BOI Labour Sandards
BOI Labour Sandards
BOI Labour Sandards
page i ii
introduction - iii 1
the board of investment (boi) of sri lanka promotes and facilitates labour management
co-operation and industrial harmony in the enterprises coming under its purview and, towards
that end, provides advisory services and guidance to employers and employees through its
industrial relations officers.
this manual embodies the boi policy statement on labour standards and employment
relations, lays down good industrial relations principles and practices and sets out the basic
terms and conditions of employment to be observed by boi enterprises operating both within
and outside the export processing Zones (epZs) in sri lanka.
labour laws of the country are also applicable to all enterprises in the country,
including boi/epZ enterprises, and the ministry and department of labour are responsible for
labour administration functions, including labour law enforcement and industrial relations.
boi enterprises are expected to observe the industrial relations principles and practices
laid down in the manual, the provisions of the relevant labour laws and terms and conditions
of employment no less favourable than the basic standards set out in this manual. they are also
required to maintain a healthy and harmonious industrial relations climate conducive for
higher effciency and productivity.
if any clarification or assistance is required in this regard, please contact the director,
senior deputy director or deputy director of the industrial relations department of the boi.
Tele Fax
contact telephone nos: head office - 011-2427125 011-2387148
011-2427124 011-2265801
kepZ- 011-2252359 011-2253207
bepZ- 011-2465215 011-2465233
kgepZ/sro- 091-2283455 091-2283370
kip / cro 081-2423952 081-2420091
hepZ- 034-2269296 034-2269296
sip- 036-2231081 036-2231083
wepZ- 033-2282841 033-2282364
mwepZ- 037-2298147 037-2296041
pwepZ- 037-2244657 037-2244657
nwro- 037-2277040 037-2277036
as a matter of policy, the board of investment (boi) of sri lanka supports the Global Compact
proposed by the secretary-general of the united nations and addressed to the business
community, which incorporates, inter alia, the core labour standards of the international
labour organisation (ilo).
the boi is also committed to promoting the application of the principles underlying the Global
Compact and the related international labour standards by the employers in the boi
enterprises, both within and outside the export processing Zones.
accordingly, the labour standards and employment relations in the boi enterprises will be
governed, inter alia, by the following policies and principles:-• Respecting the right of the
workers to form and join trade unions of their own choosing.
• Establishing grievance procedures for the examination of workers'
• Offering fair wages and benefits and conditions of employment to workers.
1.1. Classification of Workers
1.1.1 Trainees
those undergoing training for a period of not less than 6 months/ 156 working days
are classified as trainees.
1.1.2 Un-skilled
work which does not involve any training is classified as un-skilled work.
1.1.3 Semi-skilled
on successful completion of a training period of 6 months, a worker is classified as
1.1.4 Skilled
A worker with the requisite skills for the job is classified as a skilled worker.
1.2. Recruitment and Retirement
minimum age for recruitment shall be 18 years. the normal age of retirement is 55 years.
however, extension beyond 55 years can be granted at the discretion of the management.
persons who have attained the age of 16 years but below the age of 18 years can be
employed, subject to the following conditions:-
a) persons under the age of 18 years cannot be employed for more than 50 hours of
overtime during any month.
b) persons under the age of 18 years cannot be employed after 10.00 p.m. and before
6.00 a.m.
1.3. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labour
no employer in any boi enterprise shall use any form of forced or compulsory labour.
1.4. Prohibition of Child Labour
no employer in any boi enterprise shall use child labour either directly or indirectly through
1.5. Equal Status
male and female workers shall be accorded equal opportunity in employment and
occupation and paid equal remuneration for work of equal value.
1.6. Contract of Employment
a written contract of employment embodying terms and conditions of service including the
designation or category of the employee, normal hours of work, rate of pay, period of
training if any, probationary period, leave, holidays and superannuation benefits, has to be
issued to every worker including trainees and acknowledgement of receipt obtained by the
1.7. Certificates of Employees
1.7.1 original certificates of employees are meant only for purposes of scrutiny of their
authenticity. no employer should keep any original certificate of an employee in his
custody beyond the completion of three (3) months from the date of commencement
of employment of the employee.
1.7.2 on termination of employment / resignation employee's certificates, if any, in the
custody of the employer should be returned to the employee at least within 30 days
from the date of termination of employment / resignation.
2.1. Normal Working Day.
a short working day of 6, 6 ½ or 7 hours inclusive of an interval of one hour for a
meal or rest, as the case may be, as determined by the wages board for the
respective trade (e.g 6 hours in the case of textile manufacturing, security service,
tyre and tube manufacturing, tyre re-building, rubber & plastic goods
manufacturing trades, 6 ½ in the case of garment manufacturing and hosiery
manufacturing and engineering trades and 7 hours in the case of rubber export and
tea export trades).
a short working day of 5 ½ hours inclusive of an interval of half an hour for a meal
or rest.
2.1.3. for office employees, any day in the week can be granted as a half a day of 5
hours duration.
2.2.2. employment of female workers on night work from 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. on the
following day will be allowed as a third shift, subject to the following conditions:-
b) the employer to obtain prior approval from the department of labour for night
work. the industrial relations department of the boi will provide assistance upon
c) payment of 1 ½ times the daily rate of wages for the normal night shift.
d) maximum of 10 days night work per female worker in any one month.
e) a worker employed between 6.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. not to be employed on
night shift on same day.
g) matron / female supervisors to be present during the shift.
3.2.1. all employees to be paid a monthly wage. no wages to be paid on daily rate or piece
rate or on contract basis.
3.2.2. all employees shall be paid their wages within ten (10) days of the expiry of the
wage period.
3.2.3. only authorised deductions such as cash advances, loans obtained by the employees,
etc with the consent of the employees, income tax, employees contribution to epf
and any other deductions approved by the commissioner of labour can be made
from wages. the aggregate of such deductions should not exceed -
a) 50% of the wages due for the period in the case of employees covered by
decisions of wages boards for all trades other than tea, rubber, cocoa and
coconut growing trades, and
b) 60% of the wages due for the period in the case of office employees.
3.2.4. for the purpose of calculating no-pay deductions, holiday payments etc., the daily
salary shall be arrived at by dividing the monthly salary by 30 days in the case of
office employees and the monthly wages by 25, 26 or 30 according to the relevant
wages board, decisions in the case of factory employees eg: 25 in the case of motor
transport trade, nursing home trade, security service, 26 in the case of garment
manufacturing trade, hosiery manufacturing trade and textile manufacturing trade
and 30 in the case of printing trade, tyre, tube manufacturing, tyre re-building,
rubber and plastic goods manufacturing trade.
3.2.5. proper wages records indicating basic wage, allowances, overtime, sunday/ public
holiday earnings and deductions shall be maintained and kept in the enterprise, as
required by the relevant law.
3.2.6. employees should be paid wages for the days on which the employer is unable to
provide work.
3.2.7. on termination of services, an employee's salary shall be paid within two (2) working
days of such termination.
3.3.1. any work performed in excess of the normal working day (see 2.1.) to be treated as
overtime work and shall be remunerated accordingly.
3.3.2. every hour of such work should be paid at 1 ½ times the normal hourly rate of
wages which is determined by dividing the monthly rate of wages by 200 in the
case of factory employees, unless otherwise determined by the relevant wages board
for any trade and 240 in the case of office employees.
3.3.3. in calculating hours of overtime employment, any fraction of an hour less than half
an hour shall be treated as half an hour, unless otherwise determined by the relevant
wages board for any trade.
for example, under the decisions of the wages boards for the garments
manufacturing trade, hosiery manufacturing trade and textile manufacturing trade
overtime rate for any fraction of an hour will be determined proportionately.
4.1. Weekly Holiday
4.1.1. sunday shall be the weekly holiday for factory workers. it is an unpaid holiday. if
a worker is employed on a sunday on account of urgent work, he shall be paid
at not less than 1 ½ times the daily rate of wages.
in addition, a day off shall be given within the 6 days succeeding such sunday. any
work performed on a sunday in excess of the normal working day (see 2.1) to be
remunerated at double the hourly rate of wages.
(monthly salary x 2)
4.1.2. office employees to be granted one whole day and one half day paid holiday
per week on any day in the week. if a statutory holiday falls on such day an
alternative half holiday or whole holiday to be granted either in the same week
or in the week immediately succeeding.
4.2. Poya Holiday
the full moon poya day of each month is a holiday with pay for monthly paid employees. if
an employee is required to work on such day he shall be paid an extra half day's wage in
addition to the monthly wage. when a poya day falls on a weekly holiday or public holiday,
no additional holiday need be give to employees in lieu of the poya day.
2. national day
3. the day prior to the sinhala & tamil new year day
4. the sinhala and tamil new year day
5. may day
5.1. Vacation Leave / Annual Holidays
5.1.1 an office employee shall be granted 14 days vacation leave with pay in respect of the
second and any subsequent year if he has been continuously in employment during
the year. (i.e. 1st january - 31st december)
5.1.2. in respect of the first year of employment leave to be granted on a pro-rata basis
depending on the date of commencing employment - ie. commencing within the first
quarter - 14 days, second quarter - 10 days, third quarter - 07 days, and last quarter -
04 days. Qualifying period shall be reckoned from the date of recruitment.
5.1.3. a factory employee shall be granted annual holidays with pay, up to a maximum of
14 to 21 days, in accordance with the formula determined by the wages board for the
relevant trade. for example, the number of days annual holidays applicable to
employees in the garments and hosiery manufaturing trades shall be determined by
applying the following formula: 218 - 274 days = 14 days
4 4
maximum number of annual holidays vary according to the formula adopted by the
particular wages board.
5.1.4. vacation leave / annual holidays earned during a particular year has to be taken in
the succeeding year on days mutually agreed upon by employer and employee.
5.1.5. on termination of employment, payment to be made for any leave standing to the
credit of an employee.
an office employee has to be granted 7 days casual leave with pay from the second year of
employment and on the basis of one day per every two month's service during the first year
of employment.
sick leave may be granted at the discretion of the management. medical certificates to be
produced by the employee to cover such leave.
5.4.1. a female factory employee shall be allowed 12 weeks (84) days leave with pay if the
confinement results in the issue of a live child and the employee has no child or has
one child at the date of such confinement.
5.4.2. in case she has two or more children or where confinement does not result in the
issue of a live child, she shall be allowed 6 weeks (42 days) leave with pay.
(b) not less than one (01) hour where a creche or other suitable place is not provided
by the employer for the nursing of children. the nursing interval shall be in addition
to the intervals provided for meals/rest.
5.4.7. office employees are not entitled to nursing intervals, but employers are encouraged
to consider granting the same facility as in the case of factory employees.
(5.A) for the purposes of sections (2), (3), (4) and (5) of the manual, an employee who
is engaged in any trade for which no wages board has been established shall deemed
to be an employee governed by the decisions of the wages board for the garment
manufacturing trade.
6.1 every moving part of prime movers, every part of the transmission machinery and
every dangerous part of other machinery should be guarded.
6.2 practicable steps should be taken to prevent any person falling into vessels, structures,
sumps or pits which contain dangerous liquids either by covering or fencing them.
6.3 employees engaged in hazardous work should be provided with suitable personal
protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, ear protectors, respirators etc., as
6.4 female workers whould not be employed in cleaning or lubricating any machinery
which is in motion.
6.5 hoists, lifts, cranes and other lifting machines should be protected and also be tested
by a compent person at least once in every 12 months. safe working loads should be
marked on such machines.
6.6 chains, ropes and lifting tackle should be maintained in good condition. safe working
loads must be marked on them and such limits should not be exceeded.
6.7 all practicable steps should be taken to remove any fumes which may be present and
to prevent ingress of fumes, before workers are employed in confined spaces such as
tanks, vats, pits, pipes etc. persons entering should be provided with suitable breathing
apparatus belts and ropes.
6.8 steps should be taken to prevent fires and explosions in processes which could give
rise to accumulation of dust, gases or vapor.
6.9 fired and non-fired pressure vessels and their fittings should be manufactured to the
british standard or any other equivalent standard.
6.10 boilers and all fittings should be properly maintained. they should be tested and
certified at least once in every period of 12 months by an authorized officer.
6.11 every steam receiver, air receiver and gas receiver should be properly maintained and
"safe working pressure" marked on it. such receivers should be tested and certified at
least once in two (02) years by an authorized officer.
6.12 in stacking material in stores areas, pathways free of obstruction should conform to
the requirements of the ceylon electricity board.
6.13 electrical wiring and fittings should be maintained properly and should conform to the
requirements of the ceylon electricity board.
6.14 all doors in a factory except the sliding doors should be constructed to open outwards.
such doors should not be locked or fastened in such a manner that they cannot be
easily and immediately opened from inside.
6.15. a fire alarm, and means of escape in case of fire should be provided in every factory. such
means of escape and pathways should be properly maintained and kept free from
6.16. a plan for the evacuation of employees in an emergency such as fire or an explosion to be
prepared and practiced so that all persons employed are familiar with the routine to be
followed in such situation.
7.6. Meal Room
a meal room with sufficient number of tables and seating accommodation to accommodate
at least: 1/3 of the workforce at a time shall be provided. minimum floor area (excluding
fittings, kitchen & service area) per person using the meal room shall be 10 sq. ft. sufficient
number of taps/wash basins should be provided in the meal room. meal room should be kept
clean at all times.
changing rooms to be provided separately for male and female workers. each worker to be
provided with a locker for the purpose of keeping any articles and clothes not used during
suitable facilities for resting have to be provided and maintained for the use of all female
workers whose work is done standing.
a well equipped first-aid room (sick room) with a trained nurse or trained first-aid attendant
and adequate facilities should be provided.
8.1.1. the occupier of a factory has to give written notice of any industrial accident
which results in the death of a person or disables a person from earning his full
wages for a period of over 3 days or makes a person unconscious as a result of
heat exhaustion, electrical shock or inhalation of un-respirable or poisonous
fumes or gases.
8.1.2. such accident must be intimated to the district factory inspecting engineer /
labour dept. labour secretariat colombo 5 on form 10 (notice of accident under
section 61) of the factories ordiance with a copy to the industrial relations dept.
of the boi.
8.2.2. where the occupier of a factory opts to take an insurance policy to cover such
risks he should obtain such a policy from a recognised insurance organisation.
(8.A.) where there is any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions contained
in section (1)-(8), save and except section (5a), of this manual and the relevant
statutory provisions, the latter shall prevail.
(i) The employees of BOI enterprises shall have the right to form and join trade unions
of their own choosing and to bargain collectively, subject to the provisions of the trade
unions ordinance and the industrial disputes act.
(ii) a trade union representing the employees in any boi enterprise shall have the
right to enter into collective bargaining negotiations with the employer, on behalf of
the employees whom it seeks to represent, with a view to concluding a collective
agreement, provided the union has the right to bargain collectively with such employer
in accordance with the provisions of the industrial disputes act.
(iii) every employer of employees in a boi enterprise shall respect the right of the
employees to form and join trade unions of their own choosing and to bargain
(iv) no employer in any boi enterprise shall -
(a) require an employee to join, or refrain from joining any trade union, or to
withdraw from, or to refrain from withdrawing from his membership of a
trade union of which he is a member, as a condition of his employment,
(b) dismiss an employee by reason only of his membership of a trade union or
of his engaging in trade union activities,
(c) give any inducement or promise to an employee for the purpose of
preventing him from becoming, or continuing to be a member, officebearer
or representative of a trade union,
(d) prevent an employee from:-
(i) forming a trade union ; or
(ii) supporting a trade union by financial or other means,
(g) refuse to bargain with a representative trade union (i.e. a union which
has the right to bargain collectively with the employer of the employees
in the enterprise on whose behalf it seeks to bargain in accordance with
the provisions of the industrial disputes act, chapter 131)
(v) where both a recognised trade union having bargaining status and an employees'
council exist in an enterprise, the employer shall not use the employees' council to
undermine the position of such trade union and its representatives and shall encourage
co-operation on all relevent matters between the employees' council and trade union
c) having satisfied the above requirements, obatained an entry permit from boi
authorities for the entry sought, in the case of an enterprise located within an
export-processing zone.
10.1 the boi will facilitate the establishment of employees' councils in boi enterprises pursuant to
the guidelines issued by the boi, as a measure of promoting employees' participation in
decision-making on matters affecting them and labour-management consultation and co-
operation on matters of mutual concern at the enterprise level.
10.2 the council will consist of elected representatives of eligible employees of an enterprise
representing the different departments of the enterprise and the different categories of
workers employed therein.
10.3 Objects and Functions
10.3.2. where both a recognised trade union having bargaining status and an employees'
council exist in an enterprise the employees' council shall not represent the
employees in collective bargaining and settlement of industrial disputes concerning
terms and conditions of employment.
(iii) prevent a member of the council from carrying out his functions
promptly and efficiently.
b) job descriptions and the place of particular jobs within the structure of the undertaking;
e) occupational safety and health regulations and instructions for the prevention of accidents
and occupational diseases;
f) procedures for the examination of grievances as well as the rules and practices governing
their operation and the conditions for having recourse to them;
g) personnel welfare services (medical care, health, canteens, housing, leisure, savings and
banking facilities, etc.);
i) the establishment and functioning of employees' councils, including the scope, powers and
functions of the council;
j) the details about the grievance procedure, collective bargaining and dispute settlement
procedures established within the enterprise;
k) the general situation of the undertaking and prospects or plans for its future development;
l) the explanation of decisions which are likely to affect directly or indirectly the situation of the
workers in the enterprise;
m) methods of consultation and discussion and of co-operation between the management and its
representatives on the one hand and the workers and their representatives on the other.
12.1 Definition:
grievance means disagreement or dissatisfaction of a minor nature connected with the day-to-
day work or conditions of work or prevailing rules and which has still not become a matter of
concern to the employees collectively or which is a violation of the terms of employment.
12.2.1 if an employee has a grievance, the following procedure should be followed to adjust
such grievance:
i) the aggrieved employee should take up the grievance with his immediate
supervisor if there is one
ii) the supervisor should endeavour to discuss the grievance with the employee
and attempt to resolve it within a period of 3 days.
iii) if the matter remains unresolved, it will be referred to the next level i.e.
executive in-charge or line manager in the form of a report of the grievance
and the efforts made to resolve the grievance.
iv) if the attempt to resolve the grievance by the line manager fails, he will in turn
make a complete report to the personnel/hrm department. at this stage, the
employee should be permitted to bring his branch union officials, if he is a
member of a union and the officials of the employees' council if he is not a
member of any union to assist him in resolving the matter. in such cases, the
branch union or the employees' council representative should be permitted to
discuss the matter with the human resource manager / personnel manager.
12.2.2 the human resources manager / personnel manager should permit the employee and
his branch union / employees' council representatives (not more than two) to
discuss the problem and arrive at a solution which would be acceptable to all
12.2.3 if the employee and the branch union / employees' council are not satisfied, the
human resources manager or the personnel manager should inform the union /
employees' council representatives to make written submission stating the position
of the employee and why he considers the treatment meted out to him unfair, so
that the matter could be considered by the higher management.
12.2.4 the human resources manager / personnel manager should attempt to resolve the
grievance within a period of one (01) month from the date on which it is first
reported to him.
12.2.5 in the event of the grievance raised by the employee being an industrial dispute
within the meaning of the industrial disputes act or where the dispute is one which
is of general application and connected with terms of employment set-out in letters
of appointment or collective agreement, the branch union / employees' council
should seek a settlement of the dispute in accordance with the dispute settlement
procedure set out in section 15.2. of this manual.
13.2 Warnings
if in the opinion of the employer an offence warrants a warning, the same shall be conveyed
to the worker in writing and acknowledgement obtained from him. if he refuses to accept the
warning, it must be given in the presence of two (02) witnesses who would certify to that
13.3. Show-Cause Notice
when it is proposed to proceed further, a show-cause notice setting out the charges of alleged
misconduct shall be issued to the worker giving at least 3 days for him to furnish his
explanation. an extension of period may be granted on the request of an employee if
circumstances are reasonable. show-cause notice to be issued within 10 days of date of
alleged offence.
13.4. Domestic Inquiry
if the employer is not satisfied with the explanation given by the employee to the charges
preferred against him, a domestic inquiry shall be conducted into the charges. such inquiry to
be held within 15 days from the date of receipt of the letter of explanation of the employee.
Principles of natural justice to be followed at such inquiry.
the inquiry should be concluded as soon as possible.
13.5. Final Action
after holding a domestic inquiry, the finding on each of the charges and punishment imposed
on the employee if any, to be notified to the employee in writing within 15 days of conclusion
of inquiry.
13.6. Suspension / Interdiction
a worker may be suspended from service without pay on a written order issued by the
employer -
13.6.1. pending an inquiry on charges of misconduct which warrant dismissal eg: theft,
misappropriation, insubordination.
13.6.2. in order to avoid a breach of peace or damage to the property or disturbance of the
business of the employer.
14.1. Disciplinary
an employer can terminate the services of an employee on disciplinary grounds (eg:
misconduct, fraud, refusal to carry out lawful orders, etc.) provided the normal disciplinary
procedure has been followed. for wrongful termination of services an employee can seek
redress in the labour tribunal before the expiry of six (6) months from the date of such
14.2. Non - disciplinary
(a) in the case of workers who have been in employment for more than one (01)
year, lay-off, retrenchment or termination of services for reasons other than on
disciplinary grounds can be effected only with either the prior written consent of
the worker or the prior written approval of the commissioner of labour.
(b) whenever lay-off, retrenchment, closure or termination of services of employees
due to non-disciplinary reasons such as economic or technological reasons
become necessary, the employer shall make an application to the commissioner of
labour (industrial relations) in accordance with the provisions of the termination
of employment of workmen act, 1971, seeking his approval for effecting such lay-
off, retrenchment or termination.
(ii) any workmen or any trade union or trade unions consisting of workmen and
which relates to the terms and conditions of employment of any workmen, or to the
privileges, rights or duties of any employer or employers of any workmen or any trade
union or trade unions consisting of workmen, or to the manner of settlement of any
industrial dispute.
(b) "industrial dispute" means any dispute or difference between an employer and
a workman or between employers and workmen or between workmen and
workmen connected with the employment or non-employment, or the terms
of employment, or with the conditions of labour, or the termination of the
services, or the reinstatement in service, of any person, and for the purposes
of this definition "workmen" includes a trade union consisting of workmen;
15.2. the following procedure will apply where a trade union which has been recognized for
purposes of collective bargaining in an enterprise or, in the absence of such trade
union in the enterprise, the employees' council, on behalf of the employees -
submits claims to the management with a view to concluding a collective agreement, or
a) employer to respond to the claims or to the disputed matters, as the case may be,
b) a meeting between the parties to be convened by the employer within two (02)
weeks thereafter and negotiations to continue with a view to reaching an agreement
or settlement as expeditiously as possible.
ii) where the parties reach a settlement on the disputed matters, the terms of
settlement shall be drawn up as a memorandum of settlement and signed
before the mediation officer of the department of labour assigned to the epZ
or the assistant commissioner of labour of the respective district, as the case
may be.
d) where the negotiations on the claims are not successful, the union / the employees'
council may take up the matter as an "industrial dispute" with the mediation officer
of the department of labour assigned to the epZ or the assistant commissioner of
labour of the respective district, as the case may be.
h) where the conciliation efforts of the commissioner of labour, (industrial
relations) result in failure, the parties to the dispute should consider submitting the
disputed matters for settlement by voluntary arbitration under section 3 (1) (d) of
the industrial disputes act.
i) where the parties to the dispute do not consent to voluntary arbitration and the
union / employees' council decides to call a strike, the latter should :-i) consider
giving at least 14 days notice in writing of the intended strike to the employer with a
copy to the director of industrial relations boi, and the mediator from the department
of labour in the Zone or the assistant commissioner of labour of the respective
district, as the case may be.
ii) not commence the strike until the expiry of 14 days from the date of such
16.1.1. an amount equivalent to 20% of the employee's total earnings has to be remitted
to the fund before the last working day of the succeeding month in respect of all
employees from the date of commencement of their employment.
16.1.3. "earnings" include wages, cost of living allowance and similar allowances,
payment in respect of holidays & leave, cash value of food provided by the
employer (only where applicable) and meal allowance but excludes overtime
16.1.4. payment for work done during normal working hours on weekly holidays, poya
days or public holidays should be considered as earnings for the computation of
e.p.f and e.t.f. contributions.
16.1.5. contributions to the epf shall be remitted to the central bank of sri lanka before
the last working day of the succeeding month. failure to do so will result in the
payment of a surcharge ranging from 5% to 50%.
16.2.1. receipts for payment of e.p.f. and e.t.f. should be kept in the premises of the
16.3. Gratuity
16.3.1. an employee who has completed five years service shall be paid a gratuity on
cessation of his employment irrespective of whether he has retired or resigned
or his services have been terminated by the employer.
16.3.2. such gratuity shall be computed at the rate of half a month's salary for every
year of completed service based on the consolidated salary last drawn by the
16.3.4. an enterprise which employs fifteen or more workers is liable to pay such
for and on behalf of president,
(state name of the company) employees' council
secretary/ member
employees' council
for and on behalf of the
the employees of
(state name of the company)
witness witness
entered into
the employees of (state the name and address of the company)
whose names are described in schedule i attached hereto,
of the one part,
(state the name and address of the company)
of the other part.
for and on behalf of president,
(state name of the company) employees' council
secretary/ member
employees' council
for and on behalf of the
the employees of
(state name of the company)
witness witness
(State the Name of the Company here)
1 to 5 2.5 12.5
6 to 14 2.0 30.5
15 to 19 1.5 38.0
20 to 24 1.0 43.0
25 to 34 0.5 48.0
note : (1) however, if at the time of the termination of his services a workman has less than four(04)
years left of his services, he shall be paid either the aggregate salary for the period of denied
service or compensation computed according to the above formula, whichever is less,
and if the period of denied service is more than four (04) years, compensation shall be
computed according to the above formula.
(2) no amount in excess of rupees one million two hundred and fifty thousand (rs. 1,250,000/-)
shall be paid to any workman as compensation computed according to the above formula.
“salary” means the basic salary or wages plus cost of living allowance or any other similar allowance;
“year" means a completed period of twelve (12) months and in relation to the first year in
employment, includes one hundred and eighty (180) days of service.
termination of employment of workmen act.
Quantum of compensation payable to workers as per
the formula set out in schedule ii
Number of Years of Service Number of Months Salary Maximum Compensation
Completed at the Date of to be paid as Compensation (Cumulative)
Termination for each Year of Service Months Salary
1 2.5 2.5
2 2.5 5.0
3 2.5 7.5
4 2.5 10.0
5 2.5 12.5
6 2.0 14.5
7 2.0 16.5
8 2.0 18.5
9 2.0 20.5
10 2.0 22.5
11 2.0 24.5
12 2.0 26.5
13 2.0 28.5
14 2.0 30.5
15 1.5 32.0
16 1.5 33.5
17 1.5 35.0
18 1.5 36.5
19 1.5 38.0
20 1.0 39.0
21 1.0 40.0
22 1.0 41.0
23 1.0 42.0
24 1.0 43.0
25 0.5 43.5
26 0.5 44.0
27 0.5 44.5
28 0.5 45.0
29 0.5 45.5
30 0.5 46.0
31 0.5 46.5
32 0.5 47.0
33 0.5 47.5
34 0.5 48.0