Matrix of Curriculum Standards (Competencies), With Corresponding Recommended Flexible Learning Delivery Mode and Materials Per Grading Period

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Matrix of Curriculum Standards (Competencies),

with Corresponding Recommended Flexible Learning Delivery Mode and Materials per Grading Period


Week of the Learning competencies Lesson Exemplar/ Learning LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ Grade 3 Science resources available developer available (provide a
online) link if online)

1st Q/ Describing real objects/vedio Arthur DC

Describe different objects based on their characteristics
Week 1-2 (e.g. Shape, Weight, Volume, Ease of flow)
1st Q/ Classify objects and materials as solid, liquid, and gas based Classifying real objects/vedio Luz E.
Week 3-5 on some observable characteristics Osmeña
1st Q/ Describe changes in materials based on the effect of Describing /Observing real Michelle
Week 6-8 temperature: objects H.
1 Solid to liquid
2 Liquid to solid
3 Liquid to gas
4 Solid to gas
2nd Q/ Describe the parts and functions of the sense organs of the Describing /Vedio,laptop Aiisa C.
Week 1-2 human body Corpuz
2nd Q/ Modelling?Vedio human Jennifer
Enumerate healthful habits to protect the sense organs
Week 2 resource M.Rojo
Describing/Pictures,/Charts Jennifer A.
Describe animals in their immediate surroundings
2nd Q/ Tinaja
Week 3 Identifying/charts/Vedio Job S.
Identify the parts and functions of animals
Zape Jr
2nd Q/ Classifying/Pictures Leni S.
Classify animals according to body parts and use
Week 4 Solutan
Diiscussing/Charts/Film John
State the importance of animals to humans viewing Fritzgerald
Describing/Vedio Neolita S.
Describe ways of proper handling of animals
2nd Q/ Describe the parts of different kinds of plants Describing/real object/vedio Neolita S.
Week of the Learning competencies Lesson Exemplar/ Learning LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ Grade 3 Science resources available developer available (provide a
online) link if online)

Week 5 Sarabia
Describing /observing /charts Neolita S.
State the importance of plants to humans
2nd Q/ Describing Neolita S.
Week 6 Describe ways of caring and proper handling of plants /observing/pictures Sarabia

Comparing/real Leni S.
Compare living with nonliving things
objects/pictures Solutan
2nd Q/ Identify observable characteristics that are passed on from Identifying/charts/pictures Leni s.
Week 7 parents to offspring (e.g., humans, animals, plants); Solutan
2nd Q/ Identify the basic needs of humans, plants and animals such Identifying /pictures Job s. Zape
Week 8 as air, food, water, and shelter Jr.
2nd Q/ Explain how living things depend on the environment to Discussing/observing/pictures Job s. Zape
Week 9 meet their basic needs Jr.
2nd Q/ Recognize that there is a need to protect and conserve the Observing/pictures/vedio Jennifer
Week 10 environment M. Rojo
3rd Q/ Describe the position of a person or an object in relation to a Describing/pictures/vedio Jennifer
Week 1-3 reference point such as chair, door, another person M. Rojo
3rd Q/ Observing/real objects Jennifer
Describe sources of light and sound, heat and electricity
Week 4-6 M. Rojo
3rd Q/ Observing/viewing vedio Jennifer
Enumerate uses of light, sound, heat and electricity
Week 7-9 M. Rojo
4th Q/ Relate the importance of surroundings to people and other Observing/vedio Aiisa C.
Week 1-2 living things Corpuz
4th Q/ Describing/observing/actual Aiisa C.
Describe the changes in the weather over a period of time
Week 3-4 activity Corpuz
4th Q/ Enumerate and practice safety and precautionary measures Observing/charts/viewing Aiisa C.
Week 5 in dealing with different types of weather Corpuz
4th Q/ Describe the natural objects that are found in the sky during Describing/pictures Aiisa C.
Week 6-7 daytime and nighttime Corpuz
4th Q/ Communicate how the natural objects in the sky affect daily Discussing/Actual/vedio Aiisa C.
Week 8 activities Corpuz
Week of the Learning competencies Lesson Exemplar/ Learning LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ Grade 3 Science resources available developer available (provide a
online) link if online)

4th Q/ Enumerate safety measures to avoid the harmful effects of Observing/Charts Aiisa C.
Week 9 the Sun’s heat and light Corpuz

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