Compass Error 01
Compass Error 01
Compass Error 01
At Z.T 0500 on July 28th 1990 in DR ( 24° 10 N, 110° 20 W ) when the
chronometer reads 11h 50m 10s and ch.Err 1m 20 s fast. Find:-
1-T.Bg. of Polaris.
2-Comp. Error and Dev .if comp.Bg. of Polaris was 355° and the Var. was 2.5 W.
T.Bg 360.3
C.Bg 355
T.Bg 360.3 C.Err 5.3 E
G.Bg Var. 2.5 W
G.Err Dev 7.8 E
worked Example
At Z.T 1900 on September 9 th 1990 ship was in D.R (22° 15 N,20° 30 W )
chronometer showed : 7 h 30m 40s and the ch.Er. was 2 m 20s slow
1- Find the comp. Er. If comp. Bg. Of Fomalhout was 129° and Dev if the var was 3°E
2- Find the G.Er if the Gyro Bg. Was 124.5° .
Lat. 22 15 N B 0.574 S
AZ S 60 E
T.Bg 120
a)Find Z.T of sun set and end of evening Civil twilight in D.R (13° 40’ S , 132° 50’ E) on
April 13th ,1990
b)Use the Amplitude method ,on April 13 th 1990 to find the compass Error and Dev.
If the Sun set at Bg. 268° (C) ,281° (G) and Var. was 5° E regarding data in( a).
L.M.T 17 57 00 18 18 00 13-Apr
lat.cor 2 34 2 12
cL.M.T 17 54 26 18 15 48
long/T 8 51 20 8 51 20
G.M.T 9 3 6 9 24 28
Z.N . 9 . 9
Z.T 18 3 6 18 24 28 13-Apr
Dec. 9 00.5 N
0.9 d.Cor . 0.1
c.Dec 9 00.6 N
T.Bg = 270 + Amp
Sin Dec
Sin Amp. = Amp
Cos Lat 270 90
Amp. = 9.3
T.Bg 279.3
C.Bg 268
T.Bg 279.3 C.Err 11.3 E
G.Bg . 281 Var 5 E
G.Err . 1.7 L Dev 6.3 E
worked Example
At Z.T 1200 on June 7 th 1990 ship was in D.R (48° 25.7N, 128° 38 W )
chronometer showed : 8 h 58m 44s and the ch.Er. was 4 m 16s fast,
I.E 1.2 off arc H.E 9m , the sext . Alt of Sun L.L 63° 53.0'
Find the elements of Position line by intercept method
During the evening civil twilight on Aug. 6th 1990 a ship was in D.R.
(39° 15'N, 177° 50'W). Ch.err. 1m 40s slow on GMT. I.E. 1.4' off the arc.
H.E.14 m. Chr. time 7h 30m 14s
The Sext alt. of the star polaris was 38° 48.0'
1- True latitude.
2- Direction of the P.L.
P = 73° 00.3'
LHA = P obs.long 171 23.9 E
or LHA = 360 - P DR .long 171 05 E
d.long . 18.9' E
On 7th June 1990 the ship was in D.R (29° 29'S,49° 49'E). When chronometer reads
8h 48m 30s - I.E 2.5' on the arc, H.E 12m ,
ch.error 1m 10s slow on G.M.T.
The sext Alt. of the sun's L.L near the meridian was 37° 44' .
Find the P.L and the latitude at which the P.L crosses D.R long, and draw the PL.