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Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the Degree of


Session – 2018-21


Supervisor ROLL NO. 181090535001
Sem – 6th, BBA



This is to declare that I ABHISHEK KUMAR student of BBA, at

University of Lucknow, Lucknow have personally worked on the project


LUCKNOW CITY AT LUCKNOW” The data mentioned in this report

were obtained during genuine work done and collected by me. The data

obtained from other sources have been duly acknowledged. The result

embodied in this project has not been submitted to any other University or

Institute for the award of any degree.

Roll No. 181090535001
BBA, 6th Semester


First of all I thank God for giving me this wonderful opportunity to

undertake this research which is a part of my BBA program.

I would like to sincerely thank Mr. Ravi Karan Singh for giving me the

wonderful opportunity to work under his able guidance and support

throughout my research.

I also thank persons working at telecom industry for giving me their valuable

time and vital information which forms a part of this report.

I would also like to thank my colleagues for rendering their help to me in this


Last but not the least, I thank my parents for their prayers, help and advice

which helped me a lot to complete this project report.


Marketing plays vital role in today‟s business scenario in consumer product

Company, when there is such a high competition in the market.

The emphasis in the project is providing the study and an insight into goods

scenario. The project is designed to provide participation of BBA program as

on the job experience. This has given a chance to try and apply the academic

knowledge and gain insight into corporate culture. This helps in developing

decision making abilities and emphasizes on active participation by the


I undertook my project a leading Online Shopping and marketing partner of

the Bisleri Water. During the training, I had work on the project “On

Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Bisleri Water in Lucknow City”

I gained valuable experience & knowledge during this survey. This project

consists of my findings after data analysis & conclusions were drawn and

recommendations were put forward.


S. No. Contents Page No.

1. Introduction 1 – 10

2. Company profile 11 – 36

3. Objectives of the study 37 - 39

4. Scope of the study 39

5. Importance & use of the study 39

6. Research methodology 40 – 45

7. Data analysis and interpretation 46 – 61

8. Findings 62 – 63

9. Suggestions and recommendations 64 – 65

10. Limitations 66 – 67

11. Conclusions 68 – 69

12. Bibliography 70 – 71

13. Annexure 72 – 76




Consumer behavior is the study of when, why, how, where and what people

do or do not buy products. It blends elements from psychology, sociology,

social psychology, anthropology and economics. It attempts to understand the

buyer decision making process, both individually and in groups. It studies

characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioural

variables in an attempt to understand people's wants. It also tries to assess

influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference

groups, and society in general. Customer behaviour study is based on

consumer buying behaviour, with the customer playing the three distinct roles

of user, payer and buyer. Relationship marketing is an influential asset for

customer behaviour analysis as it has a keen interest in the re-discovery of the

true meaning of marketing through the re-affirmation of the importance of the

customer or buyer. A greater importance is also placed on consumer retention,

customer relationship management, personalisation, customisation and one-to-

one marketing. Social functions can be categorized into social choice and

welfare functions. Each method for vote counting is assumed as a social

function but if Arrow‟s possibility theorem is used for a social function, social

welfare function is achieved. Some specifications of the social functions are

decisiveness, neutrality, anonymity, monotonocity, unanimity, homogeneity

and weak and strong Paretooptimality. No social choice function meets these

requirements in an ordinal scale simultaneously. The most important

characteristic of a social function is identification of the interactive effect of

alternatives and creating a logical relation with the ranks. Marketing provides

services in order to satisfy customers. With that in mind, the productive

system is considered from its beginning at the production level, to the end of

the cycle, the consumer (Kioumarsi et al., 2009).

Belch and Belch define consumer behavior as 'the process and activities

people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating,

and disposing of products and services so as to satisfy their needs and desires'.

The black box model shows the interaction of stimuli, consumer

characteristics, decision process and consumer responses.[1] It can be

distinguished between interpersonal stimuli (between people) or intrapersonal

stimuli (within people).[2] The black box model is related to the black box

theory of behaviorism, where the focus is not set on the processes inside a

consumer, but the relation between the stimuli and the response of the

consumer. The marketing stimuli are planned and processed by the

companies, whereas the environmental stimulus are given by social factors,

based on the economical, political and cultural circumstances of a society. The

buyers black box contains the buyer characteristics and the decision process,

which determines the buyers response.

The black box model considers the buyers response as a result of a conscious,

rational decision process, in which it is assumed that the buyer has recognized

the problem. However, in reality many decisions are not made in awareness of

a determined problem by the consumer.

Information search

Once the consumer has recognised a problem, they search for information on

products and services that can solve that problem. Belch and Belch (2007)

explain that consumers undertake both an internal (memory) and an external


Sources of information include:

Personal sources

Commercial sources

Public sources

Personal experience

The relevant internal psychological process that is associated with information

search is perception. Perception is defined as 'the process by which an

individual receives, selects, organises, and interprets information to create a

meaningful picture of the world'

The selective perception process

Stage Description

- Selective exposure consumers select which promotional messages they

will expose themselves to.

- Selective attention consumers select which promotional messages they

will pay attention to

- Selective comprehension consumer interpret messages in line with their

beliefs, attitudes, motives and experiences

- Selective retention consumers remember messages that are more

meaningful or important to them

The implications of this process help develop an effective promotional

strategy, and select which sources of information are more effective for the



At this time the consumer compares the brands and products that are in their

evoked set. How can the marketing organization increase the likelihood that

their brand is part of the consumer's evoked (consideration) set? Consumers

evaluate alternatives in terms of the functional and psychological benefits that

they offer. The marketing organization needs to understand what benefits

consumers are seeking and therefore which attributes are most important in

terms of making a decision.

Purchase decision

Once the alternatives have been evaluated, the consumer is ready to make a

purchase decision. Sometimes purchase intention does not result in an actual

purchase. The marketing organization must facilitate the consumer to act on

their purchase intention. The provision of credit or payment terms may

encourage purchase, or a sales promotion such as the opportunity to receive a

premium or enter a competition may provide an incentive to buy now. The

relevant internal psychological process that is associated with purchase

decision is integration.

Post purchase evaluation

The EKB model was further developed by Rice (1993) which suggested there

should be a feedback loop, Foxall (2005) further suggests the importance of

the post purchase evaluation and that the post purchase evaluation is key due

to its influences on future purchase patterns.


Buying in have several meanings:

In the securities market it refers to a process by which the buyer of

securities, whose seller fails to deliver the securities contracted for, can

'buy in' the securities from a third party with the defaulting seller to

make good.

In poker it signifies the up-front payment required to participate in a

given game or tournament.

In management and decision making, buy-in (as a verb or noun)

signifies the commitment of interested or affected parties to a decision

(often called stakeholders) to 'buy in' to the decision, that is, to agree to

give it support, often by having been involved in its formulation.

Securities market use

On the English stock exchange, a transaction by which, if a member has sold

securities which he fails to deliver on settling day, or any of the succeeding

ten days following the settlement, the buyer may give instructions to a stock

exchange official to "buy in" the stock required. The official announces the

quantity of stock, and the purpose for which he requires it, and whoever sells

the stock must be prepared to deliver it immediately. The original seller has to

pay the difference between the two prices, if the latter is higher than the

original contract price. A similar practice, termed "selling out," prevails when

a purchaser fails to take up his securities. The practice is not limited to the UK

Stock Exchange but is found in various forms on most stock exchanges. The

rules vary according to the local regulations, and the party which fails to

deliver is usually penalised and may even be suspended.

Alternatives to short selling available on the SGX:

1. Borrow the share and proceed to sell a stock.

2. Buy a put warrant

3. Short a CFD.

4. Sell a Single Stock Future (SSF) in the futures market.


The process of lobbying for support for part of the influential group before

suggesting an idea, arguing a case or submitting a report.

In the sports world, buying in is a significant aspect of players/participants

accepting goals and direction from a coach, leader or program. "Buying in"

becomes synonymous with commitment and dedication. In the Spring of

2007, two film makers, Tim Breitbach (Dopamine) and Ralph Barhydt, started

producing a film entitled, "Buying In" that explores the social issues of buying

in based on the success of the boys' and girls' high school basketball teams at

The Branson School, in Ross, California, who each won the State

Championship in their division in 2007.



Water is the most important liquid in the world. Without water, there would

be no life, at least not the way we know it. In today's living condition, the

need for Pure Drinking Water is becoming the issue for the common Man.

Eighty percent of the human metabolism consists of water. This is the reason why 90% of

human diseases are water borne. There are 3 types of water impurities, which are root cause

of water borne diseases.

1. Microbiological-Bacteria / virus.

2. Dissolved impurities - chemical.

3. Imbalance of Mineral Content.

There are rapid changes that are taking place in our environment since long

and the air and the water pollution is on an increase. The main source of

drinking water is river and downstream which also have not been able to

escape the pollution. When a consumer became aware of the problems caused

by water pollution the market saw an advent of ceramic water filters, which

filters the dust and suspended particles but dissolved impurities and

microbiological impurities are not cleared out. The mineral balance is also not


1980's witnessed more changes by a tap attachment wherein Iodine resin is

used to filter the water. It deactivates microbiological impurities to an extent

but has side effects due to iodine and it does not take care of dissolved

impurities mineral balance.

Late 1980's witnessed Ultra Violent based purifier, which filters dust and

deactivates bacteria to a great extent. It maintains the odor and color of water

but does not clear out the dissolved impurities and mineral particles. Thus

came advent of mineral water.

Historically, the need for purified water within Indian homes had been kept

down to a minimum. Essentially, there were three types of water that was used

for different purposes. The first type was used for rinsing. The second type,

which was used for cooking, was cleaner and kept covered. The third type was

the cleanest – drinking water – and was very often boiled before use.

Since an average family needed a small quantity, not more than five or six

liters a day, boiled and filtered water had been a convenient solution for some

time .The fallouts were obvious. It was very difficult to convince the people

that purification system was worth the price. There was no visible way to

demonstrate the benefit. The otherwise somnolent market began to change

once companies like Eureka Forbes targeted the office segment, while the

mineral water players went after travelers. Ion Exchange was the only

company, which had any measure of success in entering homes with Zero-B.

But clean drinking water returned on the national agenda a little later.

Around 1989, drinking water became an issue again.

“Around early 1990s,Time did a story on India as a key emerging market and

that was the trigger for all the players eyeing this market”.


West Europeans, south Asians and Japanese live in the most densely

populated regions of the globe and worry constantly about the quality of their

drinking water drawn from rivers and lakes. Most is polluted and unfit for

human consumption. In North America, people never worried about water

quality and safety until early 1970‟s and restaurants always provided iced

water free. Some still do. Then came Perrier, the French mineral water

emphasizing how restaurateurs could increase their revenues by replacing iced

water service with bottled water. Restaurateurs never miss an opportunity to

increase their profits, and soon studies started to surface claiming that serving

iced water was costly and no one benefited. Many restaurants started serving

automatically bottled water, and charged outrageous amounts i.e $ 3.50 for

300 ml. These days, a 750 ml bottle goes for $ 10.- in some restaurants, plus

applicable taxes and tip!

Meanwhile, the word savvy bottled water marketers started circulating the

myth that drinking bottled mineral water is safer, never mentioning what

their studies were comparing.

It is said that the inhabitants of seven cities between Switzerland and the

Netherlands consume the water of the Rhine River. In these parts people drink

beer, wine, bottled water or fruit juices and shun tap water. North Americans

have recently begun to drink bottled water, but already the distinction between

spring water, mineral water, and filtered tap water is blurred beyond

redemption. Spring water must come from a natural springs with proven

purity of contaminants; mineral water must contain 2000 parts per million in

minerals; and filtered tap water means just that. Europeans always preferred

mineral water or eau de source (spring water) since their rivers were polluted

a long time ago. Now considerable efforts are made to clean all major

European Rivers. The Rhine River, the Thames, the Loire are clean enough to

allow several species of fish to thrive.

As always, large companies with considerable cash reserves dominate the

market. Groupe Danone, a French conglomerate, markets Evian, Volvic and

Crystal Springs; Nestle, a Swiss food multinational with headquarters in

Montreux markets Perrier, Nestle Pure Life and San Pellegrino. Not to be

outdone soft drink giant Coca-Cola joined the cause with filtered tap water

and positioned their brand as pure, safe, life-style water. Coca Cola markets

Dasani and Pepsi Cola Aquafina. When it comes to mineral water, Voss

(Norway); Tynant (Ireland); Vitel, Cathledon, Volvic, (France); Appolinaris

(Germany), Spa (Belgium); Gasteiner (Austria); San Benedetto, San

Pellegrino, Aqua di Nepi, Lete (Italy), Ramlosa (Sweden);Borsec (Romania)

stand out. They display distinct taste profiles that spring and filtered waters

lack, but tend to be more expensive. When it comes to consumption,

Canadians consume approximately 30 litres per capita, Italians 158 litres,

French 133, Dutch 119, Germans 101 and Americans 76. The low per capita

consumption can be attributed to the illusion that tap water is safe. In reality,

only large cities control tap water quality regularly and vigorously and treat it

appropriately for safety. In small communities, scarce financial resources and

lacking expertise often make tap water safety questionable. Since the

introduction of PET bottles (polyethylene terephate) bottled water

consumption increased by 16 percent in five years and continuing growth of

the market is forecast by the Canadian Bottled Water Association in

Richmond Hill, Ontario. The question for restaurant patrons remains whether

to ask for bottled or mineral water, or demand ice water.

It all depends on the situation. You can ask politely for ice water, if that is

what you prefer, or a glass of wine, or beer. The cost is almost the same for all

the three, or you can complain to management that prices charged for bottled

water are ridiculous as is the case with wine.



A few years back, the mineral water market had been crawling at the rate of 3-4%, or even

a lower figure. Indians carried drinking water in earthen pitchers, plastic or PUF bottles.

But increasing cases of typhoid and other waterborne diseases began to be reported. In

addition to this, liberalization happened and the mineral water industry began to be stirred

and shaken. The market started growing an astounding rate of over 100% per annum. The

fact that there were very few players in the market meant that their business grew by leaps

and bounds.

The market today has grown to Rs11bn. The organized sector -- branded

mineral water -- has only Rs5bn of market share. The rest is accounted for by

the unorganized sector, which is dominated by small regional players. The

market is still growing – at a rate greater than 80% per annum.

In the branded segment, Parle‟s Bisleri is the market leader with a share of more than 45%.

Parle Agro‟s Bailley comes a close second with market share of 15%. Other major players

in the market are Yes of Kotharis, Ganga of T-Series, Himalayan, Hello, Nestlé‟s Pure

Life, Pepsi‟s Aquafina, Coca-Cola‟s -Kinley Prime, and Florida etc.

Sensing the opportunity that this segment holds, MNCs began to draw up plans to enter the

market. Today the market is proving to be yet another battlefield for an ongoing battle

between the Desi‟s and MNC‟s. Last year the industry had around 170 brands. This figure

is over 300 presently. The major foreign players are Coca-Cola promoted Kinley, Pepsi‟s

Aquafina, Britannia‟s Evian, Nestlé‟s Perrier, Herbert sons and Danone International.


It is complete and an unbeatable plan designed specifically for attaining the marketing

objective of a firm. The marketing objective indicate what the firm want to achieve. The

marketing strategy provides the design for achieving them the linkage between

marketing strategies and over all corporate success is indeed direct and vital. Realizing the

marketing objectives is the purpose of two generic categories .

1. price based

2. Differentiation based

Price Based Marketing Strategy

a business that opts for the price route in its competitive battle will enjoy certain

flexibilities in matter of its product and use prices as main competitive level . it will price

its product to suit the varying competitive demands . it will be enjoying certain inherent

cost advantages , which permits it to resort a price based fight . the major forms where

such cost advantage can occurs are economies of sale , absolute cost advantages ,.

Benefits of early entry a large market share build over a time . it provides freedom in the

matter of pricing but after producing a particular product and getting stuck in the face of

the competition , one can not successfully opt for a price led strategy .

The differentiation based strategy

marketing strategy based on differentiation works on the principle that any aspect of the

offer and any activity of the firm can be made distinctive compared with the competiting

offers. Right from technology, plant location to post sale and service a company can

perceptibly differentiate and many buyer values. Companies usually choose those functions

, Which give them the greatest relative advantage.

Different firms adopts different strategy stances as their situational design differ-

Broadly strategy stances can be classified under three heads-

1- Offensive Strategy-

Offensive Strategy also known as confrontation strategy , is a strategy of aggression. A

firm that is not presently the leader usually employs it, but it aspires to leadership

position in the Industry.

2- Defensive Strategy-

The leader who has the compulsion to defend his position against the confrontation of

powerful existing competitors or to dislodge the leader from his topmost position

usually employs it.

3- Niche Strategy-

A firm pactising the niche strategy neither confronts other nor defends itself. It

cultivates a small market segment for itself with unique products / services supported

by a unique marketing mix.

Formulating the Marketing Strategy-

Formulating the marketing strategy consists of two main steps-

1- Selecting the target market-

It doesnot fully bring out yhe import of the inseperable linkage between the two. When

the selection of the target market is over an important part of the markting strategy of

the firm is already determined, defined and expressed.

2- Assembling the marketing mix-

Assembling the marketing mix means assembling the four p‟s of marketing in the right


The firm has to find out how it can generate the best sales and profit. It plans different

marketing mixes with varying levels of expenditure on each element and tries to figure

out the effectiveness of each combination in terms of the possible sales and profit.


Every brand needs a good ad campaign to establish itself in the market. So it

becomes very imperative to look at various ad campaigns that Bisleri

undertook to build itself as a brand. Bisleri started its game plan with the

punch line of „Pure and Safe‟ and used the same catch-line for advertising.

But with the advent of many new players, all claiming the purity, it became

very imperative for Bisleri to differentiate its product so as to stand out in the

market. Bisleri found the answer in „sealed cap bottles‟. It claimed 100%

purity. While the bottles of the other brands, it claimed, could be refilled with

ordinary, or even germinated water, Bisleri‟s seal capped bottles ensured the

consumer of purity of water and single-used ness of the bottles. The ad

showed a milk-man and a child showering their buffaloes and filling the „so-

called‟ mineral water bottles with the same water and packing them with the

simple polythene seal and the consumer not knowing about the „purity‟ of the

water he is drinking. Next clip shows the Bisleri bottles being sealed with

plastic caps and ensuring the purity of water. The ad did work for Bisleri and

it got its much needed product differentiation.

In 2000, some giant brands like Pepsi and coca-cola entered the mineral water

industry with a big bang. Bisleri now had a big threat of maintaining its

market cap. While Coca-cola introducing its brand „Kinley‟ as a health care

product, Pepsi projected „Aquafina‟ as something as pure as „Your own body‟.

Pepsi targeted the young generation and introduced Aquafina as a fancy

product to carry.

The ad campaign of Aquafina emphasized as „70% of your body is water‟ and

thus give your body the purest water. The ad showed young vibrant models

and created the atmosphere of youthfulness. Water, Pepsi claimed, was no

longer a simple beverage, but was something highly fashionable. They

complimented it by giving their bottles an attractive look. This soon caught

the eye of the consumer. All these factors made Pepsi the biggest upcoming

competitor of Bisleri (whereas Kinley lagged behind the race, showing a

doctor advising a family to take Kinley for pure water – not a very attractive

ad campaign).

Bisleri, to counter-attack the new „Feel-Young‟ fever had to even bolder steps.

They first changed their base line from „Pure and Safe‟ to „Play Safe‟. They

tried a brand new ad campaign to catch the fancy of consumer. The new ad

showed a young romantic couple on a marooned island, when the girl

seductively attracts the guy and he follows her in trance. The moment he gets

hold of her, she whispers something in his ears. The next few shots show the

guy looking for something in frenzy…can not find it….rushes towards the

chemist‟s shop….buys „something‟ (keeping the audience in suspense…or

rather implicitly pointing for „……‟). The girl opens it and….POOF….takes

out a bottle of Bisleri and quenches her thirst. Caption: “Play Safe”. This

campaign was to catch the attention of youth and a new Indian society which

is supposed to be „not-so-prudish‟. Thus Bisleri has taken a very bold step.

The T.V. ads have been complimented by print ads also. The company has to

focus on the marketing management of the product. In light of the challenge in

front of the company and its current strengths and position, we have

incorporated the marketing mix to counter the marketing strategies of the

competitors by developing its own marketing.


A drop-dead gorgeous body flexes its muscles on the screen. This starkly

arresting black and white image is then splashed with water. A voice-over

informs you that 70 per cent of your body is water. Why not give it the

purest…. Aquafina Bottled water from Pepsi.

This kind of advertisement campaign used by the competitors is giving the

company a tough time. The competitor, Pepsi, is utilizing the brand image

built by it and is again targeting the “Generation X” maintaining the company

image. It‟s an unusual ad for this category. Till now, most marketers have

focused on educating the consumer on how bottled water is a safer option,

with the lead of course, taken by the popular national brand Bisleri.

But Pepsi chose to junk this approach and it could well afford to. Bisleri, after

all, had already done most of the hard work needed to build the bottled water

category. What Pepsi needed was to establish its brand in this crowded,

fragmented market. Our task was made easier because was made easier

because Bisleri had concentrated on educating the consumer, instead of

building its own brand values," says Rohit Ohri, vice president and client

services director, Hindustan Thompson Associates Limited (HTA). We

wanted the imagery to posit~on Aquafina as a youthful, premium and fun

brand," says Vibha Rishi, executive director, Pepsi. The idea, she says, was

not to objectify bodies so that one could drool over them. "Instead, we are

talking about your body and the need for each one to take care of his or her

body." The ad copy, which spoke of the water content in our bodies, was

actually trying to establish how important water was to our well- being and

how we need to continuously replenish it.

While the thinking was clear that the imagery had to be built in and around

purity, HTA did toy with a couple of other ideas and situations. Initially, the

idea was to focus more strongly on the fun aspect and create a story line

complete with a smart idea and a twist at the end. "But we gave it up because

we felt that the story might take the mind away from the purity aspect that was

a must to highlight," says Ohri.

So HTA adopted a minimalist approach and created a film with little clutter

and no props, which tried to capture the emotion of "feeling good about

yourself'. While the film and the imagery are completely the work of HT A,

the strategic thinking comes from the Mother Company in the US.

Aquafina, in fact, is the largest-selling bottled water brand in the US with a 12

per cent market share, and India is the first country outside of the US where

Aquafina is being bottled. Even in the US, the ad talks of the percentage of

water in our bodies, but the handling is a little more serious. For example, the

film will show an emotional moment where someone starts crying, and then

you will hear the voice-over, "85 per cent of your eyes are water.

"There is no internal law that forces us to follow the international positioning.

But seeing the quality of thinking that has gone into this, we decided to stay

with this positioning, though the statements here are quite different," explains


Aquafina, like all offeFings that come from the Pepsi stable, also imbibes the

core values of the mother brand. It addresses the Pepsi-user base, largely the

youth, and like Pepsi ,it is also being positioned as a hip brand. But Aquafina

is a lot that Pepsi is not. It is a little bit older, mature and affluent, and not as

mass based as Pepsi.

Pepsi's role in the communication is that it is the source of credibility for the

product and, of course, establishes the youthfulness of the brand. But

Aquafina is a brand in its own right and with each piece of communication, its

personality will emerge," feels Ohri. But while Aquafina is being given a

distinct identity, it is also being targeted at the Pepsi consumer and is

addressing their need for safe and reliable drinking water. Will this not

cannibalize Pepsi sales? "Water does eat into the cola market," agrees Rishi,

"but we can't build a business for Pepsi based on people's lack of access to

safe drinking water.

How can any business be built on deprivation?" Both will have to co-exist and

carve a market out for themselves, And~ while Pepsi targets the 18-25 year

olds, Aquafina also includes the 30-somethings together with the college

crowd. Like Pepsi, Aquafina too is looking to command a premium without

being unaffordable.

It is being positioned as a premium product, not via pricing, but in imagery

and packaging. Priced at Rs. 10 in Delhi for a 750ml. bottle, it is priced

marginally higher than the competition that gives you one liter for Rs. 10. The

swirl shaped PET bottle resembles the Pepsi family and is sturdier and more

hip than most others in the category that take their design cues, it seems, from

the one liter refined oil bottles in the market. The decision to break the norm

and come up with a 750 ml pack size was more driven by the fact that water is

fundamentally consumed on the go and the 750 ml size is easy to carry

around. "It is ideal for an half-an-hour in the sun, one liter gets too bulky,"

says Rishi. Pepsi's future plans at the moment don't include commg up with

size variants. They have also ruled out the possibility of catering to the bulk

market, which actually constitutes 30 per cent of the total bottled water market

that stands at 70 million liters annually, and is growing anywhere between 30

and 50 per cent.

Pepsi, obviously, is looking for a big slice of this burgeoning market, but as

Subroto Chattopadhyay, executive vice president, marketing, Pepsi, says, "We

have a building blocks approach, first we have to build the brand, and then the


Bisleri is tackling the situation by building the brand on the purity plank. Akin

to brand building in soft drinks, an aggressive print-and-TV campaign is being

backed by hoarding, point-of-sale material, and every interface with the

consumer is being used as an opportunity to reinforce the message. For

instance, all the vehicles used for supply have been painted in bright blue,

bear the Bisleri logo and sport catchy baselines like . "Play Safe".


Variety is spices of life. Today for any business organization to be successful

it has to provide its customer with the differentiated product that is a value

buy for them. In order to cater to yhe changing needs of the customer the

business has to continuously come out with the variants of the products so that

it can target the maximum segments.

Today Aqua Minerals offers a variety of packaging options: 1 lit, 2 lit, 5 liy,

20 lit. The 5 litre bottles account for 35 % of sales showing a growing health

concern among the Indian society. 1 litre bottles account for 30% of the share

The 2 litres bottle introduced to slowly and steadily replace the conventional

1 litre bottle.

The 5 litre packs, launched in dec 1999 in Goa, now available everywhere.


It‟s obvious that availability holds the key to the market .For any product to be

successful yhe distribution system has to be really good. Large tracts of the

country have not been explored by the national brands, which explain the

proliferation of smaller brands.

Bisleri‟s strategy is to build a direct distribution system at an all India level

that means serious investment In company owned trucks and carts, this would

make it the largest fleet owner in the country. Bisleri has around 80,000 retail

outlets in the country with about 12,000 each in the delhi and Mumbai. It is

intended to be increased this no. to 10,00,000 in order to expand brands


The company will invest approximately Rs.200 cr. to procure 2000 trucks and

hire same no. of sales people . the company plans to have its own distribution

network in places where it has its own plant.


The set of controllable tactical tools- product, price, promotion, and

place (4 Ps), that the firm blends to produce the response it wants, in

the target markets.

The 4Ps


The main product of the company is the mineral water by the name of

Bisleri Mineral water. Other than mineral water the company has also

the soda water under its brand name called the Bisleri Soda Water. The

concept of bottled mineral water was introduced in India, first by

Bisleri, and that is the reason, it has become a generic name for the

mineral water. Bisleri has become a perfect synonym of the mineral

water for the Indian consumers.

The main challenge facing the company or any other player in this

mineral water industry is that there is no scope of invention and

innovation in the product, which can be added as the additional benefits

of the product.

It is just water after all. This is what the Indian customers think of the

bottled water. If we are talking about a product like television we can

think that the innovations could provide extra benefits derived from the

product. For example other than its core usage the product can provide

for Internet facilities using conversion.


Place stands for the company activities that make the product available

to the target customers. To make the product available to the target

consumers a good distribution network has to be there to support th e

good quality of the product. Here in the case of the mineral water

industry the distribution network is the important factor in being

competitive and the catch lies in making water available to maximum

number of places in the country.


The small-scale players built their sales by piggybacking on the generic

category built up by Bisleri. It‟s a battle that Bisleri can win by sheer

distribution muscle. One of the reasons why Bisleri is running strong in

this industry is its strong distribution network built over the years since

its inception. Further, Bisleri plans to increase its distribution network

over the southern and eastern region, where it is behind popular brands

like Team in Tamil Nadu and in Andhra Pradesh.

Prices for following packaging variants

(An Economic Factor Affecting The Buyer‟s Behavior)

Price is the sum of values that consumer exchange for the benefits of

having or using the product or service. Price is the only element in the

marketing mix that produces revenue. All other elements represent


In India, where the majority of the population comprise of the middle -

income group and lower income groups it is not hard to understand that

pricing is one of the most important factor in the buying decisions.

Bisleri has met the expectations of the consumers in terms of pricing

the product and also making the product available in variations of litres,

making Bisleri both convenient and affordable. The company is

following a very aggressive pricing. Its product is available at a very

reasonable price.

1.2 Ltrs Rs. 10/-

2 Ltrs Rs. 20/-

5 Ltrs Rs. 40/-


Modern marketing calls for more than just developing a good product,

pricing it attractively, and making it available to the target customers,

companies must also communicate with their customers, and what they

communicate should not be left to chance.

A Company‟s total marketing communications program- called its

Promotion Mix consists of specific blend of advertising, personal

selling, sales promotion, and public relations tools that the company

uses to pursue its advertising and marketing objectives.


While designing the advertisement campaign, it is necessary to keep in

mind the opinion leaders. Youth are the opinion leaders of the pr esent

time. And thus it becomes necessary to design the campaign keeping the

youth in mind. The opinion leaders would further trickle down the

message to the less active members of the society.

This is exactly what Bisleri is doing. Bisleri has started an

advertisement campaign stressing the point of purity and flaunting the

patent right the company has over the breakaway seal. The company has

tried to put the message across louder, by using the ad campaign that

catches the eye of everyone, specially the youth.


Bisleri t hat was looking for a differentiator decided to make the breakaway seal

the symbol of purity. The tamper-proof seal was developed, around which the

communication was woven. The campaign stresses the safety provided b y the

breakaway seal by illustrating the ease with which conventionally sealed bottles

can be refilled and recycled.

The objective with the campaign would have been to highlight the tamper -proof

seal and create doubt in the consumer‟s mind of the purity of the other brands.

That is, Bisleri is the only one that guarantees purity and keeps you Safe.

To conclude: We find that new advertisement campaign of Bisleri is eye

catching. This is what the company should do. And also the company

should make the message clearer to the customers that it has the patent

right over the breakaway seal. In the survey we found that the consumers

are aware of the breakaway seal but are not aware that the company has

the patent right.

Apart from a high dose of investments on expanding bottling capacities and an

ad budget that‟s risen six-fold over last year, if Bisleri wants to penetrate

every possible segment of the market, it can do that by introducing more pack

sizes and establishing the brand strongly with trendy new packaging.

Apart from creating consumer pull with campaign, the company, to increase

its sales would have to do the sales push as well. For that it would have to give

the retailers and other stockiest high trade margins and incentives for keeping

the product. This is very important in case of this product because consumers

would take up what is available to them at ease and whatever retailer is



The mineral water market is set to explode and hit the Rs.2,000-crore mark in

the next couple of years. This is drawing the big guns attention. First Britannia

launched Evian. And recently, soft drinks giant Pepsi entered the fray with

Aquafina. Now, Nestle too is reportedly planning a foray. Meanwhile, Parle

Agro‟s Bailey has been growing steadily. Small local players too are breathing

down Bisleri‟s neck riding on better trade margins and intensive distribution

(in their respective areas of operation).

The competition facing Bisleri can be categorized into a few brand names like

 Parle Bailey

 Pepsi Aquafina

 Coca Cola Kinley

With Parle‟s Bailey being the main competitor and second in market share in

the organized market, Bisleri faces tremendous competition from the

unorganized sector.



1. To study consumer perception about Bisleri Water usage.

2. To study consumer satisfaction level about services.

3. To know the market potential of Bisleri Miniral Water.

4. To study the factors that affects the choice of brand by consumer.


The scope formulation is the first step to a successful Research process.

Project undertaken the problem of analyzing the consumer buying behaviour

of Bisleri Water.


To keep things in mind that as the ever changing competitive business

environment. New thoughts and ideas should pour into its, Research &

Development to innovate its existing products which should be beyond

competitors comprehension.

This study enables the user with answer to formulate an effective marketing

mix strategy with a broader prospective to tap areas where it did not feel the

need earlier, hence the decision of whether to penetrate this section or not can

be found out at the end of the data analysis.

It also gives an idea of the potential of our business in the future & the

fluctuation in prices from time to time & from product to product.

Special reference is made to the improvement of ability of product in terms of

packaging & product innovations & advertisement always means to cut down






This chapter aims to understand the research methodology establishing a

framework of evaluation and revaluation of primary and secondary research.

The techniques and concepts used during primary research in order to arrive at

findings; which are also dealt with and lead to a logical deduction towards the

analysis and results.


The research design applied here was exploratory research

Exploratory Research is one in we don‟t know about the problem, we have to

find about the problem and then work on solving the problem. Whereas in

case of descriptive research, we know the problem, we just have to find the

solution to the problem. Generally descriptive research design is applied after

exploratory research design.

Here after doing the secondary research, we found the general perception

about the retail baking but then in second phase we tried to figure out where

the difference lies and on what basis the banks differ from each other


Research tool

The purpose is to first conduct a intensive secondary research to understand

the full impact and implication of the industry, to review and critique the

industry norms and reports, on which certain issues shall be selected, which

remain unanswered , this shall be further taken up in the next stage of

secondary research. This stage shall help to restrict and select only the

important question and issue, which inhabit growth and segmentation in the



Both primary and secondary data have been collected very vigorously

Secondary data: it is collected by the study of various reports. The reports

studied under secondary data. Primary Data was taken with questionnaire


The report is the result of a survey which was undertaken in Lucknow city.

The objectives of the project have been fulfilled by getting response from the

customer associated to these segments through a personal interview in the

form of a questionnaire. The responses available through the questionnaire

are used to evaluate the consumer behaviour for the products of Bisleri

Miniral Water and the willingness of the customer to purchase its products on


The project also covers an analysis of the switch over of customers to

competitor‟s products in the market.


The problem formulation is the first step to a successful Research process.

Project undertaken the problem of analyzing the consumer buying behaviour

of Bisleri Miniral Water.


Based on the problem the objective of the research is divided into two which

are as follows:

Primary Objective:

 To analyse consumer behaviour towards the company‟s products range.

Secondary Objective:

 Analyse consumer satisfaction for different type of Wallets.

 Analyse the Consumer behaviour of Bisleri Miniral Water.


The research design used in the project is exploratory design. The

investigation is carried upon the customers in Lucknow city. The reason for

choosing this design is to get responses from the customers so that their

buying behaviour about the products of the company and their loyalty could

be predicted.


The data has been taken from two sources

 Primary data source

The primary data source has been collected through questionnaire by

personally interviewing each respondent on a number of queries structured in

a questionnaire.

 Secondary data source

Secondary data was collected from following sources

Prior research reports




Personal consultation


The field work is conducted in the Lucknow city in various Places like Mall,

Showroom and retailers situated in different location all over the city.


The sample size consists of 100 units out of which the most logical and non

biased response are selected thus the sample size is taken out to be 100 units.



1. Gender

Male 78

Female 22

2. Age Group

18 years 47

19-29 36

30-40 12

40 above 5

3. Occupation

Students 36

Salaried 34

Business man 17

Other 13

4. Are u aware with the product of Bisleri Water?

Response %age

Yes 60

No 40





30 %age



Yes No

This analysis tell that 60% person know about Bisleri Water in lucknow.

5. Do you use Bisleri Water?

Response %age

Yes 52

No 18

Other 30





30 %age



Yes No other

This analysis tells that 52% use Bisleri Water water innovation & 30% person use
other brand.

6. Which E-Wallet services you are using?

PayTm 35

Mobikwik 23

SBI Buddy 16

ICICI Pocket 14

PayU money 12


Out of respondent 35% PayTm Wallet service, 23% Mobikwik service are

using, 16% SBI Buddy, 14% ICICI Pocket & 12% PayU Money services are


7. Where did you get the information about the services?

Newspaper 26

Friends 18

Relations 15

Colleges 17

Online 12

TV Ads 8

Other 4


Out of respondent 26% news paper get the information about the services,

18% friends information, 15% relations get the information, 17% colleges,

12% online, 8% TV ads & 4% other information about the services.

8. Why have you chosen your service provider?

References 22

Prior experience 28

Excellent service 18

Price promise 16

Network 13

Availability 3


Out of respondent 22% references has chosen service, 28% prior experience,

18% excellent service chosen provider, 13% network & 3% availability.

9. Would you like to change your Wallet service provider?

Yes 40

No 60


Out of respondent 40% like to change your wallets service provider & 60%


10. Can you remember any current advertisement of Bisleri Water?

Response %age

Yes 60

No 40



This analysis tells that 60% yes remember current advertisement of Bisleri
Water or 40% not.

11. Product promotions are very important for increasing sales in the market.

Response %age

Yes 95

No 5



This analysis tells that promotions are very important for increasing sales.

12.Which is the most effective medium for promotion of the product?

Response %age

Advertising 60

Sales 30

Internet 10








Advertising Sales promotion Internet

Advertisements are the best method of product promotion

13. What come in your mind when you think about Bisleri Water?

Response %age

A technology 55

A type of innovation 35

Nothing specific 10





30 %age



A technology A type of purifier Nothing specific

This analysis tells that Bisleri Water are good technology for water Innovation.

14. What is the sales promotion schemes offered on Bisleri Water?

Response %age

Price off 35

Discount coupons 30

Product bundling 10

Contests 25


20 %age
Price off Discount Product Contests
coupons bundling

In this analysis 35% person think price off are best option for promotion, 30%
discount coupons, 25% contest & 10% product bundling.

15. Comparisons of sales promotion scheme offered on Bisleri Water competitor.

Response % age

Superior & more frequent 35

Superior & less frequent 30

Similar & more frequent 10

Superior & less frequent 25







Superior & more Superior & less Similar & more
frequent frequent frequent



Out of respondent 35% PayTm Wallet service, 23% Mobikwik service

are using, 16% SBI Buddy, 14% ICICI Pocket & 12% PAyUmoney

services are using.

Out of respondent 26% news paper get the information about the

services, 18% friends information, 15% relations get the information,

17% colleges, 12% online, 8% TV ads & 4% other information about

the services.

Out of respondent 22% references has chosen service, 28% prior

experience, 18% excellent service chosen provider, 13% network & 3%


Out of respondent 40% like to change your Wallet service provider &

60% not.



The recommendations are:

 The brand loyalty for more can be increased if the Quality and appearance

of the products are given due attention and captured a major share of E-

Wallet market.

 The switch over of the customers can be prevented if more of new products

are launched more frequently.

 Qualities are good but it still needs improvements.


Though, best efforts have been made to make the study fair, transparent and

error free. But there might be some inevitable and inherent limitations.

Though outright measure are undertaken to make the report most accurate.

The limitations of the survey are narrated below:

 The project is valid for Lucknow city only.

 It was not possible to cover each and every respondent due to time


 There may be some biased response form the respondents

 Some respondents did not provide the full data.

 Unwillingness on the part of the customers to disclose the information as

per the questionnaire.

 The decisiveness on the part of the customers regarding some question

hence difficulty faced in recording and analyzing the data.



The report comes to the following conclusion

 The users of Bisleri Miniral Water are brand loyal with only a small

percent want to shift over to other brands. Trying of other brands by

customers is mainly because the customer wants to try something new.

 The performance of Bisleri Miniral Water is fair in comparison to other pro


 Economy is the basic feature influencing to built brand Image.

 Due to high brand loyalty the users of Bisleri Water recommend its

product to others.

 The users are satisfied with the Bisleri Miniral Water.




 Marketing Management : Philip Kotler

 Marketing Research : D. D. Sharma

 Research Methodology : C. R. Kothari

 Websites






1. Gender



2. Age Group

18 years



40 above

3. Occupation



Business man


4. Which Digital Wallet services you are using?



SBI Buddy

ICICI Pocket


5. Where did you get the information about the services ?






TV Ads


6. Why have you chosen your service provider?


Prior experience

Excellent service

Price promise



7. Would you like to change your wallet service provider?



8. Why do you want to change your Wallet service provides

New technology

Change tariff

Change network


9. Can you remember any current advertisement of Bisleri Water?


10. Product promotions are very important for increasing sales in the market.


11. Which is the most effective medium for promotion of the product?


12. What come in your mind when you think about Bisleri Water?

A technology
A type of Innovation
Nothing specific

13. What is the sales promotion schemes offered on Bisleri Water?

Price off
Discount coupons
Product bundling

14. Comparisons of sales promotion scheme offered on Bisleri Water


Superior & more frequent

Superior & less frequent
Similar & more frequent
Superior & less frequent


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