Bhoomi Patel
Bhoomi Patel
Bhoomi Patel
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Kavita trivedi
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writter of report
Bhoomi patel
Himaliya harbal helthcare has avery wide rang product,which
animal helth products." the name face wash is one of their most populer
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himaliya drug company is an indian multinational pharamaceutical company
and oceania, whilw its products are sold in 106 countries across the world.
the comapny has more than 290 researcher that utilize aayurvedik herbs
and minarls. A heptic drug , named liv.52, is its flegship product, first
introduce in 1955.
98% of the retailrs deals in the himaliya products.60% retailar recomnaded
text ,our scintist veli deted the saftey and efficiancy of our herbal
establish its known and unknown theraputic benifits. we have studied over
yet our scintist are busy reaserching herabal drugs for conditions like
cacer , depration and woman 's health amongest others.
treatment of urinary stones , is the only herbal grug available for this
herbs may not provide the answer to all an met medical needs, they can
herbal medicines and personal care products. our customer understand that
himaliya drugs company is the oldest aayurvedic drug manufacturing
the available pharma reng himaliya is the most reputed company. himaliya
the during the meeting they also become aware about the compitiors
chemist who deals in himaliya herbal are highley setisfied with thier
consuming himaliya are setisfied with the resault although their are sevral
compititors for the company. they main compitiors for the oragansation of
would like to submit public opinion in this fever. then pattent of job
would like to congratulateed entire himaliya drug company family for having
finally i would conclued thet project stating that the retailrs and
customers of vijayapur are setisfied with offers and they still needs good
products inturms full filling their exaptation.during the project i would come
think before entering into himaliya in the different type of fector which
if the forest of boorma , a quries young men looked on , as villagers feed
rauwolfia seprentiya , the inspiration that lied to the creation of surpina , the
world 's the first natural antihiper highpertensive drug , lonch in 1934.
ninety years letter , these vision has translate into himaliya 's mision of
pawining his mother 's bangels , he bot a hand - oprated tableting machine.
the fondation for himaliyas strong futt hold in reaserch. his vision was to
with brand himaliya. it has gone on to become our flegship brand and a top
seling harbal medicine. in the year that follow, we intoroduce many othe
which have become house hold name by wining the trust of customer.
rebranding to bring our entire range of offring under the single umbrella "
personal care, baby care , himaliya for moms ,wellness and animal health.