How Effective Is India's Battle Against Covid-19 Pandemic?: Parag Nijhawan, Parminder Singh, Manish Kumar Singla

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Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages.

5001 - 5012
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.

How Effective is India’s Battle against Covid-19 Pandemic?

Parag Nijhawan1, Parminder Singh2*, Manish Kumar Singla3

Electrical Instrumentation and Engineering Department, Thapar Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Patiala (Punjab), INDIA.
Chemical Engineering Department, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala
(Punjab), INDIA.

In December 2019, China witnesses its first case of Corona virus. On 11th February 2020,
Corona-virus was declared named as COVID-19, by the World Health Organization (WHO).
COVID-19 is a respiratory disease which affects an individual‟s health as a whole. The novel
Corona-virus started spreading at an uncontrollable pace across the world and was therefore
declared as a Pandemic disease in March 2020 by the WHO. Fever, cough, breathing difficulty
and sore throat are the symptoms of this virus. The biggest problem being faced by the countries
around the world in controlling the number of active cases of Covid-19 has been due to its highly
contagious nature. India reported its first case on 30th January, 2020. Till date India has reported
around 27 lac cases of Covid-19. This number is only about 2% of the India‟s total population. It
can be safely concluded that India has done reasonably well in dealing with the Covid-19
pandemic inspite of its high population density of 464 persons per sq. km. In this manuscript, an
attempt has been made to visualize the India‟s success story to combat this pandemic situation.

Keywords: COVID-19, Immune, Cause, Prevention, Society, Health

An adverse contagious disease, Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), was identified in the
capital of Hubei province of China, Wuhan, in December 2019 [1]. It is mainly caused due to
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) [2-3]. As a result of this
globally spread disease, 2019-2020 coronavirus pandemic is the outcome. On 1 December 2019,
the onset of symptoms was confirmed through the study of first 41 cases of confirmed COVID-
19 and this was published in January 2020 in the Lancet [4]. Official publications from the WHO
reported the earliest onset of symptoms as 8 December 2019.
Approximately, 1 lakh people got infected with COVID-19 within 67 days (~7th March). Further
1 lakh positive cases were reported within the next 12 days (~19th March) and within another 4
days (~23rd March), SARS-CoV- 2 was declared to be a highly transmissive type virus. Across
the globe, an exponential trend was seen in the number of cases reaching to a total of 7.25 lakhs
by 30th March, 2020, and to a total of 25,118,689 by 18th August 2020. Among the deadly
diseases under PHEIC (public health emergency of international concern), COVID-19 became
the sixth ranked outbreak. The list of the first five outbreaks include H1N1 (2009), polio (2014),
Ebola(2014 in West Africa), Zika (2016), and Ebola (2019 in the Democratic Republic of
Congo) [5].
The country with a record of having the second-largest population in the world, India, has a
developing economy. It has also been one of the worst affected countries by COVID-19.
Approximately 27 lakh people were infected by 18th August, 2020. This number is only about
2% of the India‟s total population. It can be safely concluded that India has done reasonably well 5001
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 5001 - 5012
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.

in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic inspite of its high population density of 464 persons per
sq. km. The overall casualty rate in India is also far below the world average. The deaths were
not only due to the virus but also due to unemployment and hunger. People experienced
economic crisis and mental breakdown which eventually led to their death. India saw the only
solution to deal with the virus was to forcefully execute a 68 days of lockdown which enfolded
in four-phases. The duration of the enforced lockdown was from 24th March ~31st May, 2020.


The beginning in the COVID-19 cases in India was not a result of transmission of the virus
within the country. But, it started as people returned from abroad. The country recorded its first
three cases in Kerala on 30th January and 3rd February, 2020 as they returned from Wuhan
China [7]. It did not take more than a month for two more cases to be reported in the country.
The confirmation of they being infected by the virus came on 3rd March. One the patients
belonged from Hyderabad and had visited Dubai, while the other person had travelled back from
Italy. Simultaneously, Jaipur [8] reported a few cases on the same day. Immediately, the Ministry
of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) came into action and imposed restrictions on travel.
Similar travel advisory restrictions were imposed during SARS, Ebola, and bubonic plague
pandemics. These also included the rules for 14 days of self-quarantine for all those who
travelled back to the country from an international trip. On 16th March, various other laws
including social distancing of less than 1m was proposed by MoHFW. Until 15th April, the visas
were also restricted for foreign countries [9]. All these measures were taken in order to decrease
the community spread of the disease and its mortality rate [10].
The series of measures taken to contain the virus enfolded as, on 22nd March the Prime Minister,
Narendra Modi enforced a 14 hours Janata curfew in the country [11]. The first phase of 21 days
lockdown from 24th March drastically reduced the movement of the inhabitants to the public
places [12].
On 14th April [13], 2nd phase of lockdown started due to the continuous increase in the number
of cases. This phase ended on 3rd May, after which the 3rd phase got declared till 17th May. As
this phase of lockdown started nearing its end, it was declared extended till 31st May [14] as the
fourth phase. The quarantine law was soon levied under the Epidemic Disease Act, 1897 in order
to make the social distancing and lockdowns norms more concrete and effective. This legislation
is 123 years old. Through this, the state or the country gets the authority to examine the people
travelling by various commodities such as ships, airways and railways. The suspected people can
also be segregated in hospitals and other temporary accommodations [15]. India reported its first
COVID-19 positive case on 30th January. By 15th March, the total confirmed count of infected
persons reached 107 and thereafter the cases have been going on increasing at an exponential
rate. It was observed that there was a multiplication by 10 times in the confirmed cases in the
country within a time span of 15 days, i.e. from 15th March to 30th March. 29 deaths were
reported in country with the number of cases crossing 1071 by 30th March. According to Indian
Council of Medical Research (ICMR), India could have seen a significant drop in the number of
cases by 62% if the social distancing and quarantine norms were brought into force effectively.
A study even revealed that by mid-May, India would have supported approximately 13 lakh
cases in case the virus spread is not controlled. However, the spread of the virus could be
reduced by increasing the restrictions, testing and various other firm measures [17]. By 18th
Aug, the confirmed cases touched the soaring levels of approximately 27 lakh in the country. 5002
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 5001 - 5012
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.

The country had actually managed very well in dealing with this pandemic in the beginning,
however, as the lockdown phases started coming to an end, the cases sky-rocketed to 27,68,670
with 53,026 deaths in total till 19th August 2020.

Fig. 1. Number of Covid 19 infected cases per population strength

Fig. 2. Death Rate

Though the total population of around 27 lacs is infected by Covid 19 but this figure is far less
when the Indian scenario is being compared with other developed countries. Figure 1 shows the
number of Covid 19 infected cases for the various countries per population strength of these
respective countries. The figure clearly predicts that India is in much more comfortable position
as compared to the most of the countries in the world. Figure 2 shows the death rate due to
Covid 19 for the various countries. This bar graph also suggests that the casualty rate in India is
far less as compared to the most of the countries of the world which is also suggested by Figure
3 indicating the number of Covid 19 casualties for the various countries per their respective
population strength. Figure 4 shows the trends in the rise of Covid 19 cases in the various
countries from 4th February, 2020 to 22nd August, 2020. This trend is also in favour of India.
Moreover, from Table 1, it is clear that India‟s population density is far more than most of these
countries. Even then, the spread of this highly contagious virus is not up to that detrimental
level. So, there must be certain factors that are safeguarding India from the adverse effects of
Covid 19. In this manuscript, an attempt has been made to recognize this factor which is helping
India in its fight against this pandemic. These may be due to the proactive actions by the
Government of India, BCG vaccine, malarial state, India‟s strong belief in Ayurveda, Yoga,
Naturopathy, and the Indian food habits, etc. 5003
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 5001 - 5012
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.

Fig. 3. Number of Covid 19 casualties per population strength

Fig. 4. Trends in number of Covid 19 infected cases

Table 1: Population Density and Death Rate of Different Covid 19 affected Countries
Country Total Total Populati Death
cases population on rate
per sq.
United 5,612,02 331,256,357 36 0.0309
States 7
Brazil 3,363,23 212,756,034 25.06 0.0323
India 2,706,45 1,381,752,440 464 0.0191
Russia 932,493 145,942,798 9 0.0170
South 589,886 67,614,508 49 0.0203
Peru 541,493 33,030,127 26 0.0489
Mexico 525,733 129,106,847 64.91 0.1084
Colombia 476,660 50,952,553 46 0.0322
Chile 387,502 19,137,440 26 0.0271
Spain 382,142 46,757,191 94 0.0749
Italy 254,235 60,449,906 206 0.1392
Germany 226,686 83,819,291 240 0.0410
France 219,029 65,292,634 119 0.1389 5004
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 5001 - 5012
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.


The people who get infected with the virus may initially develop flu-like symptoms or may be
asymptomatic [18]. These asymptomatic cases may also contribute to spreading of the disease
[19]. The flu-like symptoms include fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, and fever, as shown un
Figure 5. Medical attention needs to be given immediately to those with symptoms such as
persistent chest pain or pressure, bluish face or lips, confusion, and difficulty in breathing and
walking. Symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea have been observed in people [20].
In March 2020, in case of those who have mild disease, loss of sense of smell (anosmia) has also
been declared as a common symptom, although it was not common in the initially reported cases
[21]. Initially in China, people were seen with chest tightness and palpitations only.
The incubation period, the time between the moment when a person is infected with the virus
and when symptoms are developed, ranges from two to fourteen days but is five to six days
typically. 97.5% of people who develop symptoms will do so within 11.5 days of infection [22].
As of 10 April 2020, the percentage of people who did not display symptoms was unknown and
was being extensively studied. The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDCP)
also confirmed that the 20% of the cases confirmed did not display symptoms in whole of their
stay in the hospital [23]. China's National Health Commission started including asymptomatic
cases in its daily cases on 1 April and the 166 infections on 1 April, 130 (78%) were
asymptomatic [24].


Various preventive measures have been recommended to people to reduce their chance of getting
infected and spread the virus. These measures suggest staying at home, washing hands frequently
with soap and water and for at least 20 seconds, avoiding crowded places, avoiding touching
eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands and practicing good respiratory hygiene [25]. For
now, since a vaccine is not expected until 2021, COVID-19 management includes “flattening the
curve”, i.e. decreasing the epidemic peak by providing good treatment to the current cases and
holding back the future cases until a vaccine and effective treatment is available [26-27].
Although, according to WHO, the person who is coughing and sneezing the person who is
treating an infected person are recommended to wear face masks. But some countries like China,
Hong Kong, Austria, Thailand, and Czech Republic recommend even healthy people to use face
masks. Since the demand for medical face masks are increasing, the WHO has estimated an
increase in the mask production by 40% to meet the growing needs. The price of the masks have
increased six fold, N95 respirators tripled, and gowns doubled. Hoarding and speculation are the
reasons behind the above mentioned hike in prices. 5005
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 5001 - 5012
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.

Fig. 5. COVID-19 Symptoms [6]


The immune system of India is better than the other countries because India is the „Land of
Yoga‟ and origin of „Ayurveda‟ [28-31]. There are three inherent factors in Indian origin that
basically helps in improving the immune system these are:
First, the population‟s wide based immunity due to the substantial microbial load and general
exposure to a range of pathogens, though pathways still need to be investigated, may prime
Indians immunologically for strong adaptive and cross-reactive T- cell memory. In fact, India
has been plagued by the three major killers of HIV, TB and Malaria. Therefore, since the late
1940s, widespread use of BCG vaccine in India may have provided an opportunity for the
development of effective and adaptive immunity against infection and it may include the
suspected COVID-19 virus among others [32].
The second factor is similarly significant aspect which is linked to the climate and food
behaviors which can provide some degree of resistance to disease. In Ayurveda and other Indian
medicine systems there is much literature about the definitive beneficial effects of Indian spices
in increasing immunity [33].
The third important aspect is the substantial HL variation of the Indian population with the
presence of many „unique haplotypes‟ and „novel alleles‟.
The following points are sufficient to uplift our immunity while staying indoors.

A. Vitamin C
Vitamin C brims with immunity boosting properties and superior defense mechanism. It has been
regarded as an essential nutrient by National Pharma Pricing Authority. A regular intake of just
1000mg Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid can act as a supplement for boosting one‟s immunity.
 Lemon Zest: Each 100gm peel can give us about 129 mg of Vitamin C or ascorbic acid. It
can help in protecting various tissues from cancer. This is possible as it contains Salvestrol,
Q40, and Limonene which are known to help fight cancer cells. It can consumed as an
alternative to amchoor or with lemon tea. 5006
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 5001 - 5012
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.

B. Kadha, Ayurvedic Concoction Immunity Booster

An Ayurvedic drink, kadha, contains various herbs and spices. The medicinal properties of these
spices are extracted by boiling them in water for 15-20 minutes. Herbs and spices that can be
used include turmeric root, ginger root, Cinnamon powder, Tulsi leaves, cloves, Mint leaves, and
a dash of freshly ground Black Pepper. This kadha can be reheated to be consumed at some other
time. It not only helps in boosting the immunity, but also improves digestion, detox liver and
whole body.

C. Take Immunity-boosting Vitamins

To be able to defeat the infections and viruses and to boost immunity, foods like garlic, spinach,
broccoli, citrus fruits, and so on and Vitamins and Minerals such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D,
Vitamin B, and Zinc must be consumed.

D. Yoga asanas
In times of stress and anxiety, the deep tissue that surrounds our muscles, bones, organs,
tendons, and ligaments (called fascia) becomes vulnerable to damage. We need to move,
relax and stretch our body to de-stress the fascia. The harmful toxins, which get
accumulated in our nerves during stress can be removed by stretching ou r body as this
provides direct oxygen to blood and cells. As a result of which, blood circulation in our
body increases and the toxins get removed.

Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)

A highly therapeutic pose for the nervous system, it is an awesome pose to fight depression and
anxiety. It energizes the mind and body and also provides a soothing sensation. It is also known
to alleviate stomach pain and massages lower abdomen.

Revolved Chair Pose (Parivrtta Utkatasana)

This pose is wonderful in providing relaxation to the kidneys and digestive organs,
simultaneously detoxifying them internally. This pose is ultra-grounded and helps deepen the

Standing Backbend (Anuvittasana)

Backbends are specifically detoxify the adrenal glands and relaxes the exa sperated mind
caused due to stress. It strengthens the lungs and respiratory system and opens up the
nasal passage.

Eagle Pose (Garudasana)

This balancing pose helps to stimulate fresh blood circulation throughout the body. This
is done by squeezing pressure points of arms and legs—giving the body a jolt of
immunity-boosting fluid. The increase in breath further stimulates blood flow throughout
the mind and body. This helps in releasing tension and stagnant energy in the body.

Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)

The deep hip-opening sensation while lying on the back is a very therapeutic and non -
confrontational way to give the body relaxed nourishment. As we hold emotional tension
in our hips, so this pose is wonderful to release the toxins and provide a relaxing
sensation to our mind. It also stimulates the kidneys and digestion. 5007
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 5001 - 5012
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.

Happy Baby is truly one of my favorite asanas. The deep hip -opening sensation while
laying on the back is a very therapeutic and non-confrontational way to give the body
relaxed nourishment. Again, because it holds emotional tension in our hips, Happy
Baby is a fantastic pose to relax the mind and ring out toxins. It also stimulates the
kidneys and digestion. The rocking motion from side-to-side can further provide
exceptional benefits.

E. Neem Chutney
Neem, bitter in taste but a „reservoir of goodness‟. It helps in boosting the immunity by reducing
inflammation in the body, cardiovascular health, improving liver health and eyesight. It has also
been proved beneficial in treating skin diseases, dental disorders, and ulcers. Neem chutney can
be prepared by mixture of jaggery (rich source of iron, selenium, and zinc), honey (anti-
bacterial) and saunth.

F. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil consist ofLauric acid which is known to have “antiviral properties”. A concoction or
Kadha of herbs like Cinnamon, Ginger, Sage, Rosemary and a tablespoon of coconut oil can be

G. Intermittent fasting
To stop infections from multiplying, intermittent fasting or a fasting for minimum of 12-16 hours
can prove to be beneficial. Fasting enhances autophagy. This means that damaged proteins can
be metabolized by our immune system in our body. Fasting gives some resting time to our
organs thereby, enhancing their functional capacity.

H. Hot Beverages
Staying hydrated helps eliminated constipation and thus prevents toxins from piling up in our
body. For this, hot beverages such as coffee, tea, Dal soup, Tomato soup, green tea, hot water
must be consumed continuously. This will also prevent us from sinus and improve digestion.

I. Exercise, But Not Too Much

Mild exercises prove to be beneficial for boosting immunity but heavy workout during lockdown
period can make the body feel exhausted. Simultaneously, proper rest should also be given to the

J. Minimize Exposure to Toxins

Many toxins including mycotoxins can be devastating for the immune system. So one must stay
away from food additives, pesticides, chlorinated water, air pollution, food additives, aromatic
hydrocarbons and so on.

K. Don‟t Smoke
Smoking causes many severe and long lasting illnesses. It increases susceptibility of a person to
fall prey to diseases such as influenza, pneumonia and so on. Smokers have weak respiratory
system. It also lowers the content of protective antioxidants like Vitamin C in the blood. One of
the primary symptoms of COVID-19 includes shortness of breath. Since smokers already have
weaker lungs so they are one of the easily susceptible persons to COVID-19. 5008
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 5001 - 5012
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.

L. Take A Cold Shower

Cryotherapy, a method by which the body is exposed to intense cold for short period of time.
This causes the blood vessels near the skin to contract (vaco-constriction) and redirect blood to
major organs to maintain core body temperature. While this happens, the blood in our body gets
filled with nutrients, oxygen, and restorative enzymes. This blood then makes its way back to our
skin, muscle tissue and organs. Wim Hof, the master of all cold things, elucidates about the
benefits such as reduced inflammation, improved quality of sleep, faster metabolism, improved
immune response, and enhanced focus and concentration.
M. Laughter!
Laughter is the best medicine!
It has the power to increase immune cells and antibodies, release tension and endorphins
(endorphins trigger positive feeling in the body) and decrease stress hormones. According to
researches, it has been found that approximately 40 calories can be burnt with a good laugh for at
least 10-15 minutes a day.

N. Immunity Promoting Foods

Those food items which tend to make our inner self stronger include:
Garlic: A great immune-boosting ingredient. It contains sulfur-containing compounds in
concentrated quantity. Blood pressure can be lowered and hardening of arteries can be slowed
down by consuming garlic.
Turmeric: Commonly known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can strengthen the immune
system along with providing benefits to the brain. The neurological conditions such
as Alzheimer‟s disease, migraine headaches, and depression, three known contributors to mental
fatigue, can be improved by having turmeric.
Spinach: Rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and beta carotene it supports the infection-fighting
activities of our immune systems. Retain its nutrients by eating raw (in a salad) or cooking as
little as possible.
Citrus fruits: A good source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps increase white blood cells which
are the key to fighting infections.
Broccoli: It contains vitamins A, C and E, fiber and antioxidants. Try cooking to cook as little as
possible to really get the best out of it nutritionally.


The Pandemic disease of Corona-virus is creating a serious impact on the life of individuals with
everyone in the world facing its dire consequences, either directly or indirectly. Unprecedented
lockdowns and emergency have been declared in many countries. The Governments have shut
down the Schools, Market Places, Theatres, Shopping Complexes, Colleges, and Universities.
An environment of fear, anxiety and stress prevails among the developed and developing
nations. Advisories related to the impact of the Novel Corona-virus have been issued by the
WHO and all the member nations. However, panic states due to uncertainty, economic
recessions, social anxiety, and extreme mental stress are the results of lockdowns and extreme
isolation. It is found that countries like India with universal policies of BCG vaccination have
been more successful affected compared to other countries where this vaccine is optional. For
India, it can be safely concluded that the spread, penetration and the casualty rate due to the
novel Covid 19 virus is far more controlled than most of the well developed nations of the world.
The important factors that are supporting India‟s fight 5009
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 5001 - 5012
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.

against Covid 19 are the better immune system, food habits, belief in Ayurveda, Yoga,
Naturopathy, and proactive Government of India.


The authors of the presented manuscript have contributed significantly in the research work and
hereby declare no conflict of interest. The authors mutually agree on the order of name of
authors for the presented manuscript.

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Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 5001 - 5012
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.

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