生词 C组(拼音版)

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的:的 着:着 地:地

1.爸= Dad
造句 :我常常帮爸爸做家务。(I often help my father with housework.)

造句 :每天早晨,太阳都会起来。(Every morning, the sun rises.)

造句:朋友们要来我家玩。(Friends are coming to my house to play.)

4.国= Country
造句:中国是一个有着悠久历史的国家。(China is a country with a long history.)

5.读 =Read
造句:她喜欢读各种类型的书。(She likes to read all kinds of books.)

6.谢= Thank
造句 :谢谢老师教了我这么多的知识。(Thank you teacher for teaching me so much

造句 : 我向妈妈要一杯热牛奶。(I asked my mother for a glass of hot milk.)

8.出=Go out
造句:我们一起出去散布吧。 (Let's go out and spread together.)

9.吃= Eat
造句:晚饭时,我们一家人坐在一起吃饭。(At dinner, our family sat and ate together.)

10.阳 =Sun
造句 :在阳光明媚的日子里,心情格外愉快。(On sunny days, I feel particularly happy.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

11.木= Wood
造句 :这座桥的梁柱均由坚固的木材构成。(The beams and pillars of this bridge are all
made of sturdy wood.)

造句:晚上十点前睡觉对健康有好处。(It is good to go to bed before ten o'clock in the

13. 大 = Big / Large

造句 :他有一张大床,可以容纳多人。(He has a large bed that can accommodate multiple

14.几 = How many

造句 :几位朋友将一同参加派对。(Some friends will attend the party together.)

15. 中 =Middle / Center

造句 :在这个园林中,有一座美丽的亭子。(In this garden, there is a beautiful pavilion)

16.书= Book
造句 :书中有智慧。 (There is wisdom in books.)

17.衣 = Clothes
造句 :她选择一件漂亮的衣服搭配新买的裙子。(She chose a beautiful outfit to go with her
newly bought)

18.饭 = Meal, Rice

造句:中午一起吃顿美味的午饭吧。(Let's have a delicious lunch together at noon.)

19.家= Home
造句 :家是温馨的港湾。(Home is a warm haven.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

20.抹= Wipe
造句:请用湿巾抹一下桌子。(Please wipe the table with a wet wipe.)

21.跑= Run
造句 :小狗在草地上欢快地跑来跑去。(The puppy is running happily on the grass.)

22.变= Change
造句 :时间会改变一切。(Time changes everything.)

23. 日 = Day / Sun

造句 :我们计划在周末去郊游,享受美好的日光。(We plan to go for an outing on the
weekend, enjoying the beautiful sunlight.)

造句 :请在桌上放上水果。(Please put fruit on the table.)

25.椅 = Chair
造句:办公室里有一排舒适的椅子。(There is a row of comfortable chairs in the office.)

造句:这就是母亲对我的爱。(This is my mother's love for me.)

造句 :看到小孩笑,心情顿时变得愉快。(Seeing a child smile makes me feel happy.)

28.净= Clean
造句:请把桌子擦得干干净净。(Please wipe the table clean.)

29.鸡 = Chicken
造句 :今晚晚餐有炸鸡。(There's fried chicken for dinner tonight.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

造句:我喜欢吃饭配一碗热腾腾的汤。(I love eating with a bowl of hot soup.)

31.水 = Water
造句 :水是生命之源。 (Water is the source of life.)

32.开 = Open
造句:开始新的旅程。 (Start a new journey.)

33.圆 = Round
造句 :中秋节就是家家户户跟家人团圆的日子。(The MidAutumn Festival is a day for
families to reunite with their families.)

34.钟 = Clock
造句 :请注意听课,不要一直看着墙上的钟。(Please pay attention to the lecture and don't
keep looking at the clock.)

35.晚= Evening
造句 :晚上是我思考问题的时间。(Evening is my time to think about problems.)

36.祝 =Wish
造句 :祝你生日快乐!(Happy birthday to you!)

37.爱 = Love
造句 :相亲相爱的一家人。(A family that loves each other.)

38.尖 =Sharp
造句 :小刀的尖端很锋利。(The tip of the knife is sharp.)

39.狮 = Lion
造句:在动物园里,孩子们喜欢看狮子。 (At the zoo, children enjoy watching lions.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

40.商 =Business
造句 :他在城市开设了一家商店。(He opened a store in the city.)

造句 :周末可以和朋友一起玩游戏。(Play games with friends on weekends.)

造句 :请慢慢走楼梯,不要跑。(Please take the stairs slowly and don't run.)

43.厂= Factory
造句 :厂里生产汽车零部件。 (The factory produces car components.)

44.人= Person
造句 :人们需要彼此理解。 (People need to understand each other.)

45.什 =What
造句 :什么是梦想? (What is dream?)

造句 :请顾好自己的健康。(Please take care of your own health.)

造句 :选择适合自己的运动方式。(Choose an exercise method that suits you.)

48.级 =Level
造句 :他在学业上取得了不错的成绩,进入了高级班。(He did well academically and entered
the advanced class.)

造句 :他将在晚会上演奏一首钢琴曲。(He will play a piano piece at the party.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

造句 :清晨,听到鸟儿的歌声很宁静。(In the early morning, it was peaceful to hear the
singing of birds.)

51.回 =return, reply

造句:他承诺会尽快回信,回答我的问题。 (He promised to reply soon and answer my

52.狗= Dogs
造句:狗是忠诚的伙伴。 (Dogs are loyal companions.)

53.说 =speak, talk

造句:请你说慢一点,我听得不太懂这个方言。 (Could you please speak more slowly? I'm not
very familiar with this dialect.)

54.话 = speech, words

造句:他总是能够用简单的话语表达复杂的思想。 (He always manages to express complex
thoughts in simple words.)

55.画 = draw, paint

造句:小朋友们在纸上画出了五彩缤纷的童话世界。 (The children drew a colorful fairy tale
world on the paper.)

56.关 =Close, Pass

(This issue is closely related to our discussion and requires careful consideration.)

57.午 = noon, midday

造句:午餐时间到了,大家纷纷走向食堂就餐。 (Lunchtime has arrived, and everyone is
heading to the cafeteria for meals.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

58.自 = self
造句:他有强烈的自主学习的动力,喜欢探索新知识。 (He has a strong motivation for self-
directed learning and enjoys exploring new knowledge.

59.东 = east
造句:太阳从东方升起,新的一天开始了。 (The sun rises in the east, marking the
beginning of a new day.)

60.两 = two
(He held two apples, giving one to me and keeping one for himself.)

61.今 = today, now

造句:今天的天气很好,适合出去散步。 (The weather today is very nice, perfect for a

62.天 = sky, day

造句:天空湛蓝,白云飘动,宛如一幅美丽的画卷。(The sky is blue and white clouds are
floating, like a beautiful picture.)

63.山 = Mountain
(Climbing to the top of the mountain, you can overlook the beautiful scenery of the
entire mountain range.)

64.羊 = sheep
造句:在农田里,一群羊在悠闲地吃草。 (In the field, a flock of sheep is leisurely

65.华 = Magnificent, China

造句:这座城市的建筑风格充满了华丽和现代感。 (The architectural style of this city is
full of magnificence and modernity.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

66.文 = literature, culture

造句:学习文学可以帮助人更好地理解和欣赏不同的文化。(Studying literature can help
people better understand and appreciate different cultures.)

67.多 = many, much

造句:这个城市有多种多样的餐馆,可以满足不同口味的人。 (This city has a variety of
restaurants that can satisfy people with different tastes.)

68.少 = few, little

造句:这个小镇人口较少,但它有着宁静而美丽的风光。(The population of this small town is
relatively small, but it has a tranquil and beautiful scenery.)

69.学 = learn, study

(Learning knows no bounds; continuous learning is an effective way to improve oneself.)

70.生 = life, student

造句:学生们在课堂上积极参与,努力追求知识。 (The students actively participate in
class, striving for knowledge.)

71.觉 = feel, sleep

造句:疲倦的时候,一个好的觉可以让人精神焕发。 (A good night's sleep can refresh the
mind when feeling tired.)

72.朋 = friend
造句:朋友间的真诚相待是珍贵的人际关系。(Sincere treatment among friends is a precious
aspect of interpersonal relationships.)

73.高 = high, tall

造句:高楼大厦拔地而起,构成了繁华的城市景观。 (Tall buildings rise from the ground,
forming a bustling urban landscape.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

74.左 = left
造句:在路口向左拐,就能找到那家小餐馆。 (Turn left at the intersection, and you'll
find that small restaurant.)

75.右 = right
造句:在红绿灯亮起时,向右转是前行的方向。 (When the traffic light turns green, turning
right is the direction to go.)

76.中 = middle, center

造句:画面的中央有一座美丽的喷泉。 (In the center of the scene, there is a beautiful

77.面 = face, surface

造句:这块石头的表面光滑而有光泽。 (The surface of this stone is smooth and glossy.)

78.打 =hit, play

造句:他们在操场上打篮球,享受运动的乐趣。 (They play basketball on the playground,
enjoying the fun of sports.)

79.球 = ball
造句:孩子们追着彩色的气球在花园里嬉戏。 (The children play in the garden, chasing
colorful balloons.)

80.后 = after, behind

造句:他在大学毕业后决定继续深造,攻读硕士学位。(After graduating from college, he
decided to further his education and pursue a master's degree.)

81.长 = long, grow

造句:时间长了,这片草地变得更加绿茵茵。 (Over time, this grassland becomes even more
lush and green.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

82.发 = hair
造句:她的头发乌黑亮丽,披在肩上如瀑布一般。 (Her hair is glossy and black, flowing
down her shoulders like a waterfall.)

83.毛 = fur, hair

造句:动物的毛绒绒的,摸起来很柔软。 (The fur of the animal is fluffy and feels very
soft to the touch.)

84.乌 = Crow, Dark (clouds)

造句:乌云笼罩着天空。 (Dark clouds cover the sky.)

85.到 = arrive, reach

造句:终于到达目的地,大家都感到非常兴奋。 (Finally arriving at the destination,
everyone is very excited.)

86.脸 = face
造句:她的笑容洋溢在脸上,给人一种温暖的感觉。 (Her smile is radiant on her face,
giving a warm feeling.)

87.父 = father
造句:父亲是我们成长过程中的坚实支持者,值得我们尊敬和感激。 (Fathers are solid
supporters in our growth process and deserve our respect and gratitude.)

88.龟= Turtle
造句:乌龟走得很慢。 (The turtle moves very slowly.)

89.干 = do, work

造句:每个人都应该为社会的发展做出一份力量,为共同的目标而努力干活。 (Everyone should
contribute to the development of society and work hard for common goals.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

90.北 = north
造句:指南针指向北方,指引着探险者前行。 (The compass points north, guiding the
explorers forward.)

91.京 = capital (referring to Beijing in this context)

(Beijing is the capital of China with a rich history and culture.)

92.青 = green, blue

造句:天空湛蓝,大地一片青翠,是个美丽的夏日。 (The sky is deep blue, and the earth is
lush green—a beautiful summer day.)

93.飞 = fly
造句:彩色的风筝在蓝天中飞翔,给人一种轻盈愉悦的感觉。 (Colorful kites soar in the blue
sky, giving a light and joyful feeling.)

94.机 = machine, aircraft

造句:现代飞机运用了先进的科技,使得航空旅行更加安全和便捷。 (Modern aircraft use
advanced technology, making air travel safer and more convenient.)

95.他 = he, him

造句:他是团队中的一员,负责项目的技术方面。(He is part of the team responsible for the
technical aspects of the project)

96.刀 = knife
造句:厨师熟练地使用刀具,为客人烹制美味佳肴。(The chef skillfully uses knives to
prepare delicious dishes for the guests.)

97.分 = divide, separate

造句:在合作中,团队成员根据各自的能力分工合作,提高效率。 (In cooperation, team
members work together according to their respective abilities to improve efficiency.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

98.工 = work, job

造句:在这家工厂里,每个人都履行自己的工作职责,共同推动生产。(In this factory,
everyone performs their job duties and drives production together.)

99.明 = clear, bright

造句:天空明朗,星星点点,夜晚的美丽令人陶醉。(The sky is clear and dotted with stars,
and the beauty of the night is intoxicating.)

100.讲 = Speak, Talk

造句:在会议上,他站起来讲了一番关于团队合作的重要性。(At the meeting, he stood up and
spoke about the importance of teamwork.)

101.喜 = Joy
造句:她的喜悦表情在生日派对上是无法隐藏的。 (Her joy was unmistakable at the birthday

102.健 = Healthy
造句:健康是最大的财富。 (Health is the greatest wealth.)

103.具 = Tool
造句:一个合格的厨房应该有各种烹饪工具。 (A well-equipped kitchen should have various
cooking tools.)

104.讨 = Discuss
造句:讨论问题有助于解决。 (Discussing issues helps in solving them.)

105.间 = Between
造句:猫从篱笆板之间的小缝隙中挤了过去。 (The cat squeezed through the small gap
between the fence panels.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

106.眼 = Eye
造句:他锐利的眼睛发现了艺术作品中隐藏的细节。 (His sharp eyes noticed the hidden
details in the artwork.)

107.睛 = Eyes (Plural)

造句:她的明亮睛睛闪烁着聪明的光芒。 (Her bright eyes sparkled with intelligence.)

108.座 = Seat
造句:餐厅里有许多舒适的座位供客人选择。(The restaurant has many comfortable seats for
guests to choose from.)

109.凉 = Cool, Forgive

造句:夏天的风带来了一阵凉爽的空气。 (The summer breeze brought a refreshing

110. 观 = Observe / View

造句:在博物馆里,你可以观察到许多珍贵的艺术品和文物。(In the museum, you can view many
precious artworks and cultural relics.)

111.咬 = Bite
造句:小狗咬了我的鞋。 (The puppy bit my shoe.)

112.负 = Bear
造句:不要负重太多责任。 (Don't bear too much responsibility.)

113.子 = Child
造句:孩子是家庭的希望。 (Children are the hope of the family.)

114.非 = Very
造句:非常感谢你的帮助。 (Thank you very much for your help.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

115.鸭 = Duck
造句:这家餐馆以其美味的烤鸭而闻名。 (This restaurant is famous for its delicious
roasted duck.)

116.唱 = Sing
造句:孩子们兴高采烈地在舞台上唱着歌。 (The children sang joyfully on the stage.)

117.歌 = Song
(The melody of that song is enchanting, bringing back beautiful memories.)

118.立 = Stand
造句:我们要在新政策的基础上立一些具体的措施。(We need to establish some specific
measures based on the new policy.)

119.钟 = Clock
(A large clock hung on the wall of the classroom, indicating the break time.)

120.带 = Bring
造句:带上你的背包,我们去探险吧! (Pack your backpack, let's go on an adventure!)

121.吵 = Noisy
造句:他们之间的争吵持续很久。 (The argument between them lasted a long time.)

122.先 = First
造句:先尝试,再判断。 (Try first, then judge.)

123.休 = Rest
造句:休息是为了走更远的路。 (Rest is for going further.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

124.戏 = Play, Drama

造句:孩子们在花园里演绎了一场有趣的戏剧。(The children performed an entertaining play
in the garden.)

125.听 = Listen
造句:请听我的建议。 (Please listen to my advice.)

126.图 = Picture, Diagram

造句:这幅艺术家的画作是一幅抽象图,充满了独特的想象力。 (The artist's painting is an
abstract picture, full of unique imagination.)

127.园 = Garden
造句:公园里的花园四季如画,吸引着许多游客。 (The gardens in the park are picturesque
throughout the seasons, attracting many visitors.)

128.贝 = Shell
造句:贝壳在沙滩上闪闪发光。 (Seashells sparkle on the beach.)

129.照 = Take Care of

造句:他一直照顾着年迈的父母,给予他们温馨的关爱。(He has been taking care of his
elderly parents, providing them with warm affection.)

130.主 = Main, Proactive

造句:主动学习新知识。 (Proactively learn new knowledge.)

131.漂 = Drift
造句:小船在湖面上轻轻漂动,如同一片白云。 (The small boat drifted gently on the lake,
resembling a white cloud.)

132.易 =Easy
造句: 这个问题对她来说非常易解。 (This problem is very easy for her to solve.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

133.拿 = Hold, Take

造句:她拿着一束鲜花,走向新婚夫妇,祝福他们幸福美满。(She held a bouquet of flowers
and approached the newlyweds, wishing them a happy and fulfilling life.)

134.树 = Tree
造句:孩子们在树下玩耍,享受清新的空气和绿荫。 (The children played under the tree,
enjoying the fresh air and shade.)

135.转 = Turn
造句:他决定转身离开,迈向新的旅程。 (He decided to turn around and leave, embarking on
a new journey.)

136.丢 = Lose
造句:她在公园里丢失了钱包,急忙回头寻找。 (She lost her wallet in the park and quickly
turned back to search for it.)

137.市 = City
造句:市场充满竞争。 (The market is full of competition.)

138.桥 = Bridge
造句:夜晚的灯光在河上的桥上显得格外美丽。 (The lights at night make the bridge over
the river look exceptionally beautiful.)

139.互 = Mutual
造 句 :成功的关系建立在互相尊重和理解的基础上。(Successful relationships are built on
a foundation of mutual respect and understanding.)

140.湿 = Wet
造句:雨后,地面湿漉漉的,闻着泥土的清新。 (After the rain, the ground is wet, and
there's a fresh smell of earth.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

141.雷 = Thunder
造句:远处传来的雷声预示着一场即将到来的暴风雨。(The distant thunder indicated an
approaching storm.)

142.铃 = Bell
造句:放学的铃声响起,学生们迅速地走出教室。 (The school bell rang, and students
quickly walked out of the classrooms.)

143.船 = Boat, Ship

造句:太阳下山时,渔船返回港口,结束了一天的劳作。(As the sun set, fishing boats
returned to the harbor, concluding a day of work.)

144.入 = Enter
造句:入口处有安检。(There is security check at the entrance.)

145.婆 = Grandma
造句:她慈祥的婆婆总是为孙子做一些美味的点心。 (Her kind-hearted grandma always
prepares delicious snacks for her grandson.)

146.整 = Whole, Entire

造句:这个小镇的居民都参与到整个社区的建设中。 (The residents of this small town are
all involved in the construction of the entire community.)

147.烤 = Roast
造句:周末,他们喜欢在花园里烤一顿美味的烧烤。 (On weekends, they enjoy roasting a
delicious barbecue in the garden.)

148.煮 = Boil, Cook

造句:她喜欢煮一些家乡的传统菜肴,传承着家族的味道。(She enjoys cooking traditional
dishes from her hometown, preserving the taste of her family.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

149.挖 = Dig
造句:农民在地里挖坑种植新一季的庄稼。 (Farmers dig holes in the field to plant crops
for the new season.)

150.赛 = Competition, Match

造句:这场马拉松比赛吸引了来自世界各地的优秀运动员。(This marathon competition
attracted outstanding athletes from around the world.)

151.为 = For
造句:为了友谊,我们彼此支持。(For friendship, we support each other.)

152.真 = True
造句:她的微笑是真诚的。(Her smile is true.)

153.处 = Place
造句:处理问题需要耐心。 (Dealing with problems requires patience.)

154.昨 = Yesterday
造句:昨天的回忆让我微笑。(Yesterday's memories make me smile.)

155.每 = Every
造句:每一天都是新的开始。(Every day is a new beginning.)

156.雨 = Rain
造句:坐在窗前,欣赏雨的美丽。(Sitting by the window, appreciating the beauty of the

157.运 = Transport, Exercise

造句:运动有助于保持健康。 (Exercise helps to maintain health.)

158.叫 = Call
造句:我听到有人在叫我的名字。(I heard someone calling my name.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

159.星 = Star
造句:夜空中闪烁着无数的星星。(Countless stars twinkle in the night sky.)

160.期 = Period
造句:学期结束后,我们迎来了暑假。(After the semester, we welcomed the summer

161.气 = Air
造句:高山上的空气清新而清爽。(The air on the mountain is fresh and crisp.)

162.冰 = Ice
造句:冰雪覆盖了整个山脉。 (Ice and snow cover the entire mountain range.)

163.电 = Electricity
造句:电影是一种强大的艺术形式。(Film is a powerful form of art.)

164.拍 = Film
造句:我喜欢拍摄美丽的风景。(I enjoy filming beautiful landscapes.)

165.店 = Shop
造句:我们经常在这家小店买新鲜的蔬菜。(We often buy fresh vegetables at this small

166. 蜜 =Honey
造句:这种花蜜是蜜蜂采集花粉后制作的。(This honey is made by bees collecting pollen
from flowers.)

167.表 = Expression
造句:她的脸上露出了惊喜的表情。(A surprised expression appeared on her face.)

168.对 = Towards, Right

造句:我们应该友好对待彼此。(We should be friendly towards each other.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

169.房 = House
造句:新婚夫妇买了一栋漂亮的房子。 (The newlyweds bought a beautiful house.)

170.卡 = Card
造句:我找不到我的身份卡。(I can't find my ID card.)

171.草 = Grass
造句:孩子们在草地上玩耍。(The children are playing on the grass.)

172.原 = Field
造句:阳光照耀着金黄的麦田原野。(The sun shines on the golden fields.)

173.客 = Customer
造句:商店致力于为客户提供优质服务。(The store is committed to providing quality
service to customers.)

174. 报 = Report
造句:他准备好了一份详细的报告,准备向团队汇报工作进展。(He prepared a detailed report
and is ready to brief the team on the progress of the work.)

175.门 = Door
造句:门锁坏了,需要修理。 (The door lock is broken and needs repair.)

176.已 = Already
造句:我们已经准备好出发了。(We are already prepared to go.)

177.故 = Story
造句:这座古老的城堡有许多传说和故事。(This ancient castle has many legends and
的:的 着:着 地:地

178.汁 = Juice
造句:汁水从果实中流出。 (Juice flows out from the fruit.)

179.医 = Medical
造句:医生是社会的重要组成部分。(Doctors are an essential part of society.)

180.院 = Hospital
造句:这家医院设备先进,服务周到。(The hospital has advanced facilities and attentive

181.应 = Should
造句:我们应该珍惜每一刻。(We should cherish every moment.)

182.该 = Should
造句:如果有问题,你该告诉我。(If there is a problem, you should tell me.)

183.周 = Week
造句:我们计划在下周举行会议讨论项目的下一步。(We plan to hold a meeting next week to
discuss the next steps for the project.)

184.豆 = Bean
造句:黑豆是一种营养丰富的食物。 (Black beans are a nutritious food.)

185.奶 = Milk
造句:孩子们喜欢喝牛奶。(Children like to drink milk.)

186.别 = Don't
造句:别担心,一切都会好的。(Don't worry, everything will be fine.)

187.油 = Oil
造句:食用橄榄油对健康有益。 (Consuming olive oil is beneficial to health.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

188.找 =Find
造句:我们需要找到解决问题的方法。(We need to find a solution to the problem.)

189.牛 = Cow
造句:牛悠闲地吃着青草。(The cow leisurely grazes on the green grass.)

190.进 = Enter
造句:请进,客人。(Please enter, guest.)

191.队 = Team
造句:我们是一个团队,共同努力。(We are a team, working together.)

192.阴 = Cloudy
造句:阴天让人感到有些沮丧。(Cloudy days can be a bit depressing.)

193.冷 = Cold
造句:冷风吹过,使得气温降低。(The cold wind blows, causing the temperature to drop.)

194.认 = Recognize
造句:我能认出她的笑容。(I can recognize her smile.)

195.识 = Know
造句:学习是认识新事物的一种方式。(Learning is a way to know new things.)

196.志 = Ambition
造句:他有很高的志向,努力追求目标。(He has high ambition and strives to pursue goals.)

197.区 = Area
造句:这个区域是一个安静的住宅区。(This area is a quiet residential neighborhood.)

198.齐 = Uniform
造句:学生们穿着整齐的校服。(The students wear uniform clothes.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

199.事 = Story
造句:这是一个充满故事的古老城市。(This is an ancient city full of stories.)

200.英 = English
造句:学习英语对职业发展有帮助。 (Learning English is helpful for career development.)

201.静 = Quiet
造句:在湖边,她找到了一个静的角落,享受着大自然的宁静。 (By the lake, she found a
quiet corner, enjoying the tranquility of nature.)

202.鼻 = Nose
造句:寒冷的冬天,她的鼻子因寒冷而红了。 (In the cold winter, her nose turned red due
to the chilly weather.)

203.衬 = Lining
造句:这件衬衫的领口有一层精致的丝质衬里。 (This shirt has an exquisite silk lining on
the collar.)

204.衫 = Shirt
造句:她挑选了一件花纹漂亮的衬衫,准备参加晚宴。 (She chose a shirt with a beautiful
pattern, ready to attend the dinner.)

205.城 = City
造句:那座城市有着悠久的历史和独特的文化。 (That city has a long history and unique

206. 萝 = Radish
造句:她准备用这些新鲜的萝卜做一道凉拌菜。 (She is going to make a cold dish with
these fresh radishes.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

207.根 = Root
造句:植物的生命力源于它们的根部。 (The vitality of plants comes from their roots.)

208.据 = According to, Base on

造句:据报道,这个发现对科学界产生了深远的影响。(According to reports, this discovery
has had a profound impact on the scientific community.)

209.息 = Rest or Breath

造句:深呼吸可以帮助放松身体,调整呼吸。(Deep breaths can help relax the body and
regulate breathing.)

210.假 = Vacation, False

造句:她计划在假期期间去海滩度假。 (She plans to go on vacation to the beach during the

211.爬 = Climb
造句:孩子们兴奋地爬上树,探险其中。 (The children excitedly climbed the tree,
exploring its branches.)

212.留 = Stay
造句:她决定留下来参加当地的文化活动。 (She decided to stay and participate in the
local cultural activities.)

213.意 = Meaning, Intention

造句:她的微笑传达出一种温暖和善意。 (Her smile conveyed a warmth and kindness.)

214.经 = Trough, Pass

造句:我们需要经过这座小镇才能到达目的地。 (We need to pass through this small town to
reach our destination.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

215.结 = Tie, Knot

造句:婚礼上,他们用一根红绳结成了良缘。(At the wedding, they tied the knot with a red
string symbolizing a happy marriage.)

216.束 = Bundle, Tie

造句:她用一根丝带将花束束起,准备送给朋友。 (She tied the bouquet with a ribbon, ready
to give it to her friend.)

217.酒 = Wine
造句:在庆祝活动中,大家举起酒杯,共同庆祝。 (During the celebration, everyone raised
their glasses to celebrate together.)

218.楚 = Clear, Distinct

造句:她的演讲表达得非常楚楚动人,引起了观众的共鸣。(Her speech was expressed very
clearly and movingly, resonating with the audience.)

219.世 = World
造句:旅行是探索世界,发现美丽的机会。 (Traveling is an opportunity to explore the
world and discover beauty.)

220.界 = Boundary, Scope

造句:科技的发展已经扩大了我们对宇宙的认知界限。(The advancement of technology has
expanded our understanding of the boundaries of the universe.)

221.菜 = Dish, Cuisine

造句:这家餐馆以其特色菜肴而闻名。 (This restaurant is famous for its signature

222.箱 = Box
造句:他小心地把礼物放入精美的礼品箱中。 (He carefully placed the gift inside the
exquisite gift box.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

223.绩 = Achievement
造句:他在学术领域取得了卓越的绩效,获得了多个奖项。(He has achieved outstanding
academic performance and has received multiple awards.)

224.除 = Except, Remove

造句:除了周末,他每天都专注于工作和学习。 (Except for weekends, he dedicates every day
to work and study.)

225.迟 = Late
造句:他因为迟到而向老师道歉。 (He apologized to the teacher for being late.)

226.功 = Achievement
造句:成功需要不懈的努力。 (Success requires relentless effort.)

227.聪 = Intelligent
造句:她是一位聪明的学生,总是能迅速理解新知识。(She is an intelligent student who
always quickly grasps new knowledge.)

228. 必 = Must / Necessary

造句:在学术研究中,充分的文献综述是必须的,以确保研究的深度和广度。(In academic
research, a thorough literature review is a must to ensure the depth and breadth of the

229.锻 = Forge, Temper

造句:健身锻炼有助于提高身体的耐力和力量。 (Exercise helps to improve the body's
endurance and strength.)

230.炼 = Refine, Practice

造句:他每天都在琴房里锻炼自己的音乐技能。(He practices his musical skills in the music
room every day.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

231.感 = Sense, Feel

造句:这部电影让人们产生了深深的感动和共鸣。 (This movie evoked deep emotions and
resonance among the audience.)

232.冒 = Risk, Brave

造句:他冒着大雨去救助被困的动物。 (He braved the heavy rain to rescue stranded

233.服 = Clothing
造句:服从规则是每个公民的责任。 (Compliance with rules is the responsibility of every

234.系 = Connect, Tie

造句:请系好安全带,我们即将起飞。 (Please fasten your seatbelt; we are about to take

235.马 = Horse
造句:马在草原上奔跑。 (The horse is running on the grassland.)

236.街 = Street
造句:这个城市的繁华街道是购物和漫步的好地方。(The bustling streets of this city are
great for shopping and strolling.)

237. 断 = Break / Interrupt

造句:在谈话中,请勿中断对方,以保持有效的沟通。(In a conversation, please do not
interrupt others to maintain effective communication.)

238.裤 = Pants
造句:夏天,她喜欢穿轻薄的短裤,感受清爽的空气。 (In the summer, she likes to wear
lightweight shorts to feel the refreshing air.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

239.聊 = Chat, Converse

造句:朋友们坐在咖啡厅里,轻松地聊着天。 (Friends sat in the cafe, chatting casually.)

240.满 = Full
造句:每年秋季,果园都会变得满是成熟的水果。(Every autumn, the orchard becomes full of
ripe fruits.)

241.帽 = Hat
造句:在阳光明媚的日子里,戴一顶帽子可以有效遮挡阳光。 (On sunny days, wearing a hat
can effectively block the sunlight.)

242.啤 = Beer
造句:夏天,大家喜欢在露天酒吧享受一杯冰凉的啤酒。(In the summer, people enjoy a cold
beer at outdoor bars.)

243.瓶 = Bottle
造句:她从冰箱里拿出一瓶冷饮,解渴又爽口。 (She took a bottle of cold drink from the
fridge, refreshing and tasty.)

244.鞋 = Shoes
造句:这双鞋很舒适,适合长时间的步行。 (These shoes are very comfortable and suitable
for long walks.)

245.长 = Long
造句:长久的友谊需要互相信任。 (Long-lasting friendship requires mutual trust.)

246.舒 = Comfortable
造句:她选择了一把舒适的椅子,准备长时间阅读。 (She chose a comfortable chair,
preparing for a long reading session.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

247.数 = Count, Number

造句:孩子们在教室里学习如何数数和做简单的算术。(Children in the classroom are learning
how to count and do simple arithmetic.)

248.康 = Healthy or Well

造句:康复需要时间和耐心。 (Recovery takes time and patience.)

249.惯 = Accustomed to
造句:生活在这个城市,她逐渐习惯了繁忙的生活节奏。(Living in this city, she gradually
became accustomed to the busy pace of life.)

250.蕉 = Banana
造句:早餐时,她喜欢在麦片上加一些切片的香蕉。(For breakfast, she likes to add sliced
banana to her cereal.)

251.较 = Comparative
造句:他的成绩较上次有所提高。(His grades have improved compared to the last time.)

252.超 = Exceed
造句:这次销售额超过了预期。 (The sales exceeded expectations this time.)

253.下 = Under
造句:下一站是终点吗? (Is the next stop the final destination?)

254.典 = Classic
造句:这是一部经典的文学作品。(This is a classic literary work.)

255.词 = Word
造句:学习新词汇有助于扩大词汇量。(Learning new words helps expand vocabulary.)

256.空 = Empty
造句:天空中弥漫着宁静。 (Tranquility fills the sky.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

257.动 = Move
造句:运动有助于保持身体健康。(Exercise helps maintain physical health.)

258.物 = Object
造句:博物馆展示了各种历史文物。(The museum displays various historical objects.)

259.刮 = Scrape
造句:风刮得树叶纷飞。 (The wind scraped the leaves, scattering them.)

260. 检 = Pick

261.欢 = Happy
造句:生日聚会上充满了欢笑和欢乐。(The birthday party was filled with laughter and

262.迎 = Welcome
造句:我们热烈迎接新同事的加入。(We warmly welcome the new colleague's arrival.)

263.黄 = Yellow
造句:阳光下,麦田泛着金黄的颜色。(Under the sunlight, the wheat field has a golden
yellow hue.)

264. 查 =Check / Inspect

造句:在购买商品之前,务必检查产品的质量和完整性。(Before purchasing a product, be sure
to inspect the quality and integrity of the item.)

265.或 = Or
造句:你可以选择咖啡或茶。(You can choose either coffee or tea.)

266.者 = Person
造句:这位专家是一位经验丰富的研究者。(This expert is an experienced researcher.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

267.台 = Platform
造句:台风即将来临,请做好准备。(Typhoon is approaching, please be prepared.)

268.记 = Record
造句:请记下重要的事项。(Please record important matters.)

269.得 = Obtain
造句:通过努力,他得到了奖学金。 (Through effort, he obtained a scholarship.)

270.季 = Season
造句:春季是万物复苏的季节。 (Spring is the season of rejuvenation.)

271.节 = Section
造句:这本书分成了多个节。 (This book is divided into several sections.)

272.道 = Way
造句:这是通往成功的道路。(This is the way to success.)

273.年 = Year
造句:新年的庆祝活动非常热闹。 (New Year celebrations are very lively.)

274.皮 = Skin
造句:皮肤是身体的保护层。(The skin is the body's protective layer.)

275.决 = Decide
造句:我们需要尽快做出决定。(We need to make a decision as soon as possible.)

276.庆 = Celebrate
造句:庆祝活动持续了一整天。 (The celebration event lasted the entire day.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

277. 热 =Hot
造句:请小心,这杯咖啡很热,不要烫到自己。(Be careful, this cup of coffee is very hot;
don't burn yourself.)

278.黑 = Dark, Black

造句:黑暗中看不清前方。 (It's hard to see ahead in the darkness.)

279.清 = Clear
造句:湖水清澈见底。(The lake water is clear and transparent.)

280.请 = Please
造句:请你帮我拿一下这个包。(Please help me with this bag.)

281.情 = Emotion
造句:他的表演充满了深情。(His performance is full of deep emotion.)

282.网 = Net
造句:互联网改变了我们的生活方式。 (The internet has changed our way of life.)

283.声 = Sound
造句:森林里传来了鸟儿欢快的声音。(The forest echoed with the cheerful sounds of

284.音 = Music
造句:她擅长演奏各种音乐乐器。(She is skilled at playing various musical instruments.)

285. 床 = Bed
造句:昨晚我在软软的床上睡得很香。(I slept soundly on the soft bed last night.)

286.特 = Special
造句:特殊的日子要特别对待。 (Special days should be treated with special care.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

287.叔 = Uncle
造句:我的叔叔是一位慈祥的老人。(My uncle is a kind and gentle man.)

288.司 = Company
造句:这家公司致力于环保事业。(This company is dedicated to environmental protection.)

289.提 = Raise
造句:请你提高警惕,注意安全。(Please raise your awareness and pay attention to

290.垃 = Garbage
造句:垃圾分类有助于环保。 (Waste sorting contributes to environmental protection.)

291.完 = Complete
造句:任务已经完成,可以休息了。(The task is complete; you can take a break.)

292.成 = Accomplish
造句:通过团队的努力,我们成功完成了项目。(Through the team's effort, we successfully
accomplished the project.)

293.化 = Change
造句:季节的变化使得自然景色发生了巨大的化学。(The change of seasons causes significant
transformations in the natural scenery.)

294.习 = Practice
造句:成功的关键在于持续不断的学习和实践。(The key to success lies in continuous
learning and practice.)

295.香 = Fragrance
造句:花园里弥漫着鲜花的香气。(The garden is filled with the fragrance of flowers.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

296.校 = School
造句:这所学校有优秀的教育资源。 (This school has excellent educational resources.)

297.新 = New
造句:新的一年带来了新的机遇。(The new year brings new opportunities.)

298.闻 = Smell
造句:当我走进面包店时,闻到了新鲜面包的香气。(The rapid development of technology is
continuously transforming our society and way of life.)

299.猫 = Cat
造句:那只猫悠闲地躺在阳光下。(The cat lounged lazily in the sunlight.)

300.求 = Request
造句:他向老板提出了加薪的请求。(He submitted a request for a salary increase to the

301.鲜 = Fresh
造句:他们购买了一些新鲜的水果,准备做果汁。 (They bought some fresh fruits to make

302.择 = Choose, Select

造句:在面对两个出色的选项时,她很难择一而趋。 (Faced with two excellent options, she
found it hard to choose between them.)

303.饮 = Drink
造句:夏天,冰凉的饮料是消暑的好选择。 (In summer, cold drinks are a good choice to
cool down.)

304.料 = Material, Ingredients

造句:这道菜的美味取决于选用的新鲜食材和独特的调料。(The deliciousness of this dish
depends on the use of fresh ingredients and unique seasonings.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

305.遇 = Meet, Encounter

造句:在旅途中,他们偶然遇到了一位老朋友。 (During the journey, they unexpectedly
encountered an old friend.)

306.愿 = Wish, Desire

造句:我们共同愿望这个世界充满和平与友爱。 (We share the common desire for a world full
of peace and friendship.)

307.秘 = Secret
造句:这是一个深藏不露的家族秘密,很少有人知道。(This is a closely guarded family
secret that few people know about.)

308.密 = Close
造句:他们之间有一份深厚的友谊,保守着彼此的心事,让关系更加密切。 (They share a
profound friendship, keeping each other's secrets, making their relationship even

309.纸 = Paper
造句:这张纸上写满了精彩的故事和美好的回忆。 (This piece of paper is filled with
wonderful stories and beautiful memories.)

310. 班 = Class
造句:我今天有一堂重要的班,不能迟到。 (I have an important class today, so I can't be

311.铅 = Pencil
造句:孩子们用铅笔在纸上画出五彩斑斓的图案。 (The children drew colorful patterns on
paper with pencils.)

312.宾 = Guest
造句:宾馆的服务员热情地欢迎每一位宾客。 (The hotel staff warmly welcomes every guest.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

313.次 = Time or Occasion

造句:次品不值得购买。 (Defective products are not worth buying.)

314.绍 = Introduce, Narrate

造句:他绍述了公司的发展历程和未来的发展计划。 (He introduced the company's development
history and future plans.)

315.近 = Near or Close

造句:近水楼台先得月。 (Proximity to water towers earns the moon first.)

316.跳 = Jump
造句:在音乐的节奏中,大家欢快地跳起了舞蹈。 (To the rhythm of the music, everyone
danced joyfully.)

317.舞 = Dance
造句:舞蹈表达了情感,是一种美妙的艺术形式。 (Dance expresses emotions and is a
wonderful form of art.)

318.蝴 = Butterfly
造句:春天,五彩斑斓的蝴蝶在花园中翩翩起舞。(In spring, colorful butterflies dance
gracefully in the garden.)

319.蝶 = Butterfly
造句:她追逐着花丛中的蝴蝶,享受大自然的美妙。 (She chased butterflies in the flowers,
enjoying the beauty of nature.)

320.秩 = Order, Rank

造句:组织内部保持良好的秩序对于工作的高效进行至关重要。 (Maintaining good order within
the organization is crucial for efficient work.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

321.序 = Order, Sequence

造句:故事的情节发展按照一定的时间序列进行。 (The plot of the story develops according
to a certain chronological sequence.)

322.盛 = Prosperous, Flourishing

造句:这座城市在经济上蓬勃发展,呈现出盛世繁华的景象。 (The city is thriving
economically, presenting a scene of prosperity and abundance.)

323.夏 = Summer
造句:夏天是户外活动和度假的好季节。 (Summer is a great season for outdoor activities
and vacations.)

324.拒 = Refuse, Reject

造句:他拒绝了那份不符合他理念的工作机会。 (He rejected the job opportunity that
didn't align with his principles.)

325.绝 = Absolutely
造句:那次意外发生后,他们面临了绝境,但最终找到了生存的出路。 (After the unexpected
incident, they faced a desperate situation but eventually found a way to survive.)

326.钢 = Steel
造句:钢铁是建筑工程中常用的重要建材之一。 (Steel is one of the commonly used essential
construction materials in engineering.)

327.琴 = Piano
造句:她悠扬地弹奏着钢琴,为大家带来了美妙的音乐。(She played the piano melodiously,
bringing beautiful music to everyone.)

328.危 = Dangerous
造句:登山时要警惕危险地形,确保安全。 (Be cautious of dangerous terrain when mountain
climbing to ensure safety.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

329.险 = Dangerous
造句:攀登陡峭的山峰是一项充满挑战且充满险境的冒险活动。(Climbing steep mountain peaks
is an adventurous activity full of challenges and dangers.)

330.欣 = Happy, Delighted

造句:她听到好消息后,欣喜若狂,笑逐颜开。 (Upon hearing the good news, she was
ecstatic and smiled with joy.)

331.赏 = Appreciate, Enjoy

造句:在公园中,人们赏花赏景,感受大自然的美好。 (In the park, people appreciate the
flowers and scenery, enjoying the beauty of nature.)

332.领 = Collar
造句:他在领导岗位上展现了出色的才能和领导力。 (He demonstrated excellent skills and
leadership in his leadership position.)

333.奖 = Reward, Prize

造句:他因为在比赛中表现出色,赢得了一项重要奖项。(He won a significant award for his
outstanding performance in the competition.)

334.优 = Excellent
造句:这个项目的优势在于它的创新性和可持续性。 (The advantage of this project lies in
its innovativeness and sustainability.)

335.秀 = Show, Elegant

造句:她在舞台上的表演非常秀雅,给观众留下了深刻的印象。 (Her performance on stage was
very elegant, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.)

336.螃 = Crab
造句:沿海地区的螃蟹是当地美食的一部分。 (Crabs from coastal areas are a part of the
local delicacies.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

337.蟹 = Crab
造句:大闸蟹是中国特色的美味水产之一。(Chinese mitten crabs are a delicious aquatic
product with distinctive characteristics.)

338.务 = Work, Business

造句:他致力于公益事业,将自己的力量投入到社会务实践中。 (He is dedicated to charitable
work and puts his efforts into social welfare.)

339.塑 = Plastic
造句:塑料是一种常用的塑性材料,广泛用于制造各种产品。 (Plastic is a commonly used
plastic material, widely used in the manufacturing of various products.)

340.孕 = Pregnant
造句:孕妇需要特别注意饮食和身体保健。 (Pregnant women need to pay special attention to
diet and health.)

341.尊 = Respect
造 句 :尊老爱幼是中华传统文化的重要价值观。(Respecting the elderly and caring for the
young are important values in traditional Chinese culture.)

342.敬 = Respect
造句:我们应该对长辈保持敬意,体现了传统文化中尊老爱幼的价值观。(We should show respect
to our elders, reflecting the traditional value of respecting the elderly in our

343.末 = End
造句:末班车马上就要开了。 (The last bus is about to depart.)

344.泳 = Swim
造句:在夏季,人们喜欢到河边或游泳池里畅快地游泳。(In the summer, people enjoy swimming
by the river or in the pool.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

345.旅 = Travel
造句:旅行可以拓展视野,丰富人生阅历。 (Traveling can broaden horizons and enrich life

346.熊 = Bear
造句:在动物园里,孩子们兴奋地观看着可爱的熊玩耍。(In the zoo, children excitedly watch
the cute bears playing.)

347.精 = Refined
造句:他对工作兢兢业业,精益求精,赢得了同事的赞誉。(He works diligently, strives for
excellence, and has won the praise of his colleagues.)

348.蛋 = Egg
造句:早餐时,她喜欢吃煎蛋和面包,简单而美味。 (For breakfast, she likes to eat fried
eggs and bread, simple and delicious.)

349.努 = Strive, Make an effort

造句:他每天都努力工作,追求自己的事业目标。 (He works hard every day, striving to
achieve his career goals.)

350.筷 = Chopsticks
造句:中国传统餐桌上常常使用筷子,这是一种古老而优雅的饮食文化。 (Chopsticks are
commonly used on traditional Chinese dining tables, representing an ancient and elegant
culinary culture.)

351.相 = Mutual
造句:相互理解是建立友谊的基础。(Mutual understanding is the foundation of building

352.信 = Trust
的:的 着:着 地:地

353.以 = With
造句:以诚实为基础,我们建立了坚固的关系。 (With honesty as a foundation, we built a
strong relationship.)

354.前 = Before
造句:在做决定之前,请考虑所有的选项。 (Consider all options before making a decision.)

355.银 = Silver
造句:月光下,湖水泛起银光。(Under the moonlight, the lake water shone with silver.)

356.行 = Walk
造句:他喜欢在公园里行走,享受大自然的美景。(He likes to walk in the park and enjoy the
beauty of nature.)

357.乐 = Happy
造句:音乐具有治愈心灵的力量,让人感到愉悦和快乐。(Music has the power to heal the
soul, making people feel joyful and happy)

358.名 = Name
造句:他因为出色的表现赢得了艺术家的名誉。(He gained fame as an artist for his
outstanding performance.)

359.片 = Piece
造句:这幅画是一片艺术家灵感的结晶。(This painting is a piece of the artist's inspired

360.重 = Heavy
造句:责任是一种沉重的担子。(Responsibility is a heavy burden.)

361.要 = Important, Want

造句:保持健康是我们生活中很重要的事情。(Maintaining good health is important in our
的:的 着:着 地:地

362.作 = Create
造句:艺术家致力于创作独特的艺术品。(Artists dedicate themselves to creating unique

363.业 = Profession
造 句 :她在医学领域有着丰富的专业知识。(She has extensive professional knowledge in
the field of medicine.)

364.非 = Not
造句:非常时期需要采取非常措施。(Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.)

365.常 = Often
造句:锻炼是保持健康的常规活动。(Exercise is a routine activity for maintaining

366.全 = Entire
造句:全球合作对解决问题至关重要。 (Global cooperation is crucial for problem-solving.)

367.己 = Oneself
造句:了解自己是认识他人的第一步。(Understanding oneself is the first step to
understanding others.)

368.时 = Time
造句:珍惜时光,因为时间是宝贵的。(Cherish time, for it is precious.)

369.离 = Away
造 句 : 距 离 并 没 有 阻 止 我 们 保 持 联 系 。 (Distance hasn't prevented us from
staying in touch.)

370.颜 = Color
造句:沙滩上的晚霞给海洋带来了五彩斑斓的颜色。(The sunset on the beach brought colorful
hues to the ocean.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

371.色 = Color
造 句 : 这 个 调 色 板 上 有 各 种 各 样 的 颜 色 。 (This palette contains a variety
of colors.)

372.抓 = Catch
造句:抓住机会,不要放过。 (Seize the opportunity, don't let it slip away.)

373.上 = Above
造句:上班迟到可能会影响绩效。 (Being late for work may affect performance.)

374.馆 = Museum
造句:这座城市有一座博物馆展示丰富的历史文物。(This city has a museum displaying a rich
collection of historical artifacts.)

375.突 = Suddenly
造句:突然,天空下起了大雨。(Suddenly, it started raining heavily.)

376.然 = So
造句:她努力工作,然后取得了成功。(She worked hard, and so she achieved success.)

377.便 = Convenient
造句:这家餐馆离车站很近,非常便利。(This restaurant is very convenient as it is close
to the train station.)

378.宜 = Suitable
造句:这个方案对当前的情况非常宜人。(This plan is very suitable for the current

379.彩 = Color
造句:彩虹在雨后出现。 (Rainbows appear after the rain.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

380.步 = Step
造句:迈出每一步,迎接新的挑战。(Take each step and embrace new challenges.)

381.选 = Select/Choose
造句:明天是选举日,市民们将选择新的领导人。(Tomorrow is election day, and the citizens
will choose new leaders.)

382.备 = Prepare
造句:在旅行前,请备好必需的物品。(Prepare necessary items before the trip.)

383.附 = Attach
造句:请附上你的简历。 (Please attach your resume.)

384.思 = Think
造句:深思熟虑后,他做出了明智的决定。(After careful thought, he made a wise decision.

385.面 = Face
造句:面对困难,保持乐观态度是重要的。(Facing difficulties with optimism is important.)

386.条 = Strip
造句:河流两岸有一条美丽的小路。(There is a beautiful path on both sides of the river.)

387.由 = By
造句:这个计划由专业团队制定。(This plan was developed by a professional team.)

388.于 = In
造句:这封信是于昨天寄出的。(This letter was sent out in yesterday.)

389.幸 = Lucky
造句:我感到很幸运有这么支持我的家人。(I feel lucky to have such supportive family.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

390.苦 = Bitter
造句:失败的经历是人生中的一种苦涩。(The experience of failure is a kind of bitter
taste in life.)

391.考 = Exam
造句:明天是期末考试,大家都在努力准备。(Tomorrow is the final exam, and everyone is
preparing hard.)

392.试 = Try
造句:不怕困难,勇往直前,勇敢尝试新事物。(Fearless of difficulties, march forward
bravely, and try new things.)

393.拼 = Fight
造句:面对挑战,我们要拼尽全力。(In the face of challenges, we need to fight with all
our might.)

394.命 = Life
造句:生命是宝贵的,我们应该珍惜每一刻。(Life is precious, and we should cherish every

395.教 = Teach
造 句 : 他 以 耐 心 和 关 爱 的 方 式 教 育 学 生 。 (He educates students with
patience and care.)

396.室 = Room
造句:课室是我学习和工作的地方。 (The study room is where I study and work.)

397.丈 = Measure
造句:这个房间的长度是十丈。(The length of this room is ten measures.)

398.夫 = Husband
造句:她的丈夫是一位医生。(Her husband is a doctor.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

399. 妈 = Mom/Mother
造句:我妈做的饭菜总是很美味。(The meals my mom cooks are always delicious.)

400.圾 = Garbage
造句:垃圾桶里有很多废纸。 (The trash can is full of waste paper.)

401.露 = reveal, expose

造句:阳光透过云层露出来,温暖着大地。 (The sunlight broke through the clouds and
revealed itself, warming the earth.)

402.营 = camp, operate

造句:我们计划在山区建立一个夏令营,为孩子们提供丰富的户外活动。 (We plan to set up a
summer camp in the mountains, offering children a variety of outdoor activities.)

403.禁 =prohibit, ban

造句:非法活动在这个地区被严格禁止,违者将受到法律制裁。 (Illegal activities are
strictly prohibited in this area, and violators will face legal consequences.)

404.咳 = cough
造句:他咳嗽了一阵,显示出身体不适。 (He coughed for a while, indicating discomfort.)

405.嗽 = cough
造句:感冒时,嗓子痛会引起频繁咳嗽。 (During a cold, a sore throat can cause frequent

406.搅 = stir, disturb

造句:请不要搅动沉淀物,让液体保持清澈。 (Please do not disturb the sediment; let the
liquid remain clear.)

407.拌 =mix, blend

造句:在制作沙拉时,需要将各种新鲜的食材拌匀。(When making a salad, it's necessary to
mix various fresh ingredients evenly.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

408.阻 = hinder, block

造句:恶劣的天气阻碍了我们前进的步伐。 (The bad weather hindered our progress.)

409.善 = good, kind

造句:善良的举动可以温暖他人的心灵。 (Kind actions can warm the hearts of others.)

410.输 = lose, transport

造句:在比赛中,重要的是享受过程,不仅仅是关注输赢。(In a competition, it's important
to enjoy the process, not just focus on winning or losing.)

411.赢 = Win, gain

造句:勇气和努力是成功的关键,不仅仅是为了赢。(Courage and effort are the keys to
success, not just for winning.)

412.雄 = male, vigorous

造句:雄狮在草原上显得威风凛凛,展现着王者风范。(The male lion appears majestic on the
grassland, displaying a kingly demeanor.)

413.增 = increase, add

造句:增加园区的绿化面积有助于改善空气质量。(Increasing the green area in the park
helps improve air quality.)

414.添 = add, increase

造句:为家庭添置一些温馨的装饰品,能够营造舒适的居住环境。 (Adding some warm
decorations to the home creates a comfortable living environment.)

415.唠 = chat, talk

造句:老友们聚在一起唠嗑,回忆往事。(Old friends gather to chat and reminisce about the
的:的 着:着 地:地

416.疑 = doubt, suspect

造句:他的行为让人产生了一些疑虑,需要进行进一步的调查。 (His actions raised some
doubts and require further investigation.)

417.惭 = ashamed, ashamed of

造句:他因自己的错误而感到惭愧,决定改正过来。 (He felt ashamed of his mistake and
decided to correct it.)

418.愧 = ashamed, guilty

造句:在面对朋友时,他感到愧疚,因为没有履行承。(Facing his friends, he felt guilty for
not keeping his promise.)

419.骄 =proud, arrogant

造句:尽管取得了一些成就,但他不应该变得过于骄傲。(Despite achieving some success, he
shouldn't become too proud.)

420.傲 =proud, arrogant

造句:他因为成功而感到傲慢,需要保持谦逊。 (He felt arrogant due to his success and
needs to remain humble.)

421.酸 = sour
造句:柠檬具有酸味,使食物更加爽口。 (Lemons have a sour taste, making food more

422.阔 =wide, broad

造句:这片草原辽阔无垠,让人感受到大自然的辽阔。(The grassland is vast, giving people a
sense of the vastness of nature.)

423.额 =forehead, amount

造句:高温天气下,汗水不断地从额头上流下。 (In hot weather, sweat constantly flows down
from the forehead.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

424.腐 = rotten, decayed

造句:长时间保存的食物容易变质腐烂,建议及时食用。(Food stored for a long time is prone
to spoilage and decay; it is recommended to consume it promptly.)

425.慨 = sigh, feel emotion

造句:看到孩子们努力学习的场景,他慨叹时光飞逝。(Seeing the scene of children studying
hard, he sighed at the passage of time.)

426.慷 = sigh, feel emotion

造句:他慷慨解囊,为慈善事业捐献了一大笔资金。 (He generously donated a large sum of
money to charity.)

427.劣 =inferior, bad

造句:质量劣的商品容易引起消费者的不满。(Inferior quality goods are likely to cause
dissatisfaction among consumers.)

428.势 = trend, situation

造句:局势发展迅速,需要及时调整应对策略。(The situation is developing rapidly and
requires timely adjustment of response strategies.)

429. 阵 = Formation
造句:在战场上,士兵们形成了坚固的阵势。(On the battlefield, the soldiers formed a
strong formation.)

430.捕 = catch, capture

造句:渔民们出海捕鱼,带回了丰富的海鲜。 (Fishermen went out to sea to catch fish and
brought back a rich harvest of seafood.)

431.驾 = drive, pilot

造句:他获得了驾驶执照,可以自己驾驶汽车了。 (He got his driver's license and can now
drive a car on his own.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

432.驶 = drive, pilot

造句:船只在湖面上缓缓驶过,留下一道涟漪。 (The boat sailed slowly across the lake,
leaving ripples behind.)

433.懒 = lazy
造句:周末的时候,她喜欢悠闲地度过,变得有点懒散。(On weekends, she likes to leisurely
spend time and becomes a bit lazy.)

434.惰 = lazy
造句:工作之后,他有些惰性,不愿意额外付出努力。(After work, he has a bit of laziness
and is unwilling to put in extra effort.)

435.克 =overcome, gram

造句:克服困难是成就目标的一部分,需要坚持不懈的努力。 (Overcoming difficulties is part
of achieving goals and requires persistent efforts.)

436.制 = make, produce

造句:这家工厂制造了高质量的产品,赢得了市场的好评。(The factory produces high-quality
products and has won praise in the market.)

437.防 = prevent, guard against

造句:预防疾病的关键是加强健康意识,做好防范措施。(The key to preventing diseases is to
strengthen health awareness and take preventive measures.)

438.护 = protect, guard

造句:这个组织致力于保护濒危动物的生存环境。 (This
organization is dedicated to protecting the living environment of endangered animals.)

439.狂 = crazy, mad

造句:暴风雨中,海浪狂涌,使得船只难以稳定航行。 (In the storm, the waves surged madly,
making it difficult for the boats to sail steadily.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

440.暴 =violent, storm

造句:暴力行为对社会稳定造成严重威胁,需要加强法治。(Violent behavior poses a serious
threat to social stability and requires strengthening the rule of law.)

441.埋 = bury
造句:在花园里埋下了许多美丽的花卉,为春天增添了色彩。 (Many beautiful flowers were
buried in the garden, adding color to spring.)

442.嘴 = mouth
造句:小朋友吃着糖果,甜甜的汁液沾满了他们的嘴巴。(The children are eating candy, and
the sweet juice covers their mouths.)

443.唇 =lips
造句:红润的唇色展现出健康和生机。 (Rosy lips display health and vitality.)

444.谐 = harmonious, humorous

造句:他的幽默风趣使得整个氛围更加谐和愉快。 (His humorous and witty remarks create a
more harmonious and enjoyable atmosphere.)

445.督 = supervise, direct

造句:经理要督促团队保质保量完成项目,确保进度顺利。(The manager needs to supervise the
team to ensure the project is completed with quality and on schedule.)

446.毒 = poison
造句:有些植物的叶子带有毒性,需要小心触摸。 (The leaves of some plants contain toxins
and should be handled with care.)

447.慧 = intelligent, wisdom

造句:她机智而慧黠,总能在困境中找到解决问题的办法。(She is clever and intelligent,
always able to find solutions in difficult situations.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

448.链 = chain
造句:这个项链由精致的小珠子组成,非常漂亮。 (This necklace is made up of delicate
beads and is very beautiful.)

449.随 = follow, along with

造句:我们应该随着时代的发展,不断学习和进步。 (We should continuously learn and
progress along with the development of the times.)

450.闯 = rush, charge

造句:那位勇敢的年轻人决定闯过重重困难,追逐自己的梦想。 (The brave young man decided
to charge through numerous difficulties and pursue his dreams.)

451.止 = Stop
造句:红灯亮起,车辆停止了。(The red light came on, and the vehicles stopped.)

452.劳 = Labor
造句:劳动是创造财富的重要手段。(Labor is a crucial means of creating wealth.)

453.累 = Tired
造句:一天的工作后,她感到非常累。(After a day of work, she felt very tired.)

454.单 = Single
造句:他喜欢独自品味一杯单品咖啡。(He enjoys savoring a single-origin coffee alone.)

455.独 = Alone
造句:在沙滩上独自漫步是一种享受。(Taking a solitary walk on the beach is a form of

456.形 = Form
造句:雨水在窗户上形成了美丽的图案。(Raindrops formed beautiful patterns on the
的:的 着:着 地:地

457.状 = State
造 句 : 他 的 病 情 目 前 处 于 稳 定 状 态 。 (His condition is currently in a stable

458.姨 = Aunt
造句:姨妈常常照顾我,就像亲人一样。(My aunt often takes care of me as if she were a
close relative.)

459.良 = Good
造句:良好的休息对身体健康很重要。(Good rest is essential for physical health.)

460. 拖 = Drag
造句:我们需要一些力量来拖动这个重箱。(We need some strength to drag this heavy box.)

461.代 = Represent
造句:这面旗帜代表着我们的团结和力量。(This flag represents our unity and strength.)

462.胜 = Victory
造句:团队努力工作,最终取得了胜利。(The team worked hard and eventually achieved

463.败 = Defeat
造句:面对失败,我们应该从中吸取教训。(Faced with defeat, we should learn from it.)

464.珍 = Precious
造句 :友谊是一种 珍贵的财富。 (Friendship is a precious treasure.)

465.惜 = Cherish
造句:让我们共同珍惜美好的时光。(Let's cherish the beautiful moments together.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

466. 扩 = Expand or Enlarge

造句:我们需要扩建这个工厂以满足需求。(We need to enlarge this factory to meet the

467.肯 = Willing
造句:他总是肯付出额外的努力。(He is always willing to put in extra effort.)

468.派 = Send
造句:公司派了代表团参加国际会议。(The company sent a delegation to the international

469.稍 = Slightly
造句:调整一下温度,稍微暖和一些。(Adjust the temperature, make it slightly warmer.)

470.微 = Tiny
造句:星星点缀着微光的夜空。(Stars adorn the night sky with tiny lights.)

471.积 = Accumulate
造句:持续努力,积累经验才能取得成功。(Success comes from continuous efforts and
accumulated experience.)

472.烂 = Rotten
造句:食物放久了容易变烂,要注意保鲜。(Food can become rotten if left for too long; pay
attention to preservation.)

473. 鼠 = Rat
造句:春节是鼠年的象征。(The Spring Festival symbolizes the Year of the Rat.)

474.避 = Avoid
造句:要避免交通高峰时段出行。(Avoid traveling during peak traffic hours.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

475.神 = Spirit
造句:冥想有助于平静心灵,提升精神状态。(Meditation helps calm the mind and elevate the

476.兽 = Beast
造句:森林深处传来野兽的吼声。(Roars of wild beasts echoed from deep within the

477. 而 = And
造句:虽然天气寒冷,而他依然坚持每天跑步。(Despite the cold weather, he still insists
on jogging every day.)

478. 温 = Warm
造句:夏天的温度常常很高。(The temperature is often high in summer.)

479.逮 = Catch
造句:警察逮捕了嫌疑犯。(The police caught the suspect.)

480. 柔= Soft
造句:柔软的织物使座位更舒适。(The soft fabric makes the seat more comfortable.)

481. 计 = Plan
造句:制定一个周密的计划是成功的关键。(Formulating a meticulous plan is the key to

482.验 = Test
造句:这个新产品需要经过严格的验证。(This new product needs to undergo rigorous

483.榜 = List
造句:榜单上公布了本年度最佳公司排名。(The list announced the ranking of the best
companies of the year.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

484.样 = Type
造句:这个商店有各种样式的衣物。(This store has various types of clothing.)

485.复 = Complex, Again

造句:他复原了,他恢复了正常。(He recovered, he was back to normal.)

486.仇 = Enemy
造句:和解能够化解仇恨,促进和平。(Reconciliation can dissolve hatred and promote

487. 吸 = Inhale
造句:深呼吸有助于放松身心。(Deep breathing helps to relax the body and mind.)

488. 姥 = Grandmother (often used in some Chinese dialects)

造句:她是我的姥姥,年纪很大了。(She is my grandmother; she is quite old.)

489.幻 = Illusion
造句:镜中花,水中月,如梦如幻。(Flowers in the mirror, the moon in the water, like a
dream, like an illusion.)

490.阵 = Formation
造句:阵雨突然袭来,打破了宁静。(A sudden rain shower came, breaking the tranquility.)

491.容 = Capacity
造句:心胸宽广的人有更大的容忍力。(People with a broad mind have greater capacity for

492.拔 = Pull out

造句:他用力拔出园中的杂草。(He pulled out the weeds in the garden with force.)

493.河 = River
造句:河水潺潺流过,带来生机。(The river flows gently, bringing vitality.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

494.竞 = Compete
造句:运动员们将在比赛中竞技,争夺奖牌。(Athletes will compete in the game to vie for

495.争 = Strive
造句:为了梦想,我们必须努力奋斗,不懈争取。(For the dream, we must strive and strive

496.模 = Model
造句:这是一个可以作为学习的模范案例。(This is a model case that can be used for

497.仿 = Imitate
造句:学习时,不要盲目仿效,要有自己的思考。(When learning, don't blindly imitate; have
your own thoughts.)

498.颗 = Particle
造句:夜空中闪烁着无数的星星颗粒。(Countless stars twinkle in the night sky.)

499.粒 = Grain
造句:沙滩上布满了细小的沙粒。(The beach is covered with fine sand grains.)

500.弯 = Bend
造句:河流在山脚下形成了一个优美的弯曲。 (The river formed a graceful bend at the foot
of the mountains.)

501.销 = Sell, Eliminate

造句:公司计划通过促销活动销售更多的产品。(The company plans to sell more products
through promotional activities.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

502.砸 =Smash, Break

造句:不小心把杯子砸碎了,地上都是碎玻璃。(Accidentally smashed the cup, and the floor
is covered in broken glass.)

503.碎 =Broken, Shattered

造句:他小心地捡拾起地上的碎片,避免受伤。(He carefully picked up the broken pieces
from the ground to avoid injury.)

504.逃 = Escape, Flee

造句:小偷在被发现后迅速逃离了现场。 (The thief quickly fled the scene after being

505.搬 = Move, Carry

造句:我们需要搬家,所以开始整理行李。(We need to move, so we started packing our

506.砖 = Brick
造句:建筑工人一块一块地搬运砖块,开始砌墙。(Construction workers carried bricks one by
one and began to build the wall.)

507.忍 = Endure, Bear

造句:面对困境,他学会了忍耐和坚持。(Faced with difficulties, he learned to endure and

508.耐 = Endure, Tolerate

造句:耐心是解决问题的关键,不急躁能更好地找到解决方案。 (Patience is the key to
solving problems; being not impatient helps find solutions better.)

509.射 = Shoot, Launch

造句:运动员在比赛中精准地射中了目标。 (The athlete accurately shot the target in the
的:的 着:着 地:地

510.箭 = Arrow
造句:弓手拉满弓弦,射出的箭矢直指靶心。 (The archer pulled the bowstring tight, and
the arrow shot straight to the bulls eye.)

511.戴 = Wear, Put on

造句:她戴上了一顶漂亮的帽子,增添了整体造型的时尚感。 (She put on a beautiful hat,
adding a fashionable touch to her overall look.)

512.嫉 = Envy, Be jealous of

造句:她的成功引起了一些同事的嫉妒,但她继续默默努力。 (Her success aroused envy from
some colleagues, but she continued to work hard silently.)

513.款 = Payment
造句:这个包款式独特,吸引了不少顾客的眼球。 (The style of this bag is unique,
attracting the attention of many customers.)

514.献 = Offer, Present

造句:他献上了自己的观点,为团队的决策提供了有价值的参考。 (He offered his own
opinions, providing valuable insights for the team's decision-making.)

515.催 = Urge, Expedite

造句:时间紧迫,我们需要催促进度,确保项目按计划进行。 (Time is tight, we need to
expedite the progress to ensure the project goes according to plan.)

516.妙 = Clever, Wonderful

造句:她用妙语解答了这个复杂的问题,让大家都感到惊叹。 (She answered the complex
question with clever words, impressing everyone.)

517.坠 = Fall, Drop

造句:雨后,树上的雨滴坠落在地面上,发出清脆的声音。(After the rain, raindrops from the
trees fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

518.捏 = Pinch, Knead

造句:小朋友喜欢捏泥巴,制作各种有趣的造型。(Children like to pinch clay to create
various interesting shapes.)

519.魔 = Magic, Demon

造句:传说中,这片森林被认为充满了神秘的魔力。(Legend has it that this forest is
believed to be filled with mysterious magic.)

520.糟 = Bad, Messy

造句:他的计划出了点糟糕,需要重新调整。 (His plan went a bit messy and needs to be

521.糕 = Cake, Pastry

造句:生日派对上摆满了各式各样的美味糕点。(The birthday party was filled with a variety
of delicious cakes and pastries.)

522.翻 = Flip, Turn over

造句:厨师娴熟地用铲子翻动着煎饼,保持均匀的烹饪温度。 (The chef skillfully used a
spatula to flip the pancake, maintaining an even cooking temperature.)

523.吞 = Swallow, Engulf

造句:大鲨鱼一口吞下了整只小鱼。(The big shark swallowed the whole small fish in one

524.噬= Bite, Devour

造句:这种恶劣的昆虫喜欢噬食庄稼,给农民带来了很大的损失。 (These harmful insects like
to bite crops, causing significant losses to farmers.)

525.面 = Face, Noodle

造句:面对挑战时,保持微笑是一种力量。(Smiling in the face of challenges is a source of
的:的 着:着 地:地

526.荡 = Swing, Sway

造句:风吹过湖面,荡起了一片涟漪。 (The wind blew across the lake, causing ripples to

527.漾 = Ripple, Ripple Effect

造句:湖水平静,微风吹过,湖面荡漾起一层层的涟漪。(The lake was calm, and a gentle
breeze caused ripples to ripple across the surface.)

528.焦 = Focus,Burnt
造句:时间一天天过去,她越来越焦急地等待他的消息。(As time passed day by day, she
became more and more anxious, waiting for his message.)

529.虑 = Worry, Concern

造句:他应该仔细考虑一段时间。 (He should think carefully about it for some time.)

530.醒 = Wake up, Become sober

造句:晨光透过窗户,温暖的阳光使他缓缓醒来。 (The morning light came through the
window, and the warm sunshine gradually woke him up.)

531.遵 = Obey, Comply with

造句:在这个社会中,每个人都应该遵守法律规定,保持社会秩序。 (In this society, everyone
should obey the laws and maintain social order.)

532. 评 = Evaluate or Review

造句:他们正在评估公司的业绩。(They are reviewing the company's performance.)

533.歉 = Apologize, Sorry

造句:他向同事道歉,承认自己犯了一个错误。(He apologized to his colleague, admitting
that he made a mistake.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

534.餐 = Meal
造句:每天固定的三餐对于保持身体健康非常重要。(Having three regular meals every day is
crucial for maintaining good health.)

535.否 = No, Not

造句:他坚决否认了与这起事件有关的任何责任。(He firmly denied any responsibility
related to the incident.)

536.胳 = Arm
造句:在健身房锻炼可以增强胳膊的力量和肌肉。(Exercising in the gym can strengthen the
muscles and power of the arms.)

537.膊 = Arm
造句:他感觉到一阵酸痛,于是轻轻揉了揉肩膊。 (He felt a slight soreness and gently
massaged his shoulders and arms.)

538.籍 = Membership
造句:他的家乡籍贯是一个美丽的小镇,风景宜人。 (His hometown is a beautiful town with
pleasant scenery.)

539.引 = Lead
造句:他能够引领团队达到成功。(He can lead the team to success.)

540.羞 = Shy, Ashamed

造句:新生在新环境中感到有些羞涩,需要时间适应。(Freshmen feel a bit shy in the new
environment and need time to adapt.)

541.活 = Live, Alive

造句:在郊外,村庄里的小溪充满了生机,让人感受到大自然的活力。 (In the countryside, the
small stream in the village is full of vitality, giving people a sense of the
liveliness of nature.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

542.泼 = Splash, Pour

造句:小朋友在水池边玩耍,不小心把水泼到了身上。(The children played by the pool and
accidentally splashed water on themselves.)

543.降 = Descend, Reduce

造句:雨水不断降落,使得土地变得湿润。(Rain continuously descends, making the soil

544.低 = Low, Lower

造句:声音逐渐低下来,整个房间变得寂静。 (The sound gradually lowered, and the whole
room became quiet.)

545.解 = Untie
造句:解释一下这个概念,让大家更好地理解。 (Let me explain this concept to help
everyone better understand.)

546.释 = Release, Explain

造句:他用简洁的语言释放了问题的本质,让大家豁然开朗。 (He succinctly explained the
essence of the problem, enlightening everyone.)

547.洞 = Hole
造句:深山中有一个神秘的洞穴。(There is a mysterious cave in the deep mountains.)

548.膏 = Ointment, Paste

造句:这种药膏对于皮肤问题有很好的治疗效果。 (This ointment has a good therapeutic
effect on skin issues.)

549.熟 = Ripe, Familiar

造句:这道菜的烹饪需要一些熟练的技巧,但是一旦掌握,就能轻松制作。(Cooking this dish
requires some skilled techniques, but once mastered, it can be easily prepared.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

550.幽 = Quiet, Secluded

造句:山谷中的小屋坐落在一片幽静的环境中,远离城市的喧嚣。 (The cottage in the valley
is situated in a quiet and secluded environment, far from the hustle and bustle of the

551. 价 = Price or Value

造句:友谊的真正价值无法用金钱衡量。(The true value of friendship cannot be measured in

552.量 = Measure
造句:在烹饪时,需要准确地量取食材。(In cooking, it's important to measure ingredients

553.祥 = Auspicious
造句:喜鹊鸣叫常被认为是祥瑞的兆头。(The singing of magpies is often considered an
auspicious sign.)

554.偶 = Occasionally
造句:偶尔放慢脚步,享受生活的美好瞬间。(Occasionally, slow down and enjoy the
beautiful moments of life.)

555.勿 = Do not
造句:勿忘初心,方得始终。(Do not forget your original intentions, and you will not
lose your way.)

556.扰 = Disturb
造句:请勿打扰,我正在专心工作。(Please do not disturb; I am concentrating on my work.)

557.战 = Battle
造句:团结一致,共同应对各种困难和战斗。(Unite and face various difficulties and
battles together.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

558.术 = Art
造句:音乐、绘画等艺术形式丰富了人们的生活。(Forms of art such as music and painting
enrich people's lives.)

559.梦 = Dream
造句:梦想是人生前进的动力。(Dreams are the driving force for progress in life.)

560. 强 = Strong or Powerful

造句:他是一位非常强壮的运动员。(He is a very strong athlete.)

561.躲 = Dodge
造句:看到危险,他迅速躲开避免受伤。(Seeing the danger, he quickly dodged to avoid

562.闪 = Flash
造句:闪电划过天空,照亮了黑暗的夜晚。(Lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating
the dark night.)

563.议 = Discuss
造句:团队成员齐聚一堂,讨论项目的重要议题。(Team members gathered to discuss important
issues related to the project.)

564.论 = Theory
造句:这本书详细阐述了科学理论的发展历程。(This book elaborates on the development of
scientific theories in detail.)

565.氛 = Atmosphere
造句:活动现场弥漫着欢快的氛围。(The atmosphere at the event was filled with joy.)

566.围 = Surround
造 句 : 他 们 围 在 篝 火 周 围 , 分 享 故 事 和 笑 声 。 (They gathered around the
campfire, sharing stories and laughter.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

567.蓝 = Blue
造句:天空湛蓝,阳光明媚。(The sky is clear blue, and the sun is shining brightly.)

568.莓 = Berry
造句:采摘新鲜的莓果是夏季的乐趣之一。(Picking fresh berries is one of the pleasures of

569.扁 = Flat
造句:这块石头表面很扁平,适合坐下休息。(The surface of this rock is flat, suitable for
sitting and resting.)

570.担 = Carry
造句:他担着沉重的背包,徒步穿越山区。(Carrying a heavy backpack, he hiked through the

571.录 = Record
造句:记者用摄像机录下了这一历史瞬间。(The journalist recorded this historic moment
with a camera.)

572.屏 = Screen
造句:电影开始,屏幕上映现出震撼的画面。(The movie started, and the screen displayed
stunning visuals.)

573.历 = Experience
造句:我们的历史和经历塑造了我们的个性。(Our history and experiences shape our

574.类 = Type
造句:这本书属于科幻小说类别。(This book belongs to the science fiction genre.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

575.妖 = Enchanting
造句:森林中传来妖娆的歌声,令人陶醉。(Enchanting singing echoed through the forest,
captivating the listener.)

576.史 = History
造句:古代史是了解过去文明的重要途径。(Ancient history is an important way to
understand past civilizations.)

577.眨 = Blink
造句:小孩眨着眼睛,好奇地观察周围的世界。(The child blinked, curiously observing the
world around.)

578.摇 = Shake
造句:风吹过,树枝摇曳着舞动。(The wind blew, and the branches shook and danced.)

579.晃 = Sway
造句:船在海浪中晃动,给人一种轻松的感觉。(The boat swayed in the waves, giving a sense
of relaxation.)

580.存 = Store
造句:请在干燥处存放这些文件,以防潮湿。(Please store these documents in a dry place to
prevent moisture.)

581.弃 = Abandon
造 句 : 勇 敢 面 对 困 境 , 不 要 轻 易 弃 权 。 (Face challenges bravely; do not
abandon easily.)

582.定 = Set
造句:计划要有一个明确的目标和固定的时间表。(A plan should have a clear goal and a
fixed timetable.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

583.邀 = Invite
造句:我们邀请朋友们一起共度美好时光。(We invite friends to spend good times together.)

584.靠 = Rely
造句:在困难时期,家人是我们最可靠的支持。(In difficult times, family is our most
reliable support.)

585.踏 = Step
造句:迈着坚定的步伐,他踏上了征程。(With a firm step, he embarked on the journey.)

586.板 = Board
造句:滑板运动员在平滑的板上展示高超技艺。(Skateboarders showcase their skills on the
smooth board.)

587.致 = To
造句:他写了一封感谢信致以诚挚的问候。 (He wrote a thank-you letter to express sincere

588.按 = Press
造句:请按下按钮启动电梯。(Please press the button to activate the elevator.)

589.标 = Mark
造句:老师在试卷上圈出了正确答案的标记。(The teacher marked the correct answers on the
exam paper.)

590.准 = Allow
造句:请按规定准时参加会议。(Please attend the meeting on time as allowed by

591.乘 = Take
造句:你可以乘坐公共交通工具到达目的地。(You can take public transportation to reach
your destination.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

592.抽 = Draw
造句:他抽出时间来研究新的项目。(He drew out time to study the new project.)

593.烟 = Smoke
造句:炉火冒着烟,温暖了整个屋子。 (The fire emitted smoke, warming the entire room.)

594.错 = Wrong
造句:犯错是学习过程中的一部分,重要的是吸取教训。(Making mistakes is part of the
learning process; the important thing is to learn from them.)

595.答 = Answer
造句:请仔细思考后再给出你的答案。(Please think carefully before providing your

596. 艺 = Art
造句:他在艺术领域有着丰富的经验。 (He has rich experience in the field of art.)

597. 启 = Start or Begin

造句:新的一年是一个启示,充满了机会。(The new year is a beginning, full of

598.规 = Rule
造句:遵守规则是维护秩序的基础。(Adhering to rules is the foundation of maintaining

599.害 = Harm
造:避免接触有害物质有助于保护健康。(Avoiding contact with harmful substances helps
protect health.)

600.航 = Navigate
造句:船长需要熟练航海技巧,确保安全航行。(Captains need proficient navigation skills
to ensure safe sailing.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

601.慰 = Comfort
造句:在困难时,朋友的支持能够给予人慰藉。(In difficult times, a friend's support can
provide comfort.)

602.熬 = Endure
造句:他必须熬过这段艰难时期,才能看到曙光。(He has to endure through this tough period
to see the light.)

603. 合 = 合适 (Appropriate) or 合作 (Cooperate)

造句:请穿一套合适的衣服参加面试。(Please wear appropriate clothing for the
interview. )

604.存 = Preserve
造句:我们应该努力保护和存储自然资源。 (We should strive to preserve and store natural

605.留 = Retain
造句:他决定留住这份珍贵的回忆。(He decided to retain this precious memory.)

606.悲 = Sorrow
造句:失去亲人是一种无法避免的悲伤。(Losing a loved one is an inevitable sorrow.)

607.鞭 = Whip
造句:骑手用鞭子轻轻地驱赶马匹。(The rider gently whipped the horses to move.)

608.辩 = Debate
造句:学生们在课堂上积极参与辩论活动。(Students actively engage in debate activities in
the classroom.)

609.论 = Discuss
造句:他们在会议上讨论了重要的议题。(They discussed important issues at the meeting.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

610.记 = Record
造句:她用笔记本记录下这次难忘的经历。(She recorded this unforgettable experience in
her notebook.)

611.激 = Excite
造句:演唱会的现场氛围非常激动人心。(The atmosphere at the concert was very exciting.)

612.凌 = Icy
造句:寒冷的风使湖面凌乱起来。(The cold wind caused ripples on the icy lake.)

613.璃 = Crystal
造句:珠宝店橱窗里展示着美丽的水晶璃。 (The jewelry store window displayed beautiful

614.潮 = Tide
造句:潮水缓缓地涌上沙滩。(The tide slowly rolled onto the beach.)

615. 坏 = Bad
造句:她的行为很坏,让很多人生气。(Her behavior is very bad and has angered many

616.彻 = Thorough
造句:他对问题的分析非常彻底。(His analysis of the problem is very thorough.)

617. 伤 = Injury or Hurt

造句:他在比赛中不慎摔倒,导致腿部受伤。(He accidentally fell during the competition,
resulting in a leg injury.)

618. 直 = Straight or Direct

造句:他的回答直截了当,没有任何隐瞒。(His answer was straightforward, without any
的:的 着:着 地:地

619. 艰 = Difficult or Arduous

造句:他们面临艰难的决定。 (They are facing a difficult decision.)

620. 何 = What
造句:你为何不告诉我真相?(Why don't you tell me the truth?)

621.染 = Dye
造句:她决定染发,尝试一种新的造型。(She decided to dye her hair, trying out a new

622. 简 = Simple

623.粗 = Coarse
造句:这块布料质地较粗,适合制作工作服。(This fabric is coarse in texture and suitable
for making work clothes.)

624.糙 = Rough
造句:这块木头表面糙糙的,需要打磨一下。(The surface of this wood is rough and needs

625.促 = Prompt
造句:他的提醒促使我及时完成了任务。(His prompt reminder motivated me to complete the
task on time.)

626. 键 = Key
造句:他熟练地用手指在键盘上敲击着每一个键。(He skillfully taps each key on the
keyboard with his fingers.)

627. 盘 = Disk or Plate

造句:我把新买的电脑盘插入了电脑,准备存储更多的数据。(I inserted the newly purchased
computer disk into the computer, ready to store more data.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

628.耽 = Indulge
造句:不要耽溺于不健康的生活方式。 (Don't indulge in unhealthy lifestyle choices.)

629.霉 = Mold
造句:潮湿的环境容易使食物发霉。(Damp environments can easily cause food to mold.)

630.毯 = Blanket
造句:寒冷的夜晚,她裹着一条温暖的毯子。 (On cold nights, she wraps herself in a warm

631.震 = Shake
造句:地震使整个城市都震动了起来。(The earthquake shook the entire city.)

632. 光 =Light
造句:通过窗户透进来的光线使房间明亮起来。(The light coming through the window
brightens up the room.)

633.案 = Case
造句:警方正在调查这起刑事案件。(The police are investigating this criminal case.)

634.妨 = Hinder
造句:不要让担忧妨碍你前进的步伐。(Don't let worries hinder your progress.)

635.碍 = Hinderance
造句:缺乏经验是他事业上的一大碍。(Lack of experience is a significant hinderance in
his career.)

636. 体 =Rest/Break
造句:明天是周末,我们可以好好休息一下。(Tomorrow is the weekend, and we can take a
good rest.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

637. 统 =Unify
造句:这个国家经历了多次战乱,最终在一位领导者的努力下实现了统一。(This country went
through several wars and eventually achieved unity under the efforts of a leader.)

638. 目 = Eye or Goal

造句:拥有明确的目标有助于取得成功。(Having clear goals helps in achieving success.)

639.辣 = Spicy
造句:这道菜有一点点辣,很开胃。(This dish is a bit spicy and very appetizing.)

640.椒 = Pepper
造句:厨师正在切一些新鲜的辣椒。(The chef is chopping some fresh peppers.)

641.浏 = Browser
造句:在互联网上,你可以轻松地浏览各种信息。(On the internet, you can easily browse
through various pieces of information.)

642.览 = View
造句:博物馆里有许多珍贵的艺术品可供观览。 (The museum has many precious artworks
available for viewing.)

643.赔 = Compensate
造句:公司决定赔偿客户因产品质量问题而遭受的损失。(The company decided to compensate
customers for losses due to product quality issues.)

644.培 = Cultivate
造句:培养良好的习惯需要时间和耐心。(Cultivating good habits takes time and patience.)

645.谦 = Modest
造句:他一直保持谦逊的态度,取得了同事们的尊敬。(He has always maintained a modest
attitude, earning respect from colleagues.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

646.燃 = Ignite
造句:蜡烛燃起了一阵温暖的光芒。 (The candle ignited, casting a warm glow.)

647.烧 = Burn
造句:火在篝火中烧得很旺盛。(The fire was burning brightly in the bonfire.)

648. 误 = Mistake/Error
造句:这是一个无心之误,我没有故意犯错。(It was an unintentional mistake; I didn't mean
to make an error.)

649.威 = Power
造句:雄壮的瀑布展示了自然的威力。(The mighty waterfall showcases the power of nature.)

650.胁 = Coerce
造句:威胁逼利诱并不是有效的沟通方式。(Coercion is not an effective means of

651.维 = Maintain
造句:维护设备是确保其正常运行的关键。 (Maintaining equipment is crucial to ensuring
its proper functioning.)

652.修 = Repair
造句:机械故障需要专业的技术人员来修理。(Mechanical failures require skilled
technicians to repair.)

653.绕 = Around
造句:在城市中心绕行可能更快捷。(It might be quicker to go around the city center.)

654.委 = Delegate
造 句 : 领 导 委 托 他 负 责 这 个 项 目 的 管 理 。 (The leader delegated him to
manage this project.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

655.屈 = Bend
造句:他屈身拾起掉在地上的书。(He bent down to pick up the book that had fallen on the

656.稳 = Stable
造句:在不确定的时期,保持心态稳定非常重要。(It's crucial to stay stable-minded during
uncertain times.)

657.卧 = Lie down

造句:她感到疲倦,决定卧下休息片刻。(Feeling tired, she decided to lie down for a short

658.数 = Count
造句:小学生学习时需要掌握基本的数学技能。(Elementary students need to learn basic
counting skills.)

659.形 = Shape
造句:这块石头有一个奇特的形状。(This stone has a unique shape.)

660.势 = Momentum
造句:项目正在迅猛发展,势头强劲。(The project is rapidly growing with strong

661.虚 = Empty
造句:他的眼神显得有些虚空,似乎在远方思考着什么。(His gaze seemed a bit empty, as if
contemplating something in the distance.)

662. 登 = Climb/Ascend/登陆 (Land)

造句:他们计划登上珠穆朗玛峰。(They plan to climb Mount Everest.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

663.移 = Move
造句:他们计划将公司总部移至新的城市。(They plan to move the company headquarters to a
new city.)

664.民 = People
造句:民众的声音在社会变革中变得更加重要。(The voices of the people become more crucial
in times of social change.)

665.髦 = Fashionable
造句:她总是穿着很髦,引领时尚潮流。(She always dresses very fashionable, leading the
fashion trend.)

666. 各 = Each/Respective/Every
造句:学生们在各个领域都取得了优异的成绩。(Students have achieved excellent results in
various fields.)

667.项 = Item
造句:这个计划包含了许多不同的项目。(This plan includes many different items.)

668.链 = Chain
造句:珠宝店里展示着各式各样的金银链子。(The jewelry store displays a variety of gold
and silver chains.)

669.询 = Inquiry
造句:他向公司发出了一封询问产品的电子邮件。(He sent an email to the company with an
inquiry about the product.)

670.宴 = Banquet
造句:公司举行了一场盛大的宴会来庆祝成功。(The company hosted a grand banquet to
celebrate success.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

671.惠 = Benefit
造句:这个活动对社区居民带来了很多实惠。(This event brought many benefits to the
community residents.)

672.晕 = Dizzy
造句:坐过山车后,她感到有点晕。(After the roller coaster ride, she felt a bit dizzy.)

673.慧 = Intelligent
造句:她是一位聪明而慧黠的学生。(She is an intelligent and clever student.)

674. 古 = Ancient
造句:这座城市保存着许多古老的建筑和传统文化。(This city preserves many ancient
buildings and traditional cultures.)

675.幕 = Curtain
造句:舞台上的幕布缓缓拉开,揭开了精彩的演出。(The curtain on the stage slowly opened,
revealing a spectacular performance.)

676.摆 = Swing
造句:小孩在花园的秋千上摆动着。(The children are swinging on the garden swing.)

677.摊 = Stall
造句:集市上有许多小摊位出售各种商品。(There are many stalls selling various goods at
the market.)

678.裹 = Wrap
造句:寒冷的天气里,她裹紧了围巾。(In the cold weather, she wrapped her scarf tightly.)

679.薄 = Thin
造句:这张纸很薄,小心不要撕破。(This paper is thin, be careful not to tear it.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

680.荷 = Lotus
造句:池塘里的荷花在清晨绽放。(The lotus flowers in the pond bloom in the early

681.编 = Weave
造句:她喜欢用丝线编织漂亮的手工艺品。(She enjoys weaving beautiful handicrafts with
silk threads.)

682.辑 = Edit
造句:在最终版本之前,编辑团队会对文章进行精心编辑。(Before the final version, the
editing team carefully edits the article.)

683.骤 = Rapid
造句:事情发展得如此骤然,让人措手不及。(The development of events was so rapid that it
caught people off guard.)

684.袭 = Attack
造句:敌军突然袭击,造成许多损失。(The enemy launched a sudden attack, causing
significant losses.)

685.腐 = Decay
造句:食物如果保存不当容易腐烂。(Improper storage of food can lead to decay.)

686.辞 = Resign
造句:他决定因健康原因辞去工作。(He decided to resign from his job due to health

687.喷 = Spray
造句:花园里的喷泉喷发出清新的水雾。(The fountain in the garden sprayed a refreshing
的:的 着:着 地:地

688.嚏 = Sneeze
造句:对光线过敏的人容易因为刺激性的气味而打喷嚏。(People sensitive to light may sneeze
due to strong odors.)

689.蹲 = Squat
造句:他蹲下来检查地上的小动物。(He squatted down to inspect the small creature on the

690.藏 = Hide
造句:孩子们喜欢在树丛中玩捉迷藏的游戏。(Children enjoy playing hide and seek in the

691.愁 = Worry
造句:面对未知的未来,她充满了担忧和愁容。(Faced with the unknown future, she is filled
with worry and concern.)

692.翻 = Flip
造句:他翻开书本,开始阅读新的故事。(He flipped open the book and started reading a new

693.废 = Abandon
造句:这个项目被迫废止,原因是资金不足。(The project was abandoned due to insufficient

694. 忙 = Busy
造句:最近工作很忙,经常加班到很晚。(Work has been busy lately, often working late into
the night.)

695.概 = General
造句:这是一个概括性的报告,涵盖了各个方面。(This is a general report that covers
various aspects.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

696.茨 = Thistle
造句:田间的茨丛给蜜蜂提供了丰富的花蜜。(The thistle in the field provides abundant
nectar for the bees.)

697.裔 = Descendant
造 句 : 这 个 家 族 的 裔 孙 承 袭 了 传 统 的 价 值 观 。 (The descendants of this
family uphold traditional values.)

698.稽 = Scrutinize
造句:审查文件时需要仔细稽查每一项细节。(When reviewing documents, it's important to
scrutinize every detail.)

699.霍 = Sudden
造句:他的到来如同一阵霍然而至的风暴。(His arrival was like a sudden and unexpected

700.敞 = Open
造句:敞开心扉,迎接新的挑战。 (Open your heart and embrace new challenges.)

701.柑 = Tangerine
造句:他手里拿着新鲜的柑橘。(He held fresh tangerines in his hand.)

702.陌 = Unknown
造 句 : 走 在 陌 生 的 街 头 , 感 觉 有 些 迷 失 。 (Walking on unknown streets, I
feel a bit lost.)

703.部 = Part
造句:这是整个计划中的一部分。(This is part of the entire plan.)

704.念 =Thought
造句:他在心中默默地念着一段诗。(He silently recited a poem in his mind.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

705.蹄 = Hoof
造句:那匹马的蹄声在大草原上回荡。(The sound of the horse's hooves echoed across the
vast grassland.)

706.浓 = Concentrated
造句:雨后空气中弥漫着浓浓的湿润气息。(The air was filled with a concentrated, moist
scent after the rain.)

707.缩 = Shrink
造句:在寒冷的天气里,材料可能会缩水。 (aterials may shrink in cold weather.)

708.偶 = Occasional
造句:她只是在偶然的时候提到了那个名字。 (She only mentioned that name on an occasional

709.然 = So
造句:尽管困难重重,他仍然坚持不懈。(Despite numerous challenges, he persisted

710.摄 = Capture
造句:摄影师成功地捕捉到了美丽的瞬间。(The photographer successfully captured a
beautiful moment.)

711.盼 = Hope
造句:在漫漫长夜中,他盼望着黎明的到来。(In the long night, he hoped for the arrival of

712.望 = Look
造句:站在山顶,远处的风景令人望而生畏。(Standing on the mountaintop, the distant
scenery was awe-inspiring.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

713.盆 = Basin
造句:她在花盆中种了一盆美丽的花。(She planted a beautiful flower in the basin.)

714.栽 = Plant
造句:他喜欢在花园里栽植各种植物。(He enjoys planting various plants in the garden.)

715.批 = Batch
造句:工厂生产的产品按批次进行质检。(Products produced in the factory undergo quality
checks in batches.)

716.判 = Judge
造句:法官需要公正地判决每一起案件。(Judges need to make fair judgments in every case.)

717.疲 = Tired
造句:长时间的工作让他感到疲倦不堪。(Long hours of work made him feel extremely tired.)

718.匹 = Match
造句:他有一匹漂亮的马,常常骑着奔驰在草原上。(He has a beautiful horse that he often
rides freely on the grassland.)

719.配 = Match
造句:这两种颜色搭配在一起非常和谐。(These two colors match together harmoniously.)

720.飘 = Float
造句:彩色的气球在空中自由飘动。(Colorful balloons float freely in the air.)

721.逸 = Free and Unrestrained

造句:在大自然中,她感到自由而逸散。(In nature, she feels free and unrestrained.)

722.频 = Frequent
造句:他们之间频繁地发生争执。(There are frequent disputes between them.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

723.衡 = Balance
造句:保持工作和生活的平衡对于健康很重要。(Maintaining a balance between work and life
is crucial for health.)

724.破 = Break
造句:岩石因激烈的天气条件而破裂。(The rock broke due to intense weather conditions.)

725.产 = Produce
造句:这个工厂产量很大,产品远销国外。(The factory has a large output, and its products
are exported abroad.)

726.迫 = Urgent
造句:时间紧迫,我们需要迅速采取行动。(Time is urgent; we need to take action quickly.)

727.切 = Cut
造句:厨师娴熟地用刀切割食材。(The chef skillfully used a knife to cut the

728.企 = Enterprise
造句:成功的企业需要不断创新和进取。(Successful enterprises require continuous
innovation and initiative.)

729.墙 = Wall
造句:这堵墙上有许多美丽的壁画。(There are many beautiful murals on this wall.)
730.壁 = Barrier
造句:语言不应该成为人与人之间的壁垒,而应该是沟通的桥梁。(The walls of this castle are
sturdy and tall.)

731.淡 = Light
造句:日出时,天空的颜色变得更加淡雅。(The sky's colors become more subtle during
的:的 着:着 地:地

732.绪 = Feelings
造句:他的情绪变化多端,难以捉摸。(His emotions are varied and hard to predict.)

733.娶 = Marry
造句:他决定娶她为自己的妻子。(He decided to marry her as his wife.)

734.妻 = Wife
造句:她是他忠诚的妻子,共同经历风风雨雨。(She is his loyal wife, sharing the ups and
downs together.)

735.软 = Soft
造句:这张床垫很软,睡起来很舒适。(The mattress is soft, providing a comfortable

736.弱 = Weak
造句:风暴使得这栋建筑显得更加弱势。(The storm made the building appear more weak.)

737.杀 = Kill
造句:战争中,人们经历了太多的杀戮和痛苦。(In war, people endure too much killing and

738.菌 = Bacteria
造句:科学家正在研究抗击细菌的新方法。(Scientists are researching new methods to combat

739.沙 = Sand
造句:沙滩上的细沙在脚下轻轻颤动。(The fine sand on the beach gently trembles

740.漠 = Desert
造句:沙漠中的风沙形成了壮丽的沙丘。(The winds in the desert have formed magnificent
sand dunes.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

741.傻 = Silly
造句:他做了一些傻事,让大家都笑了起来。(He did something silly, making everyone burst
into laughter.)

742.瓜 = Melon
造句:夏天是吃西瓜的好时光。(Summer is the perfect time for enjoying watermelon.)

743.删 = Delete
造句:请小心,不要不小心删掉重要文件。(Be careful not to accidentally delete important

744.除 = Delete
造句:他们决定彻底除去房屋周围的杂草。(They decided to completely remove the weeds
around the house.)

745.含 = Contain
造句:这款饮料含有丰富的维生素和矿物质。(This beverage contains abundant vitamins and

746.例 =Example
造句:他是奋斗的典范,是成功的例子。(He is an exemplary figure of hard work, a true
example of success.)

747.炮 = Cannon
造句:火药的爆炸声混合着远处的炮声。(The explosion of gunpowder mixed with distant
cannon fire.)

748.博 = Abundant
造句:这个地区的文化历史博大丰富。(The cultural and historical heritage in this region
is abundant.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

749.陋 = Rough
造句:这是一个陋室,却充满了温馨和真诚。 (This is a rough room, yet it is filled with
warmth and sincerity.)

750.贫 = Poor
造句:他从小生活在贫困的环境中,但他努力奋斗改变命运。(He grew up in poor conditions,
but he worked hard to change his destiny.)

751.根 = Root
造句:善良是人性的根本特质之一。(Kindness is one of the fundamental traits of human

752.寓 = Reside
造句:这座建筑寓意着文化的传承与发展。(This building symbolizes the inheritance and
development of )

753.沟 =Ditch
造句:农田间的沟渠排水很有效。(The drainage ditches in the fields work effectively.)

造句:互联网使得人们能够迅速通讯 和获取信息。(The internet allows people to communicate
and access information quickly.)

755.姑 = Aunt
造句:她的姑姑总是给予她无尽的关爱。(Her aunt always showers her with endless love.)

756.娘 = Mother
造句:慈爱的娘亲是她的坚强后盾。(Her loving mother is her strong support.)

757.鼓 = Drum
造句:节奏鼓点推动着整个音乐的氛围。 (The rhythmic drum beats drive the atmosphere of
the music.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

758.掌 = Control
造句:他能够巧妙地掌控复杂的局势。 (He can skillfully control complex situations.)

759.骨 = Bone
造句:骨折需要充分的休息和治疗。(A bone fracture requires adequate rest and treatment.)

760.察 = Observe
造句:他善于察言观色,洞察人心。(He is good at observing words and actions,
understanding people's hearts.)

761.冠 = Crown
造句:她头上戴着一顶华丽的皇冠。(She wore a magnificent crown on her head.)

762.军 = Army
造句:军队在国家安全中扮演着重要的角色。(The army plays a crucial role in national

763.光 = Light
造句:朝阳的光辉洒在大地上。(The radiance of the morning sun spills onto the earth.)

764.滑 = Slippery
造句:雨后的路面很滑,要小心行走。(The road is slippery after the rain, be careful when

765.规 = Standard
造句:遵守交通规则是每个公民的责任。(Abiding by traffic rules is the responsibility of
every citizen.)

766.律 = Law
造句:社会需要一套公正的法律制度。(Society needs a fair legal system.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

767.则 = Rule
造句:成功的人们往往有一些相似的原则和规则。(Successful people often have some similar
principles and rules.)

768.海 =Sea
造句:海的尽头似乎连接着天空。(The end of the sea seems to connect with the sky.)

769.鲜 = Fresh
造句:新鲜的水果散发着诱人的香味。(Fresh fruits emit an enticing fragrance.)

770.豪 = Heroic
造句:他表现出豪迈的英雄气概。(He displayed a heroic and gallant demeanor.)

771.猴 = Monkey
造句:在树上,一群猴子欢快地嬉戏。(In the trees, a group of monkeys play joyfully.)

造句:我们共同愿望世界更加和平繁荣。(We all wish for a world that is more peaceful and

773.逐 = Pursue
造句:他努力逐梦,追求自己的事业目标。(He works hard to pursue his dreams and achieve
his career goals.)

774.忽 = Suddenly
造句:忽然间,整个世界安静了下来。(Suddenly, the whole world became quiet.)

775.视 = View
造句:对于艺术,每个人都有不同的视角。(Everyone has a different view on art.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

776.糊 = Paste
造 句:小 朋友在 手工课 上糊贴 彩纸。 (The children paste colored paper in the
handicraft class.)

777.涂 = Apply
造句:请涂上防晒霜以保护皮肤。(Please apply sunscreen to protect your skin.)

778.慌 = Anxious
造句:考试前,她变得有些紧张和慌张。(Before the exam, she became a bit nervous and

779.怀 = Embrace
造句:在怀抱中,小猫感到温馨而安全。(In the embrace, the kitten feels warm and secure.)

780.题 = Title
造句:这幅画的题目是“夏日的风景”。(The title of this painting is "Summer Landscape.")

781.灰 = Ash
造句:火灾后,整个城市被灰尘覆盖。(After the fire, the entire city was covered in

782.活 = Alive
造句:生命的力量让他感到活力无限。(The power of life makes him feel infinitely alive.)

783.跃 = Leap
造句:溪流上的鱼儿欢快地跃出水面。(The fish in the stream joyfully leap out of the

784.耐 = Endure
造句:面对困境,他展现出极大的耐心和毅力。(Faced with adversity, he shows great
patience and endurance.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

785. 插 = Insert
造句:我想在这篇文章中插入一张图片。(I want to insert an image in this article.)

786.补 = Supplement
造句:补充营养对身体健康至关重要。(Supplementing nutrients is crucial for physical

787. 踩 = Step on
造句:请小心,不要踩到花坛里的花。(Please be careful not to step on the flowers in the

788.足 = Foot
造句:足球是一项受欢迎的运动。(Football is a popular sport.)

789. 醉 = Drunk
造句:他昨晚喝得太多,完全醉了。(He drank too much last night and was completely

790. 最 = Most
造句:这家公司生产的产品在市场上是最受欢迎的。(The products produced by this company
are the most popular in the market.)

791. 组 = Group
造句:我们分成几个小组进行讨论。(We divided into several small groups for discussion.)

792. 品 = Product or Quality

造句:这个品牌的产品质量一直很好。(The product quality of this brand has always been

793. 总 = Total or Overall

造句:总体而言,这个项目取得了良好的进展。(Overall, the project has made good
的:的 着:着 地:地

794.叉 = Fork
造句:用叉子把食物搁在盘子里。(Use a fork to place the food on the plate.)

795. 扶 =Support
造句:他伸手扶着老人,帮助他横过马路。(He reached out to support the old man, helping
him cross the street.)

796. 达 =Achieve; Reach

造句:通过艰苦努力,他最终达到了自己的目标。(Through hard work, he eventually achieved
his goal.)

797. 悟 =Awaken; Realize

造句:在沉思的过程中,他突然悟到了生活的真谛。(In the process of contemplation, he
suddenly realized the essence of life.)

798. 递 =Hand over / Pass

造句:他递给我一杯热茶。(He handed me a cup of hot tea.)

799. 血 = Blood
造句:他受伤后,流出了一滴鲜红的血。 (After he got injured, a drop of bright red blood
flowed out.)

800.诚 =Sincere
造句:他的诚意让人感到深深的敬佩。(His sincerity is deeply admirable.)

801. 滴 =Drop
造句:雨滴在玻璃窗上滑落,发出清脆的声音。(Raindrops slid down the glass window, making
a crisp sound.)

802.烦 = Annoyed
造句:他因为长时间的等待而感到有些烦躁。(He felt a bit annoyed due to the long wait.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

803. 溜 =Slip
造句:雨后地面湿滑,小狗在花园里欢快地溜达。 (The ground was slippery after the rain,
and the little dog happily slipped around in the garden.)

804.充 = Charge
造句:电池需要充电才能正常使用。(The battery needs to be charged to function properly.)

805.态 = Attitude
造句:积极乐观的态度有助于克服困难。(A positive and optimistic attitude helps overcome

806.财 = Wealth
造句:财富不仅包括金钱,还有生活的丰富。(Wealth includes not only money but also
richness in life.)

807.采 = Collect
造句:摄影师常常采风,捕捉大自然的美。(Photographers often collect inspiration from
nature, capturing its beauty.)

808.取 = Take
造句:请取走你所需要的物品。(Please take what you need.)

809.参 = Participate
造句:大家齐心协力,共同参与社区建设。(Everyone works together to actively participate
in community development.)

810.考 =Examine
造句:在考试前,她努力准备了好几个星期。(Before the exam, she studied hard for several

811. 醋 =Vinegar
的:的 着:着 地:地

造句:我喜欢在沙拉上加一点醋,使得味道更加爽口。(I like to add a bit of vinegar to my

salad to make the taste more refreshing.)

812.库 = Warehouse
造句:这个仓库储存着大量的商品。(This warehouse stores a large quantity of goods.)

813.称 = Weigh
造句:在称上称量食材的重量。(Weigh the ingredients on the scale.)

814.赞 = Praise
造句:他的努力受到了老板的高度赞扬。(His efforts received high praise from the boss.)

815.承 = Undertake
造句:他愿意承担更多的责任和挑战。 (He is willing to undertake more responsibilities
and challenges.)

816. 追 = Pursue or Chase

造句:他在追逐自己的梦想 (He is pursuing his dreams.)

817.诚 = Sincere
造句:他的诚意让人感到深深的敬佩。(His sincerity is deeply admirable.)

818. 咨 =Consult or Seek advice

造句:在做决定之前,建议你咨询专业人士的意见。(Before making decisions, it is
recommended to seek advice from professionals.)

819.宠 = Pet
造句:这只狗是他的宠物,陪伴了很多年。(This dog is his pet, accompanying him for many

820.席 = Seat
造句:请在宴会上找到你的席位。(Please find your seat at the banquet.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

821.粥 = Porridge
造句:在寒冷的日子里,一碗热粥温暖人心。(On a cold day, a bowl of hot porridge warms
the heart.)

822.传 = Transmit
造句:这封信将传达我们的诚挚祝愿。(This letter will transmit our sincere wishes.)

823. 资 =Capital or Resources

造句:这家公司获得了大量的投资资金。(The company has secured a significant amount of
investment capital.)

824.匆 = Hurried
造句:他匆匆忙忙地赶着去参加会议。(He hurriedly rushed to attend the meeting.)

825.措 = Action
造句:在应对紧急情况时,我们需要迅速采取措施。(In dealing with emergencies, we need to
take prompt action.)

826.施 = Implement
造句:实施新政策需要全面的计划和协调。(Implementing new policies requires comprehensive
planning and coordination.)

827.厦 = Mansion
造 句 : 这 座 宏 伟 的 厦 大 楼 是 城 市 的 地 标 之 一 。 (The magnificent mansion
building is one of the city's landmarks.)

828.待 = Treat
造句:我们应该善待他人,以建设和谐社会。(We should treat others kindly to build a
harmonious society.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

829.遇 = Encounter
造句:在旅途中,他们偶然相遇并成为了好朋友。(During their journey, they encountered
each other by chance and became good friends.)

830.单 = Single
造句:她享受独自生活的单纯和自由。 (She enjoys the simplicity and freedom of single

831.调 = Adjust
造句:在新环境中,她努力调适自己的心情。(In the new environment, she works hard to
adjust her mood.)

832.担 = Bear
造句:他愿意担负责任,为团队贡献力量。(He is willing to bear responsibilities and
contribute to the team.)

833.任 = Responsible
造句:作为领导,他非常负责任。(As a leader, he is very responsible.)

834.敌 = Enemy
造句:在和平时期,我们要尽量避免产生敌意。 (During times of peace, we should try to
avoid harboring enmity.)

835.亏 = Deficit
造句:不良的管理可能导致公司经济亏损。(Poor management may lead to an economic deficit
for the company.)

836.挥 = Wave
造句:她向队友挥手告别,开始新的征程。(She waved goodbye to her teammates, starting a
new journey.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

837.繁 = Prosperous
造句:这个城市繁荣兴旺,吸引了许多投资者。(This city is prosperous and attracts many

838.荣 = Glory
造句:荣誉是她为国家做出贡献的证明。(Honor is proof of her contribution to the

839.范 = Model
造句:他是一个社会模范,受到大家的尊敬。(He is a social model, respected by everyone.)

840.围 = Surround
造句:大家围在一起,分享快乐的时光。(Everyone gathers together to share joyful

841. 告 =Tell or Inform

造句:他告诉我一个有趣的故事。(He told me an interesting story.)

842.肥 = Fertilizer,Fat
造句:种植水果蔬菜时,施用适量的有机肥料有助于作物生长。(When growing fruits and
vegetables, applying an appropriate amount of organic fertilizer helps in crop growth.)

843.皂 = Soap
造句:这块肥皂具有清洁和滋润的效果。(This piece of soap has a cleaning and moisturizing

844.否 = No
造句:他坚定地说出了对这个提议的否定意见。(He firmly expressed a negative opinion on
the proposal.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

845.复 = Repeat
造句:良好的学习方法是多次复习已学知识。(A good study method involves repeating the
knowledge learned several times.)

846.制 = Make
造句:这家公司专门制造高品质的电子产品。(This company specializes in making high-
quality electronic products.)

847.改 = Change
造句:改变思维方式有助于寻找创新的解决方案。(Changing the mindset helps in finding
innovative solutions.)

848. 正=Positive or Correct

造句:请确保你的答案是正确的。(Please make sure your answer is correct.)

849.括 = Include
造句:这份报告包括了所有相关的数据和分析。(This report includes all relevant data and

850.隔 = Separate
造句:高墙隔开了两个相邻的庭院。(High walls separate two adjacent courtyards.

851.恳= Earnest
造句:他发表了一份恳切的道歉信,表达了真诚的歉意。(He issued an earnest apology letter,
expressing sincere regret.)

852.善 = Good
造句:行善事不仅使他人受益,也让自己感到快乐。(Doing good not only benefits others but
also brings happiness to oneself.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

853.扇 = Fan
造句:在炎热的夏天,她用扇子扇着清凉的风。(On a hot summer day, she uses a fan to
create a cool breeze.)

854.蛇 = Snake
造句:蛇是一种冷血动物,通常在草丛中活动。(Snakes are cold-blooded creatures and are
often found moving through grass.)

855.精 = Essence
造句:这本书总结了古代哲学的精华。(This book summarizes the essence of ancient

856.设 = Set up
造句:他们计划在城市中心设立一家新公司。(They plan to set up a new company in the city

857.备 = Prepare
造句:活动开始前,他们需要准备好一切。(They need to prepare everything before the event

858.升 = Rise
造句:阳光升起,新的一天开始了。(The sun rises, and a new day begins.)

859.降 = Fall
造句:温度降低,标志着秋天的来临。(The temperature falls, signaling the arrival of

860.绳 = Rope
造句:他们用绳子拉着大物体一点点移动。(They use a rope
to slowly move the large object.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

861.省 = Province,Save
造句:湖北省是中国的一个内陆省份,有着丰富的历史和文化。(Saving electricity is a way to
protect the environment.)

862.略 = Brief
造句:他给了一个简略而清晰的报告,强调关键点。(He gave a brief yet clear presentation,
emphasizing key points.)

863.胜 = Victory
造 句 : 他 们 以 出 色 的 表 现 取 得 了 比 赛 的 胜 利 。 (They achieved victory with
an outstanding performance in the game.)

864.利 = Benefit
造句:这个项目将为社区带来长期的经济和社会利益。(Healthy eating and exercise have many
benefits for the body.)

865.湿 = Wet
造句:雨后,地面仍然湿润,充满清新的气息。(After the rain, the ground remains wet,
filled with a fresh scent.)

866.践 = Practice
造句:艺术家通过不断实践不断提高自己的技能。(Artists improve their skills through
continuous practice.)

867.似 = Similar
造句:这两幅画的风格非常相似,令人难以区分。 (The styles of these two paintings are
very similar, making it hard to distinguish.)

868.收 = Receive
造句:她收到了一封感人的感谢信,表达对她帮助的感激之情。(She received a heartfelt
thank-you letter expressing gratitude for her assistance.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

869.获 = Obtain
造句:他努力工作,最终获得了博士学位。(He worked hard and eventually obtained a
doctoral degree.)

870.套 = Set
造句:这套家具包括沙发、茶几和书架。(This set of furniture includes a sofa, coffee
table, and bookshelf.)

871.蔬 = Vegetable
造句:多吃新鲜蔬菜有助于维持身体健康。 (Eating fresh vegetables helps maintain good

872.梳 = Comb
造句:用梳子梳理头发有助于保持发型整洁。(Using a comb to tidy up the hair helps
maintain a neat hairstyle.)

873.甩 = Shake off

造句:他迅速甩掉身上的雨水,走进屋子。 (He quickly shook off the rainwater from his
body and entered the house.)

874.撕 = Tear
造句:他生气地撕掉了那张纸。(He angrily tore up the paper.)

875.裂 = Split
造句:地震导致地面裂开,形成了深深的裂痕。(The earthquake caused the ground to split,
forming deep cracks.)

876.丝 = Silk
造句:丝绸是一种优质的纺织材料。(Silk is a high-quality textile material.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

877.毫 = Trifle
造句:这只是一个毫不重要的小事,不值得过多关注。(It's just a trifle, not worth paying
too much attention to.)

878.透 = Permeate
造 句 : 阳 光 透 过 云 层 洒 在 大 地 上 。 (Sunlight permeated through the clouds and
spread on the ground.)

879.槽 = Trough
造句:农民正在给牲畜装满新鲜的饲料槽。(Farmers are filling the troughs with fresh feed
for the livestock.)

880.歪 = Crooked
造句:桌子腿有点歪,需要调整一下。(The legs of the table are a bit crooked and need

881.斜 = Slanting
造句:这座塔是斜塔的典型代表。(This tower is a typical representation of a slanting

882.胃 = Stomach
造句:健康的饮食对保护胃部健康至关重要。(A healthy diet is crucial for protecting
stomach health.)

883.置 = Place
造句:他将奖杯高高地置于书桌上。(He placed the trophy high on the desk.)

884.暖 = Warm
造句:一杯热茶可以带来温暖和舒适感。(A cup of hot tea can bring warmth and comfort.)

885.吻 = Kiss
造句:他们在别离时深情地吻别。(They kissed passionately when parting.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

886.奈 = Where
造句:在这种情况下,我们该奈何为之?(In such a situation, what should we do?)

887.武 = Martial
造句:武术是一种古老而精湛的运动方式。(Martial arts are an ancient and refined form of
physical activity.)

888.雾 = Mist
造句:晨雾弥漫在山谷中,宛如仙境一般。(Morning mist fills the valley, creating a fairy-
tale-like scene.)

889.瞎 = Blind
造句:他瞎了一只眼睛,但仍然充满了生活的热情。(He is blind in one eye but still full of
enthusiasm for life.)

890.歇 = Rest
造句:劳累一天后,她需要找个地方歇息片刻。(After a tiring day, she needs to find a
place to rest for a while.)

891.胸 = Chest
造句:他骄傲地挺起胸膛,展示自己的成就。(He proudly puffed out his chest, showcasing
his achievements.)

892.膛 = Chest
造句:猎人瞄准了鹿的胸膛,准备射击。(The hunter aimed at the deer's chest, preparing to

893.叙 = Narrate
造句:他生动地叙述了自己的冒险经历。(He vividly narrated his adventurous experiences.)
的:的 着:着 地:地

894.腥 = Fishy
造句:海鲜市场散发着新鲜海产品的腥味。(The seafood market exudes the fishy smell of
fresh marine products.)

895.延 = Extend
造句:为了躲避暴风雨,他们决定延长旅行计划。(To avoid the storm, they decided to extend
their travel itinerary.)

896.滚 = Roll
造句:孩子们在草地上滚来滚去,尽情玩耍。(The children rolled around on the grass,
playing joyfully.)

897.憾 = Regret
造句:未能亲临毕业典礼是他一生的憾事。(Not being able to attend the graduation ceremony
was a lifelong regret for him.)

898.烯 = Olefin
造句:烯烃是一类含有碳碳双键的化合物。(Olefins are compounds that contain carbon-carbon
double bonds.)

899.犹 = Like
造句:他犹如一位智者,为大家解答疑惑。(He is like a sage, answering questions for

900.豫 = Henan (a province in China)

造句:豫菜以其独特的风味在全国享有盛誉。(Henan cuisine is renowned nationwide for its
unique flavors.)

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