What You Need To Know: Reference Guide
What You Need To Know: Reference Guide
What You Need To Know: Reference Guide
What you need to know
This quick reference guide provides an overview of key USB 3.1 specifications
(rev 1.0 July 23, 2013) and important testing considerations for testing both
USB transmitters and receivers.
Benefits of Implementing Type-C
Type-C Pin Definitions
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12
Bus Plug Configuration Detection
Power • One becomes VCONN, cable power
• CC is used for USB-PD communication
Sideband Use
(not used for USB, only
USB 3.1 Generation Comparison
Target Channel Cable + Host/Device Channels (-20dB, 2.5GHz) Cable + Board Ref Channels (-23dB, 5GHz)
USB 3.1 Transmitter Measurement Overview
Overview Overview
Jitter Budget (RJ, DJ and TJ) Yes Yes CP0,CP1 Yes Yes CP9,CP10
Data Scrambling
The scrambling function is implemented using a free running Linear Feedback Shift Register 128b/132b DECODE
(LFSR). On the transmit side, scrambling is applied to characters prior to the 8b/10b encoding.
On the receive side, descrambling is applied to characters after 8b/10b decoding. The LFSR is
The physical layer shall encode the data on
reset whenever a COM symbol is sent or received.
a per block basis. Each block shall comprise
a 4-bit Block Header and a 128-bit payload.
The data scrambling rules are as follows:
The 4-bit header is set to 0011b for data and
1. The LFSR implements the polynomial: G(X)=X16+X5+X4+X3+1
1100b for control blocks. This header format
2. The LFSR value shall be advanced eight serial shifts for each Symbol except for SKP. allows for the correction of single bit errors in
the header information.
3. All 8b/10b D-codes, except those within the Training Sequence Ordered Sets shall be
scrambled. Ordered sets are control blocks, and all data is
4. K codes shall not be scrambled. sent in data blocks. The following is a list of the
control blocks.
2. The scrambler advances and is bypassed (not XORed with the data).
3. The scrambler does not advance and is bypassed (not XORed with the data).
End-to-End PHY Validation
TP0 – Near End Measurements are specified at TP1 TP1 – Far End
The picture above demonstrates how the signal degrades over a lossy channel when it travels from a transmitter to a receiver. This provides a perspective
to the user that the eye at the receiver is likely closed and they need to implement a receiver with CTLE and DFE to open the eye.
Also many high speed serial standards specify the compliance test points at the pins which is TP0. For USB, the compliance test is specified at TP1,
which is the far end, close to the receiver.
Compliance Patterns
LFPS SINGLE GEN 1 CP9 During the testing process the DUT (device
under test) sometimes skips a pattern or
toggles the patterns twice leading to a
wrong pattern being tested. Visually it is
not easy to look at the oscilloscope screen
and quickly identify which pattern is being
Use the screenshots below to serve as a
quick reference guide for troubleshooting
when the compliance test fails due to a
pattern mismatch.
Transmitter Electrical Parameters
Here are some of the critical parameters from the specification that you need to consider for your designs.
99.97 (min)
199.94 (min) The specified UI is equivalent to a tolerance of ±300 ppm for each device. Period
UI Unit Interval 100.03 ps
200.06 (max) does not account for SSC induced variations.
Differential p-p 0.8 (min) 0.8 (min)
VTX-DIFF-PP V Nominal is 1 V p-p
Tx voltage swing 1.2 (max) 1.2 (max)
0.4 (min) 0.4 (min) Refer to Section 6.7.2. There is no de-emphasis requirement in this mode. De-
VTX-DIFF-PP-LOW Differential p-p V
1.2 (max) 1.2 (max) emphasis is implementation specific for this mode.
Tx voltage swing
3.0 (min) Not Nominal is 3.5 dB for Gen 1 operation. Gen 2 transmitter equalization
VTX-DE-RATIO Tx de-emphasis dB
4.0 (max) applicable recommendations are described in Section
72 (min) 72 (min)
RTX-DIFF-DC DC differential impedance Ω
120 (max) 120 (max)
The amount of voltage Detect voltage transition should be an increase in voltage on the pin looking at
VTX-RCV-DETECT change allowed during 0.6 (max) 0.6 (max) V the detect signal to avoid a high impedance requirement when an “off” receiver’s
Receiver Detection input goes below ground.
75 (min) 75 (min) All Transmitters shall be AC coupled. The AC coupling is required either within the
CAC-COUPLING AC Coupling Capacitor nF
200 (max) 265 (max) media or within the transmitting component itself.
tCDR_SLEW_MAX Maximum slew rate 10 ms/s This is a df/ft specification; refer to Section 6.5.4 for details.
Not ppm/
SSCdfdt SSC df/dt 1250 (max) See note 1.
applicable μs
Note 1. Measured over a 0.5μs interval using CP10. The measurements shall be low pass filtered using a filter with 3 dB cutoff frequency that is 60 times the modulation rate. The filter stopband rejection shall be greater or equal to a second
order low-pass of 20 dB per decade. Evaluation of the maximum df/dt is achieved by inspection of the lowpass filtered waveform.
Souce: USB-IF
Transmitter Electrical Parameters (continued)
Here are some of the critical parameters from the specification that you need to consider for your designs.
tMIN-PULSE-Dj Deterministic min pulse 0.96 0.96 UI Tx pulse width variation that is deterministic
tMIN-PULSE-Tj Tx min pulse 0.90 0.90 UI Min Tx pulse at 10-12 including Dj and Rj
tTX-EYE Transmitter Eye 0.625 (min) 0.646 (min) UI Includes all jitter sources
tTX-DJ-DD Tx deterministic jitter 0.205 (max) 0.170 (max) UI Deterministic jitter only assuming the Dual Dirac distribution
Receiver Electrical Parameters
Here are some of the critical parameters from the specification that you need to consider for your designs.
UI Unit Interval 199.94 (min) 99.97 (min) ps UI does not account for SSC caused variations.
200.06 (max) 100.03 (max)
RRX-DC Receiver DC common mode impedance 18 (min) 18 (min) Ω DC impedance limits are needed to guarantee Receiver detect.
30 (max) 30 (max) Measured with respect to ground over a voltage of 500 mV
RRX-DIFF-DC DC differential impedance 72 (min) 72 (min) Ω
120 (max) 120 (max)
ZRX-HIGH-IMP-DC- DC Input CM Input 25k (min) 25k (min) Ω Rx DC CM impedance with the Rx terminations not powered,
Impedance for V>0 during Reset or power measured over the range 0 – 500 mV with respect to ground.
VRX-LFPS-DET- LFPS Detect Threshold 100 (min) 100 (min) mV Below the minimum is noise.
300 (max) 300 (max) Must wake up above the maximum.
Note 1. Only DC Input CM Input Impedance for V >0 is specified. DC Input CM Input Impedance for V <0 is not guaranteed and could be as low as 0 Ω.
VRX-DIFF-PP-POST- Differential Rx peak-to-peak voltage 30 (min) 30 (min) mV Measured after the Rx EQ function (Section 6.8.2).
tRX-TJ Max Rx inherent timing error 0.45 (max) 0.394 (max) UI Measured after the Rx EQ function (Section 6.8.2).
tRX-DJ-DD Max Rx inherent deterministic timing error 0.285 (max) 0.21 (max) UI Maximum Rx inherent deterministic timing error.
CRX-PARASITIC Rx input capacitance for return loss 1.1 (max) 1.0 (max) pF
VRX-CM-AC-P Rx AC common mode voltage 150 (max) 150 (max) mV Measured at Rx pins into a pair of 50 Ω terminations into
Peak ground.
Includes Tx and channel conversion, AC range up to 5 GHz
Rx AC common mode voltage during 200 (max) 200 (max) mV Measured at Rx pins into a pair of 50 Ω terminations into
TIVE-IDLE-DELTA_P the U1 to U0 transition Peak ground.
Includes Tx and channel conversion, AC range up to 5 GHz
Normative Receiver Tolerance Compliance Test
Here are some of the critical parameters from the specification that you need to consider for your designs.
Gen 1 Gen 2
Symbol Parameter Units Notes
(5.0 GT/s) (10 GT/s)
JRj_p-p Random Jitter peak- peak at 10-12 0.17 0.184 UI p-p 1,4
Preshoot = 2.7
V_EQ_level Non transition bit voltage (equalization) -3 dB 1
De-emphasis = -3.3
1. All parameters measured at TP1.
2. Due to time limitations at compliance testing, only a subset of frequencies can be tested. However, the Rx is required to tolerate Pj at all frequencies between the compliance test points.
3. During the Rx tolerance test, SSC is generated by test equipment and present at all times. Each JPj source is then added and tested to the specification limit one at a time.
4. Random jitter is also present during the Rx tolerance test.
5. The JTOL specs for Gen 2 comprehend jitter peaking with re-timers in the system and has a 25dB/decade slope.
LFPS Transmitter Electrical Specifications
and Timing for SuperSpeed Designs
Here are some of the critical parameters from the specification that you need to consider for your designs.
tPeriod 20 100 ns
VCM-AC-LFPS VTX-CM-AC-PP-ACTIVE mV See Table 6-18 in the complete USB 3.1 specifications rev 1.0 July 23, 2013.
VCM-LFPS-Active 10 mV
Measured at compliance TP1, as shown in Figure 6-19 in the complete USB 3.1
tRiseFall2080 4 ns
specifications rev 1.0 July 23, 2013.
Measured at compliance TP1, as shown in Figure 6-19 in the complete USB 3.1
Duty Cycle 40 60 %
specifications rev 1.0 July 23, 2013.
LFPS Transmitter Electrical Specifications
and Timing for SuperSpeed Designs
LFPS Transmitter Timing for SuperSpeed Designs1
tBurst tRepeat
Minimum Number
Minimum Typical Maximum Minimum Typical Maximum
of LFPS Cycles 2
U3 Wakeup4,5 80 μs7 10 ms
1. If the transmission of an LFPS signal does not meet the specification, the receiver behavior is undefined. 6. A Port in U2 or U3 is not required to keep its transmitter DC common mode voltage. When a port begins U2 exit
2. Only Ping.LFPS has a requirement for minimum number of LFPS cycles. or U3 wakeup, it may start sending LFPS signal while establishing its transmitter DC common mode voltage. To
3. The declaration of Ping.LFPS depends on only the Ping.LFPS burst. make sure its link partner receives a proper LFPS signal, a minimum of 80 μs tBurst shall be transmitted. The
4. Warm Reset, U1/U2/Loopback Exit, and U3 Wakeup are all single burst LFPS signals. tRepeat is not applicable. same consideration also applies to a port receiving LFPS U2 exit or U3 wakeup signal.
5. The minimum duration of an LFPS burst shall be transmitted as specified. The LFPS handshake process and 7. A port is still required to detect U1 LFPS exit signal at a minimum of 300ns. The extra 300ns is provided as the
timing are defined in Section 6.9.2 of the complete USB 3.1 specifications rev 1.0 July 23, 2013. guard band for successful U1 LFPS exit handshake.
8. This requirement applies to SuperSpeed only designs (are only capable of operating at 5Gb/s).
9. This requirement applies to SuperSpeedPlus designs (capable of operating at 10Gb/s and higher speeds).
Gen 1 Reference CTLE
USB 3.1 allows the use of receiver equalization to meet system timing and
voltage margins. For long cables and channels the eye at the Rx is closed,
and there is no meaningful eye without first applying an equalization function.
The Rx equalizer may be required to adapt to different channel losses using
the Rx EQ training period. The exact Rx equalizer and training method is
implementation specific.
The equation for the Continuous Time Linear Equalizer (CTLE) used to
develop the specification is the compliance Rx EQ transfer function described
Gen 2 Reference Equalizer Function
Equation below describes the frequency response for the Gen 2 Reference
Continuous Time Linear Equalizer (CTLE) that is used for compliance testing.
The equation describes the same first order CTLE as contained in equation
for Gen 1
Reference DFE
In addition to the 1st order CTLE, a one-tap reference DFE is used in transmitter compliance testing. The DFE behavior is described by the equation and
Figure below. The limits on d1 are 0 to 50mV.
Initiating Loopback - Power On Device
4 msec
To get the DUT into loopback, the BERT sends pattern sequences and the device under test (DUT) needs to respond to these sequences for a successful
loopback. Once the loopback is successful, JTOL testing can begin.
»» Start transmitting the BDAT test pattern for 2 msec before starting error calculations.
Note that all jitter sources are added during all transmissions to the device under test. If the device does not go into loopback it fails the test.
Initiating Loopback - Power On Device
31-65536 31-65536
CP9 Tektronix’ New BSX Series
TS1 TS2 BERTScope can easily
tackle your USB test and
measurement challenges.
Gen 2 Loopback Sequence:
»» LFPS/LFPS Plus:
• 2-32 SCD1
• 2-32 SCD2
• 4-32 LBPM (w PHY capability)
• 4-32 LBPM (w PHY ready)
»» 524,288 - 577,288 TSEQ It is preferred for the BERT to transmit as close to 524,288 TSEQ as possible
»» Start transmitting the CP9 test pattern. Transmit CP9 for 2 msec before starting error calculations.
Note that all jitter sources are added during all transmissions to the device under test. If the device does not go into loopback it fails the test.
Receiver Tolerance Test Overview ( JTOL )
»» 8 test points for USB 3.1 Gen 1 and 9 test points GEN 1 JTOL TABLE
USB 3.1 Gen2
Frequency SJ RJ
»» SSC Clocking is enabled 500 kHz 400ps 2.42ps RMS
1 MHz 200ps 2.42ps RMS
»» BER Test is performed at 10-10 for USB 3.1 Gen 1
2 MHz 100ps 2.42ps RMS
»» For Gen 2 - BER Test is performed at each Sj tone for 2 mins
4.9 MHz 40ps 2.42ps RMS
The only test the user needs to perform for receiver compliance testing is
JTOL. The above high level bullets are important to remember when you
are running jitter tolerance test. Failure to set these right parameters can Frequency SJ RJ
lead to being non-compliant and failure of test.
500kHz 476ps 1.308ps RMS
1MHz 203ps 1.308ps RMS
2MHz 87ps 1.308ps RMS
4MHz 37ps 1.308ps RMS
7.5MHz 17ps 1.308ps RMS
15MHz 17ps 1.308ps RMS
30MHz 17ps 1.308ps RMS
50MHz 17ps 1.308ps RMS
100MHz 17ps 1.308ps RMS
Challenges of TX Testing for Type-C Devices
Tektronix’ DPOJET and SDLA are the SMA cables to scope Host
1m USB
Challenges of RX Testing for Type-C Devices
Key Considerations
Things to think about before planning your USB testing and certification for compliance:
»» How will you get more insight into »» How will you automate all the
measurements failures reported by measurements to reduce test times? Don’t waste your time.
SigTest for characterization? Make sure your device passes the first time.
»» How will you ensure that your device will
»» How will you execute SSC measurements, be certified by USBIF?
which are not available in SigTest for Gen Ensure you partner with a certified and approved
1 Testing? »» How do you plan to resolve loopback
vendor for the USBIF so you have the confidence
initialization challenges? your design will pass compliance testing. Visit
»» How will you ensure that your device one of Tektronix’ suites at the next plugfest:
interoperability is within the compliance »» How do you plan to debug issues when
limits for last 3 generations of USB Spec? your DUT fails JTOL test? • USB 3.1 Gen2 Tx & Rx – USBIF Approved
Gold Test Suite
»» How will you manage to test beyond »» How do you plan to build competitive • USB 3.1 Gen1 Tx & Rx – USBIF Approved
the compliance test limits for margin specifications for your products, which Gold Test Suite
analysis? highlight margins on your products? • USB 2.0 – USBIF Approved Gold Test Suite
»» How will you test at the far end and • USB PD – USBIF Approved Gold Test Suite
simulate the receiver adaptation for
different DFE values?
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