) is caused by excessive dryness and coldness in encyclopedia compiling: on the occasion of his 1000th
brain, whereas excessive sleep results from dominance of birthday anniversary (434, a.h – 1434, a.h.). Iran Red
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humour in ventricles and channels of brain, it results in their M, Cohen-Gadol AA. EsmailJorjani (1042-1137) and
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Accumulation of morbid matter in forebrain causes visual spasm, and Bell’s palsy. Neurosurgery. 2010; 67: 431-
hallucination and delusion as well as annoying thoughts. 434.
Whereas, when morbid matter accumulates in midbrain and 5. Sina I. Al-QanoonfilTib. New Delhi: Idara Kitabul
hind brain it results in phobia and loss of memory Shifa.YNM. 70.
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CONCLUSION 7. Tibi S. Al-Razi and Islamic Medicine in the 9thcentury.J
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be explained yet. However, in Islamic golden age physicians 8. Usaiba IA. Uyunulanba fi Tabqatil Atibba (Urdu
has explained these disorders based on philosophy of Unani translation by CCRUM). Vol. II. New Delhi: CCRUM;
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its transformation and circulation into has clarity. Most of 9. Vasti N. Tibb-ul-Arab. New Delhi: CCRUM; 2010.
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Ismail Jurjani’s contribution to medicine especially his
expertise in neuro-anatomy clinical neurology and psychiatry
were best exemplified in his book Zakhira Khwarizam Shahi.
In which he explored almost all the branches of medicine. This
book alone is sufficient to recognize him as an expert of
How to cite this article:
Dr. Sana Kauser Ateeque Ahmed et al (2020) 'Ismail Jurjani’s Description of Pathophysiology of Psychiatric Disorders in
Zakhira Khwarizam Shahi', International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 09(06), pp. 22602-22604.
DOI: 22604.4464



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